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Question #4900: about having kids


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Ever since I was a child, I've never liked playing at having children (something very common among girls with their dolls) because I've never wanted to since I can remember.
And I grew up with it and never really wanted to, after I met my ex-boyfriend he awakened the desire to have, he seemed to make a great father, BUT I see many more things against having children than having, it will change my body a lot (I know I won't be young forever but I don't want to speed it up and the hormones of pregnancy seem to do it) I don't want my vagina increasing 10× the size or a giant scar on my belly (we don't know how it will come out if it's not in these two ways lol).
I don't want noises and cries ( I like silence ), I don't want to change diapers or go through that teenage phase where they are extremely annoying until they become aware and their hormones calm down, I don't want to spend money on others, I want to spend money on me... and other things
but I like children and I want to continue my family, I don't want to see my culture die and I think I'm the only one who has more access and power to pass it on and not see my ancestors forgotten.
(I'd even like to have my ex back, I love him)
Everyone has their own preferences.
You live your life like you want to.

There's always adoption, but it is not a game.
To have children is to make sacrifices for a great reward. In this case, personal preference would be put to hold, and the reward would be tenfold of going against certain preferences. It is easy to see how you would 'lose' something from an action such as this, but try to also look how you gain from it because there certainly is something to be gained. So much so that if you decide not to, you will have a sour moment in your deathbed.
For most people, once they have children they automatically gain a new set of priorities, goals, and values that are entirely different from before they had children. It is not really comparable at all between what they used to value, and what they value now. What has been "lost" ends up becoming far less important and far less valuable than what they have gained.
Do you see how the idea of having children gradually grew in you? This is clear from your post. It will continue to grow, because its Nature's thus Satan's call. When unsatisfied this call becomes a gnawing black hole of regret as the time flows. It is often later being drowned in alcohol or worse. Did you ever seen in jewish movies the model of childless buisness woman in her 50s being a bitch, swallowing heaps of jewish antidepresants and gulping one shot after another? This is it, the truth. The beauty of our bodies will come to pass with time anyway so using the desire to preserve this beauty as an excuse to not have children is self deception and a path to deep sadness.
In addition to the other great replies, I will also mention there are also many bright and gifted children without parents that are in need of loving couples to adopt them. Adopting a child of your own race is a way to give them a chance to grow under the guidance of real parents, which is a very wonderful thing to give to them.

This would circumvent many of the issues you mention. Also, the typical bratty "teenage phase" you mention can also be minimized by raising children with proper spiritual values and instilling within them the importance of things like meditation.
What you speak is a pure Jewish thing ,very biblical .Satanism is about individuality and what one feels is right for them and not sacrifice of life .Satanism has always been about doing what one feels is very right for them .This sacrifice and such words which you use seems utter Jewish thing to me and not a satanic thing .One must never do what they are uncomfortable with

Satanism was never about sacrificing one's personal preference just for something which you don't like .You are also utterly wrong when you say you gain tenfold when you compromise your main values in sacrifice of something which you are not interested in the first place

This forum is becoming like a Christian forums disguised under satanic facade .You find this kind of bizarre advices in Christian forums

A balance is required and you are over-reacting a bit here.

You can do whatever you want with your life, that is a solid foundation of Spiritual Satanism. There are no "Christian" things in this forum. It's just different opinions. If you ask a happy parent, they will tell you good things about parenting. If you ask a person that was forced, they will tell you they regret this. If you ask someone who doesn't care, they will tell you it's irrelevant in their life.

Our parents raised us all albeit we were "uncomfortable", "cried" and dirtied diapers. Of course, nobody is obligated to have children, but citing individuality around this topic is your personal preference. Others find that their individuality is expanded via having children and a family.

This dilemma of having children, or not having children, is a life based dilemma, not one that Spiritual Satanism brings forth. You are just experiencing an emotional reaction, but what is written there, is actually just basic logic.

You do not have to follow something else outside of your preferences or what you want, but life also does not exist to ignore this. For example, one is not obligated to have children, but the situation is that if one will lose certain things down the line, that is also a consequence of that choice.

Many people do not have the desire to have children, but in many others, it is a biological necessity and an emotional one. It might also not express itself in life due to lack of partner or circumstances. Still, as the idea that one cannot have children should be recognized, so should the need to have children.

This generation that is very much against that, is also going to have to face other grim realities because of these, and "individual liberty" will end at the end of this line, unless people who want to do this are helped in the process.

Individual liberty in higher levels contains the ability to procreate, create legacies, make sure you are protected in old age, and not only living a lifestyle that is focused on the "now". All of this is not outside personal liberty, it's about life's decisions which are longterm and important also in life, and will affect 50% of the duration of one's life.

The "I was free and individualist" phase of existence, starts to not be very plausible past a certain age. Before that age, many people want to solely invest themselves in their "Individuality", but that has a net cost later.

There is a scale here - Freedom and It's Consequence. Exercising "Freedom", does not mean you are only free, it means you are also creating consequences. One has to think the consequences over before one exercises individual freedom.
What you speak is a pure Jewish thing ,very biblical .Satanism is about individuality and what one feels is right for them and not sacrifice of life .Satanism has always been about doing what one feels is very right for them .This sacrifice and such words which you use seems utter Jewish thing to me and not a satanic thing .One must never do what they are uncomfortable with

Satanism was never about sacrificing one's personal preference just for something which you don't like .You are also utterly wrong when you say you gain tenfold when you compromise your main values in sacrifice of something which you are not interested in the first place

This forum is becoming like a Christian forums disguised under satanic facade .You find this kind of bizarre advices in Christian forums

Satanism is not about narcissism or hedonism. It is not about "yolo" do whatever you want with no restrictions and no consequences.

Satanism is about the creation of better, stronger, and healthier people, and a better, stronger, and healthier Humanity. That we may build and create a powerful Golden Age Civilization of the Gods. An empire like this is not created by all people being narcissistic/hedonistic, and by doing only what would personally feel good to only themselves in that moment, and with nothing beneficial to anybody else.

Even as simple as if nobody had any children, then in one single generation all of Humanity would be erased and would not exist anymore. And there would be no human bodies on Earth for any of us to be born into.

Not all people are required to have children, and each person is allowed to make this decision. But it is very misguided to say that it is wrong, or jewish, or christian, the concept that it is important to create greater works and greater benefits for all of humanity to benefit all of the world, instead of only caring about only yourself. Where would we be if the Gods cared only about their individual selves and did not sacrifice outside of themselves to work to give education to humanity?
What you speak is a pure Jewish thing ,very biblical .Satanism is about individuality and what one feels is right for them and not sacrifice of life .Satanism has always been about doing what one feels is very right for them .This sacrifice and such words which you use seems utter Jewish thing to me and not a satanic thing .One must never do what they are uncomfortable with

Satanism was never about sacrificing one's personal preference just for something which you don't like .You are also utterly wrong when you say you gain tenfold when you compromise your main values in sacrifice of something which you are not interested in the first place

This forum is becoming like a Christian forums disguised under satanic facade .You find this kind of bizarre advices in Christian forums
You certainly have misunderstood what I have said. There are many things for you to still understand and to grow as a person if you see what I relayed as something 'jewish' or 'christian'.
There is a man living in the same town as me who is a very gifted athlete. He could have become a professional, or at least semi-professional if he wanted to, but instead of pursuing that path, he decided to make a family. He still trains and also competes sometimes. His son is also a very gifted athlete, a national level one. Now, perhaps you can see what I mean by what I posted.
Ever since I was a child, I've never liked playing at having children (something very common among girls with their dolls) because I've never wanted to since I can remember.
And I grew up with it and never really wanted to, after I met my ex-boyfriend he awakened the desire to have, he seemed to make a great father, BUT I see many more things against having children than having, it will change my body a lot (I know I won't be young forever but I don't want to speed it up and the hormones of pregnancy seem to do it) I don't want my vagina increasing 10× the size or a giant scar on my belly (we don't know how it will come out if it's not in these two ways lol).
I don't want noises and cries ( I like silence ), I don't want to change diapers or go through that teenage phase where they are extremely annoying until they become aware and their hormones calm down, I don't want to spend money on others, I want to spend money on me... and other things
but I like children and I want to continue my family, I don't want to see my culture die and I think I'm the only one who has more access and power to pass it on and not see my ancestors forgotten.
(I'd even like to have my ex back, I love him)
Having a children is really important for us because we can share our knowledge easier witht them BUT if you don't want kids having a kid would be harmful, both for you and the child. It is a preference, if you don't want it, nobody can say otherwise. Never let anyone make you sad because you don't want kids. It is your choice and we are always here for you as your Spritual Family.
In my opinion, one should meditate on this. Why don't you want to have children? Does it scare you to be a parent? Does it scare you that you won't be able to support your child?

Having a child changes you forever, and I am convinced that it is only for the better. Regarding physical change, I personally know several women who, after giving birth, have returned within a very short time in excellent shape. Exercise along with a balanced diet obviously played their part.

As Brother @Ol argedco luciftias said, if everyone felt this way about children, in one single generation all of Humanity would be erased. The White Race is slowly disappearing. How do you plan to save it if you do not want to have children or do not have the courage to take this responsibility? Look at Europe right now and you will understand what I am talking about. Out of every 10 muslim non-white families that have 5 children each, there is one white family that has 1 or maximum 2 (figurative, not based on real statistics).

Do you really have valid reasons? Or do you not want to have children so that you can play the new Gta on the Playstation in "peace" (directed mainly to males)? Or go out every night and party, relaxed, because I don't have to think about anyone at home anyway. Or so that I can spend my whole salary on nonsense and not have to think about anything until my next paycheck.
Do you really think that those who had children did so because they were bored and wanted to get up every night because of baby crying and then go to work a couple of hours later tired because of it? Everyone wants peace, who doesn't?

I think what @Henu the Great said is true. To have children is to make sacrifices for a great reward. Financially it may be to sacrifice unnecessary expenses, to save money. Money you will need for your child. Not just any child, yours. If you like to spend money, then find a way to make more money and not have these problems anymore.
Also from Brother @Stormblood :
Unnecessary expenses
There are many things that can be classed as unnecessary expenses. Saving on these, will improve your financial health:

  • Takeaways
  • Most monthly subscriptions (Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney+, Uber X, Deliveroo Plus...)
  • Unnecessary ubers/taxis
  • Snacks
  • Coffee shops - you can make enough coffee/tea/chocolate in the morning and put it in a thermal bottle. It can save 100s a month for some people
  • Expensive phone bills - you don't need unlimited internet on your personal phone, for example, and there are companies offering better deals for low-data plans.
  • Expensive haircuts - surely you can find a barber that can do the same quality job or even better for less money
  • Smartphone upgrades - you don't need a new one every less than 5 years
The list is not exhaustive but the point is that reducing unnecessary expenses teaches you to manage your money more efficiency which, in turns, helps you become wealthier.

As a last reading for this first part, please consider this: Your financial patterns are keeping you poor.

Adolf Hitler considered this issue particularly important. He wanted to increase the amount of Aryan people and raise the birth rate.

To do this they gave for example newlyweds a loan of 1,000 marks, and allowed them to keep 250 marks for each child they had, they gave incentives to women who had a large number of children (for example tax incentives and welfare benefits), they started family allowances to help low income families, taxed single men and childless families heavily... All of this in order to save one's race from extinction. This is how important this topic is.

I hope I have made people think about this. I would recommend returning to this thread at different times in your life and rereading all the posts here. Our consciousness changes over time and so does how we see things.
You should also read this.
general yeager mostly writes christian things REpackaged as satanism .I have been a christian for nearly 20 years and have become a satanist since the last 3 months .What general yeager speaks is complete christian nonsense and I dont agree with that link,not even a little .For every 100 person who gives birth to a child ,there are still 1-2 who do not want to have a child and its completely fine ..They may have focus on other important things in life .For the 1-2 who do not want to have child ,the rest 100 are gonna produce many children .So its not like any race is gonna become extinct
Ever since I was a child, I've never liked playing at having children (something very common among girls with their dolls) because I've never wanted to since I can remember.
And I grew up with it and never really wanted to, after I met my ex-boyfriend he awakened the desire to have, he seemed to make a great father, BUT I see many more things against having children than having, it will change my body a lot (I know I won't be young forever but I don't want to speed it up and the hormones of pregnancy seem to do it) I don't want my vagina increasing 10× the size or a giant scar on my belly (we don't know how it will come out if it's not in these two ways lol).
I don't want noises and cries ( I like silence ), I don't want to change diapers or go through that teenage phase where they are extremely annoying until they become aware and their hormones calm down, I don't want to spend money on others, I want to spend money on me... and other things
but I like children and I want to continue my family, I don't want to see my culture die and I think I'm the only one who has more access and power to pass it on and not see my ancestors forgotten.
(I'd even like to have my ex back, I love him)
You may or may not have children, it's your choice and your decision, no matter what you choose.

As you get older, you may change your mind and want children, things can change.
This forum is becoming like a Christian forums disguised under satanic facade .You find this kind of bizarre advices in Christian forums
general yeager mostly writes christian things REpackaged as satanism .I have been a christian for nearly 20 years and have become a satanist since the last 3 months .What general yeager speaks is complete christian nonsense and I dont agree with that link,not even a little .For every 100 person who gives birth to a child ,there are still 1-2 who do not want to have a child and its completely fine ..They may have focus on other important things in life .For the 1-2 who do not want to have child ,the rest 100 are gonna produce many children .So its not like any race is gonna become extinct
There is nothing christian about family unit or having children. Not everything is about christianity. Most people want to have children and it's only natural. Children are sacred. It is the jews who are trying to promote this aversion to motherhood, destroying the family union for us. This is why they are trying to separate women from men and men from women through gender wars, feminism, mgtow, whoredom etc.

Motherhood these days is looked down upon, literally. I can't count how many times I've been judged down for expressing my will to become a mother and be a housewife. Women said I will become a servant to a husband and the men calls me lazy. My path has always been motherhood, even before I discovered Joy of Satan, no one forced me into this. I have been taking care of younger children since I was a child. And people judge me for it.

Having children comes with some sacrifices, but it's worth it in the end. I don't know any mother who regretted this path, even those who were not previously prepared for motherhood. We women have the gift of giving and creating life. I think it's beautiful. Now you say you want to be a housewife and have children, and they will look at you wrongly.

Now, don't get me wrong. There is a dysfunctional family living near me and the children are neglected. Not everyone deserves to have children. There are also women who don't want to be mothers. HPS Maxine herself wrote that motherhood is not for everyone:

For most women, however, this is the case because it is natural and it is not a christian thing. Such posts like you mentioned are promotional and encouraging for people to start and create a family, because jews are brainwashing us now not to do so. We shouldn't fall for their agenda.
Ever since I was a child, I've never liked playing at having children (something very common among girls with their dolls) because I've never wanted to since I can remember.
And I grew up with it and never really wanted to, after I met my ex-boyfriend he awakened the desire to have, he seemed to make a great father, BUT I see many more things against having children than having, it will change my body a lot (I know I won't be young forever but I don't want to speed it up and the hormones of pregnancy seem to do it) I don't want my vagina increasing 10× the size or a giant scar on my belly (we don't know how it will come out if it's not in these two ways lol).
I don't want noises and cries ( I like silence ), I don't want to change diapers or go through that teenage phase where they are extremely annoying until they become aware and their hormones calm down, I don't want to spend money on others, I want to spend money on me... and other things
but I like children and I want to continue my family, I don't want to see my culture die and I think I'm the only one who has more access and power to pass it on and not see my ancestors forgotten.
(I'd even like to have my ex back, I love hi

  • You're just not ready for kids yet. I didn't want children either, and I didn't even think about them. but a moment happened and I really wanted to have a loved one always by my side. This desire was enough for the birth of a child. 98% happiness and 2% worries)))

  • Im sorry for my English;)
general yeager mostly writes christian things REpackaged as satanism .I have been a christian for nearly 20 years and have become a satanist since the last 3 months .What general yeager speaks is complete christian nonsense and I dont agree with that link,not even a little .For every 100 person who gives birth to a child ,there are still 1-2 who do not want to have a child and its completely fine ..They may have focus on other important things in life .For the 1-2 who do not want to have child ,the rest 100 are gonna produce many children .So its not like any race is gonna become extinct
I agree with what you say about General Yeager and I don't agree with some things he says, like that sex is only for having children or looking for a partner out of duty for having children at all costs.
But family and having children is one of the fundamental pillars in a healthy and advanced society, in my personal opinion I recommend you to focus first on finding a suitable partner and forge a solid relationship and then decide if you want to start a family.

About the family from a Satanic point of view, without Christian nonsense:

general yeager mostly writes christian things REpackaged as satanism .I have been a christian for nearly 20 years and have become a satanist since the last 3 months .What general yeager speaks is complete christian nonsense and I dont agree with that link,not even a little .For every 100 person who gives birth to a child ,there are still 1-2 who do not want to have a child and its completely fine ..They may have focus on other important things in life .For the 1-2 who do not want to have child ,the rest 100 are gonna produce many children .So its not like any race is gonna become extinct
What you speak is a pure Jewish thing ,very biblical .Satanism is about individuality and what one feels is right for them and not sacrifice of life .Satanism has always been about doing what one feels is very right for them .This sacrifice and such words which you use seems utter Jewish thing to me and not a satanic thing .One must never do what they are uncomfortable with

Satanism was never about sacrificing one's personal preference just for something which you don't like .You are also utterly wrong when you say you gain tenfold when you compromise your main values in sacrifice of something which you are not interested in the first place

This forum is becoming like a Christian forums disguised under satanic facade .You find this kind of bizarre advices in Christian forums
This is LaVeyan, jewish and depopulative. LaVeyans honk about hedonism and rejection of idea of sacrifice which is needed to raise a kid. If someone wants to raise his child, then he wants to make this sacrifice of time, effort, care , money and many other things. Having children in jewish media is presented as unpleasant and unworthy resignation from mostly hedonistic and consumerist values. Things like "you wont be able to go on vacation", "you wont be able to go out with friends", "you wont be able to get new iphone every year" etc are plastered everywhere. This plays well with depopulation agenda and consumerism pushed by ever shekel hungry jewish megacorporations. After all if you wont have a kid then you will probably get this iphone every year to fill the psychic space so to say, with materialism.

This is Nth topic when these two trends of hedonism and sacrifice collide and its a major source of confusion on JoS, especially for newcomers I think.
Its also a major confusion between satanic individualism in accordance to 36 Virtues of the Gods and jewish limitless hedonistic individualism which is auto destructive chaotic blackhole.
I think the last two lines above are basically the same

Sacrifice is bad because of Xianity and LaVeyanism, so as usual its the two apparent extremes playing in harmony from many angles against the golden middle point where the life itself dwells. Doesn't it look familar...?
Why is it always the most spiritually weak and damaged people who are extremely selfish, narcissistic, harmful to the people around them.

And as people spiritually advance and improve, the spiritually advanced people are always the most caring, the most benevolent, and do the highest amount of work to help the people around them and improve the world.

This is a very clear spectrum that is directly tied to the health and the growth of the soul.
A balance is required and you are over-reacting a bit here.

You can do whatever you want with your life, that is a solid foundation of Spiritual Satanism. There are no "Christian" things in this forum. It's just different opinions. If you ask a happy parent, they will tell you good things about parenting. If you ask a person that was forced, they will tell you they regret this. If you ask someone who doesn't care, they will tell you it's irrelevant in their life.

Our parents raised us all albeit we were "uncomfortable", "cried" and dirtied diapers. Of course, nobody is obligated to have children, but citing individuality around this topic is your personal preference. Others find that their individuality is expanded via having children and a family.

This dilemma of having children, or not having children, is a life based dilemma, not one that Spiritual Satanism brings forth. You are just experiencing an emotional reaction, but what is written there, is actually just basic logic.

You do not have to follow something else outside of your preferences or what you want, but life also does not exist to ignore this. For example, one is not obligated to have children, but the situation is that if one will lose certain things down the line, that is also a consequence of that choice.

Many people do not have the desire to have children, but in many others, it is a biological necessity and an emotional one. It might also not express itself in life due to lack of partner or circumstances. Still, as the idea that one cannot have children should be recognized, so should the need to have children.

This generation that is very much against that, is also going to have to face other grim realities because of these, and "individual liberty" will end at the end of this line, unless people who want to do this are helped in the process.

Individual liberty in higher levels contains the ability to procreate, create legacies, make sure you are protected in old age, and not only living a lifestyle that is focused on the "now". All of this is not outside personal liberty, it's about life's decisions which are longterm and important also in life, and will affect 50% of the duration of one's life.

The "I was free and individualist" phase of existence, starts to not be very plausible past a certain age. Before that age, many people want to solely invest themselves in their "Individuality", but that has a net cost later.

There is a scale here - Freedom and It's Consequence. Exercising "Freedom", does not mean you are only free, it means you are also creating consequences. One has to think the consequences over before one exercises individual freedom.
Yes. Hit the nail on the head. I am in a dilemma as well but will choose what is best for me and my life circumstance.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
