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Question #4817: Problem with the neighbor


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Although I warned our neighbor 3 times, they continue to disturb us. I am constantly restless in my own house. Sometimes I can't even sleep at night because of the neighbor. There is no solution in our country with the police or the courts. I am not strong enough to cast a spell myself because I have no control over my own mind and life at the moment. I feel really helpless and victimized in a way I don't deserve. My psychology is broken. I want to ask a God for help as a last resort. I don't want to take the gods' time but I really don't have the power to cast spells on my own right now. Which God do you think will help me? What should I do? Please help me.
You can make a spell, but it must be created wisely.
For example, if it makes a lot of noise, just cast algiz and ISA on it with the correct affirmation.

"Well, I have no control over my mind"
It's enough to have the wisdom that the runes force the result

You have full knowledge that your negative thoughts don't exist in reality, and can be freely discarded by the subconscious.

And you must also bear in mind that the basis of the spell is built up over time, it is humanly impossible not to see any results after 80 or 30 days of doing the same thing and raising the same energy.
vibrate 33x (3x 11) ISA
"My neighbors are no longer disturbing me in the most healthy and beneficial way for both of us"

You can visualize a strong wall between you and them, bonds tearing apart.

Get an earplug also.
Although I warned our neighbor 3 times, they continue to disturb us. I am constantly restless in my own house. Sometimes I can't even sleep at night because of the neighbor. There is no solution in our country with the police or the courts. I am not strong enough to cast a spell myself because I have no control over my own mind and life at the moment. I feel really helpless and victimized in a way I don't deserve. My psychology is broken. I want to ask a God for help as a last resort. I don't want to take the gods' time but I really don't have the power to cast spells on my own right now. Which God do you think will help me? What should I do? Please help me.
You can call the police just to see how this person responds to the call.

Even if there are no relevant laws in your country, no one forbids you to contact the police with a request that the police talk to him politely and explain that it is not worth making noise. In most cases, this works, provided that no one has called the police to this person before.
vibrar 33x (3x 11) ISA
“Meus vizinhos não estão mais me incomodando da maneira mais saudável e benéfica para nós dois”

Você pode visualizar uma parede forte entre você e eles, laços se despedaçando.

Compre um protetor de ouvido também.
Oh! Salve Satã para toda eternidade.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
