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Question #4737: Weird beliefs


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I have a fellow SS friend who was intorduced to a man who claims to be more advanced in spirituality. This man said some weird things I'd like to share and ask about.

What my friend has been told by this person, and seemingly started to believe in some of them are:

- using runes halt the progress of our advancement by binding our energies
- runes are not necessary and their use can be ignored
- the God ritual prayers are "cute", but are basically just a way to suck up to the Gods (this part made me angry)
- to communicate with the Gods, you just think of them and if you are worthy, they'll answer
- "You shouldn't suck up to the Gods because they were once human"
- if you feel attracted to someone, you shouldn't masturbate thinking of them, or fantasise about them, because you give them your sexual energy and they won't be wanting you

What the hell are these things? Should I be worried for my friend? Or let him do whatever he pleases with this like how the saying goes "You reap what you sow"?
Yes, you should be worried about your friend, because these are the types of things you tell someone if you want to sabotage them, not help them. As he is your friend, I personally believe you are obligated to try to help him here, but you can only do so much if he starts resisting.

Most of these statements you write here are directly contradicted by what the Clergy has written. HPHC just published Gods' Rituals which contain runes, so this violates 3 of the written "facts" that this retard has made up. So who is right, at this point? The Clergy and all the members of JoS, or this guy who preaches "knowledge" from a hole in the wall? He clearly is not saying it here, because he knows he is wrong.

So you can ask your friend why these ideas go against the Clergy, and furthermore you should tell him to ask Satan directly for clarity. Even ask Satan or your GD about this man for your own sake and awareness.

If this situation is extreme, you could even use energy on the situation, but I would consult with your GD first on your realistic options.
Sometimes a person gets "thoughts" at the behest of his left heel, and instead of testing or thinking about what came into his head, he immediately accepts it as truth and begins to convince others of it, this is a rather dangerous mistake that should be avoided.

When I was a child, someone told one phrase that has been etched in my mind for the rest of my life - Think first, then speak. Some people do not realize this and say any random nonsense that comes into their head.
This sounds absolutely like a jew, as a jew's only purpose is to try to seperate us from the gods and work to stop us from advancing. Either it is a jew, or it is a failed and broken person who is acting as a jew.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
