Use Fehu in combination with Sowilo and Wunjo. Perform a number of repetitions that are appropriate for your level, without getting tired or overdoing it (36 repetitions for example even if "few" is fine).
While performing the magical work, but also after finishing it, envelop yourself in green-golden energy and visualize yourself happy in your work.
The affirmation can be either specific, so for a particular type of work, or generic, so for disparate work. The important thing is that you always add "in the best and happiest way for me" or something similar.
Try to keep a constant level of visualization and focus as you perform the above. Void Meditation is basic.
As a final tip, try to synchronize with the Moon if you can. If it is an emergency situation, start the magical work at any time (NOT while there is Void of Course). For a strict minimum of 40 days.