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Question #4544: What should I do about my half Jewish best friend who's like family to me?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hi, I've been interested in santanism for quite some time now. I've been in confliction about something though. One of my best friends whom I've almost been friends with for 30 years, I've known her since I was 4 years old and our families grew up together, we're not blood related, but she feels like family. She's been there for me during the hardest times in my life and has been there for me, has comforted me and helped get out of abusive relationships in the past. Anyway, the reason I am conflicted is because she's half Jewish. Her mother is fully Jewish and her father isn't. From what I've read here, it seems unacceptable to be friends with someone who is Jewish? Her and I have never gotten into an argument before, but there has been times where our hangouts can be self centered around what she wants to do but she seems oblivious to it, but there is many other times where she is very considerate and kind. Our friendship feels mostly healthy. But I made a promise to her long ago that I would always be her friend and never abandon her and she promised the same for me. Since I'm interested in Satanism, what should I do?
The foremost thing you should focus on is your spiritual advancement and connection with the Gods, as that helps us deal with any problem, whether this one or something else.

Yes, this situation can seem difficult, as the nature of the enemy is to integrate with us for their own survival. HPHC had talked about the enemy doing rituals to push their women onto Gentile men, and so on. Therefore, feeling good feelings towards them is normal as this is what they try to do so we like them, especially if supported by good synastry, and so on. It would be silly to imagine that every enemy immediately bites us as we walk by them, metaphorically.

Regarding your friend or other "normal" people of the enemy, the problem is that they can be used as an attack vector against us, like when aggravated by enemy curses. Even though she is not trained in magick, her soul still connects to the enemy's magic and energy on a racial level, therefore she will act in ways aligned with them, even subconsciously. Even if she does not actively sabotage you, maintaining a deep connection with her supports an energy transfer between your soul and hers which will weaken your own. During times of warfare this can damaging if the enemy uses it to make you think negatively about the Gods or this Path, or other corruptions.

I would liken this to if someone has a secret bad habit, like a drinking problem. It is still possible to meditate and make some gains, but the problem also undermines them at the same time and can potentially collapse them.

I don't think anyone is saying you should call her up right now and tell her to fuck off, but I think you should start to distance yourself, taking time to find new friends, as there are certainly many others. This is not even just for the enemy, but also other negative people in our life who hold us back, which we may feel attached to. It might sound strange, but you can find people who have the same energy that you would want to be best friends with, shown by your 7th house on the natal chart.

Furthermore, this is something to talk to Satan about, as the Gods care for our mental and social health and they have likely seen this situation many times before. They can help alleviate any fears or emotional attachments so that you are able to move on, just as we have to do with many other concepts in life, whether bad friends or negative behaviors. Through this and other elements of advancing your soul, you will be able to move on without the hesitancy you may be currently feeling.
Jews can spend a lifetime to infiltrate their enemies. Satan told HPS Maxine to never ever trust a jew.
They are able to totally pretend for years that they are friends but when the time comes they will stab you in the back.
This has been a psychic vampire and an emotional parasite, draining your life force energy and manipulating your soul and emotions to be subservient to it and to allow it to keep draining from you. As your soul is healed and advanced, you will start to feel and realize how it has been draining from you for all of these years and you will start to feel as disgusted as you should be. Your soul healing will be like the strengthening of your immune system, which will bring you to move away from the disease.
I used to be friends with two jews back when I was younger. I alwaysvremember that they always had something very fucked up about their mental health. One of them was schizophrenic, and the other was extremely bipolar.

They also smelled bad often. And their physical bodies looked like it was cursed.

They were very ugly in terms of facial structure, and one of them had a weirdissie with his body where he literally couldnt be out in the sun for too long, ir his skin would literally dry up and crack.
He has to keep applying a rather harmful substance called Corton to his skin, and corton has been reported to have very bad side effects....

After a point, you'll know if someone's a jew. It's like they always somehow either adhere to the stereotype, no matter how hard they try to hide it, or you'll intuitively feel that this one is fucked up in a different way from other gentiles with issues.
I used to be friends with two jews back when I was younger. I alwaysvremember that they always had something very fucked up about their mental health. One of them was schizophrenic, and the other was extremely bipolar.

They also smelled bad often. And their physical bodies looked like it was cursed.

They were very ugly in terms of facial structure, and one of them had a weirdissie with his body where he literally couldnt be out in the sun for too long, ir his skin would literally dry up and crack.
He has to keep applying a rather harmful substance called Corton to his skin, and corton has been reported to have very bad side effects....

After a point, you'll know if someone's a jew. It's like they always somehow either adhere to the stereotype, no matter how hard they try to hide it, or you'll intuitively feel that this one is fucked up in a different way from other gentiles with issues.
Same, I used to be friends with a jew when I was a kid, no matter what, he would always backstab one way or another.
I've known her since I was 4 years old and our families grew up together
First of all, I would carefully check if she is really jewish, just to be 100% sure this is true. The enemy often tries to confuse SS to believe we are even ourselves jewish... or that we have jewish relatives ... that is never true. It may happen, they are trying to isolate you from a supporting person.
In case she is jewish, you need to distance and detach her, as said on here.

Just keep in mind, as you have been close since childhood, this may have created deep links in your soul and mind, that cause you to NOT see her as bad-evil, a sort of subduing of your will, so you don't care about here negativity - if any. At 4 years old, when the mind is programmed, this reflects on your whole life as an adult, if not dealt with.
This is only a possibility, but I know how it works when you see as "good" a negative person attached to your soul. You do not want to remove the person and find excuses to yourself, until one day you wake up.

This may also be the case this jew is following you since previous lives, as we tend to meet again people with whom we have strong links (for good or bad), and feeds from your soul. In this case, you know have the opportunity to free yourself forever. They can mask as good but, inside, they are spiritual parasites - no way to change this.
I just want to add a couple of quotes from the Mein Kampf - Adolf Hitler's book (you find it in the Satan's Library) :

"Once when I was walking through the inner city, I suddenly came across a being
in a long caftan with black side-locks. My first thought was: Is that a Jew? (...) the
more the question in a different form turned in my brain: Is that a German?
I began to study carefully the names of all the creators of these unclean products
of the artistic life as given to the people. The result was increasingly damaging to
the attitude I had taken up hitherto in regard to the Jews.
Now that I realized the Jews as the leaders of Social Democracy scales, as it
were, began to fall from my eyes.
My long mental struggle was at an end."
Hi, I've been interested in santanism for quite some time now. I've been in confliction about something though. One of my best friends whom I've almost been friends with for 30 years, I've known her since I was 4 years old and our families grew up together, we're not blood related, but she feels like family. She's been there for me during the hardest times in my life and has been there for me, has comforted me and helped get out of abusive relationships in the past. Anyway, the reason I am conflicted is because she's half Jewish. Her mother is fully Jewish and her father isn't. From what I've read here, it seems unacceptable to be friends with someone who is Jewish? Her and I have never gotten into an argument before, but there has been times where our hangouts can be self centered around what she wants to do but she seems oblivious to it, but there is many other times where she is very considerate and kind. Our friendship feels mostly healthy. But I made a promise to her long ago that I would always be her friend and never abandon her and she promised the same for me. Since I'm interested in Satanism, what should I do?
I'm like, what? you're a jew? Adios.
Can you expand on this?
I don't have a specific method or something, but I am saying that your 7th house and Venus describe the type of people you will be drawn to pairing with, therefore it is not like only one person would be compatible with you here, but there are many.
I'm like, what? you're a jew? Adios.
That's not an easy thing to do when you perceive someone to be a true friend. Many people are used to a shallow and volatile type of social relationship nowadays they mislabel as friendship, but is anything except that.

It's easy to cut ties with an acquaintance like that but people you are very emotionally and mentally involved with, such as those who you perceive as true friends or partners, cannot be detached from so easily.

If you don't have such type of social relationship in your life, I mourn for you.

The others have given valuable advice in how to deal with it.
My lover was a Jewish man.
I often received expensive jewelry and watches from him. every woman is looking for such a man. but I kept feeling that something was wrong with him, but I couldn't articulate what. I said humanly to a good man, dear. then once when we were together I saw his real face. I'm talking about the face of the soul. I saw a deformed, disgusting creature. to this day I don't understand what happened that I was able to see his real face. I wasn't a Satanist then, but according to them, Father Satan was watching over me even then.
My lover was a Jewish man.
I often received expensive jewelry and watches from him. every woman is looking for such a man. but I kept feeling that something was wrong with him, but I couldn't articulate what. I said humanly to a good man, dear. then once when we were together I saw his real face. I'm talking about the face of the soul. I saw a deformed, disgusting creature. to this day I don't understand what happened that I was able to see his real face. I wasn't a Satanist then, but according to them, Father Satan was watching over me even then.
Jews are parasites who will try any trick to bind gentiles who are strong souls or satanic.
You need to do work to detach and remove any ties with him, Munka to remove karma and deep cleansing, do it as long as it takes until your soul is completely clean and free.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
