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Question #4465: Various questions


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
1) According to Jos, Egypt, Babylon, Sumer, the Assyrians, Atlantis and many other empires were white, okay?
But what about the black empires? Were they the Axum in Ethiopia, the Mali empire and the Songhai empire? Could you tell us more about these empires in the satanic gaze?

2) Why did the first Jews contribute to a white Egypt? We still don't know if it was the Christians in 640 after Christ or the European colonizers, but if you notice that all the statues in Egypt have their noses broken, wasn't that an attempt to hide their African roots? And how did white people survive in the desert? Isn't skin cancer common? According to the history books, Egypt was a place with several ethnic groups, not just one race, like the Nubians, Libyans and Asians.

3)If Jews hated whites more, why did blacks suffer physical slavery? I can't deny the slavery of some European and Asian peoples, this has unfortunately happened, but why did it only persist with blacks?

4)What is an aeon?

5)What do you think about Elon Musk?

6) Was it the Gods who said that Egypt and these empires were white or was it someone else? Why are there black features in ancient sculptures?

Sorry for the explosion of questions! These are some doubts I have
1. These were ruled by mostly White people but the average person was not 100% White. Now about the Black empires you mentioned, most don't know much about them. It's up to any Black person who is interested to do research and post about them. Ex-High Priestess Shannon who is Black did some research and gave information about the Dogon tribe in Mali and some African Gods and Goddesses like the Mami Wata but not about any of these empires you mentioned.

2. The jews didn't contribute to anything because they were not in Egypt ever. The statues you mention, with or without the noses don't look negroid at all. DNA tests have been done, there was a red-haired Pharaoh and others. The top rulers were mostly White, but not the average Egyptian. The average Egyptian was tan-skinned like the Bedouins, but not sub-saharan African either. Afrocentrism is just a lie, started by American Blacks. Even if Egypt was Black, African Americans bear no connection to Egypt at all as they came from West Africa. East Africans are different from West Africans, as Somalis and others look less negroid because they are a mixed race.

About the Nubians, they came to Egypt only after Pharaoh Rameses II conquered it. The only Pharaohs who were Black were the last dynasty before its total collapse. Egypt fell because of race-mixing.

3. The masters don't hate their slaves. You only hate someone who is a threat to you. You simply can't hate someone who you can enslave and conquer easily. And yes, they hate Whites more because the White Romans almost destroyed them completely in 70 AD. Blacks did not pose any threat to the Jews ever.

5. He's a globalist playing the good cop.

6. The black features are in sculptures that were created during the 25th dynasty, not before. Nobody denies that during the 25th and last dynasty of Black pharaohs Egypt was degenerated and was an Negroid mess because of accepting Nubians into their country and race-mixing with them. Before Ramesses conquered Nubia there were no statues or paintings with Negroid features. Heck, there were even racist pharaohs who hated blacks. King Tut wore sandals with Black Nubians painted in them so he could step on them. There are paintings showing Black Nubians circumcising tan-skinned Egyptians, acting like some sort of servants.
1. There are very, very few things that have remained about black history and there is also not much blacks doing the research in these areas.

2. They didn't. They destroyed it. Whites can still get used to that environment.

3. Because they were easier to enslave.

4. I guess it means an era? Or a very long if not endless time interval.


6. A lot of physical evidences shows that Egyptians were White, maybe others can elaborate this. Skin colors were allegorical a lot of times. Such as Melek Taus or Shiva is not blue skinned. Same with Thoth, He is a Nordic God, not black.
6. A lot of physical evidences shows that Egyptians were White, maybe others can elaborate this. Skin colors were allegorical a lot of times. Such as Melek Taus or Shiva is not blue skinned. Same with Thoth, He is a Nordic God, not black.
No God or being is depicted as black in Egyptian art. The paintings clearly show a difference where they depicted Nubians as pitch-black but the Egyptians were tan-skinned, like a Mediterranean or Arab person who has a suntan.

Also, Afrocentrists are idiots and see blackness where there's not any. Here is a bust of Queen Tiye where afrocentrists claim it's proof that they wuz kangz n shieeeet:

This bust was made out of yew wood which gets darker over time. It was originally much lighter in color. So no, she isn't dark-skinned.
Afrocentrists stupidly claim that's her real hair and it's "afro". The truth: she's wearing a headdress, her real hair isn't visible.
Pure African Blacks can't grow an "afro" either, it's mostly found in mixed-race Black Americans who are 25% White on average and don't have 100% African DNA.
The thing about destroying the noses on statues goes back to how jews are instructed to destroy "idols." Idols are any statues or artworks depicting any important people, leaders, or gods. Jews don't want us to follow our own people, to know any of our history, or to follow our gods, so they try to destroy all depictions.

They are instructed that if you destroy a statue completely, somebody might make a new statue to replace it. But it is more of an insult if you deface it by destroying the image of the face, often by removing the nose.
Northern Africa was white empires. The rest of Africa were black empires. I would love to learn more about these black civilizations, we know that they existed. But there is not much information that is publicly known about them. We need to do more

Originally, all Egypt was white. Over thousands of years, there was some amount of race mixing in the lower class citizens. This ended up with most regular citizens being like the Arabic race, and with the royalty and leaders still being white. Bodies of these leaders have been found who are all white people with red or blonde hair.

Jews never existed in any important form in Egypt. They came in as beggers and homeless people, and they horrified the egyptians with their jewish death sacrifices and killing cats. Egyptians gave jews the punishment of death penalty for these evil crimes. It is even written in the jewish books "if you go to Egypt, don't kill any cats or the Egyptians will give you the death penalty." All of the stories of the jews about their history are absolute lies trying to make themselves important, when they have never been anything more than homeless losers who never accomplished anything.
The main idea about the idols, is that a statue of the gods can be used to help a person connect with the gods and have communication with them. Working as a talisman or a symbol, it could be used in a way similar to a sigil to connect with the god. So the whole purpose of destroying all idols was trying to break this connection so that we would not be able to connect with the gods. The reason the connection works is because it is a sculpture of the god which is a direct perfect image of that person, so if the face is removed, it now is not the image of that person anymore. It is not that person's face anymore, and now it is just a piece of rock with no meaning.
The reason slavery is still happening with black people is because black people are still enslaving each other. Look right now today in places like Libya, and right now today there are millions of black slaves who have been captured, sold, and bought by other black people. These black people treat themselves like animals and give no idea of human rights to themselves. If any black people care about slavery and think this is wrong, I agree completely. But you have to start by telling your own people who are currently still doing this today. You can go to some places right now today in Africa and buy slaves from a slave market, all out in public, and I don't see anybody trying to stop it.

No white people have ever gone to Africa and enslaved anybody. This has never happened. All of the slave trade was owned and run and controlled by jews, all of the slave ships were bought and owned and run by jews. And it was jews who went to Africa and came back with slaves. But even they did not ever capture a slave themselves. They only came with money and liquor and rifles, and traded these to the black slave owners as a payment to "legally" buy the slaves from their black owners who actually captured them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
