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Question #441: Astrologically Doomed Satanists


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
What do the Gods think about Satanists who are just fucked by fate and doomed astrologically? Are they left to die and to never advance? What if an SS has such a bad Birth Chart that they aren't able to escape or fix their fate or energies of their soul? What if life is so brutal to them that they just give up and suicide? Is there any hope for these types?
AskSatanOperator said:
What do the Gods think about Satanists who are just fucked by fate and doomed astrologically? Are they left to die and to never advance? What if an SS has such a bad Birth Chart that they aren't able to escape or fix their fate or energies of their soul? What if life is so brutal to them that they just give up and suicide? Is there any hope for these types?

i’m a pretty perfect example of this horrible description, sorry everyone what i’m going to talk about but it was the truth, it took a while but it worked for me

i simply never stopped believing that satan was going to perform a miracle through one of his methods, because deep down i knew that i compensated, i always asked for things even without giving anything or much relevant stuff

i’ve tried to kill myself 3 times and were thwarted by divine intervention, while SS

life of disgrace, if i ever reset to the state as i came into the world knowing what things i removed and worked on to be able to breathe life, i shoot myself in the head

last part is impossible to happen, as far as i know, and remembering everything bad i could only think about deleting myself from existence, today i’m very well, i pretend that i’m in danger and im EXTREMELY FOCUSED to remove EVERYTHING that has bothered and bothers me

i think you are left for dead by the satanist brothers themselves, however much they try to help

what worked for me, asking satan for help and miracles, a way out, hope.
even without understanding the importance of RTR or sending energies to hell as gratitude with full force
Everyone and anyone here has the necessary tools to escape their fate to comfortable degrees, provided they put the effort and dedication in.

There's no such thing as complete inescapable situation since we have extensive spiritual reasoning to avoid, lessen or even overcome by all kinds of points of view anything in this world.

We here aim for the Godhead. If one really understands this, would understand that any other obstacle in this world is net easier to deal with and overcome, in favor of becoming a God, which is the greatest work.

The Universe works by balance as well, so any other extreme of suffering is bound to have the opposite positive side of it. It is our duty to produce and wield this balance in favor of advancing and evolving.
AskSatanOperator said:
What do the Gods think about Satanists who are just fucked by fate and doomed astrologically? Are they left to die and to never advance? What if an SS has such a bad Birth Chart that they aren't able to escape or fix their fate or energies of their soul? What if life is so brutal to them that they just give up and suicide? Is there any hope for these types?

"Fate" is what you made of it in your past lives, plus anything inherited by your parents in your current life. The great news is, yes you can clean it and advance! Witches Sabbat purification is this Saturday, click the link in my signature. Do cleaning, clean and purify your chakras and soul. Keep it up.

And then do workings to improve your life. We are never left to die! We have all the opportunities we need to advance! Money workings, career advancement, love workings, friend workings, increase intelligence, increase athletic ability, increase health... we can fix ourselves, and the Gods are willing to guide us!

Wishing you all the best in your future :)

PS- Read the joyofsatan.org. Everything you need is in there, and head to Satan's Library to read sermons by HP Cobra.
Satanists are not 'doomed' as long as they do the Aura of Protection + FRTR + Returning Curses. You can see in the Astrology forum an SS who was fated like this by their chart and got away from a car crash unscathed. HPS Maxine also saw her 'death year' occur in 2004 or so and it went by pleasantly.

The only problem you describe is if someone is suicidal/self-hating and act on this (in which case, the Gods do intervene), or if someone is too physically disabled to do any meditations (as in - they cannot even imagine sound in their mind), but then with the latter it wouldn't be likely they'd come here.

nebu said:
AskSatanOperator said:
What do the Gods think about Satanists who are just fucked by fate and doomed astrologically? Are they left to die and to never advance? What if an SS has such a bad Birth Chart that they aren't able to escape or fix their fate or energies of their soul? What if life is so brutal to them that they just give up and suicide? Is there any hope for these types?

i’m a pretty perfect example of this horrible description, sorry everyone what i’m going to talk about but it was the truth, it took a while but it worked for me

i simply never stopped believing that satan was going to perform a miracle through one of his methods, because deep down i knew that i compensated, i always asked for things even without giving anything or much relevant stuff

i’ve tried to kill myself 3 times and were thwarted by divine intervention, while SS

life of disgrace, if i ever reset to the state as i came into the world knowing what things i removed and worked on to be able to breathe life, i shoot myself in the head

last part is impossible to happen, as far as i know, and remembering everything bad i could only think about deleting myself from existence, today i’m very well, i pretend that i’m in danger and im EXTREMELY FOCUSED to remove EVERYTHING that has bothered and bothers me

i think you are left for dead by the satanist brothers themselves, however much they try to help

what worked for me, asking satan for help and miracles, a way out, hope.
even without understanding the importance of RTR or sending energies to hell as gratitude with full force

We can't do anything if you are actively suicidal and we don't know about this, this either requires therapy, getting away from those who instill these feelings in you or subliminating negative karma. At most we can ask a Demon to help you if you can't perceive them yet. Having read some of your posts, I personally had zero idea you were suicidal. I'm glad you are better Brother.

If you do something like the above you are protected from all external threats but internal threats can be more troublesome.
AskSatanOperator said:
What do the Gods think about Satanists who are just fucked by fate and doomed astrologically? Are they left to die and to never advance? What if an SS has such a bad Birth Chart that they aren't able to escape or fix their fate or energies of their soul? What if life is so brutal to them that they just give up and suicide? Is there any hope for these types?

You build your own fate, every day. There is no such thing as being too much fucked up, even if you do have an unfortunate chart you can do something about it, you have the power and the tools at your disposal. You just have to learn what exactly you need to do and target specific affairs in your chart in order to overcome the obstacles in your way. As a Satanist you have a way to transcend the planets.

You have to learn how to be strong and motivate yourself in order to carry on and fix what needs to be fixed. Suicide shouldn't be considered as an option because in reality it is not. It would only worsen an already bad situation. You can't escape fate in that way. The only way to escape your karma is through hard work and meditation. You have to embrace a warrior mindset and never give up, never stop believing in yourself. Your only option here is to be as strong as you possible can. Every day work to become better than the day before, be consistent in your effort and it will pay off.

If you have a really bad chart, there is always hope. Just start somewhere. Start with whatever is the major obstacle and work your way from there. Bit by bit, it builds up. It may take a while depending on the severity of your situation, but you are not doomed in any way. Ask the Gods for guidance, they will gladly work with you if you are willing to believe in yourself and do the necessary work.

If you need help regarding specific things in your chart, and you are not sure how to fix them, just ask in the forum just don't share too much of your personal information. There is always a way, don't give up, you have incredible strength within you, you just need to learn how to tap into it.

[How good it is to read you Brother BlackOnyx!]

@ the OP:
Never give up, as our wonderful Brothers and Sisters have already said, we all have the tools to overcome and become better.
Talk to the Gods, connect intensely to the Sigil of Father Satan for guidance.

Also these links:
The Gods can heal you but you must let them

Astrology and our karma: no determinism

Added links :

Give up, suicide, why it is not desirable :

Escaping Suffering, Rising in the Ladder of Light

sshivafr said:
@ the OP:
Never give up, as our wonderful Brothers and Sisters have already said, we all have the tools to overcome and become better.
Talk to the Gods, connect intensely to the Sigil of Father Satan for guidance.

Also these links:
The Gods can heal you but you must let them

Astrology and our karma: no determinism

Meditation prevents the influence of external energies, whether it is the movement of planets, other entities, or any energy around you , Meditation makes you sinless , Just set a goal to reach it or to reach freedom, focus well on it and follow it until you reach it , Even the people around you and your family will change for you , Just meditate for the positive things , towards reaching your goal , Such is the magician, just acted wisely and intelligently , Faith in gods and meditation always work .
AskSatanOperator said:
What do the Gods think about Satanists who are just fucked by fate and doomed astrologically? Are they left to die and to never advance? What if an SS has such a bad Birth Chart that they aren't able to escape or fix their fate or energies of their soul? What if life is so brutal to them that they just give up and suicide? Is there any hope for these types?
Sometimes when we see ourselves as destined to fade to darkness, it's because we're looking through dark tinted goggles. You cannot analyze life in a negative mindset, it is the worst mistake and will lead you off a cliff. Your mind is in a negative energy vortex, a prison of irrationality, and desperately wants to make sense of what it's experiencing.

But you can only work with the tools you have in the shed. Your mind only sees negativity in front of it, you need to show it an alternative perspective. Then your mind will open to new possibilities and you will then perhaps be able to consider that life truly is what you make it, and that life isn't always just happening to you, but also for you, and it happens by your own hand just as well as others', even if you aren't actively participating in the making of your own fortune.

If you are in the deep sea and you're sinking, and you're sinking to where light cannot shine, then you will of course see blackness, and the deepening of the darkness all around you. But you also have the choice to look beyond and swim toward the shrinking, distant rays of light. To swim up even if you can't yet see the surface. Because deep down you know this isn't what life is, and you know that there has to be something beyond. And during your ascension from the deep you may discover things that those who never left the surface could never fathom, insights and even a certain otherworldly beauty and wisdom that few get to bear witness to.

One thing is for certain, that being so used to the cold and darkness, the light that you do find will be all the more warm & radiant.

Don't commit suicide. You have so much to see and share with the world.
I've been in many death defying car crashes, I came out unscathed each time. Fate had it in for me as well, one where both axels where ripped off and I flipped a few times, and no injuries. Fate has been trying to get me but I always had the Gods on my side. I used to be like you doomed thinking that I couldn't visualize and I screwed myself with drugs in my early life. however this was not the case. Simply keep working at, never give up, create a mindset of discipline and no matter how long it takes you, keep consistent. study research, and as you keep at it you'll get to a point of no return where you stop questioning yourself, and your path.

I've been slowly working on building my routine up and made countless mistakes, probably more than anyone here, however I never gave up, and I never stopped from just doing simple stuff, to now I'm doing 2-3 hours or more of meditations. and my visualization might not be the best, but I am working at it everyday and is a lot better than the difficulties I had with it before. work on your mindset with self hypnosis, master the foundations they are super important, stay positive, and do your best. and when a good astrological opportunity comes by I take it. it's not about motivation, it's about discipline stay disciplined and do what needs to be done even if you don't want to do it. no matter what, and eventually as long as you follow that path you cannot fail. if you stumble and trip while on the path, stand back up brush yourself off, don't beat yourself up, and get back on the path and keep moving forward one step at a time.

You have purpose.

Remember you are special, you where gifted with the most powerful, and beautiful gift to ever be given to humanity. all the times in history and you are here, all the billions of people, and you are here right now, in the moment where the most important, most sacred information humanity has ever been given is. you are on the precipice of immortality and ultimate evolution, you have a timeline that leads there if only you choose to do the work and stay consistent. no matter what you feel you are better off than 99% of Gentiles.
AskSatanOperator said:
What do the Gods think about Satanists who are just fucked by fate and doomed astrologically? Are they left to die and to never advance? What if an SS has such a bad Birth Chart that they aren't able to escape or fix their fate or energies of their soul? What if life is so brutal to them that they just give up and suicide? Is there any hope for these types?

There is maximum hope for this type of people as the better you are at dealing with a harder hand, the stronger you will be compared to anyone else.

There is no chart in this world that totally disallows evolution. You can thwart anything "fate" has given you if you advance spiritually as the whole point of everyone is to rise above these influences. A Spiritual Satanist has many things in his arsenal to use.

There is no "better" or "perfect" chart in anyway, shape or form, and everyone has brutalizer aspects and bad aspects, if not natally, then through transits.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
