AskSatanOperator said:
In Aleister Crowley's Thelema, most modern Magickal orders and many Satanic and Luciferian teachings like that of Michael Ford, the central part of their practice is uniting with your Higher Self and discovering your True Will, which means finding your real purpose in life.
Crowley gave many exercises, disciplines and rituals in his books which train you to discover your True Will. But I've never seen anything about that on JoS.
Is there a Spiritual Satanic way to find your true purpose? Anything like a ritual or meditation?
I like the meditations of JoS but it is a shame that it is missing such an important thing.
Crowley was drug addict. It is there, true will can be found in JoS, but not by reading or by checking those meditations and rituals on JoS like you said, without dedication. True self is discovered trough real effort, trough deprograming one’s mind, working on one’s self, this is means that, you can’t get there only by reading the information contained there and making assumptions based on what you have read in the past.
In JoS there is pure methods to reach it. I think you have mistaken saying this is missing from there, as first of all this is missing from you for sure. How can you say like that? When you don’t know what is true self or true will? Have you worked yourself until you realised what it is and are able to be like that already, to say JoS is missing it?
There is not said directly about how you was hoping to find it, because it is a waste of time to talk talks, for this reason, JoS focuses on methods how to get there, on path to there, and on beings who are willing to help with this. You can say “true self is this”, “ true will is that” but actually what you should be focused on, is to going there, not just speaking.
Forum and JoS is full of info how this works, feedbacks of members how they have success in this path, what they have accomplished or realised, shared real wisdom, confirmed existence of Gods and etc. Where you can found forum for example full of Alister Crowley followers who writes articles on success of his methods, continuously?