I did an affirmation for a square but for 2 reps i said beneficially instead of benificially and positively of an specific affirmation, do i need to restart my square working?
I did an affirmation for a square but for 2 reps i said beneficially instead of benificially and positively of an specific affirmation, do i need to restart my square working?
No, I don't think so. Here, these words are very similar, such that your willpower and intention was likely the same and why you may not have even noticed it until afterwards. It is more important that you are intending the same thing each time. It is possible to say the same word(s), yet will something totally different, and this would not be good for the working, as it is supposed to be the same each time.
Also, don't forget that you can void the energy and redo the working, so leave yourself time to do so, as this can alleviate a lot of stress or worry.
I did an affirmation for a square but for 2 reps i said beneficially instead of benificially and positively of an specific affirmation, do i need to restart my square working?