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Question #3954: Who are gypsy people

This is a strange question. You obviously know what they are accused of, and these accusations absolutely do not predisposed to the manifestation of love and sympathy . And what is there to sympathize with them , that they stole something again ? It doesn't make sense to love them for it either .

The only point in asking about love and sympathy in their relationship is only if they are slandered and are not hotbeds of all - round crime . But I think it's pretty obvious that this is not the case.

It is worth adding that despite the generally very high crime rate in their circles ,
it is rare , but you can also find respectable gypsies . Even in this forum, there are gypsies dedicated to Satan and no one in their right mind will show them ill will just based on the behavior of most of their people.
Vale a pena acrescentar que, apesar da taxa de criminalidade ser geralmente muito elevada nos seus círculos,
é raro, mas também é possível encontrar ciganos respeitáveis. Mesmo neste fórum, há ciganos dedicados a Satanás e ninguém em sã consciência mostrará mais vontade apenas com base no comportamento da maioria de seu povo.
Esta questão dos ciganos é muito complicada.
Os judeus têm uma minoria de 5% de falsos arrependidos.
O que impede um cigano de fazer o mesmo?
Lembre-se de que eles são um tipo diferente de judeu.
Ou você é cigano ou não, creio eu, na medida em que confirma minha segunda crença.
Que aos ciganos só falta eugenia e genética, assim como outras espécies por aí que são bandidos genéticos praticamente generalizados.
Even in this forum, there are gypsies dedicated to Satan

I'm not 100% sure I'm, so we should not assume this as I haven't seen anybody saying this other than me.

Even if they are Gentile, they are racially the ignorant, and low-caste people who they always been so they probably will be the last to return to the Gods.
They could be Jewish Indians, or another kind of specie (there have been failed attempts by the enemy, there have been more species other than the Jews).

I personally believe that there are gentile gypsies, whose are just Indians, but somehow migrated together with the "real" or "fake" gypsies to Europe. Countless theories can be made, I'll definitely ask this from a God the first time I will be able to and write an article about it if somebody else wont until that.
The gypsies:
Are people"that have been banished! from their communities.
Went against" the rules? Either because? they were dumb? And didn't" have respect" for the elders ,above them? Or just simply? wanted to rebel" against the community rules. Of there people, of whatever "country? They're from? Whatever hometown? Being taught" to be thieves! By an older parent ,or sibling? The n
Knew" they were ..doing wrong? And leading others to follow! Being a bad" example! To the younger siblings,? or to others" in their community? They are a type of people! That have been disowned by their parents? Out of lack of knowledge "? and disrespect! Being a rebellious rule breaker? Lying and stealing! Taking things that don't! belong to them! Taking" from their elders? And causing," other problems? Among those they live with or lived with. And therefore they get kicked out everywhere they go! And either these people work together as a group and are brothers and sisters? Or they have been together in a jail cell somewhere? And" made a pact to work together as a group or a team! Living together is some kind of a nuclear family? Were they each take turns taken care of something? They each have a different job and a position? Were one would teach the other how to still and teach the ropes!? Or were they would learn from the older people and get ideas for survival. Living off the land,. like animals and thieves! They are a filthy dirty people! They are an uneducated people! And not that they have chosen to be that way? It's just that they have no choice! They've made a bad reputation for themselves and they will always have the stigma! And they will never be trusted. And for many it is an ideology" and a way of life to them! And a lot of them are proud of who and what they are and don't care! And they have gotten worse. And worse and more and more obnoxious" throughout the years!.
The gypsies:
Are people"that have been banished! from their communities.
Went against" the rules? Either because? they were dumb? And didn't" have respect" for the elders ,above them? Or just simply? wanted to rebel" against the community rules. Of there people, of whatever "country? They're from? Whatever hometown? Being taught" to be thieves! By an older parent ,or sibling? The n
Knew" they were ..doing wrong? And leading others to follow! Being a bad" example! To the younger siblings,? or to others" in their community? They are a type of people! That have been disowned by their parents? Out of lack of knowledge "? and disrespect! Being a rebellious rule breaker? Lying and stealing! Taking things that don't! belong to them! Taking" from their elders? And causing," other problems? Among those they live with or lived with. And therefore they get kicked out everywhere they go! And either these people work together as a group and are brothers and sisters? Or they have been together in a jail cell somewhere? And" made a pact to work together as a group or a team! Living together is some kind of a nuclear family? Were they each take turns taken care of something? They each have a different job and a position? Were one would teach the other how to still and teach the ropes!? Or were they would learn from the older people and get ideas for survival. Living off the land,. like animals and thieves! They are a filthy dirty people! They are an uneducated people! And not that they have chosen to be that way? It's just that they have no choice! They've made a bad reputation for themselves and they will always have the stigma! And they will never be trusted. And for many it is an ideology" and a way of life to them! And a lot of them are proud of who and what they are and don't care! And they have gotten worse. And worse and more and more obnoxious" throughout the years!.
There are many people who spend time travelling other warmer countries during the winter, and then work in the summer in the west to earn money. They find it very difficult to settle back into western society. The gypsy mentality is a trap, and is more and more fashionable, especially with the rise of drug use and festivals.
Gypsies have the exact same attitude and tendencies as Jews, only they are inferior to Jews in terms of intelligence and ambition.

Gypsies of any age literally pose as total parasites and predators, for no good reason.
It is normal for them as a racial tendency to be criminals and parasites, even as children.

I personally have dealt with them in the past and they are horrible beings, you literally cannot relax for a second that someone tries to provoke you for 'fun' only to then move on to group violence.

They are menaces to society, and are probably involved in more crimes than you might think, besides drugs, robbery and the like.
I'm not 100% sure I'm, so we should not assume this as I haven't seen anybody saying this other than me.

Even if they are Gentile, they are racially the ignorant, and low-caste people who they always been so they probably will be the last to return to the Gods.
They could be Jewish Indians, or another kind of specie (there have been failed attempts by the enemy, there have been more species other than the Jews).

I personally believe that there are gentile gypsies, whose are just Indians, but somehow migrated together with the "real" or "fake" gypsies to Europe. Countless theories can be made, I'll definitely ask this from a God the first time I will be able to and write an article about it if somebody else wont until that.
If you are a mixed White/Asian gentile that does not make you a Gypsy at all, in Eastern Europe there are many Eurasians for centuries due for example to the Mongol invasions.

Authentic gypsies are a branch of the Jewish racial soul.
If you are a mixed White/Asian gentile that does not make you a Gypsy at all, in Eastern Europe there are many Eurasians for centuries due for example to the Mongol invasions.

Authentic gypsies are a branch of the Jewish racial soul.
This is quite obvious, one has to realise that certain memes such as 'Italians are all jews' or 'Romanians are all gypsies' are essentially extremely ignorant generalisations.

Just because there are a lot of gypsies in one area doesn't mean that the whole country they are in is made up of gypsies.
When we talk about gypsies or jews we are not referring to people wrongly accused by some stupid meme like the ones listed above, we are referring to real and racial gypsies and jews.
If you are a mixed White/Asian gentile that does not make you a Gypsy at all, in Eastern Europe there are many Eurasians for centuries due for example to the Mongol invasions.

Authentic gypsies are a branch of the Jewish racial soul.
Right, so gypsyi
If you are a mixed White/Asian gentile that does not make you a Gypsy at all, in Eastern Europe there are many Eurasians for centuries due for example to the Mongol invasions.

Authentic gypsies are a branch of the Jewish racial soul.
is there a gypsy mentality also? Like all the people living in cheaper warmer countries?

Or do you think people are doing this as they don’t want to support western government taxes?

In the end though, they just end up supporting the governments of other countries. So there is no real win, and then they don’t and can’t own any property back in their own countries. So they in a way become gypsies. But then , a lot of people don’t want to get in debt, and get mortgages, and pay interest to the Jewish bankers.
If you are a mixed White/Asian gentile that does not make you a Gypsy at all, in Eastern Europe there are many Eurasians for centuries due for example to the Mongol invasions.

Authentic gypsies are a branch of the Jewish racial soul.

I think I'm "brown Italian". Especially now that I look at these pictures:

Yeah, I can pretty much see myself. But I can't find how this ethnicity called, I think they call it "Italians". So should I live in Italy than?:unsure: Maybe there are some of these in Hungary but I think they just call themself and everyone else them Gypsy.
Right, so gypsyi

is there a gypsy mentality also? Like all the people living in cheaper warmer countries?

Or do you think people are doing this as they don’t want to support western government taxes?

In the end though, they just end up supporting the governments of other countries. So there is no real win, and then they don’t and can’t own any property back in their own countries. So they in a way become gypsies. But then , a lot of people don’t want to get in debt, and get mortgages, and pay interest to the Jewish bankers.
When one is enough psychically open you can notice that Gypsies as well as Jews have a different soul and energy than gentile people.
Regarding what you say there are many people who live in poverty and in miserable conditions in the suburbs of the big cities and that not means they are Gypsies.
Why are these people scorned a lot ..Should not these people be shown love and empathy

The gypsies are mixed people from different racial background and often inhabitants of multiple areas. They later became known as Semitic after settling in particular area of the world. The Jews came from the gypsies back in the age before the censorship of everything real which is probably like 400 or so years ( unlike the lie their xian and other programs existed for thousands) there were many races and mixed original races (unlike today)

Being mixed race is just a part of existence (unless it is'nt used for war like it is being used) but like anything when pushed too far it creates a race of monsters or frankenstines for disembodied entities far out of our normal dimensional borders to influence.

Jews have become naturally fucked up to be considered gypsies anymore they did too much experiments and lost theirselves and got stuck with too many minds to the point low tier entities exploit them, unfortunately these parasitic entities are unsatisfied with the jews so much so they went to arabs which btw is another gypsy populace and took a different approach to correct what they missed when dealing with the jews, hence why a arabs still wear dresses medieval style and grow those nasty beards and women still treated like chickens and eggs

coming back to the point gypsis were the original mixed race
and this in my opinion
if we look past the fake labels given such as Arab which is a jewish hidden agenda to hide their origin story which btw is NOT what is written. They want to kill every tribe and generalize everything and mix everyone up using stinking movies and stuff with a big emphasis on love making sex repeatedly

The Gypsis are only originally mixed people and aren't Jews who are the Ultimatum of mixtures reaching a multi polar disorder beyond a point of non discernment or a psychopathic race of people where as gypsies still have basic human faculties. And unlike how they say they don't mix, yes correct not in this age but before they did and soul was gentile from the gypsies soul class
When one is enough psychically open you can notice that Gypsies as well as Jews have a different soul and energy than gentile people.
Regarding what you say there are many people who live in poverty and in miserable conditions in the suburbs of the big cities and that not means they are Gypsies.

The gypsies are mixed people from different racial background and often inhabitants of multiple areas. They later became known as Semitic after settling in particular area of the world. The Jews came from the gypsies back in the age before the censorship of everything real which is probably like 400 or so years ( unlike the lie their xian and other programs existed for thousands) there were many races and mixed original races (unlike today)

Being mixed race is just a part of existence (unless it is'nt used for war like it is being used) but like anything when pushed too far it creates a race of monsters or frankenstines for disembodied entities far out of our normal dimensional borders to influence.

Jews have become naturally fucked up to be considered gypsies anymore they did too much experiments and lost theirselves and got stuck with too many minds to the point low tier entities exploit them, unfortunately these parasitic entities are unsatisfied with the jews so much so they went to arabs which btw is another gypsy populace and took a different approach to correct what they missed when dealing with the jews, hence why a arabs still wear dresses medieval style and grow those nasty beards and women still treated like chickens and eggs

coming back to the point gypsis were the original mixed race
and this in my opinion
if we look past the fake labels given such as Arab which is a jewish hidden agenda to hide their origin story which btw is NOT what is written. They want to kill every tribe and generalize everything and mix everyone up using stinking movies and stuff with a big emphasis on love making sex repeatedly

The Gypsis are only originally mixed people and aren't Jews who are the Ultimatum of mixtures reaching a multi polar disorder beyond a point of non discernment or a psychopathic race of people where as gypsies still have basic human faculties. And unlike how they say they don't mix, yes correct not in this age but before they did and soul was gentile from the gypsies soul class
I think I'm "brown Italian". Especially now that I look at these pictures:

Yeah, I can pretty much see myself. But I can't find how this ethnicity called, I think they call it "Italians". So should I live in Italy than?:unsure: Maybe there are some of these in Hungary but I think they just call themself and everyone else them Gypsy.
Your phenotype is more similar to the Western European, here in Spain especially in the south is very common to see people like that, although they are still mostly white they have a little darker features due to the centuries of Arab invasions.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
