As far as miscegenation goes, it depends on the type of person they are. Cleansing this type of thing off can be done with higher levels of awareness and intuition.
A lot of high quality people fall victim to the race-mixing meme intermittently [i.e. it is not a fetish but situational]. Especially this is true unfortunately with kikes who occupy all high level positions and bat for intelligent Gentiles on a sexual level constantly as a form of societal parasitism [in addition to the curses they bombard high-level Gentiles with], but also with Asians, Indians and the professional [mostly female] caste of blacks.
Intensifying the jewish issue is that most intelligent white people flat out aren't even aware jews are different, especially extremely mixed jews whose job it can be to serve the jewish cause 'exoterically', unknowingly.
If they are the type of person who's a 'hot cheeto girl' going for gangbangers, barbaric Muslim immigrants and low level gypsy scum, or some room temperature IQ idiot thinking purely with his penis who gained a booty fetish from Instagram or his gangsta frenz, if you ask me, there's not a lot you can do with that once the pattern has set in. It can be rectified before anything major happens, but not afterwards. Especially because every streaming service, every pop song and every sports game is blaring at every white person to do this ASAP. NPC minds who don't think are generally headed to the toilet.
Either way, never settle for someone who has given birth to or sired race-mixed children.
Obviously this goes for other races as well. I wouldn't advise an Asian man to go with an Asian women whose mind is fanatically set on bagging white men. This demonstrates some sort of incredible ignorance regardless of the jewish propaganda machine against Asian men.