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Question #3659: Good Healthy,Wealthy


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hello , And first i apologise if i said sth bad .
How can we live longlife and get wealthy cause i don't want spend all of my lifetime Work , find cash .And afterthat spend all the money for my health when i get old .So do u have any advise for me like ...How to get wealthy as soon as before i got 50years old ?(Now i'm 25) Or
How can i get healthy until i die? ...I don't want perfect healthy like never sick , i just don't want really bad sick like Cancer or sth ...
Some generic tips regarding health:
  1. Eat healthy. Avoid junk and processed foods, seed oils and limit sugar. All of these cause cancer, obesity and a multitude of other problems. Eat organic, healthy foods instead.
  2. Exercise. Do at least 30 mins to 1 hour of physical exercise each day, even if it's just walking or running.
  3. Take care of your mental health. Your mind affects your body, so take care of it by releasing any worry, obsessive thinking, self-hatred or being negatively obsessed about a person. If someone wronged you badly, do a destruction ritual against him/her to release all your negative emotions about him/her and then never think about him/her again, trusting the ritual to do its work
  4. Cut off negative people from your life. Believe it or not, obnoxious people can affect your health too. If you can, stop associating with them.
  5. Do daily power meditation. Well, if you are a Spiritual Satanist you should do daily meditation, but I'm mentioning it here because it affects your health too. Your chakras and aura are the energy centers that control your prana and correspond to the glandular system in your body, and if they are healthy, empowered and balanced there's overall better physical health.
Regarding money: If you're making money from a job, never spend it to buy personal things or bigger houses or cars or whatever. Instead, save most of your money and use it to buy sources of passive income. Once you are making lots of money from passive income, only then do buy a bigger house or car or whatever else.

There is a lot more great advice about how to make money in the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki which you can find it as a free PDF all over the internet.
For the financial wealth part, there are 3 routes:
  • Psychic. Become extremely good at predicting market movements by dedicating your spiritual routine obsessively to develop those abilities. This will make sure you execute the right trades and investments at the right movement, and withdraw your money at the right moment, whether it's automated withdrawal (aka 'take profit') or manual. May take longer than achieve than you turning 50, depending on your current level and potential.
  • Spiritual Power. Become extremely powerful and have a job with uncapped commissions that can help you increase your earnings fast through money workings. Examples of jobs like this are sales and recruitment. You need strong people skills and influencing/negotiation skills for the aforementioned jobs. How long it takes for you to get to the right level of power and karma purity is entirely individual and may be past when you're 50 years old.
  • Business Ownership. Read MJ DeMarco's books and subscribe to his Fastlane forum. Create your own FastLane business idea or use someone else's with an improved model. Finding the right idea may take a long time or never happen. It requires working much harder for 5-10 minimum in most cases for you business to take off the ground and reach 7 figures. Your business needs to be your priority during those days, which means you build your life around it, very often even working 14+ hours a day on it with all the problem-solving needed and everything else.
Accumulating wealth isn't easy in a world dominated by the enemy and by retarded NPCs. You may want to take advice from people who are actually wealthy like the person I suggested AND who are actually interested in showing you the path to wealth, instead of just being interested in selling you their service or product. Their service or product will make THEM wealthy, not you.

Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is good but, for the majority, no longer applicable to the modern world. It was applicable in the 80's and now it has become more and more outdated. Any book after that is useless drivel that only enriches him, not his readers.

Many people will have different ideas about what financial wealth means, and this is fine because it reflects their level of advancement in that area in some ways. As you grow, your definition of wealth will grow as well. Some people may be content earning 5 or 6-figure shit wages. Other people will feel poor while having 7-figure wages. Don't let people with a lower wealth conception than you undermine you. Instead, be inspired by people with higher wealth conceptions.

For example, someone who is content with a 5-figure salary has no right to tell someone who feels unsatisfied with a 7-figure salary that they need to be more realistic or that they have too much and should be okay with it. True human nature approaches infinity and this self-limiting thoughts are very harmful. On the other, someone with a 7-figure salary has every right to tell someone with a 5-figure that they are too small-minded when it comes to wealth.

Another thing to take into account is how you gain your wealth. As we follow the path of the Gods, acquiring wealth by immortal and unethical means is akin to leaving the path of the Gods. So, don't go making money by selling products or services that are harmful to other people's health or wellbeing or whatever. If you do that, you're nothing more than a criminal, and as a criminal you will be judged in an SS society and a criminal you will be in the universal hierarchy which is different from the little clown hierarchy the enemy has here on this planet.

The responsibility is not just on the consumer/buyer but also on the producer/seller. In fact, as a producer is in a position of higher power and influence compared to the consumer, their actions have far greater weight, so their responsibility is much higher.

Unnecessary expenses
There are many things that can be classed as unnecessary expenses. Saving on these, will improve your financial health:
  • Takeaways
  • Most monthly subscriptions (Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney+, Uber X, Deliveroo Plus...)
  • Unnecessary ubers/taxis
  • Snacks
  • Coffee shops - you can make enough coffee/tea/chocolate in the morning and put it in a thermal bottle. It can save 100s a month for some people
  • Expensive phone bills - you don't need unlimited internet on your personal phone, for example, and there are companies offering better deals for low-data plans.
  • Expensive haircuts - surely you can find a barber that can do the same quality job or even better for less money
  • Smartphone upgrades - you don't need a new one every less than 5 years
The list is not exhaustive but the point is that reducing unnecessary expenses teaches you to manage your money more efficiency which, in turns, helps you become wealthier.

As a last reading for this first part, please consider this: Your financial patterns are keeping you poor.

Regarding health, I'll make my own list based on Invictus's:

Eat Healthy
Every food is processed. Cooking food is processing it. To eat healthy food, you need to check labels constantly and familiarise yourself with them.

The only healthy oils for cooking and dressing food are extra virgin olive oil and extra virgin coconut oil. Even if they are healthy, they still need to be eaten in moderation such as 1 tablespoon = 1 serving. Similarly, butter should be restricted. It needs to be real butter, so coming from cows and similar animals. "Vegetable" butters are not butter and the methods used to process them make them unhealthy, and often high in hydrogenated fats that undermine your health.

Sugars need to be restricted and replaced with things like pure stevia whenever possible. Desserts are a treat and should be treated as such. A treat is only such if you eat it occasionally, like on holidays and festivities (i.e. your birthday), not every day or week, otherwise it's a lifestyle, not a treat.

Whenever possible, eat organic food from local producers and fresh. Organic, local, fresh and seasonal should be the keywords. If you are of a different race or ethnicity compared to where you live in, then look to integrate foods proper of that ethnicity or race, as they would not be normally produced locally unless they are fruit and vegetables, which can be grown in greenhouses.

The majority of your food should be either steamed (works best for vegetables) or stir-fried. These cooking methods preserve the majority of nutritional values. Middle-range you have oven-baking and roasting, and the least-used methods should be boiling and deep-frying. Deep-frying should be avoided 99.9% of the time.

Alcohol consumption should be zero, as even a sip harms you on a light level. If you enjoy, you can have moderate consumption a couple of times a year, not on a daily or weekly basis. Still, I advise against it. Your body literally behaves as if you've poisoned it when you drink it: higher temperature, clouded mind, numbed senses... Smoking is also to be avoided, and caffeine limited (80mg/day) and cycled to avoid addition. Other recreational drugs should be avoided. Juices are treats, while carbonated drinks destroy your gut flora, so...

A healthy dose of both animal (including meat) and plant-based foods are necessary in your diet. Your protein intake should vary depending on your goals. 1g for each 1kg of bodyweight is maintenance, 1.2g for each 1kg of bodyweight is for muscle growth and recovery, 0.8g for each 1kg of bodyweight is if you need muscle loss. Muscle loss may be required in extreme cases such as when you are bodybuilder and your BMI is in the overweight and obese range because, contrary to popular belief, BMI is reliable for bodybuilders as well and there is such a thing as too much muscle too. There is no documented benefit of having more than 1.2g of protein for each 1kg of bodyweight because broscience doesn't count. Anything more will not only be expelled in your urine but also damage your kidneys by putting excessive strain on them, and support other factors in constipation.

The rest of your calories will have a different split depending mainly on your main bodily constitution. For example, if you are mainly kapha/endomorph, your carbohydrate intake needs to be 20% of your calories at most for many reasons. If you exceed that, you're very likely to achieve an unhealthy body fat percentage and incur other health risks. Conversely, if you are mainly vata/ectomorph, then your carbohydrate intake should be higher than your fat intake but never higher than 50% of your total calories. This is for various reasons but, mainly, because vata types consume more energy and need are best at processing energy coming from carbohydrate, the opposite of kapha that does best with fats. For thos who are mainly pitta/mesomorph or tridoshic (fully in the middle, which is extremely rare), they will need an equal percentage of fats and carbohydrates in most cases.

Always eat the amount of calories needed for your goal. Going less than 20% when in a deficit is not recommended and below a certain amount you'll body will refuse to lose any fat and start getting damaged instead. Similarly, going above 20% when in surplus is not recommended and above a certain amount will make you obese and cause other issues.

For minerals, roughly you need 4x the "recommended" intake for fat-soluble vitamins and 10x the "recommended" intake for water-soluble vitamins. The "recommended" intake from current medical professionals is based on keeping you sick and on drugs. Now, bear in mind this is not supplements. The intake refers to everything you eat and drink.

Finally, remember to drink enough water. The correct amount of water intake varies based on your bodyweight. For example, someone weighing 88kg will need about 5.8L of water, while someone weighing only 50kg will need about 3.3L. The formula is 66ml multiplied by your weight in kg. Someone can make American conversions easily on the internet.


Walking is not exercising. Just walking by itself won't lead you to good health. However, if a location is within 30-45 minutes walking distance from your home, walking there should be your first priority. Beyond that, a bicycle should be considered for distances between 30-45 minutes of cycling distance. Beyond that you can decide between your own vehicle and public transportation.

I wouldn't rely on Google Maps and similar apps to tell you how long it takes to get somewhere. You should try yourself, as the claimed time is usually an average based on the majority of the population, who are unhealthy. Depending on your fitness level, it may take you less or more to reach your destination by walking and cycling.

As SS, it is important to strive for high achievements in all dimensions of life, which is why it is needed to grow in strength, power, flexibility and endurance/stamina/durability, as well as speed, agility and mobility. Some athletes to take inspiration from are elite gymnasts (especially artistic gymnastics), divers, swimmers, and runners to name a few. Some people to, instead, avoid inspiration from are people who have excessive bulk (i.e. Arnold Schwarzenegger) and poorly-transferable strength in general, as size doesn't equal strength.

Some good activities to get involved with are artistic gymnastics, swimming, running, and hiking. If you can do 5 km runs, considering building up to half-marathons, then marathons and ultra-marathons. Also, as an integral part of this path, it is highly advised to practice physical routines from hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, as they will allow you to advance faster. The more capable your body is, the better your mind-body/soul-body coordination and the healthier you will be on this path.

You may also want to look into martial arts because it is important to be able to defend yourself and to become martially capable, especially if you are a man. It's more important than self-sabotaging thoughts like "I've never been interested in martial arts" or "I don't want to" or "I don't have time". Lower thoughts like just work to undermine you and your existence in this world. Be respectful of yourself and the life the Gods gifted to you, as life is a privilege, not an entitlement. It's a precious gift.

Mental Health
Aside from what Invictus stated in his points 3 and 4, also read the new post from HP Hooded Cobra about People in Our Life.

To grow as a person, the first thing is self-discipline, as that allows you to build yourself by providing a structure and allowing you to understand what truly matters, which is not the lower urges of the body and the mind. Those lower urges instead work on decaying you and chipping away your lifeforce and your life itself.

What you need to do for a successful life is to build supportive systems, not just "habits". It's all about creating an environment that naturally leads to success. For this, you can read James Clear's book Atomic Habits which is very helpful. For goal-setting, I may have some suggestions too, if needed.

Here's a collection of posts I suggest reading:
You also need to start understanding your mind and yourself better, which is were introspective meditation comes into place.

To have mental health is not to just get rid of harmful beliefs, traumas and hangups but also to grow it. The meditation I gave you, together with posts from HP Hooded Cobra and other members will help you do just that. The list is not exhaustive. To grow your mind and emotions is also to challenge them. You need to learn new things and expand your awareness, which is where hobbies come into especially hobbies that require a great deal of thinking and strategy like chess.

Keeping your mind and memory in a state of growth will prevent it from shrinking and decaying. Now, Jim Qwik has a lot of techniques for improving your memory. Not just your general memory but different, specific types of memory. And, of course, the Loci technique (aka memory palaces) is also a great way to become a memory master.

Additional Things
All breathing exercises on our website are useful to keep you healthy and improve yourself. As a bare minimum, it would useful to incorporate the alternate nostril breathing and the breath of fire in your routine. Choosing a cooling, lunar breath would be helpful too. These are usually breathing exercises where you inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose, or just slower breathing exercises.

You also need to clean your soul and build an aura of protection at least twice daily, when waking up and immediately before sleep; as well as feed your soul through meditations where you breathe energy in and vibrate mantras.

Finally, void meditation is also part of the bare minimum as it will help you develop your ability to focus for longer and longer periods of time. Not only that, it will help you control urges and be the master of your mind and emotions, instead of being a slave to them.

You don't need to apply everything at once or at all. This is your choice and it's neither professional medical/psychiatric advice nor professional financial advice. Changes happen best when they happen gradually over time. The book I suggested will help you make meaningful changes and improve your life.

If you make so much effort to make reply, you may as well
If you make so much effort to make reply, you may as well
You're right. There you go: https://ancient-forums.com/index.php?threads/a-quick-guide-to-being-healthy-and-wealth-q3659.93301/
For the financial wealth part, there are 3 routes:
  • Psychic. Become extremely good at predicting market movements by dedicating your spiritual routine obsessively to develop those abilities. This will make sure you execute the right trades and investments at the right movement, and withdraw your money at the right moment, whether it's automated withdrawal (aka 'take profit') or manual. May take longer than achieve than you turning 50, depending on your current level and potential.
  • Spiritual Power. Become extremely powerful and have a job with uncapped commissions that can help you increase your earnings fast through money workings. Examples of jobs like this are sales and recruitment. You need strong people skills and influencing/negotiation skills for the aforementioned jobs. How long it takes for you to get to the right level of power and karma purity is entirely individual and may be past when you're 50 years old.
  • Business Ownership. Read MJ DeMarco's books and subscribe to his Fastlane forum. Create your own FastLane business idea or use someone else's with an improved model. Finding the right idea may take a long time or never happen. It requires working much harder for 5-10 minimum in most cases for you business to take off the ground and reach 7 figures. Your business needs to be your priority during those days, which means you build your life around it, very often even working 14+ hours a day on it with all the problem-solving needed and everything else.
Accumulating wealth isn't easy in a world dominated by the enemy and by retarded NPCs. You may want to take advice from people who are actually wealthy like the person I suggested AND who are actually interested in showing you the path to wealth, instead of just being interested in selling you their service or product. Their service or product will make THEM wealthy, not you.

Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is good but, for the majority, no longer applicable to the modern world. It was applicable in the 80's and now it has become more and more outdated. Any book after that is useless drivel that only enriches him, not his readers.

Many people will have different ideas about what financial wealth means, and this is fine because it reflects their level of advancement in that area in some ways. As you grow, your definition of wealth will grow as well. Some people may be content earning 5 or 6-figure shit wages. Other people will feel poor while having 7-figure wages. Don't let people with a lower wealth conception than you undermine you. Instead, be inspired by people with higher wealth conceptions.

For example, someone who is content with a 5-figure salary has no right to tell someone who feels unsatisfied with a 7-figure salary that they need to be more realistic or that they have too much and should be okay with it. True human nature approaches infinity and this self-limiting thoughts are very harmful. On the other, someone with a 7-figure salary has every right to tell someone with a 5-figure that they are too small-minded when it comes to wealth.

Another thing to take into account is how you gain your wealth. As we follow the path of the Gods, acquiring wealth by immortal and unethical means is akin to leaving the path of the Gods. So, don't go making money by selling products or services that are harmful to other people's health or wellbeing or whatever. If you do that, you're nothing more than a criminal, and as a criminal you will be judged in an SS society and a criminal you will be in the universal hierarchy which is different from the little clown hierarchy the enemy has here on this planet.

The responsibility is not just on the consumer/buyer but also on the producer/seller. In fact, as a producer is in a position of higher power and influence compared to the consumer, their actions have far greater weight, so their responsibility is much higher.

Unnecessary expenses
There are many things that can be classed as unnecessary expenses. Saving on these, will improve your financial health:
  • Takeaways
  • Most monthly subscriptions (Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney+, Uber X, Deliveroo Plus...)
  • Unnecessary ubers/taxis
  • Snacks
  • Coffee shops - you can make enough coffee/tea/chocolate in the morning and put it in a thermal bottle. It can save 100s a month for some people
  • Expensive phone bills - you don't need unlimited internet on your personal phone, for example, and there are companies offering better deals for low-data plans.
  • Expensive haircuts - surely you can find a barber that can do the same quality job or even better for less money
  • Smartphone upgrades - you don't need a new one every less than 5 years
The list is not exhaustive but the point is that reducing unnecessary expenses teaches you to manage your money more efficiency which, in turns, helps you become wealthier.

As a last reading for this first part, please consider this: Your financial patterns are keeping you poor.

Regarding health, I'll make my own list based on Invictus's:

Eat Healthy
Every food is processed. Cooking food is processing it. To eat healthy food, you need to check labels constantly and familiarise yourself with them.

The only healthy oils for cooking and dressing food are extra virgin olive oil and extra virgin coconut oil. Even if they are healthy, they still need to be eaten in moderation such as 1 tablespoon = 1 serving. Similarly, butter should be restricted. It needs to be real butter, so coming from cows and similar animals. "Vegetable" butters are not butter and the methods used to process them make them unhealthy, and often high in hydrogenated fats that undermine your health.

Sugars need to be restricted and replaced with things like pure stevia whenever possible. Desserts are a treat and should be treated as such. A treat is only such if you eat it occasionally, like on holidays and festivities (i.e. your birthday), not every day or week, otherwise it's a lifestyle, not a treat.

Whenever possible, eat organic food from local producers and fresh. Organic, local, fresh and seasonal should be the keywords. If you are of a different race or ethnicity compared to where you live in, then look to integrate foods proper of that ethnicity or race, as they would not be normally produced locally unless they are fruit and vegetables, which can be grown in greenhouses.

The majority of your food should be either steamed (works best for vegetables) or stir-fried. These cooking methods preserve the majority of nutritional values. Middle-range you have oven-baking and roasting, and the least-used methods should be boiling and deep-frying. Deep-frying should be avoided 99.9% of the time.

Alcohol consumption should be zero, as even a sip harms you on a light level. If you enjoy, you can have moderate consumption a couple of times a year, not on a daily or weekly basis. Still, I advise against it. Your body literally behaves as if you've poisoned it when you drink it: higher temperature, clouded mind, numbed senses... Smoking is also to be avoided, and caffeine limited (80mg/day) and cycled to avoid addition. Other recreational drugs should be avoided. Juices are treats, while carbonated drinks destroy your gut flora, so...

A healthy dose of both animal (including meat) and plant-based foods are necessary in your diet. Your protein intake should vary depending on your goals. 1g for each 1kg of bodyweight is maintenance, 1.2g for each 1kg of bodyweight is for muscle growth and recovery, 0.8g for each 1kg of bodyweight is if you need muscle loss. Muscle loss may be required in extreme cases such as when you are bodybuilder and your BMI is in the overweight and obese range because, contrary to popular belief, BMI is reliable for bodybuilders as well and there is such a thing as too much muscle too. There is no documented benefit of having more than 1.2g of protein for each 1kg of bodyweight because broscience doesn't count. Anything more will not only be expelled in your urine but also damage your kidneys by putting excessive strain on them, and support other factors in constipation.

The rest of your calories will have a different split depending mainly on your main bodily constitution. For example, if you are mainly kapha/endomorph, your carbohydrate intake needs to be 20% of your calories at most for many reasons. If you exceed that, you're very likely to achieve an unhealthy body fat percentage and incur other health risks. Conversely, if you are mainly vata/ectomorph, then your carbohydrate intake should be higher than your fat intake but never higher than 50% of your total calories. This is for various reasons but, mainly, because vata types consume more energy and need are best at processing energy coming from carbohydrate, the opposite of kapha that does best with fats. For thos who are mainly pitta/mesomorph or tridoshic (fully in the middle, which is extremely rare), they will need an equal percentage of fats and carbohydrates in most cases.

Always eat the amount of calories needed for your goal. Going less than 20% when in a deficit is not recommended and below a certain amount you'll body will refuse to lose any fat and start getting damaged instead. Similarly, going above 20% when in surplus is not recommended and above a certain amount will make you obese and cause other issues.

For minerals, roughly you need 4x the "recommended" intake for fat-soluble vitamins and 10x the "recommended" intake for water-soluble vitamins. The "recommended" intake from current medical professionals is based on keeping you sick and on drugs. Now, bear in mind this is not supplements. The intake refers to everything you eat and drink.

Finally, remember to drink enough water. The correct amount of water intake varies based on your bodyweight. For example, someone weighing 88kg will need about 5.8L of water, while someone weighing only 50kg will need about 3.3L. The formula is 66ml multiplied by your weight in kg. Someone can make American conversions easily on the internet.


Walking is not exercising. Just walking by itself won't lead you to good health. However, if a location is within 30-45 minutes walking distance from your home, walking there should be your first priority. Beyond that, a bicycle should be considered for distances between 30-45 minutes of cycling distance. Beyond that you can decide between your own vehicle and public transportation.

I wouldn't rely on Google Maps and similar apps to tell you how long it takes to get somewhere. You should try yourself, as the claimed time is usually an average based on the majority of the population, who are unhealthy. Depending on your fitness level, it may take you less or more to reach your destination by walking and cycling.

As SS, it is important to strive for high achievements in all dimensions of life, which is why it is needed to grow in strength, power, flexibility and endurance/stamina/durability, as well as speed, agility and mobility. Some athletes to take inspiration from are elite gymnasts (especially artistic gymnastics), divers, swimmers, and runners to name a few. Some people to, instead, avoid inspiration from are people who have excessive bulk (i.e. Arnold Schwarzenegger) and poorly-transferable strength in general, as size doesn't equal strength.

Some good activities to get involved with are artistic gymnastics, swimming, running, and hiking. If you can do 5 km runs, considering building up to half-marathons, then marathons and ultra-marathons. Also, as an integral part of this path, it is highly advised to practice physical routines from hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, as they will allow you to advance faster. The more capable your body is, the better your mind-body/soul-body coordination and the healthier you will be on this path.

You may also want to look into martial arts because it is important to be able to defend yourself and to become martially capable, especially if you are a man. It's more important than self-sabotaging thoughts like "I've never been interested in martial arts" or "I don't want to" or "I don't have time". Lower thoughts like just work to undermine you and your existence in this world. Be respectful of yourself and the life the Gods gifted to you, as life is a privilege, not an entitlement. It's a precious gift.

Mental Health
Aside from what Invictus stated in his points 3 and 4, also read the new post from HP Hooded Cobra about People in Our Life.

To grow as a person, the first thing is self-discipline, as that allows you to build yourself by providing a structure and allowing you to understand what truly matters, which is not the lower urges of the body and the mind. Those lower urges instead work on decaying you and chipping away your lifeforce and your life itself.

What you need to do for a successful life is to build supportive systems, not just "habits". It's all about creating an environment that naturally leads to success. For this, you can read James Clear's book Atomic Habits which is very helpful. For goal-setting, I may have some suggestions too, if needed.

Here's a collection of posts I suggest reading:
You also need to start understanding your mind and yourself better, which is were introspective meditation comes into place.

To have mental health is not to just get rid of harmful beliefs, traumas and hangups but also to grow it. The meditation I gave you, together with posts from HP Hooded Cobra and other members will help you do just that. The list is not exhaustive. To grow your mind and emotions is also to challenge them. You need to learn new things and expand your awareness, which is where hobbies come into especially hobbies that require a great deal of thinking and strategy like chess.

Keeping your mind and memory in a state of growth will prevent it from shrinking and decaying. Now, Jim Qwik has a lot of techniques for improving your memory. Not just your general memory but different, specific types of memory. And, of course, the Loci technique (aka memory palaces) is also a great way to become a memory master.

Additional Things
All breathing exercises on our website are useful to keep you healthy and improve yourself. As a bare minimum, it would useful to incorporate the alternate nostril breathing and the breath of fire in your routine. Choosing a cooling, lunar breath would be helpful too. These are usually breathing exercises where you inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose, or just slower breathing exercises.

You also need to clean your soul and build an aura of protection at least twice daily, when waking up and immediately before sleep; as well as feed your soul through meditations where you breathe energy in and vibrate mantras.

Finally, void meditation is also part of the bare minimum as it will help you develop your ability to focus for longer and longer periods of time. Not only that, it will help you control urges and be the master of your mind and emotions, instead of being a slave to them.

You don't need to apply everything at once or at all. This is your choice and it's neither professional medical/psychiatric advice nor professional financial advice. Changes happen best when they happen gradually over time. The book I suggested will help you make meaningful changes and improve your life.
Superb bro will save this
How can the amount of water intake be a fixed amount when there are variables such as metabolic rate and absorption of water?
It's an oversimplification, you're right. It helps because most people are constantly under-drinking when it comes to water. Even many of those who claim to have an healthy diet think that 2-3 litres is enough, but never trying to go higher and see the beneficial effects with detoxification and increased flexibility to name just a few.

If the other member provided his variables, we could have a more accurate estimate but some variables are not possible to estimate without booking an appointment with a sport and exercise scientist. Body mass is the easiest measurement to get.
It's an oversimplification, you're right. It helps because most people are constantly under-drinking when it comes to water. Even many of those who claim to have an healthy diet think that 2-3 litres is enough, but never trying to go higher and see the beneficial effects with detoxification and increased flexibility to name just a few.

If the other member provided his variables, we could have a more accurate estimate but some variables are not possible to estimate without booking an appointment with a sport and exercise scientist. Body mass is the easiest measurement to get.
In your opinion, would a Western sports scientist be able to accurately estimate the seasonal effect on the need for hydration?
In your opinion, would a Western sports scientist be able to accurately estimate the seasonal effect on the need for hydration?
Probably. I have heard them using it as a percentage increase for summer, for example. Like 20% extra
Hello , And first i apologise if i said sth bad .
How can we live longlife and get wealthy cause i don't want spend all of my lifetime Work , find cash .And afterthat spend all the money for my health when i get old .So do u have any advise for me like ...How to get wealthy as soon as before i got 50years old ?(Now i'm 25) Or
How can i get healthy until i die? ...I don't want perfect healthy like never sick , i just don't want really bad sick like Cancer or sth ...
In addition to the above:


1. If you want to be healthy, you need to keep yourself in good physical shape, namely, eat right (healthy diet), taking into account the characteristics of your health and body;
2. Engage in physical exercises that strengthen health. It can be fitness, yoga, light or heavy athletics, swimming, running.
Physical activity should be done in moderation so as not to harm your health, while over time physical activity should be increased when your body becomes stronger so that it becomes even stronger.


1. Both with and without education, you can improve your qualifications and skills in order to become a professional in your field and more valuable to the employer;
2. Gaining experience in your career, or in business, when you become more experienced, what you did a year ago that seemed difficult or difficult to you, over time you will do it easily;
3. The ability to save and spend money, this also includes investing and storing money in a bank, as well as what you spend money on and how you manage your money, a lot depends on it. Learn how to manage your income and expenses competently.

The link to techniques suitable for beginners to work with aura to attract money, health and relationships:

The only thing I have to warn you is that Beginners are not recommended to use black magic until you become more experienced, until your Aura and Soul get stronger, because it can be dangerous for you and your health!
For the financial wealth part, there are 3 routes:
  • Psychic. Become extremely good at predicting market movements by dedicating your spiritual routine obsessively to develop those abilities. This will make sure you execute the right trades and investments at the right movement, and withdraw your money at the right moment, whether it's automated withdrawal (aka 'take profit') or manual. May take longer than achieve than you turning 50, depending on your current level and potential.
  • Spiritual Power. Become extremely powerful and have a job with uncapped commissions that can help you increase your earnings fast through money workings. Examples of jobs like this are sales and recruitment. You need strong people skills and influencing/negotiation skills for the aforementioned jobs. How long it takes for you to get to the right level of power and karma purity is entirely individual and may be past when you're 50 years old.
  • Business Ownership. Read MJ DeMarco's books and subscribe to his Fastlane forum. Create your own FastLane business idea or use someone else's with an improved model. Finding the right idea may take a long time or never happen. It requires working much harder for 5-10 minimum in most cases for you business to take off the ground and reach 7 figures. Your business needs to be your priority during those days, which means you build your life around it, very often even working 14+ hours a day on it with all the problem-solving needed and everything else.
Accumulating wealth isn't easy in a world dominated by the enemy and by retarded NPCs. You may want to take advice from people who are actually wealthy like the person I suggested AND who are actually interested in showing you the path to wealth, instead of just being interested in selling you their service or product. Their service or product will make THEM wealthy, not you.

Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" is good but, for the majority, no longer applicable to the modern world. It was applicable in the 80's and now it has become more and more outdated. Any book after that is useless drivel that only enriches him, not his readers.

Many people will have different ideas about what financial wealth means, and this is fine because it reflects their level of advancement in that area in some ways. As you grow, your definition of wealth will grow as well. Some people may be content earning 5 or 6-figure shit wages. Other people will feel poor while having 7-figure wages. Don't let people with a lower wealth conception than you undermine you. Instead, be inspired by people with higher wealth conceptions.

For example, someone who is content with a 5-figure salary has no right to tell someone who feels unsatisfied with a 7-figure salary that they need to be more realistic or that they have too much and should be okay with it. True human nature approaches infinity and this self-limiting thoughts are very harmful. On the other, someone with a 7-figure salary has every right to tell someone with a 5-figure that they are too small-minded when it comes to wealth.

Another thing to take into account is how you gain your wealth. As we follow the path of the Gods, acquiring wealth by immortal and unethical means is akin to leaving the path of the Gods. So, don't go making money by selling products or services that are harmful to other people's health or wellbeing or whatever. If you do that, you're nothing more than a criminal, and as a criminal you will be judged in an SS society and a criminal you will be in the universal hierarchy which is different from the little clown hierarchy the enemy has here on this planet.

The responsibility is not just on the consumer/buyer but also on the producer/seller. In fact, as a producer is in a position of higher power and influence compared to the consumer, their actions have far greater weight, so their responsibility is much higher.

Unnecessary expenses
There are many things that can be classed as unnecessary expenses. Saving on these, will improve your financial health:
  • Takeaways
  • Most monthly subscriptions (Amazon Prime, Netflix, Disney+, Uber X, Deliveroo Plus...)
  • Unnecessary ubers/taxis
  • Snacks
  • Coffee shops - you can make enough coffee/tea/chocolate in the morning and put it in a thermal bottle. It can save 100s a month for some people
  • Expensive phone bills - you don't need unlimited internet on your personal phone, for example, and there are companies offering better deals for low-data plans.
  • Expensive haircuts - surely you can find a barber that can do the same quality job or even better for less money
  • Smartphone upgrades - you don't need a new one every less than 5 years
The list is not exhaustive but the point is that reducing unnecessary expenses teaches you to manage your money more efficiency which, in turns, helps you become wealthier.

As a last reading for this first part, please consider this: Your financial patterns are keeping you poor.

Regarding health, I'll make my own list based on Invictus's:

Eat Healthy
Every food is processed. Cooking food is processing it. To eat healthy food, you need to check labels constantly and familiarise yourself with them.

The only healthy oils for cooking and dressing food are extra virgin olive oil and extra virgin coconut oil. Even if they are healthy, they still need to be eaten in moderation such as 1 tablespoon = 1 serving. Similarly, butter should be restricted. It needs to be real butter, so coming from cows and similar animals. "Vegetable" butters are not butter and the methods used to process them make them unhealthy, and often high in hydrogenated fats that undermine your health.

Sugars need to be restricted and replaced with things like pure stevia whenever possible. Desserts are a treat and should be treated as such. A treat is only such if you eat it occasionally, like on holidays and festivities (i.e. your birthday), not every day or week, otherwise it's a lifestyle, not a treat.

Whenever possible, eat organic food from local producers and fresh. Organic, local, fresh and seasonal should be the keywords. If you are of a different race or ethnicity compared to where you live in, then look to integrate foods proper of that ethnicity or race, as they would not be normally produced locally unless they are fruit and vegetables, which can be grown in greenhouses.

The majority of your food should be either steamed (works best for vegetables) or stir-fried. These cooking methods preserve the majority of nutritional values. Middle-range you have oven-baking and roasting, and the least-used methods should be boiling and deep-frying. Deep-frying should be avoided 99.9% of the time.

Alcohol consumption should be zero, as even a sip harms you on a light level. If you enjoy, you can have moderate consumption a couple of times a year, not on a daily or weekly basis. Still, I advise against it. Your body literally behaves as if you've poisoned it when you drink it: higher temperature, clouded mind, numbed senses... Smoking is also to be avoided, and caffeine limited (80mg/day) and cycled to avoid addition. Other recreational drugs should be avoided. Juices are treats, while carbonated drinks destroy your gut flora, so...

A healthy dose of both animal (including meat) and plant-based foods are necessary in your diet. Your protein intake should vary depending on your goals. 1g for each 1kg of bodyweight is maintenance, 1.2g for each 1kg of bodyweight is for muscle growth and recovery, 0.8g for each 1kg of bodyweight is if you need muscle loss. Muscle loss may be required in extreme cases such as when you are bodybuilder and your BMI is in the overweight and obese range because, contrary to popular belief, BMI is reliable for bodybuilders as well and there is such a thing as too much muscle too. There is no documented benefit of having more than 1.2g of protein for each 1kg of bodyweight because broscience doesn't count. Anything more will not only be expelled in your urine but also damage your kidneys by putting excessive strain on them, and support other factors in constipation.

The rest of your calories will have a different split depending mainly on your main bodily constitution. For example, if you are mainly kapha/endomorph, your carbohydrate intake needs to be 20% of your calories at most for many reasons. If you exceed that, you're very likely to achieve an unhealthy body fat percentage and incur other health risks. Conversely, if you are mainly vata/ectomorph, then your carbohydrate intake should be higher than your fat intake but never higher than 50% of your total calories. This is for various reasons but, mainly, because vata types consume more energy and need are best at processing energy coming from carbohydrate, the opposite of kapha that does best with fats. For thos who are mainly pitta/mesomorph or tridoshic (fully in the middle, which is extremely rare), they will need an equal percentage of fats and carbohydrates in most cases.

Always eat the amount of calories needed for your goal. Going less than 20% when in a deficit is not recommended and below a certain amount you'll body will refuse to lose any fat and start getting damaged instead. Similarly, going above 20% when in surplus is not recommended and above a certain amount will make you obese and cause other issues.

For minerals, roughly you need 4x the "recommended" intake for fat-soluble vitamins and 10x the "recommended" intake for water-soluble vitamins. The "recommended" intake from current medical professionals is based on keeping you sick and on drugs. Now, bear in mind this is not supplements. The intake refers to everything you eat and drink.

Finally, remember to drink enough water. The correct amount of water intake varies based on your bodyweight. For example, someone weighing 88kg will need about 5.8L of water, while someone weighing only 50kg will need about 3.3L. The formula is 66ml multiplied by your weight in kg. Someone can make American conversions easily on the internet.


Walking is not exercising. Just walking by itself won't lead you to good health. However, if a location is within 30-45 minutes walking distance from your home, walking there should be your first priority. Beyond that, a bicycle should be considered for distances between 30-45 minutes of cycling distance. Beyond that you can decide between your own vehicle and public transportation.

I wouldn't rely on Google Maps and similar apps to tell you how long it takes to get somewhere. You should try yourself, as the claimed time is usually an average based on the majority of the population, who are unhealthy. Depending on your fitness level, it may take you less or more to reach your destination by walking and cycling.

As SS, it is important to strive for high achievements in all dimensions of life, which is why it is needed to grow in strength, power, flexibility and endurance/stamina/durability, as well as speed, agility and mobility. Some athletes to take inspiration from are elite gymnasts (especially artistic gymnastics), divers, swimmers, and runners to name a few. Some people to, instead, avoid inspiration from are people who have excessive bulk (i.e. Arnold Schwarzenegger) and poorly-transferable strength in general, as size doesn't equal strength.

Some good activities to get involved with are artistic gymnastics, swimming, running, and hiking. If you can do 5 km runs, considering building up to half-marathons, then marathons and ultra-marathons. Also, as an integral part of this path, it is highly advised to practice physical routines from hatha yoga and kundalini yoga, as they will allow you to advance faster. The more capable your body is, the better your mind-body/soul-body coordination and the healthier you will be on this path.

You may also want to look into martial arts because it is important to be able to defend yourself and to become martially capable, especially if you are a man. It's more important than self-sabotaging thoughts like "I've never been interested in martial arts" or "I don't want to" or "I don't have time". Lower thoughts like just work to undermine you and your existence in this world. Be respectful of yourself and the life the Gods gifted to you, as life is a privilege, not an entitlement. It's a precious gift.

Mental Health
Aside from what Invictus stated in his points 3 and 4, also read the new post from HP Hooded Cobra about People in Our Life.

To grow as a person, the first thing is self-discipline, as that allows you to build yourself by providing a structure and allowing you to understand what truly matters, which is not the lower urges of the body and the mind. Those lower urges instead work on decaying you and chipping away your lifeforce and your life itself.

What you need to do for a successful life is to build supportive systems, not just "habits". It's all about creating an environment that naturally leads to success. For this, you can read James Clear's book Atomic Habits which is very helpful. For goal-setting, I may have some suggestions too, if needed.

Here's a collection of posts I suggest reading:
You also need to start understanding your mind and yourself better, which is were introspective meditation comes into place.

To have mental health is not to just get rid of harmful beliefs, traumas and hangups but also to grow it. The meditation I gave you, together with posts from HP Hooded Cobra and other members will help you do just that. The list is not exhaustive. To grow your mind and emotions is also to challenge them. You need to learn new things and expand your awareness, which is where hobbies come into especially hobbies that require a great deal of thinking and strategy like chess.

Keeping your mind and memory in a state of growth will prevent it from shrinking and decaying. Now, Jim Qwik has a lot of techniques for improving your memory. Not just your general memory but different, specific types of memory. And, of course, the Loci technique (aka memory palaces) is also a great way to become a memory master.

Additional Things
All breathing exercises on our website are useful to keep you healthy and improve yourself. As a bare minimum, it would useful to incorporate the alternate nostril breathing and the breath of fire in your routine. Choosing a cooling, lunar breath would be helpful too. These are usually breathing exercises where you inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose, or just slower breathing exercises.

You also need to clean your soul and build an aura of protection at least twice daily, when waking up and immediately before sleep; as well as feed your soul through meditations where you breathe energy in and vibrate mantras.

Finally, void meditation is also part of the bare minimum as it will help you develop your ability to focus for longer and longer periods of time. Not only that, it will help you control urges and be the master of your mind and emotions, instead of being a slave to them.

You don't need to apply everything at once or at all. This is your choice and it's neither professional medical/psychiatric advice nor professional financial advice. Changes happen best when they happen gradually over time. The book I suggested will help you make meaningful changes and improve your life.
A must read for every human in this world

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
