Stop hesitating. A girl is showing you attention? Congratulations, you are good-looking, go for it.
Women take a lot of care to not give any attention to men they don't find attractive, because they don't want to give ugly men any indications that they are approachable.
Women complain often that "if I smile at a man, he takes it as a sign to hit on me." This is something you'll hear often. In reaction, they compound the issue by ignoring men more and more, since most men are ugly to women.
This feedback loop creates a "self-fulfilling prophesy."
Women will claim that just because they give a man attention doesn't mean that they are attracted to the man, but they make the statement true by putting forth effort to avoid ugly men, and only give attention to men they find attractive.
If you walk up to a woman and start talking to her, and she doesn't look at you, makes the conversation awkward, and gives you one-word answers, it's time to EVAC. Simply say something like "have a nice day," and walk away.
Cold approaching is retarded, and should not be engaged in. Do not listen to naysayers. Do not cold approach. Do NOT do it.
Only approach if a woman is giving you IOIs (Indicators of Interest). Warm approaching is best. Getting familiar with women in comfortable social circles is the best option. If you're a gigachad, you can actually break the "no cold approach" idea I expressed above, but you won't need to, as women will approach you, as they clearly are according to what you have said.
If a woman is giving you the time of day and taking the initiative to talk you, in this day and age, that is an IOI. Try asking her out.
Women make conversations with ugly men as awkward as possible on purpose. If she finds you attractive, she will meet you halfway and beyond, she will make things very easy for you.
Your behavior as a man does not matter to women, it only matters to the cohesiveness of society. Women worship serial killers like Ted Bundy. Since I've mentioned it, now I have to provide a citation, because I know people won't believe me.
The above video is from a woman complaining that there are thousands of women online crushing on Ted Bundy. The actor that played him in a Netflix series was Zac Efron, an attractive male celebrity, and people commented that the resemblance was so striking that it gave them chills.
The above is simply a point in favor of the assertion that behaviors are meaningless in regards to attracting women. I will not change my behaviors in any way shape of form in order to attract women. I will do what I want, when I want, how I want, why I want. The normie advice, "Just be yourself" is actually true for attractive men.
Just be yourself. Your looks are all you need. If a woman is giving you attention at all, you are good-looking, and it's time to stop with the ridiculous illusion of "self-doubt." Confidence means nothing. You are good-looking, this means that you have won, and it is time to claim your prize. Women WANT you to do that, and they want you to stop playing around, and just go get them, because you as an attractive men are what women want.
The above means that you can be whatever kind of man you want to be, you can be shy, insecure, aggressive, assertive confident, quiet, loud, open, mysterious, it does not matter, because women will do whatever it takes to give you the "win condition experience." Women will follow your lead if they are attracted to you, so just do whatever you want around women.
I hope that I have woken you up. Wake up. Go get her. There are millions of people out there that would call you a mentalcel/volcel.
Don't worry about ridiculous and frivolous distractions such as "I don't have a house, I don't make enough money, my life isn't organized." Women get with attractive men regardless of how wealthy or well-to-do those men are. Good-looking men who work at McDonalds have girlfriends.
I just wanted to insert the above just in case you needed to see that as well.
To address specific things that you have said:
Attraction between men is women is entirely physical and based on looks, and behaviors are completely irrelevant to attraction. Behaviors and character ONLY come into play after there is attraction, and I use the term attraction alone because attraction is attraction, which refers to looks. When a woman finds a man physically attractive, she will want to be with him regardless of his behaviors, but at that point, it is up to the man to behave in a manner that makes a positive contribution to the cohesiveness of the relationship and to not engage in anti-social behaviors that are at odds with society.
The above is to say that you can just relax when it comes to attraction. Throw the "Red Pill" away. The Black Pill won the debate as a whole several years ago, and is in reality The Final White Pill. The stronger and more "brutal" and "horrible" the Black Pill is, the better, as the principle underlying it can be taken advantage of to create an even better society in which men and women are extremely happy and fulfilled. I am probably one of the only people on Earth that can see this, so the responsibility to put this universal truth into practice on a civilizational scale is on my shoulders.
AskSatanOperator said:
I’ve been watching a lot of the videos lately where they say “you have to become the alpha male, or women will cheat on you etc” and it sometimes gives me a painful feeling in my stomach, then I go back to void meditation.
The reason why it gives you painful feeling in your stomach is because you shouldn't have to be hardass to keep women attracted to you. If a woman gives you "shit tests," she is already not attracted to you. There is no such thing as having to "pass a shit test." That is useless nonsense and the very knowledge of the idea of "passing shit tests" will be purged from the memory of all humanity. Women do not give shit tests to men they are attracted to.
Attraction is very natural and easy, it's not hard at all, our ancestors have been procreating for thousands of years, it doesn't take a dating coach to tell people how to attract the opposite sex. You can relax and rest easy on that. The fact that dating coaches are a thing is an indicator that the cohesiveness of society has collapsed, and that dysgenics has set in. This will change, because people like myself will make it change, and that is all there is to it.
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have a father figure in your life. This is a very common and unfortunate circumstance that millions of young men have found themselves in. An intelligent and wise father would have told you the exact things I'm telling you now years ago when you were a teenager, but 24 is still a reasonable age to learn these things, now is the time to act on this knowledge, don't procrastinate. I procrastinated and hesitated, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.
Do not listen to anyone that tells you that there is plenty of time to get a girlfriend or that your 20's are too early to get married, or that you should "focus on your career or education." Tell those retards to fuck off. Get a girlfriend, get married and have children NOW, if a woman is willing to be with you, go for it, do not wait, or you WILL regret it. Time is cruel in this regard.
This should be sufficient for now. I know that I have been very blunt, but I really want you to take advantage of what I revealed to you, I'm glad to help. When I see a question like yours, I know that it is necessary to simply give you the straight cold blunt and hard-hitting truth, because very few people will tell you what I have told you, and I don't want you to miss out and get lost in obfuscation.
By all means do love spells, spiritually advance, and use Satanic Magick. Just don't waste time on anything that resembles Pick-Up-Artistry, Red Pill nonsense, or anything that tells you that you have to behave a certain way to attract women. I will refuse to modify my behaviors to attract women, because I certainly didn't need to for women ever before.
To clarify about behaviors, you should still make choices that will escalate your relationships with women. If you are good-looking, the door is open, you need to do what you are supposed to do to enter the door. Do not entertain delusions that you have to be "confident," I detest that notion. Do what your looks dictate you can do. If you are good-looking, the world is your oyster, and women want you. It's really that simple, and I hope that you find that relieving and encouraging. Throw away all of that tense stuff on YouTube that tells you that you have to be an "alpha male" or women will cheat on you.
Go get the girl. She's been giving you hints, and is tired of waiting on you, so ask her out now before it's too late. Women do not wait, they have plenty of options, and have no reason to wait on you, so now is the only time. Go.
Hail Satan!