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Question #359: View on Gender Roles and sexual attraction


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hi I’ve been an SS since I was 18 (24 now)
Been meditating (sometime more and less successful) and doing the final RTR since it was released.

Why I ask about this: I’ve been getting a lot of attraction/attention from a girl a few months ago, it’s gotten much less until now so I’m just generally confused and don’t know what to believe.

I’m very confused right now about male/female interaction. Is it true/does it correlate with the JoS what they say in all the YouTube videos (man is supposed to be strong etc, women are the submissive gender). I have very little experience with women so I’d like to know/have a full introduction how Satan has meant it to be and how I’m supposed to be as a man. My birth chart has a lot of placements saying that I’m more sensitive, can’t let go easy in relationships (I have lot of water/fire and no placement in earth at all). Also I grew up with a mother only and never met my father or had any male role model in real life.

It would be great if you can give me some guidance or hint into which direction I should focus on working. I’ve been watching a lot of the videos lately where they say “you have to become the alpha male, or women will cheat on you etc” and it sometimes gives me a painful feeling in my stomach, then I go back to void meditation.

Will I end up being happy sexually if I do the love spell workings on the JoS?

I wanted to post this for some time but was afraid because I remember to not share too much personal info on the forums so I’m really glad about this option to post questions anonymously.

I’m not that good at writing texts so sorry if this was a bit hard to read or anything and thank you for reading through it anyways.

Hail Satan
Abyssos said:
Stop hesitating. A girl is showing you attention? Congratulations, you are good-looking, go for it.

Women take a lot of care to not give any attention to men they don't find attractive, because they don't want to give ugly men any indications that they are approachable.

Women complain often that "if I smile at a man, he takes it as a sign to hit on me." This is something you'll hear often. In reaction, they compound the issue by ignoring men more and more, since most men are ugly to women.

This feedback loop creates a "self-fulfilling prophesy."

Women will claim that just because they give a man attention doesn't mean that they are attracted to the man, but they make the statement true by putting forth effort to avoid ugly men, and only give attention to men they find attractive.

If you walk up to a woman and start talking to her, and she doesn't look at you, makes the conversation awkward, and gives you one-word answers, it's time to EVAC. Simply say something like "have a nice day," and walk away.

Cold approaching is retarded, and should not be engaged in. Do not listen to naysayers. Do not cold approach. Do NOT do it.

Only approach if a woman is giving you IOIs (Indicators of Interest). Warm approaching is best. Getting familiar with women in comfortable social circles is the best option. If you're a gigachad, you can actually break the "no cold approach" idea I expressed above, but you won't need to, as women will approach you, as they clearly are according to what you have said.

If a woman is giving you the time of day and taking the initiative to talk you, in this day and age, that is an IOI. Try asking her out.

Women make conversations with ugly men as awkward as possible on purpose. If she finds you attractive, she will meet you halfway and beyond, she will make things very easy for you.

Your behavior as a man does not matter to women, it only matters to the cohesiveness of society. Women worship serial killers like Ted Bundy. Since I've mentioned it, now I have to provide a citation, because I know people won't believe me.


The above video is from a woman complaining that there are thousands of women online crushing on Ted Bundy. The actor that played him in a Netflix series was Zac Efron, an attractive male celebrity, and people commented that the resemblance was so striking that it gave them chills.

The above is simply a point in favor of the assertion that behaviors are meaningless in regards to attracting women. I will not change my behaviors in any way shape of form in order to attract women. I will do what I want, when I want, how I want, why I want. The normie advice, "Just be yourself" is actually true for attractive men.

Just be yourself. Your looks are all you need. If a woman is giving you attention at all, you are good-looking, and it's time to stop with the ridiculous illusion of "self-doubt." Confidence means nothing. You are good-looking, this means that you have won, and it is time to claim your prize. Women WANT you to do that, and they want you to stop playing around, and just go get them, because you as an attractive men are what women want.

The above means that you can be whatever kind of man you want to be, you can be shy, insecure, aggressive, assertive confident, quiet, loud, open, mysterious, it does not matter, because women will do whatever it takes to give you the "win condition experience." Women will follow your lead if they are attracted to you, so just do whatever you want around women.

I hope that I have woken you up. Wake up. Go get her. There are millions of people out there that would call you a mentalcel/volcel.

Don't worry about ridiculous and frivolous distractions such as "I don't have a house, I don't make enough money, my life isn't organized." Women get with attractive men regardless of how wealthy or well-to-do those men are. Good-looking men who work at McDonalds have girlfriends.

I just wanted to insert the above just in case you needed to see that as well.

To address specific things that you have said:

Attraction between men is women is entirely physical and based on looks, and behaviors are completely irrelevant to attraction. Behaviors and character ONLY come into play after there is attraction, and I use the term attraction alone because attraction is attraction, which refers to looks. When a woman finds a man physically attractive, she will want to be with him regardless of his behaviors, but at that point, it is up to the man to behave in a manner that makes a positive contribution to the cohesiveness of the relationship and to not engage in anti-social behaviors that are at odds with society.

The above is to say that you can just relax when it comes to attraction. Throw the "Red Pill" away. The Black Pill won the debate as a whole several years ago, and is in reality The Final White Pill. The stronger and more "brutal" and "horrible" the Black Pill is, the better, as the principle underlying it can be taken advantage of to create an even better society in which men and women are extremely happy and fulfilled. I am probably one of the only people on Earth that can see this, so the responsibility to put this universal truth into practice on a civilizational scale is on my shoulders.

AskSatanOperator said:
I’ve been watching a lot of the videos lately where they say “you have to become the alpha male, or women will cheat on you etc” and it sometimes gives me a painful feeling in my stomach, then I go back to void meditation.

The reason why it gives you painful feeling in your stomach is because you shouldn't have to be hardass to keep women attracted to you. If a woman gives you "shit tests," she is already not attracted to you. There is no such thing as having to "pass a shit test." That is useless nonsense and the very knowledge of the idea of "passing shit tests" will be purged from the memory of all humanity. Women do not give shit tests to men they are attracted to.

Attraction is very natural and easy, it's not hard at all, our ancestors have been procreating for thousands of years, it doesn't take a dating coach to tell people how to attract the opposite sex. You can relax and rest easy on that. The fact that dating coaches are a thing is an indicator that the cohesiveness of society has collapsed, and that dysgenics has set in. This will change, because people like myself will make it change, and that is all there is to it.

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have a father figure in your life. This is a very common and unfortunate circumstance that millions of young men have found themselves in. An intelligent and wise father would have told you the exact things I'm telling you now years ago when you were a teenager, but 24 is still a reasonable age to learn these things, now is the time to act on this knowledge, don't procrastinate. I procrastinated and hesitated, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Do not listen to anyone that tells you that there is plenty of time to get a girlfriend or that your 20's are too early to get married, or that you should "focus on your career or education." Tell those retards to fuck off. Get a girlfriend, get married and have children NOW, if a woman is willing to be with you, go for it, do not wait, or you WILL regret it. Time is cruel in this regard.

This should be sufficient for now. I know that I have been very blunt, but I really want you to take advantage of what I revealed to you, I'm glad to help. When I see a question like yours, I know that it is necessary to simply give you the straight cold blunt and hard-hitting truth, because very few people will tell you what I have told you, and I don't want you to miss out and get lost in obfuscation.

By all means do love spells, spiritually advance, and use Satanic Magick. Just don't waste time on anything that resembles Pick-Up-Artistry, Red Pill nonsense, or anything that tells you that you have to behave a certain way to attract women. I will refuse to modify my behaviors to attract women, because I certainly didn't need to for women ever before.

To clarify about behaviors, you should still make choices that will escalate your relationships with women. If you are good-looking, the door is open, you need to do what you are supposed to do to enter the door. Do not entertain delusions that you have to be "confident," I detest that notion. Do what your looks dictate you can do. If you are good-looking, the world is your oyster, and women want you. It's really that simple, and I hope that you find that relieving and encouraging. Throw away all of that tense stuff on YouTube that tells you that you have to be an "alpha male" or women will cheat on you.

Go get the girl. She's been giving you hints, and is tired of waiting on you, so ask her out now before it's too late. Women do not wait, they have plenty of options, and have no reason to wait on you, so now is the only time. Go.

Hail Satan!
Women love serial killers?
First everyone loves beauty both men and women.Secondly men always choose women who harm them over the ones who are too nice to them no matter how pretty these women are.Women dont smile or talk too much to people they dont know because its dangerous.You could get killed over trusting the wrong person.Specially if you are a woman
A very marginal percent of women "really" like "Serial killers". These women clearly are only fantasizing and aren't dead, which means they are only "fantasizing", and this fantasy is based on the surreal things likely promoted by the media.

The reasons of this is because of other aspects not related to the negativity of these clearly moronic actions. Media sensationalism can accelerate this marginal percent to a little higher but that's it.

There is no "women in general", you have to learn to start understanding what kind of woman you have interest for, which can only come after a series of failures.

It is normal for most women or at least a strong portion of women to want men that will be able to protect them in dire circumstances.

Because of absence of actual powerful males in society, a percent of women tend to fantasize about what has remained of what resembles strength, including gang members or other men like that, yet they also frequently fantasize strongly over police men, firefighters and other professions such as the military. A certain amount of women do.

In the realistic world, besides the fantasies, these types of men scare the overwhelming amount of women and will not want them, in contrast to what Abyssos and many other people say, because on the linear level of danger involved, nobody wants to live this 24/7. Women also avoid stress in more than one ways.

There is a scale between friendliness and proper social capacities, and then aggression, which is the best indicator for attractive males.

There are also other types of women who want men they can take "control" over, and this number is not at shortage either. Yet in all extents, they will expect you to act at least to some extent like a man.
Abyssos said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Women love serial killers?
Yes, women love serial killers. Don't ask me why, go find any one of the millions of women that gush over hot serial killers online and ask them. I've met women in person who openly talked about being fascinated with serial killers, and listened to podcasts analyzing their psychology. Women are fascinated with violence, abuse, and pain. I don't understand why, but it is true. I don't like that it's true, but it's undeniable.

First everyone loves beauty both men and women.Secondly men always choose women who harm them over the ones who are too nice to them no matter how pretty these women are.
Women always choose men who harm them over the ones who are too nice to them no matter how kind, loving, sincere, honest, and hardworking these nice men are.

Women dont smile or talk too much to people they dont know because its dangerous.You could get killed over trusting the wrong person.Specially if you are a woman.
Yes, it is dangerous to a woman's self-esteem to give the time of day to an average-looking hardworking white man in a small town, instead, they would prefer to go to college in a big diverse city where they will learn very quickly that they can't go outside. This phenomenon is highly common. There are millions of white women in the United States who have left their safe small towns in favor of (((diverse))) big cities, who end up getting raped, beaten and abused by non-whites, and they end up just staying inside their houses out of fear.

In addition, most women flock to abusive and dangerous men. Don't ask me why, ask the women that do this. I have watched with my own eyes as several women that I knew made poor decisions and ruined their lives, while I made good decisions, worked hard, and kept my life in the best order that I could. This is very common.

When (((diversity))) increases, white women learn that they can't act nice or feminine anymore, because non-whites will brutalize them and have revenge on them for being superior. White women in (((diverse))) urban environments tend to start cutting their hair and stop acting kind to people.

I can tell you live in a big city by what you have said.

Small towns are the places that have the most whites, but these towns are so boring and stuffy due to being ruled by boomers, that most young people want to leave these small towns in favor of the exciting big cities where they can have an exciting career. Young women that graduate have the financial power to go to the big cities since they easily get into colleges, whereas young white men will often find themselves trapped in the small towns and will have to go to work. American society (and societies around the world) has broken down, and it will require hard and cruel men who do not hesitate to ruthlessly put tough and unpopular decisions into practice to fix the problems.

A rigid program of deporting non-whites must be implemented. All the criminals will be mercilessly punished, and the decent non-whites will be given leeway and possibly even support when they are deported. American communities must be made safe for white women to act feminine again. Boomer status-quo politics will be completely eliminated in favor of virile and fertile culture. Bad behavior from women will no longer have the thousands of safety nets that jews have provided, all of these safety nets will be removed, and women will be expected to be decent people. Men who are abusive will simply be gotten rid of, as in they will be logged out of MeinKraft.

The future leaders of Aryan culture are going to be vicious and merciless, as well as wise, kind, loving, and empathetic to those who are good. When the dust has settled and all the marbles are collected, things are going to happen quickly, and I look forward to seeing it.

Have you not registered anything that I have tried to convey in my previous replies? There are a number of women that may put up with bad behavior for the sake of looks but this doesn't mean that all women like psychos and criminals or a man should model himself to attract such people. Also, no the majority of women are not attracted to psychos. I hope I did not give this impression in any of my previous posts to have agreed with this because I don't, but only attempted to convey that a lot of people in general are immature and make bad choices and put up with bad personality for shallow reasons and how I personally disagree with this happening (my ugga and thunk example for instance), but it is certainly not ALL, and even ones who are immature eventually grow up. I by no means meant to convey that this is all there is because that is not true. Please understand this.

You are focusing one sidedly and tunnel vision like on one category of of women that does not speak for all. So please don't tell guys they have to do things to attract the type of woman you speak of because this is not every woman on the planet, plus attracting such a woman you describe only invites pain and disaster in the first place. There ARE ALOT OF good AND MATURE women out there who aren't like this so please stop telling people there isn't.
Abyssos said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Women love serial killers?
Yes, women love serial killers. Don't ask me why, go find any one of the millions of women that gush over hot serial killers online and ask them. I've met women in person who openly talked about being fascinated with serial killers, and listened to podcasts analyzing their psychology. Women are fascinated with violence, abuse, and pain. I don't understand why, but it is true. I don't like that it's true, but it's undeniable.

First everyone loves beauty both men and women.Secondly men always choose women who harm them over the ones who are too nice to them no matter how pretty these women are.
Women always choose men who harm them over the ones who are too nice to them no matter how kind, loving, sincere, honest, and hardworking these nice men are.

Women dont smile or talk too much to people they dont know because its dangerous.You could get killed over trusting the wrong person.Specially if you are a woman.
Yes, it is dangerous to a woman's self-esteem to give the time of day to an average-looking hardworking white man in a small town, instead, they would prefer to go to college in a big diverse city where they will learn very quickly that they can't go outside. This phenomenon is highly common. There are millions of white women in the United States who have left their safe small towns in favor of (((diverse))) big cities, who end up getting raped, beaten and abused by non-whites, and they end up just staying inside their houses out of fear.

In addition, most women flock to abusive and dangerous men. Don't ask me why, ask the women that do this. I have watched with my own eyes as several women that I knew made poor decisions and ruined their lives, while I made good decisions, worked hard, and kept my life in the best order that I could. This is very common.

When (((diversity))) increases, white women learn that they can't act nice or feminine anymore, because non-whites will brutalize them and have revenge on them for being superior. White women in (((diverse))) urban environments tend to start cutting their hair and stop acting kind to people.

I can tell you live in a big city by what you have said.

Small towns are the places that have the most whites, but these towns are so boring and stuffy due to being ruled by boomers, that most young people want to leave these small towns in favor of the exciting big cities where they can have an exciting career. Young women that graduate have the financial power to go to the big cities since they easily get into colleges, whereas young white men will often find themselves trapped in the small towns and will have to go to work. American society (and societies around the world) has broken down, and it will require hard and cruel men who do not hesitate to ruthlessly put tough and unpopular decisions into practice to fix the problems.

A rigid program of deporting non-whites must be implemented. All the criminals will be mercilessly punished, and the decent non-whites will be given leeway and possibly even support when they are deported. American communities must be made safe for white women to act feminine again. Boomer status-quo politics will be completely eliminated in favor of virile and fertile culture. Bad behavior from women will no longer have the thousands of safety nets that jews have provided, all of these safety nets will be removed, and women will be expected to be decent people. Men who are abusive will simply be gotten rid of, as in they will be logged out of MeinKraft.

The future leaders of Aryan culture are going to be vicious and merciless, as well as wise, kind, loving, and empathetic to those who are good. When the dust has settled and all the marbles are collected, things are going to happen quickly, and I look forward to seeing it.

Idiots exist everywhere.Have you not seen how men talk about female criminals when they are pretty?A lot of men and women are stupid.Actually right now the majority of human beings are ignorant
Just imagine:2 billions are muslims,two billions are christians,so many confused.
Im not American or Aryan so I dont know about that part
Missrainbow1 said:
Abyssos said:
Stop hesitating. A girl is showing you attention? Congratulations, you are good-looking, go for it.

Women take a lot of care to not give any attention to men they don't find attractive, because they don't want to give ugly men any indications that they are approachable.

Women complain often that "if I smile at a man, he takes it as a sign to hit on me." This is something you'll hear often. In reaction, they compound the issue by ignoring men more and more, since most men are ugly to women.

This feedback loop creates a "self-fulfilling prophesy."

Women will claim that just because they give a man attention doesn't mean that they are attracted to the man, but they make the statement true by putting forth effort to avoid ugly men, and only give attention to men they find attractive.

If you walk up to a woman and start talking to her, and she doesn't look at you, makes the conversation awkward, and gives you one-word answers, it's time to EVAC. Simply say something like "have a nice day," and walk away.

Cold approaching is retarded, and should not be engaged in. Do not listen to naysayers. Do not cold approach. Do NOT do it.

Only approach if a woman is giving you IOIs (Indicators of Interest). Warm approaching is best. Getting familiar with women in comfortable social circles is the best option. If you're a gigachad, you can actually break the "no cold approach" idea I expressed above, but you won't need to, as women will approach you, as they clearly are according to what you have said.

If a woman is giving you the time of day and taking the initiative to talk you, in this day and age, that is an IOI. Try asking her out.

Women make conversations with ugly men as awkward as possible on purpose. If she finds you attractive, she will meet you halfway and beyond, she will make things very easy for you.

Your behavior as a man does not matter to women, it only matters to the cohesiveness of society. Women worship serial killers like Ted Bundy. Since I've mentioned it, now I have to provide a citation, because I know people won't believe me.


The above video is from a woman complaining that there are thousands of women online crushing on Ted Bundy. The actor that played him in a Netflix series was Zac Efron, an attractive male celebrity, and people commented that the resemblance was so striking that it gave them chills.

The above is simply a point in favor of the assertion that behaviors are meaningless in regards to attracting women. I will not change my behaviors in any way shape of form in order to attract women. I will do what I want, when I want, how I want, why I want. The normie advice, "Just be yourself" is actually true for attractive men.

Just be yourself. Your looks are all you need. If a woman is giving you attention at all, you are good-looking, and it's time to stop with the ridiculous illusion of "self-doubt." Confidence means nothing. You are good-looking, this means that you have won, and it is time to claim your prize. Women WANT you to do that, and they want you to stop playing around, and just go get them, because you as an attractive men are what women want.

The above means that you can be whatever kind of man you want to be, you can be shy, insecure, aggressive, assertive confident, quiet, loud, open, mysterious, it does not matter, because women will do whatever it takes to give you the "win condition experience." Women will follow your lead if they are attracted to you, so just do whatever you want around women.

I hope that I have woken you up. Wake up. Go get her. There are millions of people out there that would call you a mentalcel/volcel.

Don't worry about ridiculous and frivolous distractions such as "I don't have a house, I don't make enough money, my life isn't organized." Women get with attractive men regardless of how wealthy or well-to-do those men are. Good-looking men who work at McDonalds have girlfriends.

I just wanted to insert the above just in case you needed to see that as well.

To address specific things that you have said:

Attraction between men is women is entirely physical and based on looks, and behaviors are completely irrelevant to attraction. Behaviors and character ONLY come into play after there is attraction, and I use the term attraction alone because attraction is attraction, which refers to looks. When a woman finds a man physically attractive, she will want to be with him regardless of his behaviors, but at that point, it is up to the man to behave in a manner that makes a positive contribution to the cohesiveness of the relationship and to not engage in anti-social behaviors that are at odds with society.

The above is to say that you can just relax when it comes to attraction. Throw the "Red Pill" away. The Black Pill won the debate as a whole several years ago, and is in reality The Final White Pill. The stronger and more "brutal" and "horrible" the Black Pill is, the better, as the principle underlying it can be taken advantage of to create an even better society in which men and women are extremely happy and fulfilled. I am probably one of the only people on Earth that can see this, so the responsibility to put this universal truth into practice on a civilizational scale is on my shoulders.

AskSatanOperator said:
I’ve been watching a lot of the videos lately where they say “you have to become the alpha male, or women will cheat on you etc” and it sometimes gives me a painful feeling in my stomach, then I go back to void meditation.

The reason why it gives you painful feeling in your stomach is because you shouldn't have to be hardass to keep women attracted to you. If a woman gives you "shit tests," she is already not attracted to you. There is no such thing as having to "pass a shit test." That is useless nonsense and the very knowledge of the idea of "passing shit tests" will be purged from the memory of all humanity. Women do not give shit tests to men they are attracted to.

Attraction is very natural and easy, it's not hard at all, our ancestors have been procreating for thousands of years, it doesn't take a dating coach to tell people how to attract the opposite sex. You can relax and rest easy on that. The fact that dating coaches are a thing is an indicator that the cohesiveness of society has collapsed, and that dysgenics has set in. This will change, because people like myself will make it change, and that is all there is to it.

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have a father figure in your life. This is a very common and unfortunate circumstance that millions of young men have found themselves in. An intelligent and wise father would have told you the exact things I'm telling you now years ago when you were a teenager, but 24 is still a reasonable age to learn these things, now is the time to act on this knowledge, don't procrastinate. I procrastinated and hesitated, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Do not listen to anyone that tells you that there is plenty of time to get a girlfriend or that your 20's are too early to get married, or that you should "focus on your career or education." Tell those retards to fuck off. Get a girlfriend, get married and have children NOW, if a woman is willing to be with you, go for it, do not wait, or you WILL regret it. Time is cruel in this regard.

This should be sufficient for now. I know that I have been very blunt, but I really want you to take advantage of what I revealed to you, I'm glad to help. When I see a question like yours, I know that it is necessary to simply give you the straight cold blunt and hard-hitting truth, because very few people will tell you what I have told you, and I don't want you to miss out and get lost in obfuscation.

By all means do love spells, spiritually advance, and use Satanic Magick. Just don't waste time on anything that resembles Pick-Up-Artistry, Red Pill nonsense, or anything that tells you that you have to behave a certain way to attract women. I will refuse to modify my behaviors to attract women, because I certainly didn't need to for women ever before.

To clarify about behaviors, you should still make choices that will escalate your relationships with women. If you are good-looking, the door is open, you need to do what you are supposed to do to enter the door. Do not entertain delusions that you have to be "confident," I detest that notion. Do what your looks dictate you can do. If you are good-looking, the world is your oyster, and women want you. It's really that simple, and I hope that you find that relieving and encouraging. Throw away all of that tense stuff on YouTube that tells you that you have to be an "alpha male" or women will cheat on you.

Go get the girl. She's been giving you hints, and is tired of waiting on you, so ask her out now before it's too late. Women do not wait, they have plenty of options, and have no reason to wait on you, so now is the only time. Go.

Hail Satan!
Women love serial killers?
First everyone loves beauty both men and women.Secondly men always choose women who harm them over the ones who are too nice to them no matter how pretty these women are.Women dont smile or talk too much to people they dont know because its dangerous.You could get killed over trusting the wrong person.Specially if you are a woman

Not all men like bad bitches, just cavemen, and they are not all like this. This is also another misconception and an unfair generalization towards men, that they are all violent predators which is delusional and ridiculous. There are good and bad people out there and it's an obvious to not trust any stranger right off the bat, but telling all guys that they are all violent thugs just because they look at you or other similar things one might miss interpret as "stalking" or whatever is way over the top. I have had a guy misinterpret my smile and friendliness for romantic interest as well, and there doesn't have to be any kind of bad intent with this. He could be just sad and lonely and his wishful thinking could be driving him to see something that isn't there. Men and women alike do this and its normal human behavior for wanting affection and to interact.
Abyssos said:
Yes, women love serial killers. Don't ask me why, go find any one of the millions of women that gush over hot serial killers online and ask them. I've met women in person who openly talked about being fascinated with serial killers, and listened to podcasts analyzing their psychology. Women are fascinated with violence, abuse, and pain. I don't understand why, but it is true. I don't like that it's true, but it's undeniable.

Many women are into this yes, serial killers, bad boy attitude etc. and statistically speaking, this isn't very uncommon.
This can have other reasons behind it, like sexual arousal, triggered by possible danger. Some feel that this male is very strong, an alpha male and could protect them. Some others like to feel that vulnerable, that they don't have the weight of choice and someone else has it. Some want to help these people, get them back on the right track, control them, show power in some way. Some others have a type of trauma that their brain finds relatable. Some others learned this from their families. Others see them as a person in need for love and nurturing. Others are drawn to them because they feel the need to express their inner rebel,
or it could even be a mental health issue. It all depends on how intensified is each case and in combination with each person's personality and experiences. One destination, many roads to go.
Shadowcat said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Abyssos said:
Stop hesitating. A girl is showing you attention? Congratulations, you are good-looking, go for it.

Women take a lot of care to not give any attention to men they don't find attractive, because they don't want to give ugly men any indications that they are approachable.

Women complain often that "if I smile at a man, he takes it as a sign to hit on me." This is something you'll hear often. In reaction, they compound the issue by ignoring men more and more, since most men are ugly to women.

This feedback loop creates a "self-fulfilling prophesy."

Women will claim that just because they give a man attention doesn't mean that they are attracted to the man, but they make the statement true by putting forth effort to avoid ugly men, and only give attention to men they find attractive.

If you walk up to a woman and start talking to her, and she doesn't look at you, makes the conversation awkward, and gives you one-word answers, it's time to EVAC. Simply say something like "have a nice day," and walk away.

Cold approaching is retarded, and should not be engaged in. Do not listen to naysayers. Do not cold approach. Do NOT do it.

Only approach if a woman is giving you IOIs (Indicators of Interest). Warm approaching is best. Getting familiar with women in comfortable social circles is the best option. If you're a gigachad, you can actually break the "no cold approach" idea I expressed above, but you won't need to, as women will approach you, as they clearly are according to what you have said.

If a woman is giving you the time of day and taking the initiative to talk you, in this day and age, that is an IOI. Try asking her out.

Women make conversations with ugly men as awkward as possible on purpose. If she finds you attractive, she will meet you halfway and beyond, she will make things very easy for you.

Your behavior as a man does not matter to women, it only matters to the cohesiveness of society. Women worship serial killers like Ted Bundy. Since I've mentioned it, now I have to provide a citation, because I know people won't believe me.


The above video is from a woman complaining that there are thousands of women online crushing on Ted Bundy. The actor that played him in a Netflix series was Zac Efron, an attractive male celebrity, and people commented that the resemblance was so striking that it gave them chills.

The above is simply a point in favor of the assertion that behaviors are meaningless in regards to attracting women. I will not change my behaviors in any way shape of form in order to attract women. I will do what I want, when I want, how I want, why I want. The normie advice, "Just be yourself" is actually true for attractive men.

Just be yourself. Your looks are all you need. If a woman is giving you attention at all, you are good-looking, and it's time to stop with the ridiculous illusion of "self-doubt." Confidence means nothing. You are good-looking, this means that you have won, and it is time to claim your prize. Women WANT you to do that, and they want you to stop playing around, and just go get them, because you as an attractive men are what women want.

The above means that you can be whatever kind of man you want to be, you can be shy, insecure, aggressive, assertive confident, quiet, loud, open, mysterious, it does not matter, because women will do whatever it takes to give you the "win condition experience." Women will follow your lead if they are attracted to you, so just do whatever you want around women.

I hope that I have woken you up. Wake up. Go get her. There are millions of people out there that would call you a mentalcel/volcel.

Don't worry about ridiculous and frivolous distractions such as "I don't have a house, I don't make enough money, my life isn't organized." Women get with attractive men regardless of how wealthy or well-to-do those men are. Good-looking men who work at McDonalds have girlfriends.

I just wanted to insert the above just in case you needed to see that as well.

To address specific things that you have said:

Attraction between men is women is entirely physical and based on looks, and behaviors are completely irrelevant to attraction. Behaviors and character ONLY come into play after there is attraction, and I use the term attraction alone because attraction is attraction, which refers to looks. When a woman finds a man physically attractive, she will want to be with him regardless of his behaviors, but at that point, it is up to the man to behave in a manner that makes a positive contribution to the cohesiveness of the relationship and to not engage in anti-social behaviors that are at odds with society.

The above is to say that you can just relax when it comes to attraction. Throw the "Red Pill" away. The Black Pill won the debate as a whole several years ago, and is in reality The Final White Pill. The stronger and more "brutal" and "horrible" the Black Pill is, the better, as the principle underlying it can be taken advantage of to create an even better society in which men and women are extremely happy and fulfilled. I am probably one of the only people on Earth that can see this, so the responsibility to put this universal truth into practice on a civilizational scale is on my shoulders.

The reason why it gives you painful feeling in your stomach is because you shouldn't have to be hardass to keep women attracted to you. If a woman gives you "shit tests," she is already not attracted to you. There is no such thing as having to "pass a shit test." That is useless nonsense and the very knowledge of the idea of "passing shit tests" will be purged from the memory of all humanity. Women do not give shit tests to men they are attracted to.

Attraction is very natural and easy, it's not hard at all, our ancestors have been procreating for thousands of years, it doesn't take a dating coach to tell people how to attract the opposite sex. You can relax and rest easy on that. The fact that dating coaches are a thing is an indicator that the cohesiveness of society has collapsed, and that dysgenics has set in. This will change, because people like myself will make it change, and that is all there is to it.

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have a father figure in your life. This is a very common and unfortunate circumstance that millions of young men have found themselves in. An intelligent and wise father would have told you the exact things I'm telling you now years ago when you were a teenager, but 24 is still a reasonable age to learn these things, now is the time to act on this knowledge, don't procrastinate. I procrastinated and hesitated, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Do not listen to anyone that tells you that there is plenty of time to get a girlfriend or that your 20's are too early to get married, or that you should "focus on your career or education." Tell those retards to fuck off. Get a girlfriend, get married and have children NOW, if a woman is willing to be with you, go for it, do not wait, or you WILL regret it. Time is cruel in this regard.

This should be sufficient for now. I know that I have been very blunt, but I really want you to take advantage of what I revealed to you, I'm glad to help. When I see a question like yours, I know that it is necessary to simply give you the straight cold blunt and hard-hitting truth, because very few people will tell you what I have told you, and I don't want you to miss out and get lost in obfuscation.

By all means do love spells, spiritually advance, and use Satanic Magick. Just don't waste time on anything that resembles Pick-Up-Artistry, Red Pill nonsense, or anything that tells you that you have to behave a certain way to attract women. I will refuse to modify my behaviors to attract women, because I certainly didn't need to for women ever before.

To clarify about behaviors, you should still make choices that will escalate your relationships with women. If you are good-looking, the door is open, you need to do what you are supposed to do to enter the door. Do not entertain delusions that you have to be "confident," I detest that notion. Do what your looks dictate you can do. If you are good-looking, the world is your oyster, and women want you. It's really that simple, and I hope that you find that relieving and encouraging. Throw away all of that tense stuff on YouTube that tells you that you have to be an "alpha male" or women will cheat on you.

Go get the girl. She's been giving you hints, and is tired of waiting on you, so ask her out now before it's too late. Women do not wait, they have plenty of options, and have no reason to wait on you, so now is the only time. Go.

Hail Satan!
Women love serial killers?
First everyone loves beauty both men and women.Secondly men always choose women who harm them over the ones who are too nice to them no matter how pretty these women are.Women dont smile or talk too much to people they dont know because its dangerous.You could get killed over trusting the wrong person.Specially if you are a woman

Not all men like bad bitches, just cavemen, and they are not all like this. This is also another misconception and an unfair generalization towards men, that they are all violent predators which is delusional and ridiculous. There are good and bad people out there and it's an obvious to not trust any stranger right off the bat, but telling all guys that they are all violent thugs just because they look at you or other similar things one might miss interpret as "stalking" or whatever is way over the top. I have had a guy misinterpret my smile and friendliness for romantic interest as well, and there doesn't have to be any kind of bad intent with this. He could be just sad and lonely and his wishful thinking could be driving him to see something that isn't there. Men and women alike do this and its normal human behavior for wanting affection and to interact.
I didnt say men are violent.I said talking to strangers could be dangerous.At least where I live
Shadowcat said:
Missrainbow1 said:
Abyssos said:
Stop hesitating. A girl is showing you attention? Congratulations, you are good-looking, go for it.

Women take a lot of care to not give any attention to men they don't find attractive, because they don't want to give ugly men any indications that they are approachable.

Women complain often that "if I smile at a man, he takes it as a sign to hit on me." This is something you'll hear often. In reaction, they compound the issue by ignoring men more and more, since most men are ugly to women.

This feedback loop creates a "self-fulfilling prophesy."

Women will claim that just because they give a man attention doesn't mean that they are attracted to the man, but they make the statement true by putting forth effort to avoid ugly men, and only give attention to men they find attractive.

If you walk up to a woman and start talking to her, and she doesn't look at you, makes the conversation awkward, and gives you one-word answers, it's time to EVAC. Simply say something like "have a nice day," and walk away.

Cold approaching is retarded, and should not be engaged in. Do not listen to naysayers. Do not cold approach. Do NOT do it.

Only approach if a woman is giving you IOIs (Indicators of Interest). Warm approaching is best. Getting familiar with women in comfortable social circles is the best option. If you're a gigachad, you can actually break the "no cold approach" idea I expressed above, but you won't need to, as women will approach you, as they clearly are according to what you have said.

If a woman is giving you the time of day and taking the initiative to talk you, in this day and age, that is an IOI. Try asking her out.

Women make conversations with ugly men as awkward as possible on purpose. If she finds you attractive, she will meet you halfway and beyond, she will make things very easy for you.

Your behavior as a man does not matter to women, it only matters to the cohesiveness of society. Women worship serial killers like Ted Bundy. Since I've mentioned it, now I have to provide a citation, because I know people won't believe me.


The above video is from a woman complaining that there are thousands of women online crushing on Ted Bundy. The actor that played him in a Netflix series was Zac Efron, an attractive male celebrity, and people commented that the resemblance was so striking that it gave them chills.

The above is simply a point in favor of the assertion that behaviors are meaningless in regards to attracting women. I will not change my behaviors in any way shape of form in order to attract women. I will do what I want, when I want, how I want, why I want. The normie advice, "Just be yourself" is actually true for attractive men.

Just be yourself. Your looks are all you need. If a woman is giving you attention at all, you are good-looking, and it's time to stop with the ridiculous illusion of "self-doubt." Confidence means nothing. You are good-looking, this means that you have won, and it is time to claim your prize. Women WANT you to do that, and they want you to stop playing around, and just go get them, because you as an attractive men are what women want.

The above means that you can be whatever kind of man you want to be, you can be shy, insecure, aggressive, assertive confident, quiet, loud, open, mysterious, it does not matter, because women will do whatever it takes to give you the "win condition experience." Women will follow your lead if they are attracted to you, so just do whatever you want around women.

I hope that I have woken you up. Wake up. Go get her. There are millions of people out there that would call you a mentalcel/volcel.

Don't worry about ridiculous and frivolous distractions such as "I don't have a house, I don't make enough money, my life isn't organized." Women get with attractive men regardless of how wealthy or well-to-do those men are. Good-looking men who work at McDonalds have girlfriends.

I just wanted to insert the above just in case you needed to see that as well.

To address specific things that you have said:

Attraction between men is women is entirely physical and based on looks, and behaviors are completely irrelevant to attraction. Behaviors and character ONLY come into play after there is attraction, and I use the term attraction alone because attraction is attraction, which refers to looks. When a woman finds a man physically attractive, she will want to be with him regardless of his behaviors, but at that point, it is up to the man to behave in a manner that makes a positive contribution to the cohesiveness of the relationship and to not engage in anti-social behaviors that are at odds with society.

The above is to say that you can just relax when it comes to attraction. Throw the "Red Pill" away. The Black Pill won the debate as a whole several years ago, and is in reality The Final White Pill. The stronger and more "brutal" and "horrible" the Black Pill is, the better, as the principle underlying it can be taken advantage of to create an even better society in which men and women are extremely happy and fulfilled. I am probably one of the only people on Earth that can see this, so the responsibility to put this universal truth into practice on a civilizational scale is on my shoulders.

The reason why it gives you painful feeling in your stomach is because you shouldn't have to be hardass to keep women attracted to you. If a woman gives you "shit tests," she is already not attracted to you. There is no such thing as having to "pass a shit test." That is useless nonsense and the very knowledge of the idea of "passing shit tests" will be purged from the memory of all humanity. Women do not give shit tests to men they are attracted to.

Attraction is very natural and easy, it's not hard at all, our ancestors have been procreating for thousands of years, it doesn't take a dating coach to tell people how to attract the opposite sex. You can relax and rest easy on that. The fact that dating coaches are a thing is an indicator that the cohesiveness of society has collapsed, and that dysgenics has set in. This will change, because people like myself will make it change, and that is all there is to it.

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have a father figure in your life. This is a very common and unfortunate circumstance that millions of young men have found themselves in. An intelligent and wise father would have told you the exact things I'm telling you now years ago when you were a teenager, but 24 is still a reasonable age to learn these things, now is the time to act on this knowledge, don't procrastinate. I procrastinated and hesitated, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

Do not listen to anyone that tells you that there is plenty of time to get a girlfriend or that your 20's are too early to get married, or that you should "focus on your career or education." Tell those retards to fuck off. Get a girlfriend, get married and have children NOW, if a woman is willing to be with you, go for it, do not wait, or you WILL regret it. Time is cruel in this regard.

This should be sufficient for now. I know that I have been very blunt, but I really want you to take advantage of what I revealed to you, I'm glad to help. When I see a question like yours, I know that it is necessary to simply give you the straight cold blunt and hard-hitting truth, because very few people will tell you what I have told you, and I don't want you to miss out and get lost in obfuscation.

By all means do love spells, spiritually advance, and use Satanic Magick. Just don't waste time on anything that resembles Pick-Up-Artistry, Red Pill nonsense, or anything that tells you that you have to behave a certain way to attract women. I will refuse to modify my behaviors to attract women, because I certainly didn't need to for women ever before.

To clarify about behaviors, you should still make choices that will escalate your relationships with women. If you are good-looking, the door is open, you need to do what you are supposed to do to enter the door. Do not entertain delusions that you have to be "confident," I detest that notion. Do what your looks dictate you can do. If you are good-looking, the world is your oyster, and women want you. It's really that simple, and I hope that you find that relieving and encouraging. Throw away all of that tense stuff on YouTube that tells you that you have to be an "alpha male" or women will cheat on you.

Go get the girl. She's been giving you hints, and is tired of waiting on you, so ask her out now before it's too late. Women do not wait, they have plenty of options, and have no reason to wait on you, so now is the only time. Go.

Hail Satan!
Women love serial killers?
First everyone loves beauty both men and women.Secondly men always choose women who harm them over the ones who are too nice to them no matter how pretty these women are.Women dont smile or talk too much to people they dont know because its dangerous.You could get killed over trusting the wrong person.Specially if you are a woman

Not all men like bad bitches, just cavemen, and they are not all like this. This is also another misconception and an unfair generalization towards men, that they are all violent predators which is delusional and ridiculous. There are good and bad people out there and it's an obvious to not trust any stranger right off the bat, but telling all guys that they are all violent thugs just because they look at you or other similar things one might miss interpret as "stalking" or whatever is way over the top. I have had a guy misinterpret my smile and friendliness for romantic interest as well, and there doesn't have to be any kind of bad intent with this. He could be just sad and lonely and his wishful thinking could be driving him to see something that isn't there. Men and women alike do this and its normal human behavior for wanting affection and to interact.
What I was saying is that the majority of people are ignorant these days and it has nothing to do with their gender.I didnt mention any gender when I said we cant trust strangers.Men too cant trust strangers so easily.I personally would want to make sure the girl my brother loves could be trusted.I think behavior depends on culture a lot)))Where I live smiling at strangers could make you look crazy to them and they may frown at you
I’m new, so take it what it’s worth:

But the blackpill totally freed me from Judeo-Christian slavery, and working with Lucifer and Lilith has been my recovery from the trauma of it. I personally believe Lilith, in one of her darker manifestations, led me to it.

The blackpill is more than the mere superficiality and “lust” of dating, or that some people have it better than others in dating. Fundamentally, the blackpill reveals that there is no “equilibrium” principle in life where everyone’s struggles balance out. There is no genuine “justice”. And more than this, it penetrates the resentment-based morality and manifestly, objectively shows that hierarchical superiority is better than being lesser. There is no virtue in being poor. There is no virtue in being ugly. There is no virtue in being stupid.

It’s not popular today, but the best way to integrate this is to recognize that while some men are blessed more than others, you still have the potential to embrace your masculinity as a man and show yourself as a warrior who fears nothing. And then you can just hope that some noble woman respects you for it.
Eamonomae said:
I’m new, so take it what it’s worth:

But the blackpill totally freed me from Judeo-Christian slavery, and working with Lucifer and Lilith has been my recovery from the trauma of it. I personally believe Lilith, in one of her darker manifestations, led me to it.

The blackpill is more than the mere superficiality and “lust” of dating, or that some people have it better than others in dating. Fundamentally, the blackpill reveals that there is no “equilibrium” principle in life where everyone’s struggles balance out. There is no genuine “justice”. And more than this, it penetrates the resentment-based morality and manifestly, objectively shows that hierarchical superiority is better than being lesser. There is no virtue in being poor. There is no virtue in being ugly. There is no virtue in being stupid.

It’s not popular today, but the best way to integrate this is to recognize that while some men are blessed more than others, you still have the potential to embrace your masculinity as a man and show yourself as a warrior who fears nothing. And then you can just hope that some noble woman respects you for it.

There is no virtue in being poor. There is no virtue in being ugly. There is no virtue in being stupid.
No there isn't. But the "blackpill" that tries to teach men to ONLY focus on improving looks and nothing else is way too one sided, and too short-sided as well, as it also builds on men's hangups and past hurts towards women like PUA and MGTOW does. It ruins men like feminism ruins women and gives them skewed unrealistic views and builds on their own resentment towards specific bad apples that they are brainwashed into thinking is literally everyone, giving them a forever chip on their shoulder. These narratives of these communities do not promote healing but festering, and ultimately also of the relations between the sexes.

If you are looking for a place to truly teach you to be the best version of yourself this place is it. The above communities talked about often build apon narratives to "help" that are deeply rooted in distorted views that are based on bad experiences that make men think of "its ALL" basically. I'm all for one realizing ones suffering and struggles and wanting to become better. But you will go down the wrong path by letting a narrative feed your past hurts and hangups and letting those drive your reality. I mentioned Hamza for example in another post you might not have seen. He means well and wants men to live quality lives and better themselves. But he gives them completely wrong advice when it comes to "supressing emotion" and promoting the koran, as well as basically telling men how to act and look to attract the very types they should stay away from. Most of these communities basically are saying things like, "ok all women like orcs, or all women want completely emotionless guys because they run when they see emotion so this is what you have to do to attract these women and better yourself when it comes to success with women."

with what types of women again? The ones that are immature and cant handle emotion or only want sex and are shallow? Good luck with success! Because the narrator's past experiences state that this counts for literally the entire opposite sex which is false.

These things will do nothing but steer you down a road of disappointment. Following Satanism on the other hand will open your eyes to many things including genuinely knowing all aspects of yourself beyond past hangups and distorted views based on bad happenings with anything, especially when you clean your soul. Doing this will make you forget about any "blackpill" stuff and start you down a road of true self-empowerment, empowerment of your own mind and soul.
No there isn't. But the "blackpill" that tries to teach men to ONLY focus on improving looks and nothing else is way too one sided, and too short-sided as well, as it also builds on men's hangups and past hurts towards women like PUA and MGTOW does. It ruins men like feminism ruins women and gives them skewed unrealistic views and builds on their own resentment towards specific bad apples that they are brainwashed into thinking is literally everyone, giving them a forever chip on their shoulder. These narratives of these communities do not promote healing but festering, and ultimately also of the relations between the sexes.

If you are looking for a place to truly teach you to be the best version of yourself this place is it. The above communities talked about often build apon narratives to "help" that are deeply rooted in distorted views that are based on bad experiences that make men think of "its ALL" basically. I'm all for one realizing ones suffering and struggles and wanting to become better. But you will go down the wrong path by letting a narrative feed your past hurts and hangups and letting those drive your reality. I mentioned Hamza for example in another post you might not have seen. He means well and wants men to live quality lives and better themselves. But he gives them completely wrong advice when it comes to "supressing emotion" and promoting the koran, as well as basically telling men how to act and look to attract the very types they should stay away from. Most of these communities basically are saying things like, "ok all women like orcs, or all women want completely emotionless guys because they run when they see emotion so this is what you have to do to attract these women and better yourself when it comes to success with women."

with what types of women again? The ones that are immature and cant handle emotion or only want sex and are shallow? Good luck with success! Because the narrator's past experiences state that this counts for literally the entire opposite sex which is false.

These things will do nothing but steer you down a road of disappointment. Following Satanism on the other hand will open your eyes to many things including genuinely knowing all aspects of yourself beyond past hangups and distorted views based on bad happenings with anything, especially when you clean your soul. Doing this will make you forget about any "blackpill" stuff and start you down a road of true self-empowerment, empowerment of your own mind and soul.

Irregardless of the narratives (which I disagree with), the empirical evidence it contains regarding the harsh reality of human sexuality and the role in which that plays in dictating social roles, with monogamy literally being a “supernatural” (above natural) thing that we do out of a higher form of consciousness and social cooperation is sometimes necessary. I’ve never come across any resources that was as blunt and honest about how our subconscious, animalistic urges control our behavior in ways we don’t realize.

Confronting and overcoming the blackpill if you are a heterosexual or bisexual male or female (or the substance of the blackpill), imo, is a necessary step in spiritual growth in the transformation of the individual and coming to terms with what human beings are - an animal with a higher form of consciousness which elevates is above other life forms here on earth.
Shadowcat said:
with what types of women again? The ones that are immature and cant handle emotion or only want sex and are shallow? Good luck with success! Because the narrator's past experiences state that this counts for literally the entire opposite sex which is false.
Once you overcome the blackpill (which I basically have) you see past all the moralizing bs like the above. What does it mean that a woman is “shallow”? Do you want a woman who doesn’t like sex? Do you want a woman who isn’t into making herself look pretty? Do you want a woman who really doesn’t desire who you are as a man?
You may think “shallow” just means stupid ditzy used up sorority girl, but I can assure you that unless you’re a room temperature fratboy, most men don’t want those either.

The blackpill is that, barring psychopathic handsome men who get bored of romance because they see how superficial it is, everyone wants a meaningful relationship, but women demand more because they don’t have to try as much. Tinder may be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back - you can’t leave at least 60-70% of men romanceless without grave consequences socially.

I’ve dated a number of women of various personalities and levels of maturity and I can tell you that each and every time I’ve shown romantic inexperience or emotion they get turned off and the relationship ends. There is no “woman” who can “handle emotion” - they dislike it, because they want you to be a man whom they can go to for emotional problems. It’s purely biological, because being emotional signals weakness. A woman won’t ever be honest and say that’s the reason she ended a relationship, she’ll come up with some other excuse like “oh we weren’t compatible” or “I didn’t like his personality” (another meaningless word - I just didn’t like the “personhood” of who you are behaviorally)

These things will do nothing but steer you down a road of disappointment. Following Satanism on the other hand will open your eyes to many things including genuinely knowing all aspects of yourself beyond past hangups and distorted views based on bad happenings with anything, especially when you clean your soul. Doing this will make you forget about any "blackpill" stuff and start you down a road of true self-empowerment, empowerment of your own mind and soul.

I don’t buy into the narratives of the blackpill but appreciate its empirical data. I think the rise of inceldom comes from long term social decadence and a loss of basic gender social expectations for both genders, slowly but surely overtime. I’m not saying we should turn back the clock back to the 19th century, but there was a clear turning point circa 2012 where suddenly people have totally deluded themselves into thinking that sexual desire isn’t at biological or that sexual desire plays no role in romantic relationships. I think it comes from the commodification of our culture and masses of losers making excuses for failing to live the role they were meant to live.
I feel many Men and Women who have yet to experience love or real attraction live in a fantasy world over what they think they should expect. Honestly let things develop naturally. Work on yourself and be the best version of you. Stop looking at women like they are a collective, every woman and man is their own person and has their own needs and interests.

Look inside yourself away from what friends, family and Media say Women "are" what they "like" or how you should behave to attract them. Many people have flawed opinions on the matter, and not everyone's experience will be the same. Instead start to think on what kind of women YOU want to be with. Think long about what kind of woman do you like, based on YOUR own opinion. Look for a good woman that compliments who you are.

Man and Woman are a team. both sides compliment each other. Yin and Yang, As it should be. A man isn't supposed to be domineering and controlling over women, neither is a woman to be that way towards a man. That just causes an imbalance, we aren't slaves to each other, the enemy has tried to confuse us and separate us so much because they know when we are strong together, and complimenting each other as a team, they don't stand a chance against us.

Free yourself from xian and jewish stereotypes of what men and women are, and look towards our Gods and Goddesses of good examples to follow. Most women, real women, the kind that'll stick with you for better or worse, don't care if you're rich or super hot, they just want a man who will protect them, support them, help them, and a man who cleans himself up, takes care of himself, shows initiative and shows commitment. Someone who can be a friend, a lover, a protector and a good Father.
Eamonomae said:
Shadowcat said:
with what types of women again? The ones that are immature and cant handle emotion or only want sex and are shallow? Good luck with success! Because the narrator's past experiences state that this counts for literally the entire opposite sex which is false.
Once you overcome the blackpill (which I basically have) you see past all the moralizing bs like the above. What does it mean that a woman is “shallow”? Do you want a woman who doesn’t like sex? Do you want a woman who isn’t into making herself look pretty? Do you want a woman who really doesn’t desire who you are as a man?
You may think “shallow” just means stupid ditzy used up sorority girl, but I can assure you that unless you’re a room temperature fratboy, most men don’t want those either.

The blackpill is that, barring psychopathic handsome men who get bored of romance because they see how superficial it is, everyone wants a meaningful relationship, but women demand more because they don’t have to try as much. Tinder may be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back - you can’t leave at least 60-70% of men romanceless without grave consequences socially.

I’ve dated a number of women of various personalities and levels of maturity and I can tell you that each and every time I’ve shown romantic inexperience or emotion they get turned off and the relationship ends. There is no “woman” who can “handle emotion” - they dislike it, because they want you to be a man whom they can go to for emotional problems. It’s purely biological, because being emotional signals weakness. A woman won’t ever be honest and say that’s the reason she ended a relationship, she’ll come up with some other excuse like “oh we weren’t compatible” or “I didn’t like his personality” (another meaningless word - I just didn’t like the “personhood” of who you are behaviorally)

These things will do nothing but steer you down a road of disappointment. Following Satanism on the other hand will open your eyes to many things including genuinely knowing all aspects of yourself beyond past hangups and distorted views based on bad happenings with anything, especially when you clean your soul. Doing this will make you forget about any "blackpill" stuff and start you down a road of true self-empowerment, empowerment of your own mind and soul.

I don’t buy into the narratives of the blackpill but appreciate its empirical data. I think the rise of inceldom comes from long term social decadence and a loss of basic gender social expectations for both genders, slowly but surely overtime. I’m not saying we should turn back the clock back to the 19th century, but there was a clear turning point circa 2012 where suddenly people have totally deluded themselves into thinking that sexual desire isn’t at biological or that sexual desire plays no role in romantic relationships. I think it comes from the commodification of our culture and masses of losers making excuses for failing to live the role they were meant to live.

Once you overcome the blackpill (which I basically have) you see past all the moralizing bs like the above. What does it mean that a woman is “shallow”? Do you want a woman who doesn’t like sex? Do you want a woman who isn’t into making herself look pretty? Do you want a woman who really doesn’t desire who you are as a man?
You may think “shallow” just means stupid ditzy used up sorority girl, but I can assure you that unless you’re a room temperature fratboy, most men don’t want those either.

First of all I AM a women and know very well woman have always been visual and sexual myself included. with out physical attraction you might as well be brother and sister. I also know the importance of both sexes putting effort into their appearances for the sake of aesthetics AND health and that the reasons for this being important go deeper than skin deep, but I also have always emphasized that this is only part of the equation, that personality also matters, where as the blackpill apparently try to emphasize that ONLY LOOKS matter which is bogus and unrealistic. A man can be sexually attractive to me but if he is cruel narcissistic and aggressive I will want nothing to do with him. Shallow means more than only caring about looks. Shallow also describes the women you just did that cannot handle another person's feelings.

I am certain, and you cannot convince me that if you have been in this position with a woman you have loved that this did not make you feel AWFUL and completely alone. You are a human being with feelings and there is no point of an intimate relationship on a deep level if you cannot show who you are to someone. Examples like Hamza push this narrative that women hate emotions in men but AS a woman who is grown as fuck and and APPRECIATES just this I can tell you right now any woman who cannot handle your emotions (barring bad temper and excessive whining) IS shallow, immature, and lacks empathy, and lacks the potential for a deep connection and will leave you at the drop of a hat, and there are MANY people today who cannot and are also unwilling to handle the emotions of others, much less their own.

But this doesn't make it right or healthy, and this is another example of what I mean of narratives of the blackpill and others building narratives based on past hurts and hangups from bad experiences that skew vision of what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like, and what one should want to attract and how. This forum is a satanic one, one that believes in guiding people to be the better versions of themselves in all facets. We know the enemy has pushed a lot of narratives to ruin humanity in body and soul and this includes programs that have destroyed relations between the sexes. Hamza that a lot of men look up to, pushes the koran and Islam, a jewish enemy program. One that not only hates women, but also has a lot of unrealistic expectations for men, like being emotionless robots. WE KNOW the world has degenerated in body and soul because of the enemy and it includes the mass behavior that you see in people, like being emotionally shallow and selfish, and not caring how one treats others and the consequences thereof, lacking depth in general, and also even in intellectual capacity etc, because humanity has been operating on a low level of spirituality for a long time and we are here to correct that. That is why I am telling you as a Satanist all these narratives you have been fed are bad for you and will only bring you sadness and more hangups.

Showing emotion allows for deep intimacy to take place as well as a sense of connection. Say like a guy really loves me and I love him back. He cries because he is afraid to lose me for one reason or another or he is extremely saddened by his pet dying or other. Or maybe he needs to vent. My first instinct? Hug him and comfort him. Instant feeling of closeness, but also feeling sad because when someone I love is in pain I absorb it rather easily, and it can last for some hours. Is it a burden to me? No. We go on and live our lives without my own feeling of romance and intimacy being hurt in the slightest. It has always felt normal and like the normal experience of being human and being close to someone I love. The fact that I hear that this concept is so foreign to people is so foreign to me and honestly very much saddens me. There are a lot of women, grown mature women who are offput by men not wanting to show vulnerability to them or emotion, and one who are mature enough and balanced are completely comfortable with emotion.

You should read jos and stick around here with us, and I bet you will find a lot better things that will not only show you that you can be yourself, but also have actual success with women. This can especially help if you learn magick and astrology.
SapphireDragon said:
Most women, real women, the kind that'll stick with you for better or worse, don't care if you're rich or super hot, they just want a man who will protect them, support them, help them, and a man who cleans himself up, takes care of himself, shows initiative and shows commitment. Someone who can be a friend, a lover, a protector and a good Father.

Nope. Most women do care, and we have empirical data which supports it. Additionally, they care about social status too - Adam Driver ain't the most objectively handsome man, but he's a tall popular actor (with high social status), so tons of women swoon over him.

If you are an ugly, poor sperg living with mom and dad, women aren't gonna be turned on by you.
Eamonomae said:
Nope. Most women do care, and we have empirical data which supports it. Additionally, they care about social status too - Adam Driver ain't the most objectively handsome man, but he's a tall popular actor (with high social status), so tons of women swoon over him.

If you are an ugly, poor sperg living with mom and dad, women aren't gonna be turned on by you.

I feel what I said may have been taken out of context here, or perhaps I should have phrased it better and that's on me. What I'm implying is not a lazy man who lives with his parents and doesn't take care of himself, I'm implying that a real woman, not talking about artificial women that only want sex and money, Real women care about REAL men. Not the fake pretty boy man child who pretends to be a big shot and flashes his money because that's all he has going for him. Of course women will want a man who looks good and takes care of himself and works well at his job, and does well for himself because it shows initiative and because women want stability. Ugly is really in the eye of the beholder, even if someone is average or plane looking they can still be handsome to a woman if they are clean, well put together, well dressed, and responsible.

I understand what you're saying but also most data that comes out in studies about these things is heavily ran by jewish media anyway so it's best not to put all your trust in that. There are probably a lot of women who apply to that data but those are the one's who are heavily brainwashed by enemy examples. and those women most likely won't be good partners to a true Satanic person. The jewish media also promotes unhealthy body standards, unattainable standards, and unrealistic porn fantasies, and gender dysphoria. For true data on what women want, you don't have to read data released by surveys and studies you just need to use common sense and observe through the eyes of Satanism what a healthy relationship should be.

Simply put Real women want Real men.

(Sorry didn't quote you right the first time)

Ugly is really in the eye of the beholder, even if someone is average or plane looking they can still be handsome to a woman if they are clean, well put together, well dressed, and responsible.

No looks are also not completely subjective either. Although some aspects are subjective, there are actual objective standards for being attractive physically and no amount of muh emotions for coddling people who simply don't have this will change that. Someone who is very unsymmetrical or balding and significantly overweight can dress and cleanup however they want but it won't change the sex appeal a whole lot. This isn't to say they will be forever alone but they will only have options from women who are not much more physically attractive than they are. Alot of people are in this boat and end up settling because of it.

As far as I'm concerned the example with the picture with the fat guy and woman together in another post shows this pretty well. People who are objectively ugly don't have to be forever alone, and even they can improve. They just won't have as many options. And anything can look attractive to someone who is desperate for companionship because they can't afford to have high standards, at least as far as physical attraction goes. If they did it would be a different story.

Nothing will be perfect, but the point of my previous posts on this is if people do what they can to improve sex appeal as much as they can as well as better their minds and souls they will have a chance to attract someone to fulfill them in all ways in the best way possible. Obviously going for a good and kind personality is a no brainier to boot. There would be less romantic, emotional,and sexual dissatisfaction and less people would cheat. I don't want people to have to settle I want them to be significantly satisfied and work hard to get the best they can in body and in personality, because I know this is part of what would significantly contribute to a healthier happier society. Looks ARE however and will always remain only part of the equation, but are the difference between lovers and brother and sister.

Besides there are also a number of certain imperfections others might not even be bothered by. Height is a big deal to people, but others don't mind. I've fallen for a short guy before. A few scars, blemishes or other less than perfect things can still exist with the person still being attractive. No one is going to be perfect, but it's important to take care of one self and fulfill their potential as much as possible if they do want the best options for them. Problem is most people are lazy and get pissed when someone doesn't take them as they are especially if they go out of their league. (Weather this be in look personality or both)

It's like a communist complaining that they don't get free gibs after not even working to earn it.
Shadowcat said:
No one is going to be perfect, but it's important to take care of one self and fulfill their potential as much as possible if they do want the best options for them. Problem is most people are lazy and get pissed when someone doesn't take them as they are especially if they go out of their league. (Weather this be in look personality or both)

It's like a communist complaining that they don't get free gibs after not even working to earn it.

True I can see and appreciate your perspective on the matter. Maybe it is a case of settling after all when I've seen someone that looks ugly to me with a partner who looks like they wouldn't normally be together. At least many people will find someone out there for them. They shouldn't give up hope if they are lacking in the looks department or feel bad for having to settle if their looks are something they can't fix entirely. I myself have my own flaws but am not what someone would consider ugly. I'm not inflated with ego over my looks, but I can say with healthy pride that I look good.

I've been in a lot of different relationships through my life so far and my posts above were simply speaking from my experiences with people both from my own relationships and seeing other people's relationships around me. I have never been with someone I'd consider ugly or unattractive, but I've seen close friends who have been in loving relationships with people who were.

But everyone is individual and we won't all have the same experiences. We all have our own opinions on this matter and everyone's views are individual. Thank you for sharing yours with me. I hope everyone's perspective discussed here can help the OP better understand what our views are regarding attraction and gather what applies to him, and use it for himself. Either way, ugly or attractive, just working on yourself and taking care of yourself is what matters. Father Satan and the Gods will lead you to the right person for you, just Ask them to guide you!
SapphireDragon said:
Shadowcat said:
No one is going to be perfect, but it's important to take care of one self and fulfill their potential as much as possible if they do want the best options for them. Problem is most people are lazy and get pissed when someone doesn't take them as they are especially if they go out of their league. (Weather this be in look personality or both)

It's like a communist complaining that they don't get free gibs after not even working to earn it.

True I can see and appreciate your perspective on the matter. Maybe it is a case of settling after all when I've seen someone that looks ugly to me with a partner who looks like they wouldn't normally be together. At least many people will find someone out there for them. They shouldn't give up hope if they are lacking in the looks department or feel bad for having to settle if their looks are something they can't fix entirely. I myself have my own flaws but am not what someone would consider ugly. I'm not inflated with ego over my looks, but I can say with healthy pride that I look good.

I've been in a lot of different relationships through my life so far and my posts above were simply speaking from my experiences with people both from my own relationships and seeing other people's relationships around me. I have never been with someone I'd consider ugly or unattractive, but I've seen close friends who have been in loving relationships with people who were.

But everyone is individual and we won't all have the same experiences. We all have our own opinions on this matter and everyone's views are individual. Thank you for sharing yours with me. I hope everyone's perspective discussed here can help the OP better understand what our views are regarding attraction and gather what applies to him, and use it for himself. Either way, ugly or attractive, just working on yourself and taking care of yourself is what matters. Father Satan and the Gods will lead you to the right person for you, just Ask them to guide you!

It's true, and also in the case of what can be subjective as far as what someone may or may not consider attractive also depends on the personal chart, especially the venus and mars signs, as well as any planets in the 7th house and/or on the DESC if any.

I myself have actually requested that I be guided to bring myself up to the expectations of, and have asked for a Demon partner, and my chart also supports this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
