AskSatanOperator said:
Greetings, unfortunately some of my family members are still plugged into the jewtrix and under its spell, though some are not Christians they are still affected, we had an argument about race icing and the influx of immigrants on our country, some said that it's normal and the wife from my brother in law has mixed light brown grandchildren, I told them it's not normal i understand if it happens by accident or chance but on a massive Scale it's genocide a quiet war an assimilation of our culture and country and that we have a right to preserve our national identity instead of giving wellfa3t9 migrants give to our people to increase birthrates, plus I said that when I visit a specific neighborhood in our country I almost forget that it's still my country due to the immense number of outsiders, and they were silent for a while and one of them said to me one day you will get it immigration is the future maybe your grandchildren will be mixed and you will love them,
Can you guys help me to make them see the disaster that is happening
You can explain them, what does race mixing in details which should be must focused upon and what would make their idea looking as total peace of shit compared to yours. No mercy in this.
You can tell, that what makes races unique and strong, their abilities, capacities and properties, are being destroyed when races are mixed, this way races looses their characteristics which makes them powerful, everybody becomes weak.
Also ask them do they really hate themselves so much, so they want to cut their racial tree and not see anyone who resembles them anymore?
Ask do they want to see all world as boring looking all the same, everywhere you go you see same culture and there is no place in the world to travel anymore, because everywhere you go you see same culture?
Ask them do their ancestors would be happy if their race would end up on them?
Ask them who granted them this responsibility to anihilate races and get them extinct? To go against nature in worst manner possible,
Simply ask them why they want to breed themselves out.
And after all questions tell them that this is total antihuman, evil, human-hating, alien and deadly approach to life,
make them feel as completely worthless about their adea of annihilating races, and in the end give them time to sink all that into in, and it should change their mind at least little bit.
When it comes to me, I become complete fire spitting dragon xD and make them feel as subhuman after all…
This is not acceptable, we are here to oppose it by all means.