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Hi, I'm living currently at mum's place, and she wants to sterilize my cat (boy) i don't know if it's right or not
Stormblood said:Bind her. It's very selfish and detrimental to the cat's health. Cats, like all animals, are not our property but our partners. They were brough to Earth by the Gods from their own Empire just like brought other company animals and cattle. Cattle was to serve as food while company animals as familiars and guides to some aspects of nature. As they are our partners, introducing them into our lives introduces an element of responsibility to us. We need to take care of them, not to harm.
Now, it is clear that those people wanting to sterilise animals are only serving their own selfish needs in 99% of the cases. There are cases in which sterilisation is the lesser evil when it comes to health. But that's very uncommon. For most health reasons, there are better ways to help them that don't involve damaging their sacral chakra and their kundalini.
People shouldn't choose to have animal companions if they are not ready to look after them properly.
Once some male dogs literally broke into my house to mate with my female dog. Shit was absurd, I was preparing to deal with robbers but it was just two horny dogs running after my dog.[HPS said:Lydia" post_id=472964 time=1700225028 user_id=57]
Stormblood said:Bind her. It's very selfish and detrimental to the cat's health. Cats, like all animals, are not our property but our partners. They were brough to Earth by the Gods from their own Empire just like brought other company animals and cattle. Cattle was to serve as food while company animals as familiars and guides to some aspects of nature. As they are our partners, introducing them into our lives introduces an element of responsibility to us. We need to take care of them, not to harm.
Now, it is clear that those people wanting to sterilise animals are only serving their own selfish needs in 99% of the cases. There are cases in which sterilisation is the lesser evil when it comes to health. But that's very uncommon. For most health reasons, there are better ways to help them that don't involve damaging their sacral chakra and their kundalini.
People shouldn't choose to have animal companions if they are not ready to look after them properly.
Not spaying/neutering is detrimental to their health.
Cats and dogs were not meant to breed out of control. And if they are not spayed/neutered, they can injure themselves trying to escape their home to mate. Many of them go somewhat insane from trying to mate and will destroy a house and injure themselves.
Looking after pets properly, is by spaying/neutering most of them.
Animals are not the same as humans. Spaying/neutering does not "damage their kundalini".
[HPS said:Lydia" post_id=472964 time=1700225028 user_id=57]
Stormblood said:Bind her. It's very selfish and detrimental to the cat's health. Cats, like all animals, are not our property but our partners. They were brough to Earth by the Gods from their own Empire just like brought other company animals and cattle. Cattle was to serve as food while company animals as familiars and guides to some aspects of nature. As they are our partners, introducing them into our lives introduces an element of responsibility to us. We need to take care of them, not to harm.
Now, it is clear that those people wanting to sterilise animals are only serving their own selfish needs in 99% of the cases. There are cases in which sterilisation is the lesser evil when it comes to health. But that's very uncommon. For most health reasons, there are better ways to help them that don't involve damaging their sacral chakra and their kundalini.
People shouldn't choose to have animal companions if they are not ready to look after them properly.
Not spaying/neutering is detrimental to their health.
Cats and dogs were not meant to breed out of control. And if they are not spayed/neutered, they can injure themselves trying to escape their home to mate. Many of them go somewhat insane from trying to mate and will destroy a house and injure themselves.
Looking after pets properly, is by spaying/neutering most of them.
Animals are not the same as humans. Spaying/neutering does not "damage their kundalini".
[HPS said:Lydia" post_id=472964 time=1700225028 user_id=57]
Stormblood said:Bind her. It's very selfish and detrimental to the cat's health. Cats, like all animals, are not our property but our partners. They were brough to Earth by the Gods from their own Empire just like brought other company animals and cattle. Cattle was to serve as food while company animals as familiars and guides to some aspects of nature. As they are our partners, introducing them into our lives introduces an element of responsibility to us. We need to take care of them, not to harm.
Now, it is clear that those people wanting to sterilise animals are only serving their own selfish needs in 99% of the cases. There are cases in which sterilisation is the lesser evil when it comes to health. But that's very uncommon. For most health reasons, there are better ways to help them that don't involve damaging their sacral chakra and their kundalini.
People shouldn't choose to have animal companions if they are not ready to look after them properly.
Not spaying/neutering is detrimental to their health.
Cats and dogs were not meant to breed out of control. And if they are not spayed/neutered, they can injure themselves trying to escape their home to mate. Many of them go somewhat insane from trying to mate and will destroy a house and injure themselves.
Looking after pets properly, is by spaying/neutering most of them.
Animals are not the same as humans. Spaying/neutering does not "damage their kundalini".
Stormblood said:Bind her. It's very selfish and detrimental to the cat's health. Cats, like all animals, are not our property but our partners. They were brough to Earth by the Gods from their own Empire just like brought other company animals and cattle. Cattle was to serve as food while company animals as familiars and guides to some aspects of nature. As they are our partners, introducing them into our lives introduces an element of responsibility to us. We need to take care of them, not to harm.
Now, it is clear that those people wanting to sterilise animals are only serving their own selfish needs in 99% of the cases. There are cases in which sterilisation is the lesser evil when it comes to health. But that's very uncommon. For most health reasons, there are better ways to help them that don't involve damaging their sacral chakra and their kundalini.
People shouldn't choose to have animal companions if they are not ready to look after them properly.
Crystallized Mushroom said:Stormblood said:Bind her. It's very selfish and detrimental to the cat's health. Cats, like all animals, are not our property but our partners. They were brough to Earth by the Gods from their own Empire just like brought other company animals and cattle. Cattle was to serve as food while company animals as familiars and guides to some aspects of nature. As they are our partners, introducing them into our lives introduces an element of responsibility to us. We need to take care of them, not to harm.
Now, it is clear that those people wanting to sterilise animals are only serving their own selfish needs in 99% of the cases. There are cases in which sterilisation is the lesser evil when it comes to health. But that's very uncommon. For most health reasons, there are better ways to help them that don't involve damaging their sacral chakra and their kundalini.
People shouldn't choose to have animal companions if they are not ready to look after them properly.
I don't like the whole sterilizing pets myself and I don't get how they would get infections if they are not fixed.
Also in Ancient Times did people really not view animals as property or even view Children as not property since people nowadays seem to view Children as property just like how animals are seen as property. both seem rather jewy concepts.
AskSatanOperator said:Hi, I'm living currently at mum's place, and she wants to sterilize my cat (boy) i don't know if it's right or not
Anunakovich said:I am against this barbarism
Stormblood said:In America... I bet it's got to do with the food people feed. America notoriously has one of the unhealthiest food industries in the world.
A sacral chakra is a sacral chakra. They may not be human chakras but Lady Maxine's pictures still show that pets possess sacral chakras. And a kundalini is possessed by every living being, as that's the evolutionary force and healthy access is needed to make the leaps in consciousness that allow living beings to evolve. I would not forget Lord Thoth's teaching "As above, so below. As within, so without."
Better food, better water, less pollution, better human partners, less churches on ley lines... You will see how the situation will improve for all pets an animals. One day, millions of years from now, pet souls will also evolve to reach the same level of consciousness as humans, if allowed to do so.
What would their original Home Planet/s be and what biome is natural to Cats and Dogs. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:[HPS said:Lydia" post_id=473673 time=1700563440 user_id=57]
Anunakovich said:I am against this barbarism
Every year, over a million cats and dogs are euthanized in America alone (not counting other countries) because of no homes for them. This includes kittens and puppies. Imagine if no cats or dogs were sterilized, there would be even more cats/dogs being born and then killed. THAT'S barbaric.
Before sterilization came about, people would put a new litter of kittens or puppies into a bag and drown them. THAT'S barbaric.
Sterilizing is humane, because it keeps innocent animals from being killed after. Our planet can't handle huge amounts of cats and dogs.
Cats and dogs are not from this planet, they are not natural to the ecosystem. Much damage has been done to the ecosystem by stray cats and dogs, and by house pets that leave their home unattended. Multiple this damage by even more if none were sterilized.
Cats and dogs are our responsibility. Sterilizing them is the responsible thing to do.
Ежегодно только в Америке (не считая других стран) усыпляют более миллиона кошек и собак из-за отсутствия для них домов. Сюда входят котята и щенки. Представьте себе, что если бы ни кошек, ни собак не стерилизовали, то кошек/собак рождалось бы, а затем убивалось бы еще больше. ЭТО варварство.
До того, как появилась стерилизация, люди складывали в мешок новых котят или щенков и топили их. ЭТО варварство.
Стерилизация гуманна, потому что она предотвращает последующую гибель невинных животных. Наша планета не может справиться с огромным количеством кошек и собак.
Кошки и собаки не с этой планеты, они не являются естественными для экосистемы. Большой ущерб экосистеме наносят бездомные кошки и собаки, а также домашние животные, оставляющие свой дом без присмотра. Умножьте этот ущерб еще больше, если ни один из них не был стерилизован.
Кошки и собаки — наша ответственность. Их стерилизация — ответственное дело.
Сексуальная энергия является одним из основных источников внутренней и внешней силы, люди этим действием, принудительной сублимацией, гасят выработку не только гормонов, но и самой праны у животных, и куда направить непроявленную силу, у них ее не будет. в таком количестве. То есть это ограничение Божественного творения искусственно совпадает с трансгендерным (не духовным, а физически искаженным)ну вообще, знаете, это звучит как оправдание, если кошки - инопланетяне, то их можно резать, можно удалить матку и яичники, разрезать гениталии и так далее. Это выбор из двух путей, и, насколько возможно, идея божественного истинного хода вещей является более консервативной. убийство - это выбор людей а не котов, так же, как и кастрация, выбор людей для котов а не котов, разумный человек скорее выберет смерть, чем кастрацию.
есть авраамическая точка зрения на этот вопрос, обрезание, а есть какие-то нью-эйджовые иллюзии, типа лево-зеленой Греты Тунберг, хаха, ну чисто манипуляция общественным мнением, основанная на личных взглядах некоторых на самом деле (могу с этим не согласен, но кто-то согласится ок). Жречество культа Кибеллы перешло к животным *хахаСексуальная энергия - это одна из сил из основных внутренних и внешних источников, люди этим добиваются сублимации, гасят выработку ее не только гормонов, но и самой праны у животных, и куда направить непроявленную силу, у них не будет. в таком количестве. То есть это ограничение Божественного творчества искусственно соответствует трансгендерным (не духовным, а физически преобразованным)
У меня самого есть кошка, и она кастрирована, но я не считаю это благом, ведь я как и не благо, отношусь нейтрально, но больше склоняюсь к природе, а не к каким-то человеческим "ученым-британцам" сомнительные решения, все течет и движется и пусть делают что хотят, но я высказал свое мнение по этому поводу, каждое живое существо, а особенно тела млекопитающих в этой матрице заслуживают свободного течения свадхистана-чакры без хирургических вмешательств, так предопределеноСексуальная энергия - это одна из сил из основных внутренних и внешних источников, люди этим добиваются сублимации, гасят выработку ее не только гормонов, но и самой праны у животных, и куда направить непроявленную силу, у них не будет. в таком количестве. То есть это ограничение Божественного творчества искусственно соответствует трансгендерным (не духовным, а физически преобразованным)
Castration is far more humane than killing innocent lives.ну вообще, знаете, это звучит как оправдание, если кошки - Инопланетяне, то их можно резать, можно удалить матку и яичники, и разрезы гениталий и так далее. Это выбор из двух путей, и, насколько это возможно, естественный божественный истинный ход вещей является более предпочтительным. убийство это выбор людей а не котов, так же как и кастрация, выбор людей для котов а не котов, разумный человек скорее выберет смерть чем кастрацию.
I struggle to seperate the image of a low-T incel loser and a neutered cat. To me, they are one and the same, although I understand it's a completely different thing, I can't help but view it as a shell of its former self and weak/unmanly. It's just tragic; the loss of nobility/aristocracy. But perhaps I am conflating the issue of men today with another, totally irrelevant issue.
Sterilization of animals is important, but as a rule, not pets that are friends of people (if not watchdogs), but stray animals that can flock and attack people, packs of stray (homeless) dogs pose a special danger to children.Hi, I'm living currently at mum's place, and she wants to sterilize my cat (boy) i don't know if it's right or not
is non surgical sterilization possible also how about clipping a birds wings for example, wing clipping is messed up.Every year, over a million cats and dogs are euthanized in America alone (not counting other countries) because of no homes for them. This includes kittens and puppies. Imagine if no cats or dogs were sterilized, there would be even more cats/dogs being born and then killed. THAT'S barbaric.
Before sterilization came about, people would put a new litter of kittens or puppies into a bag and drown them. THAT'S barbaric.
Sterilizing is humane, because it keeps innocent animals from being killed after. Our planet can't handle huge amounts of cats and dogs.
Cats and dogs are not from this planet, they are not natural to the ecosystem. Much damage has been done to the ecosystem by stray cats and dogs, and by house pets that leave their home unattended. Multiple this damage by even more if none were sterilized.
Cats and dogs are our responsibility. Sterilizing them is the responsible thing to do.
Cats are sacred to Satan. Just look at Egypt. Not to mention the millions of cats that were killed in the Dark Ages by the xian churches. They knew of their psychic importance and they tried to eradicate them.Billions of birds and small animals are killed every year by cats. Many species are extinct, endangered, or threatened because so many of them have been killed by cats.
Large cats are one of the most dangerous types of predators in the world, and have been the worst predators against humans for a very large amount of our history until the recent ice age caused many of these large cat species to go extinct. This is still true in places that have tigers. And your regular cat for how nice that he is, he is just as dangerous of a predator to anything smaller than him.
So are lions and wild dogs sacred to our Gods. This doesn't mean we shouldn't be aware of the dangers they pose to other living things or to the environment if not regulated by higher beings.Cats are sacred to Satan. Just look at Egypt. Not to mention the millions of cats that were killed in the Dark Ages by the xian churches. They knew of their psychic importance and they tried to eradicate them.
That sounds like true and pure love in the divine and perfect form.Cats and dogs were not meant to breed out of control. And if they are not spayed/neutered, they can injure themselves trying to escape their home to mate. Many of them go somewhat insane from trying to mate and will destroy a house and injure themselves..
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan