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Question #2953: Why can't jews join Jo's?

Hitler and Himmler never 'accepted' any jews into the SS.
AskSatanOperator said:
Help me understand, if even Hitler accepted a few jews into the SS why can't you? Thank you

The actual SS didn't accept any jews. The Waffen-SS division is a different thing and not the actual SS, it was a volunteer army where anyone could join regardless of his race. There were Black, Muslim and jewish Waffen-SS soldiers, but no jew or non-White was accepted in the main SS.

If a kike wants to fight other kikes like they used to do in the Waffen-SS he's free to fight them on our side, but he'll never be accepted as a true Satanist.
Because we don't "love your enemy".

They are collectively enemy. They have a different soul from us, they are build to destroy/enslave Earth.

It is possible whatsoever that a Jew realizes the truth and spread it, but still no such soul is accepted by Satan whatever it does.
Satanic Avenger 666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
Help me understand, if even Hitler accepted a few jews into the SS why can't you? Thank you

The actual SS didn't accept any jews. The Waffen-SS division is a different thing and not the actual SS, it was a volunteer army where anyone could join regardless of his race. There were Black, Muslim and jewish Waffen-SS soldiers, but no jew or non-White was accepted in the main SS.

If a kike wants to fight other kikes like they used to do in the Waffen-SS he's free to fight them on our side, but he'll never be accepted as a true Satanist.

That is not true, in the SS there were no Jews, where there were Jews was in the Junkers army, which was independent and did not belong to the SS.
Jews have an absolutely different soul structure to any of the human races. They have entirely different structure and arrangement of chakras and soul system, as they were not created by our gods. They were created by a species that comes from an entirely different location in the universe from our gods, and has evolved entirely seperately into a different form. There is no relation between us and them.

For these reasons, our human systems of magic and soul advancement just plain do not work for jews. It is not functional for them at all. And in the same way, their systems are not at all functional for us to use. Our information that we use here for our soul advancement is based on the structure of our souls, and does not have any relation, application, or usefulness to a jew soul.

This is a public website, and information is freely available and shared. There is nothing stopping a jew from trying to use our meditations and workings to try to grow and advance the way we do. But it just won't do anything functional for them. They have their own Kabbalah system which will work better for them and their soul structure.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Jews have an absolutely different soul structure to any of the human races. They have entirely different structure and arrangement of chakras and soul system, as they were not created by our gods. They were created by a species that comes from an entirely different location in the universe from our gods, and has evolved entirely seperately into a different form. There is no relation between us and them.
Is that so?
Because I remember reading that the Jews were Gentiles, who degenerated and transformed their chakras into various lower-level things.
So much so that opening a quote from a PDF I read a while ago: "Now I can't talk about the basics, like the basic system of the 7 chakras and what each chakra does. I assume all readers are familiar with that. If not, please go to the Joy of Satan website. Jews don't have a 7 Chakra Soul, or to put it better, they work on a different kind of "Soul", because they are aliens. At least this is what everyone can see and is readily illustrated in all their writings as to what "They" are. This is from THEM, not my own opinion.
They have 4 main Chakras in the Middle of the body (others are left to atrophy and die, or simply do NOT exist at all, as their behavior shows) - the Heart Chakra is missing, the Throat Chakra is missing and the 6th Chakra is missing. The heart governs creation, as does the 6th chakra, and also the throat and heart together govern emotions. The power of the Sacral chakra must be transmitted to the heart, throat and 6th chakra to give rise to beautiful and elevated things from a higher dimension. This is why Aryans excel in literature, music and everything else and are a creative race.
Jews, on the other hand, are inferior. Of all the races, the Jew is the least creative race. They have never created anything. Even their alphabet is nothing more than a sound matrix stolen from their non-Jewish neighbors. These are the seats of the emotions,"

With this I came to the conclusion that the gentile soul degenerated, and because of the affliction with reptilians that is harmful to our chakras.
Some of them ended up dying inside the Jews, and the surviving chakras, such as the shoulder chakras, were modified.

And remembering that reptilians don't get energy naturally, they probably don't have powerful enough chakras, which is why they had to adhere to disgusting vampirism.
So they don't have the capacity to generate chakras as "powerful" as those of the Jews.
Akay said:
Because I remember reading that the Jews were Gentiles, who degenerated and transformed their chakras into various lower-level things.

This is not true. Their species and our species have always been different and seperate since jews were first created. They were invented by their creators as their own form and their own soul which is very different from us.

The quote you share describing the different chakra system is true.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Akay said:
Because I remember reading that the Jews were Gentiles, who degenerated and transformed their chakras into various lower-level things.

This is not true. Their species and our species have always been different and seperate since jews were first created. They were invented by their creators as their own form and their own soul which is very different from us.

The quote you share describing the different chakra system is true.

HP Hoodedcobra disagree with you:

As they had no state and were stateless, and even less productive and most lazy, but over the years and centuries their "Religion" made them accumulate a gathering of schizophrenics, sociopaths, psychopaths, OCD, thiefs, overly arrogant desertmen that believed they deserved the loot without giving nothing in return, people with uncontrollable hatred, and mindwashed them for centuries to become aggressors and destroyers, severe persecution complex, completely deranged ideas of the idea of "God", adding on top of these "desirable traits" for their race maniacal religious "justified" violence, they have create a monstrosity of a people and culture, that is highly threatening to others.

Rabbis circa their early times in the "Babylonian Exile" started creating a false identity of how this bunch of mongreloids was some sort of "Divine gathering" and institutionalized theft and all the known practices jews do today, such as infiltrating heathen Nations, taking slaves, and enslaving whole continents like they did in Africa. On this gathering of lunatics, they also put fancy ribbons that supposedly have to do with "God's Word" and other nonsense.

Adding on top of this selective breeding process and maximum bastardization the secularized hate of a paleolihic system of death that they call "religion", coupled with the constant channelling of otherwordly negative entities that for whatever reason infected them further, they have created a toxic combination of both metagenetic factors and material behaviors that derive from culture, that made them not only dangerous but toxic to everyone else.

The above is literally just a recipe of what the Gods indicate as "Be careful how you breed and be careful to uphold the racial laws". The systematic production of repetitive mistakes for centuries, has created the cutthroat people that we call jews, which have no qualms about putting brainchips, forcing you to eat bugs etc, and despite of being a very confused bunch filled with arrogance, managed to run the planet temporarily over psychopathic traits and an over-extension of their low bogus "spiritual system" is a careful selection of theft.

Systematic breeding of people with schizophrenic, ill tendencies, or murderous tendencies, or no remorse, can actually lead to ever worse examples in just a few generations. If this process is continued for as many as 40 or so generations, the situation becomes extremely difficult

In regards to why the Jews were not annihilated by the Ancient Peoples, who kept them in "check" for their behaviours, the situation is very simple is that they were observed as "humans". In fact, they might have "begun" their very early origins as a very bad race of humans, filled with unaddressed evil, inferiority complex, and other qualms.

I do believe after years of research on this particular vermin, that it later on and progressively became the alien nonsense it is today, and it was not really left down by a spaceship or anything like this.

Yet from closely studying their history I have came to the conclusion that any so called "Reptilian traits" arrived later, as the leaders of their race started to strike unholy bargains with very evil entities in order to promote their intents at all costs.

The above is obvious as simply there is no way the enlightened people of the past would not have dealt with what should be dealt with. In fact, I believe the origins of the material and physical form of the jews were "human" like anyone else, but a tribe that did all the wrong moves a tribe can possibly do, including asking the most disgusting entities to accompany them on a journey for global damnation.

The only thing we are to take away from this is that the jews "are" or in my view, have "fully become" alien, to the point that the progressive changes on whatever they used to be are now permanent, and now other "entities" can take control of them based on unholy bargains their elders and others have struck.

Their alphabet, myths or lore, is nothing else but stolen and copied "Carry overs" from people they always slander and they say should be genocided, and always are from the places the jews had strong presence. Ie, theft.

Due to metagenetic factors that deal with transforming a human body and genome, affected strongly by the spiritual practices [this is the same reason people heal by meditation, for example] rampant transformation started taking place to them until they became abominations. Like a fruit that was once a seed, they "manifested" later.

To put it simply, if one engages in wholly corrupted practices and other things, other entities can progressively start making "changes" to people, similar to how it's stated in Eastern Yoga one will fully transform eventually as a species by following Yogic Sadhana.
Fiery Pluto said:

Most of what you share is not really disagreeing with me. These disgusting things have been disgusting for a very long time.

Reptilians can not completely create life starting from nothing. They are not smart, powerful, or talented enough. But they can edit and create hybrids by genetic engineering. Jews were made by taking some human DNA and the human form, and editing it to fill it with reptilian DNA and reptilian soul structure. So that it will appear in a form that visually looks human enough to infiltrate in this planet, but the soul structure is reptilian. The body and soul are the same thing, and they both are far more reptilian than human.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Most of what you share is not really disagreeing with me. These disgusting things have been disgusting for a very long time.

Reptilians can not completely create life starting from nothing. They are not smart, powerful, or talented enough. But they can edit and create hybrids by genetic engineering. Jews were made by taking some human DNA and the human form, and editing it to fill it with reptilian DNA and reptilian soul structure. So that it will appear in a form that visually looks human enough to infiltrate in this planet, but the soul structure is reptilian. The body and soul are the same thing, and they both are far more reptilian than human.

From what you said it sounded like the Jews were put on earth out of nowhere. Especially considering the fact that you denied what Akay said (which HPHC also states in the sermon).

Hp clearly says that Jews were originally humans who were modified by metagenetic factors and unholy bergains with evil entities (reptilians, greys). This implies that the modification of their DNA was induced by their degenerate practices. Unless the 'unholy bergains' to which HPHC refers also included direct DNA modification by reptilians, what you say disagrees with HPHC.
Fiery Pluto said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Most of what you share is not really disagreeing with me. These disgusting things have been disgusting for a very long time.

Reptilians can not completely create life starting from nothing. They are not smart, powerful, or talented enough. But they can edit and create hybrids by genetic engineering. Jews were made by taking some human DNA and the human form, and editing it to fill it with reptilian DNA and reptilian soul structure. So that it will appear in a form that visually looks human enough to infiltrate in this planet, but the soul structure is reptilian. The body and soul are the same thing, and they both are far more reptilian than human.

From what you said it sounded like the Jews were put on earth out of nowhere. Especially considering the fact that you denied what Akay said (which HPHC also states in the sermon).

Hp clearly says that Jews were originally humans who were modified by metagenetic factors and unholy bergains with evil entities (reptilians, greys). This implies that the modification of their DNA was induced by their degenerate practices. Unless the 'unholy bergains' to which HPHC refers also included direct DNA modification by reptilians, what you say disagrees with HPHC.
No, Hooded Cobra sayd that it is very likely that what he relayed is true, but he did not claim it as an absolute truth.

Besides, considering the question at hand the excact origins of this pestilence is of secondary importance, if that.

The excact origins might become useful information at some other point of time when safeguards are rebuilt, for example. But right here and now we have what we need to overcome issues at hand and work with the information available.
Fiery Pluto said:

He can say whatever he wants.

Regardless of any of that, jews are absolutely seperate and different than humans. They are an absolutely alien species which is not like anything from this planet, as can be seen in their different soul structure and different chakra system which have no similarity to anything else living on this Earth. They are reptilian in body, soul, and mind, as programmed into their soul structure by their creators.

It looks to me like you are trying to deny or ignore all of this by falsely claiming that they are human or from human origen. They are a different species, as is evident in the soul structure that they have no relation to humanity. The fact that they are their own species is the single basis of their entire history, religion, and purpose, that they are not any part of humanity and they were created by different creators than all other life on this planet. This seperation and difference is their entire purpose and guiding force.

In fact I said that he disagreed with HPHC, not that he was definitely wrong. Personally, I agree with HPHC because what he says in the sermon makes sense and I trust his intelligence and the research he has done.

I did not say that jews are human, but that they have human origins. As HPHC argues, jews have human origins, but now they are not human and are a different 'species'. They have no chance of salvation because their change is irreversible.

You said that the jews were created only by the intervention of reptilians and not also by the degeneration of some humans. I, on the other hand, believe that the jews came into being in the first place through the degeneration of a group of human beings on which enemy aliens then intervened.

I just want to underline the fact that the jews were created because of human beings who became detached from the gods and their higher self and fell into the abyss of the lower self. This means that once the jews were gone we would not be happy and content. The real war is against the lower self from which human beings must detach themselves in order to rise.

I think what HPHC wanted to say is that semetic people were originally Humans, and the enemy decided to infiltrate this race.

They did probably started to attack them spiritually to degenerate them and they probably did came here physically to infect their dna.
AFODO said:
I think what HPHC wanted to say is that semetic people were originally Humans, and the enemy decided to infiltrate this race.

They did probably started to attack them spiritually to degenerate them and they probably did came here physically to infect their dna.

Not all the semitic people, but a group of degenerated people.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
