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Question #2928: why were not the gods merciful to me despite me being a girl


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I am a girl who was very brutally abused ..why did not gods save me from this incident before hand??while it is true i was not a satanist back then since i found satanism just 6 months back ,but still gods could have pitied over me and saved me from evil people who have spoiled my life?why are gods cruel who do not lend a helping hand to innocent people suffering on this earth??where are gods when evil abusers get away with 0 punishment .again all my life I had only been facing delays ,setbacks ,miseries and all negative stuffs ..now Even if natal chart is the reason for this ,could not gods have saved me and given me smooth things and made my way smooth?
What does being a girl have to do with deserving mercy? Boys, girls, men, and women are struggling and being abused but yeah, women were treated worse because of the doctrines of Islam and Christianity. I'd doubt that it makes females more deserving of mercy though. Or maybe it does because they are assaulted more often.

Occasionally I think that they do not posses the power to save everyone. Other times, I think that they wouldn't even if they do have the power because it would change the course of fate and destroy a part of us that makes us whole person. Like, if they change a person's natal chart (I mean while they are being reincarnated, making them born on an unfit day or shielding them from a astrologic transit) to protect them from something bad it would be taking a part of their soul away. Rest of the time I'm telling myself that if they indeed prevented every bad thing from happening we would be spoiled brats who can't do anything alone.

If you are asking why the bad things exist at all, well, that is how life is. Females of some species have ''mock vaginas'' (holes that doesn't lead anywhere) to not get pregnant from an intercourse they didn't want. This must be a bird species but I'm not sure if I remember correctly. Lions kill baby deers. The world is not a merciful place if we don't make it so.

These are my opinions. I'm sure everyone has their own about these topics to soothe ourselves when we are in pain and feeling left alone by Gods.

''Why nobody came to save me?'' I can only assure you that you are not the only girl or person who asked this question. If nothing else, you are not alone and you are gifted with the knowledge of how to do Black Magic. There is a special person I'm biding time to get stronger for a revenge. I don't want them to just suffer or die, I want their soul to be damaged and never to be reborn.

There is an article named Why is There Suffering in the World? Satan Gives Answers.

If there is any serious repressed anger that cannot be dealt with, outside of retribution, then perform the appropriate revenge ritual/s. Get it over with in the here and now and be sure to vent everything. This will act as a cathartic and is very therapeutic. You will then be able to heal emotionally and psychologically.
Things don't work that way. Reality is very different, the Gods help us, but the overall situation could be fatal for someone, some universal laws, and spiritual degenration cannot be stopped, as you understand it.

You need to study reality to understand things, and not to fall into the wrongs thougts, beliefs, ideas, concecpts, wich could bring further problems in your life.
You currently have a very bad understanding over this topic.
Do Satan's absolution ritual and you'll understand in time.
It might be impossible for the Gods to keep track and account of every single person who might suffer abuse in this world, there is a battle "out there" of the Gods against powers who want to abuse us all, otherwise they would lose the battle to save humanity and everyone would live much worse lives.

However you found this place thanks to the Gods who care about us, now you have the opportunity to heal and protect yourself from now on. Make it count by using the tools given here.

About The Planets And Your Astrology: Fixing Your "Karma":

Magick, Meditation & Your Destiny:

"Munka Working To Remove Negative Karma": Be Patient...

Meditation: Cleaning Repressed Emotions:

Deep Cleaning:

Soul cleaning page and also check the Returning Curses part at the bottom:

The Ritual for Abrasax may help with getting your thoughts together:

The Ritual for Valefor has to do with healing energies:

You can try this yoga session with mantras but instead of the given mantras, do Suryae for each chakra and the aura:
(Suggention: 12 for each chakra then 27 on the aura, as this sums up to the 111 of the Sun)

Towards The Evil Types Of Andrapoda:

Why is There Suffering in the World? Satan Gives Answers:

To enact changes on the physical plane quickly it demands immense amounts of energy that instead should be used to improve planet Earth as a wholew, and to win the War out there against the powers that want to enslave and destroy Earth, and thus prevent even more war, rape and genocide that would come along with it.
The Gods cannot look for everything and everyone like Egon said but now you are here. You can heal yourself from the trauma, protect yourself so nothing bad will happen and punish who hurt you. The Gods want us to be able to take care of ourselves and it's the best thing in the world.
You need to overcome your past and focus on your future. Many SS have had an unpleasant past and are now happy and doing very well. Use the tools that JoS offers you to heal yourself and grow spiritually.
The Gods didn't 'leave' humanity, the majority of humanity spurned Them for lies and there are consequences to that. Many of the Gods are hostile to the non-dedicated when summoned for similar reasons.
Henu the Great said:
It's not that the Gods can not or would not help, but we would have zero growth if our challenges were erased by a higher being. Yes, they guide and even help us, but ultimately it is up to us to make our lives (and the planet) better.

-I was brutally abused.
+It was for your growth.

Do you really think this approach is helpful? I don't. The world is full of suffering that doesn't make anybody grow. I always have Junko Furuta in my mind when somebody says they are in pain. Her case made a huge impact on me. I keep thinking about her, years later.

I kindly ask moderators to censor this section as they please if they find it too brutal. I'm going to use google translate, I don't want to write it myself.

''She was kidnapped at 16. She was raped more than 400 times. Starved and suffered from malnutrition. She was fed with cockroaches and made drink urine. She was forced to masturbate. Forced to undress in front of others. Her various body parts were burned with a lighter. Foreign objects were inserted into her vagina and anus. Severely beaten several times. They bounced on her head after making her lie on a hard concrete surface.They tied her hands and used her as a punching bag. Her nose was filled with so much blood that she could only breathe through her mouth. Dumbbells were placed on her stomach from a height. She vomited when she tried to drink water (her stomach couldn't accept it). She tried to escape, they pressed cigarettes on her arms as punishment. They poured lighter fuel on her hands and feet and set them on fire. A glass bottle was inserted into her anus, causing serious injury. She couldn't stand on her own at the day 20. They beat her with bamboo sticks. They placed fireworks on her back and lit them. They stuck sewing needles into her breasts. Her left nipple was torn off and destroyed with a pliers. A hot bulb was inserted into her vagina. Experienced heavy vaginal bleeding from scissor insertion. She was no longer able to urine properly. Her injuries became so serious that it took her an hour to crawl to the toilet. Eardrums were severely injured. Her brain had shrunk significantly. On day 40: january 1, 1989: she begged her torturers to kill her. She spent the new year's first day unable to get off the ground. She had extremely serious injuries on her body. Day 44: January 5, 1989: The kidnappers beat Furata with a barbell, using the excuse of losing at a mahjong game. Excessive blood began to flow from her mouth and nose. They put candles in her mouth and eyes. Then they poured lighter fuel all over her body and burned her. The final torture lasted 2 hours and Furuta died of shock as a result of her body fluids evaporating due to the fire. They threw the body into a barrel and poured 50 gallons of cement on it. Later, this barrel was found by the police and the criminals were caught. Seeing the news about her daughter on television, her mother fainted on the spot and was subsequently taken into psychological treatment. Those who committed this act, 4 individuals under the age of 18, are no longer capable of being called human, and they are sentenced to 20 years in prison, according to the penalties given to minors in Japan. This is the heaviest sentence given in Japan after life long imprisonment.''

I'm not the same person since the day I learned about her. I apologize for putting this here but it is something hard to keep in. I guess whether it is our pain or other people's pain, we want to share and find comfort in the company of each other. I can't help her but I want more people to know about her and be mad and sad for her sake. She lived through this and I can't even stand reading her story. She deserves more, she was so brave, she tried to escape while going through this and I just, she deserves to be heard and be remembered.

So when someone says they are abused, I always think about Junko Furuta. Yes it is an extreme example but must give an idea about how deeply the person you are facing could be wounded. And I don't think mistreated people deserves to be answered something like it is necessary for their own good and growth.
It's been said before the Gods aren't wish granting genies that WALA! Whoosh your fixed for good.

I believe the idea your combating is vibration. The reality is reality itself vibrates to a frequency and vibrational tone. Many, MANY, MANY millions and billions of people for the past several thousands of years have been blasting away like puppets the reality that in many cases is created.

In fact I would not be surprised if some people whom are powerful. Self-create their own reality for good or ill.

I'm not saying you "deserved" what occurred. I'm probably making myself sound like an asshole. But the reality is brutality and the laws of Nature do exist and the more brutal Saturnian the person/s are the more success they encounter.

The reality is, reality is made this way by the billions of Human on Earth and the realities of the enemy and our own side downloading unto this planet and civilization. There's an Olympic-Titanic war and we are in the middle of it.

Sheer fact is O.P. your a victim of the times. Victimization can be overplayed look at many cases of Women accusing of rape or brutality in many cases a 'real' event is forgoing while a fake even is hyped up. In many cases the very immaturity and stupidity of people and the colossal failure of people shows that eventually the situation is the police or whomever might not believe or they might be concerned with doing something.

Ever heard of "bystander effect" people see a crime before their eyes and poof they do nothing.

Sheer fact is I don't believe this is a lesson. I don't believe the Gods test people like the enemy xtian entities whomever these alien cohorts are.

I believe that reality and in your neck of the woods so to speak is set up just for that. You were brutalized I don't know how far but it seems bad. Reality is ice cold and uncaring.

Lack of justice and the laws of the World in reducing justice i.e. turning the other cheek, walk a mile in a person's shoes, thou shalt not kill. Have brought misery to people, the reality is you need to learn to fight back and you need to understand we need to stand up for ourselves.

Sheer fact is it seems like you live in a place that A) Demeans Women or at least is attempting to even by Women themselves i.e. Cuckesses and B) It seems like the amount of injustice and bullshit that occurs in you neck of the woods seems to me like it's a country that frowns upon weapons of any kind hell I wouldn't be surprised if your place states fighting back is wrong accept the injustice.

Hell in some places in the World fighting back against a attack or a rape results in the victim not the criminal being held responsible.

I'm aware what I'm saying is utterly fucked up. But believe me that the World is VERY FUCKED UP!

I hope that you recover and I hope you were not harmed permanently and I hope that you were not raped. It doesn't seem like it cause you never said it but you were brutalized. As a Women and Women in general being brutalized in any way is deeply hurtful to the core. You even said it albeit no offense but you make yourself sound like one of these special snowflake lefties stating as a Lady you deserve preferential treatment.

I agree you deserve to be treated well and with respect. But unfortunately we live in a World of having brutal areas and my best suggestion is you arm yourself with a weapon IF allowed and IF you study the laws of the areas.

If your country allows it arm yourself and make sure to defend yourself. Maybe even practicing martial arts or lifting some weights and getting stronger.

Unfortunately the World is becoming more brutal and vicious look at the areas of the U.S. a lady who lives and works in the U.S. sends money to her family in Vietnam she was gonna visit them and give them several thousands of dollars to help them.

She got body slammed by a deranged motherfucker and is paralyzed from the waste down.

That and MANY, MANY, MANY other incidents of injustice and negativity is why here in the states we have 2nd Amendment. Sheer fact is MANY countries could solve their criminal-injustice system with weapons.

Again please study your countries laws and arm yourself or exercise get stronger and throw a hard punch. Learn to attack Men and Women to defend yourself.

I'm sorry this happened. But equally it should be noted the Gods have limits on what they can do. They aren't wish granting genies and reality is a law of nature is brutalism is rewarded.

As Styxhexenhammer666 put it: If caveman Erg sees wild pig kill it with a spear. If Erg sees sabertooth tiger run the fuck away. If Erg sees rabbit try and capture it for food.

I'm not saying stoop to their level i.e. be brutal like them. But do use brutalism to your advantage.

Sadly I believe with the way reality and society and the barrage of things occurring. Even you trying to justifiably trying to defend yourself would be deemed a vigilantism and would be deemed an act of hostility and getting you in trouble. The law might even say YOU how DARE you defend yourself, your SUPPOSED to take the abuse.

Sadly even in my country there are places where that shit happens.

Again sorry for what happened but take it as a lesson. Learn about yourself and defend yourself. Again legally and checking all the laws don't get trapped by the injustice of what occurred don't be the victim rather use the victimization as an opportunity to talk to yourself and your family and friends and open their eyes.

Sadly I feel like some people don't care or give a shit and again just as Humanity over the last few centuries has been "individualized" i.e. the individual not the collective is the proper thing particularly after the beginnings of the Industrial revolution, as one member put it the family unit and the collective of Humanity has been grinded down.

I think you should really evaluate yourself don't remain a victim stand up for yourself and don't let reality bully you. I understand it's difficult but maybe this is a factor in you gaining rather than losing strength.
Karnonnos said:
The Gods didn't 'leave' humanity, the majority of humanity spurned Them for lies and there are consequences to that. Many of the Gods are hostile to the non-dedicated when summoned for similar reasons.

Are you saying that the gods are enemies because they are not dedicated to people who are desperately asking for help, that is very annoying and stupid. I hope I misunderstood.
Some situations are incontrollable, others can be managed. That's a crude reality of life. While it's truly saddening that these things happen, the Gods aren't our bodyguards and servants.

What did your biological family and friends do to prevent that? Have you asked yourself this question?

And how are you planning to prevent the situation from now on and heal from it? A lot of good resources were given.

Sometimes things happen because of our own carelessness. While the Gods can help and advice, they will never interfere directly in your life to stop bad choices like smoking a joint, getting hammered, going to a party with untrustworthy people, walking through the streets alone, trusting the wrong people, not going to martial arts (or self-defence) classes, not strengthening your body, and so on.

Sometimes things are really out of our control and, no matter how much we prepare from them, they can go wrong, sometimes horribly so.

Abusers do get what it's coming to them. If the justice of Men doesn't find them, the Justice of the Gods and Demons does, as does the justice of the Universe. Their abusive behaviour grows certain seeds of karma on their soul that degenerates it. Depending on the severity of the abuses they perpetrate, the consequences vary.

This is not like the new age law of karma of course. It's just the principle of cause and effect. There's no action or behaviour that doesn't have consequences, directly or indirectly. They will burn in Tartarus and you can accelerate that through the advice provided by others in this topic.
Pammy said:
Henu the Great said:
It's not that the Gods can not or would not help, but we would have zero growth if our challenges were erased by a higher being. Yes, they guide and even help us, but ultimately it is up to us to make our lives (and the planet) better.

-I was brutally abused.
+It was for your growth.

Do you really think this approach is helpful? I don't. The world is full of suffering that doesn't make anybody grow. I always have Junko Furuta in my mind when somebody says they are in pain. Her case made a huge impact on me. I keep thinking about her, years later.

I kindly ask moderators to censor this section as they please if they find it too brutal. I'm going to use google translate, I don't want to write it myself.

''She was kidnapped at 16. She was raped more than 400 times. Starved and suffered from malnutrition. She was fed with cockroaches and made drink urine. She was forced to masturbate. Forced to undress in front of others. Her various body parts were burned with a lighter. Foreign objects were inserted into her vagina and anus. Severely beaten several times. They bounced on her head after making her lie on a hard concrete surface.They tied her hands and used her as a punching bag. Her nose was filled with so much blood that she could only breathe through her mouth. Dumbbells were placed on her stomach from a height. She vomited when she tried to drink water (her stomach couldn't accept it). She tried to escape, they pressed cigarettes on her arms as punishment. They poured lighter fuel on her hands and feet and set them on fire. A glass bottle was inserted into her anus, causing serious injury. She couldn't stand on her own at the day 20. They beat her with bamboo sticks. They placed fireworks on her back and lit them. They stuck sewing needles into her breasts. Her left nipple was torn off and destroyed with a pliers. A hot bulb was inserted into her vagina. Experienced heavy vaginal bleeding from scissor insertion. She was no longer able to urine properly. Her injuries became so serious that it took her an hour to crawl to the toilet. Eardrums were severely injured. Her brain had shrunk significantly. On day 40: january 1, 1989: she begged her torturers to kill her. She spent the new year's first day unable to get off the ground. She had extremely serious injuries on her body. Day 44: January 5, 1989: The kidnappers beat Furata with a barbell, using the excuse of losing at a mahjong game. Excessive blood began to flow from her mouth and nose. They put candles in her mouth and eyes. Then they poured lighter fuel all over her body and burned her. The final torture lasted 2 hours and Furuta died of shock as a result of her body fluids evaporating due to the fire. They threw the body into a barrel and poured 50 gallons of cement on it. Later, this barrel was found by the police and the criminals were caught. Seeing the news about her daughter on television, her mother fainted on the spot and was subsequently taken into psychological treatment. Those who committed this act, 4 individuals under the age of 18, are no longer capable of being called human, and they are sentenced to 20 years in prison, according to the penalties given to minors in Japan. This is the heaviest sentence given in Japan after life long imprisonment.''

I'm not the same person since the day I learned about her. I apologize for putting this here but it is something hard to keep in. I guess whether it is our pain or other people's pain, we want to share and find comfort in the company of each other. I can't help her but I want more people to know about her and be mad and sad for her sake. She lived through this and I can't even stand reading her story. She deserves more, she was so brave, she tried to escape while going through this and I just, she deserves to be heard and be remembered.

So when someone says they are abused, I always think about Junko Furuta. Yes it is an extreme example but must give an idea about how deeply the person you are facing could be wounded. And I don't think mistreated people deserves to be answered something like it is necessary for their own good and growth.
That's really bizarre and disturbing. The offenders were given less than 10 year sentences as well as later being released and reoffending. There is no punishment that is adequate for this level of depravity. Imagine what it must have been like for her parents to go on living after this.

The worst thing is knowing that her case is not the only one. This sort of thing continues to happen to innocent people, and sometimes it's filmed and sold on the black market.
existentialcrisis said:
That's really bizarre and disturbing. The offenders were given less than 10 year sentences as well as later being released and reoffending. There is no punishment that is adequate for this level of depravity. Imagine what it must have been like for her parents to go on living after this.

The worst thing is knowing that her case is not the only one. This sort of thing continues to happen to innocent people, and sometimes it's filmed and sold on the black market.

Truly I can't imagine an adequate punishment or a way to compensate for her and her family. We should just recycle the offenders at this point or use them for the good of humanity somehow, like dangerous experiments. But I feel helpless when it comes to the victims. How could someone recover from that?

Henu the Great said:
The abuse itself is not for growth, but growing out of it, and becoming whole is for growth.

This doesn't make it something more sensible to say when the person in question feels the need to conceal themselves to even bring the subject up. The anger, the feeling of being left alone, the self-hate due to being too weak and being a victim, unanswered cries for help must be get ridden of before any growth comes (not in the process, before). These kinds of attempts are not done to be lectured, they are done because the support, seeing others feel for you, and being a part of community are helpful.
AskSatanOperator said:
I am a girl who was very brutally abused ..why did not gods save me from this incident before hand??while it is true i was not a satanist back then since i found satanism just 6 months back ,but still gods could have pitied over me and saved me from evil people who have spoiled my life?why are gods cruel who do not lend a helping hand to innocent people suffering on this earth??where are gods when evil abusers get away with 0 punishment .again all my life I had only been facing delays ,setbacks ,miseries and all negative stuffs ..now Even if natal chart is the reason for this ,could not gods have saved me and given me smooth things and made my way smooth?

Because the Gods are not omnipotent although immensely powerful. Its not infinite power. But still incomprehensibly big. Satan currently does not have authority over earth. He is fighting to get it back. If the Gods had control of earth, things would be much different. Its like the President of a country and his army have been forced out of their country. But don't worry they will be back.
AskSatanOperator said:
I am a girl who was very brutally abused ..why did not gods save me from this incident before hand??while it is true i was not a satanist back then since i found satanism just 6 months back ,but still gods could have pitied over me and saved me from evil people who have spoiled my life?why are gods cruel who do not lend a helping hand to innocent people suffering on this earth??where are gods when evil abusers get away with 0 punishment .again all my life I had only been facing delays ,setbacks ,miseries and all negative stuffs ..now Even if natal chart is the reason for this ,could not gods have saved me and given me smooth things and made my way smooth?

I'm sorry you had to go through such an experience. However, know that many of us could have experienced similar or worse treatment. I even dare to say that if I had not been abused as a little girl, I would never have come to Satan. Most people who had perfect lives simply had no reason to seek the truth. It is in difficult times that most of us look for God, and when the Christian one fails, we keep looking further. This is how our journey begins.
I also wondered why the gods don't help us every time. And now I know. Gods are not our teddy bears who will hold our hands and guide us through life on the heavenly rainbow. They know well how much we can suffer and endure. They won't do anything for us if they know that we can do it ourselves. Satan does not give us miracles. He gave us the knowledge to perform a miracle. Many times I complained that I couldn't communicate with the gods and thought I was just an insignificant human being. However, when I experienced powerful mental attacks and almost slit my wrists, with the last of my strength I asked Satan for help. And I got it. All my thoughts became clear and I felt as if someone had illuminated my head with a beautiful white light. Then I heard a voice in my mind saying: "I'll help you, but you have to learn to defend yourself." And just like that, everything went back to normal in a split second. What had been haunting me disappeared, only appearing a few times later but not as powerfully like last time. It taught me that the gods perceive threats differently than we do. When I often die of fear in astral, they take it as a good lesson and in the end nothing happens to me. I once asked them to help me fight fear and now I suffer to panic attacks and neuroses, trying to overcome them. You could call it irony, but I know that in time, when I overcome panic attacks, I will literally overcome fear.
So, instead of feeling sorry for yourself, be proactive and look for the positive side of what you're going through. When things get really bad, the gods will help you, trust them.

Ave Satan
Sometimes i asked tò myself why i was suffering, the gods can't help you before the dedication because you are linked to jew magic system until It. Talking about Matrix of you are in the program you can't do the rebellion,but when you do the alliance with Satan and Gods you exit from It. And now you can change the things.
Rebirth said:
Sometimes i asked tò myself why i was suffering, the gods can't help you before the dedication because you are linked to jew magic system until It. Talking about Matrix of you are in the program you can't do the rebellion,but when you do the alliance with Satan and Gods you exit from It. And now you can change the things.
Yes, they can. And their guidance or help is not unheard for those without. What do you think brought many of us here? Or many other influences in this world? Frankly, it gets tiring to see so much credit given to a bunch of parasites as if they are somehow influential in the great picture when in reality a God's sneeze could wipe them out in an instant.

You are talking about "matrix" as it is some unrelenting force, yet after a ritual somehow this force is gone. There is so much more to this world than this. But I get it. For things to make sense, they have to be simplified to a great extent so that the need for explanation can be satisfied. The thing is, if we stop wanting more and better answers we will be stuck with this kind of explanation that would not suffice for much after beginning.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
