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Question #2868: Mars

You can use the Berkano rune for your sacral chakra.
You could. But I would not use a planet square for this. The planet squares strengthen astrological energies which, depending on the alignments within your own soul, could have bad interactions with other planets and cause problems. I would not use planet squares unless you know exactly what it will do.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
You could. But I would not use a planet square for this. The planet squares strengthen astrological energies which, depending on the alignments within your own soul, could have bad interactions with other planets and cause problems. I would not use planet squares unless you know exactly what it will do.

I have not had this be the case for myself, so I don't think it as much of a mystery as what you write sounds like. Any "bad interactions" generally occur from any existing negative karma which has to first be overcome. Furthermore, your affirmations give control as to how this energy is applied.

I don't think fear or uncertainty should be the default manner for approaching these squares, especially if people are following their cleaning and protection routines. Guardian Demons should be consulted for any advice here, as well.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=466742 time=1696784971 user_id=21286]

I am not promoting fear or uncertainty. I am saying be careful what you are doing and plan for what the effects will be.

My point is that planet squares are not like any other kind of working where you do a working for one specific task or goal and that is it. These fill the soul with a highly increased energy and influence of that planet. And a person may not expect this if the only intention is to accomplish some small goal. And people should be careful to think about if a highly increased amount of this planet's energy is actually wanted, especially since this is an effect that can be felt for years or even forever.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=466742 time=1696784971 user_id=21286]
Ol argedco luciftias said:
You could. But I would not use a planet square for this. The planet squares strengthen astrological energies which, depending on the alignments within your own soul, could have bad interactions with other planets and cause problems. I would not use planet squares unless you know exactly what it will do.

I have not had this be the case for myself, so I don't think it as much of a mystery as what you write sounds like. Any "bad interactions" generally occur from any existing negative karma which has to first be overcome. Furthermore, your affirmations give control as to how this energy is applied.

I don't think fear or uncertainty should be the default manner for approaching these squares, especially if people are following their cleaning and protection routines. Guardian Demons should be consulted for any advice here, as well.

I want to use Sun Square everyday to super strengthen my solar chakra. As in do it forever, only taking breaks when Sun is in a bad sign like Aquarius. But then I will continue to do RAUM x50 to keep the strength up and continue to grow in those periods. What do you think
The Phantom Stranger said:
I want to use Sun Square everyday to super strengthen my solar chakra. As in do it forever, only taking breaks when Sun is in a bad sign like Aquarius. But then I will continue to do RAUM x50 to keep the strength up and continue to grow in those periods. What do you think

If you want to continue year-long, I think it would be better to start a traditional style of working on a powerful date and continue this.

Not all Sun signs are going to be great. For example, I tried a Sun in Taurus square, and while it did help, it did not feel as strong as the Sun in Leo.

Sun in Sag and perhaps Scorpio would be ok. You can try this on your own, but I wouldn't pass up a good date for a traditional working just to do a Sun Square in a debatable sign.

It is also worth remembering the other areas of your soul, which also need work. This should also take up your time.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=468608 time=1697820236 user_id=21286]
The Phantom Stranger said:
I want to use Sun Square everyday to super strengthen my solar chakra. As in do it forever, only taking breaks when Sun is in a bad sign like Aquarius. But then I will continue to do RAUM x50 to keep the strength up and continue to grow in those periods. What do you think

If you want to continue year-long, I think it would be better to start a traditional style of working on a powerful date and continue this.

Not all Sun signs are going to be great. For example, I tried a Sun in Taurus square, and while it did help, it did not feel as strong as the Sun in Leo.

Sun in Sag and perhaps Scorpio would be ok. You can try this on your own, but I wouldn't pass up a good date for a traditional working just to do a Sun Square in a debatable sign.

It is also worth remembering the other areas of your soul, which also need work. This should also take up your time.

Wait what? I thought the starting date would reset every 36 days right? Like I start in any sign which is not its detriment, so that includes Leo, but I think you're saying like, I could continuously do it and not reset every 36 days when the square ends?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=468608 time=1697820236 user_id=21286]
The Phantom Stranger said:
I want to use Sun Square everyday to super strengthen my solar chakra. As in do it forever, only taking breaks when Sun is in a bad sign like Aquarius. But then I will continue to do RAUM x50 to keep the strength up and continue to grow in those periods. What do you think

If you want to continue year-long, I think it would be better to start a traditional style of working on a powerful date and continue this.

Not all Sun signs are going to be great. For example, I tried a Sun in Taurus square, and while it did help, it did not feel as strong as the Sun in Leo.

Sun in Sag and perhaps Scorpio would be ok. You can try this on your own, but I wouldn't pass up a good date for a traditional working just to do a Sun Square in a debatable sign.

It is also worth remembering the other areas of your soul, which also need work. This should also take up your time.

Ohhh I misunderstood... Wait, aren't squares the most powerful or something... Or you're saying like 50x RAUM is more powerful than sun square
The Phantom Stranger said:
Ohhh I misunderstood... Wait, aren't squares the most powerful or something... Or you're saying like 50x RAUM is more powerful than sun square

The Square style of working is certainly powerful, but any working is also conditional on the time it was started, and this also influences its power.

So if you compare a traditional runic working started when the Sun was in Leo compared to a Square started when the Sun was in Libra, I think the runic working would likely be more powerful. I couldn't say for sure, but at least you could have certainty of the conditions of the runic working, whereas a Sun Square started on a bad time could be open to debate.

So you could do the Squares of the sun when they are in powerful signs, and also run a simultaneous 50x Raum that simply goes continuously to this. This 50x Raum would be continued when the Sun passes through weaker signs where it would not make sense to a Square, because a new Square would be based on the newer, weaker astrological conditions, but the 50x Raum was started back under good conditions.

Just keep in mind that doing all of this at once would be a lot and cause a lot of stimulation of the solar aspect of your soul. That is also why I recommended perhaps to split your time between the other parts. For example, when the Sun is in Libra and Venus is also in Libra, do a Libra Square instead of a solar. When the Sun is in Capricorn, perhaps a Mars in Capricorn Square would be a better item to prioritize, and so on.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=468620 time=1697824834 user_id=21286]

The Square style of working is certainly powerful, but any working is also conditional on the time it was started, and this also influences its power.

So if you compare a traditional runic working started when the Sun was in Leo compared to a Square started when the Sun was in Libra, I think the runic working would likely be more powerful. I couldn't say for sure, but at least you could have certainty of the conditions of the runic working, whereas a Sun Square started on a bad time could be open to debate.

So you could do the Squares of the sun when they are in powerful signs, and also run a simultaneous 50x Raum that simply goes continuously to this. This 50x Raum would be continued when the Sun passes through weaker signs where it would not make sense to a Square, because a new Square would be based on the newer, weaker astrological conditions, but the 50x Raum was started back under good conditions.

Just keep in mind that doing all of this at once would be a lot and cause a lot of stimulation of the solar aspect of your soul. That is also why I recommended perhaps to split your time between the other parts. For example, when the Sun is in Libra and Venus is also in Libra, do a Libra Square instead of a solar. When the Sun is in Capricorn, perhaps a Mars in Capricorn Square would be a better item to prioritize, and so on.

Ok thank you. I will follow your previous advice then. Mars in scorpio.

What I really want is psychic abilities, astral projection, high level energy manipulation, free communication with Gods etc. I read high bioelectricity does this so I thought strong solar chakra would do it.

But I will return to my previous goal... All of this comes from being adept at trance right? So Mars in scorpio, instead of energy manipulation, I'll just affirm for "It is becoming easier and easier for me to enter into a trance. This process is happening in a happy way for me" with a Mars square. Starting again this Tuesday, because I stopped for a small reason which is not really a problem anymore.

Also, just confirming, I should use the spiritual version of the square for the above affirmation and goal of trance right?

I will again begin a Moon square later when I have 81 days, affirming the same thing. Surely then it should be very easy to enter a trance right

You are so knowledgeable and helpful man. Thank you.
The Phantom Stranger said:

Mars energy is aggressive and stimulating. Scorpio is more hermaphroditic, although still water in nature, relating to the process of transformation itself. So Mars in Scorpio overall would represent the energy channeled directly into transformative actions, like meditation and spell-casting.

However, a trance state is more yin-based, as it relates to being extremely calm. Therefore, this would relate more to the Moon, rather than Mars. So with that in mind, I would not suggest using a Mars square to enhance your trance ability. Rather, just affirm it generally, like for "improving my spiritual abilities" or something more related to Pluto or Mars, not the Moon.

Similarly, the Moon is where you find one aspect of astral sensations, because it is sensitive and picks up on the energy within the environment. Being a "softer" energy, it would "soften" the areas of your soul which are already listening, increasing their accuracy and ability in detecting astral activity. Relative to a trance, this calming energy would make it easier for you yourself to feel calm, especially if your soul/body is normally more active than calm.

In general, the Moon also relates to your ability to nurture others and sense their emotions, like a mother would do. This is how a good mother is able to calm a child, even rock them to sleep. This is much different than Mars in Scorpio, which is aggressive, dominating, and controlling.


The Sun is related to bioelectricity, but more in a general way. An average non-SS person could have a strong Sun, but not necessarily have high bioelectricity, which comes from direct spiritual training and cleaning.

As the Sun relates to creation, wealth, and vitality, it charges and empowers all aspects of the soul, so in this way it would benefit an SS, but it isn't the only thing required. It is possible to have an SS with a weak Sun who may have stronger bio-electricity than the average person, but still have lower than ideal power, due to a weakened vitality.

While the Sun does power all aspects of the soul, you would still want to focus effort on specific aspects if they are weak. Instead of empowering the solar chakra and hope it empowers the 6th chakra enough, you would instead work on the 6th chakra directly, using energies and exercises specific to it.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=468623 time=1697827504 user_id=21286]
The Phantom Stranger said:

Mars energy is aggressive and stimulating. Scorpio is more hermaphroditic, although still water in nature, relating to the process of transformation itself. So Mars in Scorpio overall would represent the energy channeled directly into transformative actions, like meditation and spell-casting.

What exactly do you mean by "meditation and spell casting" here? Like the raising, affirming or channelizing part of energy?

Because it also says in Mars in Scorpio sign that it gives a talent for "concentration, focus and meditation". And isn't trance like a heightened sense of concentration
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=468623 time=1697827504 user_id=21286]
The Phantom Stranger said:

However, a trance state is more yin-based, as it relates to being extremely calm. Therefore, this would relate more to the Moon, rather than Mars. So with that in mind, I would not suggest using a Mars square to enhance your trance ability. Rather, just affirm it generally, like for "improving my spiritual abilities" or something more related to Pluto or Mars, not the Moon.

Maybe I will just strengthen my sacral chakra. I wonder how much that will affect my spiritual abilities. Because it was written that sacral chakra was of the astral level in "meditating on chakra sounds by Azazel".

Wouldn't Jupiter square also help with trance? Since it rules the crown chakra?

But I am definitely not wasting this Mars in Scorpio. I want to use it for sure. If what Henu says is right, that the squares are the exception to the 40 day cycle, then my sacral chakra should technically continue to grow stronger forever if I affirm "My sacral chakra is growing stronger and stronger in a happy and safe way for me".

And I think I need to work upon lower chakras.
The Phantom Stranger said:
What exactly do you mean by "meditation and spell casting" here? Like the raising, affirming or channelizing part of energy?

Because it also says in Mars in Scorpio sign that it gives a talent for "concentration, focus and meditation". And isn't trance like a heightened sense of concentration

Yes, Scorpio relates to manipulation and transformation, so it applies to all areas of magickal creation.

While the trance state itself is an act of both yin and yang (relaxed, yet awake), if you had problems getting relaxing into a trance, then the problem would be on the yin side of this, not necessarily the yang side that is represented more by Mars.
That is why I suggested going more for yin exercises, like the Moon square, and also with hatha yoga, as you mentioned having good results from.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=469210 time=1698276341 user_id=21286]
The Phantom Stranger said:
What exactly do you mean by "meditation and spell casting" here? Like the raising, affirming or channelizing part of energy?

Because it also says in Mars in Scorpio sign that it gives a talent for "concentration, focus and meditation". And isn't trance like a heightened sense of concentration

Yes, Scorpio relates to manipulation and transformation, so it applies to all areas of magickal creation.

While the trance state itself is an act of both yin and yang (relaxed, yet awake), if you had problems getting relaxing into a trance, then the problem would be on the yin side of this, not necessarily the yang side that is represented more by Mars.
That is why I suggested going more for yin exercises, like the Moon square, and also with hatha yoga, as you mentioned having good results from.
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
