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Question #2361: why does not father satan punish those evil people who rape and do such sub human acts


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
since father satan is all about justice and satanism itself is about justice ,why does not father satan or our true gods punish those criminals who rape or do other sort of abuses and who also escape judicial systems?does father satan need the victim to be told the truth or why is father satan not actually punishing such criminals ?
He does stand for justice, that's why he teaches us advanced black magick, so that we take out these subhuman filth magickally, by ourselves. Don't confuse the fact that he stands for justice with him being a controlling figure like the christian "god", he isn't. He mostly teaches us how to do things on our own, including punishing criminals.
phi3.14infinity said:
Hi karnanos brother ..It seems you also are one of an advanced satanists ..So I have few doubts ..I will ask them one by one

1)why is that Good people suffer a lot in this world and evil people seem to be getting away with everything but enjoying everything ??

Being good outside of the ultimate goodness of the Gods to nothing to do with anything related to spirituality. You can spend your life as a criminal committing abominations, and another person as a billionaire going through life's pleasures and harming no one, and the result at death is the exact same when one has no spiritual awareness because one has zero knowledge of their Astral body or how to live. Obviously the second one is better than another for society and racially (if society was full of criminals it would collapse), but it is what it is.

There are some people who are so nice, lovely and saintly in the image of the ideal xian sheep, but with no bravery and values, it is just a mask for cowardice. In fact, these people can enable the worst scum perpetually, function as drains on third parties by being perpetual victims and drag down society itself. Or they can betray you at first opportunity beneath the smile because their will is weak. Listen to this (09:00) to understand what I mean.

We live in a society full of self-proclaimed 'good people' to the point where nauseating phrases like 'it's about being a good person' are screamed out at anyone causing offense, but how many of these 'good people' even recognize the enemy? How many put their ass on the line to save others?

The Gods also want us to LEARN how to apply justice. At some point a child must grow independence from its parent. If the Gods did everything for us (which in reality is basically like making them our servants) it would be completely and utterly pointless. We would learn absolutely nothing.

Goodness entails being as the Gods and walking their path: going astray from this is the simply antithesis of goodness.

A large portion of humanity, enemy influenced or not, abandoned the Gods. This is the same as abandoning any other person and expecting them to do everything for you. How many people right now thank Satan for all He has done for us instead of defaming Him as the ultimate manifestation of evil? When you abandon and degrade the Gods, there are simply consequences. You get what you give. The Gods on the other hand did not abandon humanity. They are always here and have helped me out countless times.

Also, you need to be aware that, even though some crimes are really, really abominable, there are certain situations where there is far more than meets the eye. Person A can fuck Person B over in a past life, and then if Person A links back into Person B again, Person B can boil with rage and subconsciously go berserk without even knowing what is happening, or Person A being perfectly innocent in that lifetime. This can show up in Synastry too.

Do not take this out of context like retard buddhists and jains do and use this 'well that's their karma for squishing a cockroach 23 lifetimes ago' bullshit for every murder victim - it's just that it is rare, but it can happen. And it doesn't justify the crime either under any regard, but the Gods do take this into account.

phi3.14infinity said:
2)Does christianity and bible curse every gentile,that is every non jew or are the curses only for christians and muslims??

The curses are for all Gentiles, but proactive curses by jews tend to be reserved for high-level Gentiles. There is no point in cursing people of limited consciousness - they are generally too far gone and easily get sucked into 'general curses' that afflict the populace on a mass scale anyway because they are psychologically and spiritually weak.

On the other hand, fanatical xians, muslims, communists and others aligned with the enemy strongly draw direct curses and really ugly energy to themselves by linking themselves into the enemy on the Astral, which can follow them after death by ending up in an Astrally created version of 'xian hell', very ugly things following them throughout incarnations, or other horrors. These curses can be accompanied by (temporary) benefits that jews give them in life, leading to a carrot on a stick situation.

phi3.14infinity said:
3)Is it possible to reach magnum opus in this very age and become immortal??

That depends on a lot of factors. How powerful your soul is to begin with, how willing you are to work every day without fail, and other things.

If you meditate every day WITHOUT FAIL, you will advance in insane ways, regardless of how you start out.

But the Kundalini and Magnum Opus are like ensuring a rocket taking off... every ground must be covered.

phi3.14infinity said:
4)If somebody has done someone intrinsic evil to a good person like rape,murder ,big betrayal .why dont the gods punish such evil person?In this case what must one do personally to ensure justice is served (not physically,since the justice system is flawed a lot but to ensure justice spiritually)

Rape and murder are heinous and must be punished with Black Magick or some sort of Magickal insurance that the justice system works properly. You cannot 'turn the other cheek' this is equivalent to death and being a slave.

As I said before though, the Gods know what goes on in the hearts of people and do not tend to obliterate based on a single act. A rapist jumping out of the bushes and raping an old lady or child or anyone out of pure sadism is an abomination and may warrant this.

But let me elaborate on something whether you agree or not. A situation where an adult is warned repeatedly about an abusive person and then does the 'but I love them' routine, draining everyone else with constant drama and then going back to them, putting the abusive person above their own kids or the friends or family helping them out, and then fate occurs.

There are situations where there is a clear deficiency of thinking and acting on the victim's side, tantamount to enabling, regardless of how inevitable it is via karma. Sometimes this involves smugness, defiance and hatred of other people too.

While there are definitely people who would go over the top in blaming this type of person and claiming they 'deserve it' (that isn't true as the abuser must still go to prison or be punished or you're just passing the buck), the Gods don't think about situations like this in formulations of jewish codewords like 'victim blaming' as a hysterical feminist does and comparing an adult person of this sort to a defenseless child.

They encourage people to think objectively about situations like this and most importantly to break their karma to GET OUT OF IT ALTOGETHER FOREVER. If we had no Saturn and Mars in life, we wouldn't grow. There is no virtue in suffering itself, but like the billionaire example HP Cobra used, living life sniffing the roses doesn't really push one towards the Gods in our current world and that's the brutal truth.

The cult of victimhood that the enemy promotes on the other hand where you ignore the lessons of Saturn is a road to eternal death and actually goes hand-in-hand with their nailing of justice to the wall because it prevents many types of victims from seeing their own lives objectively or taking back control of their lives.

I used to have an acquaintance who somehow ended up getting raped multiple times by different men she dated. Not to sound vulgar but it seemed like every six months she got raped. Obviously the men involved in this should be punished, but the only thing she learned from this was that all men are pigs, all men are evil, we live in a patriarchy, and all the endless Andrea Dworkin-type crap, until somehow that all went out the window when she chased after some other asshole.

In two of these situations, the men were real sociopaths. The rape was violent, actually hitting her, threatening her, and coercing her, and they were violent towards others too and both gang members.

In the other situations, the lines were blurred. Both parties got drunk or were blitzed on drugs, signals got mixed, things went wrong. The concept of 'consent' from either direction was very questionable. A court would really have to decide here what went on.

The thing is, she had zero awareness of her own karma blueprint (obviously this was clear on her Chart) and kept getting into the same situations with men, men that literally anyone else could tell were dumpster fires, but she was really delusional. She also had a pretty bad attitude towards nicer men because they didn't 'excite her'. Adding to the dumpster fire was that some jewess was her close friend and basically cheered on her horrible decisions constantly which is a common thing for jews to do (spiritual sabotage).

We don't have to be like cynical people or suffering-loving sociopaths on some sites and say 'based she got what she deserved, dumb whore, let the men go free #KevinSpaceyBuhhsed' or whatever. She fell in with malignant people who conditioned her instincts and fell victim to her own karmic blueprint, this was not really 'a total choice'. But at the same time, to compare the cycle this person goes through constantly to a innocent like a woman raped on a daily walk from some man jumping out of a tree is off the mark.

Aggravating the situation is that people like her, compared to people who are completely vulnerable, tend to dominate probably 95 percent of discussions about victimhood, especially in the political dimension, and that actually makes things worse because their idea of justice is skewed. If you notice carefully these kinds of people tend to view crimes through a very biased lens when they start the 'as a rape victim' speech: Trump is a 100 percent rapist but Biden isn't a pedo, Hunter is a normal guy and so on. They use what happened to them as political opportunism. Things like this tend to draw the Gods' ire too because they see through the cynicism of using hubris as a political tool.
The Gods do, both on the physical and astral plane, but mostly the astral.

Towards The Evil Types Of Andrapoda:

Why is There Suffering in the World? Satan Gives Answers:

To enact changes on the physical plane quickly it demands immense amounts of energy that instead should be used to improve planet Earth as a wholew, and to win the War out there against the powers that want to enslave and destroy Earth, and thus prevent even more war, rape and genocide that would come along with it. If the Gods where instead going on about stoping every individual human criminals out there we would be fucked, but regardless there isn't even more suffering in the world because the Gods do intervene a lot.
Egon said:
The Gods do, both on the physical and astral plane, but mostly the astral.

Towards The Evil Types Of Andrapoda:

Why is There Suffering in the World? Satan Gives Answers:

To enact changes on the physical plane quickly it demands immense amounts of energy that instead should be used to improve planet Earth as a wholew, and to win the War out there against the powers that want to enslave and destroy Earth, and thus prevent even more war, rape and genocide that would come along with it. If the Gods where instead going on about stoping every individual human criminals out there we would be fucked, but regardless there isn't even more suffering in the world because the Gods do intervene a lot.
I respectfully disagree with you ..satanism is all about justice ..we are NOT to turn other cheek and keep taking abuses ..HP maxine mentioned that clearly ,while it is true the immense amount of energy should be used to improve this entire earth BUT someone who has raped someone or murdered or looted someone and still have got away .,must be damn punished 1000 fold ,,Such worms do NOT deserve to even live ..Overall improvement of this world is important but if one has been wronged brutally ,they should resort to justice and punishment of criminals in a much brutal horrific way ..Criminals must be PUNISHED 100 fold ..
phi3.14infinity said:
Egon said:
The Gods do, both on the physical and astral plane, but mostly the astral.

Towards The Evil Types Of Andrapoda:

Why is There Suffering in the World? Satan Gives Answers:

To enact changes on the physical plane quickly it demands immense amounts of energy that instead should be used to improve planet Earth as a wholew, and to win the War out there against the powers that want to enslave and destroy Earth, and thus prevent even more war, rape and genocide that would come along with it. If the Gods where instead going on about stoping every individual human criminals out there we would be fucked, but regardless there isn't even more suffering in the world because the Gods do intervene a lot.
I respectfully disagree with you ..satanism is all about justice ..we are NOT to turn other cheek and keep taking abuses ..HP maxine mentioned that clearly ,while it is true the immense amount of energy should be used to improve this entire earth BUT someone who has raped someone or murdered or looted someone and still have got away .,must be damn punished 1000 fold ,,Such worms do NOT deserve to even live ..Overall improvement of this world is important but if one has been wronged brutally ,they should resort to justice and punishment of criminals in a much brutal horrific way ..Criminals must be PUNISHED 100 fold ..

Yes, is anyone harms us or a loved one like that, then we have black magick. We can curse those who harm us. But the Gods are not going after each individual, we can enact justice ourselves.
phi3.14infinity said:
I respectfully disagree with you ..satanism is all about justice ..we are NOT to turn other cheek and keep taking abuses ..

Where did I say that we should turn the other cheek or criminals don't deserve punishment? That has nothing to do at all with anything I wrote, which are facts on how the Gods act, pay attention to what is writen and don't assume things. If you read anything I said regarding the matter I proposed some of the harshest pushments, that can be done here on Earth.
Egon said:
phi3.14infinity said:
I respectfully disagree with you ..satanism is all about justice ..we are NOT to turn other cheek and keep taking abuses ..

Where did I say that we should turn the other cheek or criminals don't deserve punishment? That has nothing to do at all with anything I wrote, which are facts on how the Gods act, pay attention to what is writen and don't assume things. If you read anything I said regarding the matter I proposed some of the harshest pushments, that can be done here on Earth.
u said the energy should be used INSTEAD should be used to improve planet earth as a whole
phi3.14infinity said:
u said the energy should be used INSTEAD should be used to improve planet earth as a whole
Where is it writen *some individual* "should" or "should not" do anything? Maybe actually read the text and stop inventing meanings or putting words in my mouth. Re-read it and it should be more than clear I am talking how the GODS do their work, so that WE are not completely anihilated, instead of running around trying to stop every single crime on this planet, which would fail to work and will only be possible if they finish their greater plans first.

If you disagree with how reality is possible to work, go ahead solve every single rape case on the planet then, and stop it from ever happening again, if not even the Gods work like that. Satanism is about justice not going on an emotional rampage wasting energy aimlessly.
Egon said:
phi3.14infinity said:
u said the energy should be used INSTEAD should be used to improve planet earth as a whole
Where is it writen *some individual* "should" or "should not" do anything? Maybe actually read the text and stop inventing meanings or putting words in my mouth. Re-read it and it should be more than clear I am talking how the GODS do their work, so that WE are not completely anihilated, instead of running around trying to stop every single crime on this planet, which would fail to work and will only be possible if they finish their greater plans first.

If you disagree with how reality is possible to work, go ahead solve every single rape case on the planet then, and stop it from ever happening again, if not even the Gods work like that. Satanism is about justice not going on an emotional rampage wasting energy aimlessly.

Individual rapes can ONLY be stopped if every victim instead of forgiving or turning the other cheek turn to either black magic or ask gods for the help or we satanists as a whole collectively work in astral level to stop all these crimes ..U have mistaken me but since u said should be "instead" used to improve the planet as a whole,,I needed to actually reply that we all have to think of justice ..U had never mentioned how individuals can individually resort to justice if they had been abused atleast in this particular answer ..When u say instead ,It looks the same as christians or new agers who say "Focus on your own well being INSTEAD "..I am NOT criticising you ,,NO we satanists must NEVER cause strife ..I said I respectfully disagree in the very beginning ...
Egon said:
phi3.14infinity said:
u said the energy should be used INSTEAD should be used to improve planet earth as a whole
Where is it writen *some individual* "should" or "should not" do anything? Maybe actually read the text and stop inventing meanings or putting words in my mouth. Re-read it and it should be more than clear I am talking how the GODS do their work, so that WE are not completely anihilated, instead of running around trying to stop every single crime on this planet, which would fail to work and will only be possible if they finish their greater plans first.

If you disagree with how reality is possible to work, go ahead solve every single rape case on the planet then, and stop it from ever happening again, if not even the Gods work like that. Satanism is about justice not going on an emotional rampage wasting energy aimlessly.
hi brother ,plz pardon me if I did say anything wrong ..U were actually 100% right ..This question is asked in related to the context of gods ...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
