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Question #227: Why support Homosexuality?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Homosexuality is anti-natural as homosexual people can't have kids and it is very dirty, it is simply not desirable to insert your penis in the same place where poo comes out from, most homosexual people have parasites because of this. Adopting kids is not a solution to homosexual people not having kids, as the statistics clearly show how most of these cases end (pedophilia, rape, sexual abuse). Also from what I know the Nazis didn't like homosexuality at all and the few homosexual members of the NSDAP were purged. Please explain.

Also please debunk these links providing information on how the ancient civilizations of Rome, Greece, Egypt, India, Scandinavia and Germany were not as homofriendly as it is seen here.

Homosexuality has been observed in nature, performed by animals. Therefore it is natural by definition.

However, that is useless information. Hemlock is also natural. The correct question is whether or not homosexuality is unhealthy.

There was a long debate about this in another thread, but to summarize:

If it's not unhealthy, then why not allow people to do it? The only reason to prohibit activities (like drinking, smoking, porn, etc) is because they have harmful consequences.

Based on my knowledge and that lengthy thread, here are responses for your statements:

# 1. "it is simply not desirable to insert your penis in the same place where poo comes out from"

Some people do find it desirable. Some people also find cigarettes desirable. The question is whether it's objectively unhealthy. If the penis and anus are both cleaned and lubricated, and the sex is not too rough, then what harm does it cause? For heterosexual sex, you put the place where urine comes out into the vagina. Your argument applies there too, as both urine and poo are waste products, and obviously heterosexual sex is healthy because if it weren't, humans wouldn't exist. This is a contradiction, so your statement is false.

# 2. "most homosexual people have parasites because of this"

Suppose that's true. So what? It means nothing about the inherent healthiness or unhealthiness of homosexuality. Suppose you have 2 men in a space capsule that has been sterilized - no parasites anywhere. Therefore they won't catch any parasites if they have anal sex.

Your argument also applies to known STDs, by saying that heterosexual sex is unhealthy because people can catch STDs. (Contradiction.)

Also, your argument neglects female homosexuality. Women have no penis for anal sex, yet homosexuality still exists among women.

# 3. "the statistics clearly show how most of these cases end (pedophilia, rape, sexual abuse)"

The JoS does say that the LGBT community is heavily brainwashed by jewish garbage. Therefore it is expected to have all sorts of jewish depravity in the statistics.

# 4. "Also please debunk these links providing information on how the ancient civilizations of Rome, Greece, Egypt, India, Scandinavia and Germany were not as homofriendly as it is seen here."

It is hard to say about history, since the jewish catholic church corrupted and burned many historical records during the dark ages.

So what if you're right? Past civilizations have made mistakes before, like Roman lead plumbing. What matter most is what we do now.
I'm only going to address one of your bullet points (partially because Eagle has addressed the majority of the post).

Not everybody wants offspring, regardless of whether or not their sexuality is possible for such things.

I'm a woman in a relationship with a man, and I still do not want offspring. Ever.

This isn't because of any media/enemy influences or the like; I have my reasons... severe, dire reasons.
There have always been gay people since the beginning of time. This is not natural for most people, but it is natural for some people. This is something that is built into the soul.

About adopting children, I do not agree with that. They should not be allowed to adopt any children because that is completely unnatural. A child needs two parents, a male and a female. And both male and female energies are received by the child from both parents and both of these contribute to the growth of the child's soul. Gay people adopting a child, at the very least what you are doing is experimenting on the mind and the life of a young child with no knowledge of if it will be okay, and a real risk that there could be a large amount of damage done. My opinion is this is evil. And I'm pretty sure this also is a war crime because it is experimenting on a human who does not consent to being experimented on.

The modern LGBT, Lettuce Gay Bacon and Tomato. This modern political movement is absolutely evil. It is all funded and controlled by billionaire communist jews for the only intention of destabilizing and destroying all of society so that there will be nothing left in the way from them installing their world communist slave planet. Everything about transgender that they promote is a crime against humanity, as they attempt to brainwash and destroy the minds of children. And they do medical procedures on children that will ensure that they will never be able to reproduce. All of this is for the purpose of the extinction of all white people, as we would be extinct if all of our children had no ability to reproduce there would never be a next generation. This situation is also a paradise for pedophiles and rapists. They go into schools and talk to very young children about extremely sexual things. A grown man goes naked into a female locker room with very young girls because he lies that he is a woman. All of these are absolute crimes against humanity and all who are guilty of them will have to answer to the gods.

But those things are not done by gay people. Gay people are innocent, at least most of them are. These things are done entirely by jews, so if you want to blame anybody be correct and blame jews. It is the communist jews, the pedophile jews, and the jews who try to extinct us, all working together and all funded by the billionaire NWO, WEF jews. There is no gay human who plans or does these crimes, it is all pedophile evil jews. Look at pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, he was a mossad jew and his entire pedophile system was created and controlled by israeli government as an act of war against every other country. He would take jews from other governments around the world, have them do pedophilia, and secretly record a video of it. Then all these governments have to do whatever israeli jews want them to do, because "If you don't do what we want we will show everyone the video what you did." There is nothing about this that is not jewish.

It is a lie that NS were against gay people. This lie was created by jews to trick gay people to hate NS. There were several high ranking SS officers who were gay, Hitler and Himmler both knew these people were gay, and nobody cared because it is not important. These were good and honorable men who worked hard, and that is what is important. The pink triangle symbol in the work camps was not given for gay people, that is a lie. The pink triangle was given specifically for pedophiles and rapists. Regular gay people were left alone to live their lives, and there never was anybody put in the work camp only for being gay.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
It is a lie that NS were against gay people. This lie was created by jews to trick gay people to hate NS. There were several high ranking SS officers who were gay, Hitler and Himmler both knew these people were gay, and nobody cared because it is not important. These were good and honorable men who worked hard, and that is what is important. The pink triangle symbol in the work camps was not given for gay people, that is a lie. The pink triangle was given specifically for pedophiles and rapists. Regular gay people were left alone to live their lives, and there never was anybody put in the work camp only for being gay.

This, along with how xianity is a hoax would be something for The Nordic Resistance Movement to get into their heads.
They often bash both Satanism (saying the Jewish elite are Satanists) and also how homosexuals are perverts that need to be converted to heterosexuals - often affected by their own Catholic thinking.
Good thing their leader (Simon Lindberg) is not Catholic though at least.

As mentioned here, many gay people are strongly against "Pride" and the LGBT movement, thinking it's sick and depraved.
I've seen those "Pride Parades" where I live and it's mostly about leather fetishes, "fist fucking" and other weird stuff - making the homosexuals look more depraved than most actually are. As usual it's the chosen one's way of fucking things up.
Aside from all the great points SoaringEagle made, heterosexual couples also have anal sex. It's not exclusive to gay men.
As others say homosexuality is found in nature, also where does your rome link provide evidence against homosexuals it only has stuff against orgies and oversexualization of rome

btw what happened to my boy brainwash? I swear I saw his post here then it vanished something fishy is going on.
NPC#67 said:
btw what happened to my boy brainwash? I swear I saw his post here then it vanished something fishy is going on.

Don't go off topic please. Make a new topic if you are concerned and keep these threads on the Ask Satan Forums purely to answer the questions that are asked here, or to discuss the contents of the questions and answers give by other members.
VoiceofEnki said:
NPC#67 said:
btw what happened to my boy brainwash? I swear I saw his post here then it vanished something fishy is going on.

Don't go off topic please. Make a new topic if you are concerned and keep these threads on the Ask Satan Forums purely to answer the questions that are asked here, or to discuss the contents of the questions and answers give by other members.

Oh my bad I didn't wanna make a whole new topic on that though so I just said it here where he posted but I'll keep this in mind
I would say it is more of an acceptance rather than a support/push of Homosexuality.
We are all individuals, we can accept homosexual members, you don't have to be rude to them.
It is everyone's own business how or what he eats and/or what he does sexually with his partner/s.
There are no extremes here.
It is not like straight people preform anal sex :roll: , and hey by the way are these not the same arguments a christian would make?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
There have always been gay people since the beginning of time. This is not natural for most people, but it is natural for some people. This is something that is built into the soul.

About adopting children, I do not agree with that. They should not be allowed to adopt any children because that is completely unnatural. A child needs two parents, a male and a female. And both male and female energies are received by the child from both parents and both of these contribute to the growth of the child's soul. Gay people adopting a child, at the very least what you are doing is experimenting on the mind and the life of a young child with no knowledge of if it will be okay, and a real risk that there could be a large amount of damage done. My opinion is this is evil. And I'm pretty sure this also is a war crime because it is experimenting on a human who does not consent to being experimented on.

The modern LGBT, Lettuce Gay Bacon and Tomato. This modern political movement is absolutely evil. It is all funded and controlled by billionaire communist jews for the only intention of destabilizing and destroying all of society so that there will be nothing left in the way from them installing their world communist slave planet. Everything about transgender that they promote is a crime against humanity, as they attempt to brainwash and destroy the minds of children. And they do medical procedures on children that will ensure that they will never be able to reproduce. All of this is for the purpose of the extinction of all white people, as we would be extinct if all of our children had no ability to reproduce there would never be a next generation. This situation is also a paradise for pedophiles and rapists. They go into schools and talk to very young children about extremely sexual things. A grown man goes naked into a female locker room with very young girls because he lies that he is a woman. All of these are absolute crimes against humanity and all who are guilty of them will have to answer to the gods.

But those things are not done by gay people. Gay people are innocent, at least most of them are. These things are done entirely by jews, so if you want to blame anybody be correct and blame jews. It is the communist jews, the pedophile jews, and the jews who try to extinct us, all working together and all funded by the billionaire NWO, WEF jews. There is no gay human who plans or does these crimes, it is all pedophile evil jews. Look at pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, he was a mossad jew and his entire pedophile system was created and controlled by israeli government as an act of war against every other country. He would take jews from other governments around the world, have them do pedophilia, and secretly record a video of it. Then all these governments have to do whatever israeli jews want them to do, because "If you don't do what we want we will show everyone the video what you did." There is nothing about this that is not jewish.

It is a lie that NS were against gay people. This lie was created by jews to trick gay people to hate NS. There were several high ranking SS officers who were gay, Hitler and Himmler both knew these people were gay, and nobody cared because it is not important. These were good and honorable men who worked hard, and that is what is important. The pink triangle symbol in the work camps was not given for gay people, that is a lie. The pink triangle was given specifically for pedophiles and rapists. Regular gay people were left alone to live their lives, and there never was anybody put in the work camp only for being gay.

I agree with all of your points 100 percent.Brother u have great wisdom .Hail satan !!
Soaring Eagle 666 said:
Homosexuality has been observed in nature, performed by animals. Therefore it is natural by definition.

However, that is useless information. Hemlock is also natural. The correct question is whether or not homosexuality is unhealthy.

There was a long debate about this in another thread, but to summarize:

If it's not unhealthy, then why not allow people to do it? The only reason to prohibit activities (like drinking, smoking, porn, etc) is because they have harmful consequences.

Based on my knowledge and that lengthy thread, here are responses for your statements:

# 1. "it is simply not desirable to insert your penis in the same place where poo comes out from"

Some people do find it desirable. Some people also find cigarettes desirable. The question is whether it's objectively unhealthy. If the penis and anus are both cleaned and lubricated, and the sex is not too rough, then what harm does it cause? For heterosexual sex, you put the place where urine comes out into the vagina. Your argument applies there too, as both urine and poo are waste products, and obviously heterosexual sex is healthy because if it weren't, humans wouldn't exist. This is a contradiction, so your statement is false.

# 2. "most homosexual people have parasites because of this"

Suppose that's true. So what? It means nothing about the inherent healthiness or unhealthiness of homosexuality. Suppose you have 2 men in a space capsule that has been sterilized - no parasites anywhere. Therefore they won't catch any parasites if they have anal sex.

Your argument also applies to known STDs, by saying that heterosexual sex is unhealthy because people can catch STDs. (Contradiction.)

Also, your argument neglects female homosexuality. Women have no penis for anal sex, yet homosexuality still exists among women.

# 3. "the statistics clearly show how most of these cases end (pedophilia, rape, sexual abuse)"

The JoS does say that the LGBT community is heavily brainwashed by jewish garbage. Therefore it is expected to have all sorts of jewish depravity in the statistics.

# 4. "Also please debunk these links providing information on how the ancient civilizations of Rome, Greece, Egypt, India, Scandinavia and Germany were not as homofriendly as it is seen here."

It is hard to say about history, since the jewish catholic church corrupted and burned many historical records during the dark ages.

So what if you're right? Past civilizations have made mistakes before, like Roman lead plumbing. What matter most is what we do now.

The homosexual sex that I saw in animals is not normal at all. I read an article saying that this is because there are worms in the anus of the animal and therefore it begins to behave like a female. You cannot compare an animal to a human. I had a 7-year story with a person who claims Satanism, but it appeared in Finally, he was fake, and he was gay, and he was convincing me that in order to become a real Satanist, you must be gay, and I, as usual, was always researching and testing and asking the gods over and over again. He was convinced that homosexual sex works to raise the Kundalini and strengthen the base chakra, and this topic was interesting, but after researching and asking the gods, I concluded that this idea is a Jewish invention, and on the contrary, this leads to the destruction of the base chakra, which is basically it, and I have several evidences and proofs I hope to share it with you in the future and I knew that the one who is convinced of homosexuality suffers from a defect in his brain that must be treated and programmed in the right way, and that he really communicates with nature and the gods.... When you see that the Joy of satan group left the field open for this choice And that the gods did not indicate about him, I see him as when a homosexual person joins us, when he performs power meditations, he will discover himself and himself and choose the right thing in the end... According to my experience, I see that this thing is not natural at all, and it is a Jewish invention that was promoted by He accepted them and must be fought because he makes people with a very dangerous Jewish energy
Stolas216 said:
The homosexual sex that I saw in animals is not normal at all. I read an article saying that this is because there are worms in the anus of the animal and therefore it begins to behave like a female. You cannot compare an animal to a human. I had a 7-year story with a person who claims Satanism, but it appeared in Finally, he was fake, and he was gay, and he was convincing me that in order to become a real Satanist, you must be gay, and I, as usual, was always researching and testing and asking the gods over and over again. He was convinced that homosexual sex works to raise the Kundalini and strengthen the base chakra, and this topic was interesting, but after researching and asking the gods, I concluded that this idea is a Jewish invention, and on the contrary, this leads to the destruction of the base chakra, which is basically it, and I have several evidences and proofs I hope to share it with you in the future and I knew that the one who is convinced of homosexuality suffers from a defect in his brain that must be treated and programmed in the right way, and that he really communicates with nature and the gods.... When you see that the Joy of satan group left the field open for this choice And that the gods did not indicate about him, I see him as when a homosexual person joins us, when he performs power meditations, he will discover himself and himself and choose the right thing in the end... According to my experience, I see that this thing is not natural at all, and it is a Jewish invention that was promoted by He accepted them and must be fought because he makes people with a very dangerous Jewish energy

People have sexual desires based on the polarity of their soul and other aspects of it, not due to infections in any large part.

Your friend is deluded, but it is also wrong on your part to assume that gay sex destroys the base chakra, which is an exaggeration of any possible health effects which can happen from this. Gay sex is not related to Jewish energy, and most of the harm can be attributed to irritation of the tissue, which is much different from spiritual damage.

Through astrology we know that people's sexual and romantic desires are multifaceted. That does not mean we are all trans or gay, but it does show that some difference is acceptable, including being gay itself.

What is important for everyone, gay or straight, is to continue their meditations and spiritual advancement, as this will lead to the treatment of all pathological conditions. Therefore, there is no sense in fighting about this topic with others, especially as we face much greater threats.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=449154 time=1686755095 user_id=21286]
Stolas216 said:
The homosexual sex that I saw in animals is not normal at all. I read an article saying that this is because there are worms in the anus of the animal and therefore it begins to behave like a female. You cannot compare an animal to a human. I had a 7-year story with a person who claims Satanism, but it appeared in Finally, he was fake, and he was gay, and he was convincing me that in order to become a real Satanist, you must be gay, and I, as usual, was always researching and testing and asking the gods over and over again. He was convinced that homosexual sex works to raise the Kundalini and strengthen the base chakra, and this topic was interesting, but after researching and asking the gods, I concluded that this idea is a Jewish invention, and on the contrary, this leads to the destruction of the base chakra, which is basically it, and I have several evidences and proofs I hope to share it with you in the future and I knew that the one who is convinced of homosexuality suffers from a defect in his brain that must be treated and programmed in the right way, and that he really communicates with nature and the gods.... When you see that the Joy of satan group left the field open for this choice And that the gods did not indicate about him, I see him as when a homosexual person joins us, when he performs power meditations, he will discover himself and himself and choose the right thing in the end... According to my experience, I see that this thing is not natural at all, and it is a Jewish invention that was promoted by He accepted them and must be fought because he makes people with a very dangerous Jewish energy

People have sexual desires based on the polarity of their soul and other aspects of it, not due to infections in any large part.

Your friend is deluded, but it is also wrong on your part to assume that gay sex destroys the base chakra, which is an exaggeration of any possible health effects which can happen from this. Gay sex is not related to Jewish energy, and most of the harm can be attributed to irritation of the tissue, which is much different from spiritual damage.

Through astrology we know that people's sexual and romantic desires are multifaceted. That does not mean we are all trans or gay, but it does show that some difference is acceptable, including being gay itself.

What is important for everyone, gay or straight, is to continue their meditations and spiritual advancement, as this will lead to the treatment of all pathological conditions. Therefore, there is no sense in fighting about this topic with others, especially as we face much greater threats.

Therefore, through meditation, astrology and spiritual knowledge, we can change these karma and develop our souls to reach the highest level, the level of the gods.
Stolas216 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=449154 time=1686755095 user_id=21286]
Stolas216 said:
The homosexual sex that I saw in animals is not normal at all. I read an article saying that this is because there are worms in the anus of the animal and therefore it begins to behave like a female. You cannot compare an animal to a human. I had a 7-year story with a person who claims Satanism, but it appeared in Finally, he was fake, and he was gay, and he was convincing me that in order to become a real Satanist, you must be gay, and I, as usual, was always researching and testing and asking the gods over and over again. He was convinced that homosexual sex works to raise the Kundalini and strengthen the base chakra, and this topic was interesting, but after researching and asking the gods, I concluded that this idea is a Jewish invention, and on the contrary, this leads to the destruction of the base chakra, which is basically it, and I have several evidences and proofs I hope to share it with you in the future and I knew that the one who is convinced of homosexuality suffers from a defect in his brain that must be treated and programmed in the right way, and that he really communicates with nature and the gods.... When you see that the Joy of satan group left the field open for this choice And that the gods did not indicate about him, I see him as when a homosexual person joins us, when he performs power meditations, he will discover himself and himself and choose the right thing in the end... According to my experience, I see that this thing is not natural at all, and it is a Jewish invention that was promoted by He accepted them and must be fought because he makes people with a very dangerous Jewish energy

People have sexual desires based on the polarity of their soul and other aspects of it, not due to infections in any large part.

Your friend is deluded, but it is also wrong on your part to assume that gay sex destroys the base chakra, which is an exaggeration of any possible health effects which can happen from this. Gay sex is not related to Jewish energy, and most of the harm can be attributed to irritation of the tissue, which is much different from spiritual damage.

Through astrology we know that people's sexual and romantic desires are multifaceted. That does not mean we are all trans or gay, but it does show that some difference is acceptable, including being gay itself.

What is important for everyone, gay or straight, is to continue their meditations and spiritual advancement, as this will lead to the treatment of all pathological conditions. Therefore, there is no sense in fighting about this topic with others, especially as we face much greater threats.

Therefore, through meditation, astrology and spiritual knowledge, we can change these karma and develop our souls to reach the highest level, the level of the gods.

Clearly you know nothing about all these things you mentioned, and you certainly aren't in proper contact with any god whatsoever, but maybe even enemy entities too.

To be very frank with you, your ideas are very retarded.

That person you claim you were in contact with most probably wasn't even a proper practitioner and a deluded man, which has nothing to do with his sexuality.

Those "articles" you have read are almost always written by jews, muslim cows, or christians. You place their word above the word of the gods?

You do not know everything.

Deprogram your mind first from all this bullshit. You are either here, or with the jews. And from your words, one would still think you are with them.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Stolas216 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=449154 time=1686755095 user_id=21286]

People have sexual desires based on the polarity of their soul and other aspects of it, not due to infections in any large part.

Your friend is deluded, but it is also wrong on your part to assume that gay sex destroys the base chakra, which is an exaggeration of any possible health effects which can happen from this. Gay sex is not related to Jewish energy, and most of the harm can be attributed to irritation of the tissue, which is much different from spiritual damage.

Through astrology we know that people's sexual and romantic desires are multifaceted. That does not mean we are all trans or gay, but it does show that some difference is acceptable, including being gay itself.

What is important for everyone, gay or straight, is to continue their meditations and spiritual advancement, as this will lead to the treatment of all pathological conditions. Therefore, there is no sense in fighting about this topic with others, especially as we face much greater threats.

Therefore, through meditation, astrology and spiritual knowledge, we can change these karma and develop our souls to reach the highest level, the level of the gods.

Clearly you know nothing about all these things you mentioned, and you certainly aren't in proper contact with any god whatsoever, but maybe even enemy entities too.

To be very frank with you, your ideas are very retarded.

That person you claim you were in contact with most probably wasn't even a proper practitioner and a deluded man, which has nothing to do with his sexuality.

Those "articles" you have read are almost always written by jews, muslim cows, or christians. You place their word above the word of the gods?

You do not know everything.

Deprogram your mind first from all this bullshit. You are either here, or with the jews. And from your words, one would still think you are with them.

I will not argue with you too much because your emotions or desires control you and you do not know anything about me and my relationship with the gods. I believe that homosexuality is wrong and against nature, and I believe that here in Joy of satan we welcome homosexuals, because by following the Power Meditations program they will discover themselves and discover the right thing in the end and This remains my belief, and I am sure of it, and homosexual sex is a grave and destructive mistake for the base chakra
Stolas216 said:
because by following the Power Meditations program

It doesn't do anything of the sort. Hence why a man can ask for an incubus (male Demon) and they will appear.

The sex drive must be expressed for Magnum Opus to even occur.
Karnonnos said:
Stolas216 said:
because by following the Power Meditations program

It doesn't do anything of the sort. Hence why a man can ask for an incubus (male Demon) and they will appear.

The sex drive must be expressed for Magnum Opus to even occur.

This is not a proof, this is part of the journey. The demons will be with you on your journey, of course if you are worthy and will make you the one to decide at the end.
Stolas216 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
Stolas216 said:
Therefore, through meditation, astrology and spiritual knowledge, we can change these karma and develop our souls to reach the highest level, the level of the gods.

Clearly you know nothing about all these things you mentioned, and you certainly aren't in proper contact with any god whatsoever, but maybe even enemy entities too.

To be very frank with you, your ideas are very retarded.

That person you claim you were in contact with most probably wasn't even a proper practitioner and a deluded man, which has nothing to do with his sexuality.

Those "articles" you have read are almost always written by jews, muslim cows, or christians. You place their word above the word of the gods?

You do not know everything.

Deprogram your mind first from all this bullshit. You are either here, or with the jews. And from your words, one would still think you are with them.

I will not argue with you too much because your emotions or desires control you and you do not know anything about me and my relationship with the gods. I believe that homosexuality is wrong and against nature, and I believe that here in Joy of satan we welcome homosexuals, because by following the Power Meditations program they will discover themselves and discover the right thing in the end and This remains my belief, and I am sure of it, and homosexual sex is a grave and destructive mistake for the base chakra

I agree with Stolas216
Stolas216 said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=449154 time=1686755095 user_id=21286]
Stolas216 said:
The homosexual sex that I saw in animals is not normal at all. I read an article saying that this is because there are worms in the anus of the animal and therefore it begins to behave like a female. You cannot compare an animal to a human. I had a 7-year story with a person who claims Satanism, but it appeared in Finally, he was fake, and he was gay, and he was convincing me that in order to become a real Satanist, you must be gay, and I, as usual, was always researching and testing and asking the gods over and over again. He was convinced that homosexual sex works to raise the Kundalini and strengthen the base chakra, and this topic was interesting, but after researching and asking the gods, I concluded that this idea is a Jewish invention, and on the contrary, this leads to the destruction of the base chakra, which is basically it, and I have several evidences and proofs I hope to share it with you in the future and I knew that the one who is convinced of homosexuality suffers from a defect in his brain that must be treated and programmed in the right way, and that he really communicates with nature and the gods.... When you see that the Joy of satan group left the field open for this choice And that the gods did not indicate about him, I see him as when a homosexual person joins us, when he performs power meditations, he will discover himself and himself and choose the right thing in the end... According to my experience, I see that this thing is not natural at all, and it is a Jewish invention that was promoted by He accepted them and must be fought because he makes people with a very dangerous Jewish energy

People have sexual desires based on the polarity of their soul and other aspects of it, not due to infections in any large part.

Your friend is deluded, but it is also wrong on your part to assume that gay sex destroys the base chakra, which is an exaggeration of any possible health effects which can happen from this. Gay sex is not related to Jewish energy, and most of the harm can be attributed to irritation of the tissue, which is much different from spiritual damage.

Through astrology we know that people's sexual and romantic desires are multifaceted. That does not mean we are all trans or gay, but it does show that some difference is acceptable, including being gay itself.

What is important for everyone, gay or straight, is to continue their meditations and spiritual advancement, as this will lead to the treatment of all pathological conditions. Therefore, there is no sense in fighting about this topic with others, especially as we face much greater threats.

Therefore, through meditation, astrology and spiritual knowledge, we can change these karma and develop our souls to reach the highest level, the level of the gods.

Well most homosexuals and bisexuals like myself would never want to change,I mean why would we?

I actually love being bi and its more than just sex.
I think the truest kind of love is when you choose the person based on their character,not their gender and as a bi Im well aware not everyone can have that kind of true love😌😎
Stolas216 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
Stolas216 said:
Therefore, through meditation, astrology and spiritual knowledge, we can change these karma and develop our souls to reach the highest level, the level of the gods.

Clearly you know nothing about all these things you mentioned, and you certainly aren't in proper contact with any god whatsoever, but maybe even enemy entities too.

To be very frank with you, your ideas are very retarded.

That person you claim you were in contact with most probably wasn't even a proper practitioner and a deluded man, which has nothing to do with his sexuality.

Those "articles" you have read are almost always written by jews, muslim cows, or christians. You place their word above the word of the gods?

You do not know everything.

Deprogram your mind first from all this bullshit. You are either here, or with the jews. And from your words, one would still think you are with them.

I will not argue with you too much because your emotions or desires control you and you do not know anything about me and my relationship with the gods. I believe that homosexuality is wrong and against nature, and I believe that here in Joy of satan we welcome homosexuals, because by following the Power Meditations program they will discover themselves and discover the right thing in the end and This remains my belief, and I am sure of it, and homosexual sex is a grave and destructive mistake for the base chakra

>accuses me of being emotional

>goes on a full whining rant
wolfhammer922 said:
Stolas216 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
Clearly you know nothing about all these things you mentioned, and you certainly aren't in proper contact with any god whatsoever, but maybe even enemy entities too.

To be very frank with you, your ideas are very retarded.

That person you claim you were in contact with most probably wasn't even a proper practitioner and a deluded man, which has nothing to do with his sexuality.

Those "articles" you have read are almost always written by jews, muslim cows, or christians. You place their word above the word of the gods?

You do not know everything.

Deprogram your mind first from all this bullshit. You are either here, or with the jews. And from your words, one would still think you are with them.

I will not argue with you too much because your emotions or desires control you and you do not know anything about me and my relationship with the gods. I believe that homosexuality is wrong and against nature, and I believe that here in Joy of satan we welcome homosexuals, because by following the Power Meditations program they will discover themselves and discover the right thing in the end and This remains my belief, and I am sure of it, and homosexual sex is a grave and destructive mistake for the base chakra

I agree with Stolas216

Then you are both retarded.
TheWhiteGiant said:
wolfhammer922 said:
Stolas216 said:
I will not argue with you too much because your emotions or desires control you and you do not know anything about me and my relationship with the gods. I believe that homosexuality is wrong and against nature, and I believe that here in Joy of satan we welcome homosexuals, because by following the Power Meditations program they will discover themselves and discover the right thing in the end and This remains my belief, and I am sure of it, and homosexual sex is a grave and destructive mistake for the base chakra

I agree with Stolas216

Then you are both retarded.

Yes I agree both are retarded. Stolas216 sounds a like a xtian. Welcome to our organization if you do XYZ and ABC it cures you of this ebil, debil technology called hamasexual.

It's 2023 and people to this day still dictate whereby you can use your dick or pussy.

Weird times we live in. The Judeo-bolshevism is strong with people.

Homosexual ruining civilization, what's next eating bacteria fortified yogurt causes your brain to change into being a degenerate cause some scientific evidence shows bacteria and microbial life of the stomach flora and intestinal gut do impart actions of the Human brain and it's decision making.

It's simple

IF Straight = only men like women or women like men = okay.
IF Gay/Lesbian = if man like man or women like women = okay
IF Bisexual = If into both genders for both genders = okay

In your cases above first is fine the following two is not okay.

I truly believe you guys aren't Pagans nor people with an open mind I'm not saying live and let live as that sets a dangerous perspective whereby people who hate freedom have the freedom to hate freedom thus polluting people i.e. look at people who hate guns and 2A or marxist subversion by allowing it.

But this sexual aspect is getting old. It seems like homosexuality is the root principle cause of every problem. Okay no more gay people = no more problem.

If you don't want to be gay and or bi, you don't have to. Sometimes I wonder if people who hate gay people not because they are to become gay/bi. I think and wonder if some of these people who are uncomfortable with thinking.

Remember thinking does NOT = doing it, it's merely a virtual projection. Some people Herman Rosenblatt themselves with "It was real because it was in my mind".

As Pagan/Satanic/NS/Freedom Fighters etc.etc. it's a poor showing to hate simply for laying with man as womenkind.

Too much bible thumping and too much judeo-bolshevism.

To the people who oppose homosexuality and this isn't to state your gay or indicate something.

But if you hate it and even question yourself in fearfulness of this.

Are you gay or wanting to be gay or experiment, try-sexual, bi-curious. OR do you posses a cock fetish and simply admire the virile member of a guy. Much akin to people looking at various body parts breast, ass, pussy, legs, feet, etc.etc.

Are some of you naysayers simply having a cock fetish moment and while a ignorant person implies that is gay mein dude.

Do you guys look at porn with male and female actors or look at porn like gangbang or multiple penetration. Or hell are some of you even looking at trans pornography and simply as some people have stated liking it cause the female facade inhabits a safe form of appreciation of the male apparatus?

So in essence for the gay bashers. Without calling you gay or saying your gay or any; I don't want to state this as a social-marxist property of division of sexuality. I believe in an All-Sexual Spectrum and people have different waveforms and simply the names we've chosen to identify a division like a rank or nomenclature.

If by and by you hate homosexuality. Without calling you experimenters or bi-curious or hidden/suppressed homo if not outright sexuality.

1. Are you hating gays particular men, I would not be surprised if some of you don't look down on lesbianism. Stolas you basically speak like a bible thumper, kinda like wanksters you can take the darkie out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the darkie. In this case you can take the xtian out of his judeo-bolshevism but you can't take the judeo-bolshevism out of the xtian. As Gottfried Feder mentioned beside the mammonistic poison of the capitalist as well as the spiritual jew that goyim have become. It seems you act precisely like the jews, freedom and happiness as long as it's biblical and approved for goyim consumption.

You hate gays, Why? And don't give us that crap of ruining civilization just because there are degenerate gays and we should hate degenerates as they are just like straight or insert 50 billion identity degenerates albeit in the more modern and majority even if slim. Even many gay people are getting pissed off with gay/lesbian degenerates and some of these drag and trans activists in some cases many gay couples are like shut it down.

2. Lesbianism, homosexuality of womenfolk. Wrong? Right? So, so?; Seriously? Do you look down on that like the rules and regulations of the enemy but only browbeat as wrong not punishment of insert punishment that the enemy does gay men. In other words lesbianism, female homosexuality is simply frowned upon.

3. Like I said above are you guys into odd thoughts when looking at nudity or eroticism or porn and saying appreciative thoughts on the man much to your detriment of your own perceived notion. And simply you posses an appreciation a guy and or more so even an appreciation of their virile member?

You've OBVIOUSLY at this point seen naked genders. If you seen then how does it not bother you looking at hetero porn?

Your looking at porn seeing a guy with a women and that is fine. Are you merely inhabiting a safe eroticism or material to appeal to your senses?

IF Man + Woman i.e. Hetero sex porn = Okay

Well if there is a naked woman with the man suddenly it becomes a "safe" incubation?

All I know is you guys are CERTAINLY not gay, CERTAINLY wrong as to the downfall of civilization or man. And frankly it seems like if you don't want to associate with that lifestyle no one is putting a gun to your head.

We here at JoS do not care nor following the properties of the enemy. I don't know if jews are repressed homos or bis, don't lie with mankind as womenkind. Again I don't know if that is their psychotic stupidity they imbue in people. This Saturn bleak hyper rule and regulation, hence communism/capitalism. Freedom for us when we choose to but everyone else you must become a spiritual jew and continue to concoct stupidity and communism for us. A good example being the Century Magazine 1928 quote from Marcus Eli Ravage and his sublime masterful wording on how the goyim were conquered and are in essence like Feder described and probably had been contemplating well before Gentiles = Spiritual Jews both acting like a bunch of jews and especially more so being poisoned with mammonism.

You hate gay or don't like that. Okay no one is gonna put a gun to your head. But other people are gonna roll like that.

I agree I'm against degenerate destructive homos who do borderline illegal things like the things many commentators of alternative news state part of the culture war.

Even in the gay communities that are against that even they feel threatened by the degenerates thinking they will be prosecuted next.

If your gonna reply don't let it be some wankery response. Seriously I'm asking a serious strong desire for a good reply. If you came to our organization you should know we aren't your run of the mill NS or S or Nationalist or WN/WP/WS group.

In some debates we even bash some of these people for sticking up for fed pot style stupidity involving violence or control through terror. We want unity like the old saying goes, "Divide and conquer is a sound strategy. Unite and lead is a better one."

Unity, Peace through Power.

In Ancient times Homosexual and more male leaning men. Would fight the wars in some cases a common understanding in believing that straight, child-producing couples should lose their paternal and even maternal caretakers for example a straight man being killed and his wife/girlfriend devastated and maybe even wanting to commit suicide. In many cases of the Ancient World the homosexual was the defender of the Nation/Civilization and wanted to preserve the family as well as the future generation.

Modern man is completely and utterly stupid. Feder and Ravage said it best.

But like I said it's 2023. Why do you still care where the dong and the vaschoos go?
Gear88 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
wolfhammer922 said:
I agree with Stolas216

Then you are both retarded.

Yes I agree both are retarded. Stolas216 sounds a like a xtian. Welcome to our organization if you do XYZ and ABC it cures you of this ebil, debil technology called hamasexual.

It's 2023 and people to this day still dictate whereby you can use your dick or pussy.

Weird times we live in. The Judeo-bolshevism is strong with people.

Homosexual ruining civilization, what's next eating bacteria fortified yogurt causes your brain to change into being a degenerate cause some scientific evidence shows bacteria and microbial life of the stomach flora and intestinal gut do impart actions of the Human brain and it's decision making.

It's simple

IF Straight = only men like women or women like men = okay.
IF Gay/Lesbian = if man like man or women like women = okay
IF Bisexual = If into both genders for both genders = okay

In your cases above first is fine the following two is not okay.

I truly believe you guys aren't Pagans nor people with an open mind I'm not saying live and let live as that sets a dangerous perspective whereby people who hate freedom have the freedom to hate freedom thus polluting people i.e. look at people who hate guns and 2A or marxist subversion by allowing it.

But this sexual aspect is getting old. It seems like homosexuality is the root principle cause of every problem. Okay no more gay people = no more problem.

If you don't want to be gay and or bi, you don't have to. Sometimes I wonder if people who hate gay people not because they are to become gay/bi. I think and wonder if some of these people who are uncomfortable with thinking.

Remember thinking does NOT = doing it, it's merely a virtual projection. Some people Herman Rosenblatt themselves with "It was real because it was in my mind".

As Pagan/Satanic/NS/Freedom Fighters etc.etc. it's a poor showing to hate simply for laying with man as womenkind.

Too much bible thumping and too much judeo-bolshevism.

To the people who oppose homosexuality and this isn't to state your gay or indicate something.

But if you hate it and even question yourself in fearfulness of this.

Are you gay or wanting to be gay or experiment, try-sexual, bi-curious. OR do you posses a cock fetish and simply admire the virile member of a guy. Much akin to people looking at various body parts breast, ass, pussy, legs, feet, etc.etc.

Are some of you naysayers simply having a cock fetish moment and while a ignorant person implies that is gay mein dude.

Do you guys look at porn with male and female actors or look at porn like gangbang or multiple penetration. Or hell are some of you even looking at trans pornography and simply as some people have stated liking it cause the female facade inhabits a safe form of appreciation of the male apparatus?

So in essence for the gay bashers. Without calling you gay or saying your gay or any; I don't want to state this as a social-marxist property of division of sexuality. I believe in an All-Sexual Spectrum and people have different waveforms and simply the names we've chosen to identify a division like a rank or nomenclature.

If by and by you hate homosexuality. Without calling you experimenters or bi-curious or hidden/suppressed homo if not outright sexuality.

1. Are you hating gays particular men, I would not be surprised if some of you don't look down on lesbianism. Stolas you basically speak like a bible thumper, kinda like wanksters you can take the darkie out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the darkie. In this case you can take the xtian out of his judeo-bolshevism but you can't take the judeo-bolshevism out of the xtian. As Gottfried Feder mentioned beside the mammonistic poison of the capitalist as well as the spiritual jew that goyim have become. It seems you act precisely like the jews, freedom and happiness as long as it's biblical and approved for goyim consumption.

You hate gays, Why? And don't give us that crap of ruining civilization just because there are degenerate gays and we should hate degenerates as they are just like straight or insert 50 billion identity degenerates albeit in the more modern and majority even if slim. Even many gay people are getting pissed off with gay/lesbian degenerates and some of these drag and trans activists in some cases many gay couples are like shut it down.

2. Lesbianism, homosexuality of womenfolk. Wrong? Right? So, so?; Seriously? Do you look down on that like the rules and regulations of the enemy but only browbeat as wrong not punishment of insert punishment that the enemy does gay men. In other words lesbianism, female homosexuality is simply frowned upon.

3. Like I said above are you guys into odd thoughts when looking at nudity or eroticism or porn and saying appreciative thoughts on the man much to your detriment of your own perceived notion. And simply you posses an appreciation a guy and or more so even an appreciation of their virile member?

You've OBVIOUSLY at this point seen naked genders. If you seen then how does it not bother you looking at hetero porn?

Your looking at porn seeing a guy with a women and that is fine. Are you merely inhabiting a safe eroticism or material to appeal to your senses?

IF Man + Woman i.e. Hetero sex porn = Okay

Well if there is a naked woman with the man suddenly it becomes a "safe" incubation?

All I know is you guys are CERTAINLY not gay, CERTAINLY wrong as to the downfall of civilization or man. And frankly it seems like if you don't want to associate with that lifestyle no one is putting a gun to your head.

We here at JoS do not care nor following the properties of the enemy. I don't know if jews are repressed homos or bis, don't lie with mankind as womenkind. Again I don't know if that is their psychotic stupidity they imbue in people. This Saturn bleak hyper rule and regulation, hence communism/capitalism. Freedom for us when we choose to but everyone else you must become a spiritual jew and continue to concoct stupidity and communism for us. A good example being the Century Magazine 1928 quote from Marcus Eli Ravage and his sublime masterful wording on how the goyim were conquered and are in essence like Feder described and probably had been contemplating well before Gentiles = Spiritual Jews both acting like a bunch of jews and especially more so being poisoned with mammonism.

You hate gay or don't like that. Okay no one is gonna put a gun to your head. But other people are gonna roll like that.

I agree I'm against degenerate destructive homos who do borderline illegal things like the things many commentators of alternative news state part of the culture war.

Even in the gay communities that are against that even they feel threatened by the degenerates thinking they will be prosecuted next.

If your gonna reply don't let it be some wankery response. Seriously I'm asking a serious strong desire for a good reply. If you came to our organization you should know we aren't your run of the mill NS or S or Nationalist or WN/WP/WS group.

In some debates we even bash some of these people for sticking up for fed pot style stupidity involving violence or control through terror. We want unity like the old saying goes, "Divide and conquer is a sound strategy. Unite and lead is a better one."

Unity, Peace through Power.

In Ancient times Homosexual and more male leaning men. Would fight the wars in some cases a common understanding in believing that straight, child-producing couples should lose their paternal and even maternal caretakers for example a straight man being killed and his wife/girlfriend devastated and maybe even wanting to commit suicide. In many cases of the Ancient World the homosexual was the defender of the Nation/Civilization and wanted to preserve the family as well as the future generation.

Modern man is completely and utterly stupid. Feder and Ravage said it best.

But like I said it's 2023. Why do you still care where the dong and the vaschoos go?
Most of them are projecting :lol:
They probably are still in the closet
Regarding adoption, I think it should not be allowed, but otherwise it is their life and they do what they want as long as the relationships are consensual.

Then I think it is very bad this thing of "gay=anal sex", they are people too, with feelings, ideas and thoughts.

Being gay is not just about having sex.

As for sources, I wouldn't give credence to anything found online, if we were to listen to every study, then our ancestors would just be monkeys who made up a religion to fill their emptiness and who took LSD every day, had sex with children, and above all would have been all black.

It is so obvious that this is just false propaganda.
Vira_ said:
Regarding adoption, I think it should not be allowed, but otherwise it is their life and they do what they want as long as the relationships are consensual.

Then I think it is very bad this thing of "gay=anal sex", they are people too, with feelings, ideas and thoughts.

Being gay is not just about having sex.

As for sources, I wouldn't give credence to anything found online, if we were to listen to every study, then our ancestors would just be monkeys who made up a religion to fill their emptiness and who took LSD every day, had sex with children, and above all would have been all black.

It is so obvious that this is just false propaganda.

Exactly Vira_. In the end it's just propaganda and people believe they have a gun to their head to be something.

Also...to explain your funny post. Some people have mentioned many religious people were into drinking and using substances of different kind from nature and came up with many of the religious properties that exist. I agree not everyone but as xtianity started coming in it seemed like mankind began to abuse much more substances over time.

As for one...

I'm reminded of the Stoned Ape Theory proposed by Terrance Mckenna. I don't think this person meant any harm and does provide a very interesting property that homonid man at some point consumed accidentally hallucinogenic substances particular mushrooms, truffles, or other plants in the wild. Perhaps they witnessed an animal eat it and it went all tripped out and they willfully at this point processed it into their system.

But as far as Mckenna goes he does the whole stoner thing that mankind is simply evolving through the use of entheogenic/hallucinogenic substances. I'm not against his theory because I'm sure accidentally and probably later on willfully mankind DID consume something like this.

It's much akin to Natives in various villages of areas getting kurari or some paralyzing agents to bring down a large game.

But unfortunately Mckenna does the typical property of basically stating we are drug tripping civilization and our achievements are nothing more than our ancestors cultivating entheogenic/hallucinogenic substances to create or generate a psycho-shift to be what we are.

I'm not against Mckenna from a scientific/historical factor homonid man at some point. The simian creature known as mankind in it's post-simian form when the recognizable two legged species came about DID in fact consume such stuff accidentally and or willfully.

But Mckenna I think is simply trying to make heads or tales of how mankind came to be and our RAPID evolution. He merely concocted his theory from his personal substance use. Albeit he was not a bad person in the sense of using substances that bring harm like heroin or cocaine. But unfortunately he was one of these people who probably somehow encourages the use of substances particularly these psychotropic ones and is akin to the Timothy Leary of his era.

In the substance community people have delved into this a lot and agree. I simply agree in my case that mankind at some point engaged with these substances as animals living in nature in the past eras.

But I think going further he is simply trying to make heads or tails of mankind.

Every scientist states the same thing sometime close by relative time we EXPLODED in a RAPID pace of evolution. I've even recall some people asking if at a certain critical point does a species experience rapid evolution in nature.

For example hermit crabs look for shells of dead entities to inhabit and use human stuff or for example Ravens using tools or birds building nests with man-made garbage.

Again it seems like evolution is variable. But knowing what we know mankind DID indeed rapidly acclimate skipping eons of time. For all intents and purposes we'd still be a civilization of advanced homonids still evolving and living in temporal shelters or we somehow by and by advanced ourselves and posses more permanent structures but still living as advanced homonids.
I don't think it's a matter of support, this is not a soccer team. Homosexuals have always been cursed and persecuted by the Jewish enemy, the enemy has always led them into the world of uncontrolled sex and things like that that caused the diseases, that's true, but it's not like sexual diseases started with homosexual people, it was just thrown at them

Christianity, Islam and countless other Jewish programs have always attacked homosexuals, this gave doors for the filthy Jew to create the Lgbtq movement, the same movement that keeps attacking gays, lesbians and bisexuals, trying to impose a new gender and shit.

It is not as if gay is just sex, there is love and everything that a heterosexual couple has. I saw some people saying that gay sex destroys the base chakra, for the love of God, This was never said by maxine, stop taking xian garbage and put it in your head, this is disappointing, sex is sacred to all people and should be respected, if it is a lubricated anal sex there is no problem

About adoption, I am uncertain about this, I have known children who had gay fathers or lesbian mothers and they were normal children, they were less programmed by xian things, I have seen homosexual animals adopting, but I don't know, a child needs both feminine and masculine energies from the father, I am uncertain about this

I don't like to expose myself like this but I will give myself as an example, I am a satanist from childhood, it will be about 4-5 years, and I am gay, I meditate constantly from the age of 12 and meditation only brought clarity, meditation and the Gods made me leave xian programs that were made for homosexuals, there is nothing wrong with "traditional" homosexuality

About what some members were saying about how being gay is unnatural and shit, be careful what you talk about, homosexuals are already hated by half the planet, I when I was 13 I found out I was gay and was in Satan's joy it was a very comforting thing to know that no God would care what I am attracted to, imagine a gay man who is already hated by everything, found jos and is deprogramming from xianism reading something like this.

"The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries."

Joyofsatan.org is against the modern LGBT movement which is controlled by Jews.

There are gay/bisexual European Pagan Gods and Joyofsatan.org follows Paganism. For example, the Greek God Apollo chose a man named Hyacinthus to be His romantic partner. Proof: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hyacinthus

This book proves that Hitler and Nazi Germany accepted homosexuality: https://web.archive.org/web/20201101142512/https://electrodes.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/the_pink_swastika_lively__abrams_1995_4th_edition.pdf

“In the late 4th century, Ammianus Marcellinus wrote of homosexual customs among the Taifali, a Germanic tribe related to the Goths, which involved formal homosexual relationships between warriors and young men undergoing initiation and military training.” - The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies by James Neill, p. 126-127

“Among early Scandinavian warriors sexual relationships between warrior peers, called blood brothers, were formalized with a "blood brothers" ritual, and that such blood brother relationships were a significant enough element of early Norse society that they were enshrined in one of the Sagas.

Archaeological evidence indicates that such peer relationships may have dated back as far as 2000 B.C., to the time of the arrival of the first Indo-Europeans in Northern Europe.”
- The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies by James Neill, p. 323-324

“The first-century A.D. Roman rhetorician and teacher Quintilian cited the Germans' high regard for homosexual love in one of his oratorical works.” - The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies by James Neill, p. 323-324
Academic Scholar said:
Joyofsatan.org is against the modern LGBT movement which is controlled by Jews.

There are gay/bisexual European Pagan Gods and Joyofsatan.org follows Paganism. For example, the Greek God Apollo chose a man named Hyacinthus to be His romantic partner. Proof: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hyacinthus
James Neill, p. 323-324
That's not literal, and nobody got hurt because of it.
Zelaya666 said:
I don't think it's a matter of support, this is not a soccer team. Homosexuals have always been cursed and persecuted by the Jewish enemy, the enemy has always led them into the world of uncontrolled sex and things like that that caused the diseases, that's true, but it's not like sexual diseases started with homosexual people, it was just thrown at them

Christianity, Islam and countless other Jewish programs have always attacked homosexuals, this gave doors for the filthy Jew to create the Lgbtq movement, the same movement that keeps attacking gays, lesbians and bisexuals, trying to impose a new gender and shit.

It is not as if gay is just sex, there is love and everything that a heterosexual couple has. I saw some people saying that gay sex destroys the base chakra, for the love of God, This was never said by maxine, stop taking xian garbage and put it in your head, this is disappointing, sex is sacred to all people and should be respected, if it is a lubricated anal sex there is no problem

About adoption, I am uncertain about this, I have known children who had gay fathers or lesbian mothers and they were normal children, they were less programmed by xian things, I have seen homosexual animals adopting, but I don't know, a child needs both feminine and masculine energies from the father, I am uncertain about this

I don't like to expose myself like this but I will give myself as an example, I am a satanist from childhood, it will be about 4-5 years, and I am gay, I meditate constantly from the age of 12 and meditation only brought clarity, meditation and the Gods made me leave xian programs that were made for homosexuals, there is nothing wrong with "traditional" homosexuality

About what some members were saying about how being gay is unnatural and shit, be careful what you talk about, homosexuals are already hated by half the planet, I when I was 13 I found out I was gay and was in Satan's joy it was a very comforting thing to know that no God would care what I am attracted to, imagine a gay man who is already hated by everything, found jos and is deprogramming from xianism reading something like this.

"The sexual suppression creates an imbalance in the base and second chakras which bleeds over into the emotional level (chakra) this extends to the next chakra and from here, we have a further imbalance, creating fear and guilt, and other emotional and psychological disorders. Because of the cut-off, there is no outlet and humanity degenerates spiritually from generation to generation. Each generation has been indoctrinated and conditioned to view sexuality in the Judeo/Christian/Muslim way. Those of us who are completely free from this influence are few. Sexuality= Life, liberation, and spiritual advancement. The Church knows this and has denied the general population this knowledge for centuries."


Dont be upset by what they say)
Real Satanists will never hate their Satanist brothers and sisters over homosexuality)
Gods and Advanced members of our community dont care about other people's sexuality and romance)
Academic Scholar said:
There are gay/bisexual European Pagan Gods and Joyofsatan.org follows Paganism. For example, the Greek God Apollo chose a man named Hyacinthus to be His romantic partner. Proof: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hyacinthus

Hyacinthus relates to careful mediation when integrating the fiery and active side of the soul. We can put it this way - Apollo's mature masculine energy, which is pure concentrated power shown by the discus splitting the sky, is too much for young and gentle Hyacinthus to handle.

That does not literally mean Azazel chose a male partner.

Zelaya666 said:
About adoption, I am uncertain about this, I have known children who had gay fathers or lesbian mothers and they were normal children, they were less programmed by xian things, I have seen homosexual animals adopting, but I don't know, a child needs both feminine and masculine energies from the father, I am uncertain about this

A child most certainly needs male and female inputs. Even the Astrology chart shows this. Male-male, single mother, etc. is just inadequate, and no parents at all can be very bad.
TheWhiteGiant said:
wolfhammer922 said:
Stolas216 said:
I will not argue with you too much because your emotions or desires control you and you do not know anything about me and my relationship with the gods. I believe that homosexuality is wrong and against nature, and I believe that here in Joy of satan we welcome homosexuals, because by following the Power Meditations program they will discover themselves and discover the right thing in the end and This remains my belief, and I am sure of it, and homosexual sex is a grave and destructive mistake for the base chakra

I agree with Stolas216

Then you are both retarded.

it is retarded to be a national socialist that promotes homosexuality. some of you clearly spend too much time online and have no relationship to NS in the real world. I'm not gonna waste my time debunking all these claims some of you have made but this is a good study on the kind of fabrications you are probably following: https://youtu.be/BNAT4ybsz_E
Academic Scholar said:
Joyofsatan.org is against the modern LGBT movement which is controlled by Jews.

There are gay/bisexual European Pagan Gods and Joyofsatan.org follows Paganism. For example, the Greek God Apollo chose a man named Hyacinthus to be His romantic partner. Proof: https://www.britannica.com/topic/Hyacinthus

This book proves that Hitler and Nazi Germany accepted homosexuality: https://web.archive.org/web/20201101142512/https://electrodes.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/the_pink_swastika_lively__abrams_1995_4th_edition.pdf

“In the late 4th century, Ammianus Marcellinus wrote of homosexual customs among the Taifali, a Germanic tribe related to the Goths, which involved formal homosexual relationships between warriors and young men undergoing initiation and military training.” - The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies by James Neill, p. 126-127

“Among early Scandinavian warriors sexual relationships between warrior peers, called blood brothers, were formalized with a "blood brothers" ritual, and that such blood brother relationships were a significant enough element of early Norse society that they were enshrined in one of the Sagas.

Archaeological evidence indicates that such peer relationships may have dated back as far as 2000 B.C., to the time of the arrival of the first Indo-Europeans in Northern Europe.”
- The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies by James Neill, p. 323-324

“The first-century A.D. Roman rhetorician and teacher Quintilian cited the Germans' high regard for homosexual love in one of his oratorical works.” - The Origins and Role of Same-Sex Relations In Human Societies by James Neill, p. 323-324

You actually cited "the pink swastika" LMAO
This is Christian-conservative propaganda against the reich, total nonsense
wolfhammer922 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
wolfhammer922 said:
I agree with Stolas216

Then you are both retarded.

it is retarded to be a national socialist that promotes homosexuality. some of you clearly spend too much time online and have no relationship to NS in the real world. I'm not gonna waste my time debunking all these claims some of you have made but this is a good study on the kind of fabrications you are probably following: https://youtu.be/BNAT4ybsz_E

It doesnt matter if ancient Greece was as gay openly as they say or not. That's totally irrelevant.
You clearly don't know what NS really is at the deep core and you are not spiritually even open to the slightest degree. You may call yourself an SS but that's in name only. In reality you are just another xian that can't handle the fact that history does not conform to his stupid limited beliefs, and just because he is too lazy to research properly he decides that one random youtube video made by another lazy person is enough to convince both him and the masses.
It is true that ancient Greek friendships and even romance may be subject to certain agendas like racemixing or the lgbt community, but this does not prove in any way that being homosexual or bisexual is unnatural, evil, dirty etc.

The very source of hate for women, homosexuals, animals, children etc. exists nowhere else but in the Abraham8c religions, judaism being the root.

Deprogram from xianity and then come back.

Retarded truly, if you ask me.
TheWhiteGiant said:
wolfhammer922 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
Then you are both retarded.

it is retarded to be a national socialist that promotes homosexuality. some of you clearly spend too much time online and have no relationship to NS in the real world. I'm not gonna waste my time debunking all these claims some of you have made but this is a good study on the kind of fabrications you are probably following: https://youtu.be/BNAT4ybsz_E

It doesnt matter if ancient Greece was as gay openly as they say or not. That's totally irrelevant.
You clearly don't know what NS really is at the deep core and you are not spiritually even open to the slightest degree. You may call yourself an SS but that's in name only. In reality you are just another xian that can't handle the fact that history does not conform to his stupid limited beliefs, and just because he is too lazy to research properly he decides that one random youtube video made by another lazy person is enough to convince both him and the masses.
It is true that ancient Greek friendships and even romance may be subject to certain agendas like racemixing or the lgbt community, but this does not prove in any way that being homosexual or bisexual is unnatural, evil, dirty etc.

The very source of hate for women, homosexuals, animals, children etc. exists nowhere else but in the Abraham8c religions, judaism being the root.

Deprogram from xianity and then come back.

Retarded truly, if you ask me.


First of all, I would like to see you say any of this to a prison gang or a militia group or any kind of organization that doesn't have its operations entirely on internet message boards.

No culture until the last 20 years or so in the west had any kind of accepted homosexuality. Any claim otherwise comes from "motivated" authors who either want to say "paganism and NS are gay so they're bad" or they're kiked out commie "liberals" who teach "gender studies" courses. If you actually watched that video (and checked the claims as I have) and weren't so lazy yourself you would see that not only were the Ancient Greeks not "open about their homosexuality" but the philosophers and political leaders at the time completely abhorred it.

Xianity took "homophobia" from ancient cultures just like they took everything. It was known even way back then that this resulted in disease and physical damage to the body through sodomy. This behavior was looked down upon. The Norse used the term Argr/Ergi. This was used both to denote homosexuals, and men who simply did not act like men.

Homosexuality, transsexuality, and all these modern "gender/sexual identities" are the result of an imbalance of the male-female principles that are balanced through kundalini practice.

NS at it's "deep core" is about ensuring the existence of the white race, the LGBT agenda encourages white kids to chemically or surgically castrate themselves and engage in degenerate, promiscuous sexual activity that does not produce children. You can make some meaningless distinction that this is the "modern Jewish LGBT movement" all you want but that changes nothing.

What Stolas216 was trying to point out as well, is that by promoting homosexuality in our ranks we are opening the way for predators who will say things like "you cannot do this or that spiritually without engaging in this or that sexual activity." Most people who have real world experience in the occult have met these kinds of people, and those types take up whatever variety of hermeticism or some brand of "satanism" as a way to prey on young boys.

You have nothing other than name-calling (retarded, xian, lazy, so on) to back this argument you're making.
wolfhammer922 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
wolfhammer922 said:
it is retarded to be a national socialist that promotes homosexuality. some of you clearly spend too much time online and have no relationship to NS in the real world. I'm not gonna waste my time debunking all these claims some of you have made but this is a good study on the kind of fabrications you are probably following: https://youtu.be/BNAT4ybsz_E

It doesnt matter if ancient Greece was as gay openly as they say or not. That's totally irrelevant.
You clearly don't know what NS really is at the deep core and you are not spiritually even open to the slightest degree. You may call yourself an SS but that's in name only. In reality you are just another xian that can't handle the fact that history does not conform to his stupid limited beliefs, and just because he is too lazy to research properly he decides that one random youtube video made by another lazy person is enough to convince both him and the masses.
It is true that ancient Greek friendships and even romance may be subject to certain agendas like racemixing or the lgbt community, but this does not prove in any way that being homosexual or bisexual is unnatural, evil, dirty etc.

The very source of hate for women, homosexuals, animals, children etc. exists nowhere else but in the Abraham8c religions, judaism being the root.

Deprogram from xianity and then come back.

Retarded truly, if you ask me.


First of all, I would like to see you say any of this to a prison gang or a militia group or any kind of organization that doesn't have its operations entirely on internet message boards.

No culture until the last 20 years or so in the west had any kind of accepted homosexuality. Any claim otherwise comes from "motivated" authors who either want to say "paganism and NS are gay so they're bad" or they're kiked out commie "liberals" who teach "gender studies" courses. If you actually watched that video (and checked the claims as I have) and weren't so lazy yourself you would see that not only were the Ancient Greeks not "open about their homosexuality" but the philosophers and political leaders at the time completely abhorred it.

Xianity took "homophobia" from ancient cultures just like they took everything. It was known even way back then that this resulted in disease and physical damage to the body through sodomy. This behavior was looked down upon. The Norse used the term Argr/Ergi. This was used both to denote homosexuals, and men who simply did not act like men.

Homosexuality, transsexuality, and all these modern "gender/sexual identities" are the result of an imbalance of the male-female principles that are balanced through kundalini practice.

NS at it's "deep core" is about ensuring the existence of the white race, the LGBT agenda encourages white kids to chemically or surgically castrate themselves and engage in degenerate, promiscuous sexual activity that does not produce children. You can make some meaningless distinction that this is the "modern Jewish LGBT movement" all you want but that changes nothing.

What Stolas216 was trying to point out as well, is that by promoting homosexuality in our ranks we are opening the way for predators who will say things like "you cannot do this or that spiritually without engaging in this or that sexual activity." Most people who have real world experience in the occult have met these kinds of people, and those types take up whatever variety of hermeticism or some brand of "satanism" as a way to prey on young boys.

You have nothing other than name-calling (retarded, xian, lazy, so on) to back this argument you're making.

Lol what the fuck does prison gangs even have to do with our discussion?
And why should their opinions be of any importance? Who would such people even be, characteristically? In prison gangs, you have jews mafia, murderers, rapists, and the like. In the army you have more honorable characters, but there does exist men with shallow minds frequently.

It's enough to me that you even consider such people's opinions.

The very fact that you are so pressed about something like this to the extent that you are desperately trying to prove me wrong despite the mountains of evidence that proves contrary to your statement, tells me enough.

Literally no one here has ever said you need to have sex with men to get spiritually upgraded. They have only said the release of healthy and proper sexual energy needs to be done in order to raise the serpent. See this is the thing, people like you take things way out of proportion and mention some shitty sources no one cares about, that's why no one listens to you. If the gods were truly as homophobic as you are there would be a consistent hatred here for homosexuals among all members, not just a few pretenders who still have heavy xian programming in their skull.

Yes, the LGBT movement is wrong, but you say it changes nothing because you simply don't want to confront the fact that hey maybe you're too blind of a judge on people and you have delved too deeply into neo nazi propaganda ( which are all heavily xianized).

Argi/ Ergi was used to call men weak, not homosexual. True, certain tribes and nations had more of a traditional hyper masculine view on things, but in no way did the enemy programs like xianity borrow it in its pure form as a concept of hatred, from the pagans. They took all of this shit from the jews, you donut.
I name call you because that's the extent to which your intelligence goes.

Whatever, nazi wannabe. I now absolutely dont give a shit if you hate or dont hate certain people or if youre desperately trying to prove some kinda point using haphazard sources against proper evidence. Stay mad.
TheWhiteGiant said:
wolfhammer922 said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
It doesnt matter if ancient Greece was as gay openly as they say or not. That's totally irrelevant.
You clearly don't know what NS really is at the deep core and you are not spiritually even open to the slightest degree. You may call yourself an SS but that's in name only. In reality you are just another xian that can't handle the fact that history does not conform to his stupid limited beliefs, and just because he is too lazy to research properly he decides that one random youtube video made by another lazy person is enough to convince both him and the masses.
It is true that ancient Greek friendships and even romance may be subject to certain agendas like racemixing or the lgbt community, but this does not prove in any way that being homosexual or bisexual is unnatural, evil, dirty etc.

The very source of hate for women, homosexuals, animals, children etc. exists nowhere else but in the Abraham8c religions, judaism being the root.

Deprogram from xianity and then come back.

Retarded truly, if you ask me.


First of all, I would like to see you say any of this to a prison gang or a militia group or any kind of organization that doesn't have its operations entirely on internet message boards.

No culture until the last 20 years or so in the west had any kind of accepted homosexuality. Any claim otherwise comes from "motivated" authors who either want to say "paganism and NS are gay so they're bad" or they're kiked out commie "liberals" who teach "gender studies" courses. If you actually watched that video (and checked the claims as I have) and weren't so lazy yourself you would see that not only were the Ancient Greeks not "open about their homosexuality" but the philosophers and political leaders at the time completely abhorred it.

Xianity took "homophobia" from ancient cultures just like they took everything. It was known even way back then that this resulted in disease and physical damage to the body through sodomy. This behavior was looked down upon. The Norse used the term Argr/Ergi. This was used both to denote homosexuals, and men who simply did not act like men.

Homosexuality, transsexuality, and all these modern "gender/sexual identities" are the result of an imbalance of the male-female principles that are balanced through kundalini practice.

NS at it's "deep core" is about ensuring the existence of the white race, the LGBT agenda encourages white kids to chemically or surgically castrate themselves and engage in degenerate, promiscuous sexual activity that does not produce children. You can make some meaningless distinction that this is the "modern Jewish LGBT movement" all you want but that changes nothing.

What Stolas216 was trying to point out as well, is that by promoting homosexuality in our ranks we are opening the way for predators who will say things like "you cannot do this or that spiritually without engaging in this or that sexual activity." Most people who have real world experience in the occult have met these kinds of people, and those types take up whatever variety of hermeticism or some brand of "satanism" as a way to prey on young boys.

You have nothing other than name-calling (retarded, xian, lazy, so on) to back this argument you're making.

Lol what the fuck does prison gangs even have to do with our discussion?
And why should their opinions be of any importance? Who would such people even be, characteristically? In prison gangs, you have jews mafia, murderers, rapists, and the like. In the army you have more honorable characters, but there does exist men with shallow minds frequently.

It's enough to me that you even consider such people's opinions.

The very fact that you are so pressed about something like this to the extent that you are desperately trying to prove me wrong despite the mountains of evidence that proves contrary to your statement, tells me enough.

Literally no one here has ever said you need to have sex with men to get spiritually upgraded. They have only said the release of healthy and proper sexual energy needs to be done in order to raise the serpent. See this is the thing, people like you take things way out of proportion and mention some shitty sources no one cares about, that's why no one listens to you. If the gods were truly as homophobic as you are there would be a consistent hatred here for homosexuals among all members, not just a few pretenders who still have heavy xian programming in their skull.

Yes, the LGBT movement is wrong, but you say it changes nothing because you simply don't want to confront the fact that hey maybe you're too blind of a judge on people and you have delved too deeply into neo nazi propaganda ( which are all heavily xianized).

Argi/ Ergi was used to call men weak, not homosexual. True, certain tribes and nations had more of a traditional hyper masculine view on things, but in no way did the enemy programs like xianity borrow it in its pure form as a concept of hatred, from the pagans. They took all of this shit from the jews, you donut.
I name call you because that's the extent to which your intelligence goes.

Whatever, nazi wannabe. I now absolutely dont give a shit if you hate or dont hate certain people or if youre desperately trying to prove some kinda point using haphazard sources against proper evidence. Stay mad.

huge cope, terminally online
TheWhiteGiant said:
Argi/ Ergi was used to call men weak, not homosexual.

Please tell the truth, this is just wrong. When used to describe a man, Argr/Ragr is directly translated as homosexual. The closest translation to how we speak now would be "faggot", except it has even more disgust and hatred attached to it than faggot does. When used to describe a woman, it is calling her a whore. Both situations are directly about wanting to have sex with men. There are zero translations to weak or anything like that. It was sometimes used to describe a weak man by saying that he is so weak that the reason why he is so weak is he must be a faggot. This is an example of the kind of way this word was used.

Argr/Ragr was the worst insult that they had, and it was so bad that anybody who accuses somebody of being Argr/Ragr is allowed to be killed for this. It is damaging enough of an accusation that death is the fair punishment for it.

There were some cultures where homosexuality was accepted. It is wrong to say it was never accepted anywhere. But it is even more wrong to say that it was accepted everywhere, or even to say that it was accepted in most places. Anybody who says the Vikings accepted this couldn't possibly be further from the truth.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
