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Question #2055: I fell in love with the woman who hired me


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
I fell in love with her, we are of the same race, I am a capricorn and she is a fish, will it be worth it for me to do a magic so that she falls in love with me, we get along very well but she is older than me but I still want to have something with her, I need help and advice from more experienced and older people, I am young I am between 18 - 20 years old and she is 29 years old.
In many places especially in America this will be ill-advised as she can get into legal trouble for dating her employee and will lose her job.

You are young. Are you 100% percent sure about your feelings or is it just that you're infatuated by someone LIKE her.

Are you experienced enough to know your own feelings when it comes to dating?

More importantly does she feel the same way and/or has shown to feel the same way?

Just because you get along with someone of the opposite sex doesn't mean she has very deep feelings for you especially if this is just during work hours.

If you two are hanging out outside of work then yeah I would see where you are coming from.

You would just have to be very safe from making things public especially if you two work and live in a small town as these things get spread around quicker than you might think.


Doing a love spell will just open possibilities for you to give you a chance to show her you are an ideal mate for her and open up her mind to these thoughts. It doesn't mean she will immediately fall in love with you. The success will also depend on obstacles as well and I have already pointed to one big obstacle above. This can easily make the working not work and even cause her stress if she does see you as an ideal mate.

You have to be mature and think about her situation as well and be sure she actually means that much to you to put her in jeopardy and not waste her time either.
There is nothing wrong with this if you are compatible with each other.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
There is nothing wrong with this if you are compatible with each other.

The main problem is that in some European countries and in the United States such a situation is frowned upon and can completely ruin her professional reputation.
Wotanwarrior said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
There is nothing wrong with this if you are compatible with each other.

The main problem is that in some European countries and in the United States such a situation is frowned upon and can completely ruin her professional reputation.
Besides, the probability she has any interest in him is really really slim. Women are usually less attracted to men their age, even. Imagine 29 to 18 lol.

I don't believe there is any basis for a relationship at all even. At 29 you've went through so much someone who is 18-20 is in a diferrent world entirely.

The only basis for any type of relation I can see with this is just using each other for casual sex if there is no other options or just for casuality's sake.
If this is what you want then go after it. These desires are also a great way to test the strength of your mind and soul. You are young and this will be a great learning experience.

However, before applying your self to this task, ask yourself this:
- Is this is worth it.
- How will this affect the your job performance?
- Will this affect your pay which is tied to your performance?
- If you or she decides to pursue another romantic interest while being employed, how will this affect you and your job?


AskSatanOperator said:
I fell in love with her, we are of the same race, I am a capricorn and she is a fish, will it be worth it for me to do a magic so that she falls in love with me, we get along very well but she is older than me but I still want to have something with her, I need help and advice from more experienced and older people, I am young I am between 18 - 20 years old and she is 29 years old.
It is a problem that she is a fish. The human body is different you know. See if you separate the authority she may not be that appealing. Don't reason desire if you have common sense, have a backbone in your instincts as a man and go for it.
mercury_wisdom said:
Wotanwarrior said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
There is nothing wrong with this if you are compatible with each other.

The main problem is that in some European countries and in the United States such a situation is frowned upon and can completely ruin her professional reputation.
Besides, the probability she has any interest in him is really really slim. Women are usually less attracted to men their age, even. Imagine 29 to 18 lol.

I don't believe there is any basis for a relationship at all even. At 29 you've went through so much someone who is 18-20 is in a diferrent world entirely.

The only basis for any type of relation I can see with this is just using each other for casual sex if there is no other options or just for casuality's sake.

There are a lot of older females who are borderline predators towards younger toys, sorry I mean boys.
The same is for the younger females to older boys, men.

I remember one time I was harrased by a 26 year old female and I was 16. Explicitly going for the kill and trying to convince me to have relations with her.

Don't reason out what is instinctual. You don't know what and how one might react or want. It is totally normal to be hopefully of these things and for it to be pursued, especially as a testosterone young man.

I don't promote degeneracy, but at least some discovery of the real world that must happen. Either that or people stay sexless and depressed because they deny their own instincts or destroy these by pornographic material.
NakedPluto said:
It is a problem that she is a fish. The human body is different you know.

Not to be cliche but I literally choked a little when I read this as I was eating at the time :lol:
A sad situation that a 20 year old young man would be attracted to a woman who is almost 10 years older than her. This is what young women feel about older men. Your situation is the inverse of natural law. This is what happens when you live in a pornified society where you are subconsciously brainwashed to find unnatural things attractive.
General Yeager said:
A sad situation that a 20 year old young man would be attracted to a woman who is almost 10 years older than her. This is what young women feel about older men. Your situation is the inverse of natural law. This is what happens when you live in a pornified society where you are subconsciously brainwashed to find unnatural things attractive.

This can happen in cases where the male has aspects of Saturn to their Venus or 7th house. While the planet Saturn is normally associated with masculinity and therefore OP's situation is not common, I wouldn't call it totally unnatural.

There are likely other factors at play, like personal synastry, as well.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=455986 time=1690701210 user_id=21286]
General Yeager said:
A sad situation that a 20 year old young man would be attracted to a woman who is almost 10 years older than her. This is what young women feel about older men. Your situation is the inverse of natural law. This is what happens when you live in a pornified society where you are subconsciously brainwashed to find unnatural things attractive.

This can happen in cases where the male has aspects of Saturn to their Venus or 7th house. While the planet Saturn is normally associated with masculinity and therefore OP's situation is not common, I wouldn't call it totally unnatural.

There are likely other factors at play, like personal synastry, as well.
My astrology shows certain placements and fixed stars that indicate that I am a Genocidal Psychopath and I will be involved in directing a Mass Genocide.

But that doesn't mean that it's natural, that it's going to happen happen or that I am those things.

Negative Karma can manifest in ways to make your sexual proclivities unnatural. That doesn't mean that it is correct.

As a Satanist you must free yourself from your Karmic bonds.
General Yeager said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=455986 time=1690701210 user_id=21286]
General Yeager said:
A sad situation that a 20 year old young man would be attracted to a woman who is almost 10 years older than her. This is what young women feel about older men. Your situation is the inverse of natural law. This is what happens when you live in a pornified society where you are subconsciously brainwashed to find unnatural things attractive.

This can happen in cases where the male has aspects of Saturn to their Venus or 7th house. While the planet Saturn is normally associated with masculinity and therefore OP's situation is not common, I wouldn't call it totally unnatural.

There are likely other factors at play, like personal synastry, as well.
My astrology shows certain placements and fixed stars that indicate that I am a Genocidal Psychopath and I will be involved in directing a Mass Genocide.

But that doesn't mean that it's natural, that it's going to happen happen or that I am those things.

Negative Karma can manifest in ways to make your sexual proclivities unnatural. That doesn't mean that it is correct.

As a Satanist you must free yourself from your Karmic bonds.

How is it against natural law for a man to go with an older woman if the older woman is still youthful and and beautiful. 29 is not old whatsoever. Many women at this age and older have a beautiful body that younger women haven't reached yet unless they are exceptions.

Not to mention the wisdom and intelligence that comes with age that is also very attractive to men who are into that stuff and this can also be seen in their charts if they are into these types of partners.

I would agree with you if someone was attracted to grandmas but this is far from the case here.

Unless the example of a 30 year old woman is the NPC who by that age the toll of drugs or even just alcohol every weekend is showing along with a bad diet then I would understand your point. That's not natural/normal (real normal and not modern normal) so I wouldn't count that.

Eastern White women are a good example of longer good health and youth in later life if you're looking for examples outside of Asians and Blacks who tend to look younger later in life. The average White woman in Blue Zones are probably the best example for the West.

Even animals still mate with their female counter parts if they are older.

Not sure where you got this idea from.

It's almost like you are being the other side of the coin of people who look down at men into a 20 year old when the man in question is 30 or above.

I wouldn't care to reply if you just shared your opinion in your type of women but you're making statement of facts that could use some more explanation if you don't mind.
hailourtruegod said:
General Yeager said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=455986 time=1690701210 user_id=21286]

This can happen in cases where the male has aspects of Saturn to their Venus or 7th house. While the planet Saturn is normally associated with masculinity and therefore OP's situation is not common, I wouldn't call it totally unnatural.

There are likely other factors at play, like personal synastry, as well.
My astrology shows certain placements and fixed stars that indicate that I am a Genocidal Psychopath and I will be involved in directing a Mass Genocide.

But that doesn't mean that it's natural, that it's going to happen happen or that I am those things.

Negative Karma can manifest in ways to make your sexual proclivities unnatural. That doesn't mean that it is correct.

As a Satanist you must free yourself from your Karmic bonds.

How is it against natural law for a man to go with an older woman if the older woman is still youthful and and beautiful. 29 is not old whatsoever. Many women at this age and older have a beautiful body that younger women haven't reached yet unless they are exceptions.

Not to mention the wisdom and intelligence that comes with age that is also very attractive to men who are into that stuff and this can also be seen in their charts if they are into these types of partners.

I would agree with you if someone was attracted to grandmas but this is far from the case here.

Unless the example of a 30 year old woman is the NPC who by that age the toll of drugs or even just alcohol every weekend is showing along with a bad diet then I would understand your point. That's not natural/normal (real normal and not modern normal) so I wouldn't count that.

Eastern White women are a good example of longer good health and youth in later life if you're looking for examples outside of Asians and Blacks who tend to look younger later in life. The average White woman in Blue Zones are probably the best example for the West.

Even animals still mate with their female counter parts if they are older.

Not sure where you got this idea from.

It's almost like you are being the other side of the coin of people who look down at men into a 20 year old when the man in question is 30 or above.

I wouldn't care to reply if you just shared your opinion in your type of women but you're making statement of facts that could use some more explanation if you don't mind.
I genuinely don't know if you're trolling or not. Although I guess with the intense Porn Indoctrination in the recent years it is natural that some men think that 30 year old women in real life look beautiful for some reason.

Men literally prefer younger women BECAUSE they are more beautiful than older women and more fertile.

By the time they are 30 ,they have already lost 90% of the eggs. And as the eggs keep decreasing so does their quality. This is why there are so many people with Autism and so many other mental deficiencies. Which is why our ancient forefathers had the custom of marrying their sons to younger women and not the other way around.

Youth and Fertility: Research shows that females are most fertile in their early 20s, and fertility decreases after this age. Physical signs of youth are observable by healthy hair and skin, and good muscle tone of a woman. The fertility of a man does not necessarily decrease throughout his life. Therefore, the researchers predicted that males would be more likely to value physical attractiveness than females because they are a stronger predictor of fertility for females than they are for males.

Males, however, preferred mates that were younger, while females preferred males who were older. This result was cross-checked with other data and it shows that on average, men are older than women when couples are married.

This is why cross culturally throughout the entire world it is established precedent for men to marry younger that themselves. Backed by the Ironclad reasoning of the younger woman carrying strong vigorous offspring.

In no corner of the world (there could be some odd examples) would you find men preferring older women.

And the beauty argument is actually insane. Men prefer younger women literally BECAUSE most 30 year old women cannot compete with their own younger 25 year Olds or 22 year Olds selves in terms of beauty. This is absolutely insane that you've made such an argument and shows what an insane time we're living in. If you randomly pick 100 men off the street they will all confirm what I'm saying to be true. Which is why I'm dumbfounded by the claim even being made.

It is common knowledge in society and has been for hundreds of thousands of years that younger women are more beautiful that their older selves.

These are just cold hard facts which are indisputable.

And even if it were somehow become the case that some portion of men have been brainwashed to find older women attractive because of Jewish porn ,the fact remains that it was never as such historically.

As for the maturity. This young boy himself is immature which is why he posted such an asinine question about trying to date his Female boss that is 10 years older than him. This is literally the plot of a porn film. I'm surprised how no one has noticed it.

He has probably been brainwashed to find such things appropriate by masturbating to Jewish porn.

This boy at 20 years old should be finding an appropriate 17 18 year old as his girlfriend.

The only reason why we're having this argument is because of Hardcore Jewish Indoctrination by the Media in their attempt to break down all societal barriers.

They want men to marry their own age and then get old and divorced and miserable.

They want pedophiles posing as Gay couples to recruit young boys to have sex with through Gay Adoption. (Look up NAMBLA).

They want degenerate Jewish porn consumption from an young age and all male female relations to be pornified.

They want to destroy the nuclear family through brainwashing in the education and college system.

They want to normalize mental illness through trannies.

They want to invert everything natural.

And this is very very critical to understand. Jewish morality is nothing more than coming into Gentile societies and corrupting everything from within to invert everything that is natural.

Which is why they've made Porn and most porn I actually about inverting Human Sexual Proclivities. Historically the natural Proclivities for men is to marry younger women than themselves even if they find some older women attractive.

However they've masturbated and self affirmed through that masturbation so many times subconsciously that these men are now finding it viable to attract and actually get into a real relationship with a significantly older woman.

I'm not talking about a situation where the boy is 20 and he got in love with a 22 year old girl. This boy is 20 and his preferred age woman is 10 years older than him.

I'm not using this Jewish consent law and power dynamics theory to justify why this is unnatural. It is entirely biological why the natural biology of a man would not find it attractive to find a significantly older woman attractive.

And the reason why had been attested by science is that they are less fertile.
General Yeager said:
hailourtruegod said:
General Yeager said:
My astrology shows certain placements and fixed stars that indicate that I am a Genocidal Psychopath and I will be involved in directing a Mass Genocide.

But that doesn't mean that it's natural, that it's going to happen happen or that I am those things.

Negative Karma can manifest in ways to make your sexual proclivities unnatural. That doesn't mean that it is correct.

As a Satanist you must free yourself from your Karmic bonds.

How is it against natural law for a man to go with an older woman if the older woman is still youthful and and beautiful. 29 is not old whatsoever. Many women at this age and older have a beautiful body that younger women haven't reached yet unless they are exceptions.

Not to mention the wisdom and intelligence that comes with age that is also very attractive to men who are into that stuff and this can also be seen in their charts if they are into these types of partners.

I would agree with you if someone was attracted to grandmas but this is far from the case here.

Unless the example of a 30 year old woman is the NPC who by that age the toll of drugs or even just alcohol every weekend is showing along with a bad diet then I would understand your point. That's not natural/normal (real normal and not modern normal) so I wouldn't count that.

Eastern White women are a good example of longer good health and youth in later life if you're looking for examples outside of Asians and Blacks who tend to look younger later in life. The average White woman in Blue Zones are probably the best example for the West.

Even animals still mate with their female counter parts if they are older.

Not sure where you got this idea from.

It's almost like you are being the other side of the coin of people who look down at men into a 20 year old when the man in question is 30 or above.

I wouldn't care to reply if you just shared your opinion in your type of women but you're making statement of facts that could use some more explanation if you don't mind.
I genuinely don't know if you're trolling or not. Although I guess with the intense Porn Indoctrination in the recent years it is natural that some men think that 30 year old women in real life look beautiful for some reason.

Men literally prefer younger women BECAUSE they are more beautiful than older women and more fertile.

By the time they are 30 ,they have already lost 90% of the eggs. And as the eggs keep decreasing so does their quality. This is why there are so many people with Autism and so many other mental deficiencies. Which is why our ancient forefathers had the custom of marrying their sons to younger women and not the other way around.

Youth and Fertility: Research shows that females are most fertile in their early 20s, and fertility decreases after this age. Physical signs of youth are observable by healthy hair and skin, and good muscle tone of a woman. The fertility of a man does not necessarily decrease throughout his life. Therefore, the researchers predicted that males would be more likely to value physical attractiveness than females because they are a stronger predictor of fertility for females than they are for males.

Males, however, preferred mates that were younger, while females preferred males who were older. This result was cross-checked with other data and it shows that on average, men are older than women when couples are married.

This is why cross culturally throughout the entire world it is established precedent for men to marry younger that themselves. Backed by the Ironclad reasoning of the younger woman carrying strong vigorous offspring.

In no corner of the world (there could be some odd examples) would you find men preferring older women.

And the beauty argument is actually insane. Men prefer younger women literally BECAUSE most 30 year old women cannot compete with their own younger 25 year Olds or 22 year Olds selves in terms of beauty. This is absolutely insane that you've made such an argument and shows what an insane time we're living in. If you randomly pick 100 men off the street they will all confirm what I'm saying to be true. Which is why I'm dumbfounded by the claim even being made.

It is common knowledge in society and has been for hundreds of thousands of years that younger women are more beautiful that their older selves.

These are just cold hard facts which are indisputable.

And even if it were somehow become the case that some portion of men have been brainwashed to find older women attractive because of Jewish porn ,the fact remains that it was never as such historically.

As for the maturity. This young boy himself is immature which is why he posted such an asinine question about trying to date his Female boss that is 10 years older than him. This is literally the plot of a porn film. I'm surprised how no one has noticed it.

He has probably been brainwashed to find such things appropriate by masturbating to Jewish porn.

This boy at 20 years old should be finding an appropriate 17 18 year old as his girlfriend.

The only reason why we're having this argument is because of Hardcore Jewish Indoctrination by the Media in their attempt to break down all societal barriers.

They want men to marry their own age and then get old and divorced and miserable.

They want pedophiles posing as Gay couples to recruit young boys to have sex with through Gay Adoption. (Look up NAMBLA).

They want degenerate Jewish porn consumption from an young age and all male female relations to be pornified.

They want to destroy the nuclear family through brainwashing in the education and college system.

They want to normalize mental illness through trannies.

They want to invert everything natural.

And this is very very critical to understand. Jewish morality is nothing more than coming into Gentile societies and corrupting everything from within to invert everything that is natural.

Which is why they've made Porn and most porn I actually about inverting Human Sexual Proclivities. Historically the natural Proclivities for men is to marry younger women than themselves even if they find some older women attractive.

However they've masturbated and self affirmed through that masturbation so many times subconsciously that these men are now finding it viable to attract and actually get into a real relationship with a significantly older woman.

I'm not talking about a situation where the boy is 20 and he got in love with a 22 year old girl. This boy is 20 and his preferred age woman is 10 years older than him.

I'm not using this Jewish consent law and power dynamics theory to justify why this is unnatural. It is entirely biological why the natural biology of a man would not find it attractive to find a significantly older woman attractive.

And the reason why had been attested by science is that they are less fertile.

No one denied the natural and common situations in the world. The dynamics are clear and understood and also practiced by all. But you also have to understand the karmic and other forces that can make one want or happen to be mesmerized by other exceptions to the rules. No one stated that one will marry her. But really, sorry to say this, very much sorry, but when there's a "mommy" wanting some help from me, surely I will help, politely. Also, irrespective of age brother, if a 30-year-old begs for your help, there's nothing wrong to help her. See, when there is a need, for house service, one has the power to refuse or accept. Once to some times, it is inherently not wrong to live your life. The body wants what it wants, between consenting adults, and also the heart wants what it wants, between consenting adults. Irrespective of the "rules" I might have to get a young female and an "old" female in a room and not tell you what we do, you cannot stop this by logic as this is instinctual, illogic and we have inherent freedom to do these. The later facts about any degeneracy of common sense are still upon the parties involved and not to be interfered with personally from outside.

Another aspect that is missing from sight, is that more mature women have no problem seducing, or flirting and want to have relations with a man they like, and they try this because there is an inherent freedom and wisdom with age, and women have a very liberating sense of relations that are always fun and nice to be part of.

The same goes for younger women, who I have seen personally, are borderline dangerous concerning some ages, and some 15 to 17 are actively trying to mess with marriages and whatnot, because this is instinctual. I have seen my own father be harassed by 16-year-olds when he was 45+ .

Having a younger girlfriend than your age doesn't mean that you cannot have an older one as well, maybe not at the same time? It is called having a fun time. Joking.. said Pluto.

This gatekeeping of *women*, young and "older", is ridiculous. Even more thinking that anything that what I said had anything to do with porn instead of direct experience. If a person hasn't experienced things and saying things from their perspective then fine but it's only a nerd type of argument if citations are used to go against real life experience of nuances to straight up contradictions. The latter leads to confusing personal opinion with loose studies on behavior of a group as facts to bringing irrelevant data.

Especially when looking at karmic energies one can see where their attraction to certain types of people comes from.

Maybe you're being biased by your disgust of someone who's 30+ the same way NPCs in their 30s have a weird biased disgust of women who are 19 or 20 as if they're a child. The fact remains there are plenty of women in there 30s and yes even 40s who have done themselves a great favor and taken care of their bodies where they blow out the competition of a 24 year old woman with good genes but who's constantly drinking and has a bad diet. And no brother I am not bashing beautiful young women as there are plenty and good in their own right. Just trying to open your eyes to a whole new world of type of women that you're missing out on lol. Or not, it's whatever.

Just try to see things from a different point of view even if it's not your type is all without pointing straight to jewish degeneracy. This goes for other unrelated topics.

Lastly, as said, no one said anything against nature and natural science.

NakedPluto hit the nail on the head. Quite perfect, too :lol:
AskSatanOperator said:
I fell in love with her, we are of the same race, I am a capricorn and she is a fish, will it be worth it for me to do a magic so that she falls in love with me, we get along very well but she is older than me but I still want to have something with her, I need help and advice from more experienced and older people, I am young I am between 18 - 20 years old and she is 29 years old.
Go for it if you really love her trying won't hurt
hailourtruegod said:

This gatekeeping of *women*, young and "older", is ridiculous. Even more thinking that anything that what I said had anything to do with porn instead of direct experience. If a person hasn't experienced things and saying things from their perspective then fine but it's only a nerd type of argument if citations are used to go against real life experience of nuances to straight up contradictions. The latter leads to confusing personal opinion with loose studies on behavior of a group as facts to bringing irrelevant data.

Especially when looking at karmic energies one can see where their attraction to certain types of people comes from.

Maybe you're being biased by your disgust of someone who's 30+ the same way NPCs in their 30s have a weird biased disgust of women who are 19 or 20 as if they're a child. The fact remains there are plenty of women in there 30s and yes even 40s who have done themselves a great favor and taken care of their bodies where they blow out the competition of a 24 year old woman with good genes but who's constantly drinking and has a bad diet. And no brother I am not bashing beautiful young women as there are plenty and good in their own right. Just trying to open your eyes to a whole new world of type of women that you're missing out on lol. Or not, it's whatever.

Just try to see things from a different point of view even if it's not your type is all without pointing straight to jewish degeneracy. This goes for other unrelated topics.

Lastly, as said, no one said anything against nature and natural science.

NakedPluto hit the nail on the head. Quite perfect, too :lol:
As a Satanist it is your prime imperative to detach yourself from overbearing emotions at times and do what is right instead of what "feels" good. This is the starting of many a failed relationships in life which one could have easily been avoided. That is what "Curating your own reality" means as opposed to having life happen to you and you go along with it without knowing any better.

What is the purpose of Male- Female relationships ? At the core a Romantic relationship should lead to a lot of healthy children who will inherit your beliefs and knowledge and continue to get better with each generation. This is the building block of any society. Promiscuous sex with multiple partners has only been societally possible because of condoms and birth control which has only existed for 70 or something years. Humans are not designed by nature to have sex with multiple partners without risking pregnancy. And certainly not the amount of partners like in modern society. There is no fulfillment is promiscuous sex other than the short term inflation of the lower ego which will again dwindle.

i don't understand what the purpose of a 20 year old dating a 30 year old woman is ,other than wasting time. He's definitely not financially secure enough to have a family with her and she's definitely not going to settle down with this young boy. Maybe she'll give him some good sex if he does a targeted sex spell and has enough potential to make it manifest. But what does that really accomplish other than wasted energy.

They'll have strong energetic connections, memories and moments together that will all have to come to an end and all of that will be for nothing. All of that time will have been wasted. That time could be more better utilized forging a strong relationship with a 16 year old who will then give him a lot of children in the future.

The Whites are facing an existential problem of not having children and people should be encouraged to think logically and move in the direction of long term planning from the time they are young to secure a mate and plan to have lots and lots of children. They don't have time to start so late as 30 to 35 years old. That is just not something that happens commonly.

This modern obsession with Sex and Love and the warm fuzzy feelings of Love is actually the root of so much of people's relationship woes. They tend to overlook more important things like Astro Synastry ,Compatibility and Shared Values.

Love is not special or unique. Because people fall in Love multiple times throughout their entire lives. And so choosing to Love the right person and not just going by your feelings at evry moment is what is more important in this current society. That is just my opinion,though. Maybe you believe he should experience all sorts of different sexual experiences. However i believe that two people male and female having the lowest number of sexual partners will lead to a healthy strong relationship dynamic. At 20 this boy should not have had a lot of sex and the 16 year old also should not have had a lot of sex. So they will bond very strongly which will last through a lifetime.

If this person is White or whoever he is ,he should attract a loving relationship with a younger compatible woman and plan out an entire life with her and do repeated workings to keep the relationship strong and make her want to have multiple kids with him. So that he might do his Duty to the White Race and his Forefathers. That will truly be something to be proud about instead of having banged a 30 year old once in his life. That's not something that's very impressive.

While you're partly right to see it thru a completely logical based point of view you're also making the mistake of being unbalanced and only taking one aspect instead of how nature actually works and that's thru duality of energies both masculine and feminine.

Everything you expressed is thru the masculine aspect of energy i.e. logic.

After a point it's only the other side of the coin of what you're right to complain about that most people only act on Emotion when it comes to relationships.

Humans are dynamic and its unnatural and unrealistic to expect anyone to pick partners with out using any emotion.

The enemy knows its easier to corrupt thru emotion than it is thru logic so that's why they went the route of using the female energies of life to make things unbalanced when it comes to relationships.

The fact is both logic and emotion is the best route to go thru when picking a partner.

This is what the ancients did as well and not thru ONLY logical reasoning. The latter was seen more in the past hundred of years and still used today in places of India or Arabic countries where they marry off their sons and daughters based on reasoning they find purely "logical" to them.

Which is why these relationships never work out. It's forced in the name of purely materialistic means which is another type of masculine energy.

I agree on the point of what's wrong with going thru only emotions and I feel like I don't have to touch more on what you did to express that unbalanced side.

As said humans are dynamic and so there will be those who will only be happy if they date around before they settle down and this can be found by looking at their karmic energies.

What's wrong today about the above is that it's more uncommon in general and many people today that don't have those karmic energies are going that route and this causes problems that has been explained before.

An example of a natural and normal promiscuity of a highly spiritually advanced person is Rasputin. While a good example of a more monogamous type of highly spiritually advanced person would be Lord Hitler.

The above shows that these two type of lifestyles of love lives are natural. Although in my opinion it makes sense that the more non-promiscuity love life is more common for obvious reasons.

Lastly, no one is promoting the idea of getting together with an older woman because it's hot but saying that the age in this specific context doesn't matter. It's not about a kink but about the synastry and karmic energies of humans.


One last thing I want to add is that thru spirituality women can still have babies into old age.

Look up the oldest woman to have a child. It's recent news. An 80-year-old woman from India.

Now imagine thru our meditations and using TCM type of medicine. Women don't need to worry too much about not having enough children for their husband if they're past even 40.



In regards to the OP, I also offered my advice from a logical reasoning with a bit of it being okay to also go with emotions. I should also have mentioned for him to check his natal chart and see if this is what he really wants and not being manipulated by jewish nonsense as you mentioned. Which you touched a bit on with the whole Astro Synastry thing so in regards to him, specifically, we seem to agree more on without knowing much context about him and the woman in question.
General Yeager said:

Your concerns of health are valid, but there are also valid reasons why this relationship had blossomed, which are rooted in the energy connections between the two souls. It does not necessarily have to come from porn.

People enter into relationships for reasons other than having the healthiest child possible, such as romantic, emotional, or sexual connections. Although having children is one way for society to prosper, it can also be done through a fulfilling partnership between two people.

Instead of trying to strictly define the energetic connections of a specific and unique relationship, it is better to focus on the broader influences that have altered child birth rates as a whole. That is because not everyone will have or want children in an equal manner.

By removing the limitations on child births, rather than trying to force them on everyone, you can respect individual differences, while also doing a good job towards the root of the problem.

In other words, attack porn, but don't necessarily try to tell someone that they should only go one way, where their soul may be trying to go another. This could lead to an unhealthy relationship, one where the kids or parents may suffer. Yet, another family may want to have 2x as many kids, so you can instead give them more resources to do so.

This would be playing into the natural tendencies of both parties, rather than trying to treat them both as similar.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
