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Question #1971: For Blitzkreig


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Hey, how're you?

How have you been?

First off: Is there any chance we will hear from HP Maxine Dietrich?

Secondly: How much do you know about WWII? Judging by your signature and avatar, you look to be very interested and I received good feelings about your interests.

I have had a past life where I knew Adolf Hitler personally. He is a great man, he is! He is amazing and it pained me for us to lose him, but the reason why he left us was because Eva Braun was pregnant with their twins. We understood his departure, of course, a father's duty must come first before everything else does.

So, yes, I am very interested in WWII. It is one of my most favorite subjects. I've been trying to get my hands upon memorabilia...

I'm 36, by the way.
Gear88 is also an expert when it comes to politics, national socialism, ect. You can also send them private emails if you want.
AskSatanOperator said:

Hello. I am fine, what about you?

In regards to HPS Maxine, this is not likely any time soon. Read more: https://satanslibrary.org/English/HP_Hooded_Cobra/About_HPS_Maxine_and_the_JoS_-_High_Priest_Hooded_Cobra_666.pdf

I am interested and attracted to WWII, but I don't actively study it because I don't believe it is of much value right now. What we do now for our side vindicates and honors the sacrifices of Gentiles during that period.
AFODO said:
Gear88 is also an expert when it comes to politics, national socialism, ect. You can also send them private emails if you want.

Actually no never quote me nor use my information to it. I don't know what National Socialism is nor politics nor nothing. In reality I know nothing.

I just add it to my mind contemplate it a bit if it fits my parameters or positive I add it in. Perhaps having such a toxic mind and being such a toxic person I just add stuff. For example 2A Gun/Militia system seems NSy especially towards the whole "elimination of an army and the creation of a volkish force". I just add stuff to my head like a computer I don't discriminate nor hold anything as "sacred" I just download stuff and added never know when you need it. Even if 99.9% of my entire life non of what I learned or added to my mind has ever done anything. IF anything in the last few years the 99.9% of my mind has become a constant fight and constant attack of others.

And even the 0.1% that isn't NS/Politics/Satanism/Sex/Violence/etc.etc. is simply an expression of a person who is like I don't even know fucking anything but good luck getting that out of my mind. Less than 0.1% of 0.1% comes out in any appropriate way. In fact 99.9% of the 0.1% comes out all convoluted and crazy.

I wonder if that other thread on these A-K forums by Blitz reply to a member. I wonder if the Ansuz rune he mentions to the person on the as he calls it off-topic but really is side-topic. I wonder if Ansuz could help me translate my mind unto my communication i.e. writing/speech/typing.

But the reality is I already quit meditation and meditation never served a purpose for me. It's pointless I'm still the same person back in 2016 when I said "Fuck it I've been dedicated since 2003, I've been meditating on and off after high school more meditation, it led no where. Hell for all intents and purposes it might have led to my mental health break down and the incident with the police with being arrested for being mentally abberrated and going through some sort of mental fugue state".

Sheer fact is I'm about the last person you should speak to. Yes I've been watching history channel in the past from 1997 till just about before I left high school particularly when WW2 was being killed off and the entrance to more modern or less historical properties came in. I think I even got involved with a solid year or so of Ancient Aliens. But the fact of the matter is there is nothing in me that knows or is political. To be honest I'm sick and tired of politics, sick and tired of my entire existence and every thought in my head. I just exist there is no upward nor and or lateral mobility.

Sure by 1999 was using the internet limitedly to study WW2. But for me I just absorb it I thought back when I was a kid Hitler and NS were cool. The holocaust was boring and I avoided that shit and frankly I always had the thought of. If your imprisoned by your state or country it's because you did something bad or wrong. Knowing what I know now my flash of superstition was correct. The holocause is a major big stick wielded by people who are against freedom and believe whatever it is to believe.

It was video taped and photographed. In this country your innocent until proven guilty. Just because someone has evidence on you doesn't make it automatic proof it needs to be proven. Hell with deep fakes coming in I wouldn't be surprised if people use it both to generate positive warfare i.e. attack those who are steeped into the lies. And negative warfare those who are steeped in a lie/lies or simply wish to create non-sense cuz muh snowflake existence.

The reality is I wish to leave these forums never post again and cease NS/SS as it's never served me. Even if I did a historical career I'd be lambasted by the community and probably put on a few death lists as a professional career in historical overview.

The reality is I grow more sick and tired and older and never accomplished anything nor had anything accomplish with neither politics nor Satanism. In fact judging from everything I've learned and done in this shit life I exist in. I accomplished A) Nothing and B) It seems whenever I speak or express myself my family bombs me down. And I've grown up to be more immature, more childish, more of a shitbag, more of an asshole. Hell someone might state "Did you absorb gallons of white energy and became all angel magi arrogant."

No but the reality is I'm just a person full of problems and no solution or if there is a solution it requires such a drastic change from my normal routine of torture and boredom and general shit life. That it's like "Why should I do that, I don't want to do that". It's like Styx said recently We've been lied to and our families were told lies like if you just make 40K a year and accept some debt you'll pay it off in no time, in regards to going to college.

The reality is I'm completely ignorant, stupid, possibly retarded or growing to become retarded, childish, immature, and generally a scumbag and I posses not a single virtue or anything that is positive.

I'm simply a person who absorbs something into their head, adds it to their databanks, and spends hours mashing it around until it becomes a new parameter. The reality is like a therapist said to me a few years ago. Remember and regurgitating stuff isn't smart.

I'm sorry but I'm not smart. If I was smart I would not be NS/SS and I would probably be a Doctorate in some degree despite the fact that Doctors are crappy people who posses such a defined, limit master of one property that they are a failure in others. Or if they aren't failures they know how to be studios and studied and apply critical properties to their existence.

I'd rather be a generalist, jack of all trades, master of all.

The reality is I just live. I don't know how I handle my day. Most of my mind is my mind. I barely if ever do any research it's just what I feel and what I contemplate. Yeah sure I've looked and read stuff. But the reality is pragmatically it's 2023 and nothing that I ever did in my life helped me with anything.

The reality is I can't really help nor be helped into something. I don't want to be a thralldom slave working and pray and then every weekend pumping the opiate of the masses.

I'm not smart nor anything. People confuse my memory and capacity just to vomit out things like a dog of war doing repetitive stuff.

Again I don't know what National Socialism is. Probably never will and like my entire life I'll never know anything on Who, What, Where, When, and How. The reality is I ONLY come to A-Forums and the only forum I ever joined breaking my rule of joining forums. Frankly if I can't find an answer or don't have an answer or the internet is being unhelpful. I just go fuck it I guess I'll never understand nor learn.

Just like National Socialism. I can't go on the internet and go "Search: What is National Socialism?!".

The reality is I'll get it's an ebil, debil system made to harm innocent people and kill them cuz muh mazturbate raze.

The reality is I see it all the time. Everyone is crying out for a change for National Socialism. It's like Styx's recent backing the money. Hell we did this dude listen to Hitler and Feder, back by labor and other various properties of the Nation. Feder and Hitler agreed to be anti-metal and backing things by bitcoin is bad. So RFKjr's Democratic run is somewhat haphazard.

AFODO I appreciate you believing in me. But I'm simply a toxic person who's been alive a bit too long and is sick and tired of life and wishes to just die off and just reincarnate in either a better society or World or simply if reincarnation is fake and just a method by which people believe in a religion or cause to simply be a good person. I guess life is 0- nearly 100 years of age and that is it. Either it's better luck next life cause life sucks and is a worthless piece of shit not just through self-shitting but the shitting people do on other people.

I'm not smart I'm just a robot like I said in my elementary days '96 just about '99. I'm just a robot I don't feel anything nor care to feel anything. Frankly it's no surprise my personality type is INTP a more logical, ice cold, calculating person. I posses very little feelings funny for a cancarian my feelings are simply force multiplication power output turbo for my crazy mind.

Kinda like the album "The Crazy World of Arthur Brown"; "The Crazy World of Gear88".

I simply as I discussed in an email to my friend a rant he's begun to appreciate my rants and in fact encourages me to rant a lot on the weekends. My daily weekend email bombardment rants to my friend.

I simply discussed that there is more to life than simply thralldom, slavery, of ourselves and the walls of our mind, house, and reality.

I feel more like a prisoner, less free, less libertious, and more just suffering and struggling with every little thing. Every thing is just an enormous mountain to climb. Even throwing out the thrash or doing something as simple as drinking water is a philosophical debate.

The reality is and I appreciate your appreciation of me. I say too much shit and people think that is worth it.

I guess deep down inside it's like my friend when I reconnected with him in Middle School and yet again High School beginning.

I speak with these feeling and attitude that makes people listen because I speak in such a way of the factor of there MUST be something better to reality than simply this worthless shit life of being a self-made prisoner.

I appreciate it AFODO but most of my information is utter garbage and just simply copy-paste and paraphrase from other people.

As my astrological chart possessing a chameleon personality. Like Wayman Stewart said, Do we posses a true personality, do we even have a true personality. It scares people in knowing no we don't have a true personality. The reality is I posses no true personality I change on a whim whenever I feel like and frankly my information is just remembering things since 1997 with the History Channel and everything else on WW2 plus 1999 with the internet and the subsequent years.

If anything I posses Ancient History and funny enough it's meme worthy. Like the Mad TV meme with the guy dressed up as a child jumping around going "Look, what I can do!". It's memetic and a part of history and myself and the cancarian ways. And considering nothing is "sacred" for me and I WILL dissect it at gun point and rip it apart to see the engineering and destroy or construct around it.

But honestly I hate my entire life and I hate every moment of it. Nothing bad has happened to me except maybe my mental health crisis and being arrested by the police and spending time in a hospital.

But other than that nothing good ever happened and I'm just a person with nothing better to do and all day to do it and so I just eat shit all day and contemplate stuff.

I appreciate the thought AFODO but I don't want to say it's bullshit. But just standing on shaky grounds and based on 25 years of history that I have to shift through.

Yeah I know I'm not a computer nor ever will be. But as you can see from my huge wall-o-text critical strike. I'm just another person ranting on the internet.

I really regret signing up for the A-Forums my only forum join. If I can't find or research the data I just assume and probably as on a whim fail to ever look it up or continue.

The reality is I'm just about as stupid or stupider than NPCs. An NPC no matter how much of a thralldom, slave they are is superior than me because they have a life. They do stuff, me, I just don't want to do shit.

I don't hate NS/SS but I just wish it collapsed unto me and provided me with capacity to grow laterally and as well as upwardly.

But I'm still the same person as my hardened self and even my toddler age. I never changed or anything just add more shit into my head and pile more shit and more shit and just simply regurgitate everything by vomiting out.

Hence why I lately been distancing from the forums but every time someone posts it's like, I should really reply it would clear up a lot.

Again appreciate it but never use me as an example. In fact it's one reason why I want to quit the forums like I quit meditation.
Gear88 said:

If everything else in life is just boring normie stuff, why don't you dive into meditation again? It is what your mind likes to endlessly ponder, but more importantly it would give you the most fulfilling life purpose.

You had gotten bogged down in technicalities and given up early, but that is not a true reflection as to what you could get with diligent practice. It is not your fault that this path is hard, and I believe I have answered many of your questions in regards to your meditations.

As you don't work on your soul, this continues to bring suffering. It is like not eating and wondering why your body is getting stressed and unhappy. Yes, it may be hard to learn how to cook, but once you get the hang of it, it is not so bad.

If I understand correctly, you have a lot of free time available to you, which translates to a massive potential right in front of you. You should really just force yourself. There is plenty of good opportunity here, but you have to make up your mind that you are going to try.

Your life will not improve if you don't put in some effort here, even if just an hour a day. Yes, you are capable of this, because you have done it before. No more excuses.

quit things that is harmful, and not things that gives you the opportunity to build yourself.

I'm sure you have read most of the NS stuff, like exposing holocaust, ect. this is already more than most of the people here. By reading, you expand your knowledge, because you have read a lot, you are more knowledgeable than many people here.
Stop bullying yourself, and ignoring your worth.

The reason you are unsuccessful is because you are pile of ignorant, lazy shit, you in fact could have been one of the advanced members here if you would have willing to do one fucking thing. I don't know whats the matter with meditating one hours a day. Why you stop? It is fucking obvious that you won't have ANY experience and ANY benefits from ANYTHING and mostly not from meditation if you stop before getting anywhere.

If you continue like this in life, but hopefully you have realized that you won't get anywhere. Every single part of life you have to be persistent, to reach or get anything.

What you say is not true, with spirituality can in fact benefit you way more than any fucking thing in life, anything.

It can change your peronality, it can change your job, it can change your wage, it can change your partner, it can change your karma it can change your feelings, it can change your way of living, it can change your mindset, it can change everything, but Who or What change change it? YOU, fucking you, you are the only one who can change this, and spirituality is your fucking tool. Leaving spirituality is like get rid of a TOOL that can change your life in ANY way. Are you fucking stupid? wake up and do something for you.

Do you realise how important knowledge is? You do have knowledge the next step is to take advantage of it.

Andrea learnt to be a lawyer. When she got off scool a police pulled her over. The police fined her falsely and illegally. Andrea payed the fine, and did not say anything. Why you are like Andrea. You should USE your knowledge, and every single piece of your knowledge. Without you using it, this is what you become a pile of ignorant shit.

The ones who want to fight, let them fight. The ones who does not want to fight in this eternal misery, does not deserves to live.
I don't exactly know how this quote goes but you know it is from Hitler. Fight for a better life.

You need a meditation plan that makes changes in life fast. Try out making a thoughtform or something, maybe Blitz or somebody will help you do a plan like this. as for now here is my idea: The "-" is a day and the "-||-" means same as the day before.

-Void meditation, directing energy, aura cleaning
- -||-
- -||-
- Void meditation, deep trance, aura cleaning
- Void meditation, deep trance, directing energy, aura cleaning
-Void meditation, deep trance, MOST IMPORTANT FOUNDATION MEDITATION, directing energy, aura cleaning
- -||-
- -||-
- deep trance, most important foundation meditation, making a thoughtform

Make a thoughtform that will bring something for you that you want. Money, Partner, anything. Don't summon it afterwards, just forget it completely. It should manifest in reality if you programmed it to something is realistic.

Empower the thoughtform with a mantra and vibrate into as many times as you can. For example 100 times. You can vibrate a rune into it too, just vibrate outside of your body. You can do it like this:
You invoke a colour of energy, you program it (with best way for me/most positive way for me), you move outside of your body, you vibrate a rune 100 times into it, and affirm that it has empowered the thoughtform. And you let it go completely. choose the color and the rune wisely.

You can try the advanced void meditation if you could go into a deep trance.

You can continue as you want. My point is to implement something that will actually make visible change.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=454457 time=1689813642 user_id=21286]
...No more excuses.

AFODO said:
You can continue as you want. My point is to implement something that will actually make visible change.
I do not think he can be helped. I've spent dozens of posts on him, Blitzkreig has spent dozens of posts on him. Others have spent many posts on him, trying to help him, as well. In total, this is dozens of manhours. Yet, no improvement at all over the years.

The situation is that he has the best support group in the world, including Gods, and all the tools at his disposal, but continues to complain instead of actively working toward healing his ailments.

How much help is enough?
As long as he is here. That itself means he still has a chance and shouldn't be thrown to the side.

If people don't have that much patience then they shouldn't help. No one is forced to but there will be people wo understand that as long as someone who is still here and showing interest then their is still a chance for them and some will find it in them that they have a duty to keep helping.

He has shown no sign of just being a troll either so that helps his case even more.

Henu the Great said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=454457 time=1689813642 user_id=21286]
...No more excuses.

AFODO said:
You can continue as you want. My point is to implement something that will actually make visible change.
I do not think he can be helped. I've spent dozens of posts on him, Blitzkreig has spent dozens of posts on him. Others have spent many posts on him, trying to help him, as well. In total, this is dozens of manhours. Yet, no improvement at all over the years.

The situation is that he has the best support group in the world, including Gods, and all the tools at his disposal, but continues to complain instead of actively working toward healing his ailments.

How much help is enough?
Gear88 said:

Convincing yourself that meditation does not work in order to justify giving up, especially by citing a TV show, is just a way for you to offset some of your personal responsibility here, as well as imply that everyone else who has experienced something is crazy.

You attacked your own intelligence and morals in excessive ways, but never addressed your discipline, which was the root cause of the problem here, along with other mistakes or concerns that created additional obstacles (but not permanent ones).

While I can empathize with your stress, using this as a reason to attack meditation itself is just purely wrong, whether or not you claim it is a "sheer fact". This is the opposite of truth and reality, as you claim your own frustrated perceptions speak for thousands of others.

Instead of this, you should accept that you are unhappy with your current situation, but use this as reason to take steps towards self-improvement, rather than just running away from self-improvement, as if that will make anything better.

As I said earlier, you have potential, but you are squandering it through escapism. The only way out is to come to terms with maintaining your spiritual and physical health, rather than letting it degrade until you reach points like now where you become very unhappy.

This is similar to what we see with the fat acceptance movements, transgender movements, and so on, which is the promotion of delusion to avoid realities that involve self-improvement.
hailourtruegod said:
As long as he is here. That itself means he still has a chance and shouldn't be thrown to the side.

If people don't have that much patience then they shouldn't help. No one is forced to but there will be people wo understand that as long as someone who is still here and showing interest then their is still a chance for them and some will find it in them that they have a duty to keep helping.
Unfortunately, you do not seem to understand the situation with him. It's okay, but don't tell me about patience, because I have enough of it.
Gear88 said:
Actually no never...
Hey, man, come to khokhland and live in a village with no work, when nobody hears you or even knows that you are lost. And, despite all this, I am trying to move forward, even without any hope for elevation. There's no choice, I'm not going back, and I'm going forward with a quiet step. So just take it easy and observe life. Or take up drawing as art therapy.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=454613 time=1689909001 user_id=21286]
Gear88 said:

Convincing yourself that meditation does not work in order to justify giving up, especially by citing a TV show, is just a way for you to offset some of your personal responsibility here, as well as imply that everyone else who has experienced something is crazy.

You attacked your own intelligence and morals in excessive ways, but never addressed your discipline, which was the root cause of the problem here, along with other mistakes or concerns that created additional obstacles (but not permanent ones).

While I can empathize with your stress, using this as a reason to attack meditation itself is just purely wrong, whether or not you claim it is a "sheer fact". This is the opposite of truth and reality, as you claim your own frustrated perceptions speak for thousands of others.

Instead of this, you should accept that you are unhappy with your current situation, but use this as reason to take steps towards self-improvement, rather than just running away from self-improvement, as if that will make anything better.

As I said earlier, you have potential, but you are squandering it through escapism. The only way out is to come to terms with maintaining your spiritual and physical health, rather than letting it degrade until you reach points like now where you become very unhappy.

This is similar to what we see with the fat acceptance movements, transgender movements, and so on, which is the promotion of delusion to avoid realities that involve self-improvement.

Although I agree with your ideas about accepting the situation and trying to improve oneself,i don't think this self-improvement process should be done with such mentalistic approaches as meditation.

Meditation is real and helpful, but only under optimal environmental conditions. Advice such as "try to stay calm", "don't stress" is usually given to someone who will take the exam. These advices refer to highly internal situations and do not work for most students because many students did not prepare adequately for the exam. Just as these students don't have enough background to do well in the exam, any advice referring to internal processes won't work, saying "do meditation" to someone whose background and current enviromental conditions are not optimal is not gonna work too.

In short, the effectiveness of meditation and similar spiritual practices, which refer to highly internal processes, depends on one's past and current circumstances. It is more appropriate to advise someone who says that meditations are not beneficial, to change their environmental conditions rather than to continue meditating.
I have seen his posts. Not sure what makes you think I don't understand just because we have a difference of opinion.

Henu the Great said:
hailourtruegod said:
As long as he is here. That itself means he still has a chance and shouldn't be thrown to the side.

If people don't have that much patience then they shouldn't help. No one is forced to but there will be people wo understand that as long as someone who is still here and showing interest then their is still a chance for them and some will find it in them that they have a duty to keep helping.
Unfortunately, you do not seem to understand the situation with him. It's okay, but don't tell me about patience, because I have enough of it.
You have done a lot help him in my opinion. I can understand where you are coming from.

Henu the Great said:
hailourtruegod said:
As long as he is here. That itself means he still has a chance and shouldn't be thrown to the side.

If people don't have that much patience then they shouldn't help. No one is forced to but there will be people wo understand that as long as someone who is still here and showing interest then their is still a chance for them and some will find it in them that they have a duty to keep helping.
Unfortunately, you do not seem to understand the situation with him. It's okay, but don't tell me about patience, because I have enough of it.
Gear88 said:

I don't usually comment on this kind of topic because Blitz and others do it (often) better than I do, and today I have some free time.

Since everything is already set in stone for you, so I'll just tell you one simple thing, you're a coward, I can't think of another term that is more congruent to describe your behavior.

It's not true that nothing works, it's only your own fault, so don't put others in the middle as an excuse for your failure.

Watch this video carefully: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qX9FSZJu448
What's your justification here?

We already have both internal and external problems, plus the presence of the enemy who has a big influence of the existence of these problems, and what do you do? You say life sucks and so on? Don't you ever dare to write this abominable thing again. Because you are just doing a big favor to the Jew&co who masturbates about the existence of people like you because you are a component that facilitates their mission of subversion (and thus destruction) against us. Have you never realized this? All the explanations and evidence provided by the JoS site and also by the Library on the crimes committed by the enemy against humanity, what are they to you? Again, what exactly are they to you? Or is everything a spectacular joke?

You have three choices here.

The first is that you are fully aware of this situation i.e. you are actively acting to the destruction of us as human beings [Gentiles], so people like you should be labeled as high treason - because you are aware that Satan is on our side, where 99% of people don't know, so it is an aggravating fact - and we should include people like you in the upcoming rituals of destruction (if not already included, I remember a statement “jews and his cohorts") so that people like you must be wiped out because you pone as danger.

The second is that you realize yourself of these logical and mental bias, and you get back on track from scratch by doing a complete reset, it doesn't matter if you've wasted +20 years, you don't have to answer to anyone here but yourself. Also, you're still early compared to the population where 99% are still in the dark and at the complete mercy of the enemy's influences.

The third choice is that you, of your own free will, decide not to pursue the path but at the same time you don't have to throw shit, rather, encourage others, help people to advance, help people to find out who their enemy actually is, so on and so forth. That way you don't expose your negativity and problems, because other Gentiles what fault do they have? There are people out here who would pay big cash to know even 1% of what we know about things.

It is about giving meaning to life, do you want humanity to advance and flourish or do you want the enemy's plan to happen? There are no half choices. You said yourself that you would like to reincarnate in 2100 or something, what good is it if it will all be full dystopian of the worst Jewish dream? Your work and task begins right here and now, because, as I have always said to other, it also concerns in our personal interest that the enemy goes away because it is, precisely, in our interest to improve humanity because it has a direct consequence to our personal well-being, present and future.

It's up to you to continue to be a coward or change your behavior, and we don't need to understand what choice you have, it's all anonymous here.
Dreamd123 said:
Although I agree with your ideas about accepting the situation and trying to improve oneself,i don't think this self-improvement process should be done with such mentalistic approaches as meditation.

Meditation is real and helpful, but only under optimal environmental conditions. Advice such as "try to stay calm", "don't stress" is usually given to someone who will take the exam. These advices refer to highly internal situations and do not work for most students because many students did not prepare adequately for the exam. Just as these students don't have enough background to do well in the exam, any advice referring to internal processes won't work, saying "do meditation" to someone whose background and current enviromental conditions are not optimal is not gonna work too.

In short, the effectiveness of meditation and similar spiritual practices, which refer to highly internal processes, depends on one's past and current circumstances. It is more appropriate to advise someone who says that meditations are not beneficial, to change their environmental conditions rather than to continue meditating.

I have addressed more of this with the 5-8 long posts I have made answering all his questions and concerns. Some of his obstacles which I have advised against include excessive caffeine use and abuse of digital entertainment, both of which make the nervous system unable to concentrate, agitated, unfulfilled, and so on. As far as his living situation, it appears to be with his family, without major obligations to his free time, therefore I do not see stress from that aspect of his life.

The problem here, unlike with studying for tests, is that meditation and other activities of the 8 fold path, create changes in the internal and external environment which promote for continued success. For example, completion of hatha yoga results in increased feelings of calm. Similarly, one can invoke earth energy to address his concerns of being unable to sit still and meditate, which was likely hurting his focus and efficacy.

HPS Maxine had also mentioned Satan telling her that meditation sessions progress us into higher dimensions, which again would promote for an individual to have better general outcomes. The problem here is that he has neglected this for so long that he now has large issues to contend with, which fits with your concern about his environmental or background conditions.

So yes, my answer could be oversimplified in some way, but this was just to make him not go off the deep end, as he is doing now. I am mainly asking him to exhibit some restraint in regards to his philosophical ideas, which he has suddenly changed to support his emotional condition.

If you think there are better actions he can take for success, such as seeking therapy or something, then I would also support that or whatever else he needs to do. However, he has also done meditation before and is well informed enough to do them, unlike a student who has not studied properly. He should possess at least a beginner level of competency here, which is better than nothing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
