AskSatanOperator said:
Such a cause could be due to your genetics or diseases such as hyperthyroidism, cancer, diabetes, etc.
AskSatanOperator said:
dirt comes out and comes out of my ear frequently even though I clean myself very well
The reason could be: excessive earwax production, otitis externa or chronic otitis media.
Fungal infections or damage to the eardrum can also cause excessive wax production.
AskSatanOperator said:
I can't hold my pee for a long time and I need to go to the bathroom quite often
If you have weak pelvic floor muscles then I recommend starting to train your Kegel muscles (imagine trying to stop urinating as you urinate - these are the muscles).
Example exercise:
Stand slightly apart and inhale and tighten your muscles for 3-5 seconds. After that, exhale and relax them for 3-5 seconds. Repeat this 10 times.
Remember not to tighten your belly!
You can also adjust the length of tensing and relaxing the muscles according to you (I read several guides and each one showed a different number of seconds).
Do this exercise at least three times during the day.
Another possible cause of incontinence is also abnormal bladder function, such as overactive bladder.
Urinary tract infections can also cause problems.
What other symptoms do you experience during these situations?
The best choice would be to go to a doctor, who will fully examine you to start the appropriate treatment and take the right medication.