Henu the Great said:
*opens mouth and doubles down*
VoiceofEnki said:
The fact that both of you wasted no time to twist my words into something I did not say and implied things I did not imply AND THEN doubled down on it, together. Means you don't deserve explanation, but instead my rightful unbridled scorn for having the audacity to deign my authenticity on the spot. Hopefully this unyielding stupidity and lack of transparency or honesty of yours is a result of Mercury being out of our solar system at a time when both of you crawled out of your mother's uterus.
Commander Cobra is more than capable of defending himself. I am merely upset about a glaringly obvious contradiction. He did not make this contradiction by himself, others have too. If anyone has ever treated me like a person, despite my flaws, its Commander. I do not approach him like this to attack him or JoS's credibility. The difference here is because I care about JoS and I have shown him and Satan that I do, in fact, give a shit, repeatedly. You need only read my earlier posts, I speak only truths.
Because I am trying to do my part, this hits home, really hard because I have personal struggles in this area. I have personally tried to talk to my GD and Satan about my sexual problems. I do not feel reciprocated on this topic and as a dedicated contributing SS; I deserve a basic level of respect such as don't fuck with my personal life. I don't deserve to be treated like someone's object, by which I mean the object of consistently changing what is accepted or not.
You could all spend time saying I am being emotional or that I don't understand, yet the result is clearly visible and will remain as such: You are indirectly promoting porn by expressively condoning its production. Which 100% contradicts that it is bad. It doesn't matter how you produce it, who produced it, why you produced it. You are either for it in total or you are not. There is no in-between in this equation, and if by some breach of logic that there is, in-fact, an in-between, then a lie has been produced and because I despise dishonesty with a burning scorch. I take it,
It would seem that the andrapods and jews and muslims and christians are to be the more important people than my involvement because we must feel sorry for them while they throw rocks at us, murder us openly and then shit on Satan as they gaze and masturbate upon our bodies in lustful caresses. Is this what you want? Is this some weird "get back at ya" for indoctrinating several generations into pornography? Where are these ethics that you speak of then? Nowhere? How convenient. Maxine herself had said it best all these years ago. I choose to ingrain her words into my head and heart instead. I have suffered enough personally on this. I have worked too hard to be disgracefully mocked about a subject so important, that it is TIED to advancement. From this point on, only Satan and my GD have a right to concern on my sexuality or how I utilize it. If you want to behave like a worthless contradicting prude, then by all means pull your pubic hair out.
And do not worry, unlike some here, I have been and am continuing to be considerate enough to not spread my own mental problems inside of this temple community. Many do not heed this basic consideration.
If you are still reading this up to this point and somehow you still think I am against sex workers, then you are missing the point entirely. And I personally put your intelligence into question. You will therefor never understand the essence of my rage. When you are finished being at the dimwit level of
"UuUuUuhHhh.... iS ThIs GuY wItH uS oR nOt???" let me know because you've both had plenty of time to figure that part out.
I am not to spend another moment on this topic, you can quarrel amongst yourselves while I get back on track and go back to doing my part, unimpeded by....