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Question #1504: Can me and my husband do Onlyfans


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Firstly fuck all porn and all that degenerate kike shit. I am 100% against it especially the industry which is owned by the enemies

but what about making it yourself? If one is going to have sex with their monogamous partner anyways, what difference is it to turn on a camera and post it online and make money

The people watching it are not Satan's people, they are gross subhuman men with weak auras. at least jews will lose their money and we can gain it. Maybe we can harness their sexual energy through magic and channel it towards Satanic cause

Is it ok to exploit subhuman for money??
AskSatanOperator said:

Your view of other people as "subhumans" is very concerning. Gentiles are Satan's people, aside from a few who knowingly help the enemy. Abusing them just because they are ignorant would therefore make you a subhuman as well.

However, our culture allows for the digitization of sex and this won't change based on whether you personally are involved in OnlyFans or not. It is not practical for other SS to quit their jobs at businesses which may do immoral, but legal things, as well.
This is the nature of our world which we attempt to change, so I do not see too much of a problem with you doing OnlyFans, except for your attitude towards this, which seems cruel.

If you redirect what you earned into both JoS and your own spiritual advancement, then this would be positive overall.
This overall is degenerate behavior which 99.9% of the time does not lead anybody to a good or comfortable life. You think the viewers are the ones who are harmed? It is the people featured in this who all the viewers are psychically connecting with and affecting, with their mental focus and the focus of all of their orgasm energy. It is the actresses/actors featured who are the most harmed and have the highest chances of negative effects.

A recent survey finds nearly all onlyfans "actresses" will never have any meaningful or happy relationship, or marriage, or family. Because nearly all men are simply discusted by this behavior. There is the most enormous difference between what a low-quality man will use as an influence for an orgasm, and what the average man will consider to be a quality partner for marriage or to be a mother for children.

Also consider that the extreme majority of only fans "actresses" receive extremely little money. You can count on one hand the number who this has made good money for. And anything you sell, there are many people taking this and sharing it for free so nobody needs to pay you to have this media, so you will not even be gaining anything from many of the people who receive this. The highest percentage of women who do this receive either nothing or so extremely little that they would have much more benefit from a simple minimum wage job, like 99% of them. I am not exaggerating.
You are free to choose to do anything you want. There are no limits. But some things are harmful and so it is extremely damaging to do some things, and just as much better for you to not do those things. An example is drug use, or any other similar thing.

You are free to do anything you want and nobody will ever stop you from doing anything. But I want you to have full and absolute understanding of the effects and results of your choices so that you may make the correct choices that will be best for you.
Being successful on Onlyfans requires someone to have a bit of a presence on social media from the start. People tend to freak out about how much money some women on Onlyfans make which can reach into the multimillions per year, but at the same time most people don't realize that the women who are making this type of crazy money from Onlyfans are usually influencers, Instagram models, or popular streamers to begin with, which being popular on social media to begin with will naturally draw more people to your onlyfans account.

But mostly it depends on the Natal Chart and if you are set up for success in this type of stuff astrologically.

I've said this already on a different topic but I like looking into the birth charts of popular influencers, streamers, celebrities, etc, and when someone is extremely popular on social media it usually can blatantly be seen in the birth chart.

The streamer & Onlyfans model Amouranth who has made over $40 million in the last 2-3 years from Onlyfans alone has a Venus/Mercury/Pluto stellium in Scorpio, along with having a tight Sun/Mars conjunction in Sagittarius. The combined influence of these placements is what has caused her so much success on social media. If I were to guess, I'd say this stellium is natally in her 8th house, which rules sex and money we receive from other people. Having the stellium placed in her 8th would also make her natal Saturn be placed in her 11th, and she also has recently had her first Saturn return, and this Saturn return was happening when she was making this insane amount of money from Onlyfans. She also has an exact Neptune(Rules Pornography) and Uranus(Rules Social Media) Conjunction in her 10th house. Which having Neptune in the 10th house is usually seen in the charts of pretty high tier Celebrities, Movie and Reality stars.
I've also noticed that most Porn Stars usually have Venus in Scorpio, or Venus in Virgo.

Unless you have good astrology placements for this type of stuff then you wont be rolling in money like your imagining.
This is your decision, but I just want to give you the possible disadvantages that may be associated with it. The final choice is up to you and choose the one that is most suitable for you.

:arrow: Creating content for OF is not always fun. You have to be prepared for the risk of people hating, insulting, calling you names.
:arrow: It is also not a reliable source of income. Market trends, competition or the risk of being restricted, having your account blocked by the platform can cause problems. Also, there is a risk of a change in platform policy or technical problems that could be a threat to your income.
:arrow: If you were to become popular on OF then you must be ready to lose your privacy.
:arrow: When creating erotic content, a lot of people can connect to your soul because of this.
AskSatanOperator said:
Firstly fuck all porn and all that degenerate kike shit. I am 100% against it especially the industry which is owned by the enemies

but what about making it yourself? If one is going to have sex with their monogamous partner anyways, what difference is it to turn on a camera and post it online and make money

The people watching it are not Satan's people, they are gross subhuman men with weak auras. at least jews will lose their money and we can gain it. Maybe we can harness their sexual energy through magic and channel it towards Satanic cause

Is it ok to exploit subhuman for money??

Certain people are into these things either for the gains or for the kicks. It's not forbidden by anyone to do this.

Go ahead with anything of the sort, provided there is consent on both sides, and you want to do this.
I think your attitude towards your clients is horrendous.

No one has to love every member of the public but sex work should be pursued with an intention to help people and to have a love of sex as HPS Maxine outlined. It should not be pursued not to exploit 'subhumans' for shekels while thinking like Andrea Dworkin the town bike and oy veying about porn. Men from all walks of life who come across photos of your tits that you posted are not 'subhumans'.
In my opinion unless you are an influencer the drawbacks far outweigh the benefits: you will only get a small amount of money monthly and in return it can completely ruin your reputation and privacy.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
Firstly fuck all porn and all that degenerate kike shit. I am 100% against it especially the industry which is owned by the enemies

but what about making it yourself? If one is going to have sex with their monogamous partner anyways, what difference is it to turn on a camera and post it online and make money

The people watching it are not Satan's people, they are gross subhuman men with weak auras. at least jews will lose their money and we can gain it. Maybe we can harness their sexual energy through magic and channel it towards Satanic cause

Is it ok to exploit subhuman for money??

Certain people are into these things either for the gains or for the kicks. It's not forbidden by anyone to do this.

Go ahead with anything of the sort, provided there is consent on both sides, and you want to do this.


I will no longer take any discussions about sex or pornography inside of this community, seriously, ever again.
Henu the Great said:
Bone Dust said:

I will no longer take any discussions about sex or pornography inside of this community, seriously, ever again.
So, according to you, sex work is forbidden because..?

Pay attention to the wider implications and do not put words into my mouth again.
Bone Dust said:
Henu the Great said:
Bone Dust said:

I will no longer take any discussions about sex or pornography inside of this community, seriously, ever again.
So, according to you, sex work is forbidden because..?

Pay attention to the wider implications and do not put words into my mouth again.

Where did Henu put words in your mouth? He asks you a question based on the implications of your own words.

You yourself imply that you do not take anything spoken regarding sex on the JoS forum seriously?

Why? Because HP HoodedCobra said there is nothing wrong or unethical or problematic with people filming themselves having sex for their personal reasons?

Thus, you imply sex a taboo or this idea is so wrong that anything said regarding sex on here is nonsense, because your own thoughts about sex come from a distorted and unrealistic world view?

The gods do not care what a SS do in their personal life. Ergo, we don't either, everyone can follow their own ethnic if that meets the minimum recommendation.(Ofc an SS shouldn't abuse a child or kill animals for no reason and ect...)
So in this case if somebody want to sell their sex video online thats their problem...
AskSatanOperator said:
Firstly fuck all porn and all that degenerate kike shit. I am 100% against it especially the industry which is owned by the enemies

but what about making it yourself? If one is going to have sex with their monogamous partner anyways, what difference is it to turn on a camera and post it online and make money

The people watching it are not Satan's people, they are gross subhuman men with weak auras. at least jews will lose their money and we can gain it. Maybe we can harness their sexual energy through magic and channel it towards Satanic cause

Is it ok to exploit subhuman for money??

I dont know much about adult stuff)
But I do care about my Satanist sisters and brothers so if you wanted to do something please look both ways and make sure your decision is right and that you wont get hurt.
Evil People may bother you if you reveal your identity online.If you get hurt by what people say you may want to rethink about it)
I don't think this is a good idea, but you are free to do what you want, it is good to keep in mind the consequences of this

And there is the risk of people of other races or even Jews seeing these videos and ending up sending orgasm energy or something like that, I'm not sure but it can be harmful
Henu the Great said:
*opens mouth and doubles down*
VoiceofEnki said:
*Didn't fucking read*

The fact that both of you wasted no time to twist my words into something I did not say and implied things I did not imply AND THEN doubled down on it, together. Means you don't deserve explanation, but instead my rightful unbridled scorn for having the audacity to deign my authenticity on the spot. Hopefully this unyielding stupidity and lack of transparency or honesty of yours is a result of Mercury being out of our solar system at a time when both of you crawled out of your mother's uterus.

Commander Cobra is more than capable of defending himself. I am merely upset about a glaringly obvious contradiction. He did not make this contradiction by himself, others have too. If anyone has ever treated me like a person, despite my flaws, its Commander. I do not approach him like this to attack him or JoS's credibility. The difference here is because I care about JoS and I have shown him and Satan that I do, in fact, give a shit, repeatedly. You need only read my earlier posts, I speak only truths.

Because I am trying to do my part, this hits home, really hard because I have personal struggles in this area. I have personally tried to talk to my GD and Satan about my sexual problems. I do not feel reciprocated on this topic and as a dedicated contributing SS; I deserve a basic level of respect such as don't fuck with my personal life. I don't deserve to be treated like someone's object, by which I mean the object of consistently changing what is accepted or not.

You could all spend time saying I am being emotional or that I don't understand, yet the result is clearly visible and will remain as such: You are indirectly promoting porn by expressively condoning its production. Which 100% contradicts that it is bad. It doesn't matter how you produce it, who produced it, why you produced it. You are either for it in total or you are not. There is no in-between in this equation, and if by some breach of logic that there is, in-fact, an in-between, then a lie has been produced and because I despise dishonesty with a burning scorch. I take it,

It would seem that the andrapods and jews and muslims and christians are to be the more important people than my involvement because we must feel sorry for them while they throw rocks at us, murder us openly and then shit on Satan as they gaze and masturbate upon our bodies in lustful caresses. Is this what you want? Is this some weird "get back at ya" for indoctrinating several generations into pornography? Where are these ethics that you speak of then? Nowhere? How convenient. Maxine herself had said it best all these years ago. I choose to ingrain her words into my head and heart instead. I have suffered enough personally on this. I have worked too hard to be disgracefully mocked about a subject so important, that it is TIED to advancement. From this point on, only Satan and my GD have a right to concern on my sexuality or how I utilize it. If you want to behave like a worthless contradicting prude, then by all means pull your pubic hair out.

And do not worry, unlike some here, I have been and am continuing to be considerate enough to not spread my own mental problems inside of this temple community. Many do not heed this basic consideration.

If you are still reading this up to this point and somehow you still think I am against sex workers, then you are missing the point entirely. And I personally put your intelligence into question. You will therefor never understand the essence of my rage. When you are finished being at the dimwit level of "UuUuUuhHhh.... iS ThIs GuY wItH uS oR nOt???" let me know because you've both had plenty of time to figure that part out.

I am not to spend another moment on this topic, you can quarrel amongst yourselves while I get back on track and go back to doing my part, unimpeded by....
Bone Dust said:
Henu the Great said:
*opens mouth and doubles down*
VoiceofEnki said:
*Didn't fucking read*
I just have to say you are so very rude. You also seem to have some serious deep rooted issues and extreme form of sexual hangupss. You are behaving and talking in a very toxic and emotional way that makes zero sense.

I mean no ill will. But I had to make you aware of this. As this is in no way a way to communicate.

Try and get your shit together, please. We are not here to accept this type of emotional outburst. Satanists are not supposed to take abuse.

While we can be understanding if you're having some personal problems and we can try and help but this is no way to talk to people.

As for what JoS thinks about sex, etc. You are free to do whatever you like and think is best for you. Satanists are supposed to have sense, judgement, and most importantly freedom regarding this.

Porn in itself is not negative. It is just erotic media. Which is a form of media like all other types.

It has been stated multiple times even by HP Cobra and especially HPS Maxine porn can be healthy and erotic media and artistic expression was prevalent and healthy in the ancient worlds.

The problem with today's porn is not the type of media but the jews' massive control of it. They control, publish, direct, act, etc. Almost 99% of it at this point. Just like they did with erotic books a 100 years ago.
Bone Dust said:
I am not to spend another moment on this topic, you can quarrel amongst yourselves while I get back on track and go back to doing my part, unimpeded by....

Holy hell. Calm your tits!!! As for the HPS Maxine thing:

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I would like to add to this thread. First off, in Spiritual Satanism, ANY CONSENTING SEX IS FINE AND PERMISSIBLE. This includes porn.

I can see both sides to many of the posts here replying to this thread. The deal with a lot of porn is the blatant abuse many of the actors and actresses go through in order to make a decent amount of money or for other reasons. I have always been very open in discussing sex. I have several porn movies myself. One movie, there is a very young girl, probably not more than 20 years old and very small and petite.

Excuse me, but I am going to get graphic here to make a point. This young woman could not be more than 5 feet 2 and very small frame and build. There are two men, both are probably over six feet tall, very largely built and extremely hung. One enters her from behind and the other from her front and go at it. It is glaringly obvious that these two very well endowed men- probably 8-9 inches practically rip this little tiny woman in half. Then, the camera shows how her perineum has nearly ripped. This cannot be any more pleasurable than childbirth. Not only that, but any idiot can plainly see this will have permanent damage, some of it being internal.

In addition, just how many times did this very young actress have to do this and other similar scenes with these two huge men to get the scene right for the camera? I wouldn’t doubt, she is very young and probably did it for a quick and decent sum of money. I can’t imagine anyone other than someone who relishes and loves pain, who would do this for any pleasure. Sure, there are masochists and that is their right, but it was obvious this young, tiny girl was in pain; she couldn’t hide it. I am not against porn, as I have several porn movies myself, but I have seen quite a bit of outright abuse and degradation in some porn films. Another ploy is a young inexperienced person, male or female comes to Hollywood looking for an acting career and is either led into this kind of porn abuse or winds up dead in a snuff film. This is my own personal opinion on this.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Porn as it stands is mostly shit because sadistic jews control the studios as HPS Maxine outlined here, because it does not display healthy intimacy or sex in context (i.e. with a storyline or something with actors who like each other or are married) but rather endless choking someone out, vomiting, gagging and anal prolapses, because the actors rather often clash with or even hate each other (in Synastry this can be seen too) meaning they have to dope themselves up with drugs and viagra, because it is vicarious (other than certain parasocial things like cam to cam) and because it directs Venus/Mars-type energy of actual courtship and sex into some Mercury/Neptune thing for the viewer that becomes highly addictive and centred around pleasuring the self only.

Just 'by proxy' all of that is not 'abetted' by some chick making a video of her and her husband banging online then selling it. Who's the 'victim' here? She certainly isn't.

You could upload a video of yourself having a feast online or Mukbang whatever and then charge people for it or monetize it on YouTube. That isn't 'glorifying obesity' just because it exists. It exists as an individual expression regardless of others 'suffering'. It is NOT A CONTRADICTION. You cannot create ANYTHING if you hyperfixate on every single person who potentially "suffers" or is offended due to you breathing.

The difference between something like this vs something like selling drugs is that drugs only ever cause decay and selling them just makes everything much worse in every element of existence.

This is also pertinent:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The jews have took the woman figure from a full body burka, down to the full blown half naked slutdom that is walking around all the time. And accuses men of 'eye rape'. Obviously here measure is needed. Where there is no measure one will suffer either side from the extremes. Extremes always come with a backlash.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

In case you are talking about members attacking your sexual tendencies, what HP Cobra has said on this subject has nothing to do with self appointed morality police. He is describing the symptoms of grave excess. The same difference between a society that eats a cheeseburger every now and again and a society where everyone consumes 3500kcal of McDoubles daily.

South Korea is fucked despite a porn ban, because porn is still inevitable for men (the equivalent of a society where only some banned McDouble is functionally 'available', while all the other food is not on sale, yet the other food is waved in someone's face 24/7), while women just use dating apps and social media to ingrain a similar type of selfishness and stupidity as porn addicted men, demanding access to men they don't actually deserve perpetually, leading to both sexes behaving like bitter lunatics and animals. And a birth rate of 1.07.

The Gods who are eternal know exactly what is healthy for humanity and proportional with sex, what kind of sex suits the individual and what would cause disaster for others, and that we aren't all the same. Some members of morality police here may be way off the mark, because society has generated panics, hysteria, laws and bullshit over sex based on the worst scenarios and it being forced on people every day via the internet (proportional to lifetimes where they'd almost never encounter something they wouldn't go out of their way to see).

That leads people to assume that whatever gleaned from these hysterics and paranoia is 'common sense' or 'eternal wisdom' when it isn't necessarily so. Some people are also just trying to figure out boundaries and morality, which may come across as forceful to you.
Bone Dust said:

Looks like my questions deeply triggered something in you.

Take this as an opportunity to realize where this personal hangup comes from, now that it has been brought to the surface.

Ask yourself why you overreact in this manner from a few questions and points asked.

You have to realize that you have emotional and psychological hangups here which you can overcome and heal from, to move forward with yourself and grow as an individual closer to wisdom and understanding.

Good luck with that.
In my opinion onlyfans is not the best site to start, as the name says "only fans" you have to own fans, are you famous?

If the answer is no, then you need to find other tools to get started, have you ever thought about a career as a misstress? You don't have to have sex with strangers and it is based on a kind of consensual "abuse" with a "slave".

You charge for the performance and then post the videos on various sites, in time you can start your own site with subscriptions and more.

As practices then perform verbal and physical domination (liberating), cuckold practices (so basically you can have sex with your husband while the slave watches and is insulted) or even money misstress.

To get started you need some equipment (sex toys, look online) and a camera. Join escort and fetish dating sites and specify what you do.

Create accounts and post videos on the most widely used porn platforms; later you can sell clips.

Read online and familiarize yourself with the various misstress practices.

Search online for "goddess zenova" and go to the site, there you will understand how it is a successful site, she is successful because she has a different approach to the practices.
Bone Dust said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
Firstly fuck all porn and all that degenerate kike shit. I am 100% against it especially the industry which is owned by the enemies

but what about making it yourself? If one is going to have sex with their monogamous partner anyways, what difference is it to turn on a camera and post it online and make money

The people watching it are not Satan's people, they are gross subhuman men with weak auras. at least jews will lose their money and we can gain it. Maybe we can harness their sexual energy through magic and channel it towards Satanic cause

Is it ok to exploit subhuman for money??

Certain people are into these things either for the gains or for the kicks. It's not forbidden by anyone to do this.

Go ahead with anything of the sort, provided there is consent on both sides, and you want to do this.


I will no longer take any discussions about sex or pornography inside of this community, seriously, ever again.

Sex work is not forbidden and since they have the consent, and they want to do this themselves, there is no "forbidding" them from it.

Go ahead means that one can do this.

I do not think this is the best idea to spend your time or to do this in life, I was not asked of a personal opinion. Rather, I just explain that there is no prohibition and no such clause in Spiritual Satanism.

Emotions or anyone else's in regards to that about "acceptance" of the decisions of others are of no importance, given the fact these things happen in reality.

So yes in the reality of the grown up people, they can simply go ahead.

I almost never seek to partake in conversations about sex related matters in the forums too, because it's always a bunch of nonsense all the time that has no end to it.

Anyone will sit here justifying either being a total whore or a 75 year old virgin all the same, and it always boils down to personal life, hangups, preferrence, and rarely ever so in reality.

I myself am on the middle ground, understanding astrology, human nature, and the fact that not all natures are interested in the same things. I also know we live in a world where people will entertain things like pornography in private yet they will be very vocal to get it all shut down publicly.

People make their decisions that's the real world.
Part of your income there will be going to Israel's biggest lobby in America, and any other porn site to host your content is going to use your renting for promoting other jewish agendas like pushing trannies for boys, and deals with the Feds to be silent about sex trafficking.

OnlyFans Owner Leonid Radvinsky is AIPAC's Top Donor:

Part of your income there will be going to Israel's biggest lobby in America, and any other porn site to host your content is going to use your renting for promoting other jewish agendas like pushing trannies for boys, and deals with the Feds to be silent about sex trafficking.

OnlyFans Owner Leonid Radvinsky is AIPAC's Top Donor:

This is very disturbing information!
Egon, thank you for sharing this information.
Part of your income there will be going to Israel's biggest lobby in America, and any other porn site to host your content is going to use your renting for promoting other jewish agendas like pushing trannies for boys, and deals with the Feds to be silent about sex trafficking.

OnlyFans Owner Leonid Radvinsky is AIPAC's Top Donor:

This goes to show the extent to which the porn and "adult entertainment industry" is created and run by kikes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
