Yes, this is a reflection of your karma, and it could also reflect in the way your masculine energies operate within other situations as well (not just manifested through men themselves). I would bet that everyone has some negative social karma, in one way or another.
Shadowcat did a good job explaining the situation here. It is best that everyone learns about their karma and is able to view it from an objective viewpoint. The trauma that happened here is real, but that doesn't mean it is a proper way to live.
There is no reason why you cannot have a good relationship with men. As you do workings to remove these obstacles, your emotions about the matter will likely and temporarily amplify, but do your best to keep calm. I would highly recommend meditating on and doing the rituals of masculine Gods, like Andras or Baal-Zebul, as this will help you feel the positives surrounding masculinity, rather than just negatives, and accelerate your healing.