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Question #1151: I'm not trying to be rude or something I'm just curious


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
If a God who is extremely powerful has a child with a human, will the child be born already a powerful God or will he have to do meditations or certain things to become one? Some Gods have human mothers or fathers, well that's their life, but I would like to know if they had the normal growth phase like us humans or if they grew and developed quickly.
bsod said:
Henu the Great said:
Reproduction does create new souls. Look around you, there are billions of new souls on their first, second, third life...

Not true, the Vedas say that the soul cannot be created nor destroyed. Seeing as the soul is energy, it can only be transformed.
If new souls can’t be created, then wouldn’t the human population remain the same? What you’re saying doesn’t even make sense.
bsod said:
Not true, the Vedas say that the soul cannot be created nor destroyed. Seeing as the soul is energy, it can only be transformed.
Magnum Opus Levels Explained

Due to a lot of corruption, destruction of spiritual knowledge by the enemy, and
moral/psychological damage that has been deeply embed by the enemy to
human beings [let alone psychic attacks to meditating individuals who make it
anywhere], a lot of spiritual knowledge, and especially serious spiritual
knowledge, has been desecrated.
An overwhelming amount of spiritual knowledge, if not all of it, has gone through
enemy hands, and has been corrupted and perverted.

As we have already stated, the Soul if not worked
upon with by Meditation can die and wither away, like any other form in the universe.
This is no different than leaving the physical body without food. The Gentile Soul is
shaped in such manner that when perfected, it can be a self sustaining immortal
mechanism, that has an energy uptake from its own self, in other words, as others
perish in the after life, those who reach a stage will not.

So when one dies, they
simply leave their dead body and the conscious part of their Soul [the Astral body,
the body of Astral Projection] exits. It stays into the Astral realm and slowly
dissipates. How fast or if it will dissipate depends on many, many things. Dedicated
Satanists at that point, no matter how far they are, are being taken by Gods like
Anubis and other Gods, so their astral body is escorted into a safe Haven for our
Souls. They are sustained there until they reincarnate.

What happens is slow
dissipation, depending on many factors. This goes and goes, until the Astral body of
the xian victim runs out of energy. Also, due to lack of spiritual protection, they are
simply wandering there for any stronger enemy to do with them as they please. They
can be astrally imprisoned and so forth. Without the necessary knowledge which
reinforces it. The devout xians who are in sync with the xian teachings of Hell and
this other filth, because they are 'attuned' to this thing, upon death, can actually get
to these lower dimensions.
These dimensions range from dimensions of total ignorance, to actual "hell" made
on by the Jews and their spiritual 'beliefs' that have astrally materialized such
concepts. This astral body they have once dead is susceptible to any attack, any
force, any energy but above all, it's open to whom it's programmed to be open, who
is the enemy and the Jehovian thoughtforms and entities, which are deadly and
nefarious. Stray thoughts and no experience with the Astral make one dumb to how
it works and this leads to death. As their astral body is more or less a mass of
energy and consciousness, the enemy takes these beings and gets them to the
massive thoughtform they name "JHVH". Xians are taught all their life to be
submissive, ego-less, unnatural, and above all, faithful and sacrificing for the kikes.
This is for one reason, to serve them in this life and then perish in the other, so the
kikes can do as they please with their Souls, as they have control over those who
are in their Astral Level. If the xian is "accepting" of it, they are assimilated inside this
thoughtform and good bye existence If not, they are left away to wither away on the


The Afterlife and Reincarnation [Fully Explained]
The Satanic Afterlife and Reincarnation VS the Enemy "Afterlife" and Literal Death


Soul Immortality and Afterlife (Follow Up on Last Post)

Unfortunately, much of Hinduism has been destroyed by Pisslamic and Jewish
conquest. Unlike the hoax that the Soul was some immortal thing that never dies,
or some other gibberish, they knew the Truth, and the Egyptians and all others
did too.

If the soul is left unworked for many lifetimes, it eventually, since the immortal
part of it is inactive, return back to the nothingness of which it came.

The only immortal part of the Soul was the "Spirit". Now, the Spirit is a very tricky
thing. The spirit is the Kundalini energy, not the person themselves. As thus, the
'immortal spirit'. If people have the Kundalini serpent or its energy in the Soul,
this is like plugging a power-socket in your soul. The word of Candle comes from
Kundalini, meaning the wick of fire basically. Which is what keeps one's memory
The Kundalini was given to us by Satan, so that the individual spiritual life-form
(nature's intention for evolution) doesn't perish. This keeps you from dying, and
keeps you 'undying' in the astral. People who don't do any advancement (rising
completely is not necessary, but one needs to have soul energy to survive, for
example), they have to reincarnate, and if they do not, they may as well die over
extended periods of however many years they can withstand.


Hell and the Afterlife for Advanced Souls

bsod said:
Henu the Great said:
Reproduction does create new souls. Look around you, there are billions of new souls on their first, second, third life...

Not true, the Vedas say that the soul cannot be created nor destroyed. Seeing as the soul is energy, it can only be transformed.

I am certain that the earth is filled with new and young souls. Look at the low level of spirituality most people operate on. the majority today literally only converse about what they consume, whether it be about food, or the latest gadgets, cars, or sports. Or how they can't wait to get off work and get drunk and go to a strip club. Literally the whole span of what they know and experience. Older souls are drawn to things with deeper meanings and are often recluses even feeling they cannot relate to much of the outer world, but most participate in wanting to help it nonetheless, SS for example. It's like an elderly person looking around knowing they have nothing in common with 5-year-olds.

So the guy who thinks vegetables are a worse drug than meth and cocaine, is now friends with someone who doesn't believe in germs and eats raw chicken. Lol.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are here to advance ourselves and learn the Truth about everything.
bsod said:
What's ironic actually, in his comparison to meth, is that fructose addiction is the reason why many people deny the fact that plant-based foods are unhealthy, just like how drug users cope X drug Is unhealthy. People's addiction to things plays a big part in whether or not they will accept something as truth. Reality will have it be known though that raw meat is our natural diet that we humans were created to consume, and the fact that it's a growing diet with tens of thousands of followers, who would have otherwise gotten sick and quit after the first few meals, goes to show how big of a hoax this so called germ theory really is, which should have been proven by covid alone really. Remember, 95% of your biomass is foreign DNA, aka bacteria, and viruses are produced by your own body to fight diseases - manmade pollutants. Many so called parasitic organisms are in fact symbiotic.

Usually an honest and intellectual person would corroborate such allegations instead of the route you and abyssos have been taking lately.
Abyssos said:
I am somewhat impartial to this argument here, but I just want to say that you did a phenomenal job in your topic discussing inbreeding. I was able to follow your logic the whole way, while no one else could, except for Blitzkreig, who at least mostly understand your position, but still appeared be a bit behind in understanding the full scope of what you were trying to get across.

I should specify that I'm the side of the argument that souls can be created and destroyed, the idea that they can't simply doesn't make to me. That's my position on this particular argument, but I'm not really invested in it, so my input isn't necessary.

With that being said, I'm not sure what to think of some of your other arguments, such as the idea that souls don't have a sex, and thus can reincarnate as the other sex. When I first saw that, I simply wrote it off, as that is counter to the JoS doctrine as I understand it. However, once I saw how thoroughly you BTFO'd everyone in the inbreeding topic, I decided to give your other views a fair chance.

I will of course be a fair opponent to your views. I don't really care all that much about your arguments in this particular topic, I don't have a stake in that question, although I do agree with your statement that the world population is plummeting, that is 100% true. However, as this topic is loosely related to the question about if the soul has a sex, I am willing to hear out your arguments in more detail on that particular subject, as I do have a stake in that question. I will fairly oppose your views with all the intellectual rigor I can muster, but I'd like to see if you can "prove," or at least provide an extremely compelling argument for the position that the soul/spirit does not have a sex, and can reincarnate as a man or a woman. Be very thorough in your source material.

Feel free to reach out me via email as well, I'm going to go ahead and put my email in my signature.

Do yourself a big favor and do not take this person seriously.

It is in your best interest as a Spiritual Satanist to seek and understand the Truth, not to try to make sense of people with strange viewpoints and beliefs.

Keep this in mind heavily.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
bsod said:
I for one don't believe in any ancient history past 200 years ago, the Bible is only about 400-500 years old if you ask me.

What a clown. There are cities older than 500 years. There are cities from thousands of years ago.

Xianity was invented 19 centuries ago, after the Romans defeated the jews in their campaign against Judea at the end of the 1st century.

There are cities like Sidon and Byblos that are around 15000 years old, pagan cultures are much older than official archaeology tells you.

I'm beginning to think that this Bsod/Abyssos guy is purposely promoting disinformation.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Wotanwarrior said:
I'm beginning to think that this Bsod/Abyssos guy is purposely promoting disinformation.

What gives you that idea? That every single one of his posts is full of lies?

And also because is clear that these two accounts are the same person and promoted the same nonsense.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
