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Mar 18, 2023
Hello brothers and sisters, I have something strange to ask you...

5 days ago on the bus I saw an old woman dressed in black, hunched over with her head always looking down. For a moment I saw her eye and it was like a black hole. The issue was not so much her appearance but the uneasiness I felt. I didn't feel anything negative energetically, but seeing someone's eyes like that in my ordinary, daily life was unexpected, so I guess that's why I felt uneasy.
The car was very full and another woman asked her, am I disturbing you? She looked up and spoke normally, and the interesting thing was that her eyes were normal this time, big big brown eyes. When I saw this I thought, "Am I wrong"? After the woman who asked the question left, the old woman turned to me and looked at me for a long time and said, "Are you in the bathroom in the mirror ...?
She said it in such a low voice that no one even noticed the strangeness and looked at it, my friend next to me said we need to get off, let's go to the door and we got off. My friend didn't hear what the woman said. My reaction to what the woman said in a nonchalant and insolent way without knowing me at that moment and despite the fact that we had never spoken even once was an angry "What"? That was it. I didn't even understand, but it was ridiculous and disturbing that she was thinking about me in the bathroom and talking about it.
-Yesterday I did some spiritual work. 5 days later, yesterday morning, I could only sleep and I dreamt of the same woman again, this time there was another woman with her.
-They said to me, why haven't you become a nun after all the pain and hardship you have gone through. Why are you still forcing other paths? The most I could say was, "Why should I become a nun? What does it have to do with my suffering?" The more I asked them, the more they kept saying that I should become a nun. Unfortunately, I woke up without an answer.

Who do you think this woman I saw in real life and in the dream was? Why did she appear in both dimensions and why did she insist that I become a nun?

I would be grateful if you could give me your thoughts.
Who do you think this woman I saw in real life and in the dream was? Why did she appear in both dimensions and why did she insist that I become a nun?

I would not give too much power to this nonsense that feeds on your attention. Whatever it is, talk to your Guardian about it:
Let her be a nun if she likes it so much.
I didn't even understand, but it was ridiculous and disturbing that she was thinking about me in the bathroom and talking about it.
Didn't she simply say that are you staring her the way you are staring yourself in the bathroom mirror? You know, kind of like taking your time and so on.
Who do you think this woman I saw in real life and in the dream was?
A nobody.
Let her be a nun if she likes it so much.
I agree. If she loves it so much, let her be herself. I never made any special effort to become a nun.
It's ridiculous for them to walk up to me and tell me to become a nun. If she wanted to make a point, she should have been clearer.
she meant that you are rudely staring at her!
it's probably nothing and it's just your hatred for xians and subconscious pour it all on the poor lady.
she meant that you are rudely staring at her!
it's probably nothing and it's just your hatred for xians and subconscious pour it all on the poor lady.
I don't think it was like that, at most I looked at it for 4 seconds when I noticed its eyes, it didn't notice that I was looking (unless it was a parasitic entity)
Who do you think this woman I saw in real life and in the dream was? Why did she appear in both dimensions and why did she insist that I become a nun?

Who knows, I doubt very much that you'll find an answer by asking others, it seems to me to be something very subjective.

Nowadays, people have to stick to certain types of thinking in order to survive, and this kind of unusual answer seems to be more for you than anything else.

The types of answers to this kind of thing can be endless, you know what I mean?

You could get more generic answers like β€œdreams are something we've experienced in our lives... blablabla”, but in the end I don't think those answers will ever be enough.
I’m sure there are far more interesting and important topics to focus on than this event with the nun.

She is a promoter of lies and hoaxes, so why should one care about those who spread deception?
vocΓͺ jΓ‘ pensou que β€œeu poderia ser uma freira” Γ© uma metΓ‘fora? o que as freiras fazem? como elas vivem? na verdade pode ser uma mensagem sendo enviada da maneira mais fΓ‘cil de codificar, mesmo que seja um pouco peculiar, precisamos pensar sobre o cΓ³dice, a freira se casa com Deus, a freira Γ© esposa de Deus, a freira leva uma vida de oração e desapego. VocΓͺ precisa ver se vocΓͺ tem um chamado aΓ­, quais sΓ£o seus sentimentos em relação a um Deus especΓ­fico. O que rege os sonhos sΓ£o sentimentos em primeiro lugar, as imagens vΓͺm em segundo plano, mais subliminares.

Saudade Shaitan
Who knows, I doubt very much that you'll find an answer by asking others, it seems to me to be something very subjective.

Nowadays, people have to stick to certain types of thinking in order to survive, and this kind of unusual answer seems to be more for you than anything else.

The types of answers to this kind of thing can be endless, you know what I mean?

You could get more generic answers like β€œdreams are something we've experienced in our lives... blablabla”, but in the end I don't think those answers will ever be enough.
You are right, I agree with what you are saying. Nevertheless, I shared it here because I was curious about the thoughts of my brothers and sisters. After all, none of us is alone. We have the support of our gods and each other.
vocΓͺ jΓ‘ pensou que β€œab poderia ser uma freira ” Γ© uma metΓ‘fora? freiras fazem olarak que? como elas vivem? na verdade pode ser uma mensagem sendo enviada da maneira mais fΓ‘cil de codificar, mesmo que seja um pouco tuhaf, precisamos pensar sobre o cΓ³dice, bir freira se casa com Deus, bir freira leva uma vida de oração e desapego. Daha fazla bilgi Deus especΓ­fico, quais sΓ£o seus sentimentos em relação a um Deus especΓ­fico. O que rege os sonhos sΓ£o sentimentos em primeiro lugar, imagens vΓͺm em segundo plano, mais subliminares.

Saudade Shaitan
If we think in this way, I have to put aside everything that I am striving for now. Of course I have interest and love for our gods. But not to the extent of a priestess. I would like to work in a normal job and earn a living and find someone who is in line with our beliefs or close to it and get married. I don't know if it will be possible, but that is my wish.

Thank you for your comment, it made me think in an easier way πŸ™πŸ»

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
