HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pride represents a positive feeling of self respect, where your worth is also verified by things you do, there is a proper estimate of your abilities, and is a balanced state. This state can be productive and good for people, both one's self and others. Pride therefore can be something important to defend.
The factor of the degree of reality, actual reason one should be this way, and the sense of value of the self in comparison to others and so on, decides whether or not one is "Arrogant" or "Prideful". Pride is not a negative word, it's actually a positive emotional state, which is attained after actually developing themselves.
In a metaphysical way, pride represents a balanced solar chakra, that is neither superfluous or deficient.
Arrogance generally requires little to no development as is a trait of those who have a very low understanding in general. It's mostly based on the false pretext that one has major self worth without really doing anything at all for themselves and others. Oftentimes, the reasoning for this is poor, focused on one's self, or if attainments are present, the person can be in full denial.
Arrogance is being a mentally poor with an overestimated sense of self value. It's always also characterized with a destructive force towards one's self or others. Being nothing, and generally being an imbalanced cancer that pretends in fake confidence that they have some value or reason that they have to love themselves so much.
Arrogance on the maximum is love of the self without reasoning and very synonymous with vanity. Generally these traits tend to present themselves together rather than separate. It also comes as a result of being poor in mind and spirit, but even poorer of understanding reality. As a result of one's own ignorance, others will suffer, ignorance is expanded, a situation which always tends to manifest in damage in one's self and others, due to lack of any actual abilities.
The imbalanced state towards the downside is to be neither prideful or arrogant, but rather have zero sense of self worth, a state which can also do major damage to one's self and other people around someone. If there is zero sense of self worth, that is also a destructive state like arrogance.