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Preparedness: 27 January 2020

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I've studied preparedness, survival and related quite a lot over the years. I'm going to write several articles here to give our people tips in case of disaster.

I also want to add here, our Gods admire cooperation and teamwork. If you have any survival knowledge or suggestions, please post them here.

Satan, Lilith, Azazel and our Gods have been elaborating on "plague" to me for years. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has heard this here from them. They also got onto me quite a bit to stop eating Asian foods. I love Asian food.

I also want to add here, don't blame the Chinese or Asian people. The problem is with the Jews.

Looking at this astrologically, this will be very serious.

Common sense is enough to see what will happen if the Chinese economy collapses and the goods stop being produced.

Right now, at this time, it is exceptionally important to stay on top of the news. Both Reuters and CNN are up to the minute. Everyone should really keep on top of this situation, as the number of people infected and the deaths are rapidly multiplying.

As I already mentioned in my article "China 2020" nearly everything, including ingredients, pharmaceuticals, and even things we overlook are manufactured in China.

Be prepared and the time is now. Don't wait.
Look through everything in your living place and take an inventory. Foodstuffs, dry goods such as feminine products, diapers, any medications, supplements, pet supplies and food, hygiene products... I will be posting a standard list here later.

What do you use on a regular basis?

Try to stock up on these items as best you can now.

I will be writing more about this later.

China has a stationary Saturn that will be hovering across their ascendant soon and the US has a retrograde Saturn which will station close to Pluto, ruler of US public health along with a Pluto return. (Scorpio intercepted in the 6th house).

Things could happen rapidly. Use your own judgment and common sense. Streets now in China are empty in some major cities. No one. No traffic, totally desolate. No one's going to work... Because of the international Jew, so many countries are totally dependent on China.

Think about it...
I will do my best to post a lot of tips here.

For now, stay on top of the news and start preparing.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
it is tragedy, everything my country depends a lot on china products
Does the problem also affect people who are not from the US?
Thank you, HPS Maxine.

Any tips would indeed be highly appreciated. I will stay on the lookout for your further posts.

May the Gods keep our community safe and protected during these times.
MiniMe3388 said:
Does the problem also affect people who are not from the US?

Yeah, like from European countries? How about Northern Europe where i live?
And will this be even more catastrophic than the SARS-virus form China in 2003?
Things in the middle east are happening again,



I'm hopeful event 201 isn't unfolding before our eyes,

China Says Coronavirus Can Transmit Before Carrier Shows Signs, US Containment Strategy Won’t Work

China’s health minister Ma Xiaowei made a startling statement Sunday about the Wuhan coronavirus: He said people can spread it before they become symptomatic.

“This is a game changer,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a longtime adviser to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

It’s much harder to contain a virus — to track down a patient’s contacts and quarantine them immediately — if the patient was spreading the disease for days or weeks before they even realized they had it.

“It means the infection is much more contagious than we originally thought,” said Schaffner, an infectious disease specialist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. “This is worse than we anticipated.”

Ma didn’t explain why he thinks the virus can be spread before someone has symptoms. If the Chinese health minister is right — and there are those who doubt him — that means the five confirmed cases in the United States might have been infectious while traveling from Wuhan to Arizona, California, Illinois and Washington state, even if they had no symptoms at the time.

On Sunday, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said the risk to the American public for contracting this virus continues to be low.

“We at CDC don’t have clear evidence that patients are infectious before symptom onset, but we are actively investigating that possibility,” Messonnier said.

“We need to be preparing as if this is a pandemic, but I continue to hope that it is not,” she added.
The Wuhan coronavirus has killed more than 50 people in China and infected thousands there, and spread as far as the US, France and Canada.

US health officials believe the Wuhan virus has an incubation period of about two weeks, CDC officials said Friday during a media briefing.

“Based on what we know now about this virus, our concern for transmission before symptoms develop is low, so that is reassuring,” Dr. Jennifer Layden, an epidemiologist with the Illinois Department of Health, said at the Friday briefing.

The update on Sunday from the Chinese health minister should encourage health officials to change that thinking, some infectious disease experts told CNN.

“Assuming that Ma is correct, we’re going to have to re-evaluate our strategy, that’s for sure,” Schaffner said.

Dr. Paul Offit, another longtime CDC adviser, said given Ma’s news, he thinks health officials should alert people on the flights that the three US patients took from Wuhan that they might have traveled with someone who was infectious.

“I think the conservative thing to do would be to cast a wider net,” he said.

NIH doctor wants US to inspect Chinese data

The United States’ top infectious disease doctor wants a team of CDC disease detectives to go to China and check on these crucial questions about how the Wuhan coronavirus is spreading.

But there’s something stopping them: China first has to invite the CDC.

“Up to now, to my knowledge, we have not been invited,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the US National Institutes of Health, said Sunday.

NIH and CDC are separate divisions of the US Department of Health and Human Services.

The implications of Ma’s statement that the coronavirus is transmissible before symptoms are so important “that in my mind it’s absolutely critical that we ourselves see the data, because what goes on over there has implications for what happens here,” Fauci said.

He added that to his knowledge, the Chinese did not tell US health authorities that the virus could spread before someone is symptomatic, a crucial aspect of any disease investigation. He said he learned about it after reading a CNN reporter’s email.

Fauci said that CDC disease detectives would need to see precisely how Chinese health authorities have gathered their data and how they came to their conclusion.

“To my knowledge, we have not seen the precise minute, granular data and how they collected it,” he said. “We need to get to the real bottom line of how they collected their data and see if it’s valid.”

“The Chinese have good people. I don’t want to impugn their capabilities,” Fauci added. “But when it’s something as important as this, our people who are trained epidemiologists need to go over their data and the best way to do that is go there and see how they’re collecting it.”
This has indeed become a serious concern already as is, a lot of communities are panicking and instating quarantine.

I know what it's like to live in poverty, to struggle with resources and survive, it is not fun but it's possible to last, here are tips and information based on my own experiences and what I know on the topic of food.

- Label all of your food, categorize them as best you can by date, check all the expiration dates and take note of them, this is a basic health regulation in restaurants and it will help in regards to perishables and knowing how long they will last in the long-run for you. Things that expire quickly should be the food items you prioritize in eating first or sooner than others. Plan accordingly what foods will provide sufficient all-around nutritional value. One might think that resorting to nothing but meal-replacement drinks entirely is a smart idea, it isn't, I know from experience. Your body needs solids as well as liquids.

- Do not physically exert yourself unnecessarily, your body needs all the calories you can get in times of struggle, it's all well and good to exercise in order to maintain good health but this only works in an environment where one can thrive. Animals in the wild often go into a state of hibernation with little to no physical movement in order to outlast times where food is severely lacking. So if you are someone who exercises regularly, I would reduce this drastically or cease entirely. This isn't to say you can't casually walk around or move at all, just don't over exert yourself if you don't have to.

- Do not over-eat. Your body lasts and survives on a sufficient limit of calories and vitamins, if you consume more than your body needs then this extra nutrition and these extra vitamins are flushed out of the body as waste, your body does not store them. Do a bit of research on base nutritional requirements and what your age etc needs in one day and balance out your consumption around that knowledge. You want your food to last.

- Water, water, water, the most important thing above all is water. I'm not going to say this virus can be waterborne but we have no idea how water supplies might respond to certain things in the coming future. You can last quite a long time with zero food, but you can not last barely even a week without water. Stock up on a decent supply of water. For those who have natural rivers or water sources in their area you can actually purchase what is called a Water Filter Straw. These are straws that filter the worst of things out of all kinds of water sources and you can do a bit of your own research on them. Invest in a good quantity of these and only use them as a last emergency resort as they lose durability with use. And again, just like food, do not over-drink either. Any excess water is excreted out of the body as waste, only drink when you feel thirsty.


I might add more upon this or even make a thread in the future in regards to other things but this is all the time I have for now.
sonnenkraft said:
it is tragedy, everything my country depends a lot on china products
Entire world is in some way connected to China. So, if this virus is indeed bioengineered, then it was logical choice to make it start in China.
5 Million Potential Coronavirus Carriers Have Already Left Wuhan, Mayor Reveals

Thank You HPS Maxine as per, without all this knowledge I wouldnt be where iam today.

Thank you and all the HPs and HPS

Loyal and true

Enki UK x
Here is a video of a nurse from Wuhan, China. Telling the truth about the new virus. I believe she really is telling the truth. The number is believed to be higher. Like 90,000+ infected.

Go to a library/bookshop and find a map of the roads of your country in case things go very bad. Put a lot of emphasis on AoP and Cleaning. Use surya why not!
Having a bike is a plus in a way worse scenario like EMPs n shiet.

Btw how contagious is the corinavirus? We need to know some details from people with medical knowledge. Medicine updates, imunity, symptons etc. This virus has killed 81 people in China (1.4 billion) whie in my country (18 mil) last year, classic flu killed 250 people.
MiniMe3388 said:
Does the problem also affect people who are not from the US?
The problems affect everyone who used lot of goods from China. So, if your country depend on China for major of their goods, then they will face problems. Notice, that you may not necessary be depend on China products, but that is pointless if your country ends up collapse because China no longer producing and export them to your country. The USA will be most impacted by this until they can support themselves, but they are not only ones that depend on China. Don't forget that China also produced material that other countries used to make products and export to other countries. So, if China falls, then there will be quite a bad chain reaction as supply wont keep up with demand and world economy will be impacted by this occurrence.
For women regarding menstruation: look into the LunaCup, it is reusable and lasts about a decade. Also cloth (flannel) pads, these are reusable and hygienic if washed properly. You don't want to run out of pads.

For Canadians: While you are not legally allowed to have handguns, almost anyone can own a rifle if you pass a short gun safety course and are deemed mentally fit, and anyone can buy an antique rifle no questions asked. An antique rifle that is still in decent condition is better than nothing, to keep in your home as just-in-case protection. Or to hunt.

To everyone: you can often buy things for cheaper online, such as toothpaste, shampoo, pet supplies, vitamin supplements. Look around at your options.
Way to prevent infection: same as with most colds etc. Stay away from people coughing and sneezing, if you're out and see someone like that. Also, other things most people overlook: paper/coin money is filthy and covered with germs (wash hands after touching it, or try to use gloves is this is an option), clean your cell phone and computer often (alcohol-based antibacterial wipes etc), door handles, window latches, fridge door handle, and so on.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth if you haven't washed your hands recently.

There are essential oils which are antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial (etc), you can make a non-toxic cleaner with some, in addition to other preventative measures.
START: Full Moon in Virgo, waxing or full moon in Sagittarius, Aquarius, Taurus or Leo. Start and do in the planetary hours of Sun, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate ANSUZ 40 times.
3. Affirm 9 times:
"In a positive and healthy manner for me, I am eternally free from any and all sickness, illness, disease, and pain. I have perfect health, now and forever."
"In a positive and healthy manner for me, any and all physical health issues and anomalies are permanently resolved and removed. I have perfect health, now and forever."

Do this for 40 days or 90 days.

How to Pronounce ANSUZ: https://mega.nz/#!9Ag1VRLb!1pjN3bkQJVT8RxwaX2rZUmVzTUmHndNUFVMXFwUQwws
Gas masks, it's always been on my mind since the 2015 issue but now I don't think it's too crazy to own one. Especially for a plague.

If your going to get one, try to get one that uses the same canisters your army does or even get the same equipment.

I'm thinking of getting the MSA as it has great reviews and has a drinking hole. SGE is said to be too bulky and can leave parts of the face unsealed. It's also said to wear out very quickly.

If you're on a budget get a n95 mask or a dust mask to the least. Since n95's are flying off shelves an r95 might be available and is a better alternative as it's resistant against oily particles.

But most important is proper hygiene.
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
I also want to add here, our Gods admire cooperation and teamwork. If you have any survival knowledge or suggestions, please post them here.
IMO one is slightly better off living away from large cities in SHTF scenarios. The rest is prepping. I won't go into mind-boggling detail here:
1. Food
2. Drinking water
3. Medical supplies
4. Guns & ammo
5. Vehicles + fuel
6. Generators + fuel
7. Various torches with rechargeable batteries
8. Perimeter fencing and security

I know that many here at JoS frown at vaping. Why am I thouching this subject? Because vaping may actually help to avoid viruses.
It has been found that propylene glycol vapor dispersed into the air of an enclosed space produces a marked and rapid bactericidal effect on microorganisms introduced into such an atmosphere in droplet form. Concentrations of 1 gm. of propylene glycol vapor in two to four million cc. of air produced immediate and complete sterilization of air into which pneumococci, streptococci, staphylococci, H. influenzae, and other microorganisms as well as influenza virus had been sprayed. With lesser concentrations of propylene glycol, rapid and marked reduction in the number of air-borne bacteria occurred, but complete sterilization of the air required a certain interval of time. Pronounced effects on both pneumococci and hemolytic streptococci were observed when concentrations as low as 1 gm. of glycol to fifty million cc. of air were employed. Numerous control tests showed that failure of the glycol-treated microorganisms to grow on the agar plates was due to actual death of the bacteria. The means by which propylene glycol vapor produces its effect on droplet-borne bacteria is discussed and data relating the bactericidal properties of propylene glycol in vitro to the lethal action of its vapor is presented. Atmospheres containing propylene glycol vapor are invisible, odorless, and non-irritating. This glycol is essentially non-toxic when given orally and intravenously.
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2135271/
Propylene glycol is one of the main ingredients of e-liquid, its properties were known already back in 1941.

I decided to try vaping years ago in order to quit cigarettes. It worked. Before that, I was down with viral bronchitis quite often. Since I started vaping, I haven't had any influenza or bronchitis. I'm not advocating, just stating anecdotal facts from my life.
Worried about your immune system? Now's the perfect chance to get some vitamin C supplements. Vit C is safe in large doses (some studies up to 8 grams per day with no health problems) and is water soluble, and simply removed through the urine in excess.

Why Vit C for the coronavirus? Check out its effectiveness on past strains:

Recently, a new coronavirus was identified as the cause of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).1 In the absence of a specific treatment for SARS, the possibility that vitamin C may show non-specific effects on severe viral respiratory tract infections should be considered. There are numerous reports indicating that vitamin C may affect the immune system,2,3 for example the function of phagocytes, transformation of T lymphocytes and production of interferon. In particular, vitamin C increased the resistance of chick embryo tracheal organ cultures to infection caused by an avian coronavirus.4 Studies in animals found that vitamin C modifies susceptibility to various bacterial and viral infections,3 for example protecting broiler chicks against an avian coronavirus.5 Placebo-controlled trials have shown quite consistently that the duration and severity of common cold episodes are reduced in the vitamin C groups,3 indicating that viral respiratory infections in humans are affected by vitamin C levels. There is also evidence indicating that vitamin C may affect pneumonia.3 In particular, three controlled trials with human subjects reported a significantly lower incidence of pneumonia in vitamin C-supplemented groups,6 suggesting that vitamin C may affect susceptibility to lower respiratory tract infections under certain conditions.

Source: https://academic.oup.com/jac/article/52/6/1049/731701

I would recommend getting large containers of larger doses, such as 1g per capsule/pill, and taking them once or even multiple times daily. Way easier to pop a few pills then dealing with some shitty Jew-engineered virus.

As far as basic survival goes, make sure you stockpile lots of water. If you need anywhere from 60-100oz of water, that's a few bottles of water per day, per person. You can easily buy tons of cases of water bottles for pretty cheap. Think you can get that when everyone is panicking? Additionally, if you live by water sources, something like a lifestraw or other water filtration would prove useful as well.

For food sources, MRE's are pretty energy and nutrient dense and last for a decent amount of years. Dehydrated food can also be useful, and can last up to 30 years. The only problem is you will expend lots of water rehydrated the food. Again, you ideally should stuff your residence with water.
Over 5 million people already left wuhan before they shut the border. Those millions of people are already spread across china and whatevr country they came from. Doctors and nurse dropping dead at the hospital, wow.


The streets are deserted and countries ares sending for the diplomats/nationals. Technically this virus is already in every country.
I'll be happy to share things I'm doing, and have researched.

These things will be most important when surviving, water, shelter, food, and protection.

I live in the United States of Satan, so most of what i am planning or doing is based what my laws allow here.

If you have the ability too, get to a place away from the city but not to far from the city, get an acre or two of land. like for me, I am located within a walking distance of a cave and of spring water, yet im not in the city but if i had to go to the city its about 20-60 minutes depending on what city i go too, travel by car. I have a city i can get to by walking within half a day.

Either way whether you live on a little bit of land or you only have space inside an apartment, definately store three things long term. rice and water, beans can also be bought cheap and will last. you can get 5 gallon buckets, and mylar bags for cheap, to store the rice and beans in. also i suggest bying 25 lbs of salt whole sale and storing that away too. atleast get yourself a years worth. rice for 25 lbs is like 10$ if you know where to look, and salt is pretty cheap as well.

Get a book on Foraging in your area, as in what wild vegetables and plants are edible, and get a book on how to set up traps, fishing, and wildlife traps. I also recommend a basic survival book.

this is important because with this knowledge even if you run out of food and have to leave for some reason, you can still survive on the road. also if you place on traveling always travel light, perhaps only travel with a water straw, and a hammock-sleepignbag / tools / the know how to set up camp and capture you own food. however safest method is to build up your home.

I mentioned water straws, these can be purchased cheaply online and will be a life savor if you only have dirty water to drink and i highly recommend getting yourself 10-100 of these. it also doesn't hurt to set up a rain filtration system if you have the property or balcony to do it

On my 2 acres, im in the process of creating a hedge around my property of sturdy clumping bamboo, the timber kind used for wood. and the edible kind to have another source of food.

keeping your privacy with a fence of some kind is a safety tip, its always smart to try and hide your property, and if you do it with bamboo the right way you can make it look semi natural and tough enough for people not to want to bother getting through.

the next privacy tip I am implementing is excising my 2nd amendment right and buying more guns, the only thing safer than more guns is having more people you trust. i have my two uncle and their wife n kids living with me on my property and they are survival nuts. as well as they have a lot more weapons than i do.

I have you're standard pistol and shotgun for self defense soon i will be getting a rifle of some kind. stock of up on ammo now while you can.

make friends with your neighbors without letting them know about your spiritual beliefs. set up trades with people who grow locally, for example if you have a garden start trading with other people and get a friendly reputation with them, i know a few of my neighbors around here, and they are all gun holding survivalist who live the american dream of living off their land. you may not be as lucky as i am to be in an area like i am if you can't get to a place like this knowing you lives around you and making friends is still smart to do. the chaos that follows after shit hitting the fan, having well built relationships with people you know will be important as friends will be a powerful asset of them-self.

get yourself a printer and start printing off as much of the Satan's Library as you can, if you can't write down in notes the most important things and hide the notes away. keep the documents safe. i recommend printing two copies and putting one copie in a vacuum sealed bag out of light, somewhere dark, and safe.

if you have a physical hard drive that etchest information onto a disk manually these will hold information on them a lot longer than a flash or sdd will, without having power too them. make yourself a faraday cage (literally a metal box with no holes or metal not touching. no leaks so to say. this will keep the harddrive safe in the case of an EMP bomb dropping and a physical driving like that will possible work for a decade without corruption and power if properly stored. unfortunately flashdrives and sd cards will not hold information for more than a year or two without getting corrupted without plugging them in.

Besides saving up food, storing it properly, and getting water. if you are like me and have been blessed with land, use that land.

For me I'm in the process of building a pond that can hold 1000 fish.

I already have whats called an aquaponics system, but the system can only hold 50 fish or so. So my families, and pets, ,cannot have fish very often, too change this, i'm building a pond and tying this pond into my aquaponics system, so that i can grow vegetables and fruits with the fertilizer and waste product of the fish being transfered to the plants. its a very complicated system to some people, and it took me a long time to research the best way of doing it.

Always filter the solids before the hit the grow medium, you can do this serval ways. i suggest going over to youtube and watching a 100 or so aquaponic system videos. specifcally commerically done ones, as they are doing it the right way most of the time.

There is one system i am tryin to copy that produces 400 lbs of vegetables every two weeks. i won't be any where close to being able to do the same until i get my fish and pond going. because you need about 1000 fish or so to feed the vegetables.

as for what to feed the fish, i have a worm farm that is pretty easy to keep going.

when i first moved here the land was shit. I then got with the local tree guys who cut every close to power lines down. most of it is safe, and hasnt seen chemicals. so I used this to cover my land, they just come by and drop a bunch onmy property whenever i call them for free. it saves them time and its free mulch.

this mulch you can till into the land, or use it to keep weeds from growing near your veggies. but whats also very useful is its good worm food.

on a corner of my property i'm making worm farm, there's many methods out there but using used bathtubs or any big container without any way for the worms to escape will work. keep it shaded, and most worms will eat a pound of their weight. so if you have 100lbs of worms they will eat a 100 lbs of material in a week or so. this is one of the best way to not only feed your fish but to get free fertilizer for anything you're growing in the grown, worm castings will be produces and you can sell/ trade them with anyone. also add worms to your soil around you garden you have in your yard.

i suggest doing a little of everything like i am doing. I am working not only on the aquaponics system but a few gardens around my house. you can never have too much food growing.

to keep the aquaponics system running you can buy one solar panel, connect it to a tesla battery bought online, with voltage regulator and with some kits you can research and buy and set up yourself. you can have constant power going to a water pump, and the water pump is all you need with aquaponics to keep running. which will forever keep going until the pump dies. so maybe keep a few spare pumps on hand they range from 30-300 depending on the size of pump you want.

if you live near a river, you can also you the natural flow of the river to create rampump system that can create a permanent way to water you plants and to bring you water without ever having to need electricity.

I still suggest collecting and filteriing rain also buy a bunch of water filtration staws.

get yourself an alarm, probably best alarm is a well trained attack / guard dog. not only is it not that difficult to do, but gives your pup meaning to their life, giving them fulfillment and happiness in the process. just read a few books about it.

if you can't get yourself guns. buy yourself Bear Mace. stronger than actual mace and most cans will fire 5-10 or more meters

after i get my worm farm going and vegetble farm going within this year, i'll have an easily accessable way of maintaining and feeding ducks/ or chickens whichever i decide to have. i would go with chickens if you want eggs everyday. and ducks if you want to try and sell meat/trade meat. as its more expensive.,

make a gate, i have a gate to my property, its nice and all my dogs alert me anytime anyone comes close.

very important don't let to many people know how much stuff you have or your operation,hence why privacy is important.

natural hedges are the easiest fences to make.

after reading those books, start practicing foraging right away, take mental notes of where things are growing.

not many people will be doing this .

I would start preparing a life with limited electricity.

also buy a generator. propane or gas whatever you can get.

you can try to make a steam generator using wood and fire, if you are an engineering man the plans and know how are out there.

Stay safe brothers and sisters, HAIL SATAN
i also forgot to mention get yourself the book or pdf one minute cure

and stock up on food grade H202, it will be one of the best things youc an buy.

Sanitation will be very important, and it will help you keep yourself healthy in a work filled with plague.
The chinese definitely should not ne blamed. Jewish communism for sure. And if communism takes over everywhere else, we may be seeing the same living conditions as in China.

We can also add a thread here on natural medicinals to protect the body system from plagues.
It becames more and more obvious that the jews seek to create a global crisis, either by finding ways to raise the petrol price to ridiculous extents which will collapse the economies of many countries, either by epidemics, inflation, trading boycott on China and so on. The goal is to get as many countries as possible in a global war which will be the messianic war = WW3 where most people will die and will remain well under 1 billion people to serve the jews, or under 500 million according to the Georgia Guidestones.

So expect the worst. Prepare yourself for the biggest crisis that humanity even seen. Just think about what crisis will be strong enough to kill 85-90% of the world population. There will be everything from starvation, thrist to diseases, epidemics, people killing each other for a piece of bread, no food in the stores, no petrol available etc. This would happen if the jews will be unstopable in their plans, which is why we have to spam the Final RTR more than ever.

Do not expect the top jews to get hit by this, they will hide themselves in underground bunkers in Switzerland, USA, Russia and wherever they have. If you google it, you will see how many bunkers have been built in these areas. If I remember right, only in Switzerland there are bunkers that can store up to 20.000 people. Why Switzerland? Because it is a economic paradise of the jews and in case of war, Switzerland was always neutral, being therefore a safe place for the jews to hide.

144.000 jews would rule the "earthly heaven" which is the world government. According to the talmud, every jew will have 2800 slaves, which adds up to about 403 million people, the rest of the humanity would be simply eradicated.

So in case of such crisis, in the worst case, prepare yourself to survive without tap water, electricity, gas, petrol and alimentary shops. Buy yourself blanchets, duvets, sheets thick clothes and pillows to keep you warm in the night. Buy yourself sponges, shower gel, wet tissues and towels to clean yourself in the case you won't have shower water. I would rather reccomend shower gel instead of soap because the shower gel is creamy and the soap is dry and can be used only in contact with water, which is I wouldn't really reccomend in a situation where you have to keep all the water possible for drinking.

IF you can afford photovoltaic solar panels, it might be extremely helpful in providing you with free energy from the Sun. This will allow you to cook food on an electrical cocker and warm up your house with electrical heathers/radiators. If you have these solar panels, you can get yourself foods like rice, pasta and green beans which you can boil and they can rezist for very long times if kept in proper conditions. In this case you need to allocate wather separately for boiling food.

But if you can't buy solar panels, then you can only get can food which you can eat straight away without having to cook it. Two meals per day for one person might be enough in case of crisis, to avoid starvation. What we cannot estimate is how long would such crisis be. Get yourself food, water and healthcare supply for at least one year. One 2 litres water bottle for one person should be enough in one day. Depending on how many members have your familly, buy water to be more than enough for one year.

Buy yourself toilet rolls and adult diapers for toilet needs since there is a possibility that toilet water won't be provided anymore. As I said expect the worst.

Buy yourself hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and distilated water because they'll be extremely important in keeping you healthy. If you do this, is extremely important to read "The One Minute Cure" by Madison Cavanugh because there are instructions on how to safely use H2O2 for health purposes.

DO NOT keep your savings/economies in your bank accounts. In a case of a mass electricity cut and inflation, the numbers that you have in your bank account will be equal to zero. Save your money in paper, coins and especially gold if possible because gold might become the main trade coin in case of inflation. This will be important if stores will be still opened to sell food, water and other stuff, but as I said above, if a crisis of such magnitude will come, people will kill each other for a piece of bread, which is only telling me that there are big chances that you won't find any open shops/supermarkets to sell food or water, but in any case it might help to save money in everything but just don't keep all of them in your bank accounts because in case of economic collapse, the banks will fall first because all the tranzactions are done via bank transfers. Also an electricity cut will be enough to cut you off from your bank account "money".

Also buy yourself lanters and batteries in case you'll need light in the night, of even candles with lighters can do. One year is just a number, if you can afford to save up for longer time, do it now as the prices are still low compared to what will be in the future.
Maybe chinese shouldnt be blamed for the virus, but they are still soulless bugmen that torture animals without any empathy and treat each other like shit
When or if SHTF doing workings and rituals might come difficult or hard to do. Vibrating words of power may come off uneasy and keeping along a time related working may fail if these are not done at the exact moment and time. Doing yoga outside and staying clean or smelling clean is nearly impossible. Most streams creaks rivers are polluted and filled with sewage when it rains and floods. And if you do find yourself outside, your body temperature is going to go down after facing weathered conditions besides your thermostat. Your going to be cold.

Doing Qigong, Falun Gong and some Yoga positions that doesn't requires you to be on the ground works perfect to keep yourself clean. But within the day it would be fact that you would smell or need to be pampered or washed . Simple workings done to escape and relieve yourself of this as well as to be better off should definitely be done to ward off crap in general.By crap i mean anything in particular that a normal person would have to fight against. Doing small workings daily can aid you getting and doing the things you need to do for yourself. In any case be prepared for interaction with the enemy or people in general. I wouldnt advise siding in or getting along with the enemy because as jews being jews,and because they are alien and most others who dont meditate will find you "weird". Enemy may definitely pick if they could. And before any tries to get close, use your aura to repel them and "lighten" up the situation if you ever find yourself in a situation. Enemy trying to side with you is never a good thing.

As far as food clothing and shelter, if you run out of these and people start getting sick around you, more than likely soup kitchens and pantries are going to close. Ive gotten canned foods and stuff from china from these places and sometimes the meat seems to be fungi-ed so i used vinegar to clean it off and ate it just because i wanted to eat meat. And food coming from these places are most difinetly favored to and by jews. Something i noticed within the welfare and care system is jews are spoiled basically. They get first touch on food clothing and gentiles walk away with none or as much unless lucky or with a jew. They try to make these things seem like a privilege or special case as I have experienced. And some things gentiles are just not aware about some things, due to enemy attacks, that could help them in the long run. Also within the system, jews amongst themselves dont follow the rules and some dont even have qualifications to precede as they have been, but jews being jews..... they cheat, steal, and make way for themselves.

And as far as enemy attacks are concerned, they tend to repeat themselves. Whether its oppression or indirect bullying, becoming and being aware is a save. Also, just for a hint a advice(same advice), when the enemy tries to get close to you in any way, in every way, its not good for you. They stall, drag you down, make you waste time and feel that you cant do anything or whatnot. With the enemy involve in general its bad. Have a means of self defense and dont be easily provoked. Sometimes you have to play the bitch card and seemingly lower your tail. Passive aggressive. Enemy likes to "test" people and set them up.
MiniMe3388 said:
Does the problem also affect people who are not from the US?

Keep up with the news, it says which countries are infected. I'm sure it will get basically everywhere. Off the top of my head, it is in china, thailand, japan, france, US, and maybe a few more places.
Hey I found this survival video on YouTube for the corona virus. Watch the whole video it has some good information about the virus and how to best protect yourself. I hope this is helpful.

Stay safe guys, hail Satan!

Corona Virus Survival Tips
HPS Shannon said:
The chinese definitely should not ne blamed. Jewish communism for sure. And if communism takes over everywhere else, we may be seeing the same living conditions as in China.

We can also add a thread here on natural medicinals to protect the body system from plagues.
I wanted to do long-term health research, but times are tight. I don't want to be obsessive with the ' symptoms ' but I was listening to the news and I heard that doctors are treating the symptoms of the coronavirus as with HIV, so no real help to the body if it beats the virus well if not, the important thing is to focus on the symptoms.
Colloidal silver is good to use but please tell me more about it if you have experience.
Hydrogen peroxide is not very stable and safe and requires two weeks and more of treatment.
I have done some research.
Colloidal silver is excellent antibiotic and also antiviral. Not only being antiviral, being also antibiotic it is necessary to take care of your intestinal flora with probiotics during treatment with colloidal silver.
Therefore, colloidal silver is a safe and useful antibiotic and antiviral to use. Hydrogen peroxide is certainly useful and has a lot of value and usefulness but it is slow for healing.
HPS Shannon, tell me you have antivirals.
With all that's been happening lately: enormous wildfires, volcanic eruptions, epidemics, clashes between governments and citizens, etc; people are gonna panic buy emergency supplies and prices could go through the roof, or go out of availability altogether. Especially when things get worse.

The earlier you prepare the better because one day you could lose the capacity to build that preparedness. Training and developing the proper mindset shouldn't be neglected, either. Material preparedness is half the battle. Mental preparedness is the other half.
Will the gods help out any of our people if they get infected by the virus? The world is going to shit with things like plagues, poverty, and other nasty shit. I feel like if one of us where to get infected, then the gods could most likely heal them or help them with the virus if it got out of the persons control and they couldn't heal themselves.
Even though I live in an area that could potentially be infected with the virus, I still feel very safe and protected with all of the knowledge and things that I have and the knowledge on how to heal myself. And if things get too out of hand and out of my control, then I could still ask the gods for help. The things that we here have learned over the years is extremely helpful and I thank the high priests for keeping JoS together and not letting it die. The info that we have is life saving.

So to anyone of us that might get unlucky and get infected by this jew created plague, just remember that you have the power to heal yourselves from it.
So are we protected from this virus? Or will we meet the same fate as these souls who are already sick. What is the god's plan for us now ? And how long have they known about this ????.... i do think it is imporant to look thru everything you own count food, water etc. Something big is coming for sure.

Please do. I will also add more as I go.

Those of us who are knowledgeable on other matters will instruct also. I will write more.

We need to know all this regardless on if something hits the fan this time or not.

We also need to do the RTR to keep the enemy negativity down.

HPS Shannon said:
The chinese definitely should not ne blamed. Jewish communism for sure. And if communism takes over everywhere else, we may be seeing the same living conditions as in China.

We can also add a thread here on natural medicinals to protect the body system from plagues.
Amadel said:
Maybe chinese shouldnt be blamed for the virus, but they are still soulless bugmen that torture animals without any empathy and treat each other like shit

Yeah just like people from other races have done in one form or the other.

Its funny, I think you might be confusing Jews with the chinese gentiles because the only race that has those traits ingrained in them, at the very fiber of their being are Jews...

If any gentile has these traits, its not natural and due to the Jewish world system and its terrorism.
Master said:
HPS Shannon said:
The chinese definitely should not ne blamed. Jewish communism for sure. And if communism takes over everywhere else, we may be seeing the same living conditions as in China.

We can also add a thread here on natural medicinals to protect the body system from plagues.
I wanted to do long-term health research, but times are tight. I don't want to be obsessive with the ' symptoms ' but I was listening to the news and I heard that doctors are treating the symptoms of the coronavirus as with HIV, so no real help to the body if it beats the virus well if not, the important thing is to focus on the symptoms.
Colloidal silver is good to use but please tell me more about it if you have experience.
Hydrogen peroxide is not very stable and safe and requires two weeks and more of treatment.
I have done some research.
Colloidal silver is excellent antibiotic and also antiviral. Not only being antiviral, being also antibiotic it is necessary to take care of your intestinal flora with probiotics during treatment with colloidal silver.
Therefore, colloidal silver is a safe and useful antibiotic and antiviral to use. Hydrogen peroxide is certainly useful and has a lot of value and usefulness but it is slow for healing.
HPS Shannon, tell me you have antivirals.

I'll put together information on antivirals, etc.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
