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Prabupada and the Hare Krishnas

they are completely jewish crap.
Hare Krishna movement is just jewish crap same as "Krishna" which is just an irrelevant interpolation into some loving piece of cultural crap, meant to enslave and dumbfound people who want to spiritually advance.

Krishna is the second version of christ for centuries now, and the same pile of useless garbage to anyone wanting to advance spiritually.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hare Krishna movement is just jewish crap same as "Krishna" which is just an irrelevant interpolation into some loving piece of cultural crap, meant to enslave and dumbfound people who want to spiritually advance.

Krishna is the second version of christ for centuries now, and the same pile of useless garbage to anyone wanting to advance spiritually.
Krishna is a legitimate deity, however the interpretation of Krishna is faulty. The Mahabharata war was totally managed by Krishna and all his life had been a violent struggle against entities against humanity. The love being talked about in the scripture which is highly descriptive is very clearly orgasmic love and not some weird abstract reinterpretation. They ironically prove themselves wrong according to the scripture. Note all this started from the vaishnavite revival with the guy named Shankara which was from south India which is a hotspot for Jews . The point is Krishna's story is legitimate however the lens their interpreting it with is faulty.
Prabupada spoke highly of Hitler and considered Hitler to be an avatar of Krisna. Prabupada stated that Hitler not Gandi was the father of Indian National independence and Prabupada was against race mixing openly and told White People they are Aryans and should remain racially pure by Vedic laws.

Prabupada was from all reports murdered by Jewish individuals who got to the topic of ISCON and now the place is from all reports just a criminal cult run by Jews and pedophiles. The Jews have gone back and tried to alter Prabupada's works as well to Jew it up.

The Hare Krisna movement s a bhakta movement and is around 500 years old not as ancient as they claim. And based on the ideal that god is Krisna and by puja worship and chanting the Hare Krisna mantra one can develop Krisna consciousness and they will be liberated from physical rebirth and go and live with Krisna in the Visnu realm after death.

I have written articles on the subject of the Gita its been altered many times and is treated as literal bible by the Hindu's when it was a book on alchemy of the soul there has been works written showing this. The names, places and people represent different spiritual alchemical concepts. The Hare Krisna's are part of a more modern corrupt Hinduism which is fully of enemy ideology put there by Jews. The Hare Krisna's promote the theosophical belief of the Jewish Kabballah.
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hare Krishna movement is just jewish crap same as "Krishna" which is just an irrelevant interpolation into some loving piece of cultural crap, meant to enslave and dumbfound people who want to spiritually advance.

Krishna is the second version of christ for centuries now, and the same pile of useless garbage to anyone wanting to advance spiritually.
Krishna is a legitimate deity, however the interpretation of Krishna is faulty. The Mahabharata war was totally managed by Krishna and all his life had been a violent struggle against entities against humanity. The love being talked about in the scripture which is highly descriptive is very clearly orgasmic love and not some weird abstract reinterpretation. They ironically prove themselves wrong according to the scripture. Note all this started from the vaishnavite revival with the guy named Shankara which was from south India which is a hotspot for Jews . The point is Krishna's story is legitimate however the lens their interpreting it with is faulty.

Irrelevant interpolation means over-focusing or adding irrelevant or wrong info, such as heaped upon this boring topic of "Krishna", which is what has been done upon "Krishna" by jews, same as the things you say here or I have said numerous times in my posts.

Presently, especially in the "Hinduism of the West", Krishna is the bread and butter of those who still love "Christ", but would like to have a different name for their favorite all loving thoughform. Jews have constantly wrote books on the subject of all of this.
Over here the Krisna organization set up by Yogananda, they place the picture of Krisna, Yogananda, Babaj and Kriya Guru's of the linage and the picture of Christ over the altar. No one heard of Babaj in India it seems till Kosher Masonic Theosophical Society went east and its main headquarters is still over there. Reports stated Theosophy was sent in by the British intelligence [Rothschilds] of the Yiddish Empire to undermine Hinduism and Christianize Hindu's into English rule easier. Then all of a sudden appears the "Yogic Christ" named Babaj who if you pay attention is just the traditional image of Christ with a Indian make over and brown skin and made to look sitting in the image of Shiva to subvert the Hindu populace. Like how all those Theosophical ascended masters all look like the traditional icon of Christ just with different hair styles. The letters of Yogananda and his Guru to each show they where deep into the Theosophical Society. The other goal of this was to subvert the movement of Westerns who where starting to get interesting in Yoga and Hinduism. Which is probably why Yogananda got some much support in the west. Yogananda's works are obsessed with promoting the Gita as some kind of Christian Bible and Hinduism as some kind of Christianity. Even western followers of Yogananda will tell you he was putting on an act with this.

This Babaji is designed to connect people into the Christ Consciousness matrix.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Irrelevant interpolation means over-focusing or adding irrelevant or wrong info, such as heaped upon this boring topic of "Krishna", which is what has been done upon "Krishna" by jews, same as the things you say here or I have said numerous times in my posts.

Presently, especially in the "Hinduism of the West", Krishna is the bread and butter of those who still love "Christ", but would like to have a different name for their favorite all loving thoughform. Jews have constantly wrote books on the subject of all of this.
Kerala in India has the most ancient and largest Jewish population this is where the subversive movements in India come from. Later guess what Kerala had the largest Christian community in India and pious frauds made up to spread Christianity into India came out of Kerala. Just like Medina had the largest Jewish population and Islam came from here. Mohammed was a Jew who claimed to be the Jewish Messiah who was going to force the world to the religion of the Jews.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hare Krishna movement is just jewish crap same as "Krishna" which is just an irrelevant interpolation into some loving piece of cultural crap, meant to enslave and dumbfound people who want to spiritually advance.

Krishna is the second version of christ for centuries now, and the same pile of useless garbage to anyone wanting to advance spiritually.
Krishna is a legitimate deity, however the interpretation of Krishna is faulty. The Mahabharata war was totally managed by Krishna and all his life had been a violent struggle against entities against humanity. The love being talked about in the scripture which is highly descriptive is very clearly orgasmic love and not some weird abstract reinterpretation. They ironically prove themselves wrong according to the scripture. Note all this started from the vaishnavite revival with the guy named Shankara which was from south India which is a hotspot for Jews . The point is Krishna's story is legitimate however the lens their interpreting it with is faulty.

Irrelevant interpolation means over-focusing or adding irrelevant or wrong info, such as heaped upon this boring topic of "Krishna", which is what has been done upon "Krishna" by jews, same as the things you say here or I have said numerous times in my posts.

Presently, especially in the "Hinduism of the West", Krishna is the bread and butter of those who still love "Christ", but would like to have a different name for their favorite all loving thoughform. Jews have constantly wrote books on the subject of all of this.
You wouldn't believe the missionaries are trying to use the statues of Krishna and literally referring to him as Christ and trying to convert people and the stupid low castes are going along with it. I'm like ," wtf are you doing you stupid fucks." Although the Christian population is still very low, they're basically using money and monetary fruits to bribe their way into converting. Its been met with a lot of resistance since the Hindu Nationalist side won the election and they're carefully mapping their actions so as not to get the living shit beaten out of them. Still the nexus between the Christian missionaries, the NGOs, the Maoists and"intellectuals" is very worrisome and eroding out the national interests little by little.
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
Krishna is a legitimate deity, however the interpretation of Krishna is faulty. The Mahabharata war was totally managed by Krishna and all his life had been a violent struggle against entities against humanity. The love being talked about in the scripture which is highly descriptive is very clearly orgasmic love and not some weird abstract reinterpretation. They ironically prove themselves wrong according to the scripture. Note all this started from the vaishnavite revival with the guy named Shankara which was from south India which is a hotspot for Jews . The point is Krishna's story is legitimate however the lens their interpreting it with is faulty.

Irrelevant interpolation means over-focusing or adding irrelevant or wrong info, such as heaped upon this boring topic of "Krishna", which is what has been done upon "Krishna" by jews, same as the things you say here or I have said numerous times in my posts.

Presently, especially in the "Hinduism of the West", Krishna is the bread and butter of those who still love "Christ", but would like to have a different name for their favorite all loving thoughform. Jews have constantly wrote books on the subject of all of this.
You wouldn't believe the missionaries are trying to use the statues of Krishna and literally referring to him as Christ and trying to convert people and the stupid low castes are going along with it. I'm like ," wtf are you doing you stupid fucks." Although the Christian population is still very low, they're basically using money and monetary fruits to bribe their way into converting. Its been met with a lot of resistance since the Hindu Nationalist side won the election and they're carefully mapping their actions so as not to get the living shit beaten out of them. Still the nexus between the Christian missionaries, the NGOs, the Maoists and"intellectuals" is very worrisome and eroding out the national interests little by little.

Trust me, I really believe what you say as if I am seeing it happening live. As I said, Krishna = Christos. People may know the difference, but it doesn't take much to draw the line and destroy a society over this.

The lower caste always behaves that way, carelessly of all details. It needs the protection of the higher in order to not fall into all of these destructive errors. It just can't go otherwise, it's how it always goes. Those in power have to protect those of lesser reasoning so they are not taken for fools, and then enslaved and rallied against everyone's interest.

The jews are also going to push merciless Socialism cloaked Communism in India, but this will take some time, as Hindu religion resists it by default and at least people over there are holding offices way more firmly than cucks in the West. The moment Indian economy will start growing exponentially and when people will start to be on the verge of financially better times, the jews will come in and push Socialism mercilessly to agitate all the masses against the authorities, and attempt to bring collapse.

This is done first by ideological subversion which from seeing how India goes, is now taking place, by sucking in from Academia that is already USSR subverted in the USA. They are now paving the ground.

Then, they will rally the lower caste against the ruling, and try to destroy or rule India. At least this is their plan. But I believe they are going to fail really bad.

India can get saved from this by firm restoration of proper (Satanic style) Hinduism, and then everything will be OK. For one, it is far more natural to Hindus that all of this chandala types of shit that is going on.
The Jews have been pushing Marxism in India since Neru and Indian Independence. Neru's government was openly Marxist and wanted to ally with Stalin. Neru closed down most of the Hindu cultural schools as well. Its easier to push Marxism in India because most Hindu's are taught to hate themselves still because they have the school system from their rulers of the Yiddish Empire and the attitudes of their rulers passed down.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Irrelevant interpolation means over-focusing or adding irrelevant or wrong info, such as heaped upon this boring topic of "Krishna", which is what has been done upon "Krishna" by jews, same as the things you say here or I have said numerous times in my posts.

Presently, especially in the "Hinduism of the West", Krishna is the bread and butter of those who still love "Christ", but would like to have a different name for their favorite all loving thoughform. Jews have constantly wrote books on the subject of all of this.
You wouldn't believe the missionaries are trying to use the statues of Krishna and literally referring to him as Christ and trying to convert people and the stupid low castes are going along with it. I'm like ," wtf are you doing you stupid fucks." Although the Christian population is still very low, they're basically using money and monetary fruits to bribe their way into converting. Its been met with a lot of resistance since the Hindu Nationalist side won the election and they're carefully mapping their actions so as not to get the living shit beaten out of them. Still the nexus between the Christian missionaries, the NGOs, the Maoists and"intellectuals" is very worrisome and eroding out the national interests little by little.

Trust me, I really believe what you say as if I am seeing it happening live. As I said, Krishna = Christos. People may know the difference, but it doesn't take much to draw the line and destroy a society over this.

The lower caste always behaves that way, carelessly of all details. It needs the protection of the higher in order to not fall into all of these destructive errors. It just can't go otherwise, it's how it always goes. Those in power have to protect those of lesser reasoning so they are not taken for fools, and then enslaved and rallied against everyone's interest.

The jews are also going to push merciless Socialism cloaked Communism in India, but this will take some time, as Hindu religion resists it by default and at least people over there are holding offices way more firmly than cucks in the West. The moment Indian economy will start growing exponentially and when people will start to be on the verge of financially better times, the jews will come in and push Socialism mercilessly to agitate all the masses against the authorities, and attempt to bring collapse.

This is done first by ideological subversion which from seeing how India goes, is now taking place, by sucking in from Academia that is already USSR subverted in the USA. They are now paving the ground.

Then, they will rally the lower caste against the ruling, and try to destroy or rule India. At least this is their plan. But I believe they are going to fail really bad.

India can get saved from this by firm restoration of proper (Satanic style) Hinduism, and then everything will be OK. For one, it is far more natural to Hindus that all of this chandala types of shit that is going on.
These are very important words and I'll take this into consideration for my future as well
Thank you guys so much!! This has been extreme help to me. I had asked Azazel this, and he said to ask on the forums since I'm so curious about them being I was originally a Hare Krishna. Good thin I didn't really go with everything they said. It started to sound a little off. It was like total mind control and enslavement once you got more involved with their philosophy.

Teachings of the Far East were corrupted with the arrival and infestation of the Jesuits. Jesuit Robert de Nobile settled in India to convert the masses to Catholicism there. True to the nature of a Jesuit, he infiltrated the Brahmin priestly caste [always appealing to the ruling classes]. “He developed the clothes, habits, and way of living of the Brahmins, mixed their rites with Christian ones, all with the approval of Pope Gregory XV.” He converted over 250,000 Hindus. 7
Jack how is Shiva approached as to Krisna in India?
I had an ongoing discussion with Mukunda Dasa the proponenet of Prab-poo-bad-ah. The ultimate conclusion of it all is race-mixing universalism and following a vegetarian diet drinking no more than a glass or two of milk per day for protein. And to think I even bought the Bhagavad-Gita translated by brown-boy prab-poo-bad-ah. At least it only cost $20...
Best advice to stay away from the nebulosity of Hinduism and even vedism. It doesn't belong to this aeon.
loki88 said:
I had an ongoing discussion with Mukunda Dasa the proponenet of Prab-poo-bad-ah. The ultimate conclusion of it all is race-mixing universalism and following a vegetarian diet drinking no more than a glass or two of milk per day for protein. And to think I even bought the Bhagavad-Gita translated by brown-boy prab-poo-bad-ah. At least it only cost $20...
Best advice to stay away from the nebulosity of Hinduism and even vedism. It doesn't belong to this aeon.
Nice, so you aren’t just a troll.
HP Mageson666 said:
Jack how is Shiva approached as to Krisna in India?
Not many people in my state worship Shiva as a principal deity as i live in the north. However to tell you what generally occurs in a sense between the north and the south .Everyone prays(simple mantras like 'Aum Bhur bhubashaya','mahamrutyunjay mantra','ganesh mantra',etc) to their deity and believes in 'bhakti' like the christians believe .Then there are a small group of people generally brahmins(or people whove joined a religious faction) who practice basic yoga and mantra chanting or pursue some sort of spiritual practice .Other than that people generally view Gods as a way of channeling their materialistic desires . I suspect the south has such a situation as well because people in this society are turning away from god in the sense that god exists to not be angered and everyone prays so lets pray too(we're cultured as well lol.).Generally in my generation its like a formality.

However ive marked a stark contrast in the south in what i think a deep astrological knowledge better than the north,existence of tantric literature , the existence of the temples which were not destroyed by muslims and principal shiva worship. What you'll generally see in India (currently) is a lot of ceremonial system of worship and a lot less deep understanding about spirituality. Many people practice yoga for physical fitness as opposed to a spiritual practice(mostly boomers ). There are a lot of spiritual factions like the Hare Krishnas and Arya Samaj who have questionable motives. So the situation is not much different to the west. Basically Shiva is worshiped with the same intent krishna is, as a deity you pray to.

There are some Tamil separatists with the view that Shiva is a non aryan god belonging to the tamil culture and the aryans displayed the tamils from the north into the south by war(which i think is bullshit). Shiva as you know is the Horned God Pashupati and his worship is basically connected with lingam worship and shakti(mother godess) with the yoni worship. I believe these two concepts are integral to the sanatana dharma and that all yoga is based on this -union between the man and woman .

The thing is there are thousands of years old temples with Krishna and Vishnu worship which proves the Aryans and Tamils lived in harmony and practiced both fire and fertility worship.Separation of fire worship and fertility worship is creating the problem that we have. I think the both are interconnected and not separate.
Jack said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Jack how is Shiva approached as to Krisna in India?
Not many people in my state worship Shiva as a principal deity as i live in the north. However to tell you what generally occurs in a sense between the north and the south .Everyone prays(simple mantras like 'Aum Bhur bhubashaya','mahamrutyunjay mantra','ganesh mantra',etc) to their deity and believes in 'bhakti' like the christians believe .Then there are a small group of people generally brahmins(or people whove joined a religious faction) who practice basic yoga and mantra chanting or pursue some sort of spiritual practice .Other than that people generally view Gods as a way of channeling their materialistic desires . I suspect the south has such a situation as well because people in this society are turning away from god in the sense that god exists to not be angered and everyone prays so lets pray too(we're cultured as well lol.).Generally in my generation its like a formality.

However ive marked a stark contrast in the south in what i think a deep astrological knowledge better than the north,existence of tantric literature , the existence of the temples which were not destroyed by muslims and principal shiva worship. What you'll generally see in India (currently) is a lot of ceremonial system of worship and a lot less deep understanding about spirituality. Many people practice yoga for physical fitness as opposed to a spiritual practice(mostly boomers ). There are a lot of spiritual factions like the Hare Krishnas and Arya Samaj who have questionable motives. So the situation is not much different to the west. Basically Shiva is worshiped with the same intent krishna is, as a deity you pray to.

There are some Tamil separatists with the view that Shiva is a non aryan god belonging to the tamil culture and the aryans displayed the tamils from the north into the south by war(which i think is bullshit). Shiva as you know is the Horned God Pashupati and his worship is basically connected with lingam worship and shakti(mother godess) with the yoni worship. I believe these two concepts are integral to the sanatana dharma and that all yoga is based on this -union between the man and woman .

The thing is there are thousands of years old temples with Krishna and Vishnu worship which proves the Aryans and Tamils lived in harmony and practiced both fire and fertility worship.Separation of fire worship and fertility worship is creating the problem that we have. I think the both are interconnected and not separate.

Hail Brother!

I know you are probabbly busy but whenever you find the time to anwser me i am gratefull.

Is singing or chanting Hare Krisna Hare Rama and Shiva Shambho connectig you to the enemy toughtform?

Today I was for the first time on a Kirtan, where people were singing/chanting. Had a great time, felt good, no anxiety. ( I went there with the understanding that Shiva is Satan).

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
F_For_Flamingo said:
Jack said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Jack how is Shiva approached as to Krisna in India?
Not many people in my state worship Shiva as a principal deity as i live in the north. However to tell you what generally occurs in a sense between the north and the south .Everyone prays(simple mantras like 'Aum Bhur bhubashaya','mahamrutyunjay mantra','ganesh mantra',etc) to their deity and believes in 'bhakti' like the christians believe .Then there are a small group of people generally brahmins(or people whove joined a religious faction) who practice basic yoga and mantra chanting or pursue some sort of spiritual practice .Other than that people generally view Gods as a way of channeling their materialistic desires . I suspect the south has such a situation as well because people in this society are turning away from god in the sense that god exists to not be angered and everyone prays so lets pray too(we're cultured as well lol.).Generally in my generation its like a formality.

However ive marked a stark contrast in the south in what i think a deep astrological knowledge better than the north,existence of tantric literature , the existence of the temples which were not destroyed by muslims and principal shiva worship. What you'll generally see in India (currently) is a lot of ceremonial system of worship and a lot less deep understanding about spirituality. Many people practice yoga for physical fitness as opposed to a spiritual practice(mostly boomers ). There are a lot of spiritual factions like the Hare Krishnas and Arya Samaj who have questionable motives. So the situation is not much different to the west. Basically Shiva is worshiped with the same intent krishna is, as a deity you pray to.

There are some Tamil separatists with the view that Shiva is a non aryan god belonging to the tamil culture and the aryans displayed the tamils from the north into the south by war(which i think is bullshit). Shiva as you know is the Horned God Pashupati and his worship is basically connected with lingam worship and shakti(mother godess) with the yoni worship. I believe these two concepts are integral to the sanatana dharma and that all yoga is based on this -union between the man and woman .

The thing is there are thousands of years old temples with Krishna and Vishnu worship which proves the Aryans and Tamils lived in harmony and practiced both fire and fertility worship.Separation of fire worship and fertility worship is creating the problem that we have. I think the both are interconnected and not separate.

Hail Brother!

I know you are probabbly busy but whenever you find the time to anwser me i am gratefull.

Is singing or chanting Hare Krisna Hare Rama and Shiva Shambho connectig you to the enemy toughtform?

Today I was for the first time on a Kirtan, where people were singing/chanting. Had a great time, felt good, no anxiety. ( I went there with the understanding that Shiva is Satan).

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
The Hindu Mantras have no relation to the Enemy Thoughtform so any and all mantras from a Hindu source is okay to chant. It's just that if you have a particular goal your should chant a particular mantra.

For Example if you want to remove Internal and External Limitations or obstacles, the mantra Aum Gan Ganpataye Namah is good. For self discipline, productivity, calmness, concentration, Aum Hum Hanumataye Namah is good etc.

There are a lot of mantras which I don't understand what they are supposed to do but are very powerful .
Jack said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Jack said:
Not many people in my state worship Shiva as a principal deity as i live in the north. However to tell you what generally occurs in a sense between the north and the south .Everyone prays(simple mantras like 'Aum Bhur bhubashaya','mahamrutyunjay mantra','ganesh mantra',etc) to their deity and believes in 'bhakti' like the christians believe .Then there are a small group of people generally brahmins(or people whove joined a religious faction) who practice basic yoga and mantra chanting or pursue some sort of spiritual practice .Other than that people generally view Gods as a way of channeling their materialistic desires . I suspect the south has such a situation as well because people in this society are turning away from god in the sense that god exists to not be angered and everyone prays so lets pray too(we're cultured as well lol.).Generally in my generation its like a formality.

However ive marked a stark contrast in the south in what i think a deep astrological knowledge better than the north,existence of tantric literature , the existence of the temples which were not destroyed by muslims and principal shiva worship. What you'll generally see in India (currently) is a lot of ceremonial system of worship and a lot less deep understanding about spirituality. Many people practice yoga for physical fitness as opposed to a spiritual practice(mostly boomers ). There are a lot of spiritual factions like the Hare Krishnas and Arya Samaj who have questionable motives. So the situation is not much different to the west. Basically Shiva is worshiped with the same intent krishna is, as a deity you pray to.

There are some Tamil separatists with the view that Shiva is a non aryan god belonging to the tamil culture and the aryans displayed the tamils from the north into the south by war(which i think is bullshit). Shiva as you know is the Horned God Pashupati and his worship is basically connected with lingam worship and shakti(mother godess) with the yoni worship. I believe these two concepts are integral to the sanatana dharma and that all yoga is based on this -union between the man and woman .

The thing is there are thousands of years old temples with Krishna and Vishnu worship which proves the Aryans and Tamils lived in harmony and practiced both fire and fertility worship.Separation of fire worship and fertility worship is creating the problem that we have. I think the both are interconnected and not separate.

Hail Brother!

I know you are probabbly busy but whenever you find the time to anwser me i am gratefull.

Is singing or chanting Hare Krisna Hare Rama and Shiva Shambho connectig you to the enemy toughtform?

Today I was for the first time on a Kirtan, where people were singing/chanting. Had a great time, felt good, no anxiety. ( I went there with the understanding that Shiva is Satan).

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
The Hindu Mantras have no relation to the Enemy Thoughtform so any and all mantras from a Hindu source is okay to chant. It's just that if you have a particular goal your should chant a particular mantra.

For Example if you want to remove Internal and External Limitations or obstacles, the mantra Aum Gan Ganpataye Namah is good. For self discipline, productivity, calmness, concentration, Aum Hum Hanumataye Namah is good etc.

There are a lot of mantras which I don't understand what they are supposed to do but are very powerful .

Thank you very much!

Im not chanting them for any specific purpose, i just love singing them/humming.

But i will try the one you mentioned, because that are exactly the qualities i need.

I wish you what you wish yourself! Cheers and thanks again!

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
Jack said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Jack said:
Not many people in my state worship Shiva as a principal deity as i live in the north. However to tell you what generally occurs in a sense between the north and the south .Everyone prays(simple mantras like 'Aum Bhur bhubashaya','mahamrutyunjay mantra','ganesh mantra',etc) to their deity and believes in 'bhakti' like the christians believe .Then there are a small group of people generally brahmins(or people whove joined a religious faction) who practice basic yoga and mantra chanting or pursue some sort of spiritual practice .Other than that people generally view Gods as a way of channeling their materialistic desires . I suspect the south has such a situation as well because people in this society are turning away from god in the sense that god exists to not be angered and everyone prays so lets pray too(we're cultured as well lol.).Generally in my generation its like a formality.

However ive marked a stark contrast in the south in what i think a deep astrological knowledge better than the north,existence of tantric literature , the existence of the temples which were not destroyed by muslims and principal shiva worship. What you'll generally see in India (currently) is a lot of ceremonial system of worship and a lot less deep understanding about spirituality. Many people practice yoga for physical fitness as opposed to a spiritual practice(mostly boomers ). There are a lot of spiritual factions like the Hare Krishnas and Arya Samaj who have questionable motives. So the situation is not much different to the west. Basically Shiva is worshiped with the same intent krishna is, as a deity you pray to.

There are some Tamil separatists with the view that Shiva is a non aryan god belonging to the tamil culture and the aryans displayed the tamils from the north into the south by war(which i think is bullshit). Shiva as you know is the Horned God Pashupati and his worship is basically connected with lingam worship and shakti(mother godess) with the yoni worship. I believe these two concepts are integral to the sanatana dharma and that all yoga is based on this -union between the man and woman .

The thing is there are thousands of years old temples with Krishna and Vishnu worship which proves the Aryans and Tamils lived in harmony and practiced both fire and fertility worship.Separation of fire worship and fertility worship is creating the problem that we have. I think the both are interconnected and not separate.

Hail Brother!

I know you are probabbly busy but whenever you find the time to anwser me i am gratefull.

Is singing or chanting Hare Krisna Hare Rama and Shiva Shambho connectig you to the enemy toughtform?

Today I was for the first time on a Kirtan, where people were singing/chanting. Had a great time, felt good, no anxiety. ( I went there with the understanding that Shiva is Satan).

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
The Hindu Mantras have no relation to the Enemy Thoughtform so any and all mantras from a Hindu source is okay to chant. It's just that if you have a particular goal your should chant a particular mantra.

For Example if you want to remove Internal and External Limitations or obstacles, the mantra Aum Gan Ganpataye Namah is good. For self discipline, productivity, calmness, concentration, Aum Hum Hanumataye Namah is good etc.

There are a lot of mantras which I don't understand what they are supposed to do but are very powerful .
Hi Jack! What you think about Gayatri mantra? Is safe?
Siatris Ioholo said:
Jack said:
F_For_Flamingo said:
Hail Brother!

I know you are probabbly busy but whenever you find the time to anwser me i am gratefull.

Is singing or chanting Hare Krisna Hare Rama and Shiva Shambho connectig you to the enemy toughtform?

Today I was for the first time on a Kirtan, where people were singing/chanting. Had a great time, felt good, no anxiety. ( I went there with the understanding that Shiva is Satan).

Hail Father Satan!
Hail Mother Lilith!
Hail Biffrons!
Hail Guardian!
The Hindu Mantras have no relation to the Enemy Thoughtform so any and all mantras from a Hindu source is okay to chant. It's just that if you have a particular goal your should chant a particular mantra.

For Example if you want to remove Internal and External Limitations or obstacles, the mantra Aum Gan Ganpataye Namah is good. For self discipline, productivity, calmness, concentration, Aum Hum Hanumataye Namah is good etc.

There are a lot of mantras which I don't understand what they are supposed to do but are very powerful .
Hi Jack! What you think about Gayatri mantra? Is safe?
Yes it is.
Henu the Great said:
Jack said:
Yes it is.
Who is Hanuman in other pantheons?
The Chinese have a Monkey King equivalent but I'm not too sure on the other pantheons.
Siatris Ioholo said:
Hi Jack! What you think about Gayatri mantra? Is safe?

Depends on the Gayatri mantra. Each of them have specific effects. I chanted the Indra (Baalzebul) Gayatri mantra 10 times one time and a typhoon appeared after a few days. Be careful.
RockSeed13 said:
I chanted the Indra (Baalzebul) Gayatri mantra 10 times one time and a typhoon appeared after a few days. Be careful.
No, you did not provoke that, I can assure you.
Aquarius said:
RockSeed13 said:
I chanted the Indra (Baalzebul) Gayatri mantra 10 times one time and a typhoon appeared after a few days. Be careful.
No, you did not provoke that, I can assure you.

You are right. I had a problem remembering the experience. There was already a weak incoming storm towards my country. I just had a false recovery of the memory. However, the mantra did cause a little bit of rain after I did it. I noticed it after an hour.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
