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Possibly dumb question concerning drugs


Sep 22, 2017
I have a question concerning drugs and advancement. I'm aware that I definitely might be in the wrong here, but I thought I'd ask anyway. I should note that I'm definitely not advocating drugs and I am not trying to come across as disrespectful towards spiritual advancement at all. But I have genuinely been wondering this and wanted to see if I could clear it up.

I know most people here say that, with advancement, the desire for harmful substances gradually goes away. My question is, is it possible to, instead of getting rid of the desire, advance enough that I could mitigate the risks of drugs and occasionally do them for fun without harming myself or my progress? I know it seems like a strange thing to ask, but recently I've been trying to quit substance use and I find it somewhat depressing. I quit smoking a few months ago and am trying to reduce my drinking, but I still find myself wishing that I could get drunk for fun. In terms of serious goals, I definitely have things I want to do for our cause and I find that very fulfilling. Sometimes, though, I just want to escape and have fun. I don't want friends or a relationship, I prefer escaping into myself and shutting out the outside world when I have free time. I've always preferred the world of my imagination to the outside world, and it's easier to escape for me if I get drunk.

However, if it simply is not logically possible for me to advance enough to occasionally do drugs without harming myself, I will continue down the hard path of total sobriety, as ultimately our cause is the most important thing to me, even though I do slip up sometimes.
HailVictory88 said:

The factor that weighs in here is the physical realm that we exist in. Our bodies bring about outcomes from whatever we put in them, and since the physical realm and astral realm are connected with us, doing something with one side will have an affect on the other side, for better or for worse.

What you're thinking of is the entire biological absence of negative impact from material sources on our physical body; which, in itself, would have to be godly transmutation and biokinesis of which to do in seconds and over a constant period of time could take 10s of thousands of years and ages of constant advancement. It could be very possible, but if you ask me I would personally find it an unnecessary use of energy for some 'fun'.

There are perfectly healthy and safe meditations that can bring about a feeling of 'drunken bliss' or being 'high on life' that are basically the self-induced forms of these very same states, but without the negative side-affects. The crown chakra is practically a bliss paradise when you work on it and I have found myself lost in the highest states of happiness and 'good feels' meditating on my crown chakra that have had me collapse onto my bed in ecstasy for up to an hour.

In addition there is this meditation as well. So yes, given the entire eternity that we have, it would be very possible. Although I'm pretty damn sure once you even reach such a state of advancement, the idea of drugs and alcohol for fun would be so far beneath you that you wouldn't even want to consider it.
In spite of the inherent danger of drugs, I don't think this is necessarily a strange thing to ask, especially considering the resulting conversation could help other members understand the dangers of drug use and assist them in detaching themselves from their substances of choice.

Ultimately I would say I am, or was, in a very similar situation, as I'm struggling with a cannabis addiction that at one point, I hoped I could mitigate and enjoy the occasional blunt. Or at least something that could safely satisfy my desire to inhale something. My feelings here are similar to yours regarding drinking; I find it fun and it can be both easy and enjoyable to roam the varied landscape of my brain when high. I've had interesting spiritual experiences from this.

That being said, I would wager that you could theoretically get to a point where you are mitigating the detrimental effects of alcohol, but there will likely always be some level of harm, even if it's an amount of harm you deem negligible and easily remedied. The same can be said of my cannabis addiction. I do not wish to preside over you like I somehow know some shit when I truthfully don't, but as your advancement continues and you start doing more shit with your life, you're bound to foster new hobbies and have new experiences that bring to you a sense of happiness and enjoyment that alcohol simply cannot. And such will ultimately be healthier as you are engaging in constructive hobbies that are helping you to grow alongside bringing you fun and enjoyment, whereas alcohol and weed can be fun - but after it's said and done, where are we? With holes in our auras and feeling fatigued/nauseated/etc. as we return to sobriety. This is to say nothing, of course, of the enemy, who watch us in particular and will play on our desire to use substances if they can see a means of diverting us. Thus we are inherently more at risk than your standard dude who likes alcohol or weed.

I didn't really wanna make a dressed-up "it's just not worth it" post but I suppose that's where it is. Tl;dr: It is likely that you can at least mitigate the harm/recover from it more easily than the average person, but the harm won't go away entirely. I'm sure you already know this is 100% your judgement call and that you're simply trying to get more information, so hopefully someone more advanced can either correct or corroborate what I've written.
Hanging out with Satan as a immortal being > occasionally get drunk
Thank you all for your responses. I agree with your views that it would probably not work, or at least be a good use of energy. I've been thinking about it over the past few days, and in my view thinking of things like this is part of struggling with addiction. The "forever" part of sobriety still frightens and saddens me, but I don't really think I have many options at this point but to toughen up and stay sober. Also, I'm not sure if I'll complete the Magnum Opus in this life, so I want to prepare for whatever my future holds. If I still had a liking for drugs in my next life but didn't find the Joy of Satan for a while, it could get bad.
I've been struggling for years to quit and now it's like my whole mind is against it, I relate it with death and weakness and every terrible thing, but my body still just "goes through the motions"... But even my body rejects it now.
Problem is, I am more advanced now and It opens me up to the enemy thoughtform, unwanted thoughts, self-hatred, lack of RTR motivation, and I believe it causes my Kundalini to react negatively, causing my body to shake and one time I thought I was having a heart attack...
I have more intense orgasms, but this is a crutch and I am worried that my sex drive is lower, it's tormenting me as I've always had intense love for the female body and I don't want to lose that intense sexual passion..
I quit for a month recently after a 40 day working to quit but I thought a little wine on Xmas couldn't hurt... And then there I was smoking with my sister... I quit again the other day and I really hope this will be the last time.
There have been statistics that show that drugs have the chances of killing you more than car crashes and other natural events, even mass shootings. And massive numbers of people are actually dying of drugs. This drug+hookup+club culture is aimed at destroying the western society so that everyone is divided to the extreme. And them they hope to unite everyone through communism (which won't happen). They want the kids to move away from their identity, sense of nationality and race. Because these are the things that prevented the original communists in subverting the world a hundred years back. Now they plan to use (cultural Marxism) I.e to destroy culture, bring in separatist cultures, create mass confusion and massive division, chaos ,apathy and strife between different groups. Eventually they create a patsy and try to red October the country and "unite" everyone against "the white man". Because he's the Patsy in this case. This drug, hookup culture plays a big role in destroying a sense of identify, and male-female relationships, and unity. And overall ruining everyone. How many Jews do you see getting drunk and going on a fuck frenzy. ? No. They are the multimillion dollar investor, the subverter behind the scenes, behind the these clubs, narcotics, gangs, the gangster rap etc. They're the ones sitting in home, thinking of psychotic methods of persuasion and manipulation, to become a banker. Their sitting at the home reading the torah , cursing gentiles to death.They make money off of other people's misery. Shit, i went on a tangent there. To my original point.

There was a study on canabis and it was the longest study on canabis ever done with the largest sample size and it was shown it drastically affected your memory, your reaction time and more. Most canabis studies are done by Jewish professors who do it for 1-2 years. It takes a lot of time for canabis to affect you. It can't kill you, but it will make you extremely DUMB. And why won't you want to put a thorn inside your hand. Then remove it and try to (mitigate it afterwards). Just don't do that shit.

If you have addiction, the best way to solve it is not by fighting it but by replacing it with something better. For example if you have an urge to drink or smoke ,do the beautiful meditation from Satan. Over time you'll get addicted to meditation, instead.
HailVictory88 said:
The "forever" part of sobriety still frightens and saddens me, but I don't really think I have many options at this point but to toughen up and stay sober.

I can relate to this, I've had the same thought regarding my own struggle. What I can say though if your path is anything like mine, then you'll eventually reach a point where you feel an ever-increasing sense of disgust and even anger towards the substance in question. It'll just feel stressful and unnecessary and you'll be glad to lose that. Just being around it and people using it will stir up feelings of negativity; this could just be on me being a particularly angry person to begin with, but should you have a similar experience then the forever part of sobriety will start to feel like a non-issue and even something to look forward to.
Powstanie Pogańskie said:
HailVictory88 said:
The "forever" part of sobriety still frightens and saddens me, but I don't really think I have many options at this point but to toughen up and stay sober.

I can relate to this, I've had the same thought regarding my own struggle. What I can say though if your path is anything like mine, then you'll eventually reach a point where you feel an ever-increasing sense of disgust and even anger towards the substance in question. It'll just feel stressful and unnecessary and you'll be glad to lose that. Just being around it and people using it will stir up feelings of negativity; this could just be on me being a particularly angry person to begin with, but should you have a similar experience then the forever part of sobriety will start to feel like a non-issue and even something to look forward to.

Thank you, comrade. I have noticed that somewhat with smoking, I started to really not enjoy smoking and was irritated by it. I quit and haven't smoked in a few months. Hopefully I can do something similar with alcohol. I wish you well on your sobriety too.
HailVictory88 said:
My question is, is it possible to, instead of getting rid of the desire, advance enough that I could mitigate the risks of drugs and occasionally do them for fun without harming myself or my progress?


Just like you might do some street-fighting for fun (I'm serious, but this isn't a personal value of mine). You may get hurt and you could die, but you can get a lot of enjoyment out of it and with enough protective energy prevent things from getting out of hand. Keep in mind that the enemy may take advantage of the situation and mess you up badly though.

At the end of the day, it is your life, and if that's how you want to live it... It's about what you value more and where you want to go.
Wow this post is exactly what I needed to see. One thing that really helpes me fight the urge is just do a mini version of the Yogas or RTRs. For example instead of 1 minute pose just do 3 breaths or instead of 9 repetations just 1 ect...

The problem Im having rn is, I really wanna quit smoking weed and I know I can do it because Ive done it when I was living by myself. But ever since I moved in with my bf he just keeps buying it into the house. And I fucking hate it because I waited SO long to have some kind of contact with my GD and now that I have a clue who it might be I just cant seems to consistently put in the work to open on my minor chakras and have a real a real conversation with him. I also hate smoking weed because sometimes it makes me feel like Im such a burden on the gods. And I know I shoulnt because I consistently do RTR oneway or another and obv. they are really powerful beings. However when we let our defences down and if we get attacked somone from our order needs to put in thier enegy for our safety. And that makes me unconfortable because, I should be past that point by now and I know in the grand scale of the couple years isnt that much but when I FIRST found joyofsatan.org I just thought FINALLY THIS IS IT and I had such high hopes for myself you know?. If eveyone was able to perform telekinesis in 3 4 years I was gonna be that kid who did it in 1.And I still have high hopes formyself(and reasonable lol) but smoking weed keep postponing my destiny. I keep telling myself I have more time Im still young but Im just SO afraid of waking up 45 one day barely made any progress and keep dealing with the same shit from my youth. I fucking hate the Jews for putting me through something like this
MoonlessNight666 said:
Wow this post is exactly what I needed to see. One thing that really helpes me fight the urge is just do a mini version of the Yogas or RTRs. For example instead of 1 minute pose just do 3 breaths or instead of 9 repetations just 1 ect...

The problem Im having rn is, I really wanna quit smoking weed and I know I can do it because Ive done it when I was living by myself. But ever since I moved in with my bf he just keeps buying it into the house. And I fucking hate it because I waited SO long to have some kind of contact with my GD and now that I have a clue who it might be I just cant seems to consistently put in the work to open on my minor chakras and have a real a real conversation with him. I also hate smoking weed because sometimes it makes me feel like Im such a burden on the gods. And I know I shoulnt because I consistently do RTR oneway or another and obv. they are really powerful beings. However when we let our defences down and if we get attacked somone from our order needs to put in thier enegy for our safety. And that makes me unconfortable because, I should be past that point by now and I know in the grand scale of the couple years isnt that much but when I FIRST found joyofsatan.org I just thought FINALLY THIS IS IT and I had such high hopes for myself you know?. If eveyone was able to perform telekinesis in 3 4 years I was gonna be that kid who did it in 1.And I still have high hopes formyself(and reasonable lol) but smoking weed keep postponing my destiny. I keep telling myself I have more time Im still young but Im just SO afraid of waking up 45 one day barely made any progress and keep dealing with the same shit from my youth. I fucking hate the Jews for putting me through something like this

Fellow struggler with weed, hello. I suppose it goes without saying I feel a kinship through adversity with any Satanist who is dealing with these same obstacles. It just strikes so close to home.

I sense that you already are developing some of the anger towards the drug that can be usefully channeled into quitting, and you have the drive and desire to actively better yourself, so you're likely not all that far from successfully expunging weed from your life altogether. At the same time I cannot profess to know the situation with your boyfriend; if you're able to steer him towards quitting as well, all the better, but if not then the best course of action would likely be to set up an arrangement where he is not tempting you. Keeping it hidden and/or smoking it outside, mayhaps. I would imagine that he'd be able to communicate openly with you on this important issue and thus would be willing to make such compromises for the sake of your wellbeing.
Yeah, the main problem is addiction. Unless you were talking about psychedelics, because they come with a host of other problems like losing your mind and becoming super lazy. Psychedelics turn people into super-stoners, super lazy stupid people basically.

When it comes to the soft drugs that aren't psychedelics, It's not like it's that bad to have a cigarette, or a coffee, or a beer once in a while, but seriously you will just get addicted like everybody else. If you aren't addicted then you will just enjoy it and keep buying that stuff and wasting your money. It's like gambling, it's completely a waste of your time and rigged so that you always lose. Mindless glutinous entertainment is nothing a Satanist should be indulging in.

So I can't see a time when you should ever use drugs but I don't know if maybe you want to have some wine or a couple beer or something once a year with your family it wouldn't be that bad but just don't get a buzz on and make the booze the main event. Medicine and medical anesthesia is also acceptable. Many of us have had an addiction to something or other, you can get through it. I doubt anybody will look down on your for reaching out for help but I am sure you would also rather just be your true self than be another one of "those types".
Drugs are stupid know I have never used drugs but I did the mediation from Satan and I am high as hell know I never used drugs and I researched what being high feels like and ya I am high know this is getting stupid about where I keep saying high and stuff nevermind but you don't need harmful drugs just mediate man
Hail Satan
Hail Andras
Hail to the Gods of Duat
Now I am gonna do the final rtr

I must say that I had the thought today "maybe I can do weed sometime again" (I am now drug free for over 1 year, no weed or alcohol).

I think we must ask our selfes why we have the urge to do drugs, which is basically we are not happy, and we want just to feel free/ease for a time.

I dont know where you are in life, if you are happy with your situation, friends/job etc, but I am not really.

I remember when smoking weed or sometimes drinking I was just 100% happy and felt all the joy in my body,

now I am not.

I think the problem with drugs is it pushes you farther away in life from a state where you are naturally happy with yourself. So I think you are advancing backwards when doing drugs because you are disengaging with reality, where in meditation you are dealing with it.

So better stay off from drugs, I have a feeling there will be a state where one ist just happy and joyful with ones life without drugs.

HailVictory88 said:
I have a question concerning drugs and advancement. I'm aware that I definitely might be in the wrong here, but I thought I'd ask anyway. I should note that I'm definitely not advocating drugs and I am not trying to come across as disrespectful towards spiritual advancement at all. But I have genuinely been wondering this and wanted to see if I could clear it up.

I know most people here say that, with advancement, the desire for harmful substances gradually goes away. My question is, is it possible to, instead of getting rid of the desire, advance enough that I could mitigate the risks of drugs and occasionally do them for fun without harming myself or my progress? I know it seems like a strange thing to ask, but recently I've been trying to quit substance use and I find it somewhat depressing. I quit smoking a few months ago and am trying to reduce my drinking, but I still find myself wishing that I could get drunk for fun. In terms of serious goals, I definitely have things I want to do for our cause and I find that very fulfilling. Sometimes, though, I just want to escape and have fun. I don't want friends or a relationship, I prefer escaping into myself and shutting out the outside world when I have free time. I've always preferred the world of my imagination to the outside world, and it's easier to escape for me if I get drunk.

However, if it simply is not logically possible for me to advance enough to occasionally do drugs without harming myself, I will continue down the hard path of total sobriety, as ultimately our cause is the most important thing to me, even though I do slip up sometimes.
I still have some bad energy from Drugs even after Quitting for about a year and meditating daily. I wouldn't think this is worth it. I can't do drugs now anyways this is what I tell myself. A couple of people in my life would know from the energy of it I'd be betraying them. I'd be betraying the Gods etc. See drugs as not even anything you can do. At least the hard ones and weed is really bad too. I never liked weed personally it was the harder drugs I went for when I did them.

No use mitagating the damage from this. Just say no. Honestly a little Alchohol sometimes is not at all bad compared to all the other stuff. I still do it sometimes but am coming to a point I almost cant even stand it so that is probably not going to be much longer. If want do it but if you drink too much the next morning you will wish you had not done it. Also I decided the bar was superficial anyways. After a comment by a girl there I kind of laugh at but still are these the kinds of people I would want to be friends with. I don't honestly know what I am going to do now for socialization but none of those people are anyone I would want to hang out with anyways.

It sucks that society is so meaningless that a bar is really one of the few things I can think of to do anyways. I haven't and probably won't go back there. I think my gaurdian kind of wanted me to go there that night to realize this anyways cause I had a few things that hinted at that.

On drugs pretty much it's just say no. No matter how tempting it is. Plus you can waste an insane amount of money on this. If we had meaning and meditations and deep connections with people no one would be doing drugs.

Also it will make you lose your astral abilities after awhile no matter how open you are and lose your power.

All is not lost what you did meditation wise while doing drugs somewhat still counts though but you need to get all that dirt off you. Drugs are why my astral senses are not fully open yet I would be so much farther along maybe even risen if I hadn't of wasted years with drugs. It was a waste and I feel bad about it. So just don't do this it's not worth it at all.
See my 'In the j/news recently' thread.
Post 3

Baby girl died after ‘parents let her have heroin and cocaine’

Eugene Chandler, 27, and Shaleigh Brumfield, 26, are charged with the overdose death of their two-month-old child (Picture: Danville Police Department)
Fucking doing drugs and meditations? Go fucking hang yourself. I'm also surprised that they-- sorry, that its would not keep the drugs all to itselves.
@ O.P. (HailVictory88)

First, nothing wrong with talking about drugs cause it can help someone else and drugs are a huge existence. With that said in the past we merely wanted people not to promote it. Not, NOT talk about it but not promote it.

Anyways, are you curious on drugs because you kinda want to as I call it brute force your way into the spiritual realm? You may have read on hallucinogenic substances and perhaps thought it's a way of kinda speeding up the process?

The other factor is are you living in an environment whereby the only place you notice people are enjoying themselves is at a club or bar or something and your kinda going "What about me and my enjoyment?"

I think the biggest problem is your not living in an appropriate world you kinda might seem like a extra-terrestrial compared to others. Other possibilities might be astrological such as limited friends or limited scenarios.

I understand you fully with wanting an escape. In fact something I learned at probably one of the largest drug website in existence if not the biggest at least one of the most popular. Is vacations.

For most people vacations are at a time to relax say at a beach or cruise or somewhere. The problem this person stated and is a drug user particularly of hallucinogenic substances. Is that when it comes time for the person to relax it can take time for them cause they are on their phone, they are thinking about returning to work, they are in a conundrum and may even second guess their vacation due to financial responsibilities and might even state this vacation cost me a pretty penny why am I not enjoying it.

The person stated that in the end what the person needs is a hallucinogenic trip to perform a vacation from themselves.

On some level when I read that a number of years ago it rang in particular to me. Unfortunately I would have no idea how to find any drugs so I kinda left it in the back burner. But I totally understand a vacation from myself. In fact ever since finding meditation and altered states(nearly 20 years ago earlier with lucid dreaming and astral projecting) I thought of them as a drug like experience something to disassociate yourself from yourself.

Kinda like sleep, which for many people is their only form of vacation or gaming or movies or TV.
Gear88 said:
@ O.P. (HailVictory88)

First, nothing wrong with talking about drugs cause it can help someone else and drugs are a huge existence. With that said in the past we merely wanted people not to promote it. Not, NOT talk about it but not promote it.

Anyways, are you curious on drugs because you kinda want to as I call it brute force your way into the spiritual realm? You may have read on hallucinogenic substances and perhaps thought it's a way of kinda speeding up the process?

The other factor is are you living in an environment whereby the only place you notice people are enjoying themselves is at a club or bar or something and your kinda going "What about me and my enjoyment?"

I think the biggest problem is your not living in an appropriate world you kinda might seem like a extra-terrestrial compared to others. Other possibilities might be astrological such as limited friends or limited scenarios.

I understand you fully with wanting an escape. In fact something I learned at probably one of the largest drug website in existence if not the biggest at least one of the most popular. Is vacations.

For most people vacations are at a time to relax say at a beach or cruise or somewhere. The problem this person stated and is a drug user particularly of hallucinogenic substances. Is that when it comes time for the person to relax it can take time for them cause they are on their phone, they are thinking about returning to work, they are in a conundrum and may even second guess their vacation due to financial responsibilities and might even state this vacation cost me a pretty penny why am I not enjoying it.

The person stated that in the end what the person needs is a hallucinogenic trip to perform a vacation from themselves.

On some level when I read that a number of years ago it rang in particular to me. Unfortunately I would have no idea how to find any drugs so I kinda left it in the back burner. But I totally understand a vacation from myself. In fact ever since finding meditation and altered states(nearly 20 years ago earlier with lucid dreaming and astral projecting) I thought of them as a drug like experience something to disassociate yourself from yourself.

Kinda like sleep, which for many people is their only form of vacation or gaming or movies or TV.

Yes but the problem with this is it opens you up very much to the enemy you have absolutely no control over the experience unlike meditation. Especially if you are a Satanist you are way more likely than an average person to have a bad experience and with some drugs that could be absolutely terrifying and horrible and last for hours. If people insist on doing it and they experience some of the states I have seen described then that's their fault. There are also entities that love creating these states and feeding off the fear energy of these people since yes it does open you a little like you said. Personally I was Scared to try it even when I was kind of a druggie because of what I just said there. I have felt meditative states that are a little like weed so much so it reminded me of when I used it so I know these drugs are used as a substitute to spiritual experiences. Some of what people experience with these psycadellics isn't even real. The HPs have done entire sermons on the topic of drugs. It is dangerous and can fry your mind. Plus if you get attacked either the God's won't bother with protecting you or they will have to waste a lot of energy helping you in an unneeded way. Personally never done psycadellics never will I don't even like the thought. These drugs also damage your brain and put holes in the aura. With some of them it could conceivably if the enemy really attacks you during a trip take years of meditation to fix even a single experience. Just don't do it.
I think it's good the topic's been revived since this can be an educational subject to help many members, I just wanted to pop in to say the thread is about half a year old so OP may not still be following it or considering the subject further.
Thank you all for your responses, I have been keeping an eye on this topic. After further consideration, I still had some dumb ideas about drugs and I have come to the conclusion that any use of recreational drugs is, at best, pointless. Wanting to become "advanced enough" to do drugs is a nonsensical concept, like becoming "rich enough" to get one of those horrible payday loans or becoming "healthy enough" to get the flu.

I'm not a big drug user but was hung up on the concept of drugs, I fantasized about using drugs a lot. In my opinion, even fantasizing about drug use was bad, as I was looking forward to something which I wouldn't have even enjoyed once I advanced enough. So I became emotionally attached to something which contradicted spiritual advancement.

I am trying to form some goals/things to look forward to that will motivate me to advance spiritually and help me on my path. I am still looking, as I do not fully know myself. But at least I have become smarter with this issue, although I am irritated it took me so long. I now want to put even the idea of using drugs recreationally into the trash with all other Jewish-related cultural filth, and I encourage anyone else who struggles with this to do the same.
After a point of serious meditation (may take a couple years) you will be so "high" all the time, in a sense of elevated and consistent well-being, that any movement towards booze, cigarettes, or other related things, will 99% of the time have the effect of you feeling purely disgusted from it.

As you build up in power, you will feel better and better, and without the relapse phase. Natural elevation.

I leave 1% open here as a drink or a cigarette will not do you the world's harm, but you will still hate it.

This will be to you like being used to clean air all your life and then suddenly breathing directly from a car engine. You'll hate these things.

Due to lack of knowledge of this elevated state, most people think drugs or knocking yourself up is nice, but in reality, it is not.

Drugs are imagined as very good only to people who have not had spiritual practice. Past and point when your soul is clean and your energies in proper motion, you are on cloud 9 on a consistent phase or at least most of the time, feeling really good with everything and yourself. The type of serenity you can get lost in for hours and hours on end.
slyscorpion said:
...concern with substances...

Well to be honest I never meant to state anything positive or anything. Especially considering such substances. I guess what I'm trying to state is I'm in the same boat as OP except longer than him considering his dedication period.

As someone who's been on and off meditation over the last nearing 2 decades and to be honest never experienced much in terms of spiritual, it is tempting to try out one of those substances. I mean only recently at the start of summer did I sit myself down and go I'll force myself this summer to learn to void(mindfulness) whatever you want to call it and hopefully help myself out. I've not even considered trance due to wanting to get void at least to a reasonable starters level despite taking years.

As strange as it sounds it seems like I do have quite the resistance towards spirituality and meditation particularly altered states. Strange part is I never grew up as a xtian but have been a thinker and do use my mind A LOT, sometimes to fatigue of wanting to take a nap and spend a good hour or two asleep.

So I can understand why some would consider a what I call "brute force" method of delving into altered states.
HailVictory88 said:
Thank you all for your responses, I have been keeping an eye on this topic. After further consideration, I still had some dumb ideas about drugs and I have come to the conclusion that any use of recreational drugs is, at best, pointless. Wanting to become "advanced enough" to do drugs is a nonsensical concept, like becoming "rich enough" to get one of those horrible payday loans or becoming "healthy enough" to get the flu.

I'm not a big drug user but was hung up on the concept of drugs, I fantasized about using drugs a lot. In my opinion, even fantasizing about drug use was bad, as I was looking forward to something which I wouldn't have even enjoyed once I advanced enough. So I became emotionally attached to something which contradicted spiritual advancement.

I am trying to form some goals/things to look forward to that will motivate me to advance spiritually and help me on my path. I am still looking, as I do not fully know myself. But at least I have become smarter with this issue, although I am irritated it took me so long. I now want to put even the idea of using drugs recreationally into the trash with all other Jewish-related cultural filth, and I encourage anyone else who struggles with this to do the same.

Once you are strong enough to eaisly clean and mitagate the harmful spiritual effects if that is even possible (it probably is for some people after a certain point) you will not enjoy the experience at all it will no longer be fun. It will be like stabbing your hand with a knife just for the fun of it then treating and healing the wound and trying to use your power make it not hurt. That is a great analogy. Can anyone tell me that is actually a fun thing to do? I didn't think so.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After a point of serious meditation (may take a couple years) you will be so "high" all the time, in a sense of elevated and consistent well-being, that any movement towards booze, cigarettes, or other related things, will 99% of the time have the effect of you feeling purely disgusted from it.

As you build up in power, you will feel better and better, and without the relapse phase. Natural elevation.

I leave 1% open here as a drink or a cigarette will not do you the world's harm, but you will still hate it.

This will be to you like being used to clean air all your life and then suddenly breathing directly from a car engine. You'll hate these things.

Due to lack of knowledge of this elevated state, most people think drugs or knocking yourself up is nice, but in reality, it is not.

Drugs are imagined as very good only to people who have not had spiritual practice. Past and point when your soul is clean and your energies in proper motion, you are on cloud 9 on a consistent phase or at least most of the time, feeling really good with everything and yourself. The type of serenity you can get lost in for hours and hours on end.
Before meditating I enjoyed drinking a lot. I couldn't have a good time outside unless alcohol was involved. I used to smoke as well but I quit. After advancing in meditation any involvement with drugs, alcohol especially brings me down. Even a sip of alcohol is enough to destroy my mental state. Drugs are a gateway to escape reality. And a bad one.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
