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Kevin Botorea

New member
Jan 8, 2009
Can you make me belive in all this nonsens?
I really want to belive,it sounds cool but I feel like im too smart to belive in such stupid nonsense.I am a skeptic person and i tend to find all my answers in science.
If you were into science, and not empirical materialism which you don't even probably take as "Science", you would know that all scientific geniuses were spiritual people with 'superhuman' abilities that are way beyond the realm of 'normal' understanding.

Also, it has been revealed lately in science in string theory and in many other things like Quantum mechanics that the observer and the people who observe are the catalysts of perception and even universe formation.

There is nothing 'mumbo jumbo' about spirituality. This is a falsified belief because you compare christianity and put all 'spirituality' in the same basket.

If you were 'intelligent' you wouldn't be making such posts about how you're so clever, wanting to pedestal yourself in how clever you are to justify your lack of 'faith'. Satanism is not based on your 'faith'. Try some things and see if they work, and have an inquiring spirit instead.

All great scientists and geniuses were into the occult, at least, those who made an impact and formed sciences, from Aristotle, to Newton, to Tesla. As for the jewish empirical 'scientific' approach which bans everything, nobody cares, and certainly important scientists did not. No serious scientist who respects themselves as a truth seeker would actually take their empirical materialism in such extremes seriously.

There are other dimensions to life that the jews and the status quo don't want people to know about. Science is making progress. Jewish religions kept science back for over 1700 years. We would be in space colonies by a thousand years before, or who knows, possibly more weren't it for the christians, the jews, and their mad superstition and animalistic violence, plus cultivation of the retarded.

In Spiritual Satanism there is no belief needed right of the bat. How can you believe in something you do not yet even know? All you need is an open mind, an approach that is open to other dimensions of life, and the spirit of inquiry, asking questions, and advancing.

Good luck in whatever you seek on doing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Myth or fact ?? First born male through Cesarean , male DNA located in mother body , skin cell of male DNA located in mother cs healed cut after 26 years.  Chimera the mystical beast of lion serpent and goat , chimerical cells in female body , telepathy , voodoo, royal blood.
On 7 Sep 2017 3:41 PM, "Kevin Botorea botoreakevin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Can you make me belive in all this nonsens?
I really want to belive,it sounds cool but I feel like im too smart to belive in such stupid nonsense.I am a skeptic person and i tend to find all my answers in science.
We can spew facts all day long. If you're not interested in finding the truth for yourself, you won't find it. Not everything in life will be handed to you on a silver platter. Unlike xianity, there are no false hope and promises here. Everything is true, yes. But you must find that truth for yourself, you must have the desire to learn and strengthen your soul, meditate, ext.
I suggest reading some of the PDFs in Satan's Library to get started. There is more knowledge than you could ever ask for. Look out for HP Maxine's sermons in there also. Even the old ones from 2005 ext ext contain valuable information. For example, did you know that there was a Jewish tribe that had basically already wrote the bible 100 years or so before the supposed creation of the bible according to the very timelines that the bible sets down?
There are so many inconsistencies stemming from the bible itself to warrant anyone with a lick of sense to doubt it. But if you'd really set down and do some real research, and actually try to find the truth, you will find it without a doubt.
The good thing about JOS? The HPs have made it so easy for people with a real desire to learn. I can only imagine the countless thousands of hours of research done by HP Maxine herself. Well, all the knowledge you need to know is in Satan's Library under joyofsatan.org 
But, if you have no real desire to learn the truth, you won't learn it. Like I said, it won't be handed to you on a silver platter. Satanism is an amazing spiritual journey waiting to transform your life, that being said, there are those that are content with false hope and lies. You choose your own destiny.
You think you're too smart to believe in this? The woman who put the JoS together, has a genius level IQ, as she has stated before.

As well, you can't even spell the words "believe" (you misspelled it not just once but twice) and "nonsense". And you did not put a space after your commas or periods before beginning the next word; you did not capitalize "I" or put the apostrophe in "I'm".

So much for smart....

---In [email protected], <botoreakevin@... wrote :

Can you make me belive in all this nonsens?
I really want to belive,it sounds cool but I feel like im too smart to belive in such stupid nonsense.I am a skeptic person and i tend to find all my answers in science.
intellect and grammar dont exactly  parallel each other either.
its a pain in the ass to use punctuation on a keyboard especailly if it a piece of shit like mine.
this person is simply new and dumb, and you can tell by how they made some bs comment on how they only believe in science, however if one were to engage in the jos meditations in a scientific manner, you would undoubtedly see results.
If you think it's nonsense then that's what you'll see it as. I had a similar feeling when I started, I was extremely anti religious, I held myself up high because of this. When I was shown JoS I actually felt like I was losing myself because I had such a strong life path without any religion. Turns out Satanism has only shown me how to take more control of my life, how to accomplish things faster and how to actual be a good person. I pride myself in being a science based person, so if you do the same, experiment. Do the dedication, try the meditation and keep up with it for at least a year. It took me about a year and a half for this to sink in and start feeing real (I've also had so many profound experiences that I can no longer deny this if I tried)

You're the only one who can make yourself believe anything!

If your into intelligent things, becoming a Satanist also gives you the tools to increase your intelligence!!

Hail Satan!

 Tell em Lydia! 
 What they need is more Meditation! I went through some problems the past few months. I have finally cleared out the Nihilism out of my soul. At first I thought it was the enemy, but It was more I brought up garbage out of my soul. 
 I personally suggest my personal favorite Meditation Program. It has brought Tranquility back into my life. 



 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg

Those who consistently meditate eventually come to know the truth for themselves, they have experienced it and do not need to "have faith." This has happened with many of our members. 
*ATTENTION WHORING* Don't open this post . If you did , just know that 'this' is an unknown nobody whom just wants some attention in his big little him . Also , the title is conniving theres nothing to help at all . What a jerk .
On 7 Sep 2017 08:41, "Kevin Botorea botoreakevin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Can you make me belive in all this nonsens?
I really want to belive,it sounds cool but I feel like im too smart to belive in such stupid nonsense.I am a skeptic person and i tend to find all my answers in science.
Really candycrush? Intelligence comes from the Latin intellego which is a verb and means to understand'. Basically, being more intelligent than other people is having a higher understanding of things compared to other people. So how are grammar and intelligence not related?
Don't make witty remarks if they aren't actually that witty.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
also i just feel the need to add.....who the fuck cares if you dont have spaces after your commas, or apostrophes, lol.
its just extra work that detracts from the time you could be taking to write your message
i mean it doesn't make it easier to read, or understand.
so dont be a cunt to people because they didnt have these ,,,,,,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...........', ',',',' ','','''., especially if they say something as dumb and contradictory as the OP,
" i find all my answers in science, so im looking here at the joyofsatan forums"
criticize the actual message for what it is, not for the lack of punctuation and one or two misspelled words, it makes it look like were grasping at straws to disprove his expectations of us by calling him stupid, because thats exactly what he thinks we are.
This is why I preferred the forums, people there can lighten up and take a joke. These groups are full of newbies who can't be bothered to read the JoS or read sermons by the clergy, and people looking to start drama.

Everybody needs to lighten up and study. And meditate.
And for the record, I will continue to be a "cunt" to people, as one of the problems in the world is nobody bothers to try because everybody tells them they are perfect as they are. So everybody stagnates and does not put time into bettering themselves. Exactly how can someone become a God if they can't even train themselves to automatically type correctly?
Yes I am a stickler for betterment, and I am a true Uberfrau because of it. Over 15 years of yoga, meditation, and magick, IQ in the top percentile, and a fucking awesome personality (in real life, as I know I'm hard online). Suck it, bitchez!!! (pretend I'm a "lol catz" saying that).

---In [email protected], <cand.cru5h3r@... wrote :

also i just feel the need to add.....who the fuck cares if you dont have spaces after your commas, or apostrophes, lol.
its just extra work that detracts from the time you could be taking to write your message
i mean it doesn't make it easier to read, or understand.
so dont be a cunt to people because they didnt have these ,,,,,,''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''...........', ',',',' ','','''., especially if they say something as dumb and contradictory as the OP,
" i find all my answers in science, so im looking here at the joyofsatan forums"
criticize the actual message for what it is, not for the lack of punctuation and one or two misspelled words, it makes it look like were grasping at straws to disprove his expectations of us by calling him stupid, because thats exactly what he thinks we are.
@Lydia - It's good to see you posting again (and as feisty as ever). Sorry to hear about your recent internet troubles. Would it be weird for me to say you made an appearance in one of my recent dreams...nothing (ahem) physical, you were just there with other SS and myself, and we were dealing the enemy some serious damage. Anyways, good to have you back. You might know me better as Malpirgi Zodinu, btw.
jeez.... no one cares about punctuation on the internet. as for IQ, that is irrelevant due to the fact that it doesn't measure smarts but the adaptability to learn and most of the smart ones don't advertise it or use it as a means to try to show they are intelligent.

But aside from that, id advise everyone to chill out with the name calling and infighting, Beelzebub punishes those who participate in such acts.
Its healthy to be a skeptic, it has brought you here.
The fact is belief is not required.  Just keep an open mind enough to do the dedication and make contact with the Demons and you will not believe you will know this is true. All it takes is the equivalent of making a psychic phone call.  Science is about putting something to the test and then working with the results.
Interestingly the psychic, spiritual abilities of humans have been documented by the founders of the scientific and technological fields. The co founder of the Theory of Evolution, Wallace for one along with the head of The Royal Society which was the leading scientific society in England worked together and documented this as a fact. Newton as well pursued spiritual practices and knowledge his whole life of which his famous findings were a by product of.  The famous Telsa whole findings were based on his spiritual practices and studies. We have Dr. Radin has proved that humans have Psi abilities in lab studies.
The situation is these higher abilities of the psyche do exist. However they also require one to function on more then a small percent of the mind. Why do we have a brain in which only a small percent is functional with use at the time...... How do we switch it on to one hundred percent..... It was found in studies of people who practice kundalini yoga that the area's of their brain dormant in most people were switched on and activated from the practises.  It was also found the difference between people with psychic abilities that were strong from others was the area's of their brain were activated that were not in others.
Two American authors put together a book based on the study of these abilities in the later Soviet Union they met with people who have the ability to move objects, levitate, see into the future and read minds. They were all documented to have done this many times under scientific study.  They also meet with the scientists who worked with these people.
The scientists also mentioned how its strange that in America their is a taboo against this that has been put into society. As Dr. Radin mentioned as well. Someone does not want this to be public knowledge.
Our Gods are physical Extra Terrestrials who have achieved the full level of the completion of Yoga they are Maha Siddha's. And have these abilities on the highest level.
The existence of  Extra Terrestrial life is well document for thousand of years on this planet. The members of the America government, military and deep state have come forward on this subject and admitted this is a fact. They also stated among these  groups are the Nordic's.  The Nordic's from the Orion galaxy are our Gods.

Guys, the only reason I mentioned grammar was for the lolz. I know many intelligent people who have poor grammar, not a big deal *rolls eyes*

Hey Malpirgi :) Good to see you here as well. Interesting dream, I've had similar but never knew who the SS were. I'm curious as to how I looked, like, how do I appear on the astral or wherever. Do I look like me, or do I look different... *starts to get paranoid*... feel fee to shoot me an email anytime :)

Feisty... yeah, and then when I get back into serious mode I'm left shaking my head at my posts, lol.

---In [email protected], <paganini66688@... wrote :

@Lydia - It's good to see you posting again (and as feisty as ever). Sorry to hear about your recent internet troubles. Would it be weird for me to say you made an appearance in one of my recent dreams...nothing (ahem) physical, you were just there with other SS and myself, and we were dealing the enemy some serious damage. Anyways, good to have you back. You might know me better as Malpirgi Zodinu, btw.
Attachments :
Thanks broher Aldrick for this meditation i had to watch it a few times before i could actually do it because i found it funny and couldn’t stop giggling but yeah it really helps get a lot of crap out of a person and does make you feel good, i really learn a lot from you and many sisters and brothers here on these yahoo groups, thanks to everyone here   Hail Father Satan forever Hail all the gods and godesses of hell forever   Sent from Mail for Windows 10   From: aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]
Sent: Saturday, 9 September 2017 10:55 AM
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: PLS HELP          Tell em Lydia!     What they need is more Meditation! I went through some problems the past few months. I have finally cleared out the Nihilism out of my soul. At first I thought it was the enemy, but It was more I brought up garbage out of my soul.     I personally suggest my personal favorite Meditation Program. It has brought Tranquility back into my life.         https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92i5m3tV5XY                       Aldrick Strickland   Hail Father Satanas Forever     LGBT Website:  http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/    LGBT Group:  https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info    LGBT YouTube Channel:   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg              
Lydia, I've never "seen" this side of you... Alternatively - Lydia 's account has been compromised! :-O

I'm also intrigued and interested. Suck what, exactly? Are you lonely and require a...friend? ;-) :p

*serenades Miss Lydia*
Are you lonesome...toniiiiight?

Please don't be a Simon Cowell; I tried my best. :-(
LOL! *Lydia swoons at Fancy's song*

---In [email protected], <fancymancy@... wrote :

Lydia, I've never "seen" this side of you... Alternatively - Lydia 's account has been compromised! :-O

I'm also intrigued and interested. Suck what, exactly? Are you lonely and require a...friend? ;-) :p

*serenades Miss Lydia*
Are you lonesome...toniiiiight?

Please don't be a Simon Cowell; I tried my best. :-(

 Lydia! You missed the YOU'RE? Gotta step up your game girl. 

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 
 LGBT Website: http://gbltthulesociety666.angelfire.com/about/
 LGBT Group: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Satanicgaycommunity/info
 LGBT YouTube Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPNQBm0fmA7G949VelTaLtg

Lol Aldrick, I know, I've been working too much lately so I turned off my brain a bit when I came here.

---In [email protected], <aldrick.strickland88@... wrote :

 Lydia! You missed the YOU'RE? Gotta step up your game girl. 

 Aldrick Strickland  Hail Father Satanas Forever 

Score! Take that, everyone else who tried flirting with Lydia, and failed! Yes, I mean you, as well, ARv2. :p I know you are still walking and stalking around these corridors.
@Lydia - All I can really remember is the essence of you (along with a few minor details)...which, as you put it yourself, is pretty "fuckin awesome" ;)
Hey Kevin I like how u find all of your answers in science, I want you to be smart and look this up, if u can put this puzzle together u will get my respect, and I will tell you alot more about that facts in life no myths proven by science.OK here are your keywords.( clues )1. Microchemerism2. Male DNA located in mother after 30 years. 3. Microchemeric cell heals scars in mother. ( male DNA )4. First born males through cesarean process. 5. Cell cloning.6. Embroyink stem cells cloned into neural nuclear stem cells.7. Telepathy 8. Oracle ( what does that word mean and what does it represent in our day life )9. Red beam.10. Snakes receptor cells catshing heat signals warm blooded animals.11. VMware and silicon valley working with oracle and bmit or mibt computer science studies.12. Human nerval system and electronic harassment.OK well goodluck only the worthy of such knowledge will advance and will succeed I hope u will tell me in just a few sentences what u understood from all this reading of classified information and super knowledge . All the best if u succeed and u have a answer for this puzzle of what it can be done with it we will be good friends hopefully my fellow science studies and facts researcher and knowledge seeker.Joe 666 
On 7 Sep 2017 3:41 PM, "Kevin Botorea botoreakevin@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Can you make me belive in all this nonsens?
I really want to belive,it sounds cool but I feel like im too smart to belive in such stupid nonsense.I am a skeptic person and i tend to find all my answers in science.
I literally laughed out loud!

Wait, who else has tried flirting with me? Other than ARV2 with his "tell us your Venus sign!"

---In [email protected], <fancymancy@... wrote :

Score! Take that, everyone else who tried flirting with Lydia, and failed! Yes, I mean you, as well, ARv2. :p I know you are still walking and stalking around these corridors.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
