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Please save me


New member
May 18, 2023
Please save me Please save me I sleep with the fear of death.
I'm not fun with anything anymore.
Even if I eat something delicious, I'm not fun
Organism isn't fun for me either.
I live with negative emotions every day.
My symptoms are as follows.
muscle cramps
Trauma keeps coming to mind
the fear of death
self-deprecating thoughts and feelings
the idea of killing
a feeling of weakness in hands
a very low self-esteem
The thought that I might die right now paranoia
easily surprised by a number of stimuli
The ocd thinking comes in my dream
I don't want to be alive in this condition anymore.
I have no reason to live on my own.
These days, everything is not easy and free I'm feeling restless.
My condition is serious.
I've never been comfortable lately.
It's been more than a year since I was taken to the ER with an anxiety disorder,
it's a miracle I survived this condition after that.
I have no happiness in life anymore.
Tell me how to heal trauma and be happy
I almost died 2 times by negative spiritual beings.
I have a serious trauma
I also when I cry
There are symptoms where tears,cry are
Blocked when I cry
There are symptoms of emotions being blocked when I feeling emotions
I feel something blocking my emotions in my chest
I also have brain fog symptoms
It reminds me of yesterday,
My memory deteriorated very badly.
I sometimes forget what I was trying to do.
I'm experiencing Alzheimer's secondhand
The answer is the same as usual : Do the meditation

According to what you say, your aura is full of holes and any negatives entities can cling to you, perpetuating psychic suffering and disorders.

You start here : https://satanslibrary.org/hp_hooded_cobra_40_day_meditation_program.pdf
Go out a little every day, and in less than a year everything will be back to normal.

Around my 20's I felt more or less as you describe, life was an endless nightmare.
long term aura +chakras cleasing, aura of protection and targeting trauma with runes like wunjo to heal your mind, or munyakah to end trauma and ridd of this karma should solve all what you describe. apperantly stress and fear about such subjects attached to your soul and you programmed and almost hypnotized. it could also be past life problem.
dont go too hard with specific workings for the related problem, you may going to have times when you going to feel much worse rather then good because of backlashes. but make sure to do your best with quality workings.
you should also adress such fears by understanding some things and find new pathways for conclusions. what make you feel scared? you are here currently on the physical plane, eventually most of us here going to die and reincarnate, death and birth its a natural cycle.
Just meditate and everything will be better or don't and nothing will happen you will just continue suffering.
I don't want to be seen as insensible, I understand your problem, I am truly feeling sorry for you but you should take this as strength not as a weakness. You've captivated my attention and the God's attention but the thing is although you're crying and screaming for help there's nobody and nothing that would help you better more then yourself.

Things may be complicated sometimes, sure, it's a matter of many things before one is able to suppress his current stage and improve himself and overall his life.

I am telling you from experience, Death would not be the end of it, of nothing really as you will continue to exist and maybe reincarnate again onto a new "You" but you will also bring with you the whole baggage of everything basically therefore taking your life won't do nothing at all, problems are either fixed either not, simple, you either heal or you don't.

You say you suffer and stuff, that means you are aware but since you're thinking that you are so aware and literal suffering then why don't you push yourself more into realising why is there way you're thinking and feeling the way it is? What causes and what can be done to heal it and overall understanding it.
Please save me Please save me I sleep with the fear of death.
I'm not fun with anything anymore.
Even if I eat something delicious, I'm not fun
Organism isn't fun for me either.
I live with negative emotions every day.
My symptoms are as follows.
muscle cramps
Trauma keeps coming to mind
the fear of death
self-deprecating thoughts and feelings
the idea of killing
a feeling of weakness in hands
a very low self-esteem
The thought that I might die right now paranoia
easily surprised by a number of stimuli
The ocd thinking comes in my dream
I don't want to be alive in this condition anymore.
I have no reason to live on my own.
These days, everything is not easy and free I'm feeling restless.
My condition is serious.
I've never been comfortable lately.
It's been more than a year since I was taken to the ER with an anxiety disorder,
it's a miracle I survived this condition after that.
I have no happiness in life anymore.
Tell me how to heal trauma and be happy
I almost died 2 times by negative spiritual beings.
I have a serious trauma

Muscle cramps, restlessness, anxiety, OCD, plus blocked emotions can all point towards a yin deficiency problem. Similarly, blood deficiency can cause brain fog. All of this can ruin one's mood and cause feelings of agitation or feeling unwell.

I would suggest you experiment with the Spleen 6 acupoint, as this point is stated by TCM Dr. Penner, as a result of its strong yin-building action, to calm people who wish to run away from life. This point stimulates all 3 organs related to blood creation: kidneys, spleen, and liver.

5 Acupressure Points To Induce Labor: Do They Work?

Locate the point as shown above and press the area. It should feel calming within minutes. Hold as long as necessary without tiring yourself. Do you best to locate it and you can press the general area with your thumb.

After this, I would highly recommend you do more exercises. The breath of fire is great and easy for cultivating will power and a will to live. Hatha yoga or alternate nose breathing, or other Qigong, will further help you calm down. Yoga nidra and trance practice are additional options here.

Take the idea of calming yourself down very seriously. It IS possible to calm yourself and overcome this. Do the above exercises, and in the moment of panic, take deep breaths and remind yourself that you can address your concerns, but first you need to be calm to do so.

The ability to calm yourself should be thought of as like a lunar skill that you build, train, and grow in ability over time. This will help you both physically and emotionally.

The same is true for self-depreciation, as you are seeing the results of this now, which is self-crippling. You have to decide and enforce that you don't want to feel this way. What is frustrating you can be resolved, but at least agree to give yourself some breathing room, literally and metaphorically.
The problem is that what you think depends of your wave length, and each experience level permits to understand each one.

Personnally, dominated by Air element, I'm by default fun but can also get dangerously depressed. So I've experienced miscellaneous mind states and know that all is illusion.

The better thing to do is to elevate the wave length, beginning by cleaning the aura, a bit of sport to help, progressively breaking bad habits for better ones, cut yourself off from bad people... and in this process, you realize what I say in the first sentence.

There is nothing to intellectualize about mental health, only your aura to clean up.
Physical and intellectual efforts are also very important for self-esteem, and indirectly mental health.

In your case @Bmwm3gtr , breathing exercises are the easiest and more efficient. Void meditation is impossible at this level because too many parasites in the mind.

Another trick when sad entities talk about macabre things like killing or suicide is to insult them to expel them, at least it gets the wind out.
These shits are disincarnated or little gray, they are tyrants and need to put in their place, it's a psychic war against you.
If you respond, you're sendind energy back rather than to enduring it, and to "be able" to endure that, you need drug like a psychiatric case.
I finally found the cause of my problem
I did aop on every chakra a few months ago.
White gold energy with algiz on every chakra
I programmed it, and this was blocking all my emotions.
I've been a slave of anxiety and no interest lately
I think I'm much freer now.
And I learned to be more careful about affirmations
I won't over-hinge anything from now on.
I think too much affirmation has ruined me.
The reason why I did aop on all chakras is because
One day, a university professor got mad at me
Because I was upset at the time
It was to be emotionally strong.
As a result, even positive emotions were blocked
I was in a panic every day.
I solved this problem
It will not be a big deal.
Since I'm forced to go to college in this state
I felt very bad
I remember not sleeping for 3 days and forced myself to go to school while having an anxiety disorder
This make I felt much worse
What I wrote was just a drunkard
I don't know why I live because I'm used to being uninspired no matter what I do.
I'm in a state where I've lost the value of my life
I don't understand why I take university lectures.
The quality of the major class is lower than that of the Internet
I paid money, It comes back to the task
The reason why I went to college was when I was in high school,
to delay my choice of career path.
I have a license of electricity
It's better to quit university and work in electricity
I think that's desirable.
I'm 20 years old, so I'm forced to take responsibility for my life.
It's very frustrating to think that i have to take responsibility for my life while im in a bad mood
I don't want to do social activities because I have seen a lot of negative information on the Internet since I was young.
Of course, I know there's a lot of information that's not true, but it's not accepted because I feel bad even i know that facts.
The reason why I haven't improved myself recently is because
there was no will.There is no emotional energy.
To give you a metaphor,
I feel these day like,
that people who are talented in math are not passionate but are forced to learn math
This is how I feel recently.
Cybersecurity major is suitable for me
But I have no interest in that field.
아직 문제를 해결하지 못했어요.
나는 모든 상황을 서둘러 판단하는 경향이 있습니다
최근에 역겹다는 느낌이 들기 시작했습니다.
그리고, 잘 생각이 나지 않습니다.
가끔은 내가 살아있다는 게 믿겨지지 않아요.
그리고 나는 비현실적이라고 느낀다
I haven't solved the problem yet.
I tend to judge every situation in a hurry
I've recently started to smell feels like disgusting.
Also, I can't think of it well.
I sometimes can't believe I'm alive.
And I feel unreal
Calm down. Just keep meditating and do a lot of void meditation 15 minutes 3 times a day AT LEAST, seems like you need to
I have something to brag about in my life
The only thing is that I was forced to overcome the panic disorder.
If I choke up in my laundry room, my family would be sad about my death, and in a few days
It will be forgotten.
Even if I die, the world works well.
I'm talking about my honest feelings right now.
I'm actually lazy.
I can start acting if I try.
I forgot the value of life.
I'm used to losing happiness even when I find it.
I'm pretending to love myself
Actually, i dont love me.
Who likes a drunk like me who only predicts grievances and is obsessed with the past?
I have no happiness
I'm not proud to be born a human being.
It's a duty
I'm reminded of an emergency worker who was consoling me in the emergency room.
I was so touched
She put her hand on my shoulder and reassured me, saying, "It's be okay."
What I wrote was just a drunkard
Phew! it's less serious than we thought, but serious all the same.

One day, a university professor got mad at me Because I was upset at the time It was to be emotionally strong...
I don't know why I live because I'm used to being uninspired no matter what I do.
I'm in a state where I've lost the value of my life I don't understand why I take university lectures. The quality of the major class is lower than that of the Internet I paid money...
You just saw the mediocrity of our societies in the face, understood universities are factories for making imbeciles.
Imbecile comes from latin imbecilus : weak. Literally without stick and therefore unable to defend himself.

It's like this you understand our societies are lead by enemies who infiltrated our religious then political systems to corrupt all and to make us weak and stupid.

Admit no many things aren't build on a pyramid of disinformation today. If studies make you stupid, medicine slowly kill, food industry doesn't feed, media misinform, military protect terrorists and send strong men to slaugtherhouse...

At society level, the problem comes from (((who))) is sit on the top of the pyramid.
At personal level, how to get out the jewtrix, be free. The more we are numerous to free ourselves, the less power and influence (((who))) has.

I have a license of electricity
It's better to quit university and work in electricity
I think that's desirable.
I'm 20 years old, so I'm forced to take responsibility for my life.
It's very frustrating to think that i have to take responsibility for my life while im in a bad mood
I don't want to do social activities because I have seen a lot of negative information on the Internet since I was young.
I haven't solved the problem yet.
If you can work immediately with the help of your license of electricity, why not. This branch is interesting because there is no disinformation about physical laws.

Cybersecurity major is suitable for me
But I have no interest in that field.
If you are suitable for this, you can become programmer, engineer, work with scientists...
My only happiness is being drunk and delusional
I have to force myself to go to tomorrow's lecture again.
People today consider it a duty to have a job, and if i don't, i are children who get their parents suffering my parents.
I don't want to live in a place like this

suffering one's parents.
What's sadder is
When I drank a lot yesterday, to my mother
I asked about sex,
In real sex ,
that women don't feel sexual desire more than men
She said Women are acting
I felt guilty when I heard it.
She said it's for husband's libido.
I don't like being forced to be strong
In the old days, I thought I would feel stressed when my human rights were threatened, but not now, but I just feel a sense of slavery.
When I was forced to go to school
I'm even angrier because I forced myself to beat anxiety.
When I give up my rights,
People will see me as a weak person without self-reliance.
I'm just a lazy, weak crybaby to you guys.
I see a lot of advice on being strong at forums
I feel stressed every time I see it.
I don't know how to be stronger here.
It all feels like they're angry with me.
I don't like being responsible for self-reliance.
I don't like being forced to be strong
In the old days, I thought I would feel stressed when my human rights were threatened, but not now, but I just feel a sense of slavery.
When I was forced to go to school
I'm even angrier because I forced myself to beat anxiety.
When I give up my rights,
People will see me as a weak person without self-reliance.
I'm just a lazy, weak crybaby to you guys.
I see a lot of advice on being strong at forums
I feel stressed every time I see it.
I don't know how to be stronger here.
It all feels like they're angry with me.
I don't like being responsible for self-reliance.
Nature eliminates weakness. The slowest, sickest, weakest animals are the first to be eaten by a predator. The reality of life is that you either overcome adversity or you die, and it's very hard to die in today's society.

If you can't muster up the strength to live the life you want, then you will always be a slave. Nobody is coming to save you. No God will come to save you either, because that is unethical. If someone came and lifted you from your misery, you would learn nothing, and without evolving out of your circumstances yourself, you will fall right back into them.

"Please save me?" We are here to help each other, but nobody is going to live for you. We save ourselves.
Hello, all will be fine. Calm down and things are good and fine. Every time you are in need, focus on Satan and you are fine. Focus on material life and good things come to you, routine, occupying the mind. All of the things you say you have, can be healed and you will be normal in no time. You have to accept this and allow this by following my advice here. Believe you are fine, breathe and focus on present things you can occupy your mind and put effort into. It is expected sometimes to have some deep questions and disorientation in life due to many things, but these fix themselves if you find yourself. Being strong and everything comes in time, with experience and by loving yourself. Do not think that this is how life is and that anything negative defines your life, quite the opposite. Life is very beautiful and is enjoyable.
Hello, all will be fine. Calm down and things are good and fine. Every time you are in need, focus on Satan and you are fine. Focus on material life and good things come to you, routine, occupying the mind. All of the things you say you have, can be healed and you will be normal in no time. You have to accept this and allow this by following my advice here. Believe you are fine, breathe and focus on present things you can occupy your mind and put effort into. It is expected sometimes to have some deep questions and disorientation in life due to many things, but these fix themselves if you find yourself. Being strong and everything comes in time, with experience and by loving yourself. Do not think that this is how life is and that anything negative defines your life, quite the opposite. Life is very beautiful and is enjoyable.
Brother Pluto, did you had a moment to check pm-email ?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
