Look to the sign on the second house cusp and the planet that rules that sign for info on this area of life as well as your potential. Also look to any planets in the second house if they exist there. Possibly a planetary Square or one/more of these might be helpful if it’s possible. Also for help in understanding a good career or job/way of making money. Look to the 10th house the sign on the cusp and the planet ruling that and also any planets in that house if they exist.
Blend the meaning of that house and the sign in your mind to get a better idea or look to other descriptions on google as some sites have good ones. The JOS currently doesn’t have descriptions of the signs on house cusps right now. Use your intuition if possible in all this to see how this applies to Your life.
Just to warn you in advance, NEVER share your natal chart with anyone you do not know and fully trust. It contains information that a malicious party could use to absolutely ruin your life, especially if the person in question is a magician.
Also, as High Priest Cobra pointed out, there is ample astrological information on the Joy of Satan website and you can use this to read your own chart, it's a great way to start learning astrology too.