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Please Help Me.


Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Marita Maier <ritaisbrazil@... wrote:

keeperofstone, your idea worked amazingly! because the police asked me
about the book and why i had it in my locker, so i told him straight, " i
was taking a religions class and that was one of the many religion books i
had to study." i even showed him the other books for the other religions.
And he believed my story. And i am currently in the process of getting the
restraining order done.


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 9:47 PM, Mazin Kamal <mazink02@... wrote:


Aslong as this war isn't over, yes!!!

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all
creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 2 Apr 2013, at 10:40 a.m., Kenneth Van Ast <utrevelix@... wrote:


So if our father says to destroy and tells you afterward what you destroy.
You stay with the golden rule?

Kind regards,


*From:* Mazin Kamal <mazink02@...
*To:* "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Cc:* "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Sent:* Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:18 PM
*Subject:* Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Please Help Me.

Look Kenneth, you have no idea what you are talking about so just stay
quiet. As Satan said Silence is Golden

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all
creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 12:43 p.m., "keeperofstone" <brucekuersteiner@...

You may have to get a 'restraining order' against him so he can't come
within 100 feet of your person, that way he couldn't legally be in the same
class room with you. Are the campus cops real police? If so, then you could
file a 'Writ of Mandamus' on them compeling them to do thir legal duty to
up hold the law, but that doesn't mean they will. You could go to the local
Legal Authority and have charges brought against him and threathen legal
action against the whole college. Deny that that 'Bible' was yours- someone
planted it in your locker - probably him - as a cover for his actions. Let
a local Rape support group know about your situation and tell the college
you are going to publicize this whole situation through the local and
national media. You need legal remedy now - seek out a free attorney if you
need one. Also, if this college takes Federal money this can become a
Federal case. Get yourself a small recorder and mike to record evidence of
attack or attempted attack and denial of help from the campus authorities
and try and never be alone while on campus. This is serious - tell the
authoriies that you fear for your life and that is not a lie. Please take
physical action now.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Rita Maier <ritaisbrazil@ wrote:

...I'm thinking about not going to college next semester...I'm just too
scared, I mean he tried to jump me today in the parking lot, I ran to the
emergency alert tower and hit the button but the cops gave him a small slap
on the wrist. Wanna know why? Because my rapist told them I was satanic! So
they said, "ma'am, don't you go cursing and trying to make a human
sacrifice of this boy." I ran off crying after that. I suffer from severe
depression and this incident only made it worse. I'm just glad I get a
giant welcome home from my puppy. I hope my guardian demon will reveal
himself or herself to me soon or when the time is right.


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 28, 2013, at 9:16 PM, "hailbelphagor" <no.state@ wrote:

Destroy him with spiritual workings. And do so with a grin on your
face, too.

Rip into him with as much pleasure as he thought he ripped into you.
Make his life shit.

I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm even more disgusted that these
rent-a-cops factored your Satanic bible into this. Perhaps some public
exposuse will help cost these fat fucks their jobs?

I can help you there. Contact me.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@

Okay, I must say something here. What this Kenneth person saying is
very not true! You can be at any level and still perform black
it will take longer if you are new and just starting out, but you can
certainly do it! Black magick is about justice! And you can always
Father and the other gods of Hell for help; they would never refuse
one who is sincerely dedicated, especially with something like this.

And one final note: this rapist is NOT strong! The very fact that he
raped a fellow human being proves that. Rape is about power over the
other person, nothing more. The act of rape makes this man feel like
he is strong, but he is truly weak, indeed the weakest of persons.
I doubt very seriously that he knows black magick, so this claim that
he is stronger is blatantly false. Do whatever spells you like
him: use runes, meditate on him being killed or whatever it is you
want to happen to him, and ask the Gods for aid if you feel you need
to. You will see justice done. Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord

On 3/28/13, keeperofstone <brucekuersteiner@ wrote:
What is 'be as one'??? The rapist isn't stronger than Satan and the
Gods and they will help any sincere dedicated Satanists to bring
justice. Just read the Dedication Ritual.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Kenneth Van Ast <utrevelix@

Hi Girl,

I'm contacting you since i don't like what i see on this e-group.
meen well but its not suffient enough. A raped person does not
have the
strenght to do black magick (yet). As our father (fysical or
did not intent to give you advice on how you can increase by your
own. Its
dedication which bring strenght.

When raped (sorry to bring it up in you) your mind is shattered
and before
you even can use black magick you need to be as one. For me i can
not help
you yet since i'n just starting to open up. This means my
training is at a
higher level and more intense.

If you like i can ask someone to help you increase your spiritual
power so
you be one with yourself and can do black magick spells. Only
hatred is
not the answer, when using hatred you need to do it right or it
backfire when the rapist is too strong for you. The spell you
need to do
on your own, we can't help you with this!!!

Keep you hatred again the raper untill its needed. He will get
what he
deservice (i'm from the netherlands so please don't look at my

Please let me know if you need help with increasing your power.

Hail Satan and our deamon gods!

From: keeperofstone <brucekuersteiner@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 3:06 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Please Help Me.

Don't be scared of him - he needs to be scared of you - Fear You.

You, as a dedicated Satanists; need to instill fear into your
(Rapist) and destroy him.

Go to the Free E Books (Online Resources for Satan's People and
"Ayperos - The book of Posts" by High Preist Luscius Dragonwolf.
special attention to his chapter on 'The Spiritual Battleground'
and his
comments on fear and how our enemy needs to fear us - we don't
fear them.

Then read "Ordo Umbra - Spiritual Warfare & The Satanic Shadow"
by HP
Lucis Dragonwolf and you will Know how to plan and carry out a
of this scumbag.

Hide your Satanic Bible in a secure place and conduct yourself
like a
'perceived perfect Xain', so that you don't attract any undue
attention to
yourself - all the while you will be planning and carrying out
Spiritual attack and destruction - upon him.

Protect yourself; and as Lucius Dragonwolf said -"Happy Hunting".

Also, ask Satan and the God's to guide you abd protect you in this

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "radzio_ss" <truth.seeker1@

Destroy him through cursing him. Do daily curses against him
daily until
he gets what he deserved. Also you can ask for help on that
from the
powers of Hell, given the severity of the problem.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "music4satan"

So I'm a college student, yay! Anyways, 3 years ago I had
moved from
Florida to
North Carolina to get a new start at a new high school for
year, well
anyways, the year started off great because I was starting to
build a
relationship with Father Satan. So one night after a varsity
game (was
in marching band) I went down to my locker to get my English
text book
when I
was grabbed from behind and was raped. The guy was stupid
enough to
tell me his
name. Well, cops wouldn't do crap on my case cause they saw I
had a
Bible in my locker. So my rapist got away. And right now, I
have every
with this catholic scumbag. And right now the college campus
won't even
help me... So now I'm always scared to go to my classes
because he is
there and
he watches me. I'm scared and freaked out, and I don't know
what to
do, can
someone help me or give me some advice?

Wonderful news. the trial went over well and he is now in jail serving a 5 year sentence for what he has done. While the trial was going on another girl came forward and told the police that my rapist also raped her too. hence why the 5 year prison sentence, and he now has to register as a sex offender when he is released. Justice was done and it was BEAUTIFUL! :D  Today is the first day in 3 years that I finally feel safe again. in other news, my guardian demon finally started to reveal a little bit of him/herself to me. all I've seen so far was beautiful ocean blue eyes.

R.I.P. Isaiah Smith <3

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:27 PM, music4satan <ritaisbrazil@... wrote:
  So I'm a college student, yay! Anyways, 3 years ago I had moved from Florida to
North Carolina to get a new start at a new high school for sophomore year, well
anyways, the year started off great because I was starting to build a
relationship with Father Satan. So one night after a varsity football game (was
in marching band) I went down to my locker to get my English text book when I
was grabbed from behind and was raped. The guy was stupid enough to tell me his
name. Well, cops wouldn't do crap on my case cause they saw I had a Satanic
Bible in my locker. So my rapist got away. And right now, I have every class
with this catholic scumbag. And right now the college campus cops won't even
help me... So now I'm always scared to go to my classes because he is there and
he watches me. I'm scared and freaked out, and I don't know what to do, can
someone help me or give me some advice?

Was he convicted of rape?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Marita Maier <ritaisbrazil@... wrote:

Wonderful news. the trial went over well and he is now in jail serving a 5
year sentence for what he has done. While the trial was going on another
girl came forward and told the police that my rapist also raped her too.
hence why the 5 year prison sentence, and he now has to register as a sex
offender when he is released. Justice was done and it was BEAUTIFUL! :D
Today is the first day in 3 years that I finally feel safe again. in other
news, my guardian demon finally started to reveal a little bit of
him/herself to me. all I've seen so far was beautiful ocean blue eyes.

R.I.P. Isaiah Smith <3

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:27 PM, music4satan <ritaisbrazil@... wrote:


So I'm a college student, yay! Anyways, 3 years ago I had moved from
Florida to
North Carolina to get a new start at a new high school for sophomore year,
anyways, the year started off great because I was starting to build a
relationship with Father Satan. So one night after a varsity football game
in marching band) I went down to my locker to get my English text book
when I
was grabbed from behind and was raped. The guy was stupid enough to tell
me his
name. Well, cops wouldn't do crap on my case cause they saw I had a Satanic
Bible in my locker. So my rapist got away. And right now, I have every
with this catholic scumbag. And right now the college campus cops won't
help me... So now I'm always scared to go to my classes because he is
there and
he watches me. I'm scared and freaked out, and I don't know what to do, can
someone help me or give me some advice?

yes he was. i have been smiling non stop since the jury said "Guilty" :D
the other victim and i have been talking and have been helping each other out. I'm just so happy that he is behind bars for what he did.


On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:11 AM, hailbelphagor <no.state@... wrote:
  Was he convicted of rape?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Marita Maier <ritaisbrazil@... wrote:

Wonderful news. the trial went over well and he is now in jail serving a 5
year sentence for what he has done. While the trial was going on another
girl came forward and told the police that my rapist also raped her too.
hence why the 5 year prison sentence, and he now has to register as a sex
offender when he is released. Justice was done and it was BEAUTIFUL! :D
Today is the first day in 3 years that I finally feel safe again. in other
news, my guardian demon finally started to reveal a little bit of
him/herself to me. all I've seen so far was beautiful ocean blue eyes.

R.I.P. Isaiah Smith <3

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:27 PM, music4satan <ritaisbrazil@... wrote:


So I'm a college student, yay! Anyways, 3 years ago I had moved from
Florida to
North Carolina to get a new start at a new high school for sophomore year,
anyways, the year started off great because I was starting to build a
relationship with Father Satan. So one night after a varsity football game
in marching band) I went down to my locker to get my English text book
when I
was grabbed from behind and was raped. The guy was stupid enough to tell
me his
name. Well, cops wouldn't do crap on my case cause they saw I had a Satanic
Bible in my locker. So my rapist got away. And right now, I have every
with this catholic scumbag. And right now the college campus cops won't
help me... So now I'm always scared to go to my classes because he is
there and
he watches me. I'm scared and freaked out, and I don't know what to do, can
someone help me or give me some advice?

my my, :) thats good to hear Sister! I wish you luck in your future and i hope you forget about that horrible experience as soon as you can. and remember to be safe and hide your identity :)

Hail Satan!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Marita Maier <ritaisbrazil@... wrote:

keeperofstone, your idea worked amazingly! because the police asked me
about the book and why i had it in my locker, so i told him straight, " i
was taking a religions class and that was one of the many religion books i
had to study." i even showed him the other books for the other religions.
And he believed my story. And i am currently in the process of getting the
restraining order done.


On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 9:47 PM, Mazin Kamal <mazink02@... wrote:


Aslong as this war isn't over, yes!!!

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all
creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 2 Apr 2013, at 10:40 a.m., Kenneth Van Ast <utrevelix@... wrote:


So if our father says to destroy and tells you afterward what you destroy.
You stay with the golden rule?

Kind regards,


*From:* Mazin Kamal <mazink02@...
*To:* "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Cc:* "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
*Sent:* Saturday, March 30, 2013 3:18 PM
*Subject:* Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Please Help Me.

Look Kenneth, you have no idea what you are talking about so just stay
quiet. As Satan said Silence is Golden

HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!!
Heil HItler!!!!!
Heil Himmler
Heil Gobels
HAIL AMON RA!!!!!!!!!!
HAIL HORUS!!!!!!!!!!
- and Hail be to The Gods of Duat!!
"I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominions over all
creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my

- So saith Shaitan; The Al Jiwah,
The Black book of Satan

In the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but
Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.
Knowing this, who dares deny?
Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?
Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

- So saith Shaitan; The Qur'et Al-Yezid, Revelation of Melek Ta'us

- Mazin Abbas

On 29 Mar 2013, at 12:43 p.m., "keeperofstone" <brucekuersteiner@...

You may have to get a 'restraining order' against him so he can't come
within 100 feet of your person, that way he couldn't legally be in the same
class room with you. Are the campus cops real police? If so, then you could
file a 'Writ of Mandamus' on them compeling them to do thir legal duty to
up hold the law, but that doesn't mean they will. You could go to the local
Legal Authority and have charges brought against him and threathen legal
action against the whole college. Deny that that 'Bible' was yours- someone
planted it in your locker - probably him - as a cover for his actions. Let
a local Rape support group know about your situation and tell the college
you are going to publicize this whole situation through the local and
national media. You need legal remedy now - seek out a free attorney if you
need one. Also, if this college takes Federal money this can become a
Federal case. Get yourself a small recorder and mike to record evidence of
attack or attempted attack and denial of help from the campus authorities
and try and never be alone while on campus. This is serious - tell the
authoriies that you fear for your life and that is not a lie. Please take
physical action now.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Rita Maier <ritaisbrazil@ wrote:

...I'm thinking about not going to college next semester...I'm just too
scared, I mean he tried to jump me today in the parking lot, I ran to the
emergency alert tower and hit the button but the cops gave him a small slap
on the wrist. Wanna know why? Because my rapist told them I was satanic! So
they said, "ma'am, don't you go cursing and trying to make a human
sacrifice of this boy." I ran off crying after that. I suffer from severe
depression and this incident only made it worse. I'm just glad I get a
giant welcome home from my puppy. I hope my guardian demon will reveal
himself or herself to me soon or when the time is right.


Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 28, 2013, at 9:16 PM, "hailbelphagor" <no.state@ wrote:

Destroy him with spiritual workings. And do so with a grin on your
face, too.

Rip into him with as much pleasure as he thought he ripped into you.
Make his life shit.

I'm sorry that happened to you. I'm even more disgusted that these
rent-a-cops factored your Satanic bible into this. Perhaps some public
exposuse will help cost these fat fucks their jobs?

I can help you there. Contact me.

Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Allison P <apocalypseofjon@

Okay, I must say something here. What this Kenneth person saying is
very not true! You can be at any level and still perform black
it will take longer if you are new and just starting out, but you can
certainly do it! Black magick is about justice! And you can always
Father and the other gods of Hell for help; they would never refuse
one who is sincerely dedicated, especially with something like this.

And one final note: this rapist is NOT strong! The very fact that he
raped a fellow human being proves that. Rape is about power over the
other person, nothing more. The act of rape makes this man feel like
he is strong, but he is truly weak, indeed the weakest of persons.
I doubt very seriously that he knows black magick, so this claim that
he is stronger is blatantly false. Do whatever spells you like
him: use runes, meditate on him being killed or whatever it is you
want to happen to him, and ask the Gods for aid if you feel you need
to. You will see justice done. Hail Father Satan always! Hail Lord

On 3/28/13, keeperofstone <brucekuersteiner@ wrote:
What is 'be as one'??? The rapist isn't stronger than Satan and the
Gods and they will help any sincere dedicated Satanists to bring
justice. Just read the Dedication Ritual.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Kenneth Van Ast <utrevelix@

Hi Girl,

I'm contacting you since i don't like what i see on this e-group.
meen well but its not suffient enough. A raped person does not
have the
strenght to do black magick (yet). As our father (fysical or
did not intent to give you advice on how you can increase by your
own. Its
dedication which bring strenght.

When raped (sorry to bring it up in you) your mind is shattered
and before
you even can use black magick you need to be as one. For me i can
not help
you yet since i'n just starting to open up. This means my
training is at a
higher level and more intense.

If you like i can ask someone to help you increase your spiritual
power so
you be one with yourself and can do black magick spells. Only
hatred is
not the answer, when using hatred you need to do it right or it
backfire when the rapist is too strong for you. The spell you
need to do
on your own, we can't help you with this!!!

Keep you hatred again the raper untill its needed. He will get
what he
deservice (i'm from the netherlands so please don't look at my

Please let me know if you need help with increasing your power.

Hail Satan and our deamon gods!

From: keeperofstone <brucekuersteiner@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2013 3:06 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Please Help Me.

Don't be scared of him - he needs to be scared of you - Fear You.

You, as a dedicated Satanists; need to instill fear into your
(Rapist) and destroy him.

Go to the Free E Books (Online Resources for Satan's People and
"Ayperos - The book of Posts" by High Preist Luscius Dragonwolf.
special attention to his chapter on 'The Spiritual Battleground'
and his
comments on fear and how our enemy needs to fear us - we don't
fear them.

Then read "Ordo Umbra - Spiritual Warfare & The Satanic Shadow"
by HP
Lucis Dragonwolf and you will Know how to plan and carry out a
of this scumbag.

Hide your Satanic Bible in a secure place and conduct yourself
like a
'perceived perfect Xain', so that you don't attract any undue
attention to
yourself - all the while you will be planning and carrying out
Spiritual attack and destruction - upon him.

Protect yourself; and as Lucius Dragonwolf said -"Happy Hunting".

Also, ask Satan and the God's to guide you abd protect you in this

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "radzio_ss" <truth.seeker1@

Destroy him through cursing him. Do daily curses against him
daily until
he gets what he deserved. Also you can ask for help on that
from the
powers of Hell, given the severity of the problem.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "music4satan"

So I'm a college student, yay! Anyways, 3 years ago I had
moved from
Florida to
North Carolina to get a new start at a new high school for
year, well
anyways, the year started off great because I was starting to
build a
relationship with Father Satan. So one night after a varsity
game (was
in marching band) I went down to my locker to get my English
text book
when I
was grabbed from behind and was raped. The guy was stupid
enough to
tell me his
name. Well, cops wouldn't do crap on my case cause they saw I
had a
Bible in my locker. So my rapist got away. And right now, I
have every
with this catholic scumbag. And right now the college campus
won't even
help me... So now I'm always scared to go to my classes
because he is
there and
he watches me. I'm scared and freaked out, and I don't know
what to
do, can
someone help me or give me some advice?

Congratulations!!! I very happy that vile scumbag got what he deserved

I hope he got sent to prison(prisons vs jails, prisons have higher rape % from what i have researched/heard from past 'bad' friends), haha in prison he will be the one getting raped.

You get what you deserve.

Very glad to hear things worked out positively for you Sister.

Hail Satan!!!!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Marita Maier <ritaisbrazil@... wrote:

yes he was. i have been smiling non stop since the jury said "Guilty" :D
the other victim and i have been talking and have been helping each other
out. I'm just so happy that he is behind bars for what he did.


On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:11 AM, hailbelphagor <no.state@... wrote:


Was he convicted of rape?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Marita Maier <ritaisbrazil@

Wonderful news. the trial went over well and he is now in jail serving a
year sentence for what he has done. While the trial was going on another
girl came forward and told the police that my rapist also raped her too.
hence why the 5 year prison sentence, and he now has to register as a sex
offender when he is released. Justice was done and it was BEAUTIFUL! :D
Today is the first day in 3 years that I finally feel safe again. in
news, my guardian demon finally started to reveal a little bit of
him/herself to me. all I've seen so far was beautiful ocean blue eyes.

R.I.P. Isaiah Smith <3

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:27 PM, music4satan <ritaisbrazil@ wrote:


So I'm a college student, yay! Anyways, 3 years ago I had moved from
Florida to
North Carolina to get a new start at a new high school for sophomore
anyways, the year started off great because I was starting to build a
relationship with Father Satan. So one night after a varsity football
in marching band) I went down to my locker to get my English text book
when I
was grabbed from behind and was raped. The guy was stupid enough to
me his
name. Well, cops wouldn't do crap on my case cause they saw I had a
Bible in my locker. So my rapist got away. And right now, I have every
with this catholic scumbag. And right now the college campus cops won't
help me... So now I'm always scared to go to my classes because he is
there and
he watches me. I'm scared and freaked out, and I don't know what to
do, can
someone help me or give me some advice?

Shit I'm sorry to hear that-You should contact an Attorney and tell him/her your story-

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "tjs4satan" <tjs4satan@... wrote:

Congratulations!!! I very happy that vile scumbag got what he deserved

I hope he got sent to prison(prisons vs jails, prisons have higher rape % from what i have researched/heard from past 'bad' friends), haha in prison he will be the one getting raped.

You get what you deserve.

Very glad to hear things worked out positively for you Sister.

Hail Satan!!!!!!!!!!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Marita Maier <ritaisbrazil@ wrote:

yes he was. i have been smiling non stop since the jury said "Guilty" :D
the other victim and i have been talking and have been helping each other
out. I'm just so happy that he is behind bars for what he did.


On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 9:11 AM, hailbelphagor <no.state@ wrote:


Was he convicted of rape?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Marita Maier <ritaisbrazil@

Wonderful news. the trial went over well and he is now in jail serving a
year sentence for what he has done. While the trial was going on another
girl came forward and told the police that my rapist also raped her too.
hence why the 5 year prison sentence, and he now has to register as a sex
offender when he is released. Justice was done and it was BEAUTIFUL! :D
Today is the first day in 3 years that I finally feel safe again. in
news, my guardian demon finally started to reveal a little bit of
him/herself to me. all I've seen so far was beautiful ocean blue eyes.

R.I.P. Isaiah Smith <3

On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 6:27 PM, music4satan <ritaisbrazil@ wrote:


So I'm a college student, yay! Anyways, 3 years ago I had moved from
Florida to
North Carolina to get a new start at a new high school for sophomore
anyways, the year started off great because I was starting to build a
relationship with Father Satan. So one night after a varsity football
in marching band) I went down to my locker to get my English text book
when I
was grabbed from behind and was raped. The guy was stupid enough to
me his
name. Well, cops wouldn't do crap on my case cause they saw I had a
Bible in my locker. So my rapist got away. And right now, I have every
with this catholic scumbag. And right now the college campus cops won't
help me... So now I'm always scared to go to my classes because he is
there and
he watches me. I'm scared and freaked out, and I don't know what to
do, can
someone help me or give me some advice?


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
