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Planet in a sign vs planet in a house relation

Dypet Rod

Active member
Sep 20, 2017
Okay, this is a simple question (I think). I just want to know how circumstances like the one I exemplify here are supposed to be interpreted.

Suppose the following situation:
The 8th house in a chart has Scorpio on the cusp up to 20 degrees of the house. From its 20 to 30 degrees, it's no longer Scorpio that's on the cusp, but Sagittarius. If I have my facts right, this would mean that the 8th house is ruled by Scorpio.

Now, suppose that in that same chart, Jupiter is within 21 degrees of the 8th house. Meaning that it is within the 8th house, but under the cusp of Sagittarius.

What I want to know is, in a circumstance like this, is the planet affected by the same sign that rules the house it's in, or by the specific sign it's under on the cusp? Which sign is the one that counts here?
(To put it in more simple words, in this example, is it Scorpio or Sagittarius that's really affecting Jupiter?)

Lydia, I'm mentioning you here because I remember you said you look up posts that include your name, so I summon you xD. If you have the time and are willing to answer this, it would be much appreciated. If not, no problem :)

Anyone's answers are welcome, and thank you in advance.
I'm not sure, but it's probably some of both. There isn't really some sharp division between different signs, if it's in the middle it's part of both.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I'm not sure, but it's probably some of both. There isn't really some sharp division between different signs, if it's in the middle it's part of both.

Well, I didn't mean in the middle such as in 30 degrees of Scorpio/0 degrees of Sagittarius, if that's what you meant in the last part. I meant the planet being completely within the next sign; 1 degree into Sagittarius in this example, but still completely within the house ruled by the previous sign. But still, thank you for your answer. I also believe the planet may be affected by both signs in some proportion.
As far as I know, houses don't have degrees. I don't want to speak for Lydia or Cobra, but in neither of their did they use a system with equal house size. House size varies. It's signs that have degrees. Hope this helped.
Dypet Rod said:
so I summon you xD

Poof! Here I am!

So it sounds like your Jupiter is in the 8th house, but in Sagittarius. And ruling your 9th house, as Jupiter rules Sagittarius on the cusp of your 9th. Scorpio does not influence your Jupiter, the 8th house does. But since Scorpio and the 8th have similar traits (Scorpio is the natural ruler of the 8th), then you might notice your Jupiter being Scorpio-like. Look up "Jupiter in 8th" and "Jupiter in Sagittarius" and your Jupiter is a blend of these :)

This is why a natal chart is as unique as a fingerprint, because of all these factors. Don't think too black-and-white regarding a natal chart, there's a lot of blending going on, for most charts anyway :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I meant the houses probably work like this too. That if it's on the edge it's both. But I don't have much practice with this. All I did was see what the signs, houses, and aspects of all of my planets are and what stars are nearby, but I don't know well how it works yet.

I am currently at a similar level to yours, if not exactly the same. I have basic knowledge about the personality of most signs and most planets, including in regards to things that they rule, and also know how to find my way around in determining what signs/houses/stars are of most influence in a chart and why, but I still need to check Azazel's Astrology for Satanists to know what each placement means in a deeper level.
If I see that a certain person has their Moon in cancer in a chart, I assume that this person must care about their home/family to a special extent, must be sensitive, etc but anything beyond that, I still need to check.
Lydia said:
Dypet Rod said:
so I summon you xD

Poof! Here I am!

So it sounds like your Jupiter is in the 8th house, but in Sagittarius. And ruling your 9th house, as Jupiter rules Sagittarius on the cusp of your 9th. Scorpio does not influence your Jupiter, the 8th house does. But since Scorpio and the 8th have similar traits (Scorpio is the natural ruler of the 8th), then you might notice your Jupiter being Scorpio-like. Look up "Jupiter in 8th" and "Jupiter in Sagittarius" and your Jupiter is a blend of these :)

This is why a natal chart is as unique as a fingerprint, because of all these factors. Don't think too black-and-white regarding a natal chart, there's a lot of blending going on, for most charts anyway :)

Thank you, Lydia :) This is exactly the answer I was looking for. So planets in a house are not directly affected by the sign ruling that house on the cusp (unless the planet is also placed under that same sign). I was aware of how much we need to blend details in a chart, so I was wondering if the influence of the sign ruling the house on the cusp (Scorpio on the 8th, in this case) should also be blended in along with the rest.

I would just like to clear up one more thing. You said:
"And ruling your 9th house, as Jupiter rules Sagittarius on the cusp of your 9th".
So when a planet is placed in a house that's not ruled by its sign on the cusp, does that mean that this planet affects both the affairs of the house it's directly placed in, and the affairs of the house that has its sign on the cusp? Almost as if it were directly present in both houses?
Stormblood said:
As far as I know, houses don't have degrees. I don't want to speak for Lydia or Cobra, but in neither of their did they use a system with equal house size. House size varies. It's signs that have degrees. Hope this helped.

Well, the Astrodienst chart (mine, at least) makes it look like the houses also have their own degrees, due to the fact that there are degree markings on both sides of the sign wheel, and due to the houses in my chart looking pretty much symmetric. But thank you for this, although this was not the main thing in question, it's still a good piece of information I didn't know before.
Dypet Rod said:
I would just like to clear up one more thing. You said:
"And ruling your 9th house, as Jupiter rules Sagittarius on the cusp of your 9th".
So when a planet is placed in a house that's not ruled by its sign on the cusp, does that mean that this planet affects both the affairs of the house it's directly placed in, and the affairs of the house that has its sign on the cusp? Almost as if it were directly present in both houses?

Yes to the first question. The last question you wrote, not exactly. As an example: The traits of Sagittarius rule it, but as Jupiter would be the ruler, if Jupiter is on a bad degree (6, 9, 15, 22, or other bad degrees in specific signs) or aspected by Saturn or Neptune, the house with Sagittarius on cusp will have some misfortune to it.

When reading a chart, always look at the degree and aspects of the ruler of each house. Even if there are no planets within the house, the ruler of that house will tell a lot about it.

Rulers of signs: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Noted_Planetary_Placements.html
Lydia said:
Yes to the first question. The last question you wrote, not exactly. As an example: The traits of Sagittarius rule it, but as Jupiter would be the ruler, if Jupiter is on a bad degree (6, 9, 15, 22, or other bad degrees in specific signs) or aspected by Saturn or Neptune, the house with Sagittarius on cusp will have some misfortune to it.

When reading a chart, always look at the degree and aspects of the ruler of each house. Even if there are no planets within the house, the ruler of that house will tell a lot about it.

Rulers of signs: http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Noted_Planetary_Placements.html

Hmm, so we take into account the general traits given to a house by a planet/the sign it rules, but blend in what the degrees and aspects reveal about the ruling planet, and seek to determine in what ways this possibly affects the affairs of the house ruled by the sign.

Thank you very much, teacher Lydia xD. This definitely helps me better develop my knowledge in interpreting a chart. I'll practice looking into these details, as I usually dismissed houses that have no planets in it (I don't do any professional readings for others, I'm talking about looking into my own chart and the charts of others who are close to me, with no "commitment" so to speak)
Dypet Rod said:
Thank you very much, teacher Lydia xD. This definitely helps me better develop my knowledge in interpreting a chart. I'll practice looking into these details, as I usually dismissed houses that have no planets in it (I don't do any professional readings for others, I'm talking about looking into my own chart and the charts of others who are close to me, with no "commitment" so to speak)

With houses that have no planets, the sign that rules the cusp will influence the affairs. For example (and keeping in mind the rest of the chart), somebody with Aries on the 3rd will think quickly and have more mental energy but impatience with learning, whereas someone with Taurus on the 3rd will have more patience and endurance with learning, may learn a bit slower but will retain information longer. Keeping in mind the rest of the chart of course.
Lydia said:
Dypet Rod said:
Thank you very much, teacher Lydia xD. This definitely helps me better develop my knowledge in interpreting a chart. I'll practice looking into these details, as I usually dismissed houses that have no planets in it (I don't do any professional readings for others, I'm talking about looking into my own chart and the charts of others who are close to me, with no "commitment" so to speak)

With houses that have no planets, the sign that rules the cusp will influence the affairs. For example (and keeping in mind the rest of the chart), somebody with Aries on the 3rd will think quickly and have more mental energy but impatience with learning, whereas someone with Taurus on the 3rd will have more patience and endurance with learning, may learn a bit slower but will retain information longer. Keeping in mind the rest of the chart of course.

That being said, when there is at least one planet in a house, is the influence of the sign on the cusp reduced, or it still has as much significance as the influence of the planet/s in the house?

I'm guessing that this depends on how prominently the planet is placed in the house, as well as how prominently the ruler of the sign in question is placed in the chart.
As to not make a separate topic just for that, there are also two more specific things I would like to know if possible:

1. I've heard Chiron isn't of much significance in a chart. Would Chiron be valid as a part of a grand trine?

2. Does Lilith in conjunction to any planets have any valid significance?
Dypet Rod said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I meant the houses probably work like this too. That if it's on the edge it's both. But I don't have much practice with this. All I did was see what the signs, houses, and aspects of all of my planets are and what stars are nearby, but I don't know well how it works yet.

I am currently at a similar level to yours, if not exactly the same. I have basic knowledge about the personality of most signs and most planets, including in regards to things that they rule, and also know how to find my way around in determining what signs/houses/stars are of most influence in a chart and why, but I still need to check Azazel's Astrology for Satanists to know what each placement means in a deeper level.
If I see that a certain person has their Moon in cancer in a chart, I assume that this person must care about their home/family to a special extent, must be sensitive, etc but anything beyond that, I still need to check.

Moon in Cancer doesn't necessarily mean this. I have moon in Cancer but am not a big family person I feel family is more of a problem to overcome. Even though they were nice people and never did me wrong they have bad energy and are xtian. I dont really like hanging out with them and am starting to feel ok and free but damn this placement makes it harder to detach.

I am not a big family person cause I dont know people I can relate to that much offline that would be my real family and or course Satanists but I am not family as in the forced system in today's world. Hopefully people with this position will realize this as it can be torture to them if they cant detach they will hate people needlessly for life or do little but sit and worry about it but I did detach and feel better.

Hail Satan
darkmonkey666 said:
Dypet Rod said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I meant the houses probably work like this too. That if it's on the edge it's both. But I don't have much practice with this. All I did was see what the signs, houses, and aspects of all of my planets are and what stars are nearby, but I don't know well how it works yet.

I am currently at a similar level to yours, if not exactly the same. I have basic knowledge about the personality of most signs and most planets, including in regards to things that they rule, and also know how to find my way around in determining what signs/houses/stars are of most influence in a chart and why, but I still need to check Azazel's Astrology for Satanists to know what each placement means in a deeper level.
If I see that a certain person has their Moon in cancer in a chart, I assume that this person must care about their home/family to a special extent, must be sensitive, etc but anything beyond that, I still need to check.

Moon in Cancer doesn't necessarily mean this. I have moon in Cancer but am not a big family person I feel family is more of a problem to overcome. Even though they were nice people and never did me wrong they have bad energy and are xtian. I dont really like hanging out with them and am starting to feel ok and free but damn this placement makes it harder to detach.

I am not a big family person cause I dont know people I can relate to that much offline that would be my real family and or course Satanists but I am not family as in the forced system in today's world. Hopefully people with this position will realize this as it can be torture to them if they cant detach they will hate people needlessly for life or do little but sit and worry about it but I did detach and feel better.

Hail Satan

I'm sorry to hear that. I can relate to some extent, as I don't get along with my father at all. His presence feels heavy and depressing, and we're all sensitive to that. No one in our family really likes him. I get along with other family members better than with him, but as you stated, they are far from being like me, too.

But as for Moon in Cancer, this may not be so emphasized for you because other factors in our charts can make a big difference. What I've stated is more the general traits of this placement when taken alone, but other placements and aspects can sure overlap and weaken this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
