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Pineal Gland?


Sep 20, 2017
The last few days I have been feeling this strange tingle/tickle in my head near my 6th chakra. Sometimes this shifts into a light/fresh/clean feeling and sometimes it feels like it falls into the back of my throat. I also randomly feel strong pressures in all my astral eyes and ears, as well as my 6th and crown chakra

Is this a sign of pineal activity? I cant find this sensation described anywhere on the forums or the ToZ, only people saying you’ll experience feelings of intense bliss, which this is not.

Additionally, if this is pineal activity then what should I do to capitalize on it? Im not yet very good at entering a trance, I have a very hard time “letting go” mentally and achieving the falling effect. I am still trying and will continue to but it feels like there is some sort of mental wall stopping me every time
The last few days I have been feeling this strange tingle/tickle in my head near my 6th chakra. Sometimes this shifts into a light/fresh/clean feeling and sometimes it feels like it falls into the back of my throat. I also randomly feel strong pressures in all my astral eyes and ears, as well as my 6th and crown chakra

Is this a sign of pineal activity? I cant find this sensation described anywhere on the forums or the ToZ, only people saying you’ll experience feelings of intense bliss, which this is not.

Additionally, if this is pineal activity then what should I do to capitalize on it? Im not yet very good at entering a trance, I have a very hard time “letting go” mentally and achieving the falling effect. I am still trying and will continue to but it feels like there is some sort of mental wall stopping me every time
It could be the pineal opening, but it sounds like it might be your clairvoyant centres opening (above the third eye on the upper forehead). I had similar effects when I meditated on those. Do SATANAMA on your crown chakra. Also swing AUM between crown and base chakras. This helps to keep them fully open.
This is all dependant of course on your third eye being fully open?
The last few days I have been feeling this strange tingle/tickle in my head near my 6th chakra. Sometimes this shifts into a light/fresh/clean feeling and sometimes it feels like it falls into the back of my throat. I also randomly feel strong pressures in all my astral eyes and ears, as well as my 6th and crown chakra

Is this a sign of pineal activity? I cant find this sensation described anywhere on the forums or the ToZ, only people saying you’ll experience feelings of intense bliss, which this is not.

Additionally, if this is pineal activity then what should I do to capitalize on it? Im not yet very good at entering a trance, I have a very hard time “letting go” mentally and achieving the falling effect. I am still trying and will continue to but it feels like there is some sort of mental wall stopping me every time
If it is your third eye, can you feel anything in the third eye region when you inhale or exhale - does the "feeling" or "pressure" of the third eye increase when you inhale or exhale? Sometimes you have to "catch it" because it's like a heartbeat (or maybe it actually has to do with blood pumping in the body), but if you wait till your third eye feels it's fullest, and then close your eyes and tilt your head forward slightly and inhale or exhale through the nose, can you feel the feeling in your third eye get stronger during your breath? If you can, then keep breathing into it. Deep steady or slow, controlled breaths work best.. I also find it's easier to feel the energy if I tilt my head forward slightly and close my eyes. Do that for a while and it will empower your third eye. Also if you do this long enough you will be in some sort of a trance, even without imagining a falling feeling. Once you have your third eye working strong, it should be a pleasant feeling. Pleasant meaning you should like it - the way people interpret or label what they experience may vary, but it's highly unlikely that you will take offense to the sensation of having your third eye working good.

If you can't - you can breathe into it in many ways.. one way I just sort of figured out, the "sponge like absorption" described on one of the regular energy meditation pages, I feel that feeling right when I switch from my inhale to my exhale, I feel a pleasant absorbency in my chest and head.. you can push that feeling into your third eye or into any chakra and it directs the energy you breathed in to that location you are focusing on.

I don't know what the feeling in your throat is. You are doing good though.

Lastly I think that, for the difficulty you are having "letting go" into the trance, with the method you are trying, it could just be that you aren't attuned to focusing so deeply and that you just need to keep trying in order to progress. Controlled breathing patterns in and of themselves are hypnotic though. What you are trying to do is a different, purported to be "deeper" type of trance.
This is all dependant of course on your third eye being fully open?

My third eye probably isn’t fully open. I see a few dark swirling colours when my eyes are closed and sometimes I will feel it strongly while reading something but thats it at the moment.

I used to see spirits a lot when I was younger. But as I’ve gotten older and also years of smoking weed that has stopped

(I don’t actually have proof that weed hampers astral vision it’s just a feeling I’ve had)
Actually, after thinking about it more, it could be your crown chakra fully opening. Sorry, I've only been seriously meditating for 12 months.
We're all learning here, by personal experience and on the advise of others, which is really why we're all here😊
The last few days I have been feeling this strange tingle/tickle in my head near my 6th chakra. Sometimes this shifts into a light/fresh/clean feeling and sometimes it feels like it falls into the back of my throat. I also randomly feel strong pressures in all my astral eyes and ears, as well as my 6th and crown chakra

Is this a sign of pineal activity? I cant find this sensation described anywhere on the forums or the ToZ, only people saying you’ll experience feelings of intense bliss, which this is not.

Additionally, if this is pineal activity then what should I do to capitalize on it? Im not yet very good at entering a trance, I have a very hard time “letting go” mentally and achieving the falling effect. I am still trying and will continue to but it feels like there is some sort of mental wall stopping me every time
This is a good sign. You are on the very right track.

In the brain and head, everything is tightly connect together - it is like a network of chakras an energy pathways. If this is new, it looks like that you have empowered and opened your upper network now - which is a great sign!

The tingling sensation that you describe is that the quality of your energy has increased and improved - into electricity. (In the beginning this could have been just a feeling of pressure, and now you feel the actual electricity). You could also notice that when you meditate on a certain chakra, that another chakra gets electrified/energized as well - as the energy flows more freely now.

The pineal gland is right behind your 6th chakra, a tiny bit more down.

And right under the 6th you have the pituitary gland. Those Glands also should be worked on.

Yes I can feel what you are describing. I will give your suggestions a try, appreciate the answer

That’s very encouraging, appreciate the answer. I’ll have to do some research into how to work the pituitary and keep practicing trance then
This is a good sign. You are on the very right track.

In the brain and head, everything is tightly connect together - it is like a network of chakras an energy pathways. If this is new, it looks like that you have empowered and opened your upper network now - which is a great sign!

The tingling sensation that you describe is that the quality of your energy has increased and improved - into electricity. (In the beginning this could have been just a feeling of pressure, and now you feel the actual electricity). You could also notice that when you meditate on a certain chakra, that another chakra gets electrified/energized as well - as the energy flows more freely now.

The pineal gland is right behind your 6th chakra, a tiny bit more down.

And right under the 6th you have the pituitary gland. Those Glands also should be worked on.
Sounds really good, and let's make a story about it, but it has been identified as a third eye problem. Let's all be realistic and fucking move on.
Sounds really good, and let's make a story about it, but it has been identified as a third eye problem. Let's all be realistic and fucking move on.
Sounds really good, and let's make a story about it, but it has been identified as a third eye problem. Let's all be realistic and fucking move on.
The original post does not sound like a problem, but more like progress related to upper chakras. It does not sound like it originates from the 3rd eye extension of 6th chakra, but rather, from the sixth chakra. And this attitude is not called for in this case.
The original post does not sound like a problem, but more like progress related to upper chakras. It does not sound like it originates from the 3rd eye extension of 6th chakra, but rather, from the sixth chakra. And this attitude is not called for in this case.
Sorry, you're right of course. Still lose my temper some times. It's something I'm working on 😕

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
