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Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

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Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.

We know the Nazi's were in contact with our Gods, the Nazi rocket scientists who came to America such as Hermann Oberth stated the German's got their knowledge of anti-gravity and what is called the "Nazi UFO" from advanced beings who live in other star systems they were in contact with. This was done by the Vril Society. The ET's they were in contact by the Vril Society are the Nordics:


This is the typical appearance of the Nordic's.

The documents from the Vril Society that survived they were informed from our Gods of whom they were in communication with such as the Goddess Ostara [Astaroth] who was the patron Goddess of their society. The information we know they were informed of was that Phaeton which was the planet between Jupiter and Mars that is documented by modern scientists in the former USSR and the west to have existed, but where it existed is now an asteroid field as Phaeton was destroyed. And Mars which was once inhabited and has ruins all over the surface of the planet of former cities that from the evidence have been struck with high energy weapons from nuclear to possible plasma weapons. The scientists working on the space program in the USSR, one of them defected to the west and conformed the ruins on Mars and he confirmed the American images from NASA of Mars as well, being ruins of a civilization the same images the USSR had taken on their missions.

The Vril mediums were informed that Phaeton was inhabited by the civilization of our Gods and so was Mars and Earth. Our solar system was once part of their civilization. What happened? The flood that hit the Earth around ten thousand years ago was the fall out from the destruction of Phaeton being destroyed. This caused the Andes mountain range to form as a result and the oceans we have come from Phaeton. This has been documented in books on the subject.

However the Jewish Torah states the god of the Jews, YHVH, flooded the Earth to destroy the original civilization of the Gods on this planet. These being are called the Nephilim in the Torah, the Hebrew record is the Jewish god attacked our world with a global flood to destroy the civilization of the Nephilim the Gods and first humans. Nephilim in the ancient languages means "Those of Orion" our Gods come from the constellation of Orion. The Torah and Talmud mention there was already an advanced civilization on this planet before Adamic man [The Jewish race] arrived on this Earth. The Rabbi's state the Hebrews literally arrived on Earth from another place out there. The Jewish Torah also states the Jewish god "destroyed other worlds" before this one. Those worlds are Phaeton and Mars. The top Rabbi's the occult adepts state the Jewish god Elohim is race of reptilian ET's. They also stated the Elohim didn't create Earth. But they are working to take it over.

This gets to the insider information leaked in the Star Wars, movie. The planet Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star which is commanded by Darth Vader who is made to look like the image of the Jewish Golem which is the spirit of YHVH and has Hebrew letters on his breast plate that spelled Golem in Hebrew. The Jewish religion states Adam the first Jew was a Golem created by Elohim from clay and infused with the spiritual consciousness of the Reptilian Elohim. The breast plate is also styled off that of the Jewish High Priest who communicated with the Jewish god, Elohim directly in the Torah:

Note how close in spelling Alderaan is to Aldebaran. The Aldebaran system is the star system in which the Vril Society was in communication with our Gods. The symbol of their society was the symbol of Aldebaran the Bull and the Goddess Astaroth, their patron Goddess. The movie is showing the destruction of Phaeton which is part of the Aldebaran-Orion civilization in the cosmic war that happened in our solar system by the Jewish-Reptilian invasion of this solar system. The Jewish race is part of the Reptilian race, the Cohen gene the racial gene of the Jews has reptilian DNA within it. The Jewish Rabbi's state they come from the blood line of Elohim.

Stars Wars was supposed to have happened in a time long ago, it did, ten thousand years ago, but not in a galaxy far away. It happened in this solar system.

Note the Empire [The enemy agenda] is obsessed with hunting down and destroying the original religion of the Jedi which is based on the ascension teachings of Thoth one of the beings from the Orion ascended civilization, who was on Earth. Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of Thoth in Egypt and the name of the serpent priesthood the ascended humanity. This gets mixed in with corrupted teachings and themes in the movie. But the fact this made it through is revealing and important. The Jedi religion was at the source, the ascension teachings of the Nazi occult religion of Vril. The religion of ancient Egypt which came from our Gods.

This also answers the mystery of were did Hitler, Eva Braun and other high ranking Nazi's, including the Vril Society members all vanish to? Reports from inside Germany towards the end of the war mention UFO style ships coming in for landing and taking off in the last German regions that where under the Third Reich. Hitler's body was never found, this is known even Stalin and Eisenhower knew this and commented on such openly. The allies did find a hidden passage in Hitler's bunker that had a flight of stairs that lead to the underground subways the Germans had built under Berlin to be able to move around safely during the bombing raids. Hitler and Eva Braun escaped so did many others.


In the last letter sent by Maria Orsic, the head of the Vril Society, towards the end days of the war she stated "None are staying". The context of the message is they were all evacuated off world to Orion and maybe Aldebaran. Hitler escaped off world so did many others who were working with our Gods. The Vril Society and the members of the Nazi occult religion all practiced the ascension teachings of our Gods. Hitler is a fully ascended master now which is what our Gods are. Many of our Gods are the first humans in the Golden Age who ascended with the Magnum Opus. The teachings in the Book of Djedi [Thoth].

The ascended civilization of Orion intervened in our world by working with enlightened humans in Germany with the Nazi Party to save our planet from global take over by the Reptilians with their hybrid proxies the Jewish race and their global Communist Messianic take over in the last century, the Reptilian agenda is to turn Earth into a colonized slave planet and humanity into what the Greys are, a genetically engineered, micro chipped slave race to the Reptilians. Hitler lost a battle but won us the war. The effects are now manifesting in our world as total liberation of humanity from the enemy.
HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.
Can you link to these articles? I think I might have missed them
Great sermon. What kind of spaceships have our Gods? Flying saucers are of the greys?
Grin said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.
Can you link to these articles? I think I might have missed them

This is a sum up of quite some material, so you need to use the search function. It had all been stated before but this is it in sum up.

We have been a bit overrun by site work, but soon everything will be entirely up and updated. Other more pressing matters are at hand now that need tending.

You can also find some of this on the old forums in the wayback machine.
HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.

We know the Nazi's were in contact with our Gods, the Nazi rocket scientists who came to America such as Hermann Oberth stated the German's got their knowledge of anti-gravity and what is called the "Nazi UFO" from advanced beings who live in other star systems they were in contact with. This was done by the Vril Society. The ET's they were in contact by the Vril Society are the Nordics:


This is the typical appearance of the Nordic's.

The documents from the Vril Society that survived they were informed from our Gods of whom they were in communication with such as the Goddess Ostara [Astaroth] who was the patron Goddess of their society. The information we know they were informed of was that Phaeton which was the planet between Jupiter and Mars that is documented by modern scientists in the former USSR and the west to have existed, but where it existed is now an asteroid field as Phaeton was destroyed. And Mars which was once inhabited and has ruins all over the surface of the planet of former cities that from the evidence have been struck with high energy weapons from nuclear to possible plasma weapons. The scientists working on the space program in the USSR, one of them defected to the west and conformed the ruins on Mars and he confirmed the American images from NASA of Mars as well, being ruins of a civilization the same images the USSR had taken on their missions.

The Vril mediums were informed that Phaeton was inhabited by the civilization of our Gods and so was Mars and Earth. Our solar system was once part of their civilization. What happened? The flood that hit the Earth around ten thousand years ago was the fall out from the destruction of Phaeton being destroyed. This caused the Andes mountain range to form as a result and the oceans we have come from Phaeton. This has been documented in books on the subject.

However the Jewish Torah states the god of the Jews, YHVH, flooded the Earth to destroy the original civilization of the Gods on this planet. These being are called the Nephilim in the Torah, the Hebrew record is the Jewish god attacked our world with a global flood to destroy the civilization of the Nephilim the Gods and first humans. Nephilim in the ancient languages means "Those of Orion" our Gods come from the constellation of Orion. The Torah and Talmud mention there was already an advanced civilization on this planet before Adamic man [The Jewish race] arrived on this Earth. The Rabbi's state the Hebrews literally arrived on Earth from another place out there. The Jewish Torah also states the Jewish god "destroyed other worlds" before this one. Those worlds are Phaeton and Mars. The top Rabbi's the occult adepts state the Jewish god Elohim is race of reptilian ET's. They also stated the Elohim didn't create Earth. But they are working to take it over.

This gets to the insider information leaked in the Star Wars, movie. The planet Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star which is commanded by Darth Vader who is made to look like the image of the Jewish Golem which is the spirit of YHVH and has Hebrew letters on his breast plate that spelled Golem in Hebrew. The Jewish religion states Adam the first Jew was a Golem created by Elohim from clay and infused with the spiritual consciousness of the Reptilian Elohim. The breast plate is also styled off that of the Jewish High Priest who communicated with the Jewish god, Elohim directly in the Torah:

Note how close in spelling Alderaan is to Aldebaran. The Aldebaran system is the star system in which the Vril Society was in communication with our Gods. The symbol of their society was the symbol of Aldebaran the Bull and the Goddess Astaroth, their patron Goddess. The movie is showing the destruction of Phaeton which is part of the Aldebaran-Orion civilization in the cosmic war that happened in our solar system by the Jewish-Reptilian invasion of this solar system. The Jewish race is part of the Reptilian race, the Cohen gene the racial gene of the Jews has reptilian DNA within it. The Jewish Rabbi's state they come from the blood line of Elohim.

Stars Wars was supposed to have happened in a time long ago, it did, ten thousand years ago, but not in a galaxy far away. It happened in this solar system.

Note the Empire [The enemy agenda] is obsessed with hunting down and destroying the original religion of the Jedi which is based on the ascension teachings of Thoth one of the beings from the Orion ascended civilization, who was on Earth. Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of Thoth in Egypt and the name of the serpent priesthood the ascended humanity. This gets mixed in with corrupted teachings and themes in the movie. But the fact this made it through is revealing and important. The Jedi religion was at the source, the ascension teachings of the Nazi occult religion of Vril. The religion of ancient Egypt which came from our Gods.

This also answers the mystery of were did Hitler, Eva Braun and other high ranking Nazi's, including the Vril Society members all vanish to? Reports from inside Germany towards the end of the war mention UFO style ships coming in for landing and taking off in the last German regions that where under the Third Reich. Hitler's body was never found, this is known even Stalin and Eisenhower knew this and commented on such openly. The allies did find a hidden passage in Hitler's bunker that had a flight of stairs that lead to the underground subways the Germans had built under Berlin to be able to move around safely during the bombing raids. Hitler and Eva Braun escaped so did many others.


In the last letter sent by Maria Orsic, the head of the Vril Society, towards the end days of the war she stated "None are staying". The context of the message is they were all evacuated off world to Orion and maybe Aldebaran. Hitler escaped off world so did many others who were working with our Gods. The Vril Society and the members of the Nazi occult religion all practiced the ascension teachings of our Gods. Hitler is a fully ascended master now which is what our Gods are. Many of our Gods are the first humans in the Golden Age who ascended with the Magnum Opus. The teachings in the Book of Djedi [Thoth].

The ascended civilization of Orion intervened in our world by working with enlightened humans in Germany with the Nazi Party to save our planet from global take over by the Reptilians with their hybrid proxies the Jewish race and their global Communist Messianic take over in the last century, the Reptilian agenda is to turn Earth into a colonized slave planet and humanity into what the Greys are, a genetically engineered, micro chipped slave race to the Reptilians. Hitler lost a battle but won us the war. The effects are now manifesting in our world as total liberation of humanity from the enemy.
My compliments HP Mageson666! Excellent sermon! Thanks a lot. You filled me with hope and joy. Our Gods bless you!
High Priestess Marija Orsic is a very beautiful woman.

HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.

We know the Nazi's were in contact with our Gods, the Nazi rocket scientists who came to America such as Hermann Oberth stated the German's got their knowledge of anti-gravity and what is called the "Nazi UFO" from advanced beings who live in other star systems they were in contact with. This was done by the Vril Society. The ET's they were in contact by the Vril Society are the Nordics:


This is the typical appearance of the Nordic's.

The documents from the Vril Society that survived they were informed from our Gods of whom they were in communication with such as the Goddess Ostara [Astaroth] who was the patron Goddess of their society. The information we know they were informed of was that Phaeton which was the planet between Jupiter and Mars that is documented by modern scientists in the former USSR and the west to have existed, but where it existed is now an asteroid field as Phaeton was destroyed. And Mars which was once inhabited and has ruins all over the surface of the planet of former cities that from the evidence have been struck with high energy weapons from nuclear to possible plasma weapons. The scientists working on the space program in the USSR, one of them defected to the west and conformed the ruins on Mars and he confirmed the American images from NASA of Mars as well, being ruins of a civilization the same images the USSR had taken on their missions.

The Vril mediums were informed that Phaeton was inhabited by the civilization of our Gods and so was Mars and Earth. Our solar system was once part of their civilization. What happened? The flood that hit the Earth around ten thousand years ago was the fall out from the destruction of Phaeton being destroyed. This caused the Andes mountain range to form as a result and the oceans we have come from Phaeton. This has been documented in books on the subject.

However the Jewish Torah states the god of the Jews, YHVH, flooded the Earth to destroy the original civilization of the Gods on this planet. These being are called the Nephilim in the Torah, the Hebrew record is the Jewish god attacked our world with a global flood to destroy the civilization of the Nephilim the Gods and first humans. Nephilim in the ancient languages means "Those of Orion" our Gods come from the constellation of Orion. The Torah and Talmud mention there was already an advanced civilization on this planet before Adamic man [The Jewish race] arrived on this Earth. The Rabbi's state the Hebrews literally arrived on Earth from another place out there. The Jewish Torah also states the Jewish god "destroyed other worlds" before this one. Those worlds are Phaeton and Mars. The top Rabbi's the occult adepts state the Jewish god Elohim is race of reptilian ET's. They also stated the Elohim didn't create Earth. But they are working to take it over.

This gets to the insider information leaked in the Star Wars, movie. The planet Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star which is commanded by Darth Vader who is made to look like the image of the Jewish Golem which is the spirit of YHVH and has Hebrew letters on his breast plate that spelled Golem in Hebrew. The Jewish religion states Adam the first Jew was a Golem created by Elohim from clay and infused with the spiritual consciousness of the Reptilian Elohim. The breast plate is also styled off that of the Jewish High Priest who communicated with the Jewish god, Elohim directly in the Torah:

Note how close in spelling Alderaan is to Aldebaran. The Aldebaran system is the star system in which the Vril Society was in communication with our Gods. The symbol of their society was the symbol of Aldebaran the Bull and the Goddess Astaroth, their patron Goddess. The movie is showing the destruction of Phaeton which is part of the Aldebaran-Orion civilization in the cosmic war that happened in our solar system by the Jewish-Reptilian invasion of this solar system. The Jewish race is part of the Reptilian race, the Cohen gene the racial gene of the Jews has reptilian DNA within it. The Jewish Rabbi's state they come from the blood line of Elohim.

Stars Wars was supposed to have happened in a time long ago, it did, ten thousand years ago, but not in a galaxy far away. It happened in this solar system.

Note the Empire [The enemy agenda] is obsessed with hunting down and destroying the original religion of the Jedi which is based on the ascension teachings of Thoth one of the beings from the Orion ascended civilization, who was on Earth. Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of Thoth in Egypt and the name of the serpent priesthood the ascended humanity. This gets mixed in with corrupted teachings and themes in the movie. But the fact this made it through is revealing and important. The Jedi religion was at the source, the ascension teachings of the Nazi occult religion of Vril. The religion of ancient Egypt which came from our Gods.

This also answers the mystery of were did Hitler, Eva Braun and other high ranking Nazi's, including the Vril Society members all vanish to? Reports from inside Germany towards the end of the war mention UFO style ships coming in for landing and taking off in the last German regions that where under the Third Reich. Hitler's body was never found, this is known even Stalin and Eisenhower knew this and commented on such openly. The allies did find a hidden passage in Hitler's bunker that had a flight of stairs that lead to the underground subways the Germans had built under Berlin to be able to move around safely during the bombing raids. Hitler and Eva Braun escaped so did many others.


In the last letter sent by Maria Orsic, the head of the Vril Society, towards the end days of the war she stated "None are staying". The context of the message is they were all evacuated off world to Orion and maybe Aldebaran. Hitler escaped off world so did many others who were working with our Gods. The Vril Society and the members of the Nazi occult religion all practiced the ascension teachings of our Gods. Hitler is a fully ascended master now which is what our Gods are. Many of our Gods are the first humans in the Golden Age who ascended with the Magnum Opus. The teachings in the Book of Djedi [Thoth].

The ascended civilization of Orion intervened in our world by working with enlightened humans in Germany with the Nazi Party to save our planet from global take over by the Reptilians with their hybrid proxies the Jewish race and their global Communist Messianic take over in the last century, the Reptilian agenda is to turn Earth into a colonized slave planet and humanity into what the Greys are, a genetically engineered, micro chipped slave race to the Reptilians. Hitler lost a battle but won us the war. The effects are now manifesting in our world as total liberation of humanity from the enemy.
There is a link in the article to the previous article on the subject.

Grin said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.
Can you link to these articles? I think I might have missed them
Beautiful and great sermon!!!

Thank you High Priest Cobra
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
High Priestess Marija Orsic is a very beautiful woman.

HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.

We know the Nazi's were in contact with our Gods, the Nazi rocket scientists who came to America such as Hermann Oberth stated the German's got their knowledge of anti-gravity and what is called the "Nazi UFO" from advanced beings who live in other star systems they were in contact with. This was done by the Vril Society. The ET's they were in contact by the Vril Society are the Nordics:


This is the typical appearance of the Nordic's.

The documents from the Vril Society that survived they were informed from our Gods of whom they were in communication with such as the Goddess Ostara [Astaroth] who was the patron Goddess of their society. The information we know they were informed of was that Phaeton which was the planet between Jupiter and Mars that is documented by modern scientists in the former USSR and the west to have existed, but where it existed is now an asteroid field as Phaeton was destroyed. And Mars which was once inhabited and has ruins all over the surface of the planet of former cities that from the evidence have been struck with high energy weapons from nuclear to possible plasma weapons. The scientists working on the space program in the USSR, one of them defected to the west and conformed the ruins on Mars and he confirmed the American images from NASA of Mars as well, being ruins of a civilization the same images the USSR had taken on their missions.

The Vril mediums were informed that Phaeton was inhabited by the civilization of our Gods and so was Mars and Earth. Our solar system was once part of their civilization. What happened? The flood that hit the Earth around ten thousand years ago was the fall out from the destruction of Phaeton being destroyed. This caused the Andes mountain range to form as a result and the oceans we have come from Phaeton. This has been documented in books on the subject.

However the Jewish Torah states the god of the Jews, YHVH, flooded the Earth to destroy the original civilization of the Gods on this planet. These being are called the Nephilim in the Torah, the Hebrew record is the Jewish god attacked our world with a global flood to destroy the civilization of the Nephilim the Gods and first humans. Nephilim in the ancient languages means "Those of Orion" our Gods come from the constellation of Orion. The Torah and Talmud mention there was already an advanced civilization on this planet before Adamic man [The Jewish race] arrived on this Earth. The Rabbi's state the Hebrews literally arrived on Earth from another place out there. The Jewish Torah also states the Jewish god "destroyed other worlds" before this one. Those worlds are Phaeton and Mars. The top Rabbi's the occult adepts state the Jewish god Elohim is race of reptilian ET's. They also stated the Elohim didn't create Earth. But they are working to take it over.

This gets to the insider information leaked in the Star Wars, movie. The planet Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star which is commanded by Darth Vader who is made to look like the image of the Jewish Golem which is the spirit of YHVH and has Hebrew letters on his breast plate that spelled Golem in Hebrew. The Jewish religion states Adam the first Jew was a Golem created by Elohim from clay and infused with the spiritual consciousness of the Reptilian Elohim. The breast plate is also styled off that of the Jewish High Priest who communicated with the Jewish god, Elohim directly in the Torah:

Note how close in spelling Alderaan is to Aldebaran. The Aldebaran system is the star system in which the Vril Society was in communication with our Gods. The symbol of their society was the symbol of Aldebaran the Bull and the Goddess Astaroth, their patron Goddess. The movie is showing the destruction of Phaeton which is part of the Aldebaran-Orion civilization in the cosmic war that happened in our solar system by the Jewish-Reptilian invasion of this solar system. The Jewish race is part of the Reptilian race, the Cohen gene the racial gene of the Jews has reptilian DNA within it. The Jewish Rabbi's state they come from the blood line of Elohim.

Stars Wars was supposed to have happened in a time long ago, it did, ten thousand years ago, but not in a galaxy far away. It happened in this solar system.

Note the Empire [The enemy agenda] is obsessed with hunting down and destroying the original religion of the Jedi which is based on the ascension teachings of Thoth one of the beings from the Orion ascended civilization, who was on Earth. Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of Thoth in Egypt and the name of the serpent priesthood the ascended humanity. This gets mixed in with corrupted teachings and themes in the movie. But the fact this made it through is revealing and important. The Jedi religion was at the source, the ascension teachings of the Nazi occult religion of Vril. The religion of ancient Egypt which came from our Gods.

This also answers the mystery of were did Hitler, Eva Braun and other high ranking Nazi's, including the Vril Society members all vanish to? Reports from inside Germany towards the end of the war mention UFO style ships coming in for landing and taking off in the last German regions that where under the Third Reich. Hitler's body was never found, this is known even Stalin and Eisenhower knew this and commented on such openly. The allies did find a hidden passage in Hitler's bunker that had a flight of stairs that lead to the underground subways the Germans had built under Berlin to be able to move around safely during the bombing raids. Hitler and Eva Braun escaped so did many others.


In the last letter sent by Maria Orsic, the head of the Vril Society, towards the end days of the war she stated "None are staying". The context of the message is they were all evacuated off world to Orion and maybe Aldebaran. Hitler escaped off world so did many others who were working with our Gods. The Vril Society and the members of the Nazi occult religion all practiced the ascension teachings of our Gods. Hitler is a fully ascended master now which is what our Gods are. Many of our Gods are the first humans in the Golden Age who ascended with the Magnum Opus. The teachings in the Book of Djedi [Thoth].

The ascended civilization of Orion intervened in our world by working with enlightened humans in Germany with the Nazi Party to save our planet from global take over by the Reptilians with their hybrid proxies the Jewish race and their global Communist Messianic take over in the last century, the Reptilian agenda is to turn Earth into a colonized slave planet and humanity into what the Greys are, a genetically engineered, micro chipped slave race to the Reptilians. Hitler lost a battle but won us the war. The effects are now manifesting in our world as total liberation of humanity from the enemy.

Very beautiful
HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.

We know the Nazi's were in contact with our Gods, the Nazi rocket scientists who came to America such as Hermann Oberth stated the German's got their knowledge of anti-gravity and what is called the "Nazi UFO" from advanced beings who live in other star systems they were in contact with. This was done by the Vril Society. The ET's they were in contact by the Vril Society are the Nordics:


This is the typical appearance of the Nordic's.

The documents from the Vril Society that survived they were informed from our Gods of whom they were in communication with such as the Goddess Ostara [Astaroth] who was the patron Goddess of their society. The information we know they were informed of was that Phaeton which was the planet between Jupiter and Mars that is documented by modern scientists in the former USSR and the west to have existed, but where it existed is now an asteroid field as Phaeton was destroyed. And Mars which was once inhabited and has ruins all over the surface of the planet of former cities that from the evidence have been struck with high energy weapons from nuclear to possible plasma weapons. The scientists working on the space program in the USSR, one of them defected to the west and conformed the ruins on Mars and he confirmed the American images from NASA of Mars as well, being ruins of a civilization the same images the USSR had taken on their missions.

The Vril mediums were informed that Phaeton was inhabited by the civilization of our Gods and so was Mars and Earth. Our solar system was once part of their civilization. What happened? The flood that hit the Earth around ten thousand years ago was the fall out from the destruction of Phaeton being destroyed. This caused the Andes mountain range to form as a result and the oceans we have come from Phaeton. This has been documented in books on the subject.

However the Jewish Torah states the god of the Jews, YHVH, flooded the Earth to destroy the original civilization of the Gods on this planet. These being are called the Nephilim in the Torah, the Hebrew record is the Jewish god attacked our world with a global flood to destroy the civilization of the Nephilim the Gods and first humans. Nephilim in the ancient languages means "Those of Orion" our Gods come from the constellation of Orion. The Torah and Talmud mention there was already an advanced civilization on this planet before Adamic man [The Jewish race] arrived on this Earth. The Rabbi's state the Hebrews literally arrived on Earth from another place out there. The Jewish Torah also states the Jewish god "destroyed other worlds" before this one. Those worlds are Phaeton and Mars. The top Rabbi's the occult adepts state the Jewish god Elohim is race of reptilian ET's. They also stated the Elohim didn't create Earth. But they are working to take it over.

This gets to the insider information leaked in the Star Wars, movie. The planet Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star which is commanded by Darth Vader who is made to look like the image of the Jewish Golem which is the spirit of YHVH and has Hebrew letters on his breast plate that spelled Golem in Hebrew. The Jewish religion states Adam the first Jew was a Golem created by Elohim from clay and infused with the spiritual consciousness of the Reptilian Elohim. The breast plate is also styled off that of the Jewish High Priest who communicated with the Jewish god, Elohim directly in the Torah:

Note how close in spelling Alderaan is to Aldebaran. The Aldebaran system is the star system in which the Vril Society was in communication with our Gods. The symbol of their society was the symbol of Aldebaran the Bull and the Goddess Astaroth, their patron Goddess. The movie is showing the destruction of Phaeton which is part of the Aldebaran-Orion civilization in the cosmic war that happened in our solar system by the Jewish-Reptilian invasion of this solar system. The Jewish race is part of the Reptilian race, the Cohen gene the racial gene of the Jews has reptilian DNA within it. The Jewish Rabbi's state they come from the blood line of Elohim.

Stars Wars was supposed to have happened in a time long ago, it did, ten thousand years ago, but not in a galaxy far away. It happened in this solar system.

Note the Empire [The enemy agenda] is obsessed with hunting down and destroying the original religion of the Jedi which is based on the ascension teachings of Thoth one of the beings from the Orion ascended civilization, who was on Earth. Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of Thoth in Egypt and the name of the serpent priesthood the ascended humanity. This gets mixed in with corrupted teachings and themes in the movie. But the fact this made it through is revealing and important. The Jedi religion was at the source, the ascension teachings of the Nazi occult religion of Vril. The religion of ancient Egypt which came from our Gods.

This also answers the mystery of were did Hitler, Eva Braun and other high ranking Nazi's, including the Vril Society members all vanish to? Reports from inside Germany towards the end of the war mention UFO style ships coming in for landing and taking off in the last German regions that where under the Third Reich. Hitler's body was never found, this is known even Stalin and Eisenhower knew this and commented on such openly. The allies did find a hidden passage in Hitler's bunker that had a flight of stairs that lead to the underground subways the Germans had built under Berlin to be able to move around safely during the bombing raids. Hitler and Eva Braun escaped so did many others.


In the last letter sent by Maria Orsic, the head of the Vril Society, towards the end days of the war she stated "None are staying". The context of the message is they were all evacuated off world to Orion and maybe Aldebaran. Hitler escaped off world so did many others who were working with our Gods. The Vril Society and the members of the Nazi occult religion all practiced the ascension teachings of our Gods. Hitler is a fully ascended master now which is what our Gods are. Many of our Gods are the first humans in the Golden Age who ascended with the Magnum Opus. The teachings in the Book of Djedi [Thoth].

The ascended civilization of Orion intervened in our world by working with enlightened humans in Germany with the Nazi Party to save our planet from global take over by the Reptilians with their hybrid proxies the Jewish race and their global Communist Messianic take over in the last century, the Reptilian agenda is to turn Earth into a colonized slave planet and humanity into what the Greys are, a genetically engineered, micro chipped slave race to the Reptilians. Hitler lost a battle but won us the war. The effects are now manifesting in our world as total liberation of humanity from the enemy.

Does this mean ALL the most high-ranking Nazis escaped? And are alive? Like Himmler and Goebbels for example?
Length said:
ETERNAL_LIFE_666 said:
High Priestess Marija Orsic is a very beautiful woman.

HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.

We know the Nazi's were in contact with our Gods, the Nazi rocket scientists who came to America such as Hermann Oberth stated the German's got their knowledge of anti-gravity and what is called the "Nazi UFO" from advanced beings who live in other star systems they were in contact with. This was done by the Vril Society. The ET's they were in contact by the Vril Society are the Nordics:


This is the typical appearance of the Nordic's.

The documents from the Vril Society that survived they were informed from our Gods of whom they were in communication with such as the Goddess Ostara [Astaroth] who was the patron Goddess of their society. The information we know they were informed of was that Phaeton which was the planet between Jupiter and Mars that is documented by modern scientists in the former USSR and the west to have existed, but where it existed is now an asteroid field as Phaeton was destroyed. And Mars which was once inhabited and has ruins all over the surface of the planet of former cities that from the evidence have been struck with high energy weapons from nuclear to possible plasma weapons. The scientists working on the space program in the USSR, one of them defected to the west and conformed the ruins on Mars and he confirmed the American images from NASA of Mars as well, being ruins of a civilization the same images the USSR had taken on their missions.

The Vril mediums were informed that Phaeton was inhabited by the civilization of our Gods and so was Mars and Earth. Our solar system was once part of their civilization. What happened? The flood that hit the Earth around ten thousand years ago was the fall out from the destruction of Phaeton being destroyed. This caused the Andes mountain range to form as a result and the oceans we have come from Phaeton. This has been documented in books on the subject.

However the Jewish Torah states the god of the Jews, YHVH, flooded the Earth to destroy the original civilization of the Gods on this planet. These being are called the Nephilim in the Torah, the Hebrew record is the Jewish god attacked our world with a global flood to destroy the civilization of the Nephilim the Gods and first humans. Nephilim in the ancient languages means "Those of Orion" our Gods come from the constellation of Orion. The Torah and Talmud mention there was already an advanced civilization on this planet before Adamic man [The Jewish race] arrived on this Earth. The Rabbi's state the Hebrews literally arrived on Earth from another place out there. The Jewish Torah also states the Jewish god "destroyed other worlds" before this one. Those worlds are Phaeton and Mars. The top Rabbi's the occult adepts state the Jewish god Elohim is race of reptilian ET's. They also stated the Elohim didn't create Earth. But they are working to take it over.

This gets to the insider information leaked in the Star Wars, movie. The planet Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star which is commanded by Darth Vader who is made to look like the image of the Jewish Golem which is the spirit of YHVH and has Hebrew letters on his breast plate that spelled Golem in Hebrew. The Jewish religion states Adam the first Jew was a Golem created by Elohim from clay and infused with the spiritual consciousness of the Reptilian Elohim. The breast plate is also styled off that of the Jewish High Priest who communicated with the Jewish god, Elohim directly in the Torah:

Note how close in spelling Alderaan is to Aldebaran. The Aldebaran system is the star system in which the Vril Society was in communication with our Gods. The symbol of their society was the symbol of Aldebaran the Bull and the Goddess Astaroth, their patron Goddess. The movie is showing the destruction of Phaeton which is part of the Aldebaran-Orion civilization in the cosmic war that happened in our solar system by the Jewish-Reptilian invasion of this solar system. The Jewish race is part of the Reptilian race, the Cohen gene the racial gene of the Jews has reptilian DNA within it. The Jewish Rabbi's state they come from the blood line of Elohim.

Stars Wars was supposed to have happened in a time long ago, it did, ten thousand years ago, but not in a galaxy far away. It happened in this solar system.

Note the Empire [The enemy agenda] is obsessed with hunting down and destroying the original religion of the Jedi which is based on the ascension teachings of Thoth one of the beings from the Orion ascended civilization, who was on Earth. Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of Thoth in Egypt and the name of the serpent priesthood the ascended humanity. This gets mixed in with corrupted teachings and themes in the movie. But the fact this made it through is revealing and important. The Jedi religion was at the source, the ascension teachings of the Nazi occult religion of Vril. The religion of ancient Egypt which came from our Gods.

This also answers the mystery of were did Hitler, Eva Braun and other high ranking Nazi's, including the Vril Society members all vanish to? Reports from inside Germany towards the end of the war mention UFO style ships coming in for landing and taking off in the last German regions that where under the Third Reich. Hitler's body was never found, this is known even Stalin and Eisenhower knew this and commented on such openly. The allies did find a hidden passage in Hitler's bunker that had a flight of stairs that lead to the underground subways the Germans had built under Berlin to be able to move around safely during the bombing raids. Hitler and Eva Braun escaped so did many others.


In the last letter sent by Maria Orsic, the head of the Vril Society, towards the end days of the war she stated "None are staying". The context of the message is they were all evacuated off world to Orion and maybe Aldebaran. Hitler escaped off world so did many others who were working with our Gods. The Vril Society and the members of the Nazi occult religion all practiced the ascension teachings of our Gods. Hitler is a fully ascended master now which is what our Gods are. Many of our Gods are the first humans in the Golden Age who ascended with the Magnum Opus. The teachings in the Book of Djedi [Thoth].

The ascended civilization of Orion intervened in our world by working with enlightened humans in Germany with the Nazi Party to save our planet from global take over by the Reptilians with their hybrid proxies the Jewish race and their global Communist Messianic take over in the last century, the Reptilian agenda is to turn Earth into a colonized slave planet and humanity into what the Greys are, a genetically engineered, micro chipped slave race to the Reptilians. Hitler lost a battle but won us the war. The effects are now manifesting in our world as total liberation of humanity from the enemy.

Very beautiful
I heard she completed magnum opus and is still alive with the gods,or maybe she is living in one of the inner earth civilizations
Amazing Sermon. The War in space is real. I have always admired Powerul and beautiful Marija.
I couldn't find anything about that the rabbis said that the elohim didn't created the earth...
Artanis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.

We know the Nazi's were in contact with our Gods, the Nazi rocket scientists who came to America such as Hermann Oberth stated the German's got their knowledge of anti-gravity and what is called the "Nazi UFO" from advanced beings who live in other star systems they were in contact with. This was done by the Vril Society. The ET's they were in contact by the Vril Society are the Nordics:


This is the typical appearance of the Nordic's.

The documents from the Vril Society that survived they were informed from our Gods of whom they were in communication with such as the Goddess Ostara [Astaroth] who was the patron Goddess of their society. The information we know they were informed of was that Phaeton which was the planet between Jupiter and Mars that is documented by modern scientists in the former USSR and the west to have existed, but where it existed is now an asteroid field as Phaeton was destroyed. And Mars which was once inhabited and has ruins all over the surface of the planet of former cities that from the evidence have been struck with high energy weapons from nuclear to possible plasma weapons. The scientists working on the space program in the USSR, one of them defected to the west and conformed the ruins on Mars and he confirmed the American images from NASA of Mars as well, being ruins of a civilization the same images the USSR had taken on their missions.

The Vril mediums were informed that Phaeton was inhabited by the civilization of our Gods and so was Mars and Earth. Our solar system was once part of their civilization. What happened? The flood that hit the Earth around ten thousand years ago was the fall out from the destruction of Phaeton being destroyed. This caused the Andes mountain range to form as a result and the oceans we have come from Phaeton. This has been documented in books on the subject.

However the Jewish Torah states the god of the Jews, YHVH, flooded the Earth to destroy the original civilization of the Gods on this planet. These being are called the Nephilim in the Torah, the Hebrew record is the Jewish god attacked our world with a global flood to destroy the civilization of the Nephilim the Gods and first humans. Nephilim in the ancient languages means "Those of Orion" our Gods come from the constellation of Orion. The Torah and Talmud mention there was already an advanced civilization on this planet before Adamic man [The Jewish race] arrived on this Earth. The Rabbi's state the Hebrews literally arrived on Earth from another place out there. The Jewish Torah also states the Jewish god "destroyed other worlds" before this one. Those worlds are Phaeton and Mars. The top Rabbi's the occult adepts state the Jewish god Elohim is race of reptilian ET's. They also stated the Elohim didn't create Earth. But they are working to take it over.

This gets to the insider information leaked in the Star Wars, movie. The planet Alderaan is destroyed by the Death Star which is commanded by Darth Vader who is made to look like the image of the Jewish Golem which is the spirit of YHVH and has Hebrew letters on his breast plate that spelled Golem in Hebrew. The Jewish religion states Adam the first Jew was a Golem created by Elohim from clay and infused with the spiritual consciousness of the Reptilian Elohim. The breast plate is also styled off that of the Jewish High Priest who communicated with the Jewish god, Elohim directly in the Torah:

Note how close in spelling Alderaan is to Aldebaran. The Aldebaran system is the star system in which the Vril Society was in communication with our Gods. The symbol of their society was the symbol of Aldebaran the Bull and the Goddess Astaroth, their patron Goddess. The movie is showing the destruction of Phaeton which is part of the Aldebaran-Orion civilization in the cosmic war that happened in our solar system by the Jewish-Reptilian invasion of this solar system. The Jewish race is part of the Reptilian race, the Cohen gene the racial gene of the Jews has reptilian DNA within it. The Jewish Rabbi's state they come from the blood line of Elohim.

Stars Wars was supposed to have happened in a time long ago, it did, ten thousand years ago, but not in a galaxy far away. It happened in this solar system.

Note the Empire [The enemy agenda] is obsessed with hunting down and destroying the original religion of the Jedi which is based on the ascension teachings of Thoth one of the beings from the Orion ascended civilization, who was on Earth. Jedi is taken from Djedi the name of Thoth in Egypt and the name of the serpent priesthood the ascended humanity. This gets mixed in with corrupted teachings and themes in the movie. But the fact this made it through is revealing and important. The Jedi religion was at the source, the ascension teachings of the Nazi occult religion of Vril. The religion of ancient Egypt which came from our Gods.

This also answers the mystery of were did Hitler, Eva Braun and other high ranking Nazi's, including the Vril Society members all vanish to? Reports from inside Germany towards the end of the war mention UFO style ships coming in for landing and taking off in the last German regions that where under the Third Reich. Hitler's body was never found, this is known even Stalin and Eisenhower knew this and commented on such openly. The allies did find a hidden passage in Hitler's bunker that had a flight of stairs that lead to the underground subways the Germans had built under Berlin to be able to move around safely during the bombing raids. Hitler and Eva Braun escaped so did many others.


In the last letter sent by Maria Orsic, the head of the Vril Society, towards the end days of the war she stated "None are staying". The context of the message is they were all evacuated off world to Orion and maybe Aldebaran. Hitler escaped off world so did many others who were working with our Gods. The Vril Society and the members of the Nazi occult religion all practiced the ascension teachings of our Gods. Hitler is a fully ascended master now which is what our Gods are. Many of our Gods are the first humans in the Golden Age who ascended with the Magnum Opus. The teachings in the Book of Djedi [Thoth].

The ascended civilization of Orion intervened in our world by working with enlightened humans in Germany with the Nazi Party to save our planet from global take over by the Reptilians with their hybrid proxies the Jewish race and their global Communist Messianic take over in the last century, the Reptilian agenda is to turn Earth into a colonized slave planet and humanity into what the Greys are, a genetically engineered, micro chipped slave race to the Reptilians. Hitler lost a battle but won us the war. The effects are now manifesting in our world as total liberation of humanity from the enemy.

Does this mean ALL the most high-ranking Nazis escaped? And are alive? Like Himmler and Goebbels for example?
Himmler committed suicide after he was captured.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Drakon said:
Beautiful and great sermon!!!

Thank you High Priest Cobra
Why you thank Cobra for this when Mageson wrote it? :lol:

Oh my...
I was reading a post by HP Cobra before and didn't notice it.
I should been more focused cause HP Mageson writes all these interesting sermons concerning our history plus that they both have different ways of writing.
Gearhead said:
Aquarius said:
Artanis said:
Does this mean ALL the most high-ranking Nazis escaped? And are alive? Like Himmler and Goebbels for example?
Himmler committed suicide after he was captured.
As did Goering.

Why they did not escape?
Artanis said:
Gearhead said:
Aquarius said:
Himmler committed suicide after he was captured.
As did Goering.

Why they did not escape?

They couldn't. The magnitude of this wasn't what some may assume, there weren't millions of UFO's just going by and picking up people easily or something.

They were taken care of in other means especially after physical death.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artanis said:
Gearhead said:
As did Goering.

Why they did not escape?

They couldn't. The magnitude of this wasn't exactly as explained in the post, there weren't millions of UFO's just going by and picking up people easily or something.

Damn... Tough luck... But they did EVERYTHING in order for Us to have a chance to FINISH the Enemy(Of All That Is) off, COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY!

ps. Have they already reincarnated and are they Satanists already or WILL they be as BIG of a position as they were when they become Satanists again?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Grin said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.
Can you link to these articles? I think I might have missed them

This is a sum up of quite some material, so you need to use the search function. It had all been stated before but this is it in sum up.

We have been a bit overrun by site work, but soon everything will be entirely up and updated. Other more pressing matters are at hand now that need tending.

You can also find some of this on the old forums in the wayback machine.
Understood, thank you
Artanis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artanis said:
Why they did not escape?

They couldn't. The magnitude of this wasn't exactly as explained in the post, there weren't millions of UFO's just going by and picking up people easily or something.

Damn... Tough luck... But they did EVERYTHING in order for Us to have a chance to FINISH the Enemy(Of All That Is) off, COMPLETELY and PERMANENTLY!

ps. Have they already reincarnated and are they Satanists already or WILL they be as BIG of a position as they were when they become Satanists again?

HPS Maxine has stated before that Hell has been emptied and all pieces have been put in position. I would assume that they are included.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
Are you (((Occultum Lapidum)))?

6zeliris6lalibratum6 said:
I still vote this member is sketch. I assume their stay here is going go be brief, given all this context. This person doesn't read as a Satanist on the astral when I try to tap into their waves with help from my guardian demons. It gets lost before I can make the connection, and I haven't had this issue before when assisted. HPs and other members I'm just as familiar with are of no issue.
Beloved HP's, we know you're busy, but please reconsider your decision to allow this person to sully our forums with their misinformed fantasies of mindless slaves, forcing will, and ass-backwards rune suggestions. It's gone on for too long.

I don't know but what this person said on the other thread is kinda strange. I did recall someone on the previous ProPHP forums state, they can feel people through the internet. But either I chalked it up to them and delusions or ignored it. But this is the second time someone posted some sort of internet feeling.

I know Master Darkness has his foolishness but 6zeliris6lalibratum6 is stating something weird. So maybe, sketch for him just like he stated about MD? :roll:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Grin said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Phaeton, Mars, Vril Society, Nazi UFO, Nazi's Escape Off World

The past articles I did on Phaeton, Mars, Earth and the war in our solar system ten thousand years ago. And the question about the information that was leaked in the original Star Wars movie relating to this, are all answered. This also relates to the Vril Society and what happened.
Can you link to these articles? I think I might have missed them

This is a sum up of quite some material, so you need to use the search function. It had all been stated before but this is it in sum up.

We have been a bit overrun by site work, but soon everything will be entirely up and updated. Other more pressing matters are at hand now that need tending.

You can also find some of this on the old forums in the wayback machine.

That is such a great sermon. But since it is coming from an ex-priest, I must take your word for proof.

I would appreciate if anyone can tell me about the verses from the bible that are above mentioned

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
