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Pewdiepie And The Youtube Purge

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
When one looks at the situation of Pewdiepie, he has more subscribers than many countries have people in, he is now at 95 million.

However, there is a catch here. Pewdiepie is something the enemy and their system doesn't really "like" insofar "it's a white" and successful person who is not only helping Whites but also giving entertainment and has the respect for many millions. He's the typical blonde blue eyed guy that the enemy does hate.

This hatred of the jews is expressed in how they constantly mistreat and they have tried to constantly foil Pewdiepie on an endless number of attempts to slander him, equate him with things he is not, and in general turn the world against him. It's probably known to the enemy that Pewdiepie is aware of more than one things.

Another thing the enemy dislikes about Pewdiepie is that he made himself, and the system of control did not make him. In a sense, he owes favors to nobody but his own fanbase. He is really the notion of what "An individual" does mean insofar power is concerned, and that is in the middle of a general system that is owned by the enemy.

The borg hates individuality. Our whole political dialectic is increasingly becoming a war against any notion of 'individuality' that is being cloaking the dagger behind a socialist robe, that will lead to communism. Suppressing individuality to total degrees is how the enemy's ideology works.

Jews call Pewdiepie a "Nazi" simply because to them everyone with blue eyes and in general Aryan is a Nazi. You can't be a non-Nazi and this is because they know better than anyone that the issue is not ideological but racial. The jews will extinct both the liberal "Blonde Blue eyed" or "White guy", and the "Nazi" in the same mission. They see no divide of race and ideology, this is only a false perception they give out to the Gentiles to deceive them.

As such it's not a problem for them to not have 'evidence' of anyone's "Nazi" affiliations, the mere gene pool of White people is a "Nazi" gene pool, which is the reason they also do what they do in Europe with the infestation of foreign blood. On the same case, you also have the reverse motion: All jews are jewish despite of their "political affiliations", and even the most radically "against" their own agenda, do still remain jews, but not necessarily favored.

Any person who was not Pewdiepie and basically was someone else, and is literally on this "Beyond King" status that Pewdiepie is, would be more than likely an asshole, a jackass, or in general an arrogant person. People have flew of the handle with this by having way less - closely nothing to the amount of power he has. And here lies the next problem the jews have.

Pewdiepie displays also that Whites are not in general these hateful and bigoted people who want to kill everyone etc. They are quite fine and good people who also, by nature, do not mistreat what is the concept of power, be this financial and social, at least not as much as many others are doing on the planet. This is because of an inner noblety they do possess. Pewdiepie has more power than many arrogant jews who run hollywood and promote genocidal agendas, but he is not wrestling it on a socially destructive way.

And this is why now the enemy is on a paranoid mode to destroy all social constructs that give people so much power. They do not want people to be able to express themselves outside of the context of their societal violent control. This is why so many channels are also going down. Instead of Youtube just being impersonal and a platform, it clearly has a political affiliation, and this is why the Jew York Times and others try to corner everyone, even the cool and simple dudes like Pewdiepie.

To the non jew aware person, this may look like a coincidence, but to the person in awareness of the jewish agenda, this looks like only a pattern. It's just a pattern that is taking place.

And basically even the "totally normal and systemic" people like Stephen Crowder. Crowder is just a kid that likes capitalism and quite a few normal American values such as freedom and gun ownership, which is perfectly sensible and normal. From an actual perspective his arguments against communism are in many ways totally correct. All communist countries became total shitholes and people suffered immensely, there is no debate here for anyone who has some history awareness.

However his channel is also under persecution now legally. Jones was another case, and there are many others. What they could scoop with minimal damage and social drawback, they did. So they are taking these people down. If Jones made it to 30,000,000 subs (He was already bigger than the New York Times and Washington post as it were) then he would be able to start having an immense amount of influence. And general values he represented like opening the gate to "Conspiracies" which now are understood to boil unto one jewish conspiracy, had the system panic, and take him down over arbitrary reasoning.

This makes me think that they want or may try this with Pewdiepie, but they are too weak to get this across, it's just too risky probably at this point, especially given the stupid context they have created with general persecution against him that failed through the media. They cannot lie about him because he easily sue or dispute them. This will have an effect on closely 100,000,000 people of all ages, and this will catch too much fire and get too much traction which is going to spiral out of control. So if they want revenge over him they may go for other and underhanded ways.

Youtube is however going into a "Purge mode" where it systematically purges all sorts of, on the surface, unrelated people. This is systematically done from the left, which is the new slang for the jews at this point. Many normal people who resist the system will simply be called more and more as "White Supremacists" and "Nazis" and this is because a directive will be needed so the ungreatful hordes, kalergi specimen, and disgusting jews will need more reason to hunt down more and more people to bolster their final communist agenda. "First they came for your neighbor and then they came for you". Soon, everyone will be out of neighbors if people do not act now.

The loose definitions of the jews reek Communism, as it's typical of them when they try to wrestle free countries into submission and basically ideological communism, rob free speech, rob rights - everything under the sun. Crowder has went on to put a video to force them to draw the line on what is a "White Supremacist" because apparently this has reached the point where everything is called "White Supremacist" if it's White and as a species it wants to just exist. All these unverifiable terms they are using to arbitrarily attack people, all the way from Pewdiepie, to Jones, to anything that has White skin and a few traits.

Soon, the jews will be like in public: "If you see it and it breathes, and it has a White skin, it's a Nazi, so it must be killed!".

While many people believe they can hide behind the so called "Ideology barrier" and kiss ass to the enemy as the progression of the demographics goes in the enemy's favor, this so called "Ideology barrier" ie, kissing the enemy's ass, will stop being profitable and/or effective. This will have major manifestations in society in the next upcoming years, which it already has.

We are not in the same world where we were even 10 years ago in regards to the enemy's paranoia on these things. As their agenda is climaxing and progressing, so does their paranoia increase on the reaction of the people upon which they prey.

They will even more forcefully and violently reveal themselves. What was one day a 'conspiracy theory' will only become "Well, it's fucking reality" pretty soon.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
And so does the people know more and more about these things(jews), as their paranoia grows :twisted:
Artanis said:
And so does the people know more and more about these things(jews), as their paranoia grows :twisted:

For them to like to after Gavin McInnes and gooddamn Steven Crowder, they must have really paranoid episodes. These guys dindu nuffin against the jews really.

They are just on like paranoid mode.
Guys just remember that conflict with pewdiepie and wall street when he was paying 5$ for some kids to write ''kill the jews'' only to see if they will really do it... they did it so pewdiepie he apologized but that didnt stop the jew to attack him non-stop posting fake news about him about how it is a nazi or something like that.
Egon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Soon, the jews will be like in public: "If you see it and it breathes, and it has a White skin, it's a Nazi, so it must be killed!".
You're being too strict with this definition, they've also accused Black channels that call out against their bullshit as "White-supremacist/White-nationalist fake Blacks" lol

The awkward moment where the "pro whites" are starting to also be supported from people from other races because they kind of start to get that the jew wants to holocaust everyone.

Red alert, Oy veeeeeeeeeeeeey.
The problem the Jews have with Pewdiepie is he from the video game world and they are not part of the PC culture so he displays these harmless norms in his video's. The jews and their SJW tards then attack him to enforce their ideological cultural norms, and he responds with the most un PC humor on earth to troll them and it escalates from there. This destroys the rigid ideological norms the Jews have built into the cultural narrative with humor.
Isn't Crowder a jew? Or am I mistaken?

Regardless, he still definitely pushes the "poor pissraelis" agenda just like Paul Joseph Watson..

They're creating tens of thousands of enemies every time they try to purge just one. Not so cleaver after all from the "only human beings", huh.
Wasn't it stated a while back by some member. The more the enemy pushes the agenda of "Your a Nazi", "Your a bigot", "It's white peoples fault" etc.etc. the more people realize themselves that "Is the way I am a Nazi?". So be it I'll be a Nazi a study this Nazism and see why they call me this. Kinda like Alex Jones and his so-called Nazi/Fascist conspiracy. Then people made their way to our site and Jones had to shut up with that.

In other words isn't the enemy kinda undoing themselves by corralling people like a herder into a camp against them. Kinda like Theodore Hertzl's statement on how anti-semitism is a great thing for Jews".

Eventually "Your a Nazi" is gonna turn into "I am a Nazi so what? we are the good guys and your ziono-marxist-judeo-bolshevik". And eventually no matter how much crying and wining to the wailing wall; crying to Jerusalem isn't gonna help."

Eventually even the "Goyim know, shut it down" is gonna turn into "The Goyim know we can't shut them down and they are shutting us down".

Pardon the black and white nature I'm putting out. It's not that simple and even then it might take years. But on some level aren't I right in stating such things?

I mean am I wrong in stating such things which seem apparent even the recent comic picture of Trump and Bibi in the New York times hardly offended the jews they state most jews aren't bothered by it from reading some of the press on it. Almost like "Yeah we fucking own American and what nigga?".
Coraxo said:
Isn't Crowder a jew? Or am I mistaken?

Regardless, he still definitely pushes the "poor pissraelis" agenda just like Paul Joseph Watson..

They're creating tens of thousands of enemies every time they try to purge just one. Not so cleaver after all from the "only human beings", huh.

I haven't looked into him all that much, it just really strikes as totally dumb and weird for jews to go after even THESE people, but jews have stopped making any logical sense for a while now. Watson is also a joke, so if they are on the same caliber, they are a joke, but it's really stupid how the so called "Left" is trying to purge even these characters now.

Alex Jones and his gay frogs are apparently something that requires a purging. Then David Icke.

They are so scared to hide their footprints and cut losses for the people globally awakening that they just take down even their "own" people at this point.
Gear88 said:
Wasn't it stated a while back by some member. The more the enemy pushes the agenda of "Your a Nazi", "Your a bigot", "It's white peoples fault" etc.etc. the more people realize themselves that "Is the way I am a Nazi?". So be it I'll be a Nazi a study this Nazism and see why they call me this. Kinda like Alex Jones and his so-called Nazi/Fascist conspiracy. Then people made their way to our site and Jones had to shut up with that.

In other words isn't the enemy kinda undoing themselves by corralling people like a herder into a camp against them. Kinda like Theodore Hertzl's statement on how anti-semitism is a great thing for Jews".

Eventually "Your a Nazi" is gonna turn into "I am a Nazi so what? we are the good guys and your ziono-marxist-judeo-bolshevik". And eventually no matter how much crying and wining to the wailing wall; crying to Jerusalem isn't gonna help."

Eventually even the "Goyim know, shut it down" is gonna turn into "The Goyim know we can't shut them down and they are shutting us down".

Pardon the black and white nature I'm putting out. It's not that simple and even then it might take years. But on some level aren't I right in stating such things?

I mean am I wrong in stating such things which seem apparent even the recent comic picture of Trump and Bibi in the New York times hardly offended the jews they state most jews aren't bothered by it from reading some of the press on it. Almost like "Yeah we fucking own American and what nigga?".

Yes, you are right. Also, Bibi is a big ass racist, he is exterminating all other races, including blacks from there.

In Israel any form of racism doesn't boil down to a statement but direct extermination.

The left is so paranoid they created a list of things that "POINT TO" or "SUGGEST" antisemitism and racism. WTF? They put phrases in this list like "WESTERN CIVILIZATION". Apparently to say Western Civilization instantly turns you into a genocidal maniac.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
When one looks at the situation of Pewdiepie, he has more subscribers than many countries have people in, he is now at 95 million.

However, there is a catch here. Pewdiepie is something the enemy and their system doesn't really "like" insofar "it's a white" and successful person who is not only helping Whites but also giving entertainment and has the respect for many millions. He's the typical blonde blue eyed guy that the enemy does hate.

This hatred of the jews is expressed in how they constantly mistreat and they have tried to constantly foil Pewdiepie on an endless number of attempts to slander him, equate him with things he is not, and in general turn the world against him. It's probably known to the enemy that Pewdiepie is aware of more than one things.

Another thing the enemy dislikes about Pewdiepie is that he made himself, and the system of control did not make him. In a sense, he owes favors to nobody but his own fanbase. He is really the notion of what "An individual" does mean insofar power is concerned, and that is in the middle of a general system that is owned by the enemy.

The borg hates individuality. Our whole political dialectic is increasingly becoming a war against any notion of 'individuality' that is being cloaking the dagger behind a socialist robe, that will lead to communism. Suppressing individuality to total degrees is how the enemy's ideology works.

Jews call Pewdiepie a "Nazi" simply because to them everyone with blue eyes and in general Aryan is a Nazi. You can't be a non-Nazi and this is because they know better than anyone that the issue is not ideological but racial. The jews will extinct both the liberal "Blonde Blue eyed" or "White guy", and the "Nazi" in the same mission. They see no divide of race and ideology, this is only a false perception they give out to the Gentiles to deceive them.

As such it's not a problem for them to not have 'evidence' of anyone's "Nazi" affiliations, the mere gene pool of White people is a "Nazi" gene pool, which is the reason they also do what they do in Europe with the infestation of foreign blood. On the same case, you also have the reverse motion: All jews are jewish despite of their "political affiliations", and even the most radically "against" their own agenda, do still remain jews, but not necessarily favored.

Any person who was not Pewdiepie and basically was someone else, and is literally on this "Beyond King" status that Pewdiepie is, would be more than likely an asshole, a jackass, or in general an arrogant person. People have flew of the handle with this by having way less - closely nothing to the amount of power he has. And here lies the next problem the jews have.

Pewdiepie displays also that Whites are not in general these hateful and bigoted people who want to kill everyone etc. They are quite fine and good people who also, by nature, do not mistreat what is the concept of power, be this financial and social, at least not as much as many others are doing on the planet. This is because of an inner noblety they do possess. Pewdiepie has more power than many arrogant jews who run hollywood and promote genocidal agendas, but he is not wrestling it on a socially destructive way.

And this is why now the enemy is on a paranoid mode to destroy all social constructs that give people so much power. They do not want people to be able to express themselves outside of the context of their societal violent control. This is why so many channels are also going down. Instead of Youtube just being impersonal and a platform, it clearly has a political affiliation, and this is why the Jew York Times and others try to corner everyone, even the cool and simple dudes like Pewdiepie.

To the non jew aware person, this may look like a coincidence, but to the person in awareness of the jewish agenda, this looks like only a pattern. It's just a pattern that is taking place.

And basically even the "totally normal and systemic" people like Stephen Crowder. Crowder is just a kid that likes capitalism and quite a few normal American values such as freedom and gun ownership, which is perfectly sensible and normal. From an actual perspective his arguments against communism are in many ways totally correct. All communist countries became total shitholes and people suffered immensely, there is no debate here for anyone who has some history awareness.

However his channel is also under persecution now legally. Jones was another case, and there are many others. What they could scoop with minimal damage and social drawback, they did. So they are taking these people down. If Jones made it to 30,000,000 subs (He was already bigger than the New York Times and Washington post as it were) then he would be able to start having an immense amount of influence. And general values he represented like opening the gate to "Conspiracies" which now are understood to boil unto one jewish conspiracy, had the system panic, and take him down over arbitrary reasoning.

This makes me think that they want or may try this with Pewdiepie, but they are too weak to get this across, it's just too risky probably at this point, especially given the stupid context they have created with general persecution against him that failed through the media. They cannot lie about him because he easily sue or dispute them. This will have an effect on closely 100,000,000 people of all ages, and this will catch too much fire and get too much traction which is going to spiral out of control. So if they want revenge over him they may go for other and underhanded ways.

Youtube is however going into a "Purge mode" where it systematically purges all sorts of, on the surface, unrelated people. This is systematically done from the left, which is the new slang for the jews at this point. Many normal people who resist the system will simply be called more and more as "White Supremacists" and "Nazis" and this is because a directive will be needed so the ungreatful hordes, kalergi specimen, and disgusting jews will need more reason to hunt down more and more people to bolster their final communist agenda. "First they came for your neighbor and then they came for you". Soon, everyone will be out of neighbors if people do not act now.

The loose definitions of the jews reek Communism, as it's typical of them when they try to wrestle free countries into submission and basically ideological communism, rob free speech, rob rights - everything under the sun. Crowder has went on to put a video to force them to draw the line on what is a "White Supremacist" because apparently this has reached the point where everything is called "White Supremacist" if it's White and as a species it wants to just exist. All these unverifiable terms they are using to arbitrarily attack people, all the way from Pewdiepie, to Jones, to anything that has White skin and a few traits.

Soon, the jews will be like in public: "If you see it and it breathes, and it has a White skin, it's a Nazi, so it must be killed!".

While many people believe they can hide behind the so called "Ideology barrier" and kiss ass to the enemy as the progression of the demographics goes in the enemy's favor, this so called "Ideology barrier" ie, kissing the enemy's ass, will stop being profitable and/or effective. This will have major manifestations in society in the next upcoming years, which it already has.

We are not in the same world where we were even 10 years ago in regards to the enemy's paranoia on these things. As their agenda is climaxing and progressing, so does their paranoia increase on the reaction of the people upon which they prey.

They will even more forcefully and violently reveal themselves. What was one day a 'conspiracy theory' will only become "Well, it's fucking reality" pretty soon.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Excellent. Boys, who do you say you play a little with mice? It will be very interesting to get them out of the closet completely. This time you can't tell me no. What is happening is inevitable. I ask you to speed this up. I would have done this alone, however, for the moment I am not a god ... and in any case, what many people can do, one alone cannot. I want to curse the Jews. Isa Nauthiz Hagl To make them persevere before the disaster. spectacular. What do you think? :cool:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The left is so paranoid they created a list of things that "POINT TO" or "SUGGEST" antisemitism and racism. WTF? They put phrases in this list like "WESTERN CIVILIZATION". Apparently to say Western Civilization instantly turns you into a genocidal maniac.

This sounds like some memery can be created from such things. Unless I'm not on the boat and missed out such things already occurring.

*Holds a skull like a Shakespearean drama: To be a Western civilization member, is to be antisemitic and genocidal maniac. Ah THAT is the 6 million answer. It MUST be western civilization people.*

Jewtube is tooking a MAJOR assrape right now!
Hahahaaa!! :twisted: :twisted:
Artanis said:

Jewtube is tooking a MAJOR assrape right now!
Hahahaaa!! :twisted: :twisted:

It will just get worse because jews this think legitimately people want to listen to them and their monkey NPCs whine and virtue signal in tears. But they will all collapse as their shit is boring and not even fun.

Youtube is going to rot from within and no amount of cat videos and Jimmy Falon is really going to save them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jews call Pewdiepie a "Nazi" simply because to them everyone with blue eyes and in general Aryan is a Nazi. You can't be a non-Nazi and this is because they know better than anyone that the issue is not ideological but racial. The jews will extinct both the liberal "Blonde Blue eyed" or "White guy", and the "Nazi" in the same mission. They see no divide of race and ideology, this is only a false perception they give out to the Gentiles to deceive them.

As such it's not a problem for them to not have 'evidence' of anyone's "Nazi" affiliations, the mere gene pool of White people is a "Nazi" gene pool, which is the reason they also do what they do in Europe with the infestation of foreign blood. On the same case, you also have the reverse motion: All jews are jewish despite of their "political affiliations", and even the most radically "against" their own agenda, do still remain jews, but not necessarily favored.

In Europe, for example, if you take any given nation and its race, every single person there who continues to reproduce among their race is either consciously a racialist who wishes to still have their genes exist, or is unconsciously one but is doing the same thing anyways. And more importantly there is this truth, that to exist, all Races require that a majority of their population acts, consciously or not, in a racialist way, in preserving their race. So, it is just a biological fact that any white race needs racism to continue existing. Meaning those who say they are Anti-Racists must necessarily then be against Race in general, as for it to continue existing, some degree of conscious racism has to exist among the population, although you only need it to exist among those controlling the borders for the basic life support to be maintained. Nonetheless they want to eliminate it even there.

So these Anti-Racists, rather than defining themselves as a negation of something else, should just say what they think is really an ideal future state of humanity. For example, Anti-Racists could shift to calling themselves Pro-Eurasian-Mongoloid advocates as on a systemic level that is what will inevitably happen if you introduce infinite mass immigration into the european nations from Africa, and that seems to be what they want to do. They can call themselves Anti-Racist all they want, but those people you have migrate are inevitably going to try to reproduce, so race mixing and Eurasian-Mongoloid results are what will inevitably come up if the population is brainwashed into accepting it and the migrants do not care either way. The racial chaos goal they've all set up comes about since they are scared of the notion that race can determine part of your nature and work against free will, when in reality, chances are many people who benefit from their race took actions in a previous lifetime in that race which ended up making the race better, and such actions are a key thing to having good race in the first place.
Even its search engine has been monopolized by the kikes! No surprise it's a platform ran by kikes at the top. No surprise all social media platforms are ran by jews!

If you try to search any video on youtube you will see the sketchiness in the results. ESPECIALLY those that address the jewish question. Even typing Hitler on youtube or certain documentaries, the search results don't even match what you searched.
I've watched both Pewds and Crowder a lot. Like it's been said, he isn't a total NPC and he was following a lot of antileft people on Twitter, before he unfollowed everyone, like Watson, someblackguy and others that the sjws have falsely called white supremacists just because they disagree with their lunacy. Many of them don't even agree with Trump but also don't like the radical left. So pewdiepie is aware of the leftist/globalists trash and has even made jokes against multiculturalism even using his own home country Sweden as the butt of his joke.

But he is more or less like a Watson (in ideals) where he isn't a leftists but isn't someone to promote a ethno-state. Not that he could if he wanted to. He does hide a lot of his own opinions and it's obvious he does as implied in his videos and many sjws notice too but in reality we know these opinions are completely sane and rational unlike the left's.

Crowder though does piss me off how many times he throws in little lies about Nazis to prove a point. In a recent video he falsely stated the soldiers were always on drugs which was totally irrelevant to th main point. Not to mention how much he loves pissrael and bashes Palestinians. Besides that his arguments against communism/socialism were legit and some of my favorite videos about that topic.

It's pretty strange to see Crowder get shut down seeing how much of a whore he was for the jews but if you aren't totally aligned with the borg mindset then they don't want you around at all.

Apparently even Mexicans living in Mexico are racists and bigots because they don't want the caravans going thru their country and doing something about it like sending the police to round them up. (Sadly they are outnumbered).

The jews are losing more and more and this paranoia is going to get worse for them and will only backfire on them.
I'm sure about only one thing. PewDiePie's channel generates huge revenue for both, YouTube and Felix. Any works toward one goal will have implications on the other end. The irony here is that If 'they' try to censor, manipulate or take down certain channels then 'they' automatically will be losing power.

I think his Lawyers advised him to make the video and it's probably a good idea that he did.. People will say Pewdiepie is a cuck for not naming the Jew etc.etc.etc but he paid some dudes to hold up a sign saying you know what..... What more do people want? It could not be more clear.... He pushed it to the absolute limit without going overboard and even that was too far. He even said Hitler was right.........

Pewdiepie did a great deal in destroying the MSM.
Photon said:

LMAO one of the best usage of this meme I've seen :lol:
As I have told you for a couple years now, look what they did to Southern, Jones etc, they are purging them now.

The thing is, the jews want Communism, and not this bullshit this softcore "Righters" promote. They want full blown Bernie Kalergi leftism, and all people, despite of colors or creeds (But first of all Whites) will have to be exterminated to push this forward.

They will just destroy their own one by one. Now, the momentum is that the "Socialist Democratic" party is just the "Cloaked Communism" party, while the "Republicans" are like the "Softcore right" which has no place in the new political communist plot they are pushing, even in it's softcore Neo-con controlled version.

This is going to really escalate in 2020, it will turn brutal. Trump has to act now if he wants re-election and put forth a decision for the platforms to be unbiased, or they will all sink. All the major "republican" influences are just being purged.

If Trump doesn't do something for equal representation by these platforms, things will just become more and more grim, ironically, even for "Republicans" and anyone who doesn't believe that all of us have to live in a new USSR.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As I have told you for a couple years now, look what they did to Southern, Jones etc, they are purging them now.

The thing is, the jews want Communism, and not this bullshit this softcore "Righters" promote. They want full blown Bernie Kalergi leftism, and all people, despite of colors or creeds (But first of all Whites) will have to be exterminated to push this forward.

They will just destroy their own one by one. Now, the momentum is that the "Socialist Democratic" party is just the "Cloaked Communism" party, while the "Republicans" are like the "Softcore right" which has no place in the new political communist plot they are pushing, even in it's softcore Neo-con controlled version.

This is going to really escalate in 2020, it will turn brutal. Trump has to act now if he wants re-election and put forth a decision for the platforms to be unbiased, or they will all sink. All the major "republican" influences are just being purged.

If Trump doesn't do something for equal representation by these platforms, things will just become more and more grim, ironically, even for "Republicans" and anyone who doesn't believe that all of us have to live in a new USSR.

I have been thinking about this exact situation for some time now. I met an older gentleman that recently retired from the coal industry who is a local Republican Party chair person. His opinion was that the Jews that pull Trumps strings were 'forcing' the Jew left to actually vote Republican - for one reason and one reason only...to keep the American military on the Neo-con Zionist course. He felt that the Jews are going for the ultimate trick - force the Zionist military agenda and also the pretend America 1st Nationalist 'right' wing politicians agenda. Push will come to shove as you cannot have both. You said it before that this 2020 election may actually be about Israel - I can see that happening as the progressive left keeps throwing Israel under the bus.

At some point the mask has to come off. The Jews know that they will never get another chance to force America into a communist socialist paradigm - it is now or never. Bibi Netanyahu said this during Trumps Golan signing ceremony - he said the Jews will never get another chance in history to occupy the Golan. What he really means is that it is now or never for the Jew military Paradigm....especially when you consider their recent major sympathetic magic failures.

What will Trump do? You're right again - I expect him to start throwing bones to the moderate liberal voters. I am also wondering when Trump will bite the Jew hand that feeds him.
The old style Republicans who are like pro gun ownership, pro decent economy, pro family values, and all these things, will be seen as enemies in the state in the next years, and they will be profiled and gradually hunted down by the leftist mob. This will include any leftover jews or even Neo-cons in the republican party, as this "Traditional value" system is just delaying their general communist agenda.

The Republican Democrat axis has increasingly become the "for a great amount white people party with trad values" and the left has increasingly become the "Kalergi yolo everything for free" communist party. At this point what the Republican jews are doing on the Republican side is just make sure the Republican party doesn't just go full pro White, as it happened with the elections almost.

Trump was elected a lot based on this reason, maintain America, no wars in the ME, provide a better taxation and open up financial opportunities system, create a wall with Mexico etc. These were requests from the plight of people who are like 80% White, and 20% of sensible Americans that don't want to lose their rights, despite of color or cultural creed. A lot of "non-white" Americans aren't dumb and they understand that if Mexico invades or that if Islam takes a hold in the US, then their freedoms will be gone off the window. But this realization is just hampering the enemy's plan.

The enemy is feeling they are running out of time so they are pushing it without minding casualties and trying to look like good boys anymore and freedom lovers, even to their own tribes members on the other side. They also have to do this because what they can pull is limited and they have a set time scale before external intervention from our side and people waking up.

Stalin killed all the jews who were not rolling on the side with him to accelerate Communism and likewise, the enemy will now ruin, excommunicate, and remove all the "Republican Right" people and of course jews if that is required to accelerate this.

They are just trying to delay people from doing anything until around 2040, where Whites will be a minority, and therefore the situation will be by mathematical standards irreversible.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
...This is going to really escalate in 2020, it will turn brutal. Trump has to act now if he wants re-election....

So for the future if anything doesn't change much and it doesn't get chaotic which it probably will. I mean for fucks sake B'nai Barry's right hand cuck Biden is throwing his hat in the ring just recently.

Are we wanting trump for re-election? I mean I remember Mageson in some previous threads in March speaking about democratic and progressives anti-Isreal along with Ihan Omar and Trump's reaction stating "anti-semite" and "anti-Isreal"

I mean Trump has kinda been sitting on the fence quite a bit. I understand realistically he cannot really go against the establishment the Jews have put up in full force. But it's just this constant fake news, the war in the Middle East ending, etc.etc. and then the other side supports Israel, Jerusalem capital, supporting enemy stuff. I understand he isn't as free as we'd like to paint him so he kinda kisses some ass here and there perhaps to the detriment of the Elders of Zion who are like "Shit the Goyim levels of knowing are too damn high".

So realistically speaking Cobra and Mageson since your two are so learned on the current politics. What should we pay attention coming these latter half of 2019 and entering 2020?

I know the recent threads are just a month or two old but things have changed.

sip said:
What will Trump do? You're right again - I expect him to start throwing bones to the moderate liberal voters. I am also wondering when Trump will bite the Jew hand that feeds him.

I hope he seriously does something with re-elections. Reminds me of all the hippies that stated Bill Clinton in his second term will legalize the weed. Then Obama came same thing; Obeezy's second and final term will guarantee legalization. Did it ever happen has anyone ever heard a president legalizing this stuff.

I hope this situation of life and death for entire populations in and around the world. Is not another "backs out at the last minute". Continues receiving the Israeli/Judeo butt fucking that people just don't want to stop and break free from.

I'm still hopeful Trump is just )))rusing((( (((them))). Anti-Taqiyya(stratagem against Judenlien).
sip said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As I have told you for a couple years now, look what they did to Southern, Jones etc, they are purging them now.

The thing is, the jews want Communism, and not this bullshit this softcore "Righters" promote. They want full blown Bernie Kalergi leftism, and all people, despite of colors or creeds (But first of all Whites) will have to be exterminated to push this forward.

They will just destroy their own one by one. Now, the momentum is that the "Socialist Democratic" party is just the "Cloaked Communism" party, while the "Republicans" are like the "Softcore right" which has no place in the new political communist plot they are pushing, even in it's softcore Neo-con controlled version.

This is going to really escalate in 2020, it will turn brutal. Trump has to act now if he wants re-election and put forth a decision for the platforms to be unbiased, or they will all sink. All the major "republican" influences are just being purged.

If Trump doesn't do something for equal representation by these platforms, things will just become more and more grim, ironically, even for "Republicans" and anyone who doesn't believe that all of us have to live in a new USSR.

I have been thinking about this exact situation for some time now. I met an older gentleman that recently retired from the coal industry who is a local Republican Party chair person. His opinion was that the Jews that pull Trumps strings were 'forcing' the Jew left to actually vote Republican - for one reason and one reason only...to keep the American military on the Neo-con Zionist course. He felt that the Jews are going for the ultimate trick - force the Zionist military agenda and also the pretend America 1st Nationalist 'right' wing politicians agenda. Push will come to shove as you cannot have both. You said it before that this 2020 election may actually be about Israel - I can see that happening as the progressive left keeps throwing Israel under the bus.

At some point the mask has to come off. The Jews know that they will never get another chance to force America into a communist socialist paradigm - it is now or never. Bibi Netanyahu said this during Trumps Golan signing ceremony - he said the Jews will never get another chance in history to occupy the Golan. What he really means is that it is now or never for the Jew military Paradigm....especially when you consider their recent major sympathetic magic failures.

What will Trump do? You're right again - I expect him to start throwing bones to the moderate liberal voters. I am also wondering when Trump will bite the Jew hand that feeds him.

True, true. I also think that the jews are on the republican party only to just overly (Zionistically) Christianize it, and then of course, for the wars that the Neo-Cons want to do. The Democrats won't do these wars, they do the whitey extinct part of the whole deal, and that is far more important.

Omar is characteristic here. She whines about Israel, but of course, she happily exclaimed how Whites are going to soon be a minority in America. Then she and her baboon minded democrats will just turn America into a Moslem modern shithole, where the Quran will be put superior to state laws in due time. She will still cry against Israel but she will have manifested their greatest plan yet in the meta-Hitler era.

I really think that Trump, aside his affiliations, is also being extorted through means unknown to the public. Trump in the first year wasn't Trump later. He also tried, but then all his attempts were cut on a dead end.

Something happened to him and they forced him into line in everything that is opposed to his election running agenda.

They also didn't let him have anything out of his agenda, not even some fake stuff to fool his own voters. They didn't even allow him to make a fence. Not even 1 thing to justify his re-election. So if he bent the knee to them on purpose, then this isn't going to serve him well either. He may win 2020 because of lack of opposing candidates, but still, the jews didn't like he tried to do something else or inadvertently advertised things that are not beneficial to them, so him turning for support to jews is just stupid, and they will only back-stab him more and more.

Trump's reduction into just a jew servant meme is what the jews did to him for revenge.
I agree 1000%.

Everyone should also keep in mind that Pence is a Crypto Jew - with strong pedo ties to DynCorp. A bullet in Trump means Lyndon B Johnson all over again.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Something happened to him and they forced him into line in everything that is opposed to his election running agenda.

Would it be reasonable to assume that President Rockefeller and King Kike Rothschild along with the controlling elements of the so-called (((shadow government))). Threatened him not just physically and financially but spiritually.

"Oy vey Goyim our black magicians shall "pulsa-denura" you into oblivion with the hand of G-d and the 22 names of G-d. Along with our (((Pagan Gods)))"(You should see the memetic picture someone took of a jewish woman posting such shit on her rant attacking (((Barry Chamish))).)


I mean on one hand Trump did at times do some silly things like the Holohoax reparations back around mid-last year 2018. But other than that pretty much since about last year or so he was steamrolling and trolling the hell out of the fake news.

....then he quietly without warning popped out this attitude of supporting Pisrael. I mean ever since his announcement of a pull out, along with popping the fed with a karate chop a while back, and also if I remember correctly the whole Israeli counter-attack such as the Nuclear strike at Paccom in Oahu which Zolaluckystar mentioned. I mean it's gotten into a situation that perhaps Trump realized these crazy Yids are going to ruin this country and me. And he probably bowed down to their threats.

I mean I hate to admit but all of this stems from Greater Yisrael not materializing. In fact to take it further back in 2018 a missile cruiser destroyer sat outside Israel in Mediterranean sea and potentially used Hypersonic cruise missiles to attack various places belonging to Isis/Al-queda and on top of that the Israeli-Iranian airbases. One place hit was the cruise missile storage built by B'nai Barry's military and Israel to house several nuclear options cruise missiles to launch at various targets and start the Tikkun HaOlam(WW3). I mean I'm sure Israel is like "Oy vey muh holocausting missiles against the goyim". If I remember the Syrians confirmed a bunker in the middle of Israeli territory and ISIS territory being destroyed and they inspected it and confirmed cruise missiles without any payloads(nothing blew up they had no warheads), almost in preparation for one.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Trump's reduction into just a jew servant meme is what the jews did to him for revenge.

So basically Trump did act on purpose like their servant to become president and after he tried to use this power to fight their agenda (building that fence, fighting the federal reserve etc.) ?

I do not think the situation is that black and white. You have to understand Trump has been in the New York City business arena his entire life, and much like his father Fred...they are very much a part of the Jew establishment in the most competitive cutthroat city in the world. It is obvious that Trump dislikes being a Jew meme, but what is he going to do? He is surrounded by Jews in every corner of his cabinet and lets not forget the deep state pressure being applied to him from virtually every angle. My ultimate hope is that there is another nationalist coming up thru the ranks to replace Trump's presidency in 2024. If the conservative, nationalist energy continues in this country we can and will produce a real leader in due time.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The old style Republicans who are like pro gun ownership, pro decent economy, pro family values, and all these things, will be seen as enemies in the state in the next years, and they will be profiled and gradually hunted down by the leftist mob. This will include any leftover jews or even Neo-cons in the republican party, as this "Traditional value" system is just delaying their general communist agenda.

The Republican Democrat axis has increasingly become the "for a great amount white people party with trad values" and the left has increasingly become the "Kalergi yolo everything for free" communist party. At this point what the Republican jews are doing on the Republican side is just make sure the Republican party doesn't just go full pro White, as it happened with the elections almost.

Trump was elected a lot based on this reason, maintain America, no wars in the ME, provide a better taxation and open up financial opportunities system, create a wall with Mexico etc. These were requests from the plight of people who are like 80% White, and 20% of sensible Americans that don't want to lose their rights, despite of color or cultural creed. A lot of "non-white" Americans aren't dumb and they understand that if Mexico invades or that if Islam takes a hold in the US, then their freedoms will be gone off the window. But this realization is just hampering the enemy's plan.

The enemy is feeling they are running out of time so they are pushing it without minding casualties and trying to look like good boys anymore and freedom lovers, even to their own tribes members on the other side. They also have to do this because what they can pull is limited and they have a set time scale before external intervention from our side and people waking up.

Stalin killed all the jews who were not rolling on the side with him to accelerate Communism and likewise, the enemy will now ruin, excommunicate, and remove all the "Republican Right" people and of course jews if that is required to accelerate this.

They are just trying to delay people from doing anything until around 2040, where Whites will be a minority, and therefore the situation will be by mathematical standards irreversible.

So many non white countries are even starting to work towards positive change or attempting it by trying to topple corruption. Even people from these places like in Latin America are aware of the jewish problem to an extent from what I've been told and heard.

In Mexico the new president seems to be way more decent compared to the last several ones and has exposed so much corruption of many politicians over there. I've noticed many criminally inclined Latin illegals in America aren't even Mexicans for the most part. The ones that end up as gang members, drug dealers, rapists etc have been those that came from places from under Mexico. It's more than obvious that it's hard to tell and many times i myself think a Guatemalan or Salvadorian or whatever is Mexican since there's not much or any physical differences. I'm not saying all Mexican illegals are decent as that would be a huge lie but many non Mexicans are the ones that make us look bad for the most part.

Many illegals that are actually Mexican have found a way to gain citizenship and pay their taxes or have stayed in America about a decade and then leave with the money they earned to better their life in Mexico.

As a Mexican I even agree that there should be a wall. This would not only benefit America obviously but it will also help Mexico a whole lot. It would put a halt on the caravans that keep coming from other south American places and even will cause the cartels to loose power since they can't use the border any more. Especially now with this new president who's been creating new jobs and the economy starting to finally rise from such a low place. Several places in Mexico look like Fla first world country but unfortunately most of it is 3rd world but that start to change with just a simple wall. A lot of this scum I'm caravans are just destroying everything in their path and don't even accept food and shelter or clothes given to them by the locals. I'm glad the police have gone in to start rounding them up.

I've noticed the msm media has stayed quiet about the new president in Mexico and I believe because not only is he not corrupted (or as corrupted, we still have to be cautious and see if he keeps his promises) but the enemy knows they can't in any way make Mexico look like a villain to their NPCs because that would ruin a lot of their propaganda they push to let in illegals.

The non-white Latin Americans need to wake the fuck up and see that even the average person in Mexico has the same ideals and views as most of the right wingers in America and these leftist would be a minority if they were pushing the same shit in over there.
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Trump's reduction into just a jew servant meme is what the jews did to him for revenge.

So basically Trump did act on purpose like their servant to become president and after he tried to use this power to fight their agenda (building that fence, fighting the federal reserve etc.) ?

Just re-read exactly what I wrote. When did Trump fight any Federal reserve? As far as I know, never.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Just re-read exactly what I wrote. When did Trump fight any Federal reserve? As far as I know, never.

There was a lot of articles saying how Trump tried to impose conditions to Fed. But anyway either if is false or not, the only reason why I asked this it was only to see if you will answer back. I think I adressed you like 3 questions in the last weeks (and I was very curious about the last one from yesterday) and it seems like you ignore me on purpose because you just approve the post and that's it, and I don't even receive the notification with the post approved, I just see that my posts are on the respective thread. I understand you are very busy but still I noticed how you gave so much attention even to that guy who was worshipping the greys. To quote your own words, I'm not "meaningful" enough? I don't deserve a "legitimate" answer from you? You don't want to "waste the time" on me? Is it because I still like to "agitate and troll"? If you don't want to answer to me at least say it so I don't have to waste even my time asking you questions and getting no answer back.
The Golden One tried to promote this one guys channel in this video:

Sweden. What To Do? Culture, Politics, Advice to Young Men. With Identitet Svea

Unfortunately, going to the link takes you to the page that says that that channel no longer exists. This just proves what people have been saying for over a literal decade now: If you really like something on the net, DOWNLOAD IT! It was true a decade ago and it is infinitely more true today.
the link works in the USA.

these guys are christians? the gentleman with the dark hair is quite nervous and flashes Masonic signs exactly 3 times.
sip said:
the link works in the USA.

these guys are christians? the gentleman with the dark hair is quite nervous and flashes Masonic signs exactly 3 times.

I meant the link that he directed you to in the description, which he has just removed and said that the channel has been taken down.

The Golden One is an Odinist as far as I know and I am not sure about the other one. And what are you talking about, I watched the guys hands throughout the video just now and he didn't make any kind of sign.
3:36 and on the cover of VP#69, feels like I'm being mocked watching these guys pretend to slap pads in Abrahamic ruins. LARP to me.

pardon me if I am incorrect,.. what do I know.
Frinnis said:
I meant the link that he directed you to in the description, which he has just removed and said that the channel has been taken down.

The Golden One is an Odinist as far as I know and I am not sure about the other one. And what are you talking about, I watched the guys hands throughout the video just now and he didn't make any kind of sign.
The Golden One is a big promoter of veganism, while he does insane amounts of steroids. And pretends like he got as big as a house by just eating a lot of beans and grass, what a clown! And promotes a very christian mindset and perspective, just names the Christ character as Odin instead.
I miss HPHC youtube page :oops: :oops: :oops: :evil: :evil: :evil:
EnkiUK3 said:
I miss HPHC youtube page :oops: :oops: :oops: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Argedco's link (in his signature above your own message) has a folder with most of HC's videos backed up. Perhaps there are some you haven't watched yet :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
