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Personal Responses and subliminal messaging.

Nova, Spiritual Satanism has to do with the methaphysics of the soul and mass karma.

Obviously you didnt read the website, as Im quite sure its mentioned they created the asians, blacks and aryans.

And then you have racial karma.

It is connected by blood. But you must be really stupid to not at least acknowledge that an asian does not look in any way like a black person, in physical build, hair, or mentality. Same goes for Aryans.

Racist is put as equal with oppression and discrimination, while neither took place, only in the jews mind.
When you do some studying and watch the learned elders of zion or something youll understand.

And aside from different body builds and mentality, there is different cultures. And while one may rise to highest of their own, in their own culture, interbreeding with someone of lower quality of mind, or even breeding with someone that has genetic diseases to put it more blatant, will cause your children to be of much lower quality with much more issues and such than you.
Rather than striving for perfection and becoming the best and achieving the highest goal, such a person woukd destroy their heratige and strip everything they have ofd them and give it away to become some mindless boozed and/or drugged up fool.

Here we have mutual respect for each other. But we dont mix or have children with the others simply because that will tear ourselves and the future of our kids apart.
If you cant even understand that you must be retarded. Just saying.

Ironic how you tell us to grow up yet I just explained to you why we arent the same.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, Nov 5, 2017 at 2:37 AM, Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Because black genes are dominant, you more than likely are connected to the black race. This is usually the case with a lot of half black/half whites gentiles.
People who are mixed are encouraged to go to the race they are closer to physically, mentally, etc.Also, there are mixed people who are encouraged to stay with their own mixed kind and then somewhere along the lines a sub race is developed like we have today with many. Hail Satan
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Saturday, November 4, 2017 7:31 PM, "migismallss@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  What does a mixed person do then? I'm still very new to satanism so there is a lot I still don't know. I haven't had any contact with Father yet nor my guardians but then again I'm not even a year into my dedication. With that said besides going through the site, I haven't had any guidance really, so this topic is new to me. I am mixed with black and white I have chosen to be with a white male but am I doing wrong by choosing so? Should my mate be black? I have no idea. Excuse my ignorance, slowly I am learning.

 Yes not even YOU Gargle Shit. I took care of that didn't I? Gonna join the winning side while you jew around in other comments I see. 

youre just upset because i told you you were retarded,like 6 months ago...
albiet everyone agreed you were talking out of your ass, i tried to neutralize the situation saying everyone has their own ideas about human nature based upon themselves. giving all fairness to your claims, and trying to reach an understanding.

you then leave, like you accused me of doing...and you come back a Buddhist.
then i try to neutralize the situation, and try to tell people that they were being out of line by bombarding you with insults and calling you retarded. you took it as me pitying you and you became defensive toward me.

then you come right back around full circle, maybe trying to get revenge or something, and Andrew gray is up at bat...this time you decide to not only jump on the bandwagon, but you lead the caravan.
i dont even defend andrew gray, all i say is that you got the wrong guy, and explain what he was saying in more aldrick(kosher) terms. why did i? well aldrick you said it yourself, and i tried to make it obvious for pretty obvious reasons.
the problem is you simply do not know how to deliver advice or critique , certain individuals do not respond to name calling or condescension well at all. 
andrew gray for all intensive purposes is one of those people.
you on the other hand have been a first class punching bag for us here, and you take it differently by doing things like increasing your importance here by making your words bold font.

all in all, please stop talking to my internet persona the way you are, its very rude and frankly i think your a total nerd,so it pisses me off.
if you dont stop it, im going to parody your posts or something ehem..er i mean SOMEONE will likely be making satire out of you very soon (if you keep giving us material that is)


 You think that by putting me down you will build yourself up. This Method Never works. Fulfillment never comes from faking it. You have to find this within not outside of yourself. You think that you are going to twist things and make me look stupid and that will vindicate you and all the stupid things you have said. In reality it will not, people will still remember the posts you have made. 
 The Feeling of Superiority you would feel if you pulled it off will be very fleeting and again you will have to fill the void yet again. Please spare me the chit chat of how your already there, being that you are crying and whining on the internet about people you will never meet. About how you want some sort of justice for being talked down too, Anyone with any life experience would be well over this. So You are obviously teenage years.You know how many times people have talked down to me in person? Have threatened me? Do you think I acted like a dumb child and wanted to fight them in the parking lot. Lose my job and go to jail. NO.
 ;Lets say you manage to do it, lets say you rile everyone and their dog here and they just hate me with a passion. Why do you think I care? I care for My Satanic Family but most of them I will never meet and even if I did, I am trying to think if there is anyone in my personal Life that I care what the fuck they think of me. Not that I can think of. 
 A few weeks ago I cut ties with people I knew for years, I told them to fuck the Hell off and not talk to me anymore. That's part of being an Adult you realize you don't have to take this shit anymore just get lost. I much rather be alone then with a bunch of Losers. 
  One of my friends was 6 foot three and over 300 Pounds of Muscle. Do you think I care? This thing about you, is you want to build in your head that I am a nerd so you can feel like you are better then me. I don't give a shit if you look like the god damn Hulk which I am sure you do not. What people look like does not affect how I feel about myself. 
 I work out several times a week and while I do not look like a Body Builder, I have some Muscle. But I suppose I am a nerd in the sense that I like Books and Spending time to myself, then Alcohol, cars and women. Honestly though stop hating on Nerds. 
 The true problem that you do not understand. Is that you think I am your Problem. The Problem is within yourself. For instance You might be surprised to know I have no recollection of ever seeing you till just recently, I Said I was going to leave the groups or something to clear my head because it was getting annoying to me, So I didn't read half the messages. You think calling me retarded bothers me? That is a compliment from what other people have said.   
  Like right now I am wanting to leave for a while. But When i say that I don't mean I am going to remove my subscription. What I mean is I am not going to get on my Computer for a while, because I have too much damn stuff going on in my actual life. To keep getting on here everyday to see some other little wannabe flaming about how they think they can tear others down to try and build up their little confidence in themselves. 
 Honestly it just pathetic. I have all the cards in my hands. If you attack me verbally it does nothing. If you attack me Spiritually which I assume you and Andrew are doing if you are not the same person. Beelzebub will deal with you or The Gods Depending on if you are a gentile or a jew. Do you know how many people wish they could kill me lol and you honestly think you are going to be different. 
 This is so Boring to me even writing this I feel like falling a sleep. I use to enjoy playing with people like you, But looking back that was just an immaturity in myself. I personally still have so much to grow and Learn. You are just the biggest waste of attention to me. 
 But go ahead waste your time. Make compilations about me or Youtube Videos like others have done. The Same Result ensues. I sit here, Empowering myself and doing work for Satan, occasionally coming on here and providing others with links to knowledge, and guess what? There is not a God Damned thing that you can do about it. You are completely Powerless and I suppose that bothers you greatly. 
 Good Luck with that. 
i do not want anyone to hate you, i dont know why you think im out to get you.
when i called you a nerd i wasnt talking about your body, i was just referring to the way you act and talk on here. it has nothing to do with your actual person, thats just my impression of you, also based upon your voice.

i promise you  neither andrew gray or i are cursing you, any energy that i am willing to throw at another satanist had better be used on the jews instead.
i was just pissed that you were going so overboard on me calling me jewish, i have never advocated any shittyness, sometimes i give my opinion, or take a neutral stance on things and it gets misconstrued.
but if you are going to say that i advocate Jewishness on here i implore you to come back with evidence(not that its even possible anymore on these piece of shit groups)
aside from this, i am in my teen years, me 2 months ago is not the same me that i am now, me from 6 months ago is quite different from me now.
and me from a year or two years ago back when i indeed had stirred up trouble like a real child is not the same me that i am now.
i have been here for a few years since i was real young, i dont know what i have "advocated" but i am still here, and under the same username to boot. 
im not trying to bring you down, and im especially not trying to bring myself up through you.
you were upsetting my family, which in turn has real world ramifications for me. other wise i am pretty much indifferent at this point to slander against the candycrusher...
besides even if you and i were not under the protection of the gods, i wouldnt even initiate black magic against you, i had the thought and it makes me grin, but i would never want you dead.
also ive been here long enough to know how long YOU have been here yourself, if you are not a poser and a liar, you would be formidable, i would probably lose.

Hehehe Thats one interesting post Aldrick,
Lol Looks like someone's really touched your nerve. Hehehe. But here's what, 
Why dnt ue just both chill out, :) En then ue,  Aldrick,  just keep som of those HC's sermons coming.
I really enjoy reading them. So thanks.
On Nov 16, 2017 11:35 PM, "aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

 You think that by putting me down you will build yourself up. This Method Never works. Fulfillment never comes from faking it. You have to find this within not outside of yourself. You think that you are going to twist things and make me look stupid and that will vindicate you and all the stupid things you have said. In reality it will not, people will still remember the posts you have made. 
 The Feeling of Superiority you would feel if you pulled it off will be very fleeting and again you will have to fill the void yet again. Please spare me the chit chat of how your already there, being that you are crying and whining on the internet about people you will never meet. About how you want some sort of justice for being talked down too, Anyone with any life experience would be well over this. So You are obviously teenage years.You know how many times people have talked down to me in person? Have threatened me? Do you think I acted like a dumb child and wanted to fight them in the parking lot. Lose my job and go to jail. NO.
 ;Lets say you manage to do it, lets say you rile everyone and their dog here and they just hate me with a passion. Why do you think I care? I care for My Satanic Family but most of them I will never meet and even if I did, I am trying to think if there is anyone in my personal Life that I care what the fuck they think of me. Not that I can think of. 
 A few weeks ago I cut ties with people I knew for years, I told them to fuck the Hell off and not talk to me anymore. That's part of being an Adult you realize you don't have to take this shit anymore just get lost. I much rather be alone then with a bunch of Losers. 
  One of my friends was 6 foot three and over 300 Pounds of Muscle. Do you think I care? This thing about you, is you want to build in your head that I am a nerd so you can feel like you are better then me. I don't give a shit if you look like the god damn Hulk which I am sure you do not. What people look like does not affect how I feel about myself. 
 I work out several times a week and while I do not look like a Body Builder, I have some Muscle. But I suppose I am a nerd in the sense that I like Books and Spending time to myself, then Alcohol, cars and women. Honestly though stop hating on Nerds. 
 The true problem that you do not understand. Is that you think I am your Problem. The Problem is within yourself. For instance You might be surprised to know I have no recollection of ever seeing you till just recently, I Said I was going to leave the groups or something to clear my head because it was getting annoying to me, So I didn't read half the messages. You think calling me retarded bothers me? That is a compliment from what other people have said.   
  Like right now I am wanting to leave for a while. But When i say that I don't mean I am going to remove my subscription. What I mean is I am not going to get on my Computer for a while, because I have too much damn stuff going on in my actual life. To keep getting on here everyday to see some other little wannabe flaming about how they think they can tear others down to try and build up their little confidence in themselves. 
 Honestly it just pathetic. I have all the cards in my hands. If you attack me verbally it does nothing. If you attack me Spiritually which I assume you and Andrew are doing if you are not the same person. Beelzebub will deal with you or The Gods Depending on if you are a gentile or a jew. Do you know how many people wish they could kill me lol and you honestly think you are going to be different. 
 This is so Boring to me even writing this I feel like falling a sleep. I use to enjoy playing with people like you, But looking back that was just an immaturity in myself. I personally still have so much to grow and Learn. You are just the biggest waste of attention to me. 
 But go ahead waste your time. Make compilations about me or Youtube Videos like others have done. The Same Result ensues. I sit here, Empowering myself and doing work for Satan, occasionally coming on here and providing others with links to knowledge, and guess what? There is not a God Damned thing that you can do about it. You are completely Powerless and I suppose that bothers you greatly. 
 Good Luck with that. 
Those who are attacking Aldrick i say stop and have some respect for him, He is our older brother and one who has been here way longer than most of you here and he has fighting this spiritual battle for Father Satan a lot longer then you guys, so stop it already, we are here to fight a spiritual war and instead of doing the RTR's and fighting for our Satanic world you come on here fighting Aldrick, for goodness sake have some respect, you are not only upsetting me and those who like Aldrick but also Father Satan and the gods, Brother Aldrick has been fighting for Father Satan a lot longer then you newbies and he has Father Satan and the gods on his side so just know that the gods will deal with you who does, so  just stop throwing words at him and trying to be the hot shots here because you aren't and as for those jew kikes in here you can get lost out of here we don't allow you to be here in this group now get lost and leave this group. 
Alisha  Hail Father Satan Forever
From: [email protected] <[email protected] on behalf of aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected]
Sent: Friday, 17 November 2017 6:39:04 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Personal Responses and subliminal messaging.    

 You think that by putting me down you will build yourself up. This Method Never works. Fulfillment never comes from faking it. You have to find this within not outside of yourself. You think that you are going to twist things and make me look stupid and that will vindicate you and all the stupid things you have said. In reality it will not, people will still remember the posts you have made. 
 The Feeling of Superiority you would feel if you pulled it off will be very fleeting and again you will have to fill the void yet again. Please spare me the chit chat of how your already there, being that you are crying and whining on the internet about people you will never meet. About how you want some sort of justice for being talked down too, Anyone with any life experience would be well over this. So You are obviously teenage years.You know how many times people have talked down to me in person? Have threatened me? Do you think I acted like a dumb child and wanted to fight them in the parking lot. Lose my job and go to jail. NO.
 ;Lets say you manage to do it, lets say you rile everyone and their dog here and they just hate me with a passion. Why do you think I care? I care for My Satanic Family but most of them I will never meet and even if I did, I am trying to think if there is anyone in my personal Life that I care what the fuck they think of me. Not that I can think of. 
 A few weeks ago I cut ties with people I knew for years, I told them to fuck the Hell off and not talk to me anymore. That's part of being an Adult you realize you don't have to take this shit anymore just get lost. I much rather be alone then with a bunch of Losers. 
  One of my friends was 6 foot three and over 300 Pounds of Muscle. Do you think I care? This thing about you, is you want to build in your head that I am a nerd so you can feel like you are better then me. I don't give a shit if you look like the god damn Hulk which I am sure you do not. What people look like does not affect how I feel about myself. 
 I work out several times a week and while I do not look like a Body Builder, I have some Muscle. But I suppose I am a nerd in the sense that I like Books and Spending time to myself, then Alcohol, cars and women. Honestly though stop hating on Nerds. 
 The true problem that you do not understand. Is that you think I am your Problem. The Problem is within yourself. For instance You might be surprised to know I have no recollection of ever seeing you till just recently, I Said I was going to leave the groups or something to clear my head because it was getting annoying to me, So I didn't read half the messages. You think calling me retarded bothers me? That is a compliment from what other people have said.   
  Like right now I am wanting to leave for a while. But When i say that I don't mean I am going to remove my subscription. What I mean is I am not going to get on my Computer for a while, because I have too much damn stuff going on in my actual life. To keep getting on here everyday to see some other little wannabe flaming about how they think they can tear others down to try and build up their little confidence in themselves. 
 Honestly it just pathetic. I have all the cards in my hands. If you attack me verbally it does nothing. If you attack me Spiritually which I assume you and Andrew are doing if you are not the same person. Beelzebub will deal with you or The Gods Depending on if you are a gentile or a jew. Do you know how many people wish they could kill me lol and you honestly think you are going to be different. 
 This is so Boring to me even writing this I feel like falling a sleep. I use to enjoy playing with people like you, But looking back that was just an immaturity in myself. I personally still have so much to grow and Learn. You are just the biggest waste of attention to me. 
 But go ahead waste your time. Make compilations about me or Youtube Videos like others have done. The Same Result ensues. I sit here, Empowering myself and doing work for Satan, occasionally coming on here and providing others with links to knowledge, and guess what? There is not a God Damned thing that you can do about it. You are completely Powerless and I suppose that bothers you greatly. 
 Good Luck with that. 

 Thank You Alisha you are a sweetie. But I am nothing more then an unknown Soldier. Cast the stone. 
 Hmm Your message seemed sincere. Not full of fake apologies like some. I do not hold a grudge against you. There is some very bad people here on this group and they are constantly looking at how to Destroy our Family. I am not one to worry over words that were said. 
 I will apologize to you for insulting your Families Heritage with that of disgusting jew gene. 
 However I ask that you apologize for calling MY GERMAN PEOPLE Cannon Fodder. Yes Devils Advocate I suppose that did annoy me. The question of the day is why the fuck didn't it annoy you? Hmm? Could you explain that to me exactly? Why you seem to snicker like a creature in the corner to everything that is said positively, yet support people that say things like that and Andrew Gray and race mixing? 
 Could you perhaps be so kind as to explain that? Because There is no issue of me needing to calm down, there is only the issue of the absolute SHIT that has been put on this group the past month and the people like you that sit and laugh and scoff while they support the wrong side. 
  Yes I will continue with the Links and people that support the Enemy, the ones who wish to rape and torture us all to death will be shut the fuck up. If you want to be known as the idiot infiltrator laughing in the corner then that's your prerogative. 
Yes Devils Advocate I suppose that did annoy me. The question of the day is why the fuck didn't it annoy you? Hmm? Could you explain that to me exactly? Why you seem to snicker like a creature in the corner to everything that is said positively, yet support people that say things like that and Andrew Gray and race mixing? 
Errr.... I did not know that I was choosing sides. Okey,  sooo.... speaking of sides, you want me to be on your side .... Lol, yours en Alisha .  :) hehe No,  I think not.  You rr wrong Aldrick. (not in the sense of race mixing). I am not a boundwagon girl,  I will support who I think is right,  or what is right.
And no,  I will not support you (((jhus because you have been in the forum for way longer than me,  or jhus because you rr wayyyy older than me, ((given the talk- Aldrick our older brother-the gods will get pissed when we say Shit to him)) I will only ((support)) you if you post things that add value to my Satanic self in the sense of knowledge. Yes,  like when you repost sermons,  (thanks)  I really appreciate that :) And I will snicker like a creature in the corner whenever there is something to snicker about...
Oh,  hol'up-
I dnt know what snicker means.... Just give me a sec to look it up. :) I hate to write such irrelevant things,  en not post something worthwhile at least, But well- En then you post that I, ((Support people like Andrew grey and race mixing?)) First, you sed it was Andrew,  en now you rr saying... that I -  Nakakande laira,  that I am support race mixing too?
Sweet Satan!!! I gat nothing to say to that...,  sooo,  Am out :) Thank You Alisha you are a sweetie. But I am nothing more then an unknown Soldier. Cast the stone. 
You post things like that,  asking people to cast stones at you, (((thinking that you can handle it- )))  Well, didn't cast no stones,  I merely laughed- And you go and say Devil's advocate your not a sweetie.... You sneacker like a creature... (((whatever that means))) I can't find it on my googoo :) Hail Satan
Hail all hell Dauntless wingsofthedragon
Devil's advocate nic
On Nov 25, 2017 10:29 AM, "aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
 Thank You Alisha you are a sweetie. But I am nothing more then an unknown Soldier. Cast the stone. 
 Hmm Your message seemed sincere. Not full of fake apologies like some. I do not hold a grudge against you. There is some very bad people here on this group and they are constantly looking at how to Destroy our Family. I am not one to worry over words that were said. 
 I will apologize to you for insulting your Families Heritage with that of disgusting jew gene. 
 However I ask that you apologize for calling MY GERMAN PEOPLE Cannon Fodder. Yes Devils Advocate I suppose that did annoy me. The question of the day is why the fuck didn't it annoy you? Hmm? Could you explain that to me exactly? Why you seem to snicker like a creature in the corner to everything that is said positively, yet support people that say things like that and Andrew Gray and race mixing? 
 Could you perhaps be so kind as to explain that? Because There is no issue of me needing to calm down, there is only the issue of the absolute SHIT that has been put on this group the past month and the people like you that sit and laugh and scoff while they support the wrong side. 
  Yes I will continue with the Links and people that support the Enemy, the ones who wish to rape and torture us all to death will be shut the fuck up. If you want to be known as the idiot infiltrator laughing in the corner then that's your prerogative. 
hi Aldrick im sorry about what has happened, i think you got me wrong, i am on your side not on any of the idiots that have been nasty to you, i was sticking up for you, there was one post with you and another person i did find i a little funny because of the way you guys spoke but not because i am in opposition no i'm not, i'm not jewish by any means or i'm not here to fight with my brothers and sister in Satanism, i was pretty upset by the younger less experienced satanists speaking to you disrespectfully and thats all, no i think you totally misunderstood me
From: [email protected] <[email protected] on behalf of aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected]
Sent: Saturday, 25 November 2017 2:39:02 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Personal Responses and subliminal messaging.    
 Thank You Alisha you are a sweetie. But I am nothing more then an unknown Soldier. Cast the stone. 
 Hmm Your message seemed sincere. Not full of fake apologies like some. I do not hold a grudge against you. There is some very bad people here on this group and they are constantly looking at how to Destroy our Family. I am not one to worry over words that were said. 
 I will apologize to you for insulting your Families Heritage with that of disgusting jew gene. 
 However I ask that you apologize for calling MY GERMAN PEOPLE Cannon Fodder. Yes Devils Advocate I suppose that did annoy me. The question of the day is why the fuck didn't it annoy you? Hmm? Could you explain that to me exactly? Why you seem to snicker like a creature in the corner to everything that is said positively, yet support people that say things like that and Andrew Gray and race mixing? 
 Could you perhaps be so kind as to explain that? Because There is no issue of me needing to calm down, there is only the issue of the absolute SHIT that has been put on this group the past month and the people like you that sit and laugh and scoff while they support the wrong side. 
  Yes I will continue with the Links and people that support the Enemy, the ones who wish to rape and torture us all to death will be shut the fuck up. If you want to be known as the idiot infiltrator laughing in the corner then that's your prerogative. 
Aldrick I never called your German people cannon fodder, i do not know where you got that from, please show me if i said anything like that in the group because i have not got a post like that, I really like the German people and you and the joy of Satan and High Maxine Dietrich, like i said i think you have totally misunderstood me, you are my brother and im sorry for giggling at a few but my intentions were never an insult or hate or anything bad towards you and my Satanic Family whats so ever
Hail Father Satan Forever Hail gods and goddesses of hell for ever HeilHitler forever 
From: [email protected] <[email protected] on behalf of aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected]
Sent: Saturday, 25 November 2017 2:39:02 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Personal Responses and subliminal messaging.    
 Thank You Alisha you are a sweetie. But I am nothing more then an unknown Soldier. Cast the stone. 
 Hmm Your message seemed sincere. Not full of fake apologies like some. I do not hold a grudge against you. There is some very bad people here on this group and they are constantly looking at how to Destroy our Family. I am not one to worry over words that were said. 
 I will apologize to you for insulting your Families Heritage with that of disgusting jew gene. 
 However I ask that you apologize for calling MY GERMAN PEOPLE Cannon Fodder. Yes Devils Advocate I suppose that did annoy me. The question of the day is why the fuck didn't it annoy you? Hmm? Could you explain that to me exactly? Why you seem to snicker like a creature in the corner to everything that is said positively, yet support people that say things like that and Andrew Gray and race mixing? 
 Could you perhaps be so kind as to explain that? Because There is no issue of me needing to calm down, there is only the issue of the absolute SHIT that has been put on this group the past month and the people like you that sit and laugh and scoff while they support the wrong side. 
  Yes I will continue with the Links and people that support the Enemy, the ones who wish to rape and torture us all to death will be shut the fuck up. If you want to be known as the idiot infiltrator laughing in the corner then that's your prerogative. 

 Okay Thank you I accept your Apology. That was really the only reason I was irritated with you, were cool now. 
 Now onto Devils Advocate, Right were all suppose to be on the same side here. You were on other threads advocating that race mixing was a good idea. You keep popping in anywhere there is an important discussion and adding nothing of value only to laugh like a jew at those who fight on the RIGHT SIDE. 
 Also now that I think of it, Devils Advocate.... Isnt that the name of that youtube channel that was a major infiltrator and use to communicate with me on my youtube? Are you not the great Djinn Draconis of the past? The one who one moment pretends to be for Nazism then turns around and tries to dismantle it? 
 I would like to add that Devils Advocate means to fight with people when you already know the answer. I do not think that name was chosen by accident. 
 This isn't High school Dumbass. I do not care if you like me or want to be my friend. But you go around on different threads supporting the WRONG sides. If you said something of actual value then I would call you a sweet heart. 
 As it is I think it is fairly obvious to all that you are an infiltrator. When caught by hooded cobra you apologized for your supporting of race mixing and now over here you suddenly have no regrets. 


Everything else had nothing to do with you. You see this is how they operate they spin and spin to breed confusion. Till they can get us upset at each other. They can never talk direct and get to a fucking point. Also the jews send curses and direct their energies for this shit. 
For those reasons I am ending this thread. I will speak with the last words on the matter. 
Alisha: I never was saying anything directed at you but a thankyou. Were cool sister! :)
Giaofhasiofhaiofhoasifhsf: You apologized for what you have said, so as far as I am concerned we are cool. 
Devils Advocate: I will drop this for now as this doesn't go anywhere. Just know if you ever want to make comments on threads advocating things, I will be there. :) And will be relentless on that thread and no where else. if you would like me to think better of you. Then post things that help people that are Beautiful both Satanically and National Socialistically. Then I will change my perception of you. 

Brother Aldrick thanks for clearing that up for me and yes i can see how they can breed confusion and get us all upset with each other, yeah its a jew thing they can never talk direct and get to the point but twist things turn things upside and have everyone in a mess here and  everywhere we see in the world, fucking kikes nothing put parasites destroying everything they touch, can't wait for the day they are all wiped off our planet and never to be found on this planet and any where else in the galaxy
Hail Father Satan Forever Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell Forever Heil Hitler Forever 
From: [email protected] <[email protected] on behalf of aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, 28 November 2017 5:40:54 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Personal Responses and subliminal messaging.    
Everything else had nothing to do with you. You see this is how they operate they spin and spin to breed confusion. Till they can get us upset at each other. They can never talk direct and get to a fucking point. Also the jews send curses and direct their energies for this shit. 
For those reasons I am ending this thread. I will speak with the last words on the matter. 
Alisha: I never was saying anything directed at you but a thankyou. Were cool sister! :)
Giaofhasiofhaiofhoasifhsf: You apologized for what you have said, so as far as I am concerned we are cool. 
Devils Advocate: I will drop this for now as this doesn't go anywhere. Just know if you ever want to make comments on threads advocating things, I will be there. :) And will be relentless on that thread and no where else. if you would like me to think better of you. Then post things that help people that are Beautiful both Satanically and National Socialistically. Then I will change my perception of you. 


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
