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People Of All Lines Of Work Are Accepted In The Joy Of Satan

Ursa Minor said:
Shadowcat said:
If you are in the states go union. You will get pension and benefits. Don't work south of the mason Dixon line if you can help it. It's ratty as fuck down here and they don't treat their people well at all. Working maintanance outages at nuke plants is good money but you have to have a high level of integrity and a clean record, which should be no problem for an SS. If you are going to weld, work with refrac or grind alot a respirator is your best friend...

I was with my welding partner on one side of the waterwall in the boiler last April in a papermill. (They are nasty AF). I didn't put my respirator on while welding with an exotic alloy and within 24 hours my sinuses fucked me up and had me laid up in bed. Boiler flu is no bs.
Thanks for the advice.

For now, I'm "stuck" under the Mason-Dixon line, it would take a lot more money and resources than I have right now to move. Exception would be if a job offer were very high pay and included relocation assistance to compensate for losing my current support network.

I've dealt with papermills before, very messy and stinky places indeed, although meat plants are just as bad if not worse IMO. Have to air out the truck for hours on the freeway to get rid of the awful smell and flush all the bugs out.

Try a combination of the money mantra, Necronomicon for wealth, and sun/ venus squares when the planets permit. It's working for me slowly but surely so far. Up north is were the money is at too. The downside is the cost of living is much higher...but also oftentimes safer if you are out of the city.
Dahaarkan said:
I think it's undignified that people who work to produce essential resources are barely given what they need to survive meanwhile a guy kicks a ball into a net and and is showered in outrageous wealth.
You are making an uneven comparison. You are likely referring to professional athletes at the top of their level, given that you wrote: "showered in outrageous wealth". Only the very best athletes receive large amounts of money. The rest get by just like ordinary workers as most athletes pay to train and compete. I am taking all the people in the range of 'athletics' into account, even below the semi-pro level. This is very much alike to artists around the world. A minor part of the whole gets abundant wealth and or fame, most get by or struggle to get by.

Then there is the fact that in top-level sports there are massive amounts of money involved and managerial efforts in securing the best athletes, hence the pay is so high. Furthermore, the amount of training that goes into takes up most of the time anyway in the same manner that poor factory workers slaving for 12 to 16 hours per day. The major difference is that the latter can not afford a luxurious lifestyle.

When it comes to influencers I consider this to be completely predatory, as is hinted by the very name. These people are notorious for their constant scams, manipulation and exploitation of their audiences.

It's not just a matter of clickbait and somewhat false advertisements, it seems everyday a new crypto scam or ponzi scheme is promoted by these people, and I've lost all respect for the people working in this as a result.
What you are referring to is true, but you need to understand that this is akin to every other aspect of the modern world.

Positive and higher manifestations of this same avenue would mean people marketing useful and good things to others.
Employment is a necessary component of life, the unemployable get welfare.
We all need money to live at some point.
I’m a snake catcher and I catch the worlds 2nd and 3rd worlds most venomous snakes and by hand only.
I play with death everytime i relocate one but satan keeps me from deaths touch and let’s the 666 luck keep me safe.
I am at a lower pay rate than my previous job, but I do a better job of uplifting the youth and representing the community. My coworkers actually find me valuable and my manager respects me and my work.

I have studied a specific topic for years, something that I really love, and I have learned an extreme importance in "mastering the basics". This can be found even here in the JOS, simply being aware of the world around you.

For an SS, when ones work does not require too much focus, we can let our minds wander in philosophy or focus towards spiritual practices.
I do often practice spinning my chakras, breathing in energy into my chakras, invoking and making prayers to the Gods. All while doing my work.

When work gets busy, I am greatful to be providing a wonderful service to my community. That my strength from skills I learned here and elsewhere, my discipline, leadership, wisdom, appreciation, understanding, focus, joy in responsibility, communication. All these things and more are highly valuable in allowing me to become successful at providing my "service to my community".

Being able to work, is a Blessing! Anytime I think of Apollo, and the way he rides his chariot over the sky, waking up all the working people. That these Hands ✋️ of man and women, are Divine and Godlike, and do craft ourselves towards the Golden Age of Aquarius. There are many things that set us apart from animals, and without a doubt, our Hands are one of the most important!
this might not be the best place to ask but I'm not sure where else, is:

what is 'value,' how is it made by a person working, and what makes a job (inside or outside of one's natal chart..9th house?) make value?

I'm a cashier, sometimes bagger, and the jobs is boring and only makes a BIT of sense in making value, which is then paid to me. the bagging part doesn't, most people can just bag their own crap and quite a few are picky and want it done a certain way. the cashiering part, ok, I'm technically preventing people from stealing so i'm keeping customers and businesses a bit ethical. that's worth money? how? how exactly? physically I clock in, do what I'm suppose to, and get a paycheck. THAT level makes sense. but spiritually? doesn't (yet).

also I've been doubting my natal chart's money-making house, I forget which house it is but I know what it says: performer. and that's all I want to talk of what's in my chart, since I remember people can use that to attack people. it's just a kike-infested area, I've not tried getting into it yet, and have been wanting to pursue a career outside of it. can't tell if that's a mistake or not.
Shadowcat said:
Try a combination of the money mantra, Necronomicon for wealth, and sun/ venus squares when the planets permit. It's working for me slowly but surely so far. Up north is were the money is at too. The downside is the cost of living is much higher...but also oftentimes safer if you are out of the city.

I've been doing aura programming and meditating on it being gold in color. Adding a mantra to this may also help, good idea.
I'm not a fan of the New England area (northeastern states), but I think there are other states that would be good to move to. I'll have to do some research. The bible belt in general is just not a good place for making money in my experience.
For those who are feeling down about their jobs, like it's nothing to be proud of or it has no future, I'd like to give you something to consider.
The main thing that changed this for me is having goals and knowing that the income from my job is supporting and facilitating my attainment of those goals. It especially helps that my goals involve being self-employed and therefore make the job a temporary thing, but anything you really want can do the same for you.
I also take the difficulties differently these days. Rather than them being things that suck, they are a thing with which to strengthen myself. From hard physical tasks to agonizing tedium to dealing with the absolute garbage I have to call my coworkers, I commit to endure and/or let my mind reframe it in the necessary way. It's all about one's attitude and I suggest you look up the actual definition of that word. Give yourself direction and purpose, and have at it!
jrvan said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
What do we do about professions that have been infested with enemy teachings?

I am pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology, and much of the teachings are about well known Jews like Sigmund Freud. Is an education like this, followed by a specialization, worth it?

I feel as if I was lead by the Gods to this is all, I'd like your reassurance my choice was sound.

Psychology has a lot to offer. It's clearly useful and effective, or else it wouldn't be employed by governments and corporations. An effective tool is a good tool.

There were countless manuscripts, grimoires, old texts and books all full of corruption. Yet the clergy made use of them, and read them the Satanic way as Maxine termed it. Take what's useful, and discard what isn't. This shouldn't be any different with psychology as it's taught. Don't forget as well that you can always ask the Gods for guidance if you are unsure about something. They are our teachers, and they know what is true.

Will do, thanks brother
serpentwalker666 said:
Yes, unfortunately my father is a very self destructive person and owning a buisness like that simply spiraled him into further and deeper self destruction.

Its something I've had to come to grips with for awhile now, as there's alot more to the situation than I originally mentioned.

Toxic family members. Etc. My grandparents, his parents are complete scum of this earth, always with their hand out expecting something from him, and unfortunately my father never learned how to walk away and stay away from toxic sick people, and him enabling their behavior for years led to his own undoing, however only partially as he chose this.

I'd say you have a bunch of very realistic good ideas are changing and better regulating alcohol in buisness. I fully agree with you.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

No worries and sorry to hear all that. I can definitely relate as half my family consists of high-functioning alcoholics.
Although these people work and earn decent money, they give into things that are harmful due to their own programming.

It's just like taking medicines to suppress symptoms and continuing to require a higher threshold. They get caught in a self-damaging trap of pleasure seeking and they often try to pull other people into it for validation and for answers in their aimless pursuit towards happiness (whether they realize it or not).

Thank goodness I only see my (larger) family once or twice a year. My brother even had alcohol issues sadly, but after getting sick and recovering he hasn't had a drop.

Sometimes it takes going through major negative karma to get through to one's ego (deeper self) which causes them to think more subjectively and openly.

Alcoholics are destined to face brick walls and even hitting rock bottom. It's up to them to make their next choices and follow through with them.

I hope all the best with your family. I know it can be tough as I have a person I won't even talk to anymore because of their past mistakes (I just get filled in by hear-say).

It's a shame how common this is but hey, that's all by design and it's all the more reason to look forward to the positive changes that await humankind.
Henu the Great said:

I simply do not agree with your views. I find it incredibly dystopian and backwards that society in general does not see an issue in regards to how one is treated and valued based only on the amount of shekels earned. Which is the issue that led to this post being made in the first place, that a person who works in a factory, which are where essential resources are made, feels inferior and unworthy as a human being because of their labor, when in truth this is among the highest and most important of professions for the continued existence of humanity and civilization.

A person who works their ass off to provide humanity with essential things should be proud of their contribution to mankind, and when these people who are vital to humanity's survival feel shameful for it, this is indicative of a very serious issue.

A kid screaming in front of a camera making tiktoks, or a guy kicking a ball into a net simply should not be making the same or more money than a person working 12 hour shifts to create essential resources or services no matter how to look at it.

The issue is people are conditioned to worry only about shekels and this is the core of the issue. People should be thinking about how they can best dedicate themselves professionally to elevate, maintain or supply their nation, and not focused exclusively on how to make the most shekels.

And society at large should reflect this and place the actual blood cells of a nation that keep it alive in the highest regard, and work towards placing more wealth in the hands of those who actually create wealth in the first place with their meaningful labor. I'm sorry but kicking a ball into a net is a completely worthless activity that has 0 value to humanity no matter how you look at it.

Entertainment is not an essential service and the only reason entertainment is such a big deal in the first place is because we exist in a dystopia where everyone is utterly and completely addicted to escapism and entertainment is that escape from reality. Maybe what people need is less entertainment and start focusing on reality and maybe realize that there is a very serious problem with a society where one can make more money selling farts in jars than by working to produce essential resources and services needed for human life.

Maybe if people weren't being drowned in entertainment and escapism they would have begun waking up to many issues sooner. So no I don't think more entertainers is what humanity needs or something that should be valued at all.

Society is completely backwards and all the human excrement, criminals and degenerates are placed at the top and hold all the wealth while all the people who are the lifeblood of civilization are placed at the bottom and treated as if they are worthless garbage. And people are pushed to become like the degenerates at the top in the hopes that they can join them and obtain that wealth and social status which does not belong in the hands of such people in the first place.

There is a serious issue when 90% of kids are obsessed with becoming an online clown for money or are all trying to be the next champion at kicking balls into a net, rather than growing up to develop a sense of responsibility and desire to contribute to progress and prosperity of their nation.

Wealth rightfully belongs in the hands of those who create it, those who sweat and bleed to create the resources and services that are where that wealth originates from in the first place. Not in the hands of retards dancing in front of cameras or dudes who spend all day training to kick a ball into a net. The imbalance here is tremendous and utterly dystopian in nature in my opinion. And a person who creates nothing of tangible or applicable value or worth, is an inferior class of human being compared to someone who does as far as my opinion is concerned.

Humanity does not need more whores, clowns and athletes, humanity needs laborers and warriors focused on the preservation and elevation of their respective nations and races. The laborers and the warriors are the highest and most superior classes of human being and everything else is beneath them on the social ladder, or at least that's how a functional society should work.

An individual's worth should be judged by their utility to their nation and race and not by the amount of shekels they make. And both society and the state should recognize those who are essential and those who are not. And those who are, should be placed in the highest regard.

It's no surprise that civilization is on the brink of collapse considering these things are all backwards in our society.
Dahaarkan said:
Henu the Great said:
So people are supposed to work their entire lives and not have a way to relax outside of meditations? Entertainment is definitely overfocused on in todays society, but it is still a natural element of human society. What civilization in history has had no form of entertainment? The way you describe society should be, sounds very dystopian as well. You said only warriors and laborers have value, then what about priests and rulers?
hierophant2411 said:
Dahaarkan said:
Henu the Great said:
So people are supposed to work their entire lives and not have a way to relax outside of meditations? Entertainment is definitely overfocused on in todays society, but it is still a natural element of human society. What civilization in history has had no form of entertainment? The way you describe society should be, sounds very dystopian as well. You said only warriors and laborers have value, then what about priests and rulers?

The situation Dahaarkan doesn't understand is that each next chakra has more influence than the previous one, and that's why society and existence is as it is.

Entertainment is as necessary as anything else in life, and falls under the Heart Chakra. Only few people particularly enjoy things like being gravediggers and things like that for the most part. This is how existence works.

Society is underfunctioning and purposeless if only the above takes place, but a balance is required.

Labor and warriors fall under two chakras and while important, they are not more "essential" than anyone else, as everyone is essential.

The most important elements of society are those who cannot be replaced. A society where the "warriors and laborers" have the ultimate control, will be wrecked, in contrast to what Dahaarkan wants to believe would be the case, simply because of lack of wisdom and a mind to run it, same as lack of other elements represented by the higher octaves of existence, which makes life valid and tames certain forces.

What he is right about is that currently certain things are over-estimated while they provide minimal function to society, yet this function is apparently what society "needs" at this point, whether or not people want to accept this on a "theoretical" level.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
hierophant2411 said:
So people are supposed to work their entire lives and not have a way to relax outside of meditations? Entertainment is definitely overfocused on in todays society, but it is still a natural element of human society. What civilization in history has had no form of entertainment? The way you describe society should be, sounds very dystopian as well. You said only warriors and laborers have value, then what about priests and rulers?

The situation Dahaarkan doesn't understand is that each next chakra has more influence than the previous one, and that's why society and existence is as it is.

Entertainment is as necessary as anything else in life, and falls under the Heart Chakra. Only few people particularly enjoy things like being gravediggers and things like that for the most part. This is how existence works.

Society is underfunctioning and purposeless if only the above takes place, but a balance is required.

Labor and warriors fall under two chakras and while important, they are not more "essential" than anyone else, as everyone is essential.

The most important elements of society are those who cannot be replaced. A society where the "warriors and laborers" have the ultimate control, will be wrecked, in contrast to what Dahaarkan wants to believe would be the case, simply because of lack of wisdom and a mind to run it, same as lack of other elements represented by the higher octaves of existence, which makes life valid and tames certain forces.

What he is right about is that currently certain things are over-estimated while they provide minimal function to society, yet this function is apparently what society "needs" at this point, whether or not people want to accept this on a "theoretical" level.

The situation is you totally misunderstood what I am saying which is that people who provide humanity with essentials should be more respected and valued especially in comparison to those that only contribute with non-essential services such as entertainment.

This is not to say that anybody who does not work in such sectors is automatically worthless. Only that a profession in entertainment is less valuable than working with essential things for humanity's continued existence.

A person who kicks a ball into a net is not as valuable as a person whose labor feeds thousands of people. This is common sense and undeniable.

This is corroborated by a post you yourself made like 2 days ago announcing JoS will start placing those who contribute more to the struggle in a higher regard than those who contribute nothing. So why is this philosophy applicable to JoS but not the rest of the world?

None of the JoS Guardians achieved the respect and position by posting memes and jokes to entertain other members. They achieved this by contributing to the struggle and the title is itself a recognition of their work, or am I wrong?

People who contribute with essential things should be treated with much more respect than what they are given in this day and age and I don't understand why you literally run JoS adhering to this philosophy but now want to disagree with me for no reason, when you literally run things this way...

And I never claimed you have to put workers or warriors in full control. I said these people should be treated with the utmost respect because their labor is essential to humanity's survival.
hierophant2411 said:
Dahaarkan said:
Henu the Great said:
So people are supposed to work their entire lives and not have a way to relax outside of meditations? Entertainment is definitely overfocused on in todays society, but it is still a natural element of human society. What civilization in history has had no form of entertainment? The way you describe society should be, sounds very dystopian as well. You said only warriors and laborers have value, then what about priests and rulers?

Quote the text in which I said entertainment needs to be abolished.

I said entertainers shouldn't be held in higher regard than laborers who literally are the reason you have food on your table. I didn't say they are worthless just that they shouldn't be considered above the laborers who are the lifeblood of a nation.
Dahaarkan said:
hierophant2411 said:
So people are supposed to work their entire lives and not have a way to relax outside of meditations? Entertainment is definitely overfocused on in todays society, but it is still a natural element of human society. What civilization in history has had no form of entertainment? The way you describe society should be, sounds very dystopian as well. You said only warriors and laborers have value, then what about priests and rulers?

Quote the text in which I said entertainment needs to be abolished.

I said entertainers shouldn't be held in higher regard than laborers who literally are the reason you have food on your table. I didn't say they are worthless just that they shouldn't be considered above the laborers who are the lifeblood of a nation.

Since we're playing word games quote the text were I said that you said "entertainment needs to be abolished."

The laborers and the warriors are the highest and most superior classes of human being and everything else is beneath them on the social ladder, or at least that's how a functional society should work.

With your seemingly incredibly low view of all jobs outside of laborers and warriors, if society adopted this attitude en mass then all artists and musicians would stop producing music and art since no one would value them "that" much anymore. As well as athletes not being welling to put in the incredible amount of effort required to be good. Life can suck enough sometimes without being in a world with no good music to listen to no good art to appreciate, and no athletes to inspire people.

The world is messed up right now because things are forced to an extreme. If your thoughts on jobs were implemented then things would just be another extreme and therefore still messed up.
OhNoItsMook said:
Thank you. Personally, I do something in the shadows that is somewhat scorned by a number of people, so in the past I had received some sense of guilt regarding what I specialize in, or if it even positively contributes to society at all.
At some points I even thought I was potentially disappointing the Gods. So this post has strongly reassured me once again.

Completely with you, Brother. A Sister of our even closed our friendship because she thought what I did (3d art of the least noble kind, so to speak), saying I was 'holding her back' when in fact she was the one with so many problems to fix. Can't help anyone that doesn't want to be helped, I guess. I do use my art to try and condition the mind of fools in order to make them question things and hear messages that come straight from Spiritual Satanism (even taught people Void meditation in a comic at some point lol). So don't feel any guilt. As long as we do what we have to do and don't step on any moral decency and honorable behaviour to Satan and the Gods of Hell, we are doing fine. We can only get better in time and do more.

Gotta say I love your signature stated in gaming terms. :p Many of us locked ourselves in the gaming world in our youth, mostly to escape a reality that didn't make sense, like for those of us forced (in one way or another) to go to church and be programmed with bullshit information that we could already tell was wrong. So putting things in gaming terms is a great move in my opinion. Makes you see exactly what you're doing and why you should continue. Results in the real world don't show as soon or as early as they do when you crack a potion in a game or unlock a peck with your EXP points, it takes longer than that, but it definitely shows in time.
I do suggest you keep a diary on your progress, sometimes I read my own diaries from past days and clearly see how confused I was about stuff that is super clear now.

Hail Satan forever!
Dahaarkan said:
I simply do not agree with your views. I find it incredibly dystopian and backwards that society in general does not see an issue in regards to how one is treated and valued based only on the amount of shekels earned. Which is the issue that led to this post being made in the first place, that a person who works in a factory, which are where essential resources are made, feels inferior and unworthy as a human being because of their labor, when in truth this is among the highest and most important of professions for the continued existence of humanity and civilization.
I made no statements regarding value. So, what are you disagreeing on? I simply stated the reality of the situation, money-wise. Carrot farmers and metal pipe producers are not comparable to high-level entertainment and sports businesses because the latter welcomes a higher amount of money from a broader amount of people.

You shouldn't make generalizations based on low-tier people. Artists and athletes have their position in society and always will have.

A person who works their ass off to provide humanity with essential things should be proud of their contribution to mankind, and when these people who are vital to humanity's survival feel shameful for it, this is indicative of a very serious issue.
I never claimed otherwise.

A kid screaming in front of a camera making tiktoks, or a guy kicking a ball into a net simply should not be making the same or more money than a person working 12 hour shifts to create essential resources or services no matter how to look at it.
Depends. Some entertainers attract a broad audience and are a positive influence on a large number of people so they will naturally also attract more money. Given our current age, there are many cases where this high amount of income is not in line with the content (negative influence). So, in that case, I would agree with you.

Let's talk try to get along please. They aren't attacking you Dahaarkan, they are just trying to let help you obtain a better understanding. We can't learn anything if we constantly attack and don't step back to calmly listen to each other's point of view and have a healthy discussion of opinions.

Emotions seem high with you, it may stem from the constant need to defend yourself. It's ok, we are all learning here and not everyone will agree with each other or has to agree.

My opinion of the situation is everyone has a place here in this society. Look at it this way

No I won't compare a fireman saving a baby from a burning building to your average comedian making a living off producing funny shows on the TV
But, that same man who saved the child when he goes home, tired and shook up from another stressful day at work wants nothing more than to turn his TV and laugh and feel good, or watch his favorite sports team win a big game. One field is masculine, hard work, labor, and one side is feminine, entertainment, arts music. They are both essential to our souls. To that man , that random comedian is more valuable, to the comedian who read in the news about this heroic man saving the baby, he is more important. The answer is both are important. Both matter in their own respective ways.

Labor is truly important, and entertainment may seem like lazy people making money doing nothing while others have to struggle, but that's not the truth. It's also important to life. Some of that anger comes from people who labor for a living looking at entertainers in jealousy because to them, they think "I have to work my hands to the bones while he gets all the money from singing" instead of looking at themselves and trying to focus on what they can do better to improve their lives so they don't have to struggle as hard.

Also consider this, in war, some armies had musicians like for instance they had a drummer, he fought with them, he played music to keep courage in their hearts while they had to take on the grim task of battle. It gave them hope to carry on.

Hardworking people made our civilizations with blood sweat and tears but the artists, musicians, entertainers and poets put the soul in it. They gave the hope to the laborers to keep going on. It's all about balance.

That's all they are trying tell you.

Also I forgot this in my last post. I'd like to add that
Yes I understand your point that athletes and entertainers make more than laborers, I understand that you mean it shouldn't be this way. But remember the jews have made our world imbalanced. Everything is out of whack right now. People who are very good musicians and athletes and actors should get more money than your local fastfood worker. And people such as a doctor who performs life saving surgery should make more than a traveling street performer.

We should each be paid our deserved dues for the hard work we put in no matter what field it's in. In a balanced world this wouldn't even be an issue. But we aren't there yet so we have to deal with what we have. So instead of saying this person should make more than that person, we should instead do the best that we can to make a good living and focus on ourselves.

Don't hate the soccer player because he makes more than the plumber. Both are doing what they are good at, both are doing something important for society. They had sports in ancient Greece too.
But the world was more balanced then than it is now. Instead of hating the athletes hate this system the enemy has created and beat the system by doing your best at whatever you do and using your advancement and abilities to your advantage to do so.

We shouldn't live in a society where ONLY entertainers make more money than workers anymore than we should live in a society where ONLY laborers make more money than others. Stuff like that leads to jealousy and resentment. It's imbalance, disorder. It causes people working hard in either field to not get the fruits for their labors that they deserve. The jews are just exploiting entertainment right now because it brings them the most profit at the moment.

Jews are always profiting from the fruits they've stolen from us Gentiles who actually deserve them. Even the high paid entertainers aren't getting their full dues. The only way to fix this is to fix the system and it won't happen quickly but it is happening because we are here doing the work that we do.

The highly paid artist who makes beautiful statues that will inspire people for years to come isn't jealous of the highly paid workers who put all their talent's into designing the art museum his work will be shown in. They respect each other's talents and know they are both worthy. No one should look down on anybody because of their profession as HP HodedCobra's post says.

We should all uplift each other and appreciate our roles in society because each one of us is valuable and plays a part in making things work as they should.
My dad's from the north
My mom's from the South
First letter of name M last letter W middle three letters between first and last "fak"(Id fak?)
All my aunt's names rhyme from the north
All my aunt's names and my mom's name from the South rhyme.
I was tattooed with 666 forcefully in Kurdistan
I'm a dual man,
Just man though
A counter to the israelis
The counter star of David
I can serve two masters.
It's in my nature.
I think the jos is a good website, it's information helped me as a child and still helps me.
Infact if I didn't have Jos I would have been lost.
But its not neccasarily the Jew that's my enemy,
But to many Jews I am the enemy
I discovered many occult mysteries in my life but what's the point, at the end it doesn't stay secret, and what does stay secret doesn't benefit me yet. When it was secret it saved my life.
Satan is for me but so is GOD
Am I welcome?
Dahaarkan said:
A person who kicks a ball into a net is not as valuable as a person whose labor feeds thousands of people. This is common sense and undeniable.

What are you measuring this value on though? Just the job itself of the individual or the actual individual?

There are many nuances here when it comes to two people who one has a job at a factory and the other a high profiled sport player. One example of many is that the factory worker could be a POS irl when he goes home and does deplorable things to himself, his family or community while the pro athlete is giving away charity money and being part of his/her community to make it better and going around the world to inspire kids at school which is not unheard of. More money more resources to help the world. The opposite can be true for each as well.

People are looking down at soldiers nowadays because of all the stories of rape officers have committed and generalizing all the military as such which I'm sure you would agree is nonsense to do.

Just because they're warriors they are automatically good? Okay they'll take a bullet for their country but what good is that when they come back home and be the reason for their nation's decay?

Like I said it can get very nuanced.

As I said and I'm sure most here if not all here can agree on society reevaluating how much we value people but the problem some people seem to have with your statements is that you are making gross generalizations of people to support your opinion as it being the total truth and not taking into account the nuances which as by my example can make that opinion in the wrong but right if only looking at specific examples.

I think the better way to look at it is to accept that more than one thing can be true here.
Eagle Bearer 666 said:
OhNoItsMook said:
Thank you. Personally, I do something in the shadows that is somewhat scorned by a number of people, so in the past I had received some sense of guilt regarding what I specialize in, or if it even positively contributes to society at all.
At some points I even thought I was potentially disappointing the Gods. So this post has strongly reassured me once again.

Completely with you, Brother. A Sister of our even closed our friendship because she thought what I did (3d art of the least noble kind, so to speak), saying I was 'holding her back' when in fact she was the one with so many problems to fix. Can't help anyone that doesn't want to be helped, I guess. I do use my art to try and condition the mind of fools in order to make them question things and hear messages that come straight from Spiritual Satanism (even taught people Void meditation in a comic at some point lol). So don't feel any guilt. As long as we do what we have to do and don't step on any moral decency and honorable behaviour to Satan and the Gods of Hell, we are doing fine. We can only get better in time and do more.

Gotta say I love your signature stated in gaming terms. :p Many of us locked ourselves in the gaming world in our youth, mostly to escape a reality that didn't make sense, like for those of us forced (in one way or another) to go to church and be programmed with bullshit information that we could already tell was wrong. So putting things in gaming terms is a great move in my opinion. Makes you see exactly what you're doing and why you should continue. Results in the real world don't show as soon or as early as they do when you crack a potion in a game or unlock a peck with your EXP points, it takes longer than that, but it definitely shows in time.
I do suggest you keep a diary on your progress, sometimes I read my own diaries from past days and clearly see how confused I was about stuff that is super clear now.

Hail Satan forever!

Highly relatable. I hope that the one you speak of has fought her issues off by now for the benefit of her advancement. Interestingly enough, I personally believe that even in the oddest jobs, we are still able to use our specialized field in some way for our knowledge to reach the people in our direct environments. Especially in the creation of fiction, and utilizing it as almost a guise to convey actual true concepts in this world. Ironically, you have achieved more noble goals than the people who perceive your work to be dishonorable.

Thank you very much. As most of us have played a lot of games, particularly RPGs in my case, many concepts become almost subconsciously more easily comprehensible when related into game terminology, lol. In my personal opinion, at least. It almost makes everything in life feel more fun, as well.
I am grateful for your suggestion; I strongly agree. Sometimes, we are not even aware of the progress we make, and keeping track of our thoughts and states in the present, can often times surprise us in the future when we are reminded of how we used to think in a previous situation, under conditions we had previously deemed to be difficult to understand.
This is all just a miscommunication and some of you simply are not getting the point that because I said essential laborers deserve to be vastly more appreciated and valued than they are does not mean every other profession is completely worthless. Gods forbid your average factory worker becomes a president or something, this would be a total disaster.

Entertainment has a place in society and so do entertainers have their own role in the grand scheme of things. But the reality is you can live without entertainment, but you cannot live without food, water, healthcare, etc. So an entertainer ultimately is not as valuable as a person who works to provide their nation with essential things.

This is not to say that laborers and warriors are the only people in the world with value and everyone else is worthless. Just that their role is essential to humanity's survival and they should be more respected and appreciated for their vital roles. And due to the essential nature of their labor, they should be among the most valued members of society.

The very reason this thread was created in the first place is this imbalance in the modern world where people who work to supply us all with necessary things are considered to be at the bottom of the socio-economic hierarchy. Why should a person who works to feed thousands of people for example, be treated like they are garbage and be made to feel shameful for their profession?

Some of you bring up artists which is ironic because the art "industry" suffers from the exact same problem. You have many highly talented artists who create stunning works, barely able to survive and make a living, meanwhile some retard tapes a banana to the wall and this is sold for millions.

It's funny how your own arguments deconstruct themselves. Art is another sector that would greatly benefit from the philosophy I am suggesting. How about start giving praise to the actual talented individuals who create beautiful works of art, and stop giving praise and wealth to retards who tape bananas to a wall and call it art.

And likewise how about we start praising people who create things of value instead of adopting some strange rhetoric that everybody's work is of equal value, when it clearly is not the case.

This is also in place in JoS, as I have stated before and as is clearly visible to everybody, those who contribute to JoS's growth in meaningful ways are elevated to higher positions, given praise and respect and so on, as it should be.

Meanwhile people who contribute with nothing, or only post memes and jokes and such, are not as highly valued as those who are working their ass off to elevate and improve JoS as a whole. What applies to JoS, should apply to humanity at large and like one is given respect and appreciation for their efforts in providing worthwhile contributions, so should laborers be granted respect and appreciation for providing necessary things for humanity.
hierophant2411 said:
Since we're playing word games quote the text were I said that you said "entertainment needs to be abolished."

The laborers and the warriors are the highest and most superior classes of human being and everything else is beneath them on the social ladder, or at least that's how a functional society should work.

With your seemingly incredibly low view of all jobs outside of laborers and warriors, if society adopted this attitude en mass then all artists and musicians would stop producing music and art since no one would value them "that" much anymore. As well as athletes not being welling to put in the incredible amount of effort required to be good. Life can suck enough sometimes without being in a world with no good music to listen to no good art to appreciate, and no athletes to inspire people.

The world is messed up right now because things are forced to an extreme. If your thoughts on jobs were implemented then things would just be another extreme and therefore still messed up.

As expected there is no quote in which I said that which you are arguing against. It was real in your mind I guess.

I stand by what I said, warriors and laborers are essential to humanity's survival and prosperity, and should therefore be given lots of respect and be treated like the vital members of society which they are. I did not claim artists, entertainers and such are totally worthless, only that their profession is not as valuable in the grand scheme of things, and that there is a tremendous imbalance here.

In no instance did I state or imply entertainment needs to be abolished, only that it is not as valuable or important as the essential sectors and the people who work in these.
hailourtruegod said:
What are you measuring this value on though? Just the job itself of the individual or the actual individual?

Just the profession, as jobs and professions is the focus of this topic. Of course as we begin to analyze people on a thorough lens, it is a more complex situation.

You can have a youtuber who makes millions by making horrible clickbait garbage videos that are of no worth to anyone, but then also donates hundreds of thousands to build schools or hospitals and such. This is a person who has value to humanity of course.

Likewise you can have a farmer who works to feed thousands of people, but then comes home and beats the shit out of his wife for no reason.

Judging their professions only, the farmer's job has a greater value to humanity.

Judging them as individuals, the clickbait youtuber is undoubtedly the better human being.

A good act does not wash out the bad, and vice versa.

I am speaking only in terms of professions and specifically how jobs (and people who work those jobs) are valued by society, and yes I am generalizing because this is about jobs and not individuals, sorry if my writing led to this misunderstanding. When you are talking about society at large, you have to generalize, and not be judging things on an individual basis.

Because generally speaking, factory workers, farmers, even doctors and so on, are criminally undervalued in society. And in contrast, you have certain people who are given unbelievable praise and worship for things that really aren't that valuable especially in comparison to the above, such as kicking a ball into a net...

Are all doctors automatically 100% benign and perfect people? Fuck no. There are many cases of doctors who straight up murder their patients.

Likewise not all entertainers are terrible people, in fact I'd wager a lot of them are likely good people.

But we're talking in general, broad terms and not judging individuals here. This isn't about the individuals but just about the professions here, and the value that people place on the professions themselves.
SapphireDragon said:
Hardworking people made our civilizations with blood sweat and tears but the artists, musicians, entertainers and poets put the soul in it. They gave the hope to the laborers to keep going on. It's all about balance.

Of course, I never disagreed with this. But there is an issue when the hardworking are treated like garbage, never given appreciation or respect for their labor, and in a vast majority of cases not even paid appropriately for their work.

Meanwhile some individuals are showered in outrageous wealth for very pointless and often totally worthless activities. As you said, it is about balance and this is totally correct.

However a world where a man works a farm 12 hours a day to feed thousands of people barely is able to survive and feed his own family, while another man kicks a ball into a net and is given more money than they can spend in 10 lifetimes, this is not a balanced world. This is a backwards, imbalanced and dystopian world.

Note that I never claimed artists or entertainers are worthless. Only that I believe their contribution, important as it is, is not as essential as people who work to provide vital resources and services that we need to survive. And therefore the people who provide us with these deserve more respect than they get.
SapphireDragon said:
The highly paid artist who makes beautiful statues that will inspire people for years to come isn't jealous of the highly paid workers who put all their talent's into designing the art museum his work will be shown in. They respect each other's talents and know they are both worthy.

Note also that the artistic sector is totally dominated and controlled by jews and in this day and age talented and gifted artists are similarly to factory workers, treated like garbage and kept in poverty, meanwhile you have retards throwing a bucket of paint at a canvas and calling it high art...

The art sector suffers from the exact same problem, and it requires the exact same solution, which is to start giving praise and respect to those who actually create meaningful, beautiful and valuable things, and stop giving money and praise to retards who tape bananas to walls.

Shadowcat said:
Ursa Minor said:

I agree, and those people who look down on food service workers tend to the most arrogant people I've met.

I'm actually pursuing a different blue collar trade now, because I want to learn a skill that would enable me to build things and is also in high demand. I want to be able to do more than just hold a steering wheel and occasionally change a headlight. It wasn't a bad career, I just felt that it didn't fit me well, made the best of it as long as I reasonably could.

If you are in the states go union. You will get pension and benefits. Don't work south of the mason Dixon line if you can help it. It's ratty as fuck down here and they don't treat their people well at all. Working maintanance outages at nuke plants is good money but you have to have a high level of integrity and a clean record, which should be no problem for an SS. If you are going to weld, work with refrac or grind alot a respirator is your best friend...

I was with my welding partner on one side of the waterwall in the boiler last April in a papermill. (They are nasty AF). I didn't put my respirator on while welding with an exotic alloy and within 24 hours my sinuses fucked me up and had me laid up in bed. Boiler flu is no bs.

Hey Shadowcat how many hours do you do daily as a welder?
Kurdox390 said:
I can serve two masters.
It's in my nature.
I think the jos is a good website, it's information helped me as a child and still helps me.
Infact if I didn't have Jos I would have been lost.

I discovered many occult mysteries in my life but what's the point, at the end it doesn't stay secret, and what does stay secret doesn't benefit me yet. When it was secret it saved my life.
Satan is for me but so is GOD
Am I welcome?

Refer to my posts about Satan being God.

Satan/Lucifer is the incarnation of what we refer to as "God" which is the power of the universal consciousness. That was always known since the dawn of time.

Satan is God. So one clearly is with the God of Gods and all the Gods when they are with the Gods and Father Satan.

Jews made a hoax about this to deceive large portions of the population and drive them away from the real deification and the Gods for their benefit and to enslave human beings.

You can't serve a hoax and bogus lies and the Gods at the same time. The hoax has nothing to offer to you, only the Truth [Satya] does.

Elements jews stole to put into their hoaxes, have their original sources in the culture of the Gods.

There is nothing you will receive from the enemy except of lies.
Ramier108666 said:
Shadowcat said:
Ursa Minor said:
I agree, and those people who look down on food service workers tend to the most arrogant people I've met.

I'm actually pursuing a different blue collar trade now, because I want to learn a skill that would enable me to build things and is also in high demand. I want to be able to do more than just hold a steering wheel and occasionally change a headlight. It wasn't a bad career, I just felt that it didn't fit me well, made the best of it as long as I reasonably could.

If you are in the states go union. You will get pension and benefits. Don't work south of the mason Dixon line if you can help it. It's ratty as fuck down here and they don't treat their people well at all. Working maintanance outages at nuke plants is good money but you have to have a high level of integrity and a clean record, which should be no problem for an SS. If you are going to weld, work with refrac or grind alot a respirator is your best friend...

I was with my welding partner on one side of the waterwall in the boiler last April in a papermill. (They are nasty AF). I didn't put my respirator on while welding with an exotic alloy and within 24 hours my sinuses fucked me up and had me laid up in bed. Boiler flu is no bs.

Hey Shadowcat how many hours do you do daily as a welder?

It depends on what job I am on. Typically jobs go for 10 to 12 hours a day 6 days a week. When I work in nuclear power plants the work is extremely slow paced and there is a lot of sitting time due to doing work in jumps. (that gives me time to do a working or look at my phone off and on for emails and other things) Shifts are always 12 hours. So half the day will be in the break area a lot of times and we get an hour lunch. in this kind of setting you might put one inch of weld the whole job lmao. On other job sites it's much faster paced. I had my off day yesterday but took off early the day before due to coming down with sinus issues AGAIN. It's literally occupational and has happened on 80 percent of the jobs I've been on but it never happened when I was a non-union pipe welder. Luckily i'm well enough to go back to work tomorrow but this can't keep happening or I gotta figure something else out for work. I'm actually going to go weld test for the fitters when this job is over because I'm tired of getting "boiler flu." Idk why the hell I didn't just join the pipefitters in the first place. I was also looking at the pension however...

I decided to consult centralforce666 and make an appointment and he really helped me out so I'm going to use that to solve why this seems to keep recurring. It's also an astrological thing too and partially a result of an afflicted mars. There is alot of things i have to stop eating :p
Shadowcat said:
Ramier108666 said:
Shadowcat said:
If you are in the states go union. You will get pension and benefits. Don't work south of the mason Dixon line if you can help it. It's ratty as fuck down here and they don't treat their people well at all. Working maintanance outages at nuke plants is good money but you have to have a high level of integrity and a clean record, which should be no problem for an SS. If you are going to weld, work with refrac or grind alot a respirator is your best friend...

I was with my welding partner on one side of the waterwall in the boiler last April in a papermill. (They are nasty AF). I didn't put my respirator on while welding with an exotic alloy and within 24 hours my sinuses fucked me up and had me laid up in bed. Boiler flu is no bs.

Hey Shadowcat how many hours do you do daily as a welder?

It depends on what job I am on. Typically jobs go for 10 to 12 hours a day 6 days a week. When I work in nuclear power plants the work is extremely slow paced and there is a lot of sitting time due to doing work in jumps. (that gives me time to do a working or look at my phone off and on for emails and other things) Shifts are always 12 hours. So half the day will be in the break area a lot of times and we get an hour lunch. in this kind of setting you might put one inch of weld the whole job lmao. On other job sites it's much faster paced. I had my off day yesterday but took off early the day before due to coming down with sinus issues AGAIN. It's literally occupational and has happened on 80 percent of the jobs I've been on but it never happened when I was a non-union pipe welder. Luckily i'm well enough to go back to work tomorrow but this can't keep happening or I gotta figure something else out for work. I'm actually going to go weld test for the fitters when this job is over because I'm tired of getting "boiler flu." Idk why the hell I didn't just join the pipefitters in the first place. I was also looking at the pension however...

I decided to consult centralforce666 and make an appointment and he really helped me out so I'm going to use that to solve why this seems to keep recurring. It's also an astrological thing too and partially a result of an afflicted mars. There is alot of things i have to stop eating :p

Hmm... perhaps there may be something good in doing a Mars square when Mars is high such as in the month March or on Tuesday.
My work is in the educational institution - elementary school.
I teach English language in one of the schools located in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
I feel like my job is worthy of respect, as every person needs a guide and mentor in life to prepare him/her on the path to success.
As usual, there are theology classes which include the typical semitic drivel like Christianity and Islam, and since they both are Jewish by origin then it can be said Judaism is present as well.
There are some lessons that allow me to bring the light of Lucifer to pupils.
During the lesson about Vikings, I took the liberty to prepare textual writing about different Norse gods and the children enjoyed reading it.
Hail Satan!
I hate or at least really dislike the tone set onto entertainers in this post.

Do you have any idea how much effort it takes to get good in that field??

Pleasure and fun is something that uplifts a society and helps it to keep going.

If you're only going to work all day and no play you'll be depressed before you know it. This is *NOT* a healthy mindset!

Everything in balance and moderation!!!!!
Big Doggo Boy said:
Hmm... perhaps there may be something good in doing a Mars square when Mars is high such as in the month March or on Tuesday.

Mars is not in a high position during March. In fact, it is in the sign of its fall (Cancer) during the latter half of March and for the next month and half afterwards. This would not be a good time for a Mars square, despite if started on a Tuesday.
Work and Career are things that have nearly infinite possibilities and fields it could pertain to. I do agree with the main focus of the post which is that all lines of work have worth and value to it. Regardless of what anyone thinks most if not all work has some sort of necessity to it regardless of what "monetary value" it is given. Our work here in the JoS such as our rituals and RTRs does not bring us a paycheck at the end of the month when we participate but does that mean our efforts have no value?

The value of farmers and entertainers are non comparable because both are a necessity albeit in different ways. If one does not eat the body dies but if one does not have pleasure the soul dies. This is isn't about quality of work as that is a separate topic. This also isn't about the current state of humans and society either.

When the topic of money comes into conversation it stops being about the inherit value of the work in question. Money is good and having money to live is a necessity but the value of money and how to define it is a whole topic in of itself and should be left out as it can be redefined at the whim of those in control of it.

People need to live and the world right now simply makes that difficult regardless of what work you do. The point of the post is that one should hold pride in their line of work and that doing nothing at all but simply eat sleep and breathe makes one worthless.
Shadowcat said:
There are a lot of ignorant morons who look down on blue collar work. I can tell you right now as a blue collar worker that there is sadly alot of people who give our kind of work a bad name. This field is full of convicts and some of the lowest life NPC types.

But this work in of itself is a most proud endeavor and is the baseline and backbone of what keeps society running. I'll be laughing at all the arrogant people that look at us as mere bodies who just "keep peanuts full" if everything goes to shit and they cant fend for themselves or get jobs.

Who is going to be called If society breaks down and electricity and heat is gone and homes and buildings are flattened from war? Who is going to be called? A lawyer? Manager? Certainly not a good for nothing banker...

They're gunna call welders. Machinists. Fitters. Lineman. Builders. Factory and shop workers.

Also LOL at the ones ripping on non college degree people while my weekly check is the one for your whole month. PLEBS 🤣🤣

I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with developing a blue collar position, it is by far a very honorable job, the "workforce actually".

My entire professional career has been developed in the industry, specifically in the area of ​​Safety, Hygiene and Environmental and I am fortunate to have worked hand in hand with many employees erroneously classified as "blue collar", definitely the best projects I have implemented, have been with them.

What many idiots do not understand is that all of us who work for an organization, EVERYONE without exception, are just numbers, one more employee, "EXPENDABLE", and the fact of having a rank within that organization does not make the difference between being an excellent professional or not, much less an excellent person.

Satan and the Gods bless you in the work you do.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=426892 time=1677298543 user_id=21286]
Big Doggo Boy said:
Hmm... perhaps there may be something good in doing a Mars square when Mars is high such as in the month March or on Tuesday.

Mars is not in a high position during March. In fact, it is in the sign of its fall (Cancer) during the latter half of March and for the next month and half afterwards. This would not be a good time for a Mars square, despite if started on a Tuesday.

Thanks for letting me know.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
