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People Of All Lines Of Work Are Accepted In The Joy Of Satan

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
AskSatanOperator said:
What do you think about factory work?
Do you see it as any work or is it slave labor for you?
Do you think it is dignified to be a factory worker rather than an employee or shopkeeper?

What is JoS's position regarding this kind of work?

Yes, all work is dignified, and all work is honourable. All work has my respect personally. All people who do something deserve respect. Having done all sorts of things, I tell you this, there is no dishoroable work.

The mentality that there is any, while society and existence functions on many layers, is a mentality that is errant. This mentality was produced by forgetfulness that a society is upheld by the hands of many people, and overt focus on one's case.

If one becomes the best at what they do, a good life is ahead of them, no matter what this profession is.

There should be no shame in one's profession whatsoever.

That's very positive. The only thing we see as negative is to not do anything in life whatsoever, like complete laziness that is a manifestation of negative entropy, which we as Spiritual Satanists fight against.

That is unacceptable as it's a symptom of one falling into nothing and wasting their existence into nothingness, which it wasn't supposed to be wasted there.

Everything and every profession is accepted in JoS, we hold no discrimination, no matter who you are or what you do, from the darker areas to the brighter areas of life.

In the JoS we have doctors and lawyers, men in construction, women in fashion, housewives, public servants, cleaners, cooks or surgeons, we have everyone and anyone from all walks of life.

Shout-out to all of our SS family who are out there existing, fighting and getting it.

Certain "unacceptable" things that society treats in pointless disrespect, are accepted here without a second thought. The Gods also understand in the context of existence and it's wheel of evolution.

Even if one is in unemployment but does great work for the Gods, that's still great, as certain work counts as employment. One must not guilt trip themselves all day over about this, but just seek to evolve and get better.

What should be the aim of any Satanist is to have a good, well placed job or function in society, that provides what is necessary for one's spiritual progress and material existence.

As one progresses, one's work capacity might also progress, based on goals set for one's self, one's family, one's society, or the JoS itself. That is individual. Success is promoted in Spiritual Satanism, yet often-times one's success is largely a definition of where one is serving their purpose best.

This is not the same for all individuals, and is part of a Dharmic process in which we all play our parts collectively.

Lastly, in our mythology the Gods have under control all spheres of existence. A gravedigger, or a shopkeeper, a lawyer, or a painter, or a statesman, or a doctor, all belong under the same purpose for existence. The Gods preside above all. One's capacity and one's function serves different ends.

Have no shame about what you do to keep your children fed, and yourself alive, if you walk in the spiritual path.

Your hands that work, are the hands of a Spiritual Satanist. And they are blessed hands.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
There are a lot of ignorant morons who look down on blue collar work. I can tell you right now as a blue collar worker that there is sadly alot of people who give our kind of work a bad name. This field is full of convicts and some of the lowest life NPC types.

But this work in of itself is a most proud endeavor and is the baseline and backbone of what keeps society running. I'll be laughing at all the arrogant people that look at us as mere bodies who just "keep peanuts full" if everything goes to shit and they cant fend for themselves or get jobs.

Who is going to be called If society breaks down and electricity and heat is gone and homes and buildings are flattened from war? Who is going to be called? A lawyer? Manager? Certainly not a good for nothing banker...

They're gunna call welders. Machinists. Fitters. Lineman. Builders. Factory and shop workers.

Also LOL at the ones ripping on non college degree people while my weekly check is the one for your whole month. PLEBS 🤣🤣
I'm sure that there are many positions that each and every one of us can get
This website is a GREAT PLACE for that opportunity. And the jobs and ideas are endless. 🙏🔥 whatever it is that you're good at? Wear whatever it is that you can learn? The human mind is open to anything! And people keep learning until the day they die and beyond! There are hundreds and thousands of possibilities for the human being! When people overcome their fear and awaken their mind! The Limitless possibilities! When it comes down to the intelligence a human being can gain in his or her life? And it doesn't matter how old you are! People are capable of learning anything! Especially when it comes down to the truth? Putting things back into perspective! Breaking away from the usual enemy nonsense that's constantly being dished out all over television social media! Etc etc the things that people have learned and to be able to turn around and take a look at it in a different perspective as you learn the truth and turn your mind around! The possibilities are endless! Even somebody like me!! I know there's a lot of things that I can do! I do know that there's a lot of things I'm good at here at home! I am really good at keeping recipes! I love to cook! And I love food and everything and anything you can make with food yummy herbs and spices from around the world! Thinking of all the people that enjoy food worldwide! And the possibilities? But then again! Whatever talents and abilities you have whatever you're good at! You can become better at! Whether to be music writing! Running a farm taking care of animals! Things that you can do at home? Is one thing to consider! Depending on whatever job you had or whatever profession you were taught as a child growing up! At home learning things from your parents! Job experiences from working all over looking at people's resumes and stuff like that it is amazing the things that people have learned since high school! But when it comes down to what? It just goes to show you what people can do! The Wonders and the possibilities! And it doesn't matter how old you are you can have a job or a profession of any kind! Especially on here! Working with the clergy! Holding a job and a professional position! And teaching yoga and the values of meditation and Kundalini breathing and exercise! Teaching about the gods! Whatever job or profession you choose? Whatever you're interested in! On this website! Working with Father Satan and his gods and demons! Is priceless! And I think it's wonderful that people can get on here and express their knowledge! And who and what they are with the work that they show an interest in showing their gratitude and taking their time learning things putting their best foot forward! Looking things up! Fighting videos! And doing an article! On anything that is educational! As long as it goes along with the website! People do their job as it is posting their comments and sharing their interest! And whatever it is that you do? That you're good at! More power to you! I would love to hold a position! I think it would be an honor to me! And it is an honor to anybody who gets on here and tries!. We are a team and we are an army and a family working together here. ❤️ Satan recognizes those who are interested and ready to hold a position. And if you believe in yourself! So ANYTHING is possible! Hail Satan!! Let's do this!!! :D
Indeed no disrespect given here in Australia i deal with people who live off of government benefits pretty much if you don't want to work you are given the bare minimum to survive and that's it, it is ridiculous so you have at least some respect from me anyway if your not happy with being a factory worker that you have a calling to do more i was talking to an American Satanist about this on telegram recently he said he was grateful he has work now but doesn't like his asshole bosses and i said to him use it as a base or a spring board to launch yourself from you can move yourself up in the world more options can come to you if you have something already you don't have to take the drips and drabs that others might have to you can keep applying for a better job or the same job just with better pay or in a better company or you can do what im doing and go back to school and study im on 40$ an hr right now i work in construction which is pretty good money i get about 1700$ a week which is about 2x above the average wage in this country but im studying to become a nutritionist and personal trainer even if i work at a local gym those guys don't make anything less then 65$ an hr if you are a nutritionist you can make health food plans for people which you can sell them for money as well i want to elevate myself so i do the study i then want to funnel my extra money into investments some money goes to JOS i used to give 12$ a day now i give 6$ a day but im working on putting money into creating a presence in the real world like cobra says he can run things here and is willing to help guide you in the spiritual but you have to do the work to make JOS a real world thing you need to lead the charge to take over positions in politics i want to try and run for mayor in my local area by the end of 2024 deliberately when most of this Kaliyuga is over.

You may have already notice that the enemy while it still bites doesn't have the sting it used to with its power anymore so naturally i want to dog pile on them give them even more problems to deal with obviously you don't need to run around telling everyone you are of JOS but achieving the end goal is the idea to topple their leadership and install our own even just people who agree with our world view and values they don't necessarily have to subscribe to the gods directly.
While I take to heart and soul deeply your words, im curious about a specific case regarding labor and profession, a personal one.

What is to be said for bar owners, bartenders, and or peopele who sell alcohol as a business?

My father ended up buying and running a bar for 20 something years and I've watched it destroy the lives of his customers and himself, for quite a long time.

For what he's made in money it completely destroyed everything around him gradually.

I know this is probably the dark side I have seen of this type of buisness, yet I have seen alot of this side of buisness and found it very dishonorable.

I've seen all sorts of degenerative behavior and people profiting on others suffering, and all sorts of very hard things to stomach.

Gambling, heavy drinkers, etc.

I chose to study and go a different path in life and not be involved in this at all as a profession.

That and it's not profitable around here and would be a waste of time.

I'm sure this is only ONE of a few cases of this.

However I feel certain businesses and professions have a tendency to destroy people who are not of the proper constitution for them.

Its probably an effect of karmic factors and spiritual degeneration.

I'm aware that this profession isn't bad by "itself" but likely a few compounded things that contributes to it having a bad effect on some people.

And alcohol abuse being widespread among people who frequent bars and pubs, or own them.

I've also observed this among many other bars, bar owners and places when it comes to people selling, consuming, or bartering alcohol.

I've seen it enough to question these as professions and if they should be removed or controlled in a much stricter way.
The only person who can be called a failure in life is one who tries to succeed at nothing. As long as you strive, attempt, and reach for success, you are doing well. If you constantly strive to do better than you did yesterday, pretty soon you will be at the top of your field, regardless of your profession.
For a moment I thought, is everything alright? We haven't heard from you in the form of a sermon for more than two days, just a reply or two. But that was only for a second than I laughed at myself for thinking that. I appreciate your work and constant presence but also acknowledge your being human.

This has been a hot topic for me in the previous year. Having done so many different jobs gave me a rich experience and a realistic perspective, still I felt not so great with my last profession because I wasn't making enough money to provide a comfortable life for my family. Luckily my wife did better than me and was doing her dream job that she loves very much. I was happy for her and didn't feel bad that she was earning more than me but the dissatisfaction of not being "successful" grew with time until it came to a decision to either take a risk and do something more lucrative that I loved doing or get an ulcer from all the stress and bad emotions. The choice was clear and gone was the fear.

When you're good at something and you feel good doing it while it does not much more than pay the bills and put food in the fridge than it is a winning combination, right? Not from where I stood. What about all the growing expenses of growing kids? Being super smart and doing all the right moves investment wise is not everyones forté. I thought I'd made it and my booming business was gone overnight. Working a menial job usually done by people with lesser skills and intelligence isn't going to be great for ones self esteem but I refused to give in to weakness and depression. I tried to be as efficient as possible and it turned out surprisingly good. Great colleagues, nice experiences and a blessing in an unlikely form.

Honest work no matter what it is, with the right approach and the right attitude can be a source of professional pride, an opportunity for learning and have many other benefits that may not be obvious. Even If I stick labels on products all day it can be a stepping stone to where I need to be. I may be a janitor and be perfectly happy with it because I feel useful, provide a valuable service and am very good at it plus work with good people that enrich my life.

To anyone who may feel bad about the work they do - don't be like that. It is not permanent, you're better that that and it will get better. Keep your head up and push through another day. Do your best and the fruits of your labor will be there for you to collect. Never be afraid, failure does not exist if you keep trying and get up after each fall

We have the advantage of true knowledge. Use it
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Everything and every profession is accepted in JoS, we hold no discrimination, no matter who you are or what you do, from the darker areas to the brighter areas of life.
Certain "unacceptable" things that society treats in pointless disrespect, are accepted here without a second thought. The Gods also understand in the context of existence and it's wheel of evolution.
Your hands that work, are the hands of a Spiritual Satanist. And they are blessed hands.

Thank you. Personally, I do something in the shadows that is somewhat scorned by a number of people, so in the past I had received some sense of guilt regarding what I specialize in, or if it even positively contributes to society at all.
At some points I even thought I was potentially disappointing the Gods. So this post has strongly reassured me once again.

If anything at all, I know that what we do in the outside world, does not necessarily represent who we are as Satanists and what we do for our goal.

As long as we perform and fulfill our SS duties, do something for the betterment of ourselves and people around us, and continuously strive for greater heights in all the desired aspects of our lives...
This is good to know, as most jobs that are offered to me tend to be the "undesirable" ones. However, I'm usually respected by my bosses and coworkers.
serpentwalker666 said:
While I take to heart and soul deeply your words, im curious about a specific case regarding labor and profession, a personal one.

What is to be said for bar owners, bartenders, and or peopele who sell alcohol as a business?

My father ended up buying and running a bar for 20 something years and I've watched it destroy the lives of his customers and himself, for quite a long time.

For what he's made in money it completely destroyed everything around him gradually.

I know this is probably the dark side I have seen of this type of buisness, yet I have seen alot of this side of buisness and found it very dishonorable.

I've seen all sorts of degenerative behavior and people profiting on others suffering, and all sorts of very hard things to stomach.

Gambling, heavy drinkers, etc.

I chose to study and go a different path in life and not be involved in this at all as a profession.

You probably chose right as these lines of profession can be very hard and they can come at the consequences you mentioned. It requires a lot of toughness to not get suck into this, and oftentimes people working nightlife related jobs can tell their own kids to stray away from these, as they can be highly risky. It's very hard to exercise self control on these types of work. I've also seen people get totally consumed in these.

That's a two faced situation, many times, people will be saved because there is a bar nearby that will give them something for a cold night, where the world just did shit on them.

If he did run this for 20 years, he has been successful in this sector. These are difficult lines of work, and should not be taken lightly, as they often deal with the harder aspects of life. There is a high risk involved for those running this too. Bars are risky places in some examples, and not all people are cut for them. A specific skillset is needed to run or be employed in a bar.

Now that they closed bars with the Co-Vid craze, many people started going insane, beating their household up, and had no place to vent. While this might look like this on the surface, these places actually help a lot of people.

Shadowcat said:

Who is going to be called If society breaks down and electricity and heat is gone and homes and buildings are flattened from war? Who is going to be called? A lawyer? Manager? Certainly not a good for nothing banker...

They're gunna call welders. Machinists. Fitters. Lineman. Builders. Factory and shop workers.


People serve their area in different circumstances. Now after the intense negative weather phenomena, the people everyone called the people they wall a "worthless redneck" to came to save the day along with many other people that people tend to look "down" upon. And the people did this and happily so. This should tell us a thing or two about our society.

One must be aware of this.

Ursa Minor said:
This is good to know, as most jobs that are offered to me tend to be the "undesirable" ones. However, I'm usually respected by my bosses and coworkers.

Life is life. Try to act in the most just and proper manner in your field.
Absolutely everyone has their place in society. Civilizations are built and ran by everyone's collective efforts. All work for the advancement and greater good of humanity is good work.
I've never understood people looking down on others for their work. It just didn't make sense to me internally. I could have a really friendly conversation with a worker at McDonald's for example, and then hear someone trash talk them. And it just doesn't make sense because from my point of view, they're a really good person. Also, supply and demand. If there is no demand for burger flippers then people won't be flipping burgers. We created jobs so we could mock people who take those jobs? Doesn't make sense.
*not a factory worker but a mil-tech projects IT guy soon* Welp...Sorry if the future career I am studying like cray-cray for will be involving innocent people dying by the hands of psychopathic kikes just for more powerful shabangers and huge sums of money. Once I get to do mil-tech projects of my own, I promise to repay all this by having planet-destroying nukes(or whatever weapon types/retribution methods will work) launched at enemy worlds to turn them into physical burning asteroids.

I already knew that my path will be a bloody one...but this will let the payback I will want on the enemy to become even bloodier on them. It's not like I would like to have a personal hostile confrontation with the current enemy ET's up close the way I'll want it, to let out some years of infernal hate and anger I am going to be collecting while I get more financially powerful from it.

Those enemy ETs don't deserve to exist for all that I had and have to go through.
Shadowcat said:
There are a lot of ignorant morons who look down on blue collar work. I can tell you right now as a blue collar worker that there is sadly alot of people who give our kind of work a bad name. This field is full of convicts and some of the lowest life NPC types.

But this work in of itself is a most proud endeavor and is the baseline and backbone of what keeps society running. I'll be laughing at all the arrogant people that look at us as mere bodies who just "keep peanuts full" if everything goes to shit and they cant fend for themselves or get jobs.

Who is going to be called If society breaks down and electricity and heat is gone and homes and buildings are flattened from war? Who is going to be called? A lawyer? Manager? Certainly not a good for nothing banker...

They're gunna call welders. Machinists. Fitters. Lineman. Builders. Factory and shop workers.

Also LOL at the ones ripping on non college degree people while my weekly check is the one for your whole month. PLEBS 🤣🤣

I respect the hard laborers out there. I used to be be a construction worker then went to being at my current job as an order selector. Hard work? Hell yea. Rewarding check? Always!!! I get paid more than most people and I have the liberty to get OT if I want it!
Every work is ok- until it is not against NationalSocialism or Satanism. For example it is not ok to work in United States military, because it's means that you are ready to kill people for jewish interests, working in Russian military is also not ok. In the past I vanted to become history teacher, but I understand that when I really become history teacher, I can work only two months in public school, before I get fired because of speaking truth. You can also work as builder, but when your company is going to build church or mosque, you need to refuse.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HP. HoodedCobra, what if one loves to do more things and is multi-talented, but doesn't know which direction or career to take?

Because this is how I feel right now. I like to do all these things in different fields which I'm really good at, but I know it is better to specialise in something and be as good at it as you possibly can.

And more than this... these fields might even be complete opposites. For example I finished a mechanics high-school in which we've been learning about engines and learning to use computer programs to make the blueprints for them, 3D models of engine pieces and even coding languages and I absolutely love these technical fields that I also started some coding courses and I'm looking forward to help JoS when I'm more confident in myself about it.

But at the same time, my mom is a cake decorator and she is doing marzipan cake toppers. Basically modeling animals, humans, cartoon characters, and all sorts of stuff, which I learned too because I was helping her and I love to do it, plus I am extremely artistic, I been painting my whole teenage years so I'm thinking about this kind of career too, which is involving a lot of art work.

And also, I been talking to the Gods and Satan, and They suggested me to get involved into politics. I have seen in my chart aspects which benefit this area a lot. So I am in the process of doing it, I'm 20 and currently in a college that is politics related. Yet, until I get there I must do something that makes me money.

So what should people like me, who are looking into more than one direction, do?
What do we do about professions that have been infested with enemy teachings?

I am pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology, and much of the teachings are about well known Jews like Sigmund Freud. Is an education like this, followed by a specialization, worth it?

I feel as if I was lead by the Gods to this is all, I'd like your reassurance my choice was sound.
I believe that self-employment represents a desirable career path, not only for the financial rewards and increased free time, but also for the autonomy it offers. As my own boss, I am able to avoid the potential exploitation and enslavement that can come with working for others.

However, I don't look down on any other kind of honest work, regardless of perceived prestige, everything plays a vital role in maintaining the fabric of society, and not everyone desires or is equipped to assume a leadership role.

Some people may find themselves employed in positions that may not align with their personal aspirations, at some point in their lives, therefore we should not make assumptions about a person based on their current employment, as they may be a hidden gem, shining with unique talents and qualities, waiting to be discovered.
What about working in the performance field, like dancers and actors?
It's obviously honorable since you're upholding the arts but isn't it wrong to entertain such people today, that could use anything but more fun than they already have with their lives wasting them ? It's like the world today needs leaders, politicians, someone to snap them out of this sleep. Not that dancing would not be useful or that these messages could not be transmitted in both.
Shadowcat said:

Lol, exactly. I have a relative who is a car mechanic, I am proud of him because people need their cars fixed right? So he has a useful skill, and will always have employment, unlike those who went to university for full degrees. I also had a relative who was in the process of getting into the same line of work as yours, an extremely important career that society depends upon.

I myself worked as a cleaner for a period of time, sure it was below my skills but I actually didn't mind it. I needed work, it was a steady income, I was left alone (no people to deal with!) and allowed to have music playing, and the company used eco-friendly products, so I did not have to deal with any chemicals.

I left it once I got employment based on what I had some training for, but the paychecks were not as regular so maybe I lost out, lol.
GoldenxChild1 said:
What do we do about professions that have been infested with enemy teachings?

I am pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology, and much of the teachings are about well known Jews like Sigmund Freud. Is an education like this, followed by a specialization, worth it?

I feel as if I was lead by the Gods to this is all, I'd like your reassurance my choice was sound.

If i also may add.

I believe you'll help alot of people and even some of those people you might lead here.

Since you understanding the truth you'll be able to help people in the truest form, all tools no matter what their purpose was used by the right people will always be a force for better things.
GoldenxChild1 said:
What do we do about professions that have been infested with enemy teachings?

I am pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology, and much of the teachings are about well known Jews like Sigmund Freud. Is an education like this, followed by a specialization, worth it?

I feel as if I was lead by the Gods to this is all, I'd like your reassurance my choice was sound.

Psychology has a lot to offer. It's clearly useful and effective, or else it wouldn't be employed by governments and corporations. An effective tool is a good tool.

There were countless manuscripts, grimoires, old texts and books all full of corruption. Yet the clergy made use of them, and read them the Satanic way as Maxine termed it. Take what's useful, and discard what isn't. This shouldn't be any different with psychology as it's taught. Don't forget as well that you can always ask the Gods for guidance if you are unsure about something. They are our teachers, and they know what is true.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
What do we do about professions that have been infested with enemy teachings?

I am pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology, and much of the teachings are about well known Jews like Sigmund Freud. Is an education like this, followed by a specialization, worth it?

I feel as if I was lead by the Gods to this is all, I'd like your reassurance my choice was sound.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I even thought about dropping out of psychology studies because of how many of these stupid Jewish theories there are, but I thought to myself how many other branches of science there are in total, which are unfortunately soiled by them. These are just theories that are in the teaching system and nothing more. For the work itself, it's of no use to me.
One of my professors doesn't give a damn about what she teaches us, to the point that she told us that the information she presents to us is outdated.
A large number of my friends disagree with these "popular" theories. The more people doubt it, the less known these theories will be.

I agree, and those people who look down on food service workers tend to the most arrogant people I've met.

I'm actually pursuing a different blue collar trade now, because I want to learn a skill that would enable me to build things and is also in high demand. I want to be able to do more than just hold a steering wheel and occasionally change a headlight. It wasn't a bad career, I just felt that it didn't fit me well, made the best of it as long as I reasonably could.
Ursa Minor said:

I agree, and those people who look down on food service workers tend to the most arrogant people I've met.

I'm actually pursuing a different blue collar trade now, because I want to learn a skill that would enable me to build things and is also in high demand. I want to be able to do more than just hold a steering wheel and occasionally change a headlight. It wasn't a bad career, I just felt that it didn't fit me well, made the best of it as long as I reasonably could.

If you are in the states go union. You will get pension and benefits. Don't work south of the mason Dixon line if you can help it. It's ratty as fuck down here and they don't treat their people well at all. Working maintanance outages at nuke plants is good money but you have to have a high level of integrity and a clean record, which should be no problem for an SS. If you are going to weld, work with refrac or grind alot a respirator is your best friend...

I was with my welding partner on one side of the waterwall in the boiler last April in a papermill. (They are nasty AF). I didn't put my respirator on while welding with an exotic alloy and within 24 hours my sinuses fucked me up and had me laid up in bed. Boiler flu is no bs.
MiniMe3388 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
What do we do about professions that have been infested with enemy teachings?

I am pursuing a Bachelors in Psychology, and much of the teachings are about well known Jews like Sigmund Freud. Is an education like this, followed by a specialization, worth it?

I feel as if I was lead by the Gods to this is all, I'd like your reassurance my choice was sound.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I even thought about dropping out of psychology studies because of how many of these stupid Jewish theories there are, but I thought to myself how many other branches of science there are in total, which are unfortunately soiled by them. These are just theories that are in the teaching system and nothing more. For the work itself, it's of no use to me.
One of my professors doesn't give a damn about what she teaches us, to the point that she told us that the information she presents to us is outdated.
A large number of my friends disagree with these "popular" theories. The more people doubt it, the less known these theories will be.

Many people know many of these "theories" and so on are just bollocks, yet they still teach them because if one questions the jews and their nonsense, they instantly are labelled as some sort of terrorist.

The same goes if one tries to bring foundational Truths from the past into science etc. MANY people know these things in the scientific field, so don't feel alone. Yet most people don't understand how or why it happened.
Shadowcat said:
If you are in the states go union. You will get pension and benefits. Don't work south of the mason Dixon line if you can help it. It's ratty as fuck down here and they don't treat their people well at all. Working maintanance outages at nuke plants is good money but you have to have a high level of integrity and a clean record, which should be no problem for an SS. If you are going to weld, work with refrac or grind alot a respirator is your best friend...

I was with my welding partner on one side of the waterwall in the boiler last April in a papermill. (They are nasty AF). I didn't put my respirator on while welding with an exotic alloy and within 24 hours my sinuses fucked me up and had me laid up in bed. Boiler flu is no bs.
Thanks for the advice.

For now, I'm "stuck" under the Mason-Dixon line, it would take a lot more money and resources than I have right now to move. Exception would be if a job offer were very high pay and included relocation assistance to compensate for losing my current support network.

I've dealt with papermills before, very messy and stinky places indeed, although meat plants are just as bad if not worse IMO. Have to air out the truck for hours on the freeway to get rid of the awful smell and flush all the bugs out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
What do you think about factory work?
Do you see it as any work or is it slave labor for you?
Do you think it is dignified to be a factory worker rather than an employee or shopkeeper?

What is JoS's position regarding this kind of work?

Yes, all work is dignified, and all work is honourable. All work has my respect personally. All people who do something deserve respect. Having done all sorts of things, I tell you this, there is no dishoroable work.

The mentality that there is any, while society and existence functions on many layers, is a mentality that is errant. This mentality was produced by forgetfulness that a society is upheld by the hands of many people, and overt focus on one's case.

If one becomes the best at what they do, a good life is ahead of them, no matter what this profession is.

There should be no shame in one's profession whatsoever.

That's very positive. The only thing we see as negative is to not do anything in life whatsoever, like complete laziness that is a manifestation of negative entropy, which we as Spiritual Satanists fight against.

That is unacceptable as it's a symptom of one falling into nothing and wasting their existence into nothingness, which it wasn't supposed to be wasted there.

Everything and every profession is accepted in JoS, we hold no discrimination, no matter who you are or what you do, from the darker areas to the brighter areas of life.

In the JoS we have doctors and lawyers, men in construction, women in fashion, housewives, public servants, cleaners, cooks or surgeons, we have everyone and anyone from all walks of life.

Shout-out to all of our SS family who are out there existing, fighting and getting it.

Certain "unacceptable" things that society treats in pointless disrespect, are accepted here without a second thought. The Gods also understand in the context of existence and it's wheel of evolution.

Even if one is in unemployment but does great work for the Gods, that's still great, as certain work counts as employment. One must not guilt trip themselves all day over about this, but just seek to evolve and get better.

What should be the aim of any Satanist is to have a good, well placed job or function in society, that provides what is necessary for one's spiritual progress and material existence.

As one progresses, one's work capacity might also progress, based on goals set for one's self, one's family, one's society, or the JoS itself. That is individual. Success is promoted in Spiritual Satanism, yet often-times one's success is largely a definition of where one is serving their purpose best.

This is not the same for all individuals, and is part of a Dharmic process in which we all play our parts collectively.

Lastly, in our mythology the Gods have under control all spheres of existence. A gravedigger, or a shopkeeper, a lawyer, or a painter, or a statesman, or a doctor, all belong under the same purpose for existence. The Gods preside above all. One's capacity and one's function serves different ends.

Have no shame about what you do to keep your children fed, and yourself alive, if you walk in the spiritual path.

Your hands that work, are the hands of a Spiritual Satanist. And they are blessed hands.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Magnificent post :!: :D
I respect people of all professions :D
I believe that every profession is important :D
Everyone earns as much as he can and does what he can. I believe that every profession should be paid with dignity and well :D
In my perspective the issue is not the jobs themselves but the financial element attached to them that is looked down upon. This however is an imbalance engineered by kikes.

For me personally parasite "jobs" are far more detestable than jobs that are beneficial to humanity, I have far more respect for a construction or factory workers than an influencer or football player.

People unfortunately are conditioned to respect only the shekels made and not the actual value of a person's profession to humanity in the grand scheme of things. The issue however is one cannot escape the reality of modern finance and certain jobs should be avoided not because they are shameful or anything, but because the salaries for these are less than one deserves for their time and labor.

Everybody knows already how little "respect" I have for parasites who amassed outrageous wealth by exploiting others, and these people are part of the reason why such jobs are so criminally underpaid.

I think everybody should be striving to accumulate more wealth and search for ways to generate more income, not from shame of working such jobs, but simply for the reason more wealth equals more security and stability.
Dahaarkan said:

For me personally parasite "jobs" are far more detestable than jobs that are beneficial to humanity, I have far more respect for a construction or factory workers than an influencer or football player.

People unfortunately are conditioned to respect only the shekels made and not the actual value of a person's profession to humanity in the grand scheme of things....

These people provide entertainment which is a whole sector of human life, and yes, these are jobs and viable too, as these deal with human attention.

While this might not be on the level of actual higher value provided to society, this is the level of society, and where the inflow and outflow goes. Therefore it is part of this and what it is.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
AskSatanOperator said:
What do you think about factory work?
Do you see it as any work or is it slave labor for you?
Do you think it is dignified to be a factory worker rather than an employee or shopkeeper?

What is JoS's position regarding this kind of work?

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Yes this is deffinently true, a lot of our society is very much based off of a weird heirarchy on what is considered good valueable work vs. bad unvalueable work. I am very grateful for what the Gods and Father Satan have done for me in my educations and persing the gals for my line of work as a future History Professor.coming from an up-bring that was very xainity beleiving that viewed i would never work. well that was until i found the JoS. I have even come to see that even working o yourself spiritually is as just as good as working a job,since the spiritual is just as important as the other areas of the universe. being the physical,emotional astral etc.. Many of my success as of recent have come not just from my dedication to father Satan but also from performing the final rtr and power meditations etc..
Hail Satan!!
serpentwalker666 said:
And alcohol abuse being widespread among people who frequent bars and pubs, or own them.

I've also observed this among many other bars, bar owners and places when it comes to people selling, consuming, or bartering alcohol.

I've seen it enough to question these as professions and if they should be removed or controlled in a much stricter way.

I'm completely in agreement with your views on these types of businesses. It's also a shame to hear the downward struggle you dad had. I knew one place when I was younger that got shut down 5 times (one time it lasted only a few weeks), yet the cause from what I've heard was due to an over-abundance of drug dealers and users. It's not an easy business venture by any means.

I've found that the people at certain other pubs are filled with kind and well-meaning working-class people, though going there sober is a somewhat different story.

I think bars/pubs have pros and cons and there should be more strict measures in monitoring alcohol intake. Things like karaoke and music venues are overall good as they bring people together. They only become bad when people get too drunk and sensitive to their own emotions.

I think it'd be good if they limited drinks to 4 servings and had breathalyzer machines upon entry. (For the latter no-contact versions.) It'd also be good if they had health warnings on menus and in bathrooms that explain the short and long term health implications of alcohol use, including its potentially carcinogenic properties.

I'm not sure about how they could better measure drug use however. That I guess all depends on the people working and their diligence.

Still (((they))) probably won't have any of that and will instead seek profit over our ill health. Some places serve regulars 10 or more drinks and it's wrong. People should be up in arms by now, but no, alcohol has been a widespread and prolific business since it's inception.

It's as pretty big obstacle to tackle yet I feel small events can lead to big change.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That's very positive. The only thing we see as negative is to not do anything in life whatsoever, like complete laziness that is a manifestation of negative entropy, which we as Spiritual Satanists fight against.

Distraction, also, is up there with laziness.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These people provide entertainment which is a whole sector of human life, and yes, these are jobs and viable too, as these deal with human attention.

While this might not be on the level of actual higher value provided to society, this is the level of society, and where the inflow and outflow goes. Therefore it is part of this and what it is.

I think it's undignified that people who work to produce essential resources are barely given what they need to survive meanwhile a guy kicks a ball into a net and and is showered in outrageous wealth.

When it comes to influencers I consider this to be completely predatory, as is hinted by the very name. These people are notorious for their constant scams, manipulation and exploitation of their audiences.

It's not just a matter of clickbait and somewhat false advertisements, it seems everyday a new crypto scam or ponzi scheme is promoted by these people, and I've lost all respect for the people working in this as a result.
sublimestatanist said:
serpentwalker666 said:
And alcohol abuse being widespread among people who frequent bars and pubs, or own them.

I've also observed this among many other bars, bar owners and places when it comes to people selling, consuming, or bartering alcohol.

I've seen it enough to question these as professions and if they should be removed or controlled in a much stricter way.

I'm completely in agreement with your views on these types of businesses. It's also a shame to hear the downward struggle you dad had. I knew one place when I was younger that got shut down 5 times (one time it lasted only a few weeks), yet the cause from what I've heard was due to an over-abundance of drug dealers and users. It's not an easy business venture by any means.

I've found that the people at certain other pubs are filled with kind and well-meaning working-class people, though going there sober is a somewhat different story.

I think bars/pubs have pros and cons and there should be more strict measures in monitoring alcohol intake. Things like karaoke and music venues are overall good as they bring people together. They only become bad when people get too drunk and sensitive to their own emotions.

I think it'd be good if they limited drinks to 4 servings and had breathalyzer machines upon entry. (For the latter no-contact versions.) It'd also be good if they had health warnings on menus and in bathrooms that explain the short and long term health implications of alcohol use, including its potentially carcinogenic properties.

I'm not sure about how they could better measure drug use however. That I guess all depends on the people working and their diligence.

Still (((they))) probably won't have any of that and will instead seek profit over our ill health. Some places serve regulars 10 or more drinks and it's wrong. People should be up in arms by now, but no, alcohol has been a widespread and prolific business since it's inception.

It's as pretty big obstacle to tackle yet I feel small events can lead to big change.

Yes, unfortunately my father is a very self destructive person and owning a buisness like that simply spiraled him into further and deeper self destruction.

Its something I've had to come to grips with for awhile now, as there's alot more to the situation than I originally mentioned.

Toxic family members. Etc. My grandparents, his parents are complete scum of this earth, always with their hand out expecting something from him, and unfortunately my father never learned how to walk away and stay away from toxic sick people, and him enabling their behavior for years led to his own undoing, however only partially as he chose this.

I'd say you have a bunch of very realistic good ideas are changing and better regulating alcohol in buisness. I fully agree with you.

I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.
Dahaarkan said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
These people provide entertainment which is a whole sector of human life, and yes, these are jobs and viable too, as these deal with human attention.

While this might not be on the level of actual higher value provided to society, this is the level of society, and where the inflow and outflow goes. Therefore it is part of this and what it is.

I think it's undignified that people who work to produce essential resources are barely given what they need to survive meanwhile a guy kicks a ball into a net and and is showered in outrageous wealth.

When it comes to influencers I consider this to be completely predatory, as is hinted by the very name. These people are notorious for their constant scams, manipulation and exploitation of their audiences.

It's not just a matter of clickbait and somewhat false advertisements, it seems everyday a new crypto scam or ponzi scheme is promoted by these people, and I've lost all respect for the people working in this as a result.

I agree that the mainstream view of the difference of value in manual labor and playing a sport at the highest caliber is all twisted in what really is valuable. That doesn't mean that playing at the level professionalism is parasitic at all and the problem itself isn't that pro sports exists but the way it's viewed by the masses.

It's also normal for exposed scams and ponzi schemes to be shared around more than news of influencers who are just decent humans doing their thing. Its an extreme on both ends to see influencers as holy like most of their followers probably do and seeing them as bad right away and losing "respect" for that type of job just because of the exposure of some. There's a lot of influencers out there nowadays.

People did the same with cops where one side says acab (all cops are bastards) to the other side that boot licks every officer they see and generalize all of them as heros. Every time I have a run in with a cop which I have constantly before (for non legal reasons but for other not relevant reasons) I just talk to them with the general respect I give to every person I meet and after a while it's easy to pick up what type of person they are. From my experience most are just regular humans doing their thing while only a few being pompous or showing signs of power hunger.

The normal thing to do would be to see everyone as the humans they are and acknowledge their skills and if one wishes to watch any certain influencer more then they'll see wether or not they are of decent character. Going in as neutral as possible. Obviously most people don't have this skill and become star struck but that's not the point here.

What we have now is part of society as HC said but yes we (society in general, obviously we here know better) do need a revaluation of how jobs are perceived and how much is being given back to them for what they do.
In case it wasn't clear with what I meant, I was speaking about how people can think that something is prevalent because it's shown in the media more and gets more clicks than the things go unnoticed everyday which the latter is way more than the bad stuff out there but most of this can be discerned with a clear and logical mind.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
