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People In Our Life: Cases To Avoid

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I have come to understand many things. The man I was before I joined, is nothing compared to who I am today; the Gods and my personal efforts have facilitated so much intense, deep and eternal change, that it's impossible to put in words.

As a Spiritual Satanist, you are on radically different trajectory than most people in this world. That doesn't mean you have to remain alone. On the contrary, it means you have to have better relations when this is the case, rather than falling into every trap other people will have to experience due to lack of knowledge.

One of the things I have learned over the years is that it is important to surround ourselves with people that treat us well. By well I do not mean "always good". Well does not necessarily mean nothing else but in a respectful manner that is not damaging to us. In life it's very common that most people are surrounded by people that:

Do not appreciate you even when you do a lot of things for them. While a lot is relative, many people are mentally ill to the point they have endless misplaced assumptions about life. We on the other hand might be mentally misplaced and thinking that we owe or must give way much than we should, in order to get something basic out of people. Unappreciative behavior both ways is a major illness in human relationships.

Do not take your dreams seriously - that can undermine your faith in your dreams. If you seek to get better, the messages that try to keep you worthless, must actually become minimized. The job of many people in this world is not for them to become better and to make you better, but to actually make you worse because these people themselves suck. These must be avoided as much as we can, within the confines of reason.

That we abuse and that are abusive. Why do I mention that "we abuse"? While most people tend to talk about their "victim status", the situation is that most people are also becoming active abusers if other people abuse them, and rarely one is constantly on a claimed "victim status". Many people out there who had their asses beat and constantly whine they are "victims", are in an active form of association with other people, that can cause this. The first primary thing being that they are sitting close to people that abuse them. As this raises their defense, they too become abusive towards these people, starting and maintaining a cycle of abuse. That we too, when confronted with negative human beings, will become evil and abusive towards them either in attack or defense. Hang close to abusers for a while, and you will become one.

People that are toxic. Hanging around these types of people, will actually make you toxic too. For example, if you struggle to evade drugs, but you are always around drug addicts, that is a very unwise thing to do. That creates a circle of futility in which we become toxic by correlation.

People that don't help you improve in some way. While these people do not necessarily harm you, they do not also help you become better even in a very small way. This means you are spending idle time with these people.

People with nothing to offer and unwilling to fix that. In most cases, people, when ready to criticize, attack, destroy, or anything of the sort, they are very quick to "provide" this. When it comes to providing a form of value, they are not ready to provide this. People with nothing to offer in spiritual, mental, physical or any other way, are people that will eventually end up taking and siphoning from others. Not good.

Those that bring the worst out of you. There are some people in this world that with their mere presence in your life, can bring out the worst elements of your existence. These people should be avoided at all costs.

Your unlucky stars. As we have human beings with whom we have gracious and proper co-operation, there are people who can literally spell our damnation. That might not necessarily be the case because they are evil or bad people, but it can be because of astrology or other aspects. It's best to stay away from these people in life, or retain a decent distance with them if one cannot evade them.

Those that don't help you self improve*. There are people that help you improve and people that do not help you improve. "Feel Good" might not arrive by all of these people, but evolution for yourself might. A foolish example here is that nobody likes to go to the dentist, but their work can be life saving. Just "feel good" should not be taken as a highest consideration in a relationship. People that plague you with certain types of darkness, can be good stepping stones if you are strong to help you overcome it.

*Specifying the Above Point: The difference between these people and those who are mean to cause ruin, is that these people pose challenges and that you will both evolve as you encounter these, while the upper parasitic categories will not bear any fruit. Do not take what I wrote above as evading "the people that don't make you feel good", because oftentimes, bad people for you can make you "feel good". The question to ask here is what people help you grow (even by pressing your limits or by giving you necessary feedback to grow yourself). If you avoid these people, you are disallowing yourself from receiving proper growth and karmic feedback to grow into the individual you must become. By avoid these types of empowering interactions, you are becoming weak.

Perhaps the number one thing I have lost in my first year in Spiritual Satanism, were many of my "friends". This happened almost naturally, as the person who seeks to wake up, might have an initial response to take some distance from negative sources in order to examine themselves. That state should not be forever. It should last only so long that one de-clutters.

Eventually, one will have to find others who bring increased value to the life of someone. With renewed vigor and confidence after a point, one will actively try to seek better company, or when that is not present, no company; but there are plenty of non toxic and good people out there to associate with and grow alongside, that must be kept in mind.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
There are some things that are not what they seem to be, and we have to make some effort to understand them.

Thank you for this beautiful sermon, High Priest!
Most of these points directly affect my life on the daily. But My biggest problem is Being to nice To people who are obviously against father satan. And I have every time learned this lesson the hardway Like this one guy Who I thought was my friend. He's very Aware the Jews run this world That was one of the main reasons. I talked to the guy.he Acted like he had a live and let live attitude about my beliefs. Then come to find out this whole time. He was nothing but a huge hater. And believes huge bullshit like Thinking that the Jews Actually worship satan But today was the last straw with this guy. I usually forgive way too easily. But not this time I see his true colors now. Every time I became friends with people who were obviously enemies of satan It never ended good, always bad, always backstabbed me, we're always too faced And bring nothing but drama to my life. But I can say now. This lesson's going to stick with me and never leave my mind. It's just hard.
Not being nice to people Even if their enemies of satan( Normally i'd be so hateful towards them It wouldn't effect me) But I've learned thats no way to be So I'm trying to change. it just sucks Seeing Some gentiles With so much potential. Be So deluded And could not be further from the truth. But as of today I Guess I'm going to have to have my guard up at all times around certain people. Shouldn't have to feel that way. But that's How i've learned you have to be around. Those who are without in most cases. And not even just those who are without, but some people in general.

Btw The forums are absolutely amazing. Now. I am shocked to be honest.
I had some very low-level friends a lot of time ago, and I cut them off my life in a very harsh manner when I saw that this was degrading to me.

After I developed my abilities, years later, I could also see what they thought of me and their perception, and all of it revealed the danger and low existence of letting people like them in my life.

I also have a few regrets about how I treated some friends in the long past, nothing very bad in particular but maybe I could've been a more good person to them. I was very young so I think it was justified by lack of maturity.

I do not lose sleep over this now, since I take care of this in my process of existence. Yet something like this to a sensitive person, along the way, can make one relive regrets later in life.

A definite attribute of people is an overestimation of their self and capacities where the case isn't on par with reality, and high intelligence people have a definite underestimation of their abilities. I do not agree fully with this, but to what concerns behavioral profiling, this is used as a scale.

If we use this and try to extrapolate this to our self-worth, people and especially here, SS, if you are good and a positive person, do not underestimate your value as a being and your worth in regards to relationships.

It goes beyond saying to not become arrogant either over nothing but unrealistic emotional drives, as the world is full of this too. Yet, if you develop your reality with focus, care, and effort, you have to curate the people surrounding you and there must be a resonance in between the quality of people you attract.
Those that don't help you self improve*. There are people that help you improve and people that do not help you improve. "Feel Good" might not arrive by all of these people, but evolution for yourself might. A foolish example here is that nobody likes to go to the dentist, but their work can be life saving. Just "feel good" should not be taken as a highest consideration in a relationship. People that plague you with certain types of darkness, can be good stepping stones if you are strong to help you overcome it.

*Specifying the Above Point: The difference between these people and those who are mean to cause ruin, is that these people pose challenges and that you will both evolve as you encounter these, while the upper parasitic categories will not bear any fruit. Do not take what I wrote above as evading "the people that don't make you feel good", because oftentimes, bad people for you can make you "feel good". The question to ask here is what people help you grow (even by pressing your limits or by giving you necessary feedback to grow yourself). If you avoid these people, you are disallowing yourself from receiving proper growth and karmic feedback to grow into the individual you must become. By avoid these types of empowering interactions, you are becoming weak.
Yes! People who "make me feel good" aren't always what's best for me. Their words may be sweet, but too much sugar isn't healthy. In moderation, it's great because who doesn't love sweets from time to time?

It's important to have people around you whom have proven themselves trustworthy and truly love you. Being able to take constructive criticism and being open to feedback from others is vital to growth, something I've struggled with for a long time, for reasons I won't get into. That doesn't mean to just "accept whatever anyone says as the truth" because that can be dangerous too. Being able to consider someone else's words without internalizing them is an art. It takes dedication, discernment and a strong sense of self and other. Some people are just assholes and really do want to bring you down by filling your head with insults and malicious lies, and they have little to offer in terms of constructive criticism that is helpful. Those are the kinds of people you mentioned earlier to avoid at all cost: the toxic ones. Allowing such people room in your head or anywhere else is unwise.

It took me a long time to begin rebuilding trust in myself after years of being told by everyone around me that 'you're too stupid to think for yourself so don't do that. Just accept whatever we tell you about who you are at face value and don't question it.' then proceed to fill my head with all kinds of negative descriptions about myself to take home and internalize. The deprogramming continues, but I've come a long way. I was shut down to receiving ANY opinion or criticism about me at all, from anyone no matter who. This leads to arrogance and psychological growth stagnates in that state.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that it's important to have people who TRULY do love you, and aren't afraid to tell you things that you need to hear even if they know you won't like it. At times it might make you uncomfortable and might not "feel good", but if what they're reflecting back to you is valid and you can grow from it, it's a gift! It takes a certain degree of maturity to be able to listen to someone who loves you tell you such things. For the longest time I wanted to block it all out. It wasn't until I really started to listen to what the world outside of me and the people in it were trying to tell me about myself via reflection that I really started to grow in certain areas.

Discerning who is and isn't truly toxic can be a challenge, but by making self-respecting choices, committing to growth and taking feedback with discernment, we can mature in ways we never thought possible. It might not be easy or comfortable but it's worth it; and having people in your life not afraid to tell you uncomfortable truth when they see something you don't are a blessing. Just gotta separate them from the bad eggs who truly do just want to see you trip over yourself.
These are words I live by, I don't stick around with just friendly people who won't help me back or do not reciprocate the same or better form of friendliness in any other way.

It is best to especially avoid outright toxic and nasty people who will just do anyone harm in so many ways like from my experiences, ruining my reputation on a bigger social scale behind one's back to suddenly bringing their other friends to assault someone physically and leaving him alone for dead in places like a restroom(I know what it's like to get jumped to death by envious and angry people, I'm past that now). I've seen those types of people come and go and I'm happy to also have the privilege to also know that I could turn into these people and have the chance to steer away from that.

Getting stabbed for being wrong is fun to me. Getting hurt is fun to me now, as long as it doesn't kill me or leave me with any infections XD.

I'd rather be lonely or just have a few other intellectuals as friends than be surrounded by zombies of the enemy programs. I'd rather be close to the holy night skies of the eternally uplifting divine stars and their people than stick around with masses of unclean souls who are unlucky to not be under the grace of the first side mentioned. I may sound very extreme with how I sound here but I am implying that there are outsiders that function like Satanic souls but have no realization of it, these are souls that one on this path can be friends with as long as anyone here isn't going to reveal his/her true faith.

If I can remember what was told to me by teachers when I was younger and was still experiencing years of poor social interaction to the point I didn't live like a normal human being for a while, I can remember that I was told to stick with those who'd get me anywhere and also look up to as role models who'll make me in turn a better person and good friend in the future to those who'll need one.
Eventually, one will have to find others who bring increased value to the life of someone. With renewed vigor and confidence after a point, one will actively try to seek better company, or when that is not present, no company; but there are plenty of non toxic and good people out there to associate with and grow alongside, that must be kept in mind.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

There will always be someone you can rely on, Satan knows what we as community and individuals need, happy relationships are one of those things and father Satan will always provide us with that which we need. Silence is also a must and both of this things require of our efforts as well.
We as SS (Or at least i) tend to find blame in ourselves when a relation does not go well, even when that relation was not a positive one. I too have enough experience in that regard and i have learned that it also very important to look at the health of the relation itself, was it a toxic, negative relation? did you benefit anything out of that relation? It is good to see sermons like this one, it helps in understanding and remembering what it is that you need.

The main lesson i got from this sermon is that you become what you associate with, a reoccurring lesson trough ones life.
We must have a structural overhaul of human society based on Satanic, natural principles, virtues, integrity, and a moral core at the base in order to fix the plague upon humanity. Many children are indoctrinated to behave in a certain way and follow the majority, even if the larger part is corrupted to the base of it, as there is no maturity and mental development present to be independent, much less spiritual development. Lack of meditation goes hand in hand with degeneration of the mind and body. It's no wonder that if people aren't making the commitment to advance, then the people in question cannot think for themselves, control their fate, or have an open mind, and this leads to narrow-mindedness, where one can't accept matters that go against their constructed beliefs, be they bad or not, and there is no logical filtering as a consequence. These people who follow others, down to physical appearance and even mental similarity to others, have no originality and thus are not of any value. Drugs degenerate all bodies even further, until those who do them no longer hold any critical thinking. Take, for example, drug addicts and smokers, especially those who smoke other drugs such as weed. There is a pattern to be observed in any of the ones mentioned.

He who doesn't hold dearly to his own life by applying improvement does not in any way progress, keeps degenerating, and is thus worthless until he meets cold death. Nature does not forgive stagnation. Everyone who is an SS must make the effort daily to evolve. If you lack discipline or mental fortitude, then start a strong Nauthiz working with many reps like I have.

Do not in any way make a connection with toxic people, online or not. I have made in the past online acquantancies intentionally in order to test the more degenerated, and the result was the opposite of what was most desired and hoped for. These people do not have any consciousness and can't think for themselves in any way. Let them meet the harsh reality of the world.
Eventually, one will have to find others who bring increased value to the life of someone. With renewed vigor and confidence after a point, one will actively try to seek better company, or when that is not present, no company; but there are plenty of non toxic and good people out there to associate with and grow alongside, that must be kept in mind.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
This is a very important point to keep in mind (choose friends well)...
Not long ago I noticed that some of these "friends" were quite negative elements, and even though I didn't know how much I know now, the separation from these elements came so spontaneously to me that... and there was a moment in which I thought that the problem was me! But then I realized that I was changing, the goals were changing, I was aiming high and those lower and it's natural to detach yourself from certain elements. Some beautiful moments in the past are not worth more than great goals set for the future!
Perhaps the number one thing I have lost in my first year in Spiritual Satanism, were many of my "friends". This happened almost naturally, as the person who seeks to wake up, might have an initial response to take some distance from negative sources in order to examine themselves. That state should not be forever. It should last only so long that one de-clutters.
It's easier to remove people from your life when you're an adult, but teenagers must be finding it hard to advance when they have to spend 8 hours a day in a cube with 20 fools.
We must have a structural overhaul of human society based on Satanic, natural principles, virtues, integrity, and a moral core at the base in order to fix the plague upon humanity. Many children are indoctrinated to behave in a certain way and follow the majority, even if the larger part is corrupted to the base of it, as there is no maturity and mental development present to be independent, much less spiritual development. Lack of meditation goes hand in hand with degeneration of the mind and body. It's no wonder that if people aren't making the commitment to advance, then the people in question cannot think for themselves, control their fate, or have an open mind, and this leads to narrow-mindedness, where one can't accept matters that go against their constructed beliefs, be they bad or not, and there is no logical filtering as a consequence. These people who follow others, down to physical appearance and even mental similarity to others, have no originality and thus are not of any value. Drugs degenerate all bodies even further, until those who do them no longer hold any critical thinking. Take, for example, drug addicts and smokers, especially those who smoke other drugs such as weed. There is a pattern to be observed in any of the ones mentioned.

He who doesn't hold dearly to his own life by applying improvement does not in any way progress, keeps degenerating, and is thus worthless until he meets cold death. Nature does not forgive stagnation. Everyone who is an SS must make the effort daily to evolve. If you lack discipline or mental fortitude, then start a strong Nauthiz working with many reps like I have.

Do not in any way make a connection with toxic people, online or not. I have made in the past online acquantancies intentionally in order to test the more degenerated, and the result was the opposite of what was most desired and hoped for. These people do not have any consciousness and can't think for themselves in any way. Let them meet the harsh reality of the world.
This post hits deep. I "lost" many people that I considered "friends" in all these years in my spiritual path. And the more you advance, the more you will naturally detach from these people. I have a question tho... just for deep thoughts. While we should get acquainted more with "healthy" person, doesn't the majority of growth comes from overcome situations with "unhealthy" ones?
To be clear, it's always better having actual friends and sane human beings around you, but I'm asking if in your opinion the growth that comes from bad enviroment have a limit, which then requires a more serene one. Because eventually in our lives we will encounter many people, and unless we live in a bubble we will eventually have a lot of interactions with pointless individuals. And even if we try to grow by overcoming them there's a limit for that?
I have just my experiences and my eyes of course, so I would like to hear differents points of views.
Eventually, one will have to find others who bring increased value to the life of someone. With renewed vigor and confidence after a point, one will actively try to seek better company, or when that is not present, no company; but there are plenty of non toxic and good people out there to associate with and grow alongside, that must be kept in mind.
Thank you for this sermon, HPHC.

I had a false friend in the past who betrayed and hurt me. I decided to cut myself off from her. It was a good choice.
This post hits deep. I "lost" many people that I considered "friends" in all these years in my spiritual path. And the more you advance, the more you will naturally detach from these people. I have a question tho... just for deep thoughts. While we should get acquainted more with "healthy" person, doesn't the majority of growth comes from overcome situations with "unhealthy" ones?
To be clear, it's always better having actual friends and sane human beings around you, but I'm asking if in your opinion the growth that comes from bad enviroment have a limit, which then requires a more serene one. Because eventually in our lives we will encounter many people, and unless we live in a bubble we will eventually have a lot of interactions with pointless individuals. And even if we try to grow by overcoming them there's a limit for that?
I have just my experiences and my eyes of course, so I would like to hear differents points of views.

I certainly agree with you. The analogy of the toxicity has to be only up to a point. It's true that we grow when we are pressed on our limits, but when they are exceeded and we are driven into permanent pressure from these things, we might as well shrink, not grow.

This post is not about creating a false sense of a good environment filled with fake positivity, but rather, managing negativity.
I want to give an example of this, concerning an associate of mine. It is important for especially young people here to have hard examples of this. The details are shocking, so I will spoiler it.

This girl went from abusive relationship to abusive relationship. 7th House planet is really bad. Her first boyfriend, at college, invited her to some camp site, but she didn't end up going. One of the friends later told her he was planning for his friends to gang rape her. Of course he weaved some little story about wanting to 'save girls' and she was one of them.

What did my friend do? A lot of other people would pause if something this dangerous happened. She literally cannot be alone and had Saturn in Aries kicking in horribly, so she went crazy. Another guy followed, who sort of took advantage of her when she was at her lowest.

Now for the important part: then she sat down, prayed to the xian 'god', to give her, I quote, "SOMEONE, ANYONE". Anyone would do.

If you have spent any serious time reading the HPS and HPs works, you will know how precarious and dangerous aligning and shifting energy with this sort of thing is.

So then, she got into this internet relationship with a guy in another country who, coincidentally, had the same name as the guy taking advantage. He flattered her, lovebombed her, their exchanges got very sexual, the whole nine yards. He promised her everything; she felt like he was a past life relation (not actually true).

After meeting up, she claimed to me their relationship was the most wonderful thing in the world but for some reason, though there were little 'red flags' for me to operate on, my intuition told me HELL NO. She asked me to do their Synastry early on. Yes, I mean, there were indications of love or sexual chemistry (not as much as I'd like, but it was clear there was mutual affection), but then I noticed something: Mars-Neptune aspect, 0'00 degrees orb. These were also Chart Rulers.

I wasn't really sure what this aspect meant. I knew it had something to do with delusions and aggression but I wasn't sure how it would manifest. I knew that because his Saturn wasn't hard-aspecting her Ruler he probably wouldn't kill her, but I just didn't know.

What happened when she moved to his country is basically several years of complete hell. After the honeymoon phase, he refused to have sex, citing 'body issues and dysphoria'. He criticized her every minute and ground her esteem into dust. Every time they played video games (ones he wanted) he forced her to play in the exact style he wanted, nanosecond by nanosecond.

During this time, he actually acquired a stellar degree... and refused to get a job. Therefore, making her sole financial provider. She had to do all the job applications for him.

They also moved countries twice, months in, she had built an entire social network, while he refused to go outside and he had a tantrum in both about some minute detail, and so they moved back.

In the last few years of the relationship, he made her do endless sex roleplays for hours and hours with his fetishes, sending bestiality porn to her. Until the middle of the night, again, with her as sole provider. He still refused to have any sex. He piled on the pressure for her to masturbate with other men and have threesomes with whatever one of his close friends, and then when she did it, he went apeshit and threw a knife at her and threatened to throw her down the stairs.

She insisted until blue in the face that their relationship was perfect (while describing how awful it was to me and several others) until some sort of lightning bulb realization hit her that it was actually shit. But of course, straight after leaving, she leapfrogged to another guy. Immediately.

And as for him, he insists she was equally abusive because she 'refused to read his signals'.

Now I am not going to suggest my friend was a 'total victim'. My friend has a Pisces Ascendant. She wasn't a total victim - very early on, she even told me she liked being objectified and having other people control her life as it meant she could manipulate people passively. This is a very dark side of Pisces. (Libras can also have tendencies with this, in a more detached way.)

Sometimes karma with relationships is horrendous, but without insight from within into why these things happen, they will keep repeating. My associate had insight into her motives, but zero ability to overcome them. Only the 'lightbulb moment' saved her, but she hasn't resolved the core issue. The issue of not being able to be alone.

This is why I tell people to know your stuff before making a move. And when you affirm for a partner, ALWAYS include 'the best' or 'most beneficial' in whatever affirmation, along with some indication of reciprocation like 'mutually compatible partner'. Don't go for just 'anyone'. Certainly don't involve enemy shits at any point, please.

As HP Cobra said, however, don't go too far in the opposite direction. Like I said in my other post, love does not require zero effort. People who tease, reject (romantically) or are playfully insulting you are not the same caliber as the truly abusive, who will take any opportunity to destroy your self esteem or be parasitic as soon as they feel secure.

Someone being a Satanist is no assurance of quality either. Many jews and other miscreants have shown up here over the years. Many people here have extreme karma with many life issues in the first place because an average and complacent person living some white picket fence existence frequently has no reason to seek the Gods.

That can also be a danger, however, when it comes to those who have extreme legacy problems of narcissism or parasitism, or those who are broken by enemy programs, and refuse to follow the Gods lead in ridding themselves of such things, or just flat out don't meditate. Be aware and be smart.
I want to give an example of this, concerning an associate of mine. It is important for especially young people here to have hard examples of this. The details are shocking, so I will spoiler it.

Your post, albeit highly disturbing, is very true.

Many people out there just claim "victim status" however, they actively invite these victim situations upon themselves because in many cases there can be other unresolved issues or even they like it.

Victim status is an addiction for many out there. They enjoy being the "victims". I would write some stories I have seen in my own life, face to face, but I'd rather not, as many members will consider them highly damaging to read. But I have seen quite a few cases of your description.
I literally recognized my father in some points on this list; unfortunately, his natal chart painfully aspects some positions of mine, thereby causing multiple unpleasant things in our interactions throughout life. I tried for a long time to fix this instead of just taking a safe distance.
Thank you for posting this article HPHC.

It is important that people need to know how they build strong bonds and attachments in life, as well as with whom they attach with.

We need to make social contacts but in a way that there is both joy in them and also an opportunistic approach on making  really positive things coming into fruition.

I find it funny how people are so addicted to facebook? And the nasty attitude that people pick up when they're on social media! And how aggravating it is when I come to work dealing with people's negative energy and how it wears and tears you down as a person and how it breaks down your spiritual forcefield. And we as people don't have to put up with somebody's abuse torture and torment. That is why it is important to meditate and clean your chakras and your aura system when you get home from work especially after being on the internet. And I know that I deal with problems at home with my family and friends and sometimes it gets a bit much! To the point that all I want to do is just hang out in my room all day and study and read or just take off in my car somewhere and go for a drive! Even going into a busy shopping mall as a hell of a lot happier than being at home sometimes dealing with the stress and the emotions of other people and their problems especially when we have enough bullshit problems of our own to deal with! And it's not fair that we have to put up with others in the same group that have their problems but then again it always pays to sit down and talk about them and to work them out with friends or to be able to spend that quality alone time with yourself. And with this world the way it is! You can't turn on the TV or the radio station without hearing anything negative hearing about war and violence and all of the hatred! And how it affects your mind and your sleeping pattern and what it does to you? And the bad habits that it creates within us when we meditate and sleep and how it changes our personality and then pretty soon! We become that irritating person that nobody wants to be around. Even I have to sit down once in a while and meditate and clear my head at these negative things because I don't want to be one of these negative people and I don't want to be one of these problematic individuals! Especially when I just want to do my best and be happy and finding the Comfort Within Myself to be able to enjoy the comfort of others teaching and learning🧘‍♀️
Thank you for posting this article HPHC.

It is important that people need to know how they build strong bonds and attachments in life, as well as with whom they attach with.

We need to make social contacts but in a way that there is both joy in them and also an opportunistic approach on making  really positive things coming into fruition.


That is not called opportunism, that is called development. Opportunism is when this is done solely for personal parasitic gain. When all parties involved come out better, that means a lot. It's exactly as you say.
It's not an easy world to live in! We did not come with the book of instructions when we were born. And it has always been a mystery how people have lived on this Earth and had to learn to figure things out on their own. And often at times go to a guru or somebody of higher intelligence to teach them! And why schooling and education is so important and to teach and train your children at home as well. About how to deal with problematic people in this world and how to deal with your own problems as they come up next! A lot of people don't even have time to sit down and meditate and resolve their problems when they hit especially when somebody slams you down with an insult and yells at you and put you down! For some reason or another or for whatever excuse? And then you have to walk around with that shame on your face wondering what to do getting so put down to the point that you can't even fucking find a bathroom to sit down and cry without running into somebody no matter where you go you're going to run into people and when you think that you can get away for a minute you're abuser follows you all over the place trying to grab at you! Rubbing it in your face and calling your attention and getting everyone else to notice you along with it it seems like I know that when I was a little kid? If I got into trouble there was no way I could get away except for the fact that a little kid would throw a tantrum fit and make things worse! And we don't have time for that kind of shit in this world and after getting yelled at you naturally want to attack and even if it comes down to getting beaten down yourself? Do you not have the right to stick up for yourself and fight for what is right? Even when you're dealing with your folks at home and the so-called rules? And the punishment? Depending on what it is you did or said? We grew up with these problems and a lot of these problems start at home with the folks! And then we carried them to school with this and lash out at one another in the classroom as children we tried to escape these problems either by talking to a friend or getting a hold of mom or dad at the moment when they're in the better mood? Bringing about the subject and talking about it most the time they look at you like you don't know what you're talking about and of course they know what they've done and they don't want to discuss it? So you go on bleeding in your mind with this misery and pain trying your very best to keep yourself from bleeding and keeping yourself from crying nursing yourself and trying to figure out a way to take care of your wounds that you are suffering after being called names and brutally beaten down and called out! It is not fair for a lot of people to have to live a life of this kind of pain that they bring on themselves or just because they're with the wrong crowd or the wrong people? That we somehow chose this by going with the wrong people or somehow we open her mouth up at the wrong time and at the wrong moment and get into it with our loved ones or someone we care about a very touchy moment of very touchy subject not realizing it the person has had a bad day or is going through something his or herself? Little kids don't seem to understand that all they think about is themselves and don't realize that maybe mommy's not in a good mood or she and Daddy got into a fight or there are other problems and they don't want to talk about it or discuss it especially if you're too little to understand parents don't seem to understand their children and they underestimate their children there are some kids that are very intuitive and pick up on emotions and pain but when you get attacked by somebody that adds to the situation and then we carry this weight around with this trying to figure out what to do to dissolve it and to work with it! We sit down in classrooms and we talk shit about our parents or whoever the hell gives you shit we tried to live a normal life going to school facing each and every day struggling trying to learn win or lose no matter how many times you fall you pick yourself up and when it comes down to the business world the things that you have to go through just to succeed realizing what you're up against and that people can see that you've got your problems and they can see right through you and therefore the competition begins you're dealing with all kinds of enemies and foes and people that are in the same situation as you are all grabbing for the same thing! Climbing up the caterpillar pole! And when it comes down to relationships the reality hits in and it comes out in every direction when it comes to dealing with another person you're interested in not only trying to get to know the person you're falling in love with but also looking at your problems and working with misunderstandings and issues that come up you want the person and you love the person but you don't want to be an idiot and you don't want to be in the way or the cause of the other person's problems when you've got plenty of your own to deal with and I think that is the reason why people should take the time to take a yoga class and absorb themselves into these problems and resolve them through meditation prayer and yoga! I think that is one of the reasons why people get lost in their mind and let this negativity take over and when you get into meditation you seem to realize that a lot of things are lifting and changing and it's nice to be able to fill that kind of Freedom as you learn to understand yourself and appreciate yourself and watching all of these Mysteries and realizing that these problems 98% of them were not you that they were brought on by other people and maybe they weren't that big of a deal and then you come to realize how silly it is caring these problems with you 98% of them being misunderstandings and out of nothing little nothings that was a big deal at the time when it happened and it doesn't matter what age or what time? How silly it is when you sit and look at it and how you advance in your levels of meditation resolving these problems how you gain back your mind your energy and your power especially when you avoid problematic people but then again to look at them as a person realizing that they have their struggles as well you wish that you can work with them and teach them but they are the ones that are responsible for their own problems and if people could have a moment to sit down and breathe and meditate and relax for a few minutes laugh out loud what a difference it would make! And not to mention the fact you find out what you're calling is when you look into yourself being able to communicate with the gods you get the instructions that you want and need and something that you wanted since you were a child something your folks should have had the chance to explain to you and teach you! But we live in a different world and every parent and every family is different when it comes to raising children just like every problem is different and just like there's so many different ways that you can solve your problems and meditate and work with them building up your energy and learning how to understand yourself and locking the mysteries of yourself and this world as you become closer to father satan! It's not an easy world to live in but then again people seem to make it that way! And it's up to the people of the world or the individual to start working with his or herself for starters and be a living example!
Most of these points directly affect my life on the daily. But My biggest problem is Being to nice To people who are obviously against father satan. And I have every time learned this lesson the hardway Like this one guy Who I thought was my friend. He's very Aware the Jews run this world That was one of the main reasons. I talked to the guy.he Acted like he had a live and let live attitude about my beliefs. Then come to find out this whole time. He was nothing but a huge hater. And believes huge bullshit like Thinking that the Jews Actually worship satan But today was the last straw with this guy. I usually forgive way too easily. But not this time I see his true colors now. Every time I became friends with people who were obviously enemies of satan It never ended good, always bad, always backstabbed me, we're always too faced And bring nothing but drama to my life. But I can say now. This lesson's going to stick with me and never leave my mind. It's just hard.
Not being nice to people Even if their enemies of satan( Normally i'd be so hateful towards them It wouldn't effect me) But I've learned thats no way to be So I'm trying to change. it just sucks Seeing Some gentiles With so much potential. Be So deluded And could not be further from the truth. But as of today I Guess I'm going to have to have my guard up at all times around certain people. Shouldn't have to feel that way. But that's How i've learned you have to be around. Those who are without in most cases. And not even just those who are without, but some people in general.

Btw The forums are absolutely amazing. Now. I am shocked to be honest.
I agree. For such Christian obsessed individuals, their jewed out religion is more important than the claimed hate against the enemy.
All my life in my adolescence and when I was younger I was always surrounded by people who were not very recommendable, that's why after I became SS and started to change I decided to cut all contact with them and then I did works to remove all connections and astral links.
What I've personally discovered is that as we spiritually advance, the quality of the people whom we attract also rises. Of course we still live on this planet with plenty of people who don't do shit for themselves or others around them, and often encounter worthless or straight up harmful individuals, but I've noticed that there are a lot of people who do have dreams of bettering themselves even if it's covered in a lot of trash, as per the world's programming.

I hear a lot of stories from people whom I speak to, who tell me about the trashiest, most toxic people they recently had trouble with. And I think to myself, it's been years since I encountered anybody who is as bad at these individuals describe. When I meet new people, I usually manage to intuitively sense the nature of somebody, before any potential toxic elements of their true selves come out, so I technically never have to face the worst of anybody. Perhaps it might just be me, but it seems such people don't even magnetize into my life to begin with. Could it simply be my bioelectricity pushing away low tier, negative people, and mostly attracting those who actually seek to grow and develop amidst my presence?

I've also realized many of the people we used to deem friends, fade out of our lives if they no longer resonate with our level of consciousness and being. They either disappear, or they stay close to grow and match us. Some even come back after life hands their ass back to them and they realize they needed you.
In some cases the family can be a problem and you have to "cut" the "ties." I have seen some people "destroyed" by their parents. This doesn't mean "abandoning" them, but having "empathy" toward oneself, sometimes this is karmic.

This is very underestimated. There are many wrong "beliefs" that are "pushed" in people.
This is normal. It is well known that we attract what we focus on. Generally, meditation among its functions, "blocks" connections with things that are negative for us.

The more advanced you are, the more control you will have in your life. Knowledge has extraordinary power.
Life's valuable lessons right there! And you nailed it perfectly!🔥
What we have to go through in our life either build character! And straight Within? Or we grow as spiritual understanding not only within ourselves but also with those who are having struggles themselves! Trying to find their way around their problems and the abuse State put up with dealing with others or how they're being raised at home by their peers and their parents? People carry their problems with them everywhere they go and they know that they are being burdened and are being pulled down by these problems they want their freedom and they wish that they can get away from it? But in a way they hold on to it because there are some kind of a security within it? Simply because of their parents and how they were raised themselves and the values the young was taught at home? And how they practice that with each other and around their peers in school? Carrying these habits with this everywhere we go instead of just simply looking for an answer a way out? Resolving the problems by talking to their parents or getting hell? They come to us and they want to learn for themselves how to let go of these problems and learn to look into themselves properly? For further answers? And what they can do to heal themselves and to become a better people!♥️ the sad part about it is that people make things confusing taking the wrong advice from toxic people and the enemy out there shadowing over these individuals with programs programming this person into thinking that he or she deserves their torment because of a past life they've lived or because of something they've done or said? When you go to church and go to church programs and read the Bible that's pretty much what's there they think that they need to be punished? Being born of sin they're told? And because of their character or because of their bloodline or who they are etc etc that they were meant to go through this or that? And Truth is when you picture it in your head and make a habit out of it you draw that negativity to you? Even in your dreams people don't realize that they're taking this stuff too far and when they picture themselves being punished? And even to go as far as blaming themselves and punishing themselves unnecessarily because of something they've done or said some little misunderstanding? They take it on themselves as a beating stick? Instead of using it as a tool of knowledge and wisdom and learning to look in the situation in a more positive manner? By choosing to walk away from these toxic people even if it's their parents at home! But to also have an understanding that everybody has their problems and everybody suffers from something? And that is why people should not judge one another until they look into themselves? And that is why people should not allow somebody else to punish them? When people punish themselves as it is with their guilt that they bring on themselves or think that they have to? When it's not necessary! It's interesting what people teach each other? And what they learn and pick up from other sources? What is damaging to another person could be healing to another and what is healing to one person could be a benefit to another person? Depending on how he or she looks at it? And how they use it! To better themselves or to make themselves worse.
I owe so much to you, the JoS and clergy. Thanks for the amazing post HPHC and congrats on the many positive recent changes!

I have a question I'm still struggling with. How do we deliniate good from bad and how do we act on it? I ask because we seem to live in a world where religous people act in some way against the enemy, albeit they are on opposite sides to us. It's as though truth has been divided and mixed into everything, confusing everyone of what the real truth is. This makes it very hard when figuring out who to trust empiracally when so many people appear to be simple, ordinary and genuine people.

I have another question that's been bugging me... is it harmful to have people in your life that you care about who make poor choices? I have one friend who loves cannabis and partying and every other person in my life makes poor food/health choices. Cannabis is one thing that is so tempting to me as I've previously had many positive effects/feelings from it and my rationale for using in the past was to utilize it as an alternative to antidepressants/antipsychotics while I focus on the physical (overcoming life-debilitating IBS).

However, I find that I'm always at my best when keeping diet, exercise and meditation as my drug of choice. Cannabis appears to have harmful affects in ways we may not be consciously aware of in spite of all the many positive sensations and benefits it seems to offer. I think one part of this could be due to a slight change in time dilation and how we percieve time.

I have a fully opened third eye and have become quite good at transmuting and channeling energy. Since doing so, I've noticed that any negative emotions appear to manifest in the world in an almost visceral way (it kind of feels like kinetic energy/force to me at times) which kind of scares me. I'll certainly need to work on runes for my emotions because they are pretty intense at times, but nicotine addiction also can play a roll there as well I think... I've got to get off that vape thing. That's my top biggest challenge right now.

I've also noticed that there appear to be some proponents of psychedelics ('psychonauts') out there who become geniuses, speak several languages, etc. This is very rare though and it makes me wonder what toll it must take on these people, inspite of what they gain. It's a very weird thought to me and it makes me wonder if these people often become tools of the enemy, hence the questionable monetary wealth of one person I encountered.

The world is more dynamic and confusing than I can handle sometimes, but genuinely knowing the presence of our Gods brings me comfort. I don't need to feel lost in the questions of why things are the way they are when so many countless factors of cause and effect create those outcomes. I feel blessed to have gotten this golden ticket opportunity to see beyond the confusion of the world and to join you all towards our collective advancement.

Anyway, I'm very sorry for rambling again, asking questions I probably don't need to bring up. I genuinely appreciate everyone here and I look forward to the positive changes we continue to bring into the world. I obviously have a lot of work in myself to do yet but I don't have much a choice if I am to become truly happy in life longterm.

PS - One very random question, but I'm wondering - is it better to keep Satanism a secret? Clearly it's something we shouldn't try and explain to everyone we see because there are dangerous people out there I'm sure; however, in terms of friends/family... this has been a struggle for me and I wonder if I need to become more spiritually open first in order to determine who to trust with that information. People in the world seem more open-minded about Satanism than ever before, so that's one positive I suppose.

Anyway, thank you for your time. You people are just too amazing... helping problemed strangers without being asked, putting up with people's trauma's and ego, etc. Words can't do justice to what you dedicated members do for others.
Over the years in Spiritual Satanism I have come to understand many things. The man I was before I joined, is nothing compared to who I am today; the Gods and my personal efforts have facilitated so much intense, deep and eternal change, that it's impossible to put in words.

As a Spiritual Satanist, you are on radically different trajectory than most people in this world. That doesn't mean you have to remain alone. On the contrary, it means you have to have better relations when this is the case, rather than falling into every trap other people will have to experience due to lack of knowledge.

One of the things I have learned over the years is that it is important to surround ourselves with people that treat us well. By well I do not mean "always good". Well does not necessarily mean nothing else but in a respectful manner that is not damaging to us. In life it's very common that most people are surrounded by people that:

Do not appreciate you even when you do a lot of things for them. While a lot is relative, many people are mentally ill to the point they have endless misplaced assumptions about life. We on the other hand might be mentally misplaced and thinking that we owe or must give way much than we should, in order to get something basic out of people. Unappreciative behavior both ways is a major illness in human relationships.

Do not take your dreams seriously - that can undermine your faith in your dreams. If you seek to get better, the messages that try to keep you worthless, must actually become minimized. The job of many people in this world is not for them to become better and to make you better, but to actually make you worse because these people themselves suck. These must be avoided as much as we can, within the confines of reason.

That we abuse and that are abusive. Why do I mention that "we abuse"? While most people tend to talk about their "victim status", the situation is that most people are also becoming active abusers if other people abuse them, and rarely one is constantly on a claimed "victim status". Many people out there who had their asses beat and constantly whine they are "victims", are in an active form of association with other people, that can cause this. The first primary thing being that they are sitting close to people that abuse them. As this raises their defense, they too become abusive towards these people, starting and maintaining a cycle of abuse. That we too, when confronted with negative human beings, will become evil and abusive towards them either in attack or defense. Hang close to abusers for a while, and you will become one.

People that are toxic. Hanging around these types of people, will actually make you toxic too. For example, if you struggle to evade drugs, but you are always around drug addicts, that is a very unwise thing to do. That creates a circle of futility in which we become toxic by correlation.

People that don't help you improve in some way. While these people do not necessarily harm you, they do not also help you become better even in a very small way. This means you are spending idle time with these people.

People with nothing to offer and unwilling to fix that. In most cases, people, when ready to criticize, attack, destroy, or anything of the sort, they are very quick to "provide" this. When it comes to providing a form of value, they are not ready to provide this. People with nothing to offer in spiritual, mental, physical or any other way, are people that will eventually end up taking and siphoning from others. Not good.

Those that bring the worst out of you. There are some people in this world that with their mere presence in your life, can bring out the worst elements of your existence. These people should be avoided at all costs.

Your unlucky stars. As we have human beings with whom we have gracious and proper co-operation, there are people who can literally spell our damnation. That might not necessarily be the case because they are evil or bad people, but it can be because of astrology or other aspects. It's best to stay away from these people in life, or retain a decent distance with them if one cannot evade them.

Those that don't help you self improve*. There are people that help you improve and people that do not help you improve. "Feel Good" might not arrive by all of these people, but evolution for yourself might. A foolish example here is that nobody likes to go to the dentist, but their work can be life saving. Just "feel good" should not be taken as a highest consideration in a relationship. People that plague you with certain types of darkness, can be good stepping stones if you are strong to help you overcome it.

*Specifying the Above Point: The difference between these people and those who are mean to cause ruin, is that these people pose challenges and that you will both evolve as you encounter these, while the upper parasitic categories will not bear any fruit. Do not take what I wrote above as evading "the people that don't make you feel good", because oftentimes, bad people for you can make you "feel good". The question to ask here is what people help you grow (even by pressing your limits or by giving you necessary feedback to grow yourself). If you avoid these people, you are disallowing yourself from receiving proper growth and karmic feedback to grow into the individual you must become. By avoid these types of empowering interactions, you are becoming weak.

Perhaps the number one thing I have lost in my first year in Spiritual Satanism, were many of my "friends". This happened almost naturally, as the person who seeks to wake up, might have an initial response to take some distance from negative sources in order to examine themselves. That state should not be forever. It should last only so long that one de-clutters.

Eventually, one will have to find others who bring increased value to the life of someone. With renewed vigor and confidence after a point, one will actively try to seek better company, or when that is not present, no company; but there are plenty of non toxic and good people out there to associate with and grow alongside, that must be kept in mind.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Very important tips that every Spiritual Satanist needs to follow and which are difficult to refuse ;)
Regarding the question of good and evil, one must first understand the "function" of things.

Good and evil are "connected" to the number 2, to duality. This "law" is present in this life. This makes me think of Maat (Good) and Apopi (evil). And to the number 144, Light and Darkness.

You have to understand that in duality there is no objective view of things. You should have a high understanding of things at a "higher level."

I see many people seeking happiness, "luck," success, without duality. This is not possible. If you are sad it is normal, if you have not good times it is normal, if you fail it is normal, this is part of "experience" and how it "works."

One reacts to this through "Maat," "cosmic order," through what we are taught by the gods. By those who have a higher understanding.

Those are "Depotential Groups," not the best choice. It is a very complicated thing, repelling "social pressure," most fail. Isolation is very underestimated and has great power.

Gods teach us not to tell anyone that we are satanists. Through spiritual warfare, Satanism will be seen for what it really is.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
