Hi, Summum bonum! Greetings, brothers and sisters! I present to you in the following format, a topic I would like to be pecked at as follows..
Grace, and noise emission into the environment around you. When you walk, do you stomp? When you are washing dishes, do you do so in careless fashion with no adherence to noise ordinance? Do you realize sound effects others, and that, on a spiritual plane there are what I will call "micro-interactions" exchanging and taking place between yourself and others? Lest you are strong of will and aura, you will be effected by the chaos of others.
Are you considerate with your "sound-footprint/imprint" that you are unleashing onto the world? Do you bare not a care at all? Have you struck some type of balance that lies in between?
Please present me then with how it is, the manner that you approach these things, and how you engage and interact with others and what are your foundational rules of operation within the context of effecting the environment when you are sharing it with other souls. I am struggling with these things.. so I ask you. Not struggling in a way that facilitates pity, but a curious and progressive sort of way where eventually I will overcome this thing in Satanic fashion & order, but now I have reached the end of my paved way and want to hear from others.
Is it insane to be constantly monitoring these things? How what you are doing is affecting others around you? And why does it seem that so many are present among us, intended on bringing chaos to our world. They utilize interactions in the higher level of thought to harass and subvert us all our lives. They and whatever entities possess behind them.
Go on and say something about your interactions with other souls in the realm then. Tell me how you govern yourself, and what your course of action is when there is a problem with what some other soul is doing. Some garbagous soul, as we are becoming increasingly aware. Hate is not the answer but we need not deny the threat in our faces. If souls are not existing in a loving bond and relationship, their actions are tolerated at best.
I can only think to call upon the gods and to muster strength against my enemies. The face of Odin appears to me and tells me I am in war.
Die schwarze sonne,
blut und ehre!
Grace, and noise emission into the environment around you. When you walk, do you stomp? When you are washing dishes, do you do so in careless fashion with no adherence to noise ordinance? Do you realize sound effects others, and that, on a spiritual plane there are what I will call "micro-interactions" exchanging and taking place between yourself and others? Lest you are strong of will and aura, you will be effected by the chaos of others.
Are you considerate with your "sound-footprint/imprint" that you are unleashing onto the world? Do you bare not a care at all? Have you struck some type of balance that lies in between?
Please present me then with how it is, the manner that you approach these things, and how you engage and interact with others and what are your foundational rules of operation within the context of effecting the environment when you are sharing it with other souls. I am struggling with these things.. so I ask you. Not struggling in a way that facilitates pity, but a curious and progressive sort of way where eventually I will overcome this thing in Satanic fashion & order, but now I have reached the end of my paved way and want to hear from others.
Is it insane to be constantly monitoring these things? How what you are doing is affecting others around you? And why does it seem that so many are present among us, intended on bringing chaos to our world. They utilize interactions in the higher level of thought to harass and subvert us all our lives. They and whatever entities possess behind them.
Go on and say something about your interactions with other souls in the realm then. Tell me how you govern yourself, and what your course of action is when there is a problem with what some other soul is doing. Some garbagous soul, as we are becoming increasingly aware. Hate is not the answer but we need not deny the threat in our faces. If souls are not existing in a loving bond and relationship, their actions are tolerated at best.
I can only think to call upon the gods and to muster strength against my enemies. The face of Odin appears to me and tells me I am in war.
Die schwarze sonne,
blut und ehre!