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Panic disorder and seizures


New member
Oct 6, 2008
I really really need help here. Ever since my mom got sick my brother developed anxiety and eventually full blown panic attacks in which he felt an arm numbing. It seems there was a predisposition because as a kid he had shaky hands. He takes xanax and if he misses his them he gets seizures. He wants to taper down but it is hard, he gets desperate for relief.

So he then had a seizure around 2014 summer and another last year. Recently he had a strange anxiety attack in which he did not speak and had a strange a constant facial expression with eye brows slightly moving inward and subtle twitches in his lips. After it was over he said he was hallucinating and felt like it was a psychedelic trip in the hospital and lasted approximately 12 hours.

After that probably due to stress he had a dystonic reaction and his neck contracted and almost his body. The last seizure he had a couple days ago his body contracted forward it seem his front muscles are too tight, his abdominals and anterior chain.

I would appreciate help from a spiritual perspective too l, my brother is clairvoyant with crystal clear visions although not a Satanist (he knows and believes in the Gods though). So I'm wondering if it could have a spiritual cause.

A TCM perspective or some acupressure points would help if someone like Mike or Centralforce666 could guide me I'd appreciate it, this is draining me a lot. When my brother feels anxiety I feel it too.

More info my brother used to have hives, not anymore, he always had a asthma and although under control he hyperventilates and usually gasps for air. He seems to have a dry body, I'm not sure if there is underlying heart problem, do electrocardiograms show that? I think he was fine in those areas but does a CT or MRI show this? He puts his hands up when he gasps for air like a dinosaur and I remember this could be a heart issue.

But I also remember anxiety could be a pH issue or amygdala. He sometimes has constipation, but I don't know he the root and I want to find it.

I feel he might have weak jing, he says he might not live longer than a decade. This really hurts me, how can I stretch his life?

Is there any good herb for hyperventilation and anxiety?
Anxiety predominately comes from kidney deficiency (weak jing as you have termed it), the unrestrained energies of which can harass the heart (seizures which involve a change in speech or the voice indicate heart involvement although this is from a TCM perspective where the heart refers also to the mind and these changes may not show on ECG or MRI as they are typically functional not structural changes).

Without analysing your brother in depth it is difficult to come to any conclusive diagnosis and thus herbal prescription however in the mean time might I suggest regular massaging of the following points, twice per day on both sides of the body for about a minute each:

Si Shen Cong:

https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com/w ... encong.jpg

Pericardium 6:

https://debbieleetcm.files.wordpress.co ... 1/pc-6.png

(Note this point is on the inside of the wrist)

Kidney 1:

http://www.kathyshealthyliving.com/uplo ... 34.jpg?630

Ren 14:

http://acupunctureschoolonline.com/wp-c ... ints-1.jpg

Yin Tang:

https://simonaltman.files.wordpress.com ... intang.jpg

If you would like a more full diagnosis, obviously I would need to ask a lot of questions, some of which may be personal and your brother would have to be comfortable with that but for the mean time regular massage on these points (you can add Satanic healing energy to them also) may provide some relief to you both.
I am sorry to hear this, it sounds very serious and we will do what we can to help. Brother centralforce is spot on again and these points will be great. Essentially this is coming as a result of internal weakness. Satanic healing directly into the chakras, consistently is my best advice. Needless to say he should be power meditating daily but this will take time to build up his own power. 
Please consider letting cf ask the more specific questions privately as this will be of great help

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, February 26, 2016, 07:35, ivyissexy69@... [SSHealth] <[email protected] wrote:
  Anxiety predominately comes from kidney deficiency (weak jing as you have termed it), the unrestrained energies of which can harass the heart (seizures which involve a change in speech or the voice indicate heart involvement although this is from a TCM perspective where the heart refers also to the mind and these changes may not show on ECG or MRI as they are typically functional not structural changes).

Without analysing your brother in depth it is difficult to come to any conclusive diagnosis and thus herbal prescription however in the mean time might I suggest regular massaging of the following points, twice per day on both sides of the body for about a minute each:

Si Shen Cong:

https://www.chinesemedicineliving.com/w ... encong.jpg

Pericardium 6:

https://debbieleetcm.files.wordpress.co ... 1/pc-6.png

(Note this point is on the inside of the wrist)

Kidney 1:

http://www.kathyshealthyliving.com/uplo ... 34.jpg?630

Ren 14:

http://acupunctureschoolonline.com/wp-c ... ints-1.jpg

Yin Tang:

https://simonaltman.files.wordpress.com ... intang.jpg

If you would like a more full diagnosis, obviously I would need to ask a lot of questions, some of which may be personal and your brother would have to be comfortable with that but for the mean time regular massage on these points (you can add Satanic healing energy to them also) may provide some relief to you both.
Shenshakti,Was in a bit of a rush before. Just wanted to add a few more things. 
The way I put energy into people is through the right palm chakra. I do this fairly frequently and I find its best to pull energy through your palms before you start.I generally do not touch the skin and operate at a distance of about 10cm. I move my hands in and out and can usually get a good grip of a chakra this way. Once you have this you know where to focus. I don't know your level of power and if you can feel this but even if you can't it is still there.
The points that cf lists are on the chakras. (With the exception of pc6) Si Shi cong is at the crown, ren 14 solar and yintang is third eye. To get a gauge of how powerful the chakras on your bro and for balance you may wish to add in the points at the other major chakras.Ren 22 throat Ren 6 sacral Ren 1 baseAlso taiyang - temple extension of 3rd eye
Also do the back extensions of these chakras (just follow them around to the back) 
Please let us know how you go 


On Friday, February 26, 2016, 06:41, shenshakti@... [SSHealth] <[email protected] wrote:
  I really really need help here. Ever since my mom got sick my brother developed anxiety and eventually full blown panic attacks in which he felt an arm numbing. It seems there was a predisposition because as a kid he had shaky hands. He takes xanax and if he misses his them he gets seizures. He wants to taper down but it is hard, he gets desperate for relief.

So he then had a seizure around 2014 summer and another last year. Recently he had a strange anxiety attack in which he did not speak and had a strange a constant facial expression with eye brows slightly moving inward and subtle twitches in his lips. After it was over he said he was hallucinating and felt like it was a psychedelic trip in the hospital and lasted approximately 12 hours.

After that probably due to stress he had a dystonic reaction and his neck contracted and almost his body. The last seizure he had a couple days ago his body contracted forward it seem his front muscles are too tight, his abdominals and anterior chain.

I would appreciate help from a spiritual perspective too l, my brother is clairvoyant with crystal clear visions although not a Satanist (he knows and believes in the Gods though). So I'm wondering if it could have a spiritual cause.

A TCM perspective or some acupressure points would help if someone like Mike or Centralforce666 could guide me I'd appreciate it, this is draining me a lot. When my brother feels anxiety I feel it too.

More info my brother used to have hives, not anymore, he always had a asthma and although under control he hyperventilates and usually gasps for air. He seems to have a dry body, I'm not sure if there is underlying heart problem, do electrocardiograms show that? I think he was fine in those areas but does a CT or MRI show this? He puts his hands up when he gasps for air like a dinosaur and I remember this could be a heart issue.

But I also remember anxiety could be a pH issue or amygdala. He sometimes has constipation, but I don't know he the root and I want to find it.

I feel he might have weak jing, he says he might not live longer than a decade. This really hurts me, how can I stretch his life?

Is there any good herb for hyperventilation and anxiety?
@centralforce666I would definitely appreciate a full diagnosis, I asked my brother and he was cool with it. I started a working for him in monday full moon and it seems his anxiety has been way better but I think he is also recovering from the seizure so he seems more stable but still needs benzos to reduce anxiety at night.
One problem is he drinks wine for the same reasons even though it lowers the seizure threshold. From a TCM perspective how does this affect his jing? Scientifically it lengthens life span right? If he were to casually drink wine could it help him live long? I'd rather him not drink wine though.
Those points really helped thanks. I actually tried googling points to relax him and they didn't work as much as the ones you showed me right here, so one of those really helped him but I can't tell. I also gave him basil, fennel and thyme and I'm not sure if they are good but I think the basil relaxed him more dramatically than other teas he has taken like chamomille or the type generic sleep teas.
I gave him turmeric in the morning, do you think I should give him licorice and ginger? I know more does not equal better.
Can jing be increased for someone who can't use the elixirs? I don't think my brother has the power to use the elixirs. 
@MikeThanks bro I'm gonna try that. I am pretty experienced with energy manipulation but not with hand healing. Is the energy from the hands different? I just have been visualizing but I want to use sword fingers to open his pineal gland and his dan tian because I want him to do the elixirs. What difference do fingers and hand have in energy or it's all the same?
Can the ming men point open his dan tian? Or is it bad for him?
@Johnson_AkemiThanks a lot. Damn I started in full moon, could this overwhelm him? He is eating healthier now and I am doing this with him so he doesn't have temptations or anything. I eat a lot of junk food and I think this tempted him a lot, but I'm eating more veggies and giving him green smothies.
I'm actually gonna help him with yoga, he wants to start doing yoga too so this seems good.
I wonder if exercise is bad for him? Also any element that would be best for anxiety? I'm thinking earth and water? But couldn't air heal his nervous system while fire maybe strengthen parts of his soul?
Can earth replenish jing?
You're welcome shenshakti, I think that the evidence that wine is good for you is shaky. It seems like wine industry marketing and I believe that people should drink wine if they enjoy it - but shouldn't do it under the impression that it is good for them. 

The energies from the fingers and hands are the same of course. I use fingers too on occasion - it's just that the palms are more powerful once you open them and practice regularly. Mingmen as a point is fine to use, from a Satanic healing perspective it is only the back extension of the sacral chakra.

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Sunday, February 28, 2016, 11:17, shenshakti@... [SSHealth] <[email protected] wrote:
  @centralforce666I would definitely appreciate a full diagnosis, I asked my brother and he was cool with it. I started a working for him in monday full moon and it seems his anxiety has been way better but I think he is also recovering from the seizure so he seems more stable but still needs benzos to reduce anxiety at night.
One problem is he drinks wine for the same reasons even though it lowers the seizure threshold. From a TCM perspective how does this affect his jing? Scientifically it lengthens life span right? If he were to casually drink wine could it help him live long? I'd rather him not drink wine though.
Those points really helped thanks. I actually tried googling points to relax him and they didn't work as much as the ones you showed me right here, so one of those really helped him but I can't tell. I also gave him basil, fennel and thyme and I'm not sure if they are good but I think the basil relaxed him more dramatically than other teas he has taken like chamomille or the type generic sleep teas.
I gave him turmeric in the morning, do you think I should give him licorice and ginger? I know more does not equal better.
Can jing be increased for someone who can't use the elixirs? I don't think my brother has the power to use the elixirs. 
@MikeThanks bro I'm gonna try that. I am pretty experienced with energy manipulation but not with hand healing. Is the energy from the hands different? I just have been visualizing but I want to use sword fingers to open his pineal gland and his dan tian because I want him to do the elixirs. What difference do fingers and hand have in energy or it's all the same?
Can the ming men point open his dan tian? Or is it bad for him?
@Johnson_AkemiThanks a lot. Damn I started in full moon, could this overwhelm him? He is eating healthier now and I am doing this with him so he doesn't have temptations or anything. I eat a lot of junk food and I think this tempted him a lot, but I'm eating more veggies and giving him green smothies.
I'm actually gonna help him with yoga, he wants to start doing yoga too so this seems good.
Wine is damp and hot... Heat will exacerbate the anxiety and further stir wind (seizures), dampness will obstruct the flow of qi and also ma things worse.

At this point I wouldn't be giving him any herbs as without a clear diagnosis you may prolong the issue or make it worse. At best there will be no improvement.

Jing is the physical matter of all of the elements but realistically I would go for Earth to stabilise his mind, using affirmations of course. Solar energy would be just as good if not better.

Put together a list of all the symptoms your brother experiences (including what has already been mentioned) and we can go from there.
I can't think of anything else besides the ones I said before. His breathing is rapid, for every breath I take he takes like 3 or 4. I said this before but he has shaky hands all the time.

I'm not sure what else, I asked him about his sex drive and he says it's very low. I feel he might have low testosterone and higher estrogen. He is slightly overweight but not obese.

He used to take SSRI's but stopped because he was turning into a zombie. He says he is slightly depressed but his mood recently has been better. I can't think of anything else tbh only that his medications or stress have caused him to stutter a little, memory problems, and mild cognitive issues.

Ahh yeah, he has acid reflux at times and his appetite has been pretty bad the past months. He lost some weight and has been throwing up a lot and is nauseous frequently but not everyday.

That's all I got, if I can remember more I'll come back.
Does he get heart palpitations?

Does he have any unusual thermal sensations such as getting hot easily, feeling cold even when it is not cold, night sweating?

Does he have trouble sleeping? Are there issues with anger, frustration or irritability?
Ok I asked him and about heart palpitations he just said sometimes. Not something common I guess.
At times he gets cold easily, but more common is that he's sweating a lot, he had nightsweats for a while. But it seems right now he doesn't have thermal issues on a daily.
Sleep seems more of an issue for him, he has insomnia and if he falls asleep he wakes up from around 1 AM - 4 AM but not daily but it's more common that he has trouble with sleep and at times sleeps during the day.
He's doesn't really have anger issues or frustration. More irritability but not something strong it is something that can be seen when he gets a little stressed but not like being an asshole.
He is more depressed than any of those emotions, not very motivated either. Do you think light exercise could help him? I'm thinking about jogging with him to clear his mind.
Earlier when I said he is dry I didn't mean from a TCM perspective but like dry skin, dry sinuses from him blowing his nose it seems too dry. Not sure how that translates to TCM. Thanks for you help bro.
So any of the herbs I have could be bad? What about ashwagandha? 
Cycling would be better than jogging... jogging is terrible exercise, high impact and raises cortisol levels over time which is destructive.

I wouldn't give him any herbs without a correct diagnosis, you may just make him worse and prolong the treatment.

What is his appetite like? In his words preferably rather than what you observe because that is important.

Can you ask him about frustration and irritability? It doesn't have to be visible to be present..

Does he get headaches at all?

What is his thirst like?
Yeah that's true, we don't have bikes though. What about lightweight circuit training? It's kinda cardioish in a way, but I got a trampoline maybe he could try that. Or swimming?

Okay then I'll avoid getting him herbs.

So I asked him and it isn't very big. He doesn't eat much but he can eat like 2 meals. That's what he saud, not much of an appetite.

Asked him about irritability and he doesn't feel any, nor frustration.

I want to add that he is usually unenthusiastic, non-humorous, it's hard to make him laugh.

Yes he has been having some headaches but not super painful or anything.

His thirst is normal is what he said
It's not the cardio that's the problem it's the high impact... trampoline exercises are actually very good low impact exercise..

When he says normal thirst, can you get him to define that a bit as every persons idea of normal usually differs significantly.
Ah I see, well he doesn't feel much thirst is what he said the last time but I'll ask him again and I'll come back and post it (my bro isn't here right now).
I'm sorry if I'm not being real specific, but yeah about the headaches he doesn't complain but he said he has been having some, last time pain from 1-10 around a 5, but usually from 1-3, he said it varies.
Also I said this but he has back pain from the coccyx to lumbar spine and the cervical area, physically to me it seems like weakness since his pelvis doesn't stay firm.
It seems his hyperventilation has gotten better since I told him how to breathe properly.
So I asked him and he did say he feels thirsty but not like dying or anything. Am I doing this right? My brother is also not too good with descriptions so my bad if this makes it harder for you.
Apologies for the delay on getting back to you.

Thirst is a very subjective thing however quite indicative a it shows the state of the body's fluids, yin and blood.

There are a few "types" of not very thirst... can you ask you brother which one most seems like how he feels? I would b quite normal if he felt a combination of these descriptions or somewhere between them...

Feeling of being thirsty but only wanting to drink small sips.

Craving warm drinks, but not too great a quantity.

Feeling thirsty but with NO desire to drink.

Feeling thirsty and then sick/ nauseous when drinking.

Having a dry mouth but not feeling thirsty.

Feeling thirsty and water quenches the thirst.
No worries mate. Okay I asked my brother and he said the last is the closest. I'm gonna check again to see if he missed something. But he first said the 1st one and the last but said he doesn't take small sips so the last he says he feels that way.

If anything I'll update anything that might have been wrong because I really want to be sure this isright.
Other than the seizures, is there any dizziness?


How frequently does he urinate and what colour is it?
No dizziness, I can't think of anything else. He had insomnia yesterday with some anxiety.
No constipation at this moment. He says he urinates around 6 or 7 times a day and yellowish mostly but at times a mix of yellow and transparent but it seems mostly on the light yellow to strong yellow ranges.
Could you get him to describe the headaches he has been having and perhaps if you could describe the appearance of his tongue as well including the colour of the tongue and any coating on it, the width of the tongue, whether it is moist or dry and any swelling or cracks in the coat or tongue body itself.
He hasn't really been having headaches lately, it seems not anymore. I'm gonna ask him to describe them anyway and I'll write it here.
His tongue looked kinda normal and a little white, I think if he cleaned his tongue it would look pink. The tongue is small in length and width, it is moist and I don't think there is swelling but there is a crack in the middle.
So the white is the colour of the coating on top? Is that coating thick?

Are there any areas of redness underneath it, at the tip or on the sides for instance? Any small red speckles which can be seen through the white coat?

Does the crack extend from the back of the tongue to the front? How far towards the tip does the crack extend?
Sorry for lagging. Yes it's white but not thick, just like regular coating before brushing. The cracking seems to be more toward the back and it's very small. 
Should I send a picture? Let me check for the redness and I'll add it today.
If you like you can send one to my private email address. A picture is probably better as knowing what to look for can be hard.
Ok thanks I will send you the picture so you can reply here, do you mind if I ask you about a specific herb I have been researching along in that e-mail? 
You can ask me that if you like sure

---In [email protected], <shenshakti@... wrote :

Ok thanks I will send you the picture so you can reply here, do you mind if I ask you about a specific herb I have been researching along in that e-mail? 
I emailed you but it failed to send, is it exactly like your username?

My brother was in the hospital again from dehydration from viral gastroenteritis and again from a form of catatonia or a fuge state.

I did a working to heal his anxiety but still has had seizures and this strange behavior.

Ok I'm gonna try to email you again.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
