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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2017
With further information coming to surface, it is understood that the hand is like a microcosm of the entire human. Palmistry is a study on its own but still a subdivision of Astrology and other occult sciences that seek to understand the human being in knowing that we are a reflection of the macrocosm.

Palmistry is not as detailed and precise like that of Astrology but it is a very worthy study. Astrology being the study of the stars in relation to us; Palmistry being a ready-made and summation of our astrology charts within our hand. With this known, it is clear that like Astrology, it was taught to us by the Gods as another method of knowing ourselves and I hope that this posting will help to start a satanic revival of some sort within our path should anyone of us decide to take this up as a serious practice.

There are two aspects of Palmistry, Chirognomy and Chiromancy-

Chirognomy is the study of the entire hand shape and form including the nails and fingers, finger length and finger and palmar prints, skin texture, consistency, etc. As some of you may already know, the hand represents the quality and nature of the brain and it is an extension of it. What is of the soul is also shown in the hand.

The left hand has been shown to be the default nature and our natural predispositions as well as our lives mapped out, more or less--it is our original selves. With our right hands, this shows how we have progressed, developed improved and how we have changed but this can be for better or for worse.

For example, my left hand is more flexible and my head line slopes dramatically, all the way down to the moon mount (passive/subconscious) area of the hand. A head line sloping to the moon, in various degrees, support impracticality, day dreaming, lack of constant focus/concentration, high imagination and being sensitive. This makes sense as my Mercury and Moon are aspecting and I have other factors in my chart supporting this. How deep and dramatic the slope, determines the degree of such traits but other areas of the hand have to be inspected.

On my right hand, my head line is deeper in strength and makes a more straight and balanced line across the hand. This shows that my mentality has improved and I am progressing to a more balanced way of thinking. This hand is also less flexible. Think of flexibility as a mutable quality dealing with the mind.

I also noticed that my thumb on my right hand is ever so slightly thicker than my left thumb, which shows a development of will.

For those of you with dominant hands that are left, then it is easy to assume that, the left and right hand functions will be reversed but the right side of the body is the active and the left hand side of the body is passive/receptive.

Chiromancy is the study of the lines on the palm, as well as the art of divination using the lines and prints of the hand.The nature of the lines, strength, color, course and how frayed and broken the lines are should be read.

Chiromancy is a bit more difficult aspect of palmistry as one must know and keep in mind the patterns of the lines through documented observations and also have a more developed intuition. Palmistry is a science and art-- one has to read and study the hand scientifically but also catch the "feeling" of it.

Lines of the hand develop, change and disappear according to what we experience in our lives through transiting planets, major life events, our mental preoccupations and also physical traumas, past and present. Though the future is always a bit tricky to define as things are subject to change according to the will of the subject and other outside influences. Lines record what already is or has been.

The Four Elements in the Hands-

The most consistent method of determining the hand form and or dominant essence of a person is by checking to see which element(s) is dominant.

As you all know, the human soul is made up of 5 elements. But in reading the hand, you will find 4 types- Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Now most people have about 1 or two elements dominant and this will be seen in the hand.

Earth hands are square palms and short fingers. The practical hand.
Air hands are square palms and long fingers. The hand of intellect.
Fire hands are oblong or rectangular palms, short fingers. The intuitive hand.
Water hands are oblong or rectangular palms, long fingers. The sensitive hand.

It is important to note that many hands will not just be an exactly pure type of element due to the variations of the natal chart. You will find for example: Fire hands with Water lines and some Earth prints. Earth hands with Air lines, or sometimes just Air hands with only Air prints, Water hands with Water lines, and many combinations in between. That's what its all about, combination, just as the natal chart is unique.

Palms will have a degree of a square shape but it is important to know that everything is relatively and must be looked at in proportions. Example: Looking for short or long fingers in PROPORTION to the palm. But rest assured, it will be obvious to tell the difference between a square palm and a more oblong palm. This happens with experience and getting use to seeing different types of hands.

Also, female hands are a tad bit rounder than male hands whatever the form.

It is very helpful for one to know astrology or at least have a basic understanding of it and knowing their charts if you wish to understand how Palmistry and Astrology relate. But if one wishes to just study Palmistry, then it can still be learned without being proficient in Astrology, but just know that they are connected. Studying both will benefit you.

Your elemental hand form corresponds with the planets in certain signs, general elemental make up in your chart, signs and planets near strong angle houses, stelliums, grand trines in elements, T squares and so fourth.

A couple years ago, I read some palms quickly at work and with one reading, I noticed a girl who had palms that stood out to me, especially. She had a strong Water hand form: very long fingers and a some what narrow rectangular like palm shape. Fortunately I was able to get a hold of her natal chart. She is a sun sign Gemini with some earth in her chart including her Mercury and Capricorn ascendant. But these influences were not dominant in her hands.

Her strong 1st house Neptune conjunct her ASC, her Moon in Scorpio conjunct MC, her Mercury both squaring her Uranus and Neptune and her co ruler Uranus conjunct Neptune all manifested in her as a Water type by default. She is changeable, some what with drawn, off balanced, she uses drugs and drinks alcohol constantly and has narcolepsy. She does have the creative and imaginative side to her but this is off set by her being neurotic which is linked to water, in a negative manifestation.

From what I remember she has Air lines on her palm from her Gemini planets. On her left hand, it shows that she had, and still does, a weak constitution, and low vitality as shown through her short life line.

For those of you serious about Palmistry, it helps to study your hands first and those of your loved ones and friends for comparison and to get a feel for different ones. Even better if you have accompanying astrology charts.

The only downside to Palmistry is that in order to study the lines of the hand in a very accurate way, hand prints should be taken (with a good quality ink or other substance) or at least one should have a glass monocle for palm reading to magnify the palmar surface. Photographs of the hands are great for chrignomical study.

I like to use and rely on Palmistry for when I don't have the astrological information of another, as this will at least help me analyze and get a basic understanding of someone.

For reading material, I definitely recommend " The Hand: By Frank Wilson (this is more on information about the whole hand in general with some Palmistry), "The Benham book of Palmistry", anything by Fred Gettings, "The Hands of Children" by J. Spiers and "The Graven Palm" by Mrs. Robinson.

The Benham book and the Graven Palm are what I have recommended in the past. The only thing about some of these is that I'm not fond of using the planets for hand types, I have found that analyzing the hands by using the elements are better and more consistent.

Cheiro is an okay author on Palmistry but I don't think I will recommend any of his works to anyone.

If any of you are further interested in this subject, we can all start a thread on the JoS main forum or JoSAstrology forum to discuss it further and or discuss charts and palms of others and ourselves.

If not, then a PDF can definitely be made in the future and can be our official JoyofSatan Palmistry text but I want to gather more information about Palmistry from the gods and I encourage any of you to document anything new you find out and share it--it will be a great way for us to advance in the field as the Daemon gods are our guides and masters in this.
Fascinating HPS Shannon, thank you! My question is - how does the five finger elements of ayurveda (thumb=fire, index=air, middle=aether, ring=earth & pinkie=water) correlate to palmiatry. For example the mound of mercury is on the ayurvedic water finger (pinkie) and we know that mercury governs the heart chakra that is ruled by water.. how does it nake sense tbat the mound lf Jupiter would be on the air finger in ayurveda (index) when Jupiter is not air....at least its zodiac signs aren’t

Here’s a link to the picture of correlations of planetary mounds and ayurvedic finger elements. The Chinese have different finger elements, too,

Palmistry is definitely interesting. Too bad that you wouldn't recommend Cheiro. I spent a couple hours working through his methods. It was a little difficult to understand, at least from the pdf I was reading. Maybe I'll order the books you recommended and work my way through them. It's pretty cool to learn about how you changed, for better or worse. And what you still have to work on.

I have the exact same thing in the head line. Deeper and becoming more balanced. And also the same thing with the thumb. Hehe. :D
Yes! Let's make a pdf with all the important informations! This is awesome, just yesterday I looked at my hands trying to understand them, I always loved palmistry but I don't know much about it. :D
Thank you HPs Shannon!

I was wondering what if there's a line that is just 2cm long going towards the index finger, is it still a line?
Great Article!. I remember around 3 years i lost my way for awhile. i down by the beach for vacation. And i went and got an Esp reading from this women who owned a psychic reading shop near the boardwalk. She read me by using my hands. palmistry is something to be good to study. I have a very basic understanding of astrology. So this could accent it well.
YoakeHoshi said:
Yes! Let's make a pdf with all the important informations! This is awesome, just yesterday I looked at my hands trying to understand them, I always loved palmistry but I don't know much about it. :D
Thank you HPs Shannon!

I was wondering what if there's a line that is just 2cm long going towards the index finger, is it still a line?

Its probably just a chance line or subsidiary line. One would have to look at the depth of it.
SiegHeil9 said:
Fascinating HPS Shannon, thank you! My question is - how does the five finger elements of ayurveda (thumb=fire, index=air, middle=aether, ring=earth & pinkie=water) correlate to palmiatry. For example the mound of mercury is on the ayurvedic water finger (pinkie) and we know that mercury governs the heart chakra that is ruled by water.. how does it nake sense tbat the mound lf Jupiter would be on the air finger in ayurveda (index) when Jupiter is not air....at least its zodiac signs aren’t

Here’s a link to the picture of correlations of planetary mounds and ayurvedic finger elements. The Chinese have different finger elements, too,


The funny thing about that is I have seen a couple of diagrams similar to the one you attached heret but the finger was supposedly ruled by Earth and a couple of other changes. It is unfortunate that there are so many inconsistencies that it is hard to rely heavily on one. This is why it is important to consult the gods for a definite answer as so many things are lost.

I believe that the five elements do apply to the hand in some way. There are also meridians and energy centers in the hand that works as a mini diagram for healing different parts of the body.I will be finding these things out in the future when more research will be done.
HPS Shannon said:
SiegHeil9 said:
Fascinating HPS Shannon, thank you! My question is - how does the five finger elements of ayurveda (thumb=fire, index=air, middle=aether, ring=earth & pinkie=water) correlate to palmiatry. For example the mound of mercury is on the ayurvedic water finger (pinkie) and we know that mercury governs the heart chakra that is ruled by water.. how does it nake sense tbat the mound lf Jupiter would be on the air finger in ayurveda (index) when Jupiter is not air....at least its zodiac signs aren’t

Here’s a link to the picture of correlations of planetary mounds and ayurvedic finger elements. The Chinese have different finger elements, too,


The funny thing about that is I have seen a couple of diagrams similar to the one you attached heret but the finger was supposedly ruled by Earth and a couple of other changes. It is unfortunate that there are so many inconsistencies that it is hard to rely heavily on one. This is why it is important to consult the gods for a definite answer as so many things are lost.

I believe that the five elements do apply to the hand in some way. There are also meridians and energy centers in the hand that works as a mini diagram for healing different parts of the body.I will be finding these things out in the future when more research will be done.

Good to know. Thank you again! Hail Satan!
HPS Shannon said:
For reading material, I definitely recommend " The Hand: By Frank Wilson (this is more on information about the whole hand in general with some Palmistry), "The Benham book of Palmistry", anything by Fred Gettings, "The Hands of Children" by J. Spiers and "The Graven Palm" by Mrs. Robinson.

The Benham book and the Graven Palm are what I have recommended in the past. The only thing about some of these is that I'm not fond of using the planets for hand types, I have found that analyzing the hands by using the elements are better and more consistent.

Cheiro is an okay author on Palmistry but I don't think I will recommend any of his works to anyone.

Here is one of the books you recommended:

Here is the author you recommended any book from:

Could not find the others easily.
Replying to the above, I appreciate the information; it is good to know. Here are some other hand wnergy links that you may be familiar with. I’m not yet psychically open enough to see the Gods, but I’m working on it. I have felt there touch though. I look forward HPS Shannon to seeing what yoi find.

Kirlian hand chakras:


I just made this.

There are some correlations like how the Apana mudra corresponds to Saturn. The Ayurvedic Earth ring finger combined with the middle finger that has the Mound of Saturn also has the Capricorn point, combined with the thumb that has the Saturn blood extraction point

Another correlation between these is the Ayurvedic Earth finger with the Mound of the Sun on it has the photosynthesis hand harmonic. This finger also has the Leo and Virgo (Fire and Earth signs) corresponding to Earth and the Sun

I coumd be wrong but it seems there is slmething to this
Thank you, HPS. I really liked your sermon and palmistry is very fascinating. May I ask why you wouldn't recommend the book by Cheiro? The first part of it is actually the first thing about palmistry that I read.

SiegHeil9 said:
Fascinating HPS Shannon, thank you! My question is - how does the five finger elements of ayurveda (thumb=fire, index=air, middle=aether, ring=earth & pinkie=water) correlate to palmiatry. For example the mound of mercury is on the ayurvedic water finger (pinkie) and we know that mercury governs the heart chakra that is ruled by water.. how does it nake sense tbat the mound lf Jupiter would be on the air finger in ayurveda (index) when Jupiter is not air....at least its zodiac signs aren’t

Here’s a link to the picture of correlations of planetary mounds and ayurvedic finger elements. The Chinese have different finger elements, too,


I believe you made a mistake, possibly in the rush of typing. Neither Mercury or the heart chakra are ruled by water... I say this not regarding Ayurveda but to astrology and chakras.

Cigam said:
Here is one of the books you recommended:

Here is the author you recommended any book from:

Could not find the others easily.

Benham: https://www.docdroid.net/zL7hDZE/benham.pdf
Graven Palm: https://archive.org/stream/gravenpalmmanual00robi

I'm trying to find the others.
Oh, so the heart chakra is ruled by fire and air, good to know
HPS Shannon said:
Its probably just a chance line or subsidiary line. One would have to look at the depth of it.

Well, on my right hand I have 3 strong lines and the short one is the upper one (one of the 3 main lines) and is as deep as the life line.
I'm curious because I've never seen a short line as mine in other people's hands :)
Stormblood said:
Thank you, HPS. I really liked your sermon and palmistry is very fascinating. May I ask why you wouldn't recommend the book by Cheiro? The first part of it is actually the first thing about palmistry that I read.

SiegHeil9 said:
Fascinating HPS Shannon, thank you! My question is - how does the five finger elements of ayurveda (thumb=fire, index=air, middle=aether, ring=earth & pinkie=water) correlate to palmiatry. For example the mound of mercury is on the ayurvedic water finger (pinkie) and we know that mercury governs the heart chakra that is ruled by water.. how does it nake sense tbat the mound lf Jupiter would be on the air finger in ayurveda (index) when Jupiter is not air....at least its zodiac signs aren’t

Here’s a link to the picture of correlations of planetary mounds and ayurvedic finger elements. The Chinese have different finger elements, too,


I believe you made a mistake, possibly in the rush of typing. Neither Mercury or the heart chakra are ruled by water... I say this not regarding Ayurveda but to astrology and chakras.

Cigam said:
Here is one of the books you recommended:

Here is the author you recommended any book from:

Could not find the others easily.

Benham: https://www.docdroid.net/zL7hDZE/benham.pdf
Graven Palm: https://archive.org/stream/gravenpalmmanual00robi

I'm trying to find the others.

I wouldn't recommend Cheiro because it is claimed he used different methods of occult knowledge to study the hands and not purely hand reading. It also seems he was not the most honest man when it comes to his palm reading and making money like in using a pencil or pen to draw lines on certain prints to alter his readings or "verify" them.
I've found palmistry to be very beneficial! I started a 40 days program and as the energies started to materialize, I could see this in my right palm. Also, I've seen strong changes due to spiritual practice. Although I use mainly my intuitions when I observe my hands, I'll read your recommendation and will share what I come to understand.

PDF would be nice, and I think an open discussion like this one is great for sharing experiences and further studies so we all can learn.
HPS Shannon said:
For example, my left hand is more flexible and my head line slopes dramatically, all the way down to the moon mount (passive/subconscious) area of the hand. A head line sloping to the moon, in various degrees, support impracticality, day dreaming, lack of constant focus/concentration, high imagination and being sensitive. This makes sense as my Mercury and Moon are aspecting and I have other factors in my chart supporting this. How deep and dramatic the slope, determines the degree of such traits but other areas of the hand have to be inspected.

On my right hand, my head line is deeper in strength and makes a more straight and balanced line across the hand. This shows that my mentality has improved and I am progressing to a more balanced way of thinking. This hand is also less flexible. Think of flexibility as a mutable quality dealing with the mind.

I also noticed that my thumb on my right hand is ever so slightly thicker than my left thumb, which shows a development of will.

I have this exact thing, expect that your left hand is my right hand and your right hand is my left hand.

Does it change anything if it's so?
FlamingRedRose666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
For example, my left hand is more flexible and my head line slopes dramatically, all the way down to the moon mount (passive/subconscious) area of the hand. A head line sloping to the moon, in various degrees, support impracticality, day dreaming, lack of constant focus/concentration, high imagination and being sensitive. This makes sense as my Mercury and Moon are aspecting and I have other factors in my chart supporting this. How deep and dramatic the slope, determines the degree of such traits but other areas of the hand have to be inspected.

On my right hand, my head line is deeper in strength and makes a more straight and balanced line across the hand. This shows that my mentality has improved and I am progressing to a more balanced way of thinking. This hand is also less flexible. Think of flexibility as a mutable quality dealing with the mind.

I also noticed that my thumb on my right hand is ever so slightly thicker than my left thumb, which shows a development of will.

I have this exact thing, expect that your left hand is my right hand and your right hand is my left hand.

Does it change anything if it's so?

If the left hand is the dominant hand then it is switched. Its important to be honest with ones self in analyzing the life events to see which hand has shown the progression or lack their of.
HPS Shannon said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
For example, my left hand is more flexible and my head line slopes dramatically, all the way down to the moon mount (passive/subconscious) area of the hand. A head line sloping to the moon, in various degrees, support impracticality, day dreaming, lack of constant focus/concentration, high imagination and being sensitive. This makes sense as my Mercury and Moon are aspecting and I have other factors in my chart supporting this. How deep and dramatic the slope, determines the degree of such traits but other areas of the hand have to be inspected.

On my right hand, my head line is deeper in strength and makes a more straight and balanced line across the hand. This shows that my mentality has improved and I am progressing to a more balanced way of thinking. This hand is also less flexible. Think of flexibility as a mutable quality dealing with the mind.

I also noticed that my thumb on my right hand is ever so slightly thicker than my left thumb, which shows a development of will.

I have this exact thing, expect that your left hand is my right hand and your right hand is my left hand.

Does it change anything if it's so?

If the left hand is the dominant hand then it is switched. Its important to be honest with ones self in analyzing the life events to see which hand has shown the progression or lack their of.

My dominant hand is my right hand, I do almost everything with it, my left hand doesn't get that much attention tho, it has always been like that for me.
FlamingRedRose666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
FlamingRedRose666 said:
I have this exact thing, expect that your left hand is my right hand and your right hand is my left hand.

Does it change anything if it's so?

If the left hand is the dominant hand then it is switched. Its important to be honest with ones self in analyzing the life events to see which hand has shown the progression or lack their of.

My dominant hand is my right hand, I do almost everything with it, my left hand doesn't get that much attention tho, it has always been like that for me.

This is an idea that I've been getting lately: Could the left hand (your right, to get a better understanding) be linked to the hard past that I had and my right hand with your left hand could be linked to a not so well developed will power and such??
HPS Shannon said:
With further information coming to surface, it is understood that the hand is like a microcosm of the entire human. Palmistry is a study on its own but still a subdivision of Astrology and other occult sciences that seek to understand the human being in knowing that we are a reflection of the macrocosm.

Palmistry is not as detailed and precise like that of Astrology but it is a very worthy study. Astrology being the study of the stars in relation to us; Palmistry being a ready-made and summation of our astrology charts within our hand. With this known, it is clear that like Astrology, it was taught to us by the Gods as another method of knowing ourselves and I hope that this posting will help to start a satanic revival of some sort within our path should anyone of us decide to take this up as a serious practice.

There are two aspects of Palmistry, Chirognomy and Chiromancy-

Chirognomy is the study of the entire hand shape and form including the nails and fingers, finger length and finger and palmar prints, skin texture, consistency, etc. As some of you may already know, the hand represents the quality and nature of the brain and it is an extension of it. What is of the soul is also shown in the hand.

The left hand has been shown to be the default nature and our natural predispositions as well as our lives mapped out, more or less--it is our original selves. With our right hands, this shows how we have progressed, developed improved and how we have changed but this can be for better or for worse.

For example, my left hand is more flexible and my head line slopes dramatically, all the way down to the moon mount (passive/subconscious) area of the hand. A head line sloping to the moon, in various degrees, support impracticality, day dreaming, lack of constant focus/concentration, high imagination and being sensitive. This makes sense as my Mercury and Moon are aspecting and I have other factors in my chart supporting this. How deep and dramatic the slope, determines the degree of such traits but other areas of the hand have to be inspected.

On my right hand, my head line is deeper in strength and makes a more straight and balanced line across the hand. This shows that my mentality has improved and I am progressing to a more balanced way of thinking. This hand is also less flexible. Think of flexibility as a mutable quality dealing with the mind.

I also noticed that my thumb on my right hand is ever so slightly thicker than my left thumb, which shows a development of will.

For those of you with dominant hands that are left, then it is easy to assume that, the left and right hand functions will be reversed but the right side of the body is the active and the left hand side of the body is passive/receptive.

Chiromancy is the study of the lines on the palm, as well as the art of divination using the lines and prints of the hand.The nature of the lines, strength, color, course and how frayed and broken the lines are should be read.

Chiromancy is a bit more difficult aspect of palmistry as one must know and keep in mind the patterns of the lines through documented observations and also have a more developed intuition. Palmistry is a science and art-- one has to read and study the hand scientifically but also catch the "feeling" of it.

Lines of the hand develop, change and disappear according to what we experience in our lives through transiting planets, major life events, our mental preoccupations and also physical traumas, past and present. Though the future is always a bit tricky to define as things are subject to change according to the will of the subject and other outside influences. Lines record what already is or has been.

The Four Elements in the Hands-

The most consistent method of determining the hand form and or dominant essence of a person is by checking to see which element(s) is dominant.

As you all know, the human soul is made up of 5 elements. But in reading the hand, you will find 4 types- Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Now most people have about 1 or two elements dominant and this will be seen in the hand.

Earth hands are square palms and short fingers. The practical hand.
Air hands are square palms and long fingers. The hand of intellect.
Fire hands are oblong or rectangular palms, short fingers. The intuitive hand.
Water hands are oblong or rectangular palms, long fingers. The sensitive hand.

It is important to note that many hands will not just be an exactly pure type of element due to the variations of the natal chart. You will find for example: Fire hands with Water lines and some Earth prints. Earth hands with Air lines, or sometimes just Air hands with only Air prints, Water hands with Water lines, and many combinations in between. That's what its all about, combination, just as the natal chart is unique.

Palms will have a degree of a square shape but it is important to know that everything is relatively and must be looked at in proportions. Example: Looking for short or long fingers in PROPORTION to the palm. But rest assured, it will be obvious to tell the difference between a square palm and a more oblong palm. This happens with experience and getting use to seeing different types of hands.

Also, female hands are a tad bit rounder than male hands whatever the form.

It is very helpful for one to know astrology or at least have a basic understanding of it and knowing their charts if you wish to understand how Palmistry and Astrology relate. But if one wishes to just study Palmistry, then it can still be learned without being proficient in Astrology, but just know that they are connected. Studying both will benefit you.

Your elemental hand form corresponds with the planets in certain signs, general elemental make up in your chart, signs and planets near strong angle houses, stelliums, grand trines in elements, T squares and so fourth.

A couple years ago, I read some palms quickly at work and with one reading, I noticed a girl who had palms that stood out to me, especially. She had a strong Water hand form: very long fingers and a some what narrow rectangular like palm shape. Fortunately I was able to get a hold of her natal chart. She is a sun sign Gemini with some earth in her chart including her Mercury and Capricorn ascendant. But these influences were not dominant in her hands.

Her strong 1st house Neptune conjunct her ASC, her Moon in Scorpio conjunct MC, her Mercury both squaring her Uranus and Neptune and her co ruler Uranus conjunct Neptune all manifested in her as a Water type by default. She is changeable, some what with drawn, off balanced, she uses drugs and drinks alcohol constantly and has narcolepsy. She does have the creative and imaginative side to her but this is off set by her being neurotic which is linked to water, in a negative manifestation.

From what I remember she has Air lines on her palm from her Gemini planets. On her left hand, it shows that she had, and still does, a weak constitution, and low vitality as shown through her short life line.

For those of you serious about Palmistry, it helps to study your hands first and those of your loved ones and friends for comparison and to get a feel for different ones. Even better if you have accompanying astrology charts.

The only downside to Palmistry is that in order to study the lines of the hand in a very accurate way, hand prints should be taken (with a good quality ink or other substance) or at least one should have a glass monocle for palm reading to magnify the palmar surface. Photographs of the hands are great for chrignomical study.

I like to use and rely on Palmistry for when I don't have the astrological information of another, as this will at least help me analyze and get a basic understanding of someone.

For reading material, I definitely recommend " The Hand: By Frank Wilson (this is more on information about the whole hand in general with some Palmistry), "The Benham book of Palmistry", anything by Fred Gettings, "The Hands of Children" by J. Spiers and "The Graven Palm" by Mrs. Robinson.

The Benham book and the Graven Palm are what I have recommended in the past. The only thing about some of these is that I'm not fond of using the planets for hand types, I have found that analyzing the hands by using the elements are better and more consistent.

Cheiro is an okay author on Palmistry but I don't think I will recommend any of his works to anyone.

If any of you are further interested in this subject, we can all start a thread on the JoS main forum or JoSAstrology forum to discuss it further and or discuss charts and palms of others and ourselves.

If not, then a PDF can definitely be made in the future and can be our official JoyofSatan Palmistry text but I want to gather more information about Palmistry from the gods and I encourage any of you to document anything new you find out and share it--it will be a great way for us to advance in the field as the Daemon gods are our guides and masters in this.
Shannon!! I bought the hands of the children book by j spiers, reading the biography of that guy i came to know he’s a jew! Why you do this to me Shannon!! :/
Aquarius said:
HPS Shannon said:
With further information coming to surface, it is understood that the hand is like a microcosm of the entire human. Palmistry is a study on its own but still a subdivision of Astrology and other occult sciences that seek to understand the human being in knowing that we are a reflection of the macrocosm.

Palmistry is not as detailed and precise like that of Astrology but it is a very worthy study. Astrology being the study of the stars in relation to us; Palmistry being a ready-made and summation of our astrology charts within our hand. With this known, it is clear that like Astrology, it was taught to us by the Gods as another method of knowing ourselves and I hope that this posting will help to start a satanic revival of some sort within our path should anyone of us decide to take this up as a serious practice.

There are two aspects of Palmistry, Chirognomy and Chiromancy-

Chirognomy is the study of the entire hand shape and form including the nails and fingers, finger length and finger and palmar prints, skin texture, consistency, etc. As some of you may already know, the hand represents the quality and nature of the brain and it is an extension of it. What is of the soul is also shown in the hand.

The left hand has been shown to be the default nature and our natural predispositions as well as our lives mapped out, more or less--it is our original selves. With our right hands, this shows how we have progressed, developed improved and how we have changed but this can be for better or for worse.

For example, my left hand is more flexible and my head line slopes dramatically, all the way down to the moon mount (passive/subconscious) area of the hand. A head line sloping to the moon, in various degrees, support impracticality, day dreaming, lack of constant focus/concentration, high imagination and being sensitive. This makes sense as my Mercury and Moon are aspecting and I have other factors in my chart supporting this. How deep and dramatic the slope, determines the degree of such traits but other areas of the hand have to be inspected.

On my right hand, my head line is deeper in strength and makes a more straight and balanced line across the hand. This shows that my mentality has improved and I am progressing to a more balanced way of thinking. This hand is also less flexible. Think of flexibility as a mutable quality dealing with the mind.

I also noticed that my thumb on my right hand is ever so slightly thicker than my left thumb, which shows a development of will.

For those of you with dominant hands that are left, then it is easy to assume that, the left and right hand functions will be reversed but the right side of the body is the active and the left hand side of the body is passive/receptive.

Chiromancy is the study of the lines on the palm, as well as the art of divination using the lines and prints of the hand.The nature of the lines, strength, color, course and how frayed and broken the lines are should be read.

Chiromancy is a bit more difficult aspect of palmistry as one must know and keep in mind the patterns of the lines through documented observations and also have a more developed intuition. Palmistry is a science and art-- one has to read and study the hand scientifically but also catch the "feeling" of it.

Lines of the hand develop, change and disappear according to what we experience in our lives through transiting planets, major life events, our mental preoccupations and also physical traumas, past and present. Though the future is always a bit tricky to define as things are subject to change according to the will of the subject and other outside influences. Lines record what already is or has been.

The Four Elements in the Hands-

The most consistent method of determining the hand form and or dominant essence of a person is by checking to see which element(s) is dominant.

As you all know, the human soul is made up of 5 elements. But in reading the hand, you will find 4 types- Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Now most people have about 1 or two elements dominant and this will be seen in the hand.

Earth hands are square palms and short fingers. The practical hand.
Air hands are square palms and long fingers. The hand of intellect.
Fire hands are oblong or rectangular palms, short fingers. The intuitive hand.
Water hands are oblong or rectangular palms, long fingers. The sensitive hand.

It is important to note that many hands will not just be an exactly pure type of element due to the variations of the natal chart. You will find for example: Fire hands with Water lines and some Earth prints. Earth hands with Air lines, or sometimes just Air hands with only Air prints, Water hands with Water lines, and many combinations in between. That's what its all about, combination, just as the natal chart is unique.

Palms will have a degree of a square shape but it is important to know that everything is relatively and must be looked at in proportions. Example: Looking for short or long fingers in PROPORTION to the palm. But rest assured, it will be obvious to tell the difference between a square palm and a more oblong palm. This happens with experience and getting use to seeing different types of hands.

Also, female hands are a tad bit rounder than male hands whatever the form.

It is very helpful for one to know astrology or at least have a basic understanding of it and knowing their charts if you wish to understand how Palmistry and Astrology relate. But if one wishes to just study Palmistry, then it can still be learned without being proficient in Astrology, but just know that they are connected. Studying both will benefit you.

Your elemental hand form corresponds with the planets in certain signs, general elemental make up in your chart, signs and planets near strong angle houses, stelliums, grand trines in elements, T squares and so fourth.

A couple years ago, I read some palms quickly at work and with one reading, I noticed a girl who had palms that stood out to me, especially. She had a strong Water hand form: very long fingers and a some what narrow rectangular like palm shape. Fortunately I was able to get a hold of her natal chart. She is a sun sign Gemini with some earth in her chart including her Mercury and Capricorn ascendant. But these influences were not dominant in her hands.

Her strong 1st house Neptune conjunct her ASC, her Moon in Scorpio conjunct MC, her Mercury both squaring her Uranus and Neptune and her co ruler Uranus conjunct Neptune all manifested in her as a Water type by default. She is changeable, some what with drawn, off balanced, she uses drugs and drinks alcohol constantly and has narcolepsy. She does have the creative and imaginative side to her but this is off set by her being neurotic which is linked to water, in a negative manifestation.

From what I remember she has Air lines on her palm from her Gemini planets. On her left hand, it shows that she had, and still does, a weak constitution, and low vitality as shown through her short life line.

For those of you serious about Palmistry, it helps to study your hands first and those of your loved ones and friends for comparison and to get a feel for different ones. Even better if you have accompanying astrology charts.

The only downside to Palmistry is that in order to study the lines of the hand in a very accurate way, hand prints should be taken (with a good quality ink or other substance) or at least one should have a glass monocle for palm reading to magnify the palmar surface. Photographs of the hands are great for chrignomical study.

I like to use and rely on Palmistry for when I don't have the astrological information of another, as this will at least help me analyze and get a basic understanding of someone.

For reading material, I definitely recommend " The Hand: By Frank Wilson (this is more on information about the whole hand in general with some Palmistry), "The Benham book of Palmistry", anything by Fred Gettings, "The Hands of Children" by J. Spiers and "The Graven Palm" by Mrs. Robinson.

The Benham book and the Graven Palm are what I have recommended in the past. The only thing about some of these is that I'm not fond of using the planets for hand types, I have found that analyzing the hands by using the elements are better and more consistent.

Cheiro is an okay author on Palmistry but I don't think I will recommend any of his works to anyone.

If any of you are further interested in this subject, we can all start a thread on the JoS main forum or JoSAstrology forum to discuss it further and or discuss charts and palms of others and ourselves.

If not, then a PDF can definitely be made in the future and can be our official JoyofSatan Palmistry text but I want to gather more information about Palmistry from the gods and I encourage any of you to document anything new you find out and share it--it will be a great way for us to advance in the field as the Daemon gods are our guides and masters in this.
Shannon!! I bought the hands of the children book by j spiers, reading the biography of that guy i came to know he’s a jew! Why you do this to me Shannon!! :/
Is it because it's good info?
Aquarius said:
HPS Shannon said:
With further information coming to surface, it is understood that the hand is like a microcosm of the entire human. Palmistry is a study on its own but still a subdivision of Astrology and other occult sciences that seek to understand the human being in knowing that we are a reflection of the macrocosm.

Palmistry is not as detailed and precise like that of Astrology but it is a very worthy study. Astrology being the study of the stars in relation to us; Palmistry being a ready-made and summation of our astrology charts within our hand. With this known, it is clear that like Astrology, it was taught to us by the Gods as another method of knowing ourselves and I hope that this posting will help to start a satanic revival of some sort within our path should anyone of us decide to take this up as a serious practice.

There are two aspects of Palmistry, Chirognomy and Chiromancy-

Chirognomy is the study of the entire hand shape and form including the nails and fingers, finger length and finger and palmar prints, skin texture, consistency, etc. As some of you may already know, the hand represents the quality and nature of the brain and it is an extension of it. What is of the soul is also shown in the hand.

The left hand has been shown to be the default nature and our natural predispositions as well as our lives mapped out, more or less--it is our original selves. With our right hands, this shows how we have progressed, developed improved and how we have changed but this can be for better or for worse.

For example, my left hand is more flexible and my head line slopes dramatically, all the way down to the moon mount (passive/subconscious) area of the hand. A head line sloping to the moon, in various degrees, support impracticality, day dreaming, lack of constant focus/concentration, high imagination and being sensitive. This makes sense as my Mercury and Moon are aspecting and I have other factors in my chart supporting this. How deep and dramatic the slope, determines the degree of such traits but other areas of the hand have to be inspected.

On my right hand, my head line is deeper in strength and makes a more straight and balanced line across the hand. This shows that my mentality has improved and I am progressing to a more balanced way of thinking. This hand is also less flexible. Think of flexibility as a mutable quality dealing with the mind.

I also noticed that my thumb on my right hand is ever so slightly thicker than my left thumb, which shows a development of will.

For those of you with dominant hands that are left, then it is easy to assume that, the left and right hand functions will be reversed but the right side of the body is the active and the left hand side of the body is passive/receptive.

Chiromancy is the study of the lines on the palm, as well as the art of divination using the lines and prints of the hand.The nature of the lines, strength, color, course and how frayed and broken the lines are should be read.

Chiromancy is a bit more difficult aspect of palmistry as one must know and keep in mind the patterns of the lines through documented observations and also have a more developed intuition. Palmistry is a science and art-- one has to read and study the hand scientifically but also catch the "feeling" of it.

Lines of the hand develop, change and disappear according to what we experience in our lives through transiting planets, major life events, our mental preoccupations and also physical traumas, past and present. Though the future is always a bit tricky to define as things are subject to change according to the will of the subject and other outside influences. Lines record what already is or has been.

The Four Elements in the Hands-

The most consistent method of determining the hand form and or dominant essence of a person is by checking to see which element(s) is dominant.

As you all know, the human soul is made up of 5 elements. But in reading the hand, you will find 4 types- Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Now most people have about 1 or two elements dominant and this will be seen in the hand.

Earth hands are square palms and short fingers. The practical hand.
Air hands are square palms and long fingers. The hand of intellect.
Fire hands are oblong or rectangular palms, short fingers. The intuitive hand.
Water hands are oblong or rectangular palms, long fingers. The sensitive hand.

It is important to note that many hands will not just be an exactly pure type of element due to the variations of the natal chart. You will find for example: Fire hands with Water lines and some Earth prints. Earth hands with Air lines, or sometimes just Air hands with only Air prints, Water hands with Water lines, and many combinations in between. That's what its all about, combination, just as the natal chart is unique.

Palms will have a degree of a square shape but it is important to know that everything is relatively and must be looked at in proportions. Example: Looking for short or long fingers in PROPORTION to the palm. But rest assured, it will be obvious to tell the difference between a square palm and a more oblong palm. This happens with experience and getting use to seeing different types of hands.

Also, female hands are a tad bit rounder than male hands whatever the form.

It is very helpful for one to know astrology or at least have a basic understanding of it and knowing their charts if you wish to understand how Palmistry and Astrology relate. But if one wishes to just study Palmistry, then it can still be learned without being proficient in Astrology, but just know that they are connected. Studying both will benefit you.

Your elemental hand form corresponds with the planets in certain signs, general elemental make up in your chart, signs and planets near strong angle houses, stelliums, grand trines in elements, T squares and so fourth.

A couple years ago, I read some palms quickly at work and with one reading, I noticed a girl who had palms that stood out to me, especially. She had a strong Water hand form: very long fingers and a some what narrow rectangular like palm shape. Fortunately I was able to get a hold of her natal chart. She is a sun sign Gemini with some earth in her chart including her Mercury and Capricorn ascendant. But these influences were not dominant in her hands.

Her strong 1st house Neptune conjunct her ASC, her Moon in Scorpio conjunct MC, her Mercury both squaring her Uranus and Neptune and her co ruler Uranus conjunct Neptune all manifested in her as a Water type by default. She is changeable, some what with drawn, off balanced, she uses drugs and drinks alcohol constantly and has narcolepsy. She does have the creative and imaginative side to her but this is off set by her being neurotic which is linked to water, in a negative manifestation.

From what I remember she has Air lines on her palm from her Gemini planets. On her left hand, it shows that she had, and still does, a weak constitution, and low vitality as shown through her short life line.

For those of you serious about Palmistry, it helps to study your hands first and those of your loved ones and friends for comparison and to get a feel for different ones. Even better if you have accompanying astrology charts.

The only downside to Palmistry is that in order to study the lines of the hand in a very accurate way, hand prints should be taken (with a good quality ink or other substance) or at least one should have a glass monocle for palm reading to magnify the palmar surface. Photographs of the hands are great for chrignomical study.

I like to use and rely on Palmistry for when I don't have the astrological information of another, as this will at least help me analyze and get a basic understanding of someone.

For reading material, I definitely recommend " The Hand: By Frank Wilson (this is more on information about the whole hand in general with some Palmistry), "The Benham book of Palmistry", anything by Fred Gettings, "The Hands of Children" by J. Spiers and "The Graven Palm" by Mrs. Robinson.

The Benham book and the Graven Palm are what I have recommended in the past. The only thing about some of these is that I'm not fond of using the planets for hand types, I have found that analyzing the hands by using the elements are better and more consistent.

Cheiro is an okay author on Palmistry but I don't think I will recommend any of his works to anyone.

If any of you are further interested in this subject, we can all start a thread on the JoS main forum or JoSAstrology forum to discuss it further and or discuss charts and palms of others and ourselves.

If not, then a PDF can definitely be made in the future and can be our official JoyofSatan Palmistry text but I want to gather more information about Palmistry from the gods and I encourage any of you to document anything new you find out and share it--it will be a great way for us to advance in the field as the Daemon gods are our guides and masters in this.
Shannon!! I bought the hands of the children book by j spiers, reading the biography of that guy i came to know he’s a jew! Why you do this to me Shannon!! :/

Just because the book was written by a Jew does not mean that it does not have any valuable or good information worth adding to your study. Cheiro was a known gentile palm reader who wrote many Palmistry books but was shown to tamper with some of his readings...

I dont need to go further into why you shouldnt be dissapointed. Thanks.
HPS Shannon said:
Aquarius said:
HPS Shannon said:
With further information coming to surface, it is understood that the hand is like a microcosm of the entire human. Palmistry is a study on its own but still a subdivision of Astrology and other occult sciences that seek to understand the human being in knowing that we are a reflection of the macrocosm.

Palmistry is not as detailed and precise like that of Astrology but it is a very worthy study. Astrology being the study of the stars in relation to us; Palmistry being a ready-made and summation of our astrology charts within our hand. With this known, it is clear that like Astrology, it was taught to us by the Gods as another method of knowing ourselves and I hope that this posting will help to start a satanic revival of some sort within our path should anyone of us decide to take this up as a serious practice.

There are two aspects of Palmistry, Chirognomy and Chiromancy-

Chirognomy is the study of the entire hand shape and form including the nails and fingers, finger length and finger and palmar prints, skin texture, consistency, etc. As some of you may already know, the hand represents the quality and nature of the brain and it is an extension of it. What is of the soul is also shown in the hand.

The left hand has been shown to be the default nature and our natural predispositions as well as our lives mapped out, more or less--it is our original selves. With our right hands, this shows how we have progressed, developed improved and how we have changed but this can be for better or for worse.

For example, my left hand is more flexible and my head line slopes dramatically, all the way down to the moon mount (passive/subconscious) area of the hand. A head line sloping to the moon, in various degrees, support impracticality, day dreaming, lack of constant focus/concentration, high imagination and being sensitive. This makes sense as my Mercury and Moon are aspecting and I have other factors in my chart supporting this. How deep and dramatic the slope, determines the degree of such traits but other areas of the hand have to be inspected.

On my right hand, my head line is deeper in strength and makes a more straight and balanced line across the hand. This shows that my mentality has improved and I am progressing to a more balanced way of thinking. This hand is also less flexible. Think of flexibility as a mutable quality dealing with the mind.

I also noticed that my thumb on my right hand is ever so slightly thicker than my left thumb, which shows a development of will.

For those of you with dominant hands that are left, then it is easy to assume that, the left and right hand functions will be reversed but the right side of the body is the active and the left hand side of the body is passive/receptive.

Chiromancy is the study of the lines on the palm, as well as the art of divination using the lines and prints of the hand.The nature of the lines, strength, color, course and how frayed and broken the lines are should be read.

Chiromancy is a bit more difficult aspect of palmistry as one must know and keep in mind the patterns of the lines through documented observations and also have a more developed intuition. Palmistry is a science and art-- one has to read and study the hand scientifically but also catch the "feeling" of it.

Lines of the hand develop, change and disappear according to what we experience in our lives through transiting planets, major life events, our mental preoccupations and also physical traumas, past and present. Though the future is always a bit tricky to define as things are subject to change according to the will of the subject and other outside influences. Lines record what already is or has been.

The Four Elements in the Hands-

The most consistent method of determining the hand form and or dominant essence of a person is by checking to see which element(s) is dominant.

As you all know, the human soul is made up of 5 elements. But in reading the hand, you will find 4 types- Earth, Air, Fire and Water. Now most people have about 1 or two elements dominant and this will be seen in the hand.

Earth hands are square palms and short fingers. The practical hand.
Air hands are square palms and long fingers. The hand of intellect.
Fire hands are oblong or rectangular palms, short fingers. The intuitive hand.
Water hands are oblong or rectangular palms, long fingers. The sensitive hand.

It is important to note that many hands will not just be an exactly pure type of element due to the variations of the natal chart. You will find for example: Fire hands with Water lines and some Earth prints. Earth hands with Air lines, or sometimes just Air hands with only Air prints, Water hands with Water lines, and many combinations in between. That's what its all about, combination, just as the natal chart is unique.

Palms will have a degree of a square shape but it is important to know that everything is relatively and must be looked at in proportions. Example: Looking for short or long fingers in PROPORTION to the palm. But rest assured, it will be obvious to tell the difference between a square palm and a more oblong palm. This happens with experience and getting use to seeing different types of hands.

Also, female hands are a tad bit rounder than male hands whatever the form.

It is very helpful for one to know astrology or at least have a basic understanding of it and knowing their charts if you wish to understand how Palmistry and Astrology relate. But if one wishes to just study Palmistry, then it can still be learned without being proficient in Astrology, but just know that they are connected. Studying both will benefit you.

Your elemental hand form corresponds with the planets in certain signs, general elemental make up in your chart, signs and planets near strong angle houses, stelliums, grand trines in elements, T squares and so fourth.

A couple years ago, I read some palms quickly at work and with one reading, I noticed a girl who had palms that stood out to me, especially. She had a strong Water hand form: very long fingers and a some what narrow rectangular like palm shape. Fortunately I was able to get a hold of her natal chart. She is a sun sign Gemini with some earth in her chart including her Mercury and Capricorn ascendant. But these influences were not dominant in her hands.

Her strong 1st house Neptune conjunct her ASC, her Moon in Scorpio conjunct MC, her Mercury both squaring her Uranus and Neptune and her co ruler Uranus conjunct Neptune all manifested in her as a Water type by default. She is changeable, some what with drawn, off balanced, she uses drugs and drinks alcohol constantly and has narcolepsy. She does have the creative and imaginative side to her but this is off set by her being neurotic which is linked to water, in a negative manifestation.

From what I remember she has Air lines on her palm from her Gemini planets. On her left hand, it shows that she had, and still does, a weak constitution, and low vitality as shown through her short life line.

For those of you serious about Palmistry, it helps to study your hands first and those of your loved ones and friends for comparison and to get a feel for different ones. Even better if you have accompanying astrology charts.

The only downside to Palmistry is that in order to study the lines of the hand in a very accurate way, hand prints should be taken (with a good quality ink or other substance) or at least one should have a glass monocle for palm reading to magnify the palmar surface. Photographs of the hands are great for chrignomical study.

I like to use and rely on Palmistry for when I don't have the astrological information of another, as this will at least help me analyze and get a basic understanding of someone.

For reading material, I definitely recommend " The Hand: By Frank Wilson (this is more on information about the whole hand in general with some Palmistry), "The Benham book of Palmistry", anything by Fred Gettings, "The Hands of Children" by J. Spiers and "The Graven Palm" by Mrs. Robinson.

The Benham book and the Graven Palm are what I have recommended in the past. The only thing about some of these is that I'm not fond of using the planets for hand types, I have found that analyzing the hands by using the elements are better and more consistent.

Cheiro is an okay author on Palmistry but I don't think I will recommend any of his works to anyone.

If any of you are further interested in this subject, we can all start a thread on the JoS main forum or JoSAstrology forum to discuss it further and or discuss charts and palms of others and ourselves.

If not, then a PDF can definitely be made in the future and can be our official JoyofSatan Palmistry text but I want to gather more information about Palmistry from the gods and I encourage any of you to document anything new you find out and share it--it will be a great way for us to advance in the field as the Daemon gods are our guides and masters in this.
Shannon!! I bought the hands of the children book by j spiers, reading the biography of that guy i came to know he’s a jew! Why you do this to me Shannon!! :/

Just because the book was written by a Jew does not mean that it does not have any valuable or good information worth adding to your study. Cheiro was a known gentile palm reader who wrote many Palmistry books but was shown to tamper with some of his readings...

I dont need to go further into why you shouldnt be dissapointed. Thanks.
Ok thanks, guess I gotta clench my teeth while learning his stuff.
I have a question regarding the phalanges.
Look at the picture of the hands right at the start of the website: https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/why-do-we-have-lines-on-the-palms-of-our-hands/amp/

Look at the phalanges he has in his jupiter finger, how fucking many are they lol, they should be 3, but where does the second one start and end?
Aquarius said:
I have a question regarding the phalanges.
Look at the picture of the hands right at the start of the website: https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/why-do-we-have-lines-on-the-palms-of-our-hands/amp/

Look at the phalanges he has in his jupiter finger, how fucking many are they lol, they should be 3, but where does the second one start and end?

The second phalange begins in the middle where it always is. That middle line is just a marking on the second phalange which makes it seem like a divider. Everyone has 3.

Also, when it comes to Palmistry, I wouldnt feed into mainstream science articles. That article says that Palmistry does not point into learning personality, which is false. We already know the deal with mainstream Jew science.

Lines fade or develop according to life experiences, astrological transits, etc. Its not something permanently set since birth.
HPS Shannon said:
Aquarius said:
I have a question regarding the phalanges.
Look at the picture of the hands right at the start of the website: https://www.sciencefocus.com/the-human-body/why-do-we-have-lines-on-the-palms-of-our-hands/amp/

Look at the phalanges he has in his jupiter finger, how fucking many are they lol, they should be 3, but where does the second one start and end?

The second phalange begins in the middle where it always is. That middle line is just a marking on the second phalange which makes it seem like a divider. Everyone has 3.

Also, when it comes to Palmistry, I wouldnt feed into mainstream science articles. That article says that Palmistry does not point into learning personality, which is false. We already know the deal with mainstream Jew science.

Lines fade or develop according to life experiences, astrological transits, etc. Its not something permanently set since birth.
Thank you very much.
And yes, I do know that, I had to link that website for the picture as I found it on google while examining hands on the images section.
Thanks again.
I find myself really drawn to palmistry while detesting learning about some other forms of divination. Astrology isn't disliked by me it is just very boring. I have the three pdfs which stormblood uploaded a while back and have been reading them. Palmastry is really interesting.

The benham pdf is the one I am currently reading. I am only one page 47 but I find it hard not to study it at every waking moment. It is very much like an obsession but I am able to put time to other more important things such as meditation thankfully. Is this type of extreme interest a sign of palmistry within a past life or am I possibly making a foolish conclusion?
Syntax said:
I find myself really drawn to palmistry while detesting learning about some other forms of divination. Astrology isn't disliked by me it is just very boring. I have the three pdfs which stormblood uploaded a while back and have been reading them. Palmastry is really interesting.

The benham pdf is the one I am currently reading. I am only one page 47 but I find it hard not to study it at every waking moment. It is very much like an obsession but I am able to put time to other more important things such as meditation thankfully. Is this type of extreme interest a sign of palmistry within a past life or am I possibly making a foolish conclusion?

It could be something from a past life or not, but whatever the case, it seems you are drawn to it for a reason.

When I first started studying it, I was a bit obsessed too. There is something about it, maybe because it is up close and personal and physical. Astrology is wonderful and very detailed but Palmistry can be too if one is skilled and decides to take it up as a serious practice. The only thing is, certain things cannot be figured out with Palmistry like it can with Astrology, which is why Astrology is at the top of the occult sciences.

Palmistry should definitely be used if reading the astrology chart is not possible. Its a great alternative. Remember, astrology and palmistry are connected in a way. Knowing basic astrology can help you read palms better.

Astrology is important and well covered here but I find thay we need more information about, and more satanists, studying this sacred practice and mastering it. These occult sciences and practices need to be known.

What are your reasons for enjoying it?
HPS Shannon said:
Syntax said:
I find myself really drawn to palmistry while detesting learning about some other forms of divination. Astrology isn't disliked by me it is just very boring. I have the three pdfs which stormblood uploaded a while back and have been reading them. Palmastry is really interesting.

The benham pdf is the one I am currently reading. I am only one page 47 but I find it hard not to study it at every waking moment. It is very much like an obsession but I am able to put time to other more important things such as meditation thankfully. Is this type of extreme interest a sign of palmistry within a past life or am I possibly making a foolish conclusion?

It could be something from a past life or not, but whatever the case, it seems you are drawn to it for a reason.

When I first started studying it, I was a bit obsessed too. There is something about it, maybe because it is up close and personal and physical. Astrology is wonderful and very detailed but Palmistry can be too if one is skilled and decides to take it up as a serious practice. The only thing is, certain things cannot be figured out with Palmistry like it can with Astrology, which is why Astrology is at the top of the occult sciences.

Palmistry should definitely be used if reading the astrology chart is not possible. Its a great alternative. Remember, astrology and palmistry are connected in a way. Knowing basic astrology can help you read palms better.

Astrology is important and well covered here but I find thay we need more information about, and more satanists, studying this sacred practice and mastering it. These occult sciences and practices need to be known.

What are your reasons for enjoying it?

I have the 5 astrology books from the yahoo group which I have yet to read. What I would like to do is to first study palmastry and then learn to relate things with astrology. Also I am not sure what draws me to pamistry but once I have studied enough I feel as if though I can use a technique a mentioned in a post called relation to enjoy learning astrology. I would need to have at least a decent level on understand of palmastry. The best way to describe the attraction to palmistry I have is like when you find an amazing book its like you don't care about everything else around you. It is like that but it's as if I am transported to another world and I can lose track of time. I have a meditation schedule I follow and have allocated times for palmistry but it is a large dissapointment when I am unable to continue reading. I find myself distracted thinking about going back to the book while meditating or while doing other things which is troublesome. I am nowhere near proficient in it at all but even with very basic knowledge I find myself drawn like a magnet to palmastry if that makes sense.
Syntax said:
HPS Shannon said:
Syntax said:
I find myself really drawn to palmistry while detesting learning about some other forms of divination. Astrology isn't disliked by me it is just very boring. I have the three pdfs which stormblood uploaded a while back and have been reading them. Palmastry is really interesting.

The benham pdf is the one I am currently reading. I am only one page 47 but I find it hard not to study it at every waking moment. It is very much like an obsession but I am able to put time to other more important things such as meditation thankfully. Is this type of extreme interest a sign of palmistry within a past life or am I possibly making a foolish conclusion?

It could be something from a past life or not, but whatever the case, it seems you are drawn to it for a reason.

When I first started studying it, I was a bit obsessed too. There is something about it, maybe because it is up close and personal and physical. Astrology is wonderful and very detailed but Palmistry can be too if one is skilled and decides to take it up as a serious practice. The only thing is, certain things cannot be figured out with Palmistry like it can with Astrology, which is why Astrology is at the top of the occult sciences.

Palmistry should definitely be used if reading the astrology chart is not possible. Its a great alternative. Remember, astrology and palmistry are connected in a way. Knowing basic astrology can help you read palms better.

Astrology is important and well covered here but I find thay we need more information about, and more satanists, studying this sacred practice and mastering it. These occult sciences and practices need to be known.

What are your reasons for enjoying it?

I have the 5 astrology books from the yahoo group which I have yet to read. What I would like to do is to first study palmastry and then learn to relate things with astrology. Also I am not sure what draws me to pamistry but once I have studied enough I feel as if though I can use a technique a mentioned in a post called relation to enjoy learning astrology. I would need to have at least a decent level on understand of palmastry. The best way to describe the attraction to palmistry I have is like when you find an amazing book its like you don't care about everything else around you. It is like that but it's as if I am transported to another world and I can lose track of time. I have a meditation schedule I follow and have allocated times for palmistry but it is a large dissapointment when I am unable to continue reading. I find myself distracted thinking about going back to the book while meditating or while doing other things which is troublesome. I am nowhere near proficient in it at all but even with very basic knowledge I find myself drawn like a magnet to palmastry if that makes sense.

Makes sense.
I was the same way when I first began studying it.
HP, could I contact you privately to send you a pictures of my hands? I just can’t understand if they’re spatulated or conical and it’s driving me nuts lol I just need to know that. If yes where can I contact you?
Mrs Robinson has talked about the dominant finger but not with much detail.

When it comes to the dominant finger should one just look at eye catching traits like more developed joints and how long the finger is? Is there more to it?
Aquarius said:
HP, could I contact you privately to send you a pictures of my hands? I just can’t understand if they’re spatulated or conical and it’s driving me nuts lol I just need to know that. If yes where can I contact you?
Not needed anymore, I found out:)
Aquarius said:
Aquarius said:
HP, could I contact you privately to send you a pictures of my hands? I just can’t understand if they’re spatulated or conical and it’s driving me nuts lol I just need to know that. If yes where can I contact you?
Not needed anymore, I found out:)

Aqjarius, I had no idea you were writing here. I dont look at every single catergory on the forums everyday. Sorry

Let me know if you still need assistance.

So are you conical or spatulate?
HPS Shannon said:
Aquarius said:
Aquarius said:
HP, could I contact you privately to send you a pictures of my hands? I just can’t understand if they’re spatulated or conical and it’s driving me nuts lol I just need to know that. If yes where can I contact you?
Not needed anymore, I found out:)

Aqjarius, I had no idea you were writing here. I dont look at every single catergory on the forums everyday. Sorry

Let me know if you still need assistance.

So are you conical or spatulate?
Neither really, they actually look much more rectangle like. This actually left me wondering, since I identified more like the spatulate or conical hand's description, but I guess that other characteristics in my hands will point out to my love of art and sensibility:)

And yes I do have a question if you can help..
I've been reading the hands of children book and the guy talks about the fingers being inclined towards the inside or more to the outside, this left me thinking since he did not address it: In which posture should the hands be examined? should the hand be totally relaxed? because in that case the fingers don't naturally stay up or should they rather be more open and contracted like when you give a handshake? because in the latter it feels like that's it's not accurate to see the inclination of the fingers since they are all contracted to be straight. You get what I mean?
Aquarius said:
Mrs Robinson has talked about the dominant finger but not with much detail.

When it comes to the dominant finger should one just look at eye catching traits like more developed joints and how long the finger is? Is there more to it?
Also I guess that with studying one will start noticing more distinct features on the hands that spotlight it.
In my left hand I have this big ass knot on one of the fingers and I havent really ever noticed it until I read about it, and it's been under my nose this whole time lol!
is their any trusted books about palmistry

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
