Ooooh, this video frightened some "LGBT" liberals away from this e-group! Whatever. Denial can only make things better temporarily. Satanism doesn't tolerate settling for less, or settling for mediocrity. If people want to be lazy and worthless, that is their own decision, but it is not the will of Satan.
The Jewish people are still in the process of indoctrinating and programming the "marginalized" and the "oppressed minorities" like robots to destroy the White Aryan Race, White Aryan Civilization, and therefore, Satan, the White Aryan Pagan God, who all of these great, Satanic, manifestations originate from.
Satan represents Nature. The Jews, Christianity, Islam, the inferior, the meek, the weak, the "oppressed" and the "marginalized" scum claim to represent "the Supernatural" as an attempt to reign "supreme" above Satan and his Chosen People, the White Aryan Race, and therefore, undermine and steal Satan's Kingdom from him, and claim his Throne.
"We shall destroy God." -- the Jews of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
A Jewish-blooded individual can even go as far as to perform the Dedication Ritual to Satan, with heart-felt intentions, and even call themselves a "Satanist," but a racial Jew can NEVER be an actual Satanist that is "accepted" by Satan. Unlike the Christian and Muslim "God," Satan actually judges people, BOTH as individuals, AND by their racial origins, and Satan has said that he will NEVER accept, or even tolerate, anyone with Jewish blood. When a Jew who isn't aware of being Jewish "dedicates" their soul to Satan, they will soon know beyond the shadow of any doubt that they do, indeed, have Jewish ancestry, because, if Satan doesn't choose to just plain ignore such a waste of time and space, he will totally wreck and utterly destroy the Jewish person's life, and the Jewish person's families' lives.
Satan's Name literally translates as Anti-Jewish in Hebrew. Ha-Satan is the Name for their Ultimate Adversary. The Jewish people have turned Satan's own People, the White Aryan Race, against him, by preserving Judaism-for-Gentiles, when they invented Christianity and related, degenerate filth that exalts the cripple and the retard, while undermining the productive White Aryan Race as "privileged," especially simply for existing.
When I say that Satan and his people represent Nature, and that the Jews supposedly represent "the Supernatural," things are not exactly as they seem. The Jewish people -- ALL Jewish people -- are extremely materialistic, carnal, selfish, and "earthbound," while Gentiles, especially Satan's People, the White Aryan Race, the most of all, are the perfect balance between physical and spiritual perfection and immortality, altruism, and we are transcendental by our very Satanically-inherited nature. Christianity, a so-called "religion" invented by the Jews to destroy the White Aryan Race, has almost succeeded in destroying us as a Race and our Spirit. Satanism, hence Nazism, is the only solution.
Everything of the so-called "Supernatural" can be explained by Nature and Natural Law, but because of the Jewish people, Christianity, Islam, communism, and Jewish democracy, all explanations of the "Supernatural" are made out to be otherworldly, superstitious, foreign, and alien -- something to be avoided by rationally-minded people. This, however, is not true in Satanism. Everything Supernatural in Satanism is actually Natural. The Jewish people, including atheistic Jews, go so far as to claim that it has been "Supernatural" forces that have kept the Jewish people alive and intact for this long, because the one known as Satan, would otherwise have succeeded at destroying them a long time ago.
This does not make Satan or his People powerless, impotent, or weak. What this means is that even though the alien, human-hating race of Jewish excrement is outnumbered by Gentiles, physically, on planet Earth, Satan and his Demons have been outnumbered by enemy extra-terrestrials [where the Jewish people come from] and other Jewish and proto-Jewish forces and their allies. It is high time that we learn from the past and from our mistakes. However, our side is definitely getting stronger, and we are winning. The sooner that ALL Christianity and Islam go down and remain dead, permanently, the better.
There are people who call themselves "Satanists" but who have a Jewish and Left-winged Christian agenda who state that "Satan is the God of our fallen nature." Like Right-winged Christianity, this, too, is a Jewish/Christian lie and blasphemy against the real Satan and his Chosen White Aryan Race. Satan does NOT represent our "fallen nature," but rather, our ascended, physically and spiritually-PERFECTED nature [hence the number 666], which is also a part of NATURE, even if this makes certain so-called LGBT and other multicultural liberals uncomfortable.
The man narrating the video above is correct that the Jews have included the "persecuted," "oppressed," "downtrodden," "underprivileged," and "marginalized," Marxist LGBTs who subscribe to an (((LGBT identity))), and the politically correct, democratic, egalitarian, Jewish-owned and controlled LGBT+ Civil Rights movement, alongside the crippled and the degenerate, and that these would-be third sex [so-called "lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders"] Gentiles are, therefore, being used as a Jewish instrument for destroying the White Aryan Race, White Aryan Civilization, the Traditional White Aryan Pagan family, and thus, Satan, the White Aryan Pagan God.
Unfortunately, however, he is blinded to the fact that there is a non-politically correct third sex, that is physically, homosexually and bisexually-oriented, but who are not degenerate sexual cripples, who are not decadent, who are not White Aryan Race, culture and Civilization-betraying and destroying, politically correct, Left-winged perverts who do not care about their White Aryan Race and Nation, but would be an active defendant of their White Aryan Civilization, Race and Nation, instead of a Jewish-forged, "LGBT" subculture, if only they would be accepted -- not for who "who they are," as if a sexual preference or an orientation could possibly be an entire "identity," like the politically correct liberals claim it to be -- but rather, for this aspect of themselves that are not heterosexual, when it comes to romance and the metaphysics and spirituality of gender attraction, to be acknowledged and accepted, like heterosexuals. Since Whites who are against "homosexuality" are simply wrong, but at the same believe that they are doing the right thing, they are entitled to their error and mistake, as long as they remain misinformed, unless they are of the sort that wants to kill the third sex [so-called "lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders"]. Satan, himself, told me this, in regards to just letting people be wrong as long as it doesn't directly harm innocent people.
Something else that Satan, as well as a close friend of mine also said, is that the Jews are working for a massive backlash within White Aryan society AGAINST homosexuality, as well as heterosexuality. This keeps the spirit of Christianity and communism alive and well, even among certain atheists, Buddhists, Odinists, a few "Satanists," and other allegedly non-Christian, and even anti-Christian Whites who enjoy playing a game of irony by misinterpreting certain liberal, egalitarian passages within the Christian Bible that erode all racial and gender boundaries, as well as the Jewish celebration of the castrated, mutilated eunuch [only if they are White] as somehow being "pro-homosexual," instead of anti-homosexual. This viewpoint that all of the anti-homosexual passages in the Bible only apply to the Jewish people, while the few homo-"affirming" passages apply to Gentiles, is called psychosis, but some people are literally this misinformed, rather than actually psychotic, and they can be re-educated.
How could Christianity be all for homosexuality for White people, but against heterosexuality for White people when Christian history, especially the Dark Ages and the Inquisition, claim just the opposite? Since Christianity is against Nature, and homosexuality is supposedly also "against Nature," could both, Christianity and homosexuality, be "in bed together," so to speak, and could Christianity be secretly and insidiously working "for homosexuality" for Whites, while all of the Christian persecution of the third sex ["lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgenders"] Gentiles be just a front?
The answer is a big, fat "NO!" The Noahide Laws that the Jewish people plan to enforce in order to destroy the White Aryan Race [Satan's seed], and then enslave and control the colored and racially-mixed Gentiles that they used in order to destroy the White Aryan Race, are the final chapter in the books of Christianity and Islam. These laws forbid so-called "practicing homosexuals," period. Many Jews are active in "gay rights activism," but what many ordinary people who are not Satanists cannot see is the massive backlash against homosexuality that these Jewish kikes are working for. The Noahide Movement is working to replace Satan with the cripple and the degenerate, and whoever doesn't worship the Jew, the cripple or the degenerate, will be executed. The Noahide Laws persecute homosexuality, because, like heterosexuality, homosexuality is a Natural feature of Paganism and the White Aryan Pagan Gods.
In pre-Christian Paganism [Satanism], there wasn't any label for "homosexual practice," but there were three accepted genders: male, female and the third sex -- people who Jewish doctors and "scientists" later on [1800's] labeled as "homosexuality." Satan has said to me that even though both what are now labeled "heterosexuals" and "homosexuals" had their own sexual laws and regulations in ancient, pre-Christian Paganism [Satanism], long before the arrival of Christianity, Satan and his Demons never had any rules against same-sex sexual expression, with the exception of nihilistic or anarchistic hedonism, which includes sexual misconduct with the under-aged -- a favorite practice of the hypocritical Catholic Church. It is the Jews who have always been behind multiculturalism, as to exterminate the White Aryan Race, whether it be through war, plague, or miscegenation, etc., which have all been tools of the Jewish people, their "God" and Jesus Christ to exterminate the White human offspring of Satan.
Satan-Lucifer is the Light-Bearer. Jesus Christ, although Jewish fiction, is the father of lies, decadence, chaos, anarchy, disorder, degeneracy, filth, perversion, darkness, and nihilism. "Satanists" who feel that Satan is about nihilism, anarchism, and an amoral free-for-all, tend to get their information about who they THINK "Satan" is, from the Bible, and they see "Satan" the Christian, and therefore, Jewish way. These people's carcasses will pile up with all of the rest who Satan deems unfit in his New World Order.
Satanism is the restoration of pre-Christian, White Aryan Paganism, not "God versus the Devil" Christian horseshit.
High Priest Jake Carlson