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Paedophilia legalized in Europe (Post from Edward Lonsa)

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Special thanks to brother Edward Lonsa for posting this article.

Paedophilia legalized in Europe
Edward Lonsa
Today at 12:33 PM

First I did not believe this, but I searched in the internet and actually saw a photo of these booklets mentioned in this article. Governments start to ADVISE parents to sexually molest their own infants (with very intimate details of how exactly to do it).

Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government’s Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children

BERLIN, July 30, 2007 (LifeSiteNews.com) - Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government’s Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children as young as 1 to 3 years of age. Two 40-page booklets entitled "Love, Body and Playing Doctor" by the German Federal Health Education Center (Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung - BZgA) are aimed at parents - the first addressing children from 1-3 and the other children from 4-6 years of age.

"Fathers do not devote enough attention to the clitoris and vagina of their daughters. Their caresses too seldom pertain to these regions, while this is the only way the girls can develop a sense of pride in their sex," reads the booklet regarding 1-3 year olds. The authors rationalize, "The child touches all parts of their father’s body, sometimes arousing him. The father should do the same."

[my note, 1-3 years old is traditional talmudic age when person is not considered "dirty" yet, and sex with such person is not considered "sinful" for a rabbi. ]

The German Government is promoting sexual contact between parents and children.

If you cannot imagine this is true, you have to read the leaflet shown in Germany and EU to Legalise Paedophilia. The leaflet is a publication of a German Government Children’s Department, which is distributed by the million, free of charge.

EXTRACT from the link –

Canadian author and public speaker Michael O’Brien … spoke to LifeSiteNews.com as follows -…

It is, he said, “State-encouraged incest, which in most civilized societies is a crime.”

The pamphlet advises parents to permit young children “unlimited masturbation” except where physical injury becomes apparent. It advises: “Children should learn that there is no such thing as shameful parts of the body. The body is a home, which you should be proud of.” For ages 4-6, the booklet recommends teaching children the movements of copulation.

Another product of the BZgA is a song book aimed at children of four and slightly older which includes several songs espousing masturbation. ......... [lyrics quote 18+].

[If you are more than 18 years old or the adult age of your country, here is full article:
http://tapnewswire.com/2015/07/eu-making-paedophilia-legal-across-europe-2/ ]

Millions of these leaflets are handed out free in Germany every year, so Germans cannot plead ignorance of what their government is doing.

"Germany WILL be islamic state!!" - Merkel.

Paedophiles operate unchecked in many countries across Europe, places like Brussels and Portugal. Remember Madeleine McCann where they accused the parents, when Madeleine had been targeted and kidnapped by a gang to the order of a paedophile client. The truth will never be allowed to ‘come out’.

In the Nederlands too, there are signs that paedophilia is now an activity openly approved of by the Judiciary. A political party was formed to promote paedophilia as a natural freedom. Another group ‘No Kidding’ brought a case to have the party’s campaigning banned. The judge, however, held that a paedophile-promoting political party was good for Dutch democracy. See this article from 2006 which tells the story.
end of the quote

Let me note that own-child rape is normal practice in islamic countries and pisrael. In islamic families parents raping kids is normal way of dicipline. it is an organic part of islamic life as well as terrorism. In pisrael schoolchildren are normal way of sexual relaxation for a teacher, while a toddler is usually dedicated to kike god through oral sex with rabbi. Now their Left is in the way to change our laws so that kids can be raped legally in our countries too.

This is disgusting! Thanks for sharing!
This is so fucked up....

I, myself am a sexual molestation and attempted rape victim. Nobody helped me, but I'll get my justice......

The reason I am mentioning this, is because I can understand how horrible it is for children to experience this... Not only does it damage the soul, it puts many deep hang ups that without consistent meditation on removing it can anything else help.....

These kikes are gonna be destroyed so badly... they'd wish they were never born! :evil:
Much bad.
How can one not hate the Jews yet? This is exceptionally good RTR fuel.
I just think of the helpless children being abused and I can't remain calm.
I think this will turn more the population agaist j-EU. Is disguisting but I'm sure it will not remain like this, I don't think people will tolerate this. At a moment or another, protests will emerge agaist this retard laws. Eventually, people might respond violent to this, which they should do. I guess this will turn them agaist imigrants as well because they might feel more free now to rape childrens.
BRING BACK HITLER NOW!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

We can make this happen soon if we do our best! Everyone does RTR as much as we're really able to, we can bring big changes very quickly! Prevent bad things from happening, we save the lives of billions of people! No excuses, do RTR every moment. When you're cooking, when you're in the bathroom, whenever you're home. NO EXCUSES! We wake the world up now and make everybody rise up in outrage for what the kikes have been doing!
Perfect day for it, Saturday is made for cursing kikes! And Sunday for cursing kikes even harder with all the power of the Sun! Every moment is better for cursing kikes than it is for doing anything else!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: We won't have any of these problems for much longer! :mrgreen:
This is so digusting :evil:
I want all fucking disgusting Kike d**d right fucking now!!! :evil:

Let's destroy them with the Final Rtr! Please!!!! :evil:
I can hear a kike saying:

Larry Deutsche Weaselstein: "Listen I'm a German and half Jewish and this is perfectly legal. You cannot question it. It's perfectly normal and legal. Plus you do not have a PhD in Gender Studies so you cannot understand how beneficial it is to sexually assault young kids. If you continue into this subject I will have the police arrest you by claiming you raised your hand vertically in front of your shoulder and straightening forward your goyim palm like the other imbecile Homer writes people waved in Illiad you shitty goy... I will get the highest European Courts to imprison you goyim...Be careful...Show solidarity to your Muslim brothers right now".

Ricky Rodriguez abused as a child in the children of god cult, is a prime example of the lasting damages that come from being molested as a child. He tried to live a normal life but just couldn't. The scars and damage had been to deep.


The Children of God cult is an example of just how sick, and depraved xtianity can become. This cult is just one of many sick outcomes of this foul and odious program.
Braun666 said:
Ricky Rodriguez abused as a child in the children of god cult, is a prime example of the lasting damages that come from being molested as a child. He tried to live a normal life but just couldn't. The scars and damage had been to deep.


The Children of God cult is an example of just how sick, and depraved xtianity can become. This cult is just one of many sick outcomes of this foul and odious program.

Thank you for sharing this.....

I can relate to them at some points.....
Europe's govt once called lolicon hentai explicit but the real thing allowed.

This honestly makes me lose faith in Germany as a country. Maxine....is Germany done for?
This is appalling beyond belief. Our RTRs will rectify this insanity and rid the Germans of their parasites. Fight for the Volk, everyone! German children deserve better - Our Race Is Our Nation!

Kikes and Pisslam are TRASH.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Perfect day for it, Saturday is made for cursing kikes! And Sunday for cursing kikes even harder with all the power of the Sun! Every moment is better for cursing kikes than it is for doing anything else!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: We won't have any of these problems for much longer! :mrgreen:

I already began a Saturn square to destroy Israel and Jews. I only did one day so far and the energies are extremely strong. The reptilians use the rings around Saturn to amplify it's energies and direct them to earth, making this square much stronger than naturally. Not to mention everything Jews do ties into Saturn making our use of this planet against them VERY effective
This is sick.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
First I did not believe this, but I searched in the internet and actually saw a photo of these booklets mentioned in this article. Governments start to ADVISE parents to sexually molest their own infants (with very intimate details of how exactly to do it).

Booklets from a subsidiary of the German government’s Ministry for Family Affairs encourage parents to sexually massage their children
You need to stop this now and clean your soul with the Surya mantra. This has been stated before using Sanskrit for cursing will destroy you as well as it engraves on your soul and connects you into the curse. Which means your going to destroy yourself along with it. Its not like runes you can just do a quick cleaning after your done the cursing.

This is why we have warned people to not get clever and just stick with the Final RTR which is doing the job totally.

ZmajEriksson said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Perfect day for it, Saturday is made for cursing kikes! And Sunday for cursing kikes even harder with all the power of the Sun! Every moment is better for cursing kikes than it is for doing anything else!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: We won't have any of these problems for much longer! :mrgreen:

I already began a Saturn square to destroy Israel and Jews. I only did one day so far and the energies are extremely strong. The reptilians use the rings around Saturn to amplify it's energies and direct them to earth, making this square much stronger than naturally. Not to mention everything Jews do ties into Saturn making our use of this planet against them VERY effective
HP Mageson666 said:
You need to stop this now and clean your soul with the Surya mantra. This has been stated before using Sanskrit for cursing will destroy you as well as it engraves on your soul and connects you into the curse. Which means your going to destroy yourself along with it. Its not like runes you can just do a quick cleaning after your done the cursing.

This is why we have warned people to not get clever and just stick with the Final RTR which is doing the job totally.

ZmajEriksson said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Perfect day for it, Saturday is made for cursing kikes! And Sunday for cursing kikes even harder with all the power of the Sun! Every moment is better for cursing kikes than it is for doing anything else!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: We won't have any of these problems for much longer! :mrgreen:

I already began a Saturn square to destroy Israel and Jews. I only did one day so far and the energies are extremely strong. The reptilians use the rings around Saturn to amplify it's energies and direct them to earth, making this square much stronger than naturally. Not to mention everything Jews do ties into Saturn making our use of this planet against them VERY effective
Does that happen even if you clean yourself with the Sun mantra after using the Saturn mantra? I asked this many times but nobody said anything :(
HP Mageson666 said:
You need to stop this now and clean your soul with the Surya mantra. This has been stated before using Sanskrit for cursing will destroy you as well as it engraves on your soul and connects you into the curse. Which means your going to destroy yourself along with it. Its not like runes you can just do a quick cleaning after your done the cursing.

This is why we have warned people to not get clever and just stick with the Final RTR which is doing the job totally.

ZmajEriksson said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Perfect day for it, Saturday is made for cursing kikes! And Sunday for cursing kikes even harder with all the power of the Sun! Every moment is better for cursing kikes than it is for doing anything else!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: We won't have any of these problems for much longer! :mrgreen:

I already began a Saturn square to destroy Israel and Jews. I only did one day so far and the energies are extremely strong. The reptilians use the rings around Saturn to amplify it's energies and direct them to earth, making this square much stronger than naturally. Not to mention everything Jews do ties into Saturn making our use of this planet against them VERY effective

How do I fix this?
Almost all people who were sexually abused as children never fully recover. There was one girl who tried every therapy and she still couldn't live with herself, she was eventually approved for legal euthanasia when she got old enough.

Nothing completely ruins a civilisation like abusing it's children. It's total war. This is nothing but legalised war crime if you ask me, this kind of depravity is something only a kike could come up with.
I like to believe normal people will choose not to do this. The average human isn't as fucked in the head as the jews like to portray in the their media. People who actually go out and speak to different people everyday or have done so before becoming a SS can see this. This is very horrible tho since there's so many mudslimes are over there and now they have one less thing to stop them from sexually attacking children. Reading this made my stomach turn.. let's hope we are able to flip this around before too much damage is done to innocent children.
natalie_lion's_heart said:
Almost all people who were sexually abused as children never fully recover. There was one girl who tried every therapy and she still couldn't live with herself, she was eventually approved for legal euthanasia when she got old enough.

Nothing completely ruins a civilisation like abusing it's children. It's total war. This is nothing but legalised war crime if you ask me, this kind of depravity is something only a kike could come up with.

I think that if that person performers the freeing of the soul working (if they ever become an SS), I believe they can get rid of that problem.
luis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
You need to stop this[/b] now and clean your soul with the Surya mantra. This has been stated before using Sanskrit for cursing will destroy you as well as it engraves on your soul and connects you into the curse. Which means your going to destroy yourself along with it. Its not like runes you can just do a quick cleaning after your done the cursing.

This is why we have warned people to not get clever and just stick with the Final RTR which is doing the job totally.

Does that happen even if you clean yourself with the Sun mantra after using the Saturn mantra? I asked this many times but nobody said anything :(

The answer is already in Mageson's post. I added weight to the answer in the post.

ZmajEriksson said:
HP Mageson666 said:
You need to stop this now and clean your soul with the Surya mantra. This has been stated before using Sanskrit for cursing will destroy you as well as it engraves on your soul and connects you into the curse. Which means your going to destroy yourself along with it. Its not like runes you can just do a quick cleaning after your done the cursing.

This is why we have warned people to not get clever and just stick with the Final RTR which is doing the job totally.

How do I fix this?

He answered already. I added weight to the answer in the quote.
Stormblood said:
luis said:
HP Mageson666 said:
You need to stop this[/b] now and clean your soul with the Surya mantra. This has been stated before using Sanskrit for cursing will destroy you as well as it engraves on your soul and connects you into the curse. Which means your going to destroy yourself along with it. Its not like runes you can just do a quick cleaning after your done the cursing.

This is why we have warned people to not get clever and just stick with the Final RTR which is doing the job totally.

Does that happen even if you clean yourself with the Sun mantra after using the Saturn mantra? I asked this many times but nobody said anything :(

The answer is already in Mageson's post. I added weight to the answer in the post.

ZmajEriksson said:
HP Mageson666 said:
You need to stop this now and clean your soul with the Surya mantra. This has been stated before using Sanskrit for cursing will destroy you as well as it engraves on your soul and connects you into the curse. Which means your going to destroy yourself along with it. Its not like runes you can just do a quick cleaning after your done the cursing.

This is why we have warned people to not get clever and just stick with the Final RTR which is doing the job totally.

How do I fix this?

He answered already. I added weight to the answer in the quote.

I cleaned myself with a lot of Surya for a while and now i'm fine. I didnt know you can't use sanskrit to corse, is there a sermon where they said it before?
They could simply use runes for this, and there no need for Sanskrit for cursing. Final RTR is the most important.

HP Mageson666 said:
You need to stop this now and clean your soul with the Surya mantra. This has been stated before using Sanskrit for cursing will destroy you as well as it engraves on your soul and connects you into the curse. Which means your going to destroy yourself along with it. Its not like runes you can just do a quick cleaning after your done the cursing.

This is why we have warned people to not get clever and just stick with the Final RTR which is doing the job totally.

ZmajEriksson said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Perfect day for it, Saturday is made for cursing kikes! And Sunday for cursing kikes even harder with all the power of the Sun! Every moment is better for cursing kikes than it is for doing anything else!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: We won't have any of these problems for much longer! :mrgreen:

I already began a Saturn square to destroy Israel and Jews. I only did one day so far and the energies are extremely strong. The reptilians use the rings around Saturn to amplify it's energies and direct them to earth, making this square much stronger than naturally. Not to mention everything Jews do ties into Saturn making our use of this planet against them VERY effective

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
